Hello Mr Martin, sya sering melihat video anda, coba Traveling ke Danau Toba kampung halaman sya, Danau terluas di ASEAN pemandangannya masih natural, smoga sukses sya tunggu video lainnya, i like it, God Bless u..
pak martin you guys make awesome videos looking at indonesia thru your eyes really opens a new perspective thank you take care. btw i'm the real gaban other gabans are just children's toy if you don't believe me ask my mama
Pak Martin, try visit Palembang. In there, you can try fish cake and it is so delicious! it takes about 3-5 hours trip from Lampung and it is absolutely worth it
Wow nice .. why don't you get into the skipper room, you can ask to the patty officer... the 7, on of the best hotel there... Fitri'a family live in lampung... have fun and take care...
Adityatama R gak kok mas, malah seru liat itu uang nya pas jatuh kita lemparin atau gk kasih ke yg mau lompat, biasa nya 10rbu loncat dari cerobong palimg atas
Are you taking Max to Lampung? That was reminded me when we went camping to Vancouver island we drove our RV and taking ferry over at Friday harbor. The ferry was so big can park 2000 cars
pak martin saya belum pernah jalan-jalan kejakarta apalagi kelampung belum pernah juga pak martin kalau kejawa ibu saya orang jawa malang kediri disana banyak keluarga ibu saya dari saya fardiansyah
your trip to Lampung remind me when I was work at Bandar Lampung .I always use ferry in my trip from Semarang to Lampung because it's very cool trip across the sea keep smiling :)
Di kapal ferry kenapa tidak duduk di dalam? Ada tempat duduk di dalam yang gratis/kelas ekonomi dan juga yang bayar murah bisa nonton tv, maybe eksekutif. bukan yang vip seperti di.video.
yeaa... lampung !
lampung kota qu pk martin,, hati" moga sampe tujuan dgan selamt Amiin
kangen kampung halamn jadi y
Happy selalu anda dan keluarga..pak.martin,..
thanks for sharing
I have done this 😀 last month.. cool journey
miss you my conty... lampung is the best thank U sir Martin and family for visit...
make sure to visit pahawang that is super cool
Such a very happy family.
Have a safe trip Pak Martin
miss my hometown Pak Martin salam from Malaysia
try dermaga 3 the ship more biger
pak martin selamat yaa tahun barunya dari fardiansyah provinsi kalimantan selatan banjarmasin
pak martin coba ke pahawang. mumpung di lampung hehe
ke muncak pak bagus pemandangannya
enjoy lampun pak martin and fam
akhirnya yg ditunggu ada subttitlenya ahaha
6:50 omg did you leave mr chicken head? i see that on top of the other car
Ika Febrina i think seth took it already
Hello Mr Martin, sya sering melihat video anda, coba Traveling ke Danau Toba kampung halaman sya, Danau terluas di ASEAN pemandangannya masih natural, smoga sukses sya tunggu video lainnya, i like it, God Bless u..
Just love to watch for new trip and touring car wherever you guys heading to👍🏻😀
And yes' have a nice & safe trip😇
lanjut ke Palembang pak martin trus ke Padang dan Medan..hehee
pak martin you guys make awesome videos looking at indonesia thru your eyes really opens a new perspective thank you take care.
btw i'm the real gaban other gabans are just children's toy if you don't believe me ask my mama
old is gold 😥
Welcome to Lampung :D
Hello Mr. Martin, kalau udah di pulau sumatera lanjut lg dong ke pekanbaru Riau hehehe
silahkan coba ke destinasi pahawang pak martin
on lampung, get on dermaga 3, because the big ferry is there
pak martin tdk buat video belanja sblm natal ?
mr martin you tray the arum jeram in my place serayu river banjar negara .i think you will enjoy there
ora ana sing comment koh nda?
Pak Martin kapan" travelling ke Palembang :)
Hey! Saya tinggal di Jakarta dan baru weekend lalu saya ke Lampung!
and thats the exact ferry ive been used
anyway you should visit Pahawang or Anak Krakatau! really! you Should!
Pak Martin, try visit Palembang. In there, you can try fish cake and it is so delicious! it takes about 3-5 hours trip from Lampung and it is absolutely worth it
Wow nice .. why don't you get into the skipper room, you can ask to the patty officer...
the 7, on of the best hotel there... Fitri'a family live in lampung... have fun and take care...
you n family must try rumah makan padang begadang in jalan diponegoro..try pempek 123 too..worthed culinary..try too mie lampung (chicken noodle)
wanjir tempat kesukaan gua tuh di lampung
rumah makan begadang mantap !!
Whew. I almost thought you left chicken on the boat at 6:50 lol.
@Pak Martin, klo ke Surabaya kasih kabar ya :)
Jangan lupa kunjungi teluk kiluan pak
Can you go to pekanbaru city
go to pahawang island pak... or you can drive about 7 hours to danau ranau ( ranau lake )
nice trip video
anda haru coba martabak koga pak disana. 😉
The last time I went to Lampung the road from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang is really really bad..haha..
Seems you like the bathroom so much haha
pak martin semoga saja pak martin jalan-jalan bersama keluarga ke provinsi kalimantan selatan banjarmasin dari saya fardiansyah
Enjoy your holiday guys....
So you guys not in Jogya on Christmas day?
Kripik Pisang lampung enak garing dah coba belum?
can't wait for the next video...please :)
good vacation MR ! maybe one day we can make a litlle journey bersama
Hey johnson family merry Christmas from little old New Zealand been watching for a few months now
hAHAH Lampung 😂 did you spend a share bit of your time to visit Sarahringgung beach or Pahawang?
have a nice and safe trip ☺
mr.martin are you leave from jogjakarta
cool! my hometown, Lampung :)
woww... you go to Bandar Lampung... that's is my hometown.. How was your experience there ? Kind of small town, right ?
hi... pak martin saya dari lampung, tepatnya di daerah kalianda lampung selatan dekat bakauheni port, ngelewatin rumah ane
jalan jalan terus enak ya..have fun and enjoy your trip guys..
what's the cruise name?
I was just a ferry. I dont know the name of the ferry.
Okay thx Mr. Martin
If you are in lampung try visit the elephants google it
Go to Way Kambas national park i think you will like it as family to see elephants in reallife.. and go to pahawang island gorgeous beaches blue sea
nice adventure :) love it
im from lampung
pak Martin,ke Magelang dong.Candi Borobudur
Pak Maetin Main ke Jatim pak
menuju seminar aasbs ya?
In your tujuan (Lampung) telah terjadi tsunami... I am so sad 😭😭
itu yg berenang dideket kapal lemparin koin 500-1000 pak, atau uang lembaran juga gpp
hy mrzn uang lembaran ga hancur ke air?
Adityatama R gak kok mas, malah seru liat itu uang nya pas jatuh kita lemparin
atau gk kasih ke yg mau lompat, biasa nya 10rbu loncat dari cerobong palimg atas
pak marti, kalo di tinggal lama yang memberi makan macing siapa?
Pak Landung
Lampung itu kota saya mister
my hometown :) ... now I living in Dubai
hello, good morning 😊😊⛅my favourite family😘
Why you not shoot siger logo
Pak Martin, boleh besok besok... menginap di kapal pesiar
pak martin go to lampung again
pak Martin, when you're in Lampung make sure to try Bakso Sony. they taste really good and the sambal sauce is really spicy! 😋
yes..enak bener tuh..recomended
Bener banget tuh
Abriana Tan yes its so true
Just meet you guys in mekdi ( mcdonald ) 😂
Are you taking Max to Lampung? That was reminded me when we went camping to Vancouver island we drove our RV and taking ferry over at Friday harbor. The ferry was so big can park 2000 cars
langsung ke palembang aja pak martin
kami di sini menunggu
Hafiz Bodek aku di tnggu ga bro, hehe pempek paling enak di Palembang apa y, yg lg hits
waw lagi ke lampung.. datang ke institut teknologi sumatera geh 😂
pak martin saya belum pernah jalan-jalan kejakarta apalagi kelampung belum pernah juga pak martin kalau kejawa ibu saya orang jawa malang kediri disana banyak keluarga ibu saya dari saya fardiansyah
Hi Pak Martin i have a question, so why is it that you always show us the bathroom wherever you go? Just curious
sarah apakah kamu pernah melihat film final destination thrillogy dari fardiansyah di banjarmasin balas yaa.......
Whoa I got some catching up to do on your vlogs!! I've been in India for about 6 weeks!!
pak martin saya asli lampung . saya lampung kalianda
your trip to Lampung remind me when I was work at Bandar Lampung .I always use ferry in my trip from Semarang to Lampung because it's very cool trip across the sea
keep smiling :)
use bus speak om telolet om
ana mau koh wes tak delet kui SDsam HD wes 2 x reply ak kay kui
Pak Martin tinggal Jogja atau Jakarta Pak? kok si Max ada di Jakarta?
my place...my home sweet home was in Lampunh
hati" ada begal pak hehe
6:50 chicken head!! i found it
Warning! Do not eat seafood around Anyer, a lot of scam restaurants. You can billed USD 200-300 dollars just for a plate of fish or shrimp!
Hi sir, i heard u like spicy food, have u tried SS(Spesial Sambal)? have a nice trip sir.
I like your accent of how you dont pronounce "ng" at the end of the word
I can't scroll down the screen to read the rest of the comment! why? I can't see the whole comment in this video
pasti orang lampung blum pada tau sumatra resort ;
pak martin dan bu julie dan adikmu sarah semuanya juga keluarga yang baik-baik dari saya fardiansyah
I have made that trip four or five times.
Why do not you drop some money into the water Sir? they'll pick it up while swimming.I just did it..:-)
Di kapal ferry kenapa tidak duduk di dalam? Ada tempat duduk di dalam yang gratis/kelas ekonomi dan juga yang bayar murah bisa nonton tv, maybe eksekutif. bukan yang vip seperti di.video.