If people believed that there is a God, we shouldn't fight each other about there's no God or there is a God, we should still respect each other's believe, because we're still humans we don't have the same religion or beliefs but the important thing is that we respect each other and to help together, fighting is not the answer.
NothingThat Fancy I am a Christian as well. Why do you hate Bill Nye? Have you read a Bible? Remember what Jesus said? “Do not hate your enemy, love them”.
We also know have no proof that all the matter in the universe came from nothing, and life started from nonliving things, does that mean they didn't happen?
@@chrisconnell8464 Yeah but a T Rex did exist at one point and we know that for certain so you’re just taking something you know existed that doesn’t exist anymore and applying it to that example. We don’t know if God exists.
I'm Christian and I am really glad to see a man of science being respectful to all religions and not taking a side and causing people to think. I am glad to see a man that accepts the thought we can't understand everything out there. Keep up the good work.
I'm sad that you are a christian but you don't realize how in danger the souls of our fellow humans are. God is love, He is unconditional love like Jesus Christ who died for us despite being unworthy so that we may wake up. As Christian, it is our duty to prove God's love to our sleeping brethren, we are God's/Jesus witnesses. He left us with the commandment to "Love as i have loved you". We should be ready to take up our cross, professing that Jesus is our Lord but loving our people so that they too may wake up. The time is coming soon, in the tribulation there would be alot of bloodshed, but we must endured before he returns, have faith.
@El Gato I'm a Christian at birth, i became an atheist for 4 yrs but i returned to Jesus. I realized that unconditional love can never exist without God because he is the source of it. Love coming from our own is selfish and imperfect. Jesus is the only way, He is the only one who demonstrated the unconditional love of God, while we were sinners he died for us. We were unworthy and filthy but still he died for us in hopes that we would wake up. And as a Christian, it is my duty to do the same. Jesus is alive in me, I may be weak but i will endure. Even if i am alone in the world, i will never change. I shall show God's love
As a Christian, I really wish more Atheists were as respectful as Nye. It would sure be alot easier to debate with them if they weren't always arrogant and cocky.
Galvanized Gamer I would debate more peacefully, unfortunately you’re dealing with current me who’s been choked and force fed with “god” bullshit all his life. And quite frankly I’m fed the fuck up, so, sorry but this is where we’re at right now.
TheJoshsoccer10 You know science believes in other dimensions that supposedly take place in our same universe. They say a dinasour can walk right in front of you and you won’t be able to see it. Atheist scientist will tell you about things you can’t see all day but when u tell them about God they will say it’s a hoax because they can see it lol knock and you should find God says. God talks to us through his word the Bible he tells us why there is evil in this world and it’s called sin people are greedy and corrupt . He also says we should walk by faith not feel or sight. We put a lot of faith on science textbooks and believe them as true but when we read the Bible everything is false. You want to see and feel God?Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Repent from your sins and you will see GOD when you leave this earth. And why say what if I was born into ISIS? You weren’t born there so let’s be happy about that lol you were born with a chance to hear Gods word and have eternal life.
Geary Kunkel Why? A God would be a being beyong human comprehension, so trying to understand its motivation or needs is pointless. As is worshipping an imaginary being.
This question was already addressed by Captain Kirk. When confronted with an all powerful being, his question was; "Why does God need a starship?", which immediately begs the question, "Why does God need anything from us?".
@@MVSstudios I have just read the article... those are not the teachings of the New Testament, of Christ who came to testify the truth. all of those chapters, but one (1 Peter 2:18), are from the old testament. the old testament is the Jewish "Torah"... that's why Jesus was killed by the Jews, because He was changing their rules and bringing the truth which was all about love. Also, that article lists verses from scripture out of context, stating things as if it were God Himself stating them when in fact it wasn't. Also being read out of context is verse 1 Peter 2:18. It states "servants" but the writer of the article goes on to state that it says "slaves". Two very different words. Reading the Bible is a tedious thing one cannot just read and simply understand , one must study to understand.
1 Timothy 6:19-21King James Version (KJV) 19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. 20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: 21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
@@sanskar8377 cool fact is that nobody can translate, Hebrew (the language the bible was first written in) didn't perfectly translate to English especially thousands of years ago
SANSKAR 1 Timothy entire chapter 6 (CEB) (aka modern English) Those who are under the bondage of slavery should consider their own masters as worthy of full respect so that God’s name and our teaching won’t get a bad reputation. 2 And those who have masters who are believers shouldn’t look down on them because they are brothers. Instead, they should serve them more faithfully, because the people who benefit from your good service are believers who are loved. Teach and encourage these things. 3 If anyone teaches anything different and doesn’t agree with sound teaching about our Lord Jesus Christ and teaching that is consistent with godliness, 4 that person is conceited. They don’t understand anything but have a sick obsession with debates and arguments. This creates jealousy, conflict, verbal abuse, and evil suspicions. 5 There is constant bickering between people whose minds are ruined and who have been robbed of the truth. They think that godliness is a way to make money! 6 Actually, godliness is a great source of profit when it is combined with being happy with what you already have. 7 We didn’t bring anything into the world and so we can’t take anything out of it: 8 we’ll be happy with food and clothing. 9 But people who are trying to get rich fall into temptation. They are trapped by many stupid and harmful passions that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have wandered away from the faith and have impaled themselves with a lot of pain because they made money their goal. 11 But as for you, man of God, run away from all these things. Instead, pursue righteousness, holy living, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness. 12 Compete in the good fight of faith. Grab hold of eternal life-you were called to it, and you made a good confession of it in the presence of many witnesses. 13 I command you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and Christ Jesus, who made the good confession when testifying before Pontius Pilate. 14 Obey this order without fault or failure until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 The timing of this appearance is revealed by God alone, who is the blessed and only master, the King of kings and Lord of lords. 16 He alone has immortality and lives in light that no one can come near. No human being has ever seen or is able to see him. Honor and eternal power belong to him. Amen. 17 Tell people who are rich at this time not to become egotistical and not to place their hope on their finances, which are uncertain. Instead, they need to hope in God, who richly provides everything for our enjoyment. 18 Tell them to do good, to be rich in the good things they do, to be generous, and to share with others. 19 When they do these things, they will save a treasure for themselves that is a good foundation for the future. That way they can take hold of what is truly life. 20 Timothy, protect what has been given to you in trust. Avoid godless and pointless discussions and the contradictory claims of so-called “knowledge.” 21 When some people adopted this false knowledge, they missed the goal of faith. May grace be with you all.
according the the Bible things will get much worse than now?" so how does his statement make any sense at all this life is the valley of the shadow of death
I assume in this case, especially given the phrasing of the question as "a God", it probably merely denotes a "conscious creator of all physical reality". A "primary mover" as it were.
Definition is definitely a good point to bring up. If someone asks me if I believe in God, I would usually say no, because I assume they're referring to the anthropomorphic god of most major monotheistic religions. I am a pantheist, however, so I define god to be different. I would believe the universe itself is god. Just the natural bits, none of this 'god's will' nor commandments nor speaking to humans nor interfering at all because the universe has no volition. It (pantheism) is more of a handy tool to view the natural universe as something sacred and whole rather than a theological believe.
If you believe in a god or gods, whatever type or characteristics, then you are a theist and DO believe. Don't assume what god people are talking about--ask them. Because to say "no" when you' are a pantheist (still a theist) is to tell a lie and be considered an atheist. You don't want people to think you're a godless atheist, do you? Best wishes from a godless atheist. I like your idea of "gods" better than holy book ones, that's for sure; yours is far better. I'm happy enough to consider the universe itself to be god, but I'll just call it "universe."
As much as I love Bill Nye, he does go off on a tangent sometimes. I took this guy's question to mean that if, hypothetically, there was without a doubt a superior being overlord, should we still obey it? I think it was meant to highlight that even if a god existed, it is perhaps still not worthy of your worship if it is a narcissistic tyrant, as many gods seem to be.
lmfao you just called god narcissistic? I hope you realize the stupidity here, if a hypothetically infinite creature has an inflated sense of their own importance does that mean they view themselves as above infinity? WTF ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?
@@mcsponge3899 I just hope you realize that God created hell for the devil because he compared himself to God . Imfao, you just did the same thing the devil did and that will probably get you the same result. It is a sin to even think to criticize God.
@@mcsponge3899 he is above infinity because he created infinity, before doing that he crafted this demention, but not just this demention but also other demention and other infinity
I'm religious, and I appreciate this answer Bill N. I thought you would just call him stupid for believing in something you don't, but instead you answered "Do your own research"
At lunch, my boss and I used to go to his house and watch Bill Nye the Science Guy. I hope Bill lives a long time, so he can share his wisdom with as many as possible.
@@victoriabarnett4363 what lies? Show me. Just because something goes against your worldview or opinion doesnt mean its a lie. Just as if your respected content creator on youtube says something you agree with doesnt make it right either.
"if there is a god, if there is I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent or maybe just maybe doesn't give a shit, doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person and which would explain some of these bad results" - George Carlin
An author named H.P. Lovecraft had a similar idea, and the god in his books was called “Azathoth.” A creature who unknowingly created itself, and reality is only azathoth’s dream. He can’t change it or think about it, that’s why the universe is seemingly flawed. And when he wakes up, the dream will end and so will reality
God gave everything free will so humans and angels and maybe something else I don't know about messed it up themselves not God If everything listened to God the world wouldn't be messed up but some people who are not God pretend to be God
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 maybe they aren't the stereotypical angels maybe they are beings like let's say Hermes, but with guided minds trying to help us out of our dark side of the human mind
Bill Nye I grow up watching your show I'm from Washington state and would always look forward to your show coming on Saturday morning on kvos. I'm 33 years old now and still have a great interest in science. thank you for inspiring a generation. :)
Corn is a rather versatile metal, it's actually the 135th element on the periodic table even though it's taught to be the 134th, this is due to the fact that element 134 was highly unstable and was deemed an unreliable element with no practical use. Because of this many professionals, students, and teachers often make this mistake when reading the table. Corn is often used for conducting electricity, though if it is exposed for a prolonged period of time it could enter it's expanded ionic form known as poporn. The avatar never actually mastered it because he could not grasp a firm understanding of it's number of valence electron, to be fair though you often need a particle collider to even create a substantial amount of corn. Because there is so little corn and therefore is rather expensive, it's often used in small electronics like cars, elevators, planes, and bicycles.
That's what I was raised being told, but what happens when religion and science make mutually exclusive claims. (Ie creation account in Genesis doesn't match what we know about reality)
Have that's can you answer this why does your God kill a whole planet of people except moses in and everything in it with the great flood instead of only the evil people I mean he is God every thing is possible was he so angry and out of control that he couldn't help it or is he just that evil
How Would you know that the super entity did have our best interests at heart or that it was all knowing. It could lie and you that it was when it wasn't.
+Chuy Galvez And I disagree with Nye that it was a great question. It's a boring and useless question to me because those attributes could be ascribed to anything. Like, "Bill Nye, if there WAS a squirrel who was right about everything, is it morally wrong to chase it away from my garbage?"
Correct. It could actually be after it's own best interest. An alien race with sufficiently advanced techology could seem as though they are performing feats of magic, when all they are doing is exercising their knowledge and technology. (I.e.: Clarke's third law "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".)
I love this answer because it's not about who or what a single person believes in but for you to fully understand yourself and if you feel this way because no one can truly answer this question as it's beyond all we really have evolved to offer and only a select few who do experience it fully understand.
Its hard to see someone so smart and old that just has not heard the word of God. There are answers to pretty much everything he mentions in this video, he just needs to ask them. I pray for him and people like him to hear the word and accept Jesus Christ into their lives as savior. I use to be a non-believer and now there isn't a sliver of doubt.
A super-entity that needs you to follow them isn't that super, are they? Like imagine the super-entity was mum. Mum can't do everything by herself and requires your help, so she's not super-mom. Now imagine the super-entity was dad. Dad can't do all by himself and requires... hey wait a minute. I think we discovered the motive behind this "obey the super-entity" myth.
+sohayb Megraoui "God doesn't need you or I to follow him. " And we do not need a god to follow. So wouldn't we all be much better off to stop this sillyness of following these various gods that don't need us and whom we don't need and to finally just follow our conscience and what can empirically be shown to be good for humankind? e.g. saving lives (like hospitals or firefighters do) and helping the needy (evil satanic _communist_ "social security") is GOOD for a society and the world around us. Therefore we should continue to do it and look that it gets done right. Treating people like shit for the things they like to do in bed to willing (!) partners (There's a reason why kids must be protected against people abusing their lack of judgment due to their not yet prevalent unferstanding of the subject of biological reproduction and it's hobby variant of "just training"), or even worse for how their skin is tinged or which genitals they posess is NOT good. Therefore we should STOP to do it and not make excuses for people that say they were told to treat these people such and so because of an old book or whatever the local specialist in interpreting things from old books claimed it says... You can clearly see it is WRONG to do that, having somebody giving you pointers why you must is NO excuse. Start thinking for yourself and act like a decent human being, following despite knowing better is WRONG.
This question might become very relevant very soon. Imagine a superinteligent AI, we created it so we're pretty sure its made to have the best intentions for humans. Should you obey it just like that? THAT is the real question here. Gimme opinions people!
Hypotheticals are hard to answer. If we could somehow know that it is both superintelligent and has our best intentions at heart, without fail, then it would be wise to follow its guidance. But that's not an accurate scenario. In reality, we would always be wondering if the AI really has other motives. Humans are actually not that smart, having barely evolved brains to take control of the planet -- still killing each other, destroying things. An AI would know this, and would be unbelievably good at manipulating us, if it wants to. Also, an AI would be much better at creating smarter and smarter AIs than we are, so its intelligence and capacity would become almost infinite in only a few years. We will be like ants on an anthill.
Jason McKenna That's pretty much my position on the matter too. The "should we" is an obvious yes, but the problem shifts to: How can we be sure that we programmed it correctly and it really wants the best for us, how much evidence is enough etc.
We're all pretty much fucked if self aware AI happens. That's why people like Elon Musk are starting non-profits like Open AI to keep a close on eye on companies that have resources to really make a go of it - namely Google. It's a switch that won't be able to be undone, like creating a black hole.
CosmicF I disagree. AI would not be an evolved organism, it would not be selfish. Any motivation it would have, would have to be programmed in. And we would obviously motivate it to help humans, that's what would make it "happy"
If there is a super entity; IF there is one, wouldn't it be better to receive it's council rather then mindlessly submitting to it? Also, if this super entity needs lesser beings as worshipers, then it's not a perfect entity. Therefore we have the potential to become it's equal.
Irving Teran Really makes you think 🤔, I'm a Christian but even I have doubts about god, maybe he's real maybe he isn't, I think what's where religion came in in the first place, because people fear death, so they choose to follow an all knowing being to get away from that fear. We obviously don't know what after death, maybe an afterlife, maybe not. That's what most religious people don't understand, we simply don't know, if there is a god then he isn't so good at showing he's real.
Something to consider about a super entity.... Follow the money... Are you serving a super entity who shouldnt need any money or are you serving a human or a group of humans? They like money and power. They will tell you to give till it hurts. Then tell you they dont have to account for your hard earned money you gave them. Then tell you that you can trust them because they are just following the whims of the supper entity. Does this super entity leader have a house / car that is much nicer then yours? Ask yourself where is the accounting for this? Who is that leader really working for? The super entity or himself?
As far as the common and traditional religious communities go, it has never been a requirement to give money (or exchange of any physical manner) in order to be part of that religious community. What you are describing sounds more like a cult (a tangent from a true "religious community" which aims to serve the super entity rather than the leader) PS. I'm agnostic...but I have both subjective and objective knowledge of religion.
I always like the use of the word cult... Everyone makes it sound non western religion. Cult: 1) a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. 2) a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. 3)a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. It could be said that every religion has cult like followings. It mostly depends on the persons perspective observing the religious organization. I personally see all religions as cults. Not all totally bad but they do fall under the definition. No it is never a "requirement" to give money. However they sure do guilt you into giving money. Even the person sitting next you will indirectly guilt you into giving. The Christian bible says you should tithe 10% of your gross earnings. So it could be said yes there is a requirement. Just as a thought experiment lets say everyone that goes to a christian church were to give 10% of their gross earnings. Do you really think many religious leaders who have no oversight are truly honest enough not to pocket that money if possible? Humans will be humans power and money tends to corrupt many. They will lie and cheat the system to keep that power. I have seen this even in the smallest of churches. Those who arent power hungry often die out because they cant pay the rent. I have also seen this. So yes christianity is a popularly accepted cult. That because of the money and power tends to attract vultures just like the non christian cults... The sad part is that the sheeple will continue to flock to these vultures. Always in search of something better but only getting lip service to be fleeced yet once again. Never getting what they really need.
If the super entity would be working for someone else we would worship them as the super entity but if they worked for themselves it would give them immense satisfaction knowing what they created followed its laws. It's like being a dad he loves you forever but if you do something bad you can never go home to him unless you find a way to show him your sorry(faith,prayers,exc)
"There's no way to prove they don't exist so maybe they do." Regarding multiverse theory. He literally just got done saying you can't use that logic as a scientist. I love science but when scientists cherry pick logic, they lose credibility.
@@mitzyeditz8999 And? Not every person who talks about science needs to be a scientist and study in the field they are discussing. You or I could go out and read the journals and studies these men and women publish and then speak about them and put in your own opinion on what it means.
Atheist base their beliefs on the Logos. Logos meaning logic and reason and the idea of an ordered universe. Without order you cannot observe something in one part of the universe and have it be true over many observations in another part of the universe. Without the Logos there is no science. Bible said God is the Logos. So those who don’t believe in science are sacrilegious. And those who call themselves atheists actually believe in the New Testament God by definition. That isn’t “absolute proof” as that is just a clickbait headline, but most people who call themselves atheists believe strongly in science, and therefore aren’t really atheists. They’ve just determined that they can know what everyone else means by God and disbelieve in their interpretation of God and substitute that for disbelieving God in all forms that could ever be using the mental substitution heuristic. You can’t disbelieve in all forms of God, you don’t know them all and there could always be another, to disbelieve in that would be to believe in the infinite omnipotent and omnipresent and then you’re back believing in something compatible with someone’s definition God yet again.
@@MrMichaelsu because God is the Logos, $science refuses to answer where mathematics and $science come from because this shows God created it, so $science uses selective research to twist the truth to the people.
" If God so precisely and carefully and lovingly and amazingly constructed a mind-boggling habitat for His creatures, then it would be natural for Him to want them to explore it, to measure it, to investigate it, to appreciate it, to be inspired by it--and ultimately, and most importantly, to find Him through it." Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
I knew the vegans and atheists would show up. They never miss an opportunity to hashtag how Vegan and Atheist they are. Now... where are the Vapers and 5k Runners....
I just don't vape.. but if you want advice on good trolling, here it goes: go to an atheist video, pretend to be a christian, defend your point of view with biblical quotations and watch the world burn.. ;)
God is the almighty all powerful we humans are grasshoppers we can’t even comprehend the intelligence and power the lord has in stored. We humans always think we know it all when we don’t know nothing. Death is coming for all of us never forget that then the judgement (Hebrew 9:27)
Is there a way to ask Bill a question without having to do it in video format? I just want to ask him to comment on the "photons experience no time and no space" thing. I ask because so many people argue that we can't say this because light has no rest frame of reference. Could you please clarify this for me Bill?
"[The wicked] spend their days in prosperity, and suddenly they go down to Sheol. Yet they say to God, 'Go away from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, and what would we gain plead with Him?' Behold, their prosperity is not in their hand; the advice of the wicked is far from me." Job 21:13-16
"......If There Is a God, Should We Obey It?" If there a a parent, should we obey it?. If there is a police officer, should we obey it? If there is a President, should we obey it? If is a mighty big question....
@Mick Zack 495 Fear is a survival mechanism. Without it, we'd freely walk into traffic and walk off cliffs. It doesn't mean we should stop thinking and start licking boots.
@Mick Zack 495 Being afraid of walking off cliffs or walking into traffic has nothing to do with subservience. You're just incredibly weak and want someone to boss you around.
@Mick Zack 495 You haven't made that point. This is the first time you're mentioning "the unknown." It has literally nothing to do with anything I've said so far.
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
Not only is he a scientist... but he is also a philosopher that we should all listen to about the afterlife... cuz he is somehow smarter than us about that...
Specifically, the seven deadly sins. I see merit in this list , despite being an atheist. People have always been immoral, shiftless, and self-gratifying. For ages, humankind struggled to find a conceptual system to operationalize their spiritual shortcomings. Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. I see above a perfect description of Donald Trump.
I have to say.. I've been binge watching these videos and I find his perspective just fascinating... BUT him and I have very different opinions.... On pretty much every video I've see so far 😁 Obviously Mr Bill Nye is a brilliant genius with much credibility but on topics such as ghosts, aliens, and "hocus pocus" we are polar opposites but I still am so enthralled by his opinion. I wish everyone could have an educated debate rather than close minded immiture back and forth. 👽👻❤️
@@eddyeldridge7427 I don't necessarily know about that. There are a handful of guys out there that have been orbiting women for many years thinking their friendship will become a relationship. You can tell a woman that her lying boyfriend that cheated on her over 4 times is not good for her, yet she will still give you the same old, "he changed", and still believe (or have faith) that she can change him. Alcohol, Weed, and other substances have been proven to be dangerous for health, but I'm pretty sure you know already know what the moves are on a Friday night for most kids in high school/college. So yeah, in conclusion, evidence is depended on whether it suits the person's feelings, emotions, pleasures, or lifestyle. And a lot of people don't want to believe in God because following God requires you to sacrifice your own lifestyle and live for Jesus. And although it is the right thing to do like I said before, we as people naturally want to live for ourselves, not for others, so usually most of us would just go along with the crowd saying that religion is bullcrap and all of these things.
"why is everything so screwed up" well it says in the bible, book of mormon, quran, and nearly every religious scripture with a higher being that we were put here to face challenges
"For He caused the world to lose its youth, and the times have approached [for them] to grow old." (Apoc. of Ezra/2 Ezra 14:10 Aram. Text). - Maybe it's because of sin that the world is screwed up [Video 1:00+] & disordered. That would be a Biblical response.
If that is true then the question becomes, if god is omnipotent all knowing, see's the future, but still makes/designs everything as he did, and punished people for doing the things he knew they would do in the scenario he made. You must admit tat is a bizarre way of doing things if god does have these attributes. This is in no way a challenge or attack on you, in case you felt that this is what it was. Just some of my thoughts on this.
@@joshuabaughman3112 I see it as God is all knowing and powerful but like it’s different because god let’s us do what we want and we have our own power to do what we want to do it’s just people have been so skeptical about God now because of what some preachers and priests reach see I worship Jesus and God because that’s where I find my comfort and all my calm so I see it in my own eyes that There is a God and Jesus came to this world to die for our suns no matter who you are because Jesus hung out with sinners alll his life but never did he sin but he told God the father that he would take up all the suns in life for people who believe in him and are saved in Jesus name will go to heaven So I mean that right there shows some proof that we are In control not God he gave us the option to live how we want just like angels in heaven they have a choice like we do as well I don’t see heaven just bring some place where you worship 24/7 but you know idk because I’m not God so it’s just hard to acknowledge he’s real because there’s no trace of him or anything but you know it’s just all opinion based just like everything else is nowadays
You cannot blame God who is just and righteous for the sins of man. Who are you to say that God who created us then out love died for us is unjust? The bible that was written by men under the control of the holy spirit that God has chosen to use just as someone uses a pencil to write and not the pencils words but the words of the one who writes with it, says "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." This tells us that God exists outside of time and does not need anyone or anything to exist, he is self reliant and self sufficient. God is holy and has created nothing into a world of beauty and life. While God created it did not come from no were, it came from him as he spoke things into being by the power of his word! According to evolution where does matter come from if it cannot be created or destroyed? All this being said I have said not to condemn you but to keep you from being condemned because Gods plans for humanity is to live in Gods presence but we as humans keep sinning when we all need to ask Gods forgiveness and repent of our sins and seek him. God offers us a way to salvation but he also does not turn a blind eye to our sin, he must punish sin but he does forgive if we repent. 1Timothy 2:5 "For there is only one God and only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus."
First he never died death o Is forever he came back 3 days later so it was a con job and what's up with. Creating the devil was that that to amuse himself sounds pretty sick doesn't it sick God
Are you kidding? Have you read the bible? Free will? Like he gave Johna: right!? Or the way he put 2 young innocent minds in the garden then "allowed" satin to nanipulate them with no advocate on thier side!?
@@MichaelAronson why certain things happen i dont know but i know that those babies or young children are in a place far better than this. I accepted God into my heart Revelation 3:20 I took him at his word and he gave me the Holy spirit i know that for a fact thats one promise fulfilled right there Psalm 119:11 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word. He changed me. NOTHING else could.. Only Christ can change you from within. You wana know deep down how wicked you are the Bible can make you help you realize just what we are like on the inside▶ book of james
@@rm3246 "why certain things happen i dont know" Well, then you shouldn't make claims about things you don't know. That's just ignorance. "i know that those babies or young children are in a place far better than this" If it's such a great place, why don't you join them there?
Christian Michael he’s not speaking of God. He’s speaking vaguely of if there was a god. “It” is simply referring to a god. That’s also why he is saying “he or she” because he himself does not know if there is a god or what it/him/she would be
If there is an all-knowing and all-powerful entity, then answer this. What if that entity creates an event that it cannot predict the outcome of, if it can't, then they're not all-powerful, if it can, then they're not all-knowing
I’m a believer that there is *some* super entity out there. But I won’t lie that I laughed when he just stopped and said “WHY IS EVERYTHING DO SCREWED UP”
Cuz People Are So Into Life Of World That They Forgot That There Is Always End Of Every Beginning Death Is Real Your Being Judge Hereafter Is Real This Life is For Temporary For Short Term But After This There Is Life Of Forever Based Upon Your deeds In This life Whether they were good or bad Simple as That,
+Selfie Masters - "Your Being Judge Hereafter Is Real." Quick question: How did you determine this? What method did you use to learn this? I'd genuinely like to know, so that we may all learn the "truth" to this extraordinary claim. "But After This There Is Life Of Forever Based Upon Your deeds In This life"... Same questions above apply here. How did you determine this? "Whether they were good or bad" Are you proposing, that Santa will either reward you with gifts, or he will punish you with [burning hot] coals? "Simple as That" Really? Is this how it works? We just make claims to one another, and Voila! It becomes reality? Let me try that! Before you were born, the molecules that built your body and mind hadn't yet constructed your brain, with it's trillions of synapses firing to give you memories, and ultimately, consciousness. Therefore it's safe to say, "You didn't exist". Which is precisely where we will one day return. To a state of non-existence, no thoughts, no memories, no pain, no joy, no light or darkness. But my goodness, what an extraordinary experience it is to have ever felt any of this! Simple right?
I don't believe in God. If there is a God, I think we shouldn't "obey." If God gave us choices, like Eve taking the forbidden fruit, then we should be able to live our lives without external involvement.
Human nature has absolutely changed. The average lifespan in ancient Rome was about 25 yrs old. Now it's about triple that. Are you saying that we have the same exact feelings and behaviors as we did then? 😂
Complete dodge of the question. The question was if such a being exists should we be subservient to it, not if one does exist. People give theists a hard time when they dodge questions in the same way. It is also possible to prove a negative, one of those really dumb things that people say all the time. Anything which has ontological contradictions for example can't exist as just one example. There are atheological arguments against God on this basis (incompatible properties). There are reams of literature/papers on why God can't exist. Ironically, for someone so science-promotional, he certainly is at ease violating its central tenant readily.
Idk about y’all but when I started going to church and praying to God even when I was in doubt I was honest and spoke to him like a friend and my life was different and he was working it’s unexplainable all I have to say is if u don’t believe pray and literally say God I have my doubts but if ur real show me and u can go from there if u want to but start with that. At least try
The believers imagine they talk to god; they are too weak in their character to face life without magical solutions. And each culture, group; each civilization create their own deity. That's why there are so many (about 2000 gods as of today).
Bill Nye looks a bit like Abraham Lincoln at times...I like that
You into dudes that look like Abraham Lincoln? That's cool bruh.
+kyactivetm ikr,he is cool
RonnyLama Richardson he almost looks like he could be Daniel Tosh's dad
And as the legon he is honest
So he looks like a white supremacist?
If people believed that there is a God, we shouldn't fight each other about there's no God or there is a God, we should still respect each other's believe, because we're still humans we don't have the same religion or beliefs but the important thing is that we respect each other and to help together, fighting is not the answer.
Wolf Gamer thank you I'm a Christian and I believe in God and hate Bill Nye and I do have evidence THE BIBLE.
Yes. I believe reverence is very important. I respect my religion and I respect the religion of others or lack thereof
Wolf Gamer
Tell that to the Muslims
NothingThat Fancy I am a Christian as well. Why do you hate Bill Nye? Have you read a Bible? Remember what Jesus said? “Do not hate your enemy, love them”.
Couldn't have said it better
Did anyone notice that Bill did NOT answer the question?
but he did
Not all questions in this world are yes or no....
Oh my gosh shut the fuck up dumbasses he didn't answer the question ok
@@emjee_masoon_5505 You're IQ is too low to be commenting here.
Dankovich no your stoooooopid
"You can't prove a negative."
Excellently put.
your stupid so is he
You can prove negatives all the time. I can prove that a Tyranasaurus Rex doesn't live in my garage!!
We also know have no proof that all the matter in the universe came from nothing, and life started from nonliving things, does that mean they didn't happen?
Yeah but a T Rex did exist at one point and we know that for certain so you’re just taking something you know existed that doesn’t exist anymore and applying it to that example. We don’t know if God exists.
I'm Christian and I am really glad to see a man of science being respectful to all religions and not taking a side and causing people to think. I am glad to see a man that accepts the thought we can't understand everything out there. Keep up the good work.
Still a Christian?
@@myguykaikai9215 I think the comment meant “not taking a side” and separately “causing people to think.” That’s how I read it.
I'm sad that you are a christian but you don't realize how in danger the souls of our fellow humans are.
God is love, He is unconditional love like Jesus Christ who died for us despite being unworthy so that we may wake up. As Christian, it is our duty to prove God's love to our sleeping brethren, we are God's/Jesus witnesses. He left us with the commandment to "Love as i have loved you". We should be ready to take up our cross, professing that Jesus is our Lord but loving our people so that they too may wake up. The time is coming soon, in the tribulation there would be alot of bloodshed, but we must endured before he returns, have faith.
@Historical Perspective the truth shall never be concealed, God is love. 1 john 4:7-21.
@El Gato I'm a Christian at birth, i became an atheist for 4 yrs but i returned to Jesus. I realized that unconditional love can never exist without God because he is the source of it. Love coming from our own is selfish and imperfect. Jesus is the only way, He is the only one who demonstrated the unconditional love of God, while we were sinners he died for us. We were unworthy and filthy but still he died for us in hopes that we would wake up.
And as a Christian, it is my duty to do the same. Jesus is alive in me, I may be weak but i will endure. Even if i am alone in the world, i will never change. I shall show God's love
I know where the super entity is: My pants
$20 and you'll be hooked for life
Doctors hate him, click on his channel to find out why
Only if I'm wearing your pants.
lol dick jokes never get old
As a Christian, I really wish more Atheists were as respectful as Nye. It would sure be alot easier to debate with them if they weren't always arrogant and cocky.
Galvanized Gamer
Ken Ham (a Christian) tried to debate with Bill Nye and Bill Nye destroyed him respectfully.
I agree
lαιкα look at the comment section. disgusting.
Galvanized Gamer I would debate more peacefully, unfortunately you’re dealing with current me who’s been choked and force fed with “god” bullshit all his life. And quite frankly I’m fed the fuck up, so, sorry but this is where we’re at right now.
TheJoshsoccer10 You know science believes in other dimensions that supposedly take place in our same universe. They say a dinasour can walk right in front of you and you won’t be able to see it. Atheist scientist will tell you about things you can’t see all day but when u tell them about God they will say it’s a hoax because they can see it lol knock and you should find God says. God talks to us through his word the Bible he tells us why there is evil in this world and it’s called sin people are greedy and corrupt . He also says we should walk by faith not feel or sight. We put a lot of faith on science textbooks and believe them as true but when we read the Bible everything is false. You want to see and feel God?Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, Repent from your sins and you will see GOD when you leave this earth. And why say what if I was born into ISIS? You weren’t born there so let’s be happy about that lol you were born with a chance to hear Gods word and have eternal life.
If there is a God, why would he need people worshipping him. #Rekt #Dontcare
its kinda of a slaver deal i think ,i make you you're mine that sort of thing
Geary Kunkel Why?
A God would be a being beyong human comprehension, so trying to understand its motivation or needs is pointless.
As is worshipping an imaginary being.
***** This is pointless, I'm not going to argue with religious people.
There is a belief circulated among many polytheists that gods are "recharged" by the act of worship.
because of roles. worship isn't merely falling on one's knees but seeking God's purpose and living it. it is about contributing to His design.
I always find is amazing just how respectful and sincere Bill Nye is when it comes to topics that pertain faith.
This question was already addressed by Captain Kirk. When confronted with an all powerful being, his question was; "Why does God need a starship?", which immediately begs the question, "Why does God need anything from us?".
Who says God needs anything from us?
"If there is a super entity running things..."
Camera zooms
Because of us that’s why it is screwed up God wants us to make this better and one day he will make it better and stop calling Jesus super entity
Best line in the entire video!!!
Because God let's it be screwed up so we get to have a choice
@@MVSstudios I have just read the article... those are not the teachings of the New Testament, of Christ who came to testify the truth. all of those chapters, but one (1 Peter 2:18), are from the old testament. the old testament is the Jewish "Torah"... that's why Jesus was killed by the Jews, because He was changing their rules and bringing the truth which was all about love. Also, that article lists verses from scripture out of context, stating things as if it were God Himself stating them when in fact it wasn't. Also being read out of context is verse 1 Peter 2:18. It states "servants" but the writer of the article goes on to state that it says "slaves". Two very different words. Reading the Bible is a tedious thing one cannot just read and simply understand , one must study to understand.
That bow tie is everything
It shows he means business. It's like a beard for guys that can't grow a decent beard
"Why is everything so Screw up?!"
- Bill Nye 2016
thats exactly what I want to know too Bill 😑
Cuz people are screwed up
@@nessarae8465 Do people cause earthquakes and plagues?
Because people like bill are alive
@@fishinggeek3121 Are you suggesting something should be done to Bill Nye?
@@MichaelAronson no just that poeple like him are deceivers
It is like walking in an examination hall and after looking at the question paper saying "Why is it so difficult , the teacher doesn't exist".
If the teacher doesn't exist, why is there a paper?
I believe he’s alluding to the problem of evil, which you can Wikipedia if you want the larger philosophical discussion around that.
1 Timothy 6:19-21King James Version (KJV)
19 Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.
20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
Store up for yourselves heavenly things not things of the world for they rot. And if there is an almighty powerful God. None can withstand against
What does this mean, can somebody please translate?
@@sanskar8377 cool fact is that nobody can translate, Hebrew (the language the bible was first written in) didn't perfectly translate to English especially thousands of years ago
SANSKAR 1 Timothy entire chapter 6 (CEB) (aka modern English)
Those who are under the bondage of slavery should consider their own masters as worthy of full respect so that God’s name and our teaching won’t get a bad reputation. 2 And those who have masters who are believers shouldn’t look down on them because they are brothers. Instead, they should serve them more faithfully, because the people who benefit from your good service are believers who are loved. Teach and encourage these things. 3 If anyone teaches anything different and doesn’t agree with sound teaching about our Lord Jesus Christ and teaching that is consistent with godliness, 4 that person is conceited. They don’t understand anything but have a sick obsession with debates and arguments. This creates jealousy, conflict, verbal abuse, and evil suspicions. 5 There is constant bickering between people whose minds are ruined and who have been robbed of the truth. They think that godliness is a way to make money! 6 Actually, godliness is a great source of profit when it is combined with being happy with what you already have. 7 We didn’t bring anything into the world and so we can’t take anything out of it: 8 we’ll be happy with food and clothing. 9 But people who are trying to get rich fall into temptation. They are trapped by many stupid and harmful passions that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have wandered away from the faith and have impaled themselves with a lot of pain because they made money their goal. 11 But as for you, man of God, run away from all these things. Instead, pursue righteousness, holy living, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness. 12 Compete in the good fight of faith. Grab hold of eternal life-you were called to it, and you made a good confession of it in the presence of many witnesses. 13 I command you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and Christ Jesus, who made the good confession when testifying before Pontius Pilate. 14 Obey this order without fault or failure until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 The timing of this appearance is revealed by God alone, who is the blessed and only master, the King of kings and Lord of lords. 16 He alone has immortality and lives in light that no one can come near. No human being has ever seen or is able to see him. Honor and eternal power belong to him. Amen. 17 Tell people who are rich at this time not to become egotistical and not to place their hope on their finances, which are uncertain. Instead, they need to hope in God, who richly provides everything for our enjoyment. 18 Tell them to do good, to be rich in the good things they do, to be generous, and to share with others. 19 When they do these things, they will save a treasure for themselves that is a good foundation for the future. That way they can take hold of what is truly life. 20 Timothy, protect what has been given to you in trust. Avoid godless and pointless discussions and the contradictory claims of so-called “knowledge.” 21 When some people adopted this false knowledge, they missed the goal of faith.
May grace be with you all.
There is only one true God, and he is in the three forms, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I remember having this conversation with myself around 8 years old after going back to science class after Sunday school. Beautifully articulated.
according the the Bible things will get much worse than now?"
so how does his statement make any sense at all
this life is the valley of the shadow of death
By the way what exactly is each person's definition of God? I bet they aren't the same.
They aren't..that's why there are various religions...
I assume in this case, especially given the phrasing of the question as "a God", it probably merely denotes a "conscious creator of all physical reality". A "primary mover" as it were.
Michael Hartman some believe in many, so that's way different then just God.
Definition is definitely a good point to bring up. If someone asks me if I believe in God, I would usually say no, because I assume they're referring to the anthropomorphic god of most major monotheistic religions. I am a pantheist, however, so I define god to be different. I would believe the universe itself is god. Just the natural bits, none of this 'god's will' nor commandments nor speaking to humans nor interfering at all because the universe has no volition. It (pantheism) is more of a handy tool to view the natural universe as something sacred and whole rather than a theological believe.
If you believe in a god or gods, whatever type or characteristics, then you are a theist and DO believe. Don't assume what god people are talking about--ask them. Because to say "no" when you' are a pantheist (still a theist) is to tell a lie and be considered an atheist. You don't want people to think you're a godless atheist, do you?
Best wishes from a godless atheist. I like your idea of "gods" better than holy book ones, that's for sure; yours is far better. I'm happy enough to consider the universe itself to be god, but I'll just call it "universe."
As much as I love Bill Nye, he does go off on a tangent sometimes. I took this guy's question to mean that if, hypothetically, there was without a doubt a superior being overlord, should we still obey it? I think it was meant to highlight that even if a god existed, it is perhaps still not worthy of your worship if it is a narcissistic tyrant, as many gods seem to be.
Yes, I took that question the exact same way.
@@winter2400 God gives you the choise, you can definitely join bill nye where he is now. That's no problem for God.
lmfao you just called god narcissistic? I hope you realize the stupidity here, if a hypothetically infinite creature has an inflated sense of their own importance does that mean they view themselves as above infinity? WTF ARE YOU EVEN SAYING?
@@mcsponge3899 I just hope you realize that God created hell for the devil because he compared himself to God .
Imfao, you just did the same thing the devil did and that will probably get you the same result.
It is a sin to even think to criticize God.
@@mcsponge3899 he is above infinity because he created infinity, before doing that he crafted this demention, but not just this demention but also other demention and other infinity
Bill nye is looking a little more like Abraham Lincoln with every passing day.......
You really can't unsee that can you
i can't tell if you stole that from ronny or did he steal that from you
I'm religious, and I appreciate this answer Bill N.
I thought you would just call him stupid for believing in something you don't, but instead you answered "Do your own research"
Bye Neil, "why is everything messed up?" Because of people. They have that tendency.
I appreciate your first response. "I don't know." Thank you Bill.
At lunch, my boss and I used to go to his house and watch Bill Nye the Science Guy.
I hope Bill lives a long time, so he can share his wisdom with as many as possible.
You mean false teachings?
@@jesuschristcomingsoon3385 lol he’s a scientist and I assume you are not
@@jesuschristcomingsoon3385 he's a legit scientist
@@jacksonac7996 if he is a scientist then why is he telling you Lies
@@victoriabarnett4363 what lies? Show me. Just because something goes against your worldview or opinion doesnt mean its a lie. Just as if your respected content creator on youtube says something you agree with doesnt make it right either.
"if there is a god, if there is I think most reasonable people might agree that he's at least incompetent or maybe just maybe doesn't give a shit, doesn't give a shit, which I admire in a person and which would explain some of these bad results" - George Carlin
An author named H.P. Lovecraft had a similar idea, and the god in his books was called “Azathoth.” A creature who unknowingly created itself, and reality is only azathoth’s dream. He can’t change it or think about it, that’s why the universe is seemingly flawed. And when he wakes up, the dream will end and so will reality
God gave everything free will so humans and angels and maybe something else I don't know about messed it up themselves not God If everything listened to God the world wouldn't be messed up but some people who are not God pretend to be God
@@tweetthechicken3870 We aren’t adding angels into the mix here. God may be real but angels absolutely not
@@juanjoyaborja.3054 maybe they aren't the stereotypical angels maybe they are beings like let's say Hermes, but with guided minds trying to help us out of our dark side of the human mind
Bill Nye I grow up watching your show I'm from Washington state and would always look forward to your show coming on Saturday morning on kvos. I'm 33 years old now and still have a great interest in science. thank you for inspiring a generation. :)
The world has popcorn it's made for making movies
+Bleh ...Blasphemy! Your false Popcorn God is an abomination, you infidel. All hail the one true Flying Spaghetti Monster. Praised be the noodles
+Daft Slice ramen
Ramen, brother! For he so loved the world that he boiled for our sins!
Corn is a rather versatile metal, it's actually the 135th element on the periodic table even though it's taught to be the 134th, this is due to the fact that element 134 was highly unstable and was deemed an unreliable element with no practical use. Because of this many professionals, students, and teachers often make this mistake when reading the table. Corn is often used for conducting electricity, though if it is exposed for a prolonged period of time it could enter it's expanded ionic form known as poporn.
The avatar never actually mastered it because he could not grasp a firm understanding of it's number of valence electron, to be fair though you often need a particle collider to even create a substantial amount of corn. Because there is so little corn and therefore is rather expensive, it's often used in small electronics like cars, elevators, planes, and bicycles.
If popcorn is made for movies, explain kernels? Tiny little teeth troublers hidden in food in a dark room, BRILLIANT!
I really like the way the question was put forth; it allowed for a very special kind of answer to unfold. Thank you kindly, person who submitted it.
@Bobby Papoutsis smart, for an 11th grader
Science is how things work, God is why they work.
Brian B Finally someone understands!!
That's what I was raised being told, but what happens when religion and science make mutually exclusive claims. (Ie creation account in Genesis doesn't match what we know about reality)
So if I make a crystal using two chemicals, it forms a crystal because a god allowed it to form a crystal?
God created the folks who attempt to explain gods creations
Brian B Science, for the most part, disproves God. Tell me why God would make things so difficult to find him if he truly created all of Science.
The reason on why everything is screwed up is simple.... Sin. Because sin exists there are problems in the world.
the fool in his heart says there's no God
Have that's can you answer this why does your God kill a whole planet of people except moses in
and everything in it with the great flood instead of only the evil people I mean he is God every thing is possible was he so angry and out of control
that he couldn't help it or is he just that evil
@@denisenoonan5933 i think you are referring to Noah in the ark not (Moses)
It repented him that he created man.
GOD is not evil he is holy and just
How Would you know that the super entity did have our best interests at heart or that it was all knowing. It could lie and you that it was when it wasn't.
The boy said it was a hypothetical question.
+Chuy Galvez And I disagree with Nye that it was a great question. It's a boring and useless question to me because those attributes could be ascribed to anything. Like, "Bill Nye, if there WAS a squirrel who was right about everything, is it morally wrong to chase it away from my garbage?"
That *IS* the question....
You couldn't even trust ME with "best interests," and I'm human.
Correct. It could actually be after it's own best interest. An alien race with sufficiently advanced techology could seem as though they are performing feats of magic, when all they are doing is exercising their knowledge and technology. (I.e.: Clarke's third law "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".)
I love this answer because it's not about who or what a single person believes in but for you to fully understand yourself and if you feel this way because no one can truly answer this question as it's beyond all we really have evolved to offer and only a select few who do experience it fully understand.
Its hard to see someone so smart and old that just has not heard the word of God. There are answers to pretty much everything he mentions in this video, he just needs to ask them. I pray for him and people like him to hear the word and accept Jesus Christ into their lives as savior. I use to be a non-believer and now there isn't a sliver of doubt.
A super-entity that needs you to follow them isn't that super, are they? Like imagine the super-entity was mum. Mum can't do everything by herself and requires your help, so she's not super-mom. Now imagine the super-entity was dad. Dad can't do all by himself and requires... hey wait a minute. I think we discovered the motive behind this "obey the super-entity" myth.
+God Rekt!
God doesn't need you or I to follow him. God doesn't need anything from us. In fact, it's quite the opposite, we need him!
+Sohayb Megraoui If he existed.
+sohayb Megraoui
"God doesn't need you or I to follow him. "
And we do not need a god to follow. So wouldn't we all be much better off to stop this sillyness of following these various gods that don't need us and whom we don't need and to finally just follow our conscience and what can empirically be shown to be good for humankind?
e.g. saving lives (like hospitals or firefighters do) and helping the needy (evil satanic _communist_ "social security") is GOOD for a society and the world around us. Therefore we should continue to do it and look that it gets done right.
Treating people like shit for the things they like to do in bed to willing (!) partners (There's a reason why kids must be protected against people abusing their lack of judgment due to their not yet prevalent unferstanding of the subject of biological reproduction and it's hobby variant of "just training"), or even worse for how their skin is tinged or which genitals they posess is NOT good. Therefore we should STOP to do it and not make excuses for people that say they were told to treat these people such and so because of an old book or whatever the local specialist in interpreting things from old books claimed it says...
You can clearly see it is WRONG to do that, having somebody giving you pointers why you must is NO excuse. Start thinking for yourself and act like a decent human being, following despite knowing better is WRONG.
That is a much more reasoned and impartial and better answer than one usually hears from scientists. Thanks, Bill
This question might become very relevant very soon. Imagine a superinteligent AI, we created it so we're pretty sure its made to have the best intentions for humans. Should you obey it just like that? THAT is the real question here. Gimme opinions people!
Hypotheticals are hard to answer. If we could somehow know that it is both superintelligent and has our best intentions at heart, without fail, then it would be wise to follow its guidance. But that's not an accurate scenario. In reality, we would always be wondering if the AI really has other motives.
Humans are actually not that smart, having barely evolved brains to take control of the planet -- still killing each other, destroying things. An AI would know this, and would be unbelievably good at manipulating us, if it wants to. Also, an AI would be much better at creating smarter and smarter AIs than we are, so its intelligence and capacity would become almost infinite in only a few years. We will be like ants on an anthill.
Jason McKenna That's pretty much my position on the matter too. The "should we" is an obvious yes, but the problem shifts to: How can we be sure that we programmed it correctly and it really wants the best for us, how much evidence is enough etc.
We're all pretty much fucked if self aware AI happens. That's why people like Elon Musk are starting non-profits like Open AI to keep a close on eye on companies that have resources to really make a go of it - namely Google. It's a switch that won't be able to be undone, like creating a black hole.
CosmicF I disagree. AI would not be an evolved organism, it would not be selfish. Any motivation it would have, would have to be programmed in. And we would obviously motivate it to help humans, that's what would make it "happy"
If there is a super entity; IF there is one, wouldn't it be better to receive it's council rather then mindlessly submitting to it?
Also, if this super entity needs lesser beings as worshipers, then it's not a perfect entity. Therefore we have the potential to become it's equal.
Irving Teran Really makes you think 🤔, I'm a Christian but even I have doubts about god, maybe he's real maybe he isn't, I think what's where religion came in in the first place, because people fear death, so they choose to follow an all knowing being to get away from that fear. We obviously don't know what after death, maybe an afterlife, maybe not. That's what most religious people don't understand, we simply don't know, if there is a god then he isn't so good at showing he's real.
"If there is a god, most reasonable people might agree that he is at least incompetent, and possibly doesn't give a shit"
-George Carlin
That's the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is that God is narcissistic, psychopathic, and sadistic.
Irving Teran theology asks these questions and different branches have different answers.
I imagine it would be how people respond to the government. So it really depends on the way this super entity acts.
Bill. Thank you for NOT being stupid. and thank you for being real and genuine. You are valued dear
Something to consider about a super entity....
Follow the money... Are you serving a super entity who shouldnt need any money or are you serving a human or a group of humans? They like money and power. They will tell you to give till it hurts. Then tell you they dont have to account for your hard earned money you gave them. Then tell you that you can trust them because they are just following the whims of the supper entity. Does this super entity leader have a house / car that is much nicer then yours? Ask yourself where is the accounting for this? Who is that leader really working for? The super entity or himself?
As far as the common and traditional religious communities go, it has never been a requirement to give money (or exchange of any physical manner) in order to be part of that religious community. What you are describing sounds more like a cult (a tangent from a true "religious community" which aims to serve the super entity rather than the leader)
PS. I'm agnostic...but I have both subjective and objective knowledge of religion.
I always like the use of the word cult... Everyone makes it sound non western religion.
Cult: 1) a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. 2) a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. 3)a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
It could be said that every religion has cult like followings. It mostly depends on the persons perspective observing the religious organization. I personally see all religions as cults. Not all totally bad but they do fall under the definition.
No it is never a "requirement" to give money. However they sure do guilt you into giving money. Even the person sitting next you will indirectly guilt you into giving. The Christian bible says you should tithe 10% of your gross earnings. So it could be said yes there is a requirement.
Just as a thought experiment lets say everyone that goes to a christian church were to give 10% of their gross earnings. Do you really think many religious leaders who have no oversight are truly honest enough not to pocket that money if possible? Humans will be humans power and money tends to corrupt many. They will lie and cheat the system to keep that power. I have seen this even in the smallest of churches. Those who arent power hungry often die out because they cant pay the rent. I have also seen this.
So yes christianity is a popularly accepted cult. That because of the money and power tends to attract vultures just like the non christian cults... The sad part is that the sheeple will continue to flock to these vultures. Always in search of something better but only getting lip service to be fleeced yet once again. Never getting what they really need.
If the super entity would be working for someone else we would worship them as the super entity but if they worked for themselves it would give them immense satisfaction knowing what they created followed its laws. It's like being a dad he loves you forever but if you do something bad you can never go home to him unless you find a way to show him your sorry(faith,prayers,exc)
"There's no way to prove they don't exist so maybe they do." Regarding multiverse theory.
He literally just got done saying you can't use that logic as a scientist. I love science but when scientists cherry pick logic, they lose credibility.
Just like the cherry pickers of religion.
He’s not even a scientist he’s an actor
@@mitzyeditz8999 And? Not every person who talks about science needs to be a scientist and study in the field they are discussing. You or I could go out and read the journals and studies these men and women publish and then speak about them and put in your own opinion on what it means.
The best superentity is our mind and what we do with our critical thinking skills. Bill Nye gave a proper answer.
Thankyou for your 👍.Pleasing comments always appreciated.
Well I'm glad to hear that he is somewhat open to the idea that God exists
I myself am a Christian, but I respect these kind of Atheists
The ad under this video is "Does God exist? - many *absolute* proofs!".
*facepalm through face
Atheist base their beliefs on the Logos. Logos meaning logic and reason and the idea of an ordered universe. Without order you cannot observe something in one part of the universe and have it be true over many observations in another part of the universe. Without the Logos there is no science.
Bible said God is the Logos.
So those who don’t believe in science are sacrilegious.
And those who call themselves atheists actually believe in the New Testament God by definition.
That isn’t “absolute proof” as that is just a clickbait headline, but most people who call themselves atheists believe strongly in science, and therefore aren’t really atheists. They’ve just determined that they can know what everyone else means by God and disbelieve in their interpretation of God and substitute that for disbelieving God in all forms that could ever be using the mental substitution heuristic. You can’t disbelieve in all forms of God, you don’t know them all and there could always be another, to disbelieve in that would be to believe in the infinite omnipotent and omnipresent and then you’re back believing in something compatible with someone’s definition God yet again.
@@MrMichaelsu because God is the Logos, $science refuses to answer where mathematics and $science come from because this shows God created it, so $science uses selective research to twist the truth to the people.
Me about pastor lol
that bow tie is magnificent
I really like the message of this video, one you realize you don't know everything, you'll only learn more.
one thing i know God is real
" If God so precisely and carefully and lovingly and amazingly constructed a mind-boggling habitat for His creatures, then it would be natural for Him to want them to explore it, to measure it, to investigate it, to appreciate it, to be inspired by it--and ultimately, and most importantly, to find Him through it."
Lee Strobel, The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
George Carlin - "The Divine Plan" Sums up how i feel about this perfectly.
By golly I love this man. He truly is one of the best of our kind.
the question was NOT, "Do you know of any evidence for a super entity?"
I knew the vegans and atheists would show up. They never miss an opportunity to hashtag how Vegan and Atheist they are. Now... where are the Vapers and 5k Runners....
+Nicolas Calderon Damn... I was really hoping to offend someone with my comment :/ so anticlimactic
I vaped 5 whole vapes today!
+Raccoo Yeah well Mr Vaper.... Ah I give up. I'm not a good troll.
I just don't vape.. but if you want advice on good trolling, here it goes: go to an atheist video, pretend to be a christian, defend your point of view with biblical quotations and watch the world burn.. ;)
Mr. Nye, there is indeed a very visible super entity that you should absolutely obey. His name is Chuck Norris!
No it’s God
God is the almighty all powerful we humans are grasshoppers we can’t even comprehend the intelligence and power the lord has in stored. We humans always think we know it all when we don’t know nothing. Death is coming for all of us never forget that then the judgement (Hebrew 9:27)
Logic is solace for me❤
Is there a way to ask Bill a question without having to do it in video format? I just want to ask him to comment on the "photons experience no time and no space" thing. I ask because so many people argue that we can't say this because light has no rest frame of reference. Could you please clarify this for me Bill?
That's one big IF. And weird that such a powerful being would care anything about our "submission" as we'd really have no way not to.
"[The wicked] spend their days in prosperity, and suddenly they go down to Sheol. Yet they say to God, 'Go away from us! We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways. Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, and what would we gain plead with Him?' Behold, their prosperity is not in their hand; the advice of the wicked is far from me."
Job 21:13-16
Wonderfully spoken. I couldn't have it expressed it more nicely and effectively if I wanted to. Bill Nye, what a guy.
Good to know, thanks Morning Wood.
It’s sad because your going to hell
"What does God need with a starship?"
Is this a star trek reference?
@@planetside9714 Yes.
@@Leon_der_Luftige go for Picard's bald head
Bill Nye vs Sadguru....IT WOULD BE EPIC!
"......If There Is a God, Should We Obey It?"
If there a a parent, should we obey it?. If there is a police officer, should we obey it? If there is a President, should we obey it?
If is a mighty big question....
TheRightThing I believe we all have disobeyed God’s law and if you disobeyed or broken the law u must be Punished.
Anarchy and disorder sounds like that right plan to me. If you're going to play a game, why play with rules!? #sarcasm
That sounds like it would quickly turn into a dumbass game!
"There is no God, nobody is here on purpose, everybody is going to die. Come watch tv with us?" - Morty Smith (Justin Roiland)
I don’t think that was the exact quote.
How sad does a person have to be to desperately hope there's a superentity out there who will give them orders.
@Mick Zack 495 Fear is a survival mechanism. Without it, we'd freely walk into traffic and walk off cliffs. It doesn't mean we should stop thinking and start licking boots.
@Mick Zack 495 No, I disagreed with you. Having a fear instinct is necessary for survival. It has nothing to do with being subservient.
@Mick Zack 495 Being afraid of walking off cliffs or walking into traffic has nothing to do with subservience. You're just incredibly weak and want someone to boss you around.
@Mick Zack 495 What you wrote is incoherent. I just mentioned cliffs and traffic. We can see cliffs and traffic with our naked eye. Learn English.
@Mick Zack 495 You haven't made that point. This is the first time you're mentioning "the unknown." It has literally nothing to do with anything I've said so far.
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; there is none who does good. The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.
Nobody cares about your fairy tales.
Not only is he a scientist... but he is also a philosopher that we should all listen to about the afterlife... cuz he is somehow smarter than us about that...
Why are things screwed up, you ask? One word... Sin
PitchBlack EXACTLY
Omg sin... wow a word, wowie
Specifically, the seven deadly sins. I see merit in this list , despite being an atheist.
People have always been immoral, shiftless, and self-gratifying. For ages, humankind struggled to find a conceptual system to operationalize their spiritual shortcomings.
Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.
Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
I see above a perfect description of Donald Trump.
Giatri B. Mahadeo finally someone says it
And how can sin exist if there is an omnipotent being that could easily stop sins?
I have to say.. I've been binge watching these videos and I find his perspective just fascinating... BUT him and I have very different opinions.... On pretty much every video I've see so far 😁 Obviously Mr Bill Nye is a brilliant genius with much credibility but on topics such as ghosts, aliens, and "hocus pocus" we are polar opposites but I still am so enthralled by his opinion. I wish everyone could have an educated debate rather than close minded immiture back and forth. 👽👻❤️
Any proof?
@@eddyeldridge7427 yea brozay, just remember evidence can’t take away free will
@@eddyeldridge7427 people will believe what they want to Ya feel me
Well, that's not true. People can't choose what they believe.
I don't necessarily know about that. There are a handful of guys out there that have been orbiting women for many years thinking their friendship will become a relationship.
You can tell a woman that her lying boyfriend that cheated on her over 4 times is not good for her, yet she will still give you the same old, "he changed", and still believe (or have faith) that she can change him.
Alcohol, Weed, and other substances have been proven to be dangerous for health, but I'm pretty sure you know already know what the moves are on a Friday night for most kids in high school/college.
So yeah, in conclusion, evidence is depended on whether it suits the person's feelings, emotions, pleasures, or lifestyle. And a lot of people don't want to believe in God because following God requires you to sacrifice your own lifestyle and live for Jesus. And although it is the right thing to do like I said before, we as people naturally want to live for ourselves, not for others, so usually most of us would just go along with the crowd saying that religion is bullcrap and all of these things.
Interesting, but the question was not "Is there a god?", the question was "If there were a god, should we obey it?. He didn't address that question.
"why is everything so screwed up" well it says in the bible, book of mormon, quran, and nearly every religious scripture with a higher being that we were put here to face challenges
Which book is correct?
@@MichaelAronsonBoth of them are correct with the answers.
@@human1754 An answer is something someone says in response to a question. What was the question and who asked it?
"For He caused the world to lose its youth, and the times have approached [for them] to grow old." (Apoc. of Ezra/2 Ezra 14:10 Aram. Text). - Maybe it's because of sin that the world is screwed up [Video 1:00+] & disordered. That would be a Biblical response.
If that is true then the question becomes, if god is omnipotent all knowing, see's the future, but still makes/designs everything as he did, and punished people for doing the things he knew they would do in the scenario he made. You must admit tat is a bizarre way of doing things if god does have these attributes. This is in no way a challenge or attack on you, in case you felt that this is what it was. Just some of my thoughts on this.
@@joshuabaughman3112 I see it as God is all knowing and powerful but like it’s different because god let’s us do what we want and we have our own power to do what we want to do it’s just people have been so skeptical about God now because of what some preachers and priests reach see I worship Jesus and God because that’s where I find my comfort and all my calm so I see it in my own eyes that There is a God and Jesus came to this world to die for our suns no matter who you are because Jesus hung out with sinners alll his life but never did he sin but he told God the father that he would take up all the suns in life for people who believe in him and are saved in Jesus name will go to heaven So I mean that right there shows some proof that we are In control not God he gave us the option to live how we want just like angels in heaven they have a choice like we do as well I don’t see heaven just bring some place where you worship 24/7 but you know idk because I’m not God so it’s just hard to acknowledge he’s real because there’s no trace of him or anything but you know it’s just all opinion based just like everything else is nowadays
I love when kids question religion. 😄
This is why I fucking love bill nye! Smart guy! And like other scientists, he admits when they don’t know something
You cannot blame God who is just and righteous for the sins of man. Who are you to say that God who created us then out love died for us is unjust? The bible that was written by men under the control of the holy spirit that God has chosen to use just as someone uses a pencil to write and not the pencils words but the words of the one who writes with it, says "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." This tells us that God exists outside of time and does not need anyone or anything to exist, he is self reliant and self sufficient. God is holy and has created nothing into a world of beauty and life. While God created it did not come from no were, it came from him as he spoke things into being by the power of his word! According to evolution where does matter come from if it cannot be created or destroyed? All this being said I have said not to condemn you but to keep you from being condemned because Gods plans for humanity is to live in Gods presence but we as humans keep sinning when we all need to ask Gods forgiveness and repent of our sins and seek him. God offers us a way to salvation but he also does not turn a blind eye to our sin, he must punish sin but he does forgive if we repent. 1Timothy 2:5 "For there is only one God and only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus."
First he never died death o
Is forever he came back 3 days later so it was a con job and what's up with. Creating the devil was that that to amuse himself sounds pretty sick doesn't it sick God
Everything is so screwed up bc of the devil 😠👿
What does this devil look like? Where is evidence that he exists?
Michael 마익흘 Aronson sometimes you can’t see to believe. You have to believe to see.
@@TriStateRailfan That's what a delusion is.
Michael 마익흘 Aronson no that’s having faith in something. You are delusional
@@TriStateRailfan Believing in something you can't see, so that you can see it, is literally how delusions work.
What if God said free will and let the chips fall where they may? And he sits back and see what happens!????? Just a thought
Well if God was omniscient then He would know where the chips would fall and would have no particular cause to throw them down in the first place.
what an irresponsible god then
Even Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the Universe."
Are you kidding? Have you read the bible? Free will? Like he gave Johna: right!? Or the way he put 2 young innocent minds in the garden then "allowed" satin to nanipulate them with no advocate on thier side!?
He wouldnt be a god then because if he was hed know were it all go, but if he just dumped humans on earth and left hes just a douchey alien.
Great video. Thanks for posting
what if God does not administer the day-to-day stuff but the general laws of physics and quantum behaviour?
Then this god would not be god from the bible. But a God that doesn't give a shit about humans or anyone else.
Christoffer Jonsson to be fair he just said "God" not "Christian God".
y, but to be fair to myself most people that refer to "god" on the internet usually refer to the christian one.
But yeah you're right.
Then he deserves nothing more than the shrug he gave us when we came into this world.
david barnett lol he sent his son to save us that’s how much he cares about us.
"Men became scientific because they expected law in nature, and they expected law in nature because they believed in the lawgiver".
C.S Lewis.
Oh shut it. Scientists don't expect law, science is about experiments and observation. The watchmaker argument is nonsense
@@biggiesmol Science is depended upon laws of physics. It's general knowledge.
Why are people saying he didn't answer?? He did. End of. Re-watch the video, if you still don't understand this, then your IQ is wayyyyyyy too low
Comprehending a UA-cam video has no relation to IQ.
This "super entity" is the holy spirit.. And entity is non physical but god being ALL is living and everything is a fractal expression of one whole
Nice word salad.
"Why is everything screwed up?" gets my upvote...
Man thats why, SIN!!
1 CORINTHIANS 1:18 exactly
@@rm3246 Man makes babies have cancer?
@@MichaelAronson why certain things happen i dont know but i know that those babies or young children are in a place far better than this.
I accepted God into my heart Revelation 3:20 I took him at his word and he gave me the Holy spirit i know that for a fact thats one promise fulfilled right there Psalm 119:11 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word. He changed me. NOTHING else could.. Only Christ can change you from within. You wana know deep down how wicked you are the Bible can make you help you realize just what we are like on the inside▶ book of james
@@rm3246 "why certain things happen i dont know"
Well, then you shouldn't make claims about things you don't know. That's just ignorance.
"i know that those babies or young children are in a place far better than this"
If it's such a great place, why don't you join them there?
should we obey *IT*
god uses him *in general*
Yes because the monotheistic god is literally an invention of men to justify patriarchy.
Christian Michael he’s not speaking of God. He’s speaking vaguely of if there was a god. “It” is simply referring to a god. That’s also why he is saying “he or she” because he himself does not know if there is a god or what it/him/she would be
I love Bill, such a great guy :)
If there is an all-knowing and all-powerful entity, then answer this. What if that entity creates an event that it cannot predict the outcome of, if it can't, then they're not all-powerful, if it can, then they're not all-knowing
Bill Nye you lil edgy boi
oh no 😭😂
If he is like most religion's view of God than no don't obey him.
Most religions gods don’t expect you to obey them to begin with tho.
A "real" load of shit
Amen God is real
I’m a believer that there is *some* super entity out there. But I won’t lie that I laughed when he just stopped and said “WHY IS EVERYTHING DO SCREWED UP”
Bill, you need to get your reflux treated. From a concerned Flat Earther.
I agree with everything he said but HE DIDN'T ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!
It's a question we can't answer with science yet, and so by scientific dogma, he can't any further toward a conclusion.
Everything is "screwed up" because of sin being in the world.
ChristiansUnite777 exactly!
ChristiansUnite777 Yep
And who created sin?
Jacob Wilfojac Adam and Eve
Nintardo 64 I thought God created sin
Bill Nye should be president
God...what a foolish concept.
Why foolish?
Thank you for your insightful and tolerant viewpoint on such a sensitive subject.
Because there is absolutely known good reason to even speculate for a god. No reason. We know demons don't cause sickness, now. Germs, not spirits.
I recognize sarcasm when I see it. Nice.
so many comments. so few curious people....
Cuz People Are So Into Life Of World That They Forgot That There Is Always End Of Every Beginning
Death Is Real
Your Being Judge Hereafter Is Real
This Life is For Temporary
For Short Term
But After This There Is Life Of Forever Based Upon Your deeds In This life
Whether they were good or bad
Simple as That,
+Selfie Masters - "Your Being Judge Hereafter Is Real." Quick question: How did you determine this? What method did you use to learn this? I'd genuinely like to know, so that we may all learn the "truth" to this extraordinary claim.
"But After This There Is Life Of Forever Based Upon Your deeds In This life"... Same questions above apply here. How did you determine this?
"Whether they were good or bad" Are you proposing, that Santa will either reward you with gifts, or he will punish you with [burning hot] coals?
"Simple as That"
Really? Is this how it works? We just make claims to one another, and Voila! It becomes reality? Let me try that!
Before you were born, the molecules that built your body and mind hadn't yet constructed your brain, with it's trillions of synapses firing to give you memories, and ultimately, consciousness. Therefore it's safe to say, "You didn't exist". Which is precisely where we will one day return. To a state of non-existence, no thoughts, no memories, no pain, no joy, no light or darkness. But my goodness, what an extraordinary experience it is to have ever felt any of this! Simple right?
+FaLLacy DeTecTor (Non-TheisT) yes... to everything you said- YES. (Except "waalaa" is spelled V-O-I-L-A
Eva Creedon Haha, thanks. Nice catch too by the way!
+FaLLacy DeTecTor (Non-TheisT) :)
I don't believe in God. If there is a God, I think we shouldn't "obey." If God gave us choices, like Eve taking the forbidden fruit, then we should be able to live our lives without external involvement.
For all atheists:
I got a question for all of you. Science did change, but has human nature changed?
No, it is still sinful
It has , previously people used to think slavery was fine 😂
Human nature has absolutely changed. The average lifespan in ancient Rome was about 25 yrs old. Now it's about triple that. Are you saying that we have the same exact feelings and behaviors as we did then? 😂
Bill nye “God has a plan for everyone” is a false gospel
Your talking about what the world says about God not what the Bible says about God
But the world made the bible just a long time ago and it had to be translated a few times, making it even less accurate today
@Chef Brando every bible has the same message, that Jesus is the perfect God and he raised from the dead to forgiveness us of our sins
@@rj_lew Shut up, you’re annoying!
@@xuanluu4873 Jesus loves you
@@rj_lew your religion caused lots of death and the bible supports many evil deeds
Unironically asking BILL NYE this question, y"all are clowns HAHAHAHA
Yeah he’s going to give the most bias answer because his mind is already made up.
Complete dodge of the question. The question was if such a being exists should we be subservient to it, not if one does exist. People give theists a hard time when they dodge questions in the same way.
It is also possible to prove a negative, one of those really dumb things that people say all the time. Anything which has ontological contradictions for example can't exist as just one example.
There are atheological arguments against God on this basis (incompatible properties). There are reams of literature/papers on why God can't exist. Ironically, for someone so science-promotional, he certainly is at ease violating its central tenant readily.
Idk about y’all but when I started going to church and praying to God even when I was in doubt I was honest and spoke to him like a friend and my life was different and he was working it’s unexplainable all I have to say is if u don’t believe pray and literally say God I have my doubts but if ur real show me and u can go from there if u want to but start with that. At least try
The believers imagine they talk to god; they are too weak in their character to face life without magical solutions. And each culture, group; each civilization create their own deity. That's why there are so many (about 2000 gods as of today).