Part 17: Over, Sideways, and Under

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @johnwise9811
    @johnwise9811 Рік тому +48

    Ah yes chapter 15 AKA the Revelation advertisement

    • @d.altounian244
      @d.altounian244 Рік тому +16

      Don’t tell them about the elevators

    • @SorenToKeiran-Murasaki
      @SorenToKeiran-Murasaki Рік тому +12


    • @Kagawwy
      @Kagawwy Рік тому +3

      The best part is that the chapter description literally ends with the word "revelation" lmao

  • @big_azzy
    @big_azzy Рік тому +65

    I like to imagine GGG!Gunter hiding out in Valla contemplating over all of the sibling backstory he feels like he regrets not telling Corrin about earlier, so he just dumps it all on them immediately when he gets the chance to.

  • @Maurricent
    @Maurricent Рік тому +51


  • @cartooncritic7045
    @cartooncritic7045 Рік тому +82

    I've always maintained that Goop Garon was much worse narratively for CQ's story than Corrin's justification for waging the war. I understand that the rewrite can only do so much with what's already hard-coded into the game, but IMO it would have been much better if there was no monster form and Garon was just a bad dude further corrupted by Anankos without being effectively a zombie.
    I think Fates as a whole would have been much improved if either BR or CQ doubled down on the "Found Family vs. Blood Family" dichotomy they set up in the marketing where Garon was clearly a villainous conqueror but the Nohr siblings loved Corrin like one of their own, while the Hoshidan siblings covet Corrin as part of a pseudo-nationalist "You belong with us" mindset but grow to genuinely love them over the course of the game, even if out of seeming obligation to Mikoto. At the very least I feel like the games would be more introspective and thematically consistent. All Goop/Dragon Garon is doing for Fates is just take away his agency as a villain and just makes him a puppet for Anankos, a character that otherwise does not exist in Conquest or Birthright.

    • @aperson6505
      @aperson6505 Рік тому +28

      Agreed, especially with making the choice between the two families have an actual nuance to it. Making it so the Hoshidans truly love Corrin while also having the moral high ground makes the narrative choice feel too one-sided.

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill Рік тому +5

      Boy, that version of Fates sounds like a much better story.

    • @Hewasnumber1
      @Hewasnumber1 Рік тому +9

      See, that’s a good idea on paper, but in fixing one issue it creates a whole new one. Because though Goop Garon removes his agency as a villain, it gives the Nohrian royals a clear, consistent, and understandable breaking point where they’d turn against him. If Garon was just straight up evil, with no Anankos possession, when would Xander and the others defect to Corrin’s side? Garon had ordered his soldiers to slaughter innocent civilians for no reason repeatedly, and without provocation nor any solid justification. If Xander and the others all of sudden decided Garon finally crossed a line, we’d be left to wonder why all those other atrocities weren’t enough to change their minds. It’d be a “why did Celica trust Jedah?”, or “why didn’t Corrin stop Hans in Cheve?” situation, but a million times worse.
      Goop Garon made it so the Nohrian royals remain technically good people because their excuse of familial loyalty stays intact, they just realized it was misplaced.

    • @blay8347
      @blay8347 Рік тому +7

      ​@Hewasnumber1 I just wanna preface by saying that I think your point is a good one, and you're right, it would require more work than a simple removal of goop Garon to make the narrative flow properly.
      You probably saw this coming... but. I think there's a decently straightforward fix to that - the Nohrian royals in this hypothetical version of Fates are more vocal about their distaste for Garon. Xander, for example, can rework his goals into "I disagree with my father, but as the crown heir, I must work to succeed him and reverse as much damage as possible when succession happens". I think that's more or less how he already feels, but it's never elaborated on enough for me to be certain of it. The siblings could be afforded more opportunities to bond, especially with Corrin becoming more used to functioning as part of the proper royal family, instead of being stuck in his little bubble. With Corrin's inexperience, the otherwise desensitised Nohr siblings are afforded more chance to connect with Corrin, and to realise how diabolical Garon is. And, more specifically - to realise that Garon doesn't plan on stopping any short of world domination and massacre. When Corrin pops the question, and with enough exposure to his ruthlessness, the siblings are certainly able to be swayed. With enough precedence set out throughout the story, it'd be simple to place a "final straw", just, idk, Garon monologuing on the Hoshidan throne that Nohr is going to begin another war campaign against somewhere else IMMEDIATELY, for example.
      Making Garon a more competent villain would naturally facilitate goop garon's removal. "Simply write a good villain" isn't something you can just,, Do, sure, but the pieces are there. Frankly, all we'd need is the siblings saying "that was so fucked up, tbh" to each other after the 5th time he tries to kill one of them.
      Corrin the Usurper would be cool to see!

  • @thepsyshyster8243
    @thepsyshyster8243 Рік тому +28

    I respect the attempt to insert more info regarding the Concubine War into the rewrite, but I wholeheartedly agree with your criticism. If anyone should comment on it, it should probably be Xander or Camilla themselves, or possibly Elise's nanny Cassita who likely served the royal family at the time. The one-two punch of long exposition on such an event followed by the Garon is evil "reveal" and the shifting of Corrin's goalpost also bloats the ending of the chapter.
    Speaking of such, the infamous magic ball revealing Garon's true form and everything surrounding is definitely a case of Agahnim having to make the best with what they had. I'm sure that they wished to remove the crystal, but the state of modding at the time meant a rewrite was the best they could do. Again I respect the change of Corrin recalling Mikoto's claim of the Hoshidan throne's capabilities, but it certainly is far from a pretty resolution to the problem of Corrin accepting that they need to conquer half of the world to save their father. Of course, a simple alternative doesn't really exist; the best I can think of is them sending an envoy to Shirasagi after arriving in Mokushu requesting diplomatic audience with Ryoma, which he would certainly refuse given his father's assassination, and the Nohrian crew would just have to throw their hands to the sky and say "I guess we have no choice but to wage war".
    Also sorry for going silent the past five chapters - life came up, as it does. I'll return to Chapters 10 through 14 soon (tm) for more riveting commentary or something.

    • @theleftfootedsultan
      @theleftfootedsultan Рік тому +5

      Regarding the final point, you could also go the route of having chapter 17 play out roughly the same, aside from removing the invasion of Hoshido looming on the horizon and slightly changing Mokushu’s motives to fit, and instead bring the matter up during chapter eighteen. Corrin could walk up to Ryoma after the battle and basically say “Hey, you know we’re cool now, so can we meet in Shirasagi?” Ryoma would of course refuse, because he still has plenty of reasons to be skeptical, and that’s when the playable party gives up on a good solution.

  • @ecbrd8478
    @ecbrd8478 Рік тому +14

    that line where gunter says "sloppy" sounds absolutely disgusting by the way

  • @quinnlee-miller9792
    @quinnlee-miller9792 Рік тому +32

    Second comment for the algorithm, my man Gunter is one of my favorite Jaegans, despite mechanically being one of the absolute worst imo. The man is a goddamn Chad, plummets down a bottomless canyon, and survives an entire hostile country
    And keeps that horse alive; mega chad

    • @d.altounian244
      @d.altounian244 Рік тому +12

      That or he’s turned into a poorly written villain but yeah Gunter is usually pretty cool.

    • @VanessaVersus
      @VanessaVersus Рік тому +2

      @@d.altounian244 clearly we need a good guy gunter mod

  • @marionberries
    @marionberries Рік тому +36

    god i love hearing you discuss future plans for the run-it makes the anticipation of seeing it play out in later videos so much more exciting.
    i am enjoying how the rewrite makes corrin less passive, and the addition of him desiring vengeance for mikoto adds a little more to his sense of justice and emphasis on family.
    thinking back to when i first played this chapter back when fates came out, this moment of falling into a landscape full of intrigue and mystery felt super cool.....and then it's typically followed up by contrivance after contrivance in the post-battle dialogue. the changes here are very welcome in altering corrin's motivations, though still shaky at best.

  • @DelanHaar6
    @DelanHaar6 Рік тому +23

    I have my snacks, I have my mood lighting.

  • @brunaolinto560
    @brunaolinto560 Рік тому +7

    This map isn’t a very interesting one, but leave it to Zoran to make it super engaging with not just glorious Azura and Gunter actions but with deep knowledge of the meta in Conquest.
    I absolutely adore the mention of “there’s no such thing as a low investment unit in lategame Conquest” because it’s a truth that no one wants to admit when it comes to Xander. Yeah, he has great physical bulk and incredible 1-2 personal weapon, but Xander requires investment to be a great juggernaut:
    1- A Heart Seal for chapters 19-21 (which other characters could use) and a Heart/Friendship/Partner Seal so he gets back into a Sword class for chapter 22
    2- A lot of resources for Speed benchmarks (Tonics, dedicated Speed Pair Up, at least two Speedwings, etc.)
    3- A non-mounted sword class via Friendship/Partner Seal for chapter 26
    4- Careful planning/playing to avoid Sorcerers (or giving him EVEN MORE resources so his Resistance doesn’t suck ass)
    Other characters require *more* investment, sure, but the idea that Xander requires no investment was always wild to me.
    A second Ninja with a Heart Seal? The only characters I can think of that have Ninja as a Heart Seal option are Laslow, Soleil and Shura. In your NInja Cave the Easy Way video, you mentioned how Shura at base has what it takes to dominate Chapter 17 and in your Chapter 12 Train Everyone video mentioned how Laslow would prefer a Rallybot set with Bow Knight -> Berserker -> Sky Knight set, so I can only think of Soleil after getting Sol. That would make sense, since your Sol Ninja Silas/Double Life and Death videos that a Soleil with good skills from her parents is a Sol Ninja comparable to Silas (and with a more convenient personal skill), but I could be missing something (Ninja Shura gaming would be really fun to watch ngl).
    One thing that always picked my interest about Corrin’s Friendship classes is that some classea are just not balanced at all. Male Corrin can only fly with Percy and/or Shigure Friendship while Female Corrin gets Camilla, Beruka and Azura for flight. On the other hand, Male Corrin can get Cavalier from Silas, Gunter and Xander, while Female Corrin only gets Peri and Sophie. Dark Mage’s options are more convenient for Male Corrin (Odin and Leo) than they are for Female Corrin (Nyx and Ophelia). Only Male Corrin can get Ninja and Monk (Kaze & Izana). Female Corrin can get Troubador from Elise, but Male Corrin has to wait for Jakob 2. Only Female Corrin can get Archer (Mozu). Male Corrin get Outlaw from a Corrinsexual with nice bases, while Female Corrin needs a Gen II unit. Male Corrin has Arthur, while Female Corrin needs to wait for Charlotte. It’s wild how much the gender selection impacts the Friendship selection.
    I completely agree with you. Concubine Wars was Camilla’s/Leo’s/Elise’s (but mostly Camilla) trauma to share and not letting them means robbing them of their agency when it comes to sharing this horrifically traumatic event.
    Corrin wanting to save Garon is such a better, more tragic take, and it creates a *brilliant* parallel to Xander. Xander wants so desperately to believe that his father is still there until after he sees Slime Garon and, once he sees the monster that once was his strict-but-loving father, he *takes the first step to protect his family*. The idea that Corrin will undergo a similar arc in this script version is great and I can’t wait to see it.
    A creature from another world? Is it an upbeat, friendly, righteous creature? Maybe one that’s quite lucky? 👀

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill Рік тому +2

      I think it's pretty commonly regarded that Xander needs a moderate amount of investment specifically with his Speed. He's not a Deploy To Win unit, and with his late join time, some tier lists don't even rank him as S tier.
      Half of the things you listed he doesn't actually 'need': Siegfried with Attack Stance works just fine on the kitsune map. They'll have effective damage on him, but his defense is high enough that he can still survive a few blows. Paladin's high movement is still enough to help with non-fly-skip 20-1, though of course it's not optimal when compared to flight.
      I do think Falconknight Selena as his wife solves pretty much all of his issues: a speed/resistance/move pairup who gives him very desirable reclass options and even turns Siegbert into a standout unit thanks to Darting Blow.

  • @courtneys.7113
    @courtneys.7113 Рік тому +15

    Zoran: What do you normally do when I'm gone?
    Us: Wait for you to get back

  • @DelanHaar6
    @DelanHaar6 Рік тому +33

    Hah, primes. Because they're derivatives. I like it.

  • @solalala8602
    @solalala8602 Рік тому +9

    i think the coolest part of these videos is how much work you clearly put into the post commentary flowing with the gameplay. its not coincidence that you are able to concisely make your points about what's going on in the gameplay, combined with the volatile and random nature of something wrong happening in your strategy. I would love to hear more about your video making process!

  • @jnynv5430
    @jnynv5430 Рік тому +7

    babe wake up zoran uploaded

  • @mr.krustykrust
    @mr.krustykrust Рік тому +30

    Yoo Azura returns. Anyways I’ve always found this map as my excuse for not overly training Corrin. It’s around here I normally heart seal him into his reclass and grind weapon ranks on my way to 20. Not a fan of Gunter so he’s normally just a backpack and then Azura does Azura things and I can normally get Corrin caught up and then some. Plus the dragon vein mechanic is really fun on the map. The enemies being more dangerous but also having rewards is a good trade off

  • @alex54152
    @alex54152 Рік тому +20

    Does anyone else feel like the second servant should appear in valla in the closing cutscene. So that it makes some sense that they join the team at this time, instead of they figured out how to travel space-time on their own and then not elaborating on it! Like they just fell into the "Bottomless Canyon" just then while looking for Corrin and they were found laying unconscious where Gunter fell and now they join the team.

  • @mediocreatbest9176
    @mediocreatbest9176 Рік тому +5

    Considering the exp constraints of this challenge, I’m eager to see what you decide to do with Xander. Your discussion makes me wonder if he’s the recipient of that fifth heart seal….

  • @veravera6571
    @veravera6571 Рік тому +7


  • @verdethestarwarrior1088
    @verdethestarwarrior1088 Рік тому +4

    Babe, wake up, Zoran uploaded a new video

  • @addambarcelos
    @addambarcelos Рік тому +4

    Promoted corrin, let's go! Also, interesting changes on the conversations that add a little more sense to the madness that is fates' story

  • @whaijin7389
    @whaijin7389 Рік тому +19

    If you finish the series can you compile all your unit reviews into one video?

  • @haveagoodday7021
    @haveagoodday7021 Рік тому +7

    Finally my fix. I was going through withdrawals waiting for this lol

  • @EchoesAct4
    @EchoesAct4 Рік тому +12

    I like how the game decided to shit on Leo and give him Troubadour, when all the other royals have Wyvern access. That would have been an interesting class and would be a good Wyvern access option for M!Corrin, given the fast support and all.
    So Percy is M!Corrin's Wyvern access, right? I figure both Nina and Ophelia's paralogues, and possibly more, will be available by Chapter 19, giving enough time to build that support.

  • @shuichichirocks33
    @shuichichirocks33 Рік тому +4

    YOOO I had such a good day today and as I getting ready for bed I really had the thought "man the only thing that would make today even better would be a Zoran upload" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @briandietz9524
    @briandietz9524 Рік тому +6

    Your series has inspired me to try "use everyone runs" as well. I have one going on Three Houses Maddening and also have started Fates gonna do all three routes starting with birthright.
    I'm gonna have to figure out SOME sort of grinding for revelation with just how many characters there are and may allow some limited DLC for Conquest because I can not optimize at nearly the level you can.
    But this is some great content and I look forward to every episode.

    • @hollylucianta6711
      @hollylucianta6711 Рік тому +1

      How's your Three Houses run going? Are you using all the students or just the ones from your chosen House? Been thinking about starting one myself

    • @briandietz9524
      @briandietz9524 Рік тому +2

      @@hollylucianta6711 I started new game+ so that I could recruit everyone quickly and use none of the other features of it (except the statues which I'm forced to use), so no skill leveling, no free A+ professor rank, I only used the Support Ranks to make it easier to recruit.
      I did it the first time where I recruited everyone right out the gate (did Blue Lions) and got walled at first chapter post time-skip because Annette and Mercedes just got caught and couldn't get out of their corner.
      I'm on a second attempt now where I'm only recruiting 3 people per chapter and haven't gotten back to time skip.
      I just deploy my lowest level units to each battle.

  • @vishuprathikanti9352
    @vishuprathikanti9352 Рік тому +2

    I'll be honest, I haven't been paying a ton of attention to the story rewrites but I'm glad I paid attention this time. I like the change a lot!

  • @toniconge7003
    @toniconge7003 Рік тому +2

    Woah all the in depth future plans! So cool :O
    Lotta good extra details on the rewrites. I swear that bit about "Corrin and Azura can go through water but others can't" isn't in the original game and does help a lot of the shenanigans. Making the plot about trying to save your dad is also a really good change!

    • @Kyronex0
      @Kyronex0 Рік тому

      I'm playing through vanilla CQ right now, the bit about only Corrin and Azura being able to go through water is indeed in the original. Though otherwise, this chapter seems to have the biggest edits from the mod compared to vanilla

  • @goldbananas608
    @goldbananas608 Рік тому +8

    when I marry Azura to Arthur, I like to use this map to get her HP+5 and some hp growths. I usually have a heart seal to spare at this point to get her back into dancer.

  • @ScubaLuigi
    @ScubaLuigi Рік тому +2

    After seeing Corrin's 20th level, I probably would have just reset the map and promoted at 19 instead, get the internal level benefit you talked about.

    • @jonathanlgill
      @jonathanlgill Рік тому +2

      Ha, it was pretty bad, but I think those rolls would have carried over to when he reaches 19/2 if the Heart Seal was used earlier. Not 100% sure on that though. Level 19 probably is the best time to promote on the map all and all.

  • @jaycegmiller
    @jaycegmiller Рік тому +1

    I've only recently found these videos, but wow this has been great to watch while in work. Thank you for the smooth and interesting playthrough.

  • @valemontgomery9401
    @valemontgomery9401 Рік тому +11

    Hypothetical question: if you included Anna in this run, when would be the optimal time to recruit her? Her Xenologue can be pretty challenging or even practically impossible in early game, but she might join too late to properly reach the level 25 benchmark and would also compete with a bunch of characters. I ask because I've wanted to use her in my more unoptimized runs and was hoping you'd be knowledgeable enough to get a good reading on her that doesn't require me to baby her or bust my ass trying to beat the bandit bros.

    • @pilby457
      @pilby457 Рік тому +1

      I like to recruit her around before chapter 10, but that's only because she's my favourite fire emblem of all time and at level 10 she's on par with everyone else. Giving her the Shining Bow is what I think she's best at, and she comes with a C bow rank, so if you wait til chapter 13 she can use it right away. I go for earlier because I find those berserkers less manageable as they get stronger.

  • @uta_kun1538
    @uta_kun1538 Рік тому +1

    This series is so good i really just wanna binge watch it! Cant wait for the next episode!

  • @justanotherweirdo11
    @justanotherweirdo11 Рік тому +5

    :D les go. More quality Zoran content

  • @graemetang4173
    @graemetang4173 Рік тому +1

    Oooh yes, love the addition of the chaptered video format!!

  • @pilby457
    @pilby457 Рік тому +4

    37:11 We could totally have a mod where it jumps straight to Rev chapter 16 or 17 from here. Im sure there wouldn't be any problems with that

    • @valemontgomery9401
      @valemontgomery9401 Рік тому +5

      Other than the conundrum of asking 20 people to randomly jump off a cliff without doing all the hurdles Rev Corrin had to do

    • @jamesthecringemaster439
      @jamesthecringemaster439 Рік тому +1

      Yea, It still wouldn't be bad. Besides, we get to worry about Scarlett's death for the second time.

  • @ralvo9819
    @ralvo9819 Рік тому +5

    very intriguing that no paralogues have been done yet

  • @proudherouser4069
    @proudherouser4069 Рік тому +2

    really looking forward to the next episode!

  • @absoluteatrocity4019
    @absoluteatrocity4019 Рік тому +2

    Was just rewatching the chapter 8 video today

  • @Magicdfox
    @Magicdfox Рік тому +1

    a pleasant surprise to occupy a sunday morning. thank you!

  • @Strawb_milk5
    @Strawb_milk5 Рік тому +5

    Ah the buy the dlc chapter an interesting one for sure

  • @altonlipford1077
    @altonlipford1077 Рік тому +4


  • @BR-yj6ho
    @BR-yj6ho Рік тому +2

    This sparks joy

  • @michaelondich8333
    @michaelondich8333 Рік тому +2

    im here instantly to view the master at work

  • @RealityMasterRogue
    @RealityMasterRogue 10 місяців тому

    This stage actually almost ended my first run. I didn't train corrin at all, using them entirely as a backpack for effie. Thanks to My Castle, i was able to grind out support ranks and do a paralogue to train corrin with a staff unit on standby.

  • @ChaosRagnell
    @ChaosRagnell Рік тому +2

    Can't wait to see Gunter more in action!

  • @quinnlee-miller9792
    @quinnlee-miller9792 Рік тому +1

    Let’s goooooo best chapter in Conquest imo
    It’s always satisfying to run through it with Corrin and promote them

  • @kamijazz65
    @kamijazz65 Рік тому +2

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ive been waiting for this Thank u zoran :D

  • @miahmagick
    @miahmagick Рік тому +3

    I love this series.

  • @nev2221
    @nev2221 Рік тому +1

    The chillest fe playthrough on yt.

  • @gangstersamurott2511
    @gangstersamurott2511 Рік тому +2

    Seems SA forums is working again without me having to pay for it, I also see that it hasn't been updated since ch13

  • @MudFan
    @MudFan Рік тому +2

    Past Below (Flow) sounds like something out of Three Houses.

  • @lonelycomet9814
    @lonelycomet9814 Рік тому +1

    in my most recent conquest playthrough, i gave corrin a magic meal, a magic tonic, and one of my spirit dusts, and that brought him to the threshold where he could one shot literally anything on the map (except for the boss) with the dragonstone, even in the replica form where he lacked gunter's forceful partner bonus. was it optimal for experience and weapon rank gains? no. but it was very funny, and that's what matters
    anyway, i'm very interested to see how you'll balance money with experience in percy's paralogue, since both of those things are sorely needed in this campaign.

  • @ballistic2527
    @ballistic2527 11 місяців тому

    It's been a while since i've played fates. The ost in this map is so fucking good. So nostalgic

  • @FBIAgentRC-
    @FBIAgentRC- Рік тому +2

    I Know nothing about this rewrite so im always excited to see the stroy that comes with each new episode
    Also if they cant speak of V*lla could they not just write it down on a piece of paper or something?

    • @alicecrawford1033
      @alicecrawford1033 Рік тому +1

      Presumably they can't *communicate* about V*lla. (That's my generous interpretation anyways)

  • @GerrytheHeeHo
    @GerrytheHeeHo Рік тому +4

    zoran!! buddy!! pal!! listen, im just wondering if you can teach us how you got so many mods running on citra, ive been trying to find tutorials and found nothing. you are our only hope.

    • @gilsilva7974
      @gilsilva7974 Рік тому +5

      When you ask how, do you mean it as 'how do I setup mods?" or "how do I setup that many mods"?
      I assume it's the latter, since tutorials on applying one mod in Citra are a dime a dozen in "gamebanana" and "UA-cam". But since some of Zoran's mods affect the same game files, there's an extra step you need to do: 'merge' those mods using the fire emblem editor "Paragon". There are tutorial on how to use it, too.
      Still, there's a point where it's particularly tricky to have things go your away (at least there was for me, though I can't remember when or what), so you'll need some ingenuity then.
      And finally, you'll need a mid-high end PC to run all the HD visual mods. Setting them up is easy, but you'll need a strong machine that can handle all those assets being processed and replaced.
      But of course, it'd obviously be easier if the mod creator made a video tutorial showing all this, if he had time. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

  • @yes1667
    @yes1667 Рік тому +2

    Percy paralouge next?!?!?

  • @kirbymastah
    @kirbymastah Рік тому +1

    34:44 - (tink) "sloppy"

  • @ancillarity
    @ancillarity Рік тому +3

    I see even the "easiest chapter" video took 50 minutes.

  • @jeffreycollins237
    @jeffreycollins237 Рік тому +2

    I am interested to know how your strategy would have changed if you had promoted Corrin to mage. Less tanking for sure.

    • @Zoran501
      @Zoran501  Рік тому +3

      I think it would've been pretty similar, probably with like 1 more Vulnerary use. The goal would've been to get 20 WEXP as soon as possible to start using Nosferatu instead.

    • @jeffreycollins237
      @jeffreycollins237 Рік тому +2

      @@Zoran501 of course! How could I have forgotten Nosferatu? Totally makes sense with the free healing on player phase and enemy phase. No Silas means vow of friendship isn't needed, so Corrin is free to recover health often.

  • @jonathanlgill
    @jonathanlgill Рік тому +1

    Guesses for the 'clear candidate' of the final heartseal? I'm tentatively thinking Shura.

  • @yes1667
    @yes1667 Рік тому +2


  • @riceboy3528
    @riceboy3528 Рік тому +2

    why do i feel like the title sounds familiar?

  • @ungulatemanalpha
    @ungulatemanalpha Рік тому +2

    he'll yeah

  • @robink389
    @robink389 Рік тому +2

    I love that this run is (sort of) canonically transgender. (female Corrin in prologue, who changes to male Corrin in main game) I know it's just for strategic purposes, but it's something that really stands out to me.

  • @Greideren
    @Greideren Рік тому +1


  • @TheMasterBlaze
    @TheMasterBlaze 6 місяців тому +1

    I'm a Fates apologist in general, but out of anything this change right here should have been in game to begin with because from Azura's MacGuffin to Corrin just going full on War mode is some of the worst story beats I've ever read. Here at least it makes him looked flawed instead looking careless, lacking complete empathy and absurdly stupid.

  • @sonicjammer8176
    @sonicjammer8176 Рік тому

    Just a heads up that the progression table linked in the description goes to the table for chapter 14 and not for chapter 15. Will this be patched? Love this series by the way

  • @GIR177
    @GIR177 Рік тому

    The obligatory "train your lord" map, but the replicas make things interesting. I also like reclassing Gunter here and getting him some kills so he can get the Wyvern skills right away, namely Rally Defense.
    I don't get why the replica Azura can't dance though - I understand it just follows the same rules as the Replicate skill, but it's still lazy programming since she can't reach the real Azura anyway.

    • @Zoran501
      @Zoran501  Рік тому +3

      I think you can still use Rescue, so you could do an infinite refresh chain if the replica could sing

  • @ashenwolf3846
    @ashenwolf3846 Рік тому

    When is part 18 coming out?

    • @Zoran501
      @Zoran501  Рік тому +5

      I'm hoping for this week! *fingers crossed*

    • @ashenwolf3846
      @ashenwolf3846 Рік тому

      @@Zoran501 awesome.