Film: Ignorance, Part 4
- Опубліковано 15 гру 2024
- In Part 4 of Ignorance, Noor Mahmad tries to get a job, but no one has a job for him. He's worried about going home with no money and no job, but a friend has some encouraging words. As Tor Jan and Jan Mahmad share stories about stealing chickens and stealing money, Jan Mahmad's father hears them, and beats his son, then Tor Jan, while Jan Mahmad escapes.
Language: Pashto
Dialect: Southwestern/Kandahari
Dost Mahmad - Father
Wife of Dost Mahmad
Noor Mahmad - ِYounger son who is looking for work
Jan Mahmad - Older son who abandons his friend Tor Jan
Tor Jan - friend of Jan Mahmad
Key Words and Phrases:
Pashto / Literal English / Functional English / Time Hack
ریس / Boss / 3:01
دفتر / Office / 3:07
کارکونکی / Worker / 3:08
راغلې یم / I have come / 3:16
کار / Work / 3:25
غوړم / I want /3:29
بل وطن ته نه ځم / I'm not going to another country / 4:35
پوهېږې poheyzhe / Do you understand? / 4:59
یاره جان / Jan my friend / 5:47
بریالی / Successful / 5:52
د پلارمې جېب نیولي / I took my father's pocket / 5:55
پرېږده / Allow, permit / Let him go. / 6:11
ته څوک یې / Who are you / 6:17
چېری ولاری / Where did you go? / 7:00
خبری مه کوه پوخېږې / Do not speak. Understand? / Don't say a word, got it? / 10:37
په زما سترګه مه ګوره / Don't look me in the eye / 10:49
څه دې وکړه / What did you do? / 11:20
تول مې ښار وغوښتې / I wanted the whole city / I asked all around whole city / 11:31
سبر وکړه / Be patient / 11:44
ته رښتیه وایې / You speak the truth / You're right / 12:03
غنم / Wheat / 13:01
څنګه خلک دې / How people are? / Wow! Some people. / 13:11
یواې / Alone / 14:28