Hey this is a very thorough breakdown, great job. Yet I think it is also important to remember the Doylist or out-of-universe explanation: If the Goa'uld empire was as powerful and competent as such a vast and ancient empire ruled by nigh-immortal warlords with countless centuries of experience in war and intrigue should be...then the snakes would have at the very least had energy shields over all their gates and the entire premise of the show collapses.
@alexanderbuchan533 agreed but then their wouldn't be a show hell the goa'uld could of sent a fleet to earth after raa death and just ended it but you know need a story so it is what it is
The Goa'uld Empire was like the Chinese dynasties just dialed up to 100 due to the Goa'uld nepotism and megalomania, constantly uniting and breaking apart as they conquered each other, when earth became a threat and started taking down system lords, they should have said let have a cease fire and brief cooperate to destroy this threat, but their very nature prevented this and ultimately it led to their doom
Nepotism eh? Never thought of it like that but yeah I guess you could say that, it's more a consequence of their genetic memory than anything but it works out the same way I suppose. Kinda makes you wonder how the Tok'ra were able to break free from that cycle. Surely the first generation were born evil and became good later on.
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Whoa, so I was partly right. Damn, sorry the creepy bug seems to really be tackling you bro, and I can barely imagine your hectic painful endurance throughout. Just was so thrilled to see you again, finally on Vid. Like almost forgot the damn toll that your body and possibly Mind also, have incurred for such an extenuated length. You really are tough Man. You do need to know that. Given all that you so openly and honestly shared, atop what we all nowadays know to be those horrors of such Symptomatic Cases, even when what used to be the minor occurrence of flu, now turns into the worst rollercoaster ride, which even as only the flu, being no longer as it were, could most certainly have proven a serious issue with an unfathomable outcome, GOD forbid any overly hectic scenarios, bit speaking alone to those general incidents that have left such awesome people around the World and lots whom I know and knew... In terrifying repercussive States which are undeniably scary to consider. Coz with my own first cuz, having assumed COVID about 4 years prior, Tested with some determination finding said little fluiness, that left him, with a condition whereupon we've been able to hear his Breathing over these years, having held onto him for just 2,3 or so weeks, seriously had doctors impose continual Antibiotic with Immuno Boosters and BronchioVascular Courses, causing the lungs to thin out post damages, thus, can never breathe without Horsey frkn. Liquified gurgle sounds, if that makes any sense. Sorry. Not trying to scare you, but quite in opposition, having waited upon your healthy and strong recovery, merely aiming to establish so you recognize bro, that you have truly been through something, and for toughing it out, to present your upbeat, intellectual, funny plus spirited demeanor, in clear declaration of your triumph, as a Subscriber who appreciates the Work you Endeavor for our Entertainment, especially in such Passion as we all share, to get you recognizing that you are absolutely a tough fighter Man. So whilst extremely glad you're back and giving it the Cook Outs that we cannot get enough of. Don't forget and do keep us updated on your situation, okay man?
Very awesome job, sir! I was about to start yelling about Jollinar of Mallksure, about how she raised an arm of Jaffa to fight the Goa’uld but as I recall, Teal’c said her forces were crushed. So it amounted to little. Great video!
@michaelkotcher5491 thanks buddy yh the tokra have on occasion tryed to openly fight the goa'uld but there number are to little so espionage and manipulating things from the shadows was there only play but they kept the goa'uld of balance so when the tauri join the stage the empire was mostly still fighting with each other leaving the tauri to pick one goa'uld of at a time, the tokra are for sure the one of the main reasons for the goa'uld fall
@ of course! And while the pace of the Tok’ra plan was too slow for O’Neill’s tastes, they managed to gather intel and some resources to keep the infighting amongst the various System Lords and under lords nice and warm so that no one Goa’uld could amass too much power. That said, I wonder what their plan against Sokar was? Or was the Netu plan what they were going to do? Obviously, they had no real answer for the return of Anubis, other than to die.
@michaelkotcher5491 yh the tokra planned a very long game I don't think they expected anyone to challenge the goa'uld openly like the tauri Did but they adapted and helped the tauri out on many occasions or should I say selmak did most of the help and with sokar I believe it was to destroy netu and sokar at the same time with apophis in was the mine field but apophis had cloaked ha'taks and anubis was basicly run run run and help when they could with the plan to destroy the super weapon the kull warrior weapon the tretonin and gather any Intel they could they did a lot behind the scenes hell they did almost wipe out all the system lords with symbiote poison but that plan would of given anubis everything so they didn't but if anubis wasent In the picture that plan would of been devastating to the goa'uld
@DieSuper-Influencer thanks buddy being ill for over a 100 days was not great but I'm better now with so many video ideas to share with you all I'm glad you enjoyed
I wonder if the beginning of the use of the sarcophagus coinsigns with there stagnation as while the goa'uld are power hungry by default(generally Egiria being one of the few exceptions) it was dialed up to 11 through the continuous use of the sarcophagus over countless centuries
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y I was more thinking was it a contributing factor as to why they become stagnant as they became more focused on petty bickering , fighting eachother & grandiose posturing. as goa'uld are highly intelligent but seem to not really think of new tactics or innovations like as you pointed out how the staff weapons aren't particularly practical
@thestanleys3657 ah I get you yh it most likely increased there arrogance amd superiority complex they basicly become to over confident and complacent in there technology and tactics that improvements where mostly like brushed of
I’ve wondered if the Unas’s violent nature with their instinctual sense of superiority imprinted on the early Goa’uld leading them along the way of megalomaniacal rulership. If the first Goa’uld took a human first or even a Nox, not an Unas, the Goa’uld could have been like the Tokkra. That the Goa’uld are really just blank slates that were raised by wolves… and thus became predators.
Okay Doc. So in terms of the Shows Canon. They did basically Start off, upon taking Unas Hosts, as being driven as per such a likened follow-on, driven to Parasitically Take Over and Rule
@DeezMatterz in the shows cannon the goa'uld took unas as the first hosts but it's still unclear if the goa'uld are naturally evil or became evil later on. the sarcophagus didint help there mental states anyway, but regardless of the beginnings they became evil and took over
Yoh bro, you have no idea how many time I've typed and retyped, basically entire Canon following, I'm order to present my best realized Show Continuity basis for the Goauld. So lemme just 1 last time, attempt a swiftest concise delivery so that I might finally get back to your Vid. Yes, that is exactly how long with how much I were gonna have typed. Anyways. The Goauld, as such 'Caretaker Species' that the Furling specifically orchestrated, as the Parasite Snakeoids that they originally emerged, would unfortunately be forced to take the Unas on as Unwilling Unwitting Hosts. No clarity on wether they were ever intended to further Evolve into a more suited and viable Organism, but since they were endowed with extremely High-Level Sentience and Cognitive Faculties, most likely felt no alternative aside of their First Using the Unas as their Hosts. I mean, can you imagine the Hellish Purgatory that must've constrained their every essence, being truly of a vastly superior Intellect plus Awareness than we Homosapiens ourselves, such as their inherent traits with characteristics indisputably guaranteed. All of that, trapped within the singular Lakes or whatever, with absolutely Zero mechanisms whereby their innate Exploratory, Inquisitive and obviously Artistic Natures, were irrevocably imprisoned. Dude, that is akin to One, given whatever premise allows for an individual to continuously traverse empty black void of Space, forced to snail along some zero-activity, no-interaction course, and as Humans, not even afforded some single toy or bits that could be fiddled with in exploration. Anyways, trust me... That Prefacing emotional sort of argument in favor of the Goauld, as it seems, was UTTERLY ESSENTIAL. You will see soon. So when the First Goauld managed a successful realization that resulted in their outwitting that initial Unas, to overcome their Central Nervous System, Post whatever inconceivable extent, to Realize that they were now able to achieve Mobility, Explorations, Sensations and the very Start of a Life's Course... It were not really a stretch, to contemplate the loss they had incurred and all that were never afforded prior. Okay, so basically, Unwilling to ever risk that forever... The Goauld would not take any chance of relinquishing control, whilst naturally coming to see that were they, to trick others of the Unas Tribe, getting them in proximity of their original homes/prisons, that they'd soon comprise some realistically viable numbers advantage, that secured their freedoms. So yes... From that beginnings, the Goauld were such scoundrels, since the Phsycopathy as above-mentioned, would invariably enforce Narcissist, Personality disorders with serious Control Issues, that given that arisal, from seemingly Nowhere, to where their figuring of the Stargates plus the eventual grasping of those Technologies and Tools which now made the entire Galaxy... Their Plaything, quite logically, derived the GOD Complex Issues. Now whilst having Answered to your question about them being so, right from the start, as Yes, definitely. Let us look at Ageria, did I recall her Name correct? Anyways, the Queen Mother, upon birthing her First-most TokRa, that having noted the capacity to share consciousness with beings, also possibly as responsive to their GENETIC MEMORIES, That particular Symbiote, would have determined that even whilst the original circumstances which finally freed and allowed them the opportunity of Sentient appropriate Lives... The sacrilege of what that distinct continuity, in blatant disregard for some other Organism that even if you first, far surpass, still nonetheless actually posseses Intelligence and Awareness such as yourself, thereby imprisoning them in an actually Worse Hell than You Ever were Forced through, given the forcible Viewership with zero ability to speak move nor indicate Anything, in Any Way, truly being the worst, that First TokRa, undertook whatever Methodology were necessary, in order to first achieve suffient enough numbers, as I did State were necessitated by such original scenario, managed to clearly accomplish the absolution of following, in that belief and regards for Freedoms plus Rights, to and for All, simultaneously conveying that to said Queen Mother, who even after abiding by that very disgusting cycle for long, as Ra and the others, nevertheless Chose to recognize and appreciate the TokRa Principles, of course even being safely taken away, so as to never be forced into the continuous Birth and Life Cycles of complete Monsters, thereafter seemingly able to solely Birth TokRa minded Offspring, must lead to that their Species never were inherently Evil or Good. But having natural affinities for both and/or either, did, in the Ultimate Eventuality Prove, that given those conditions, could and certainly would have only ever bore, considerate caring and empathic Kin, whom, yet though across the board seeming to boast some Natural 'Sense of Superiority', which the TokRa even display, but regardless, maintain as part of their individual Control and Space, without enforcing upon or infringing upon any other's. To me, this showed that they were perhaps correctly evolved, but just that the semantic drawbacks which I attribute to the Furling Failures in erroneous ability to properly plan, sadly did lead to what we were left with. As One cannot deny... Either because their Tumultuous Trauma were too much and so, broke them beyond repairs, which I would in fact highlight as maybe not .. were the Sarcophagi never integrated into the equation. Coz that Factor, definitely rendered every single 1 of them as beyond any saving grace. This probably shows that the Goauld were moreso a purer and better Species than Humanity, who've committed atrocities beyond measure, without cause nor reason, for the most part, and when gifted Enlightenment or Corrections... Still elect the Worst general following, as per our Species' bulk. Yet though for just such sliver comprising real goodness, empathy, humanity and right, we are still beautiful. Sorry so damn long but what do you think?
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Yet I have just finished my apologetically honestly lengthy expounding about that. Look how your simple clear Point here, whilst asking such question, clearly shows the brilliance behind your already having That Nail perfectly Hammered Home, Doc. You see why we Love this Channel. Man, True FANDOM. With you bro. As always. NICE
There's one other factor that I think you didn't consider. The complete stagnation of technology on the part of the Gua'old have never advanced their tech, never needed to advance it Meanwhile, the Tau'ri advanced from our present state to having a fleet of inter galactic For tens of thousands of years, no one in the galaxy was able to challenge them except the Asgard (the other three races of the big four ever bothered with them) so they didn't have to advance. When the Tau'ri fought them and started winning, over and over and over again, they STILL wouldn't advance or not advance fast enough to win against the Tau'ri with any consistency The Gua'old were pretty much destined to lose Ba'al was the only one who had a chance and still he loses again and again as well
This is wrong. All throughout the show the gou'ald constantly creating new technology and looking to acquire more. The main factors in the gou'alds downfall were Anubis and the Replicators. Humanity was an inch. And the tauri were out scavenging as much as the gou'ald.
@dragonweyr44 I agree with both you and the other comment yes the goa'uld did advance quickly but they still was obtaining new technology and improving what they had but I think it was there tactics, they never improved their tactics much over the conflict with the tauri which allowed the tauri to constantly out wit the goa'uld
@nihilityjoey I don't think so. Some of the Gua'old develop new ships, like Apophis and Anubis, but they're just bigger ships, not better Anubis' ship was only different in that he had the eye gems that could kill planets Yu's fleet Anubis, in my opinion, was the only one capable of developing new tech of any kind, whatsoever Ba'a' managed to clone himself, steal stargates, managed to turn the Avenger virus against itself and other things, Ic consider him the ONLY real threat to the SGC. Even more than Anubis Except for these two, no other Gua'old stood a chance Even Athena and Neru, who worked for him/them, were not real threats
@@dragonweyr44 Sokar created a brand new mothership with far deadlier weapons and shields. He also created cloaking technology for motherships. Apophis created a brand new ship type, with a brand new reactor. The gou'ald collectively created brand new weapons to fight the reettou. Nirti developed out of phase technology as well to fight the reettou. Ba'al was working on new gravity manipulation technology. Nirti was trying to create a hoktar. They created things such as the needle threader. The gou'ald were constantly creating and upgrading. That's what an empire that wants as much power and control as they can does. What did the tauri do that was any different? What did they create that wasn't reverse engineered from either gou'ald or ancient technology?
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Yoh. Thanks for understanding man. Actually hate Funerals, but was my Step dad's Sister in Law so was unavoidable. Actually gonna have to catch up again on your Vid. Btw, from where managed to start until, was an awesome coverage
Star Trek: The Prime Directive prevents us from interfering with these primitive cultures
Stargate: All of your gods are false. here, take these guns
Hey this is a very thorough breakdown, great job. Yet I think it is also important to remember the Doylist or out-of-universe explanation: If the Goa'uld empire was as powerful and competent as such a vast and ancient empire ruled by nigh-immortal warlords with countless centuries of experience in war and intrigue should be...then the snakes would have at the very least had energy shields over all their gates and the entire premise of the show collapses.
@alexanderbuchan533 agreed but then their wouldn't be a show hell the goa'uld could of sent a fleet to earth after raa death and just ended it but you know need a story so it is what it is
The Goa'uld Empire was like the Chinese dynasties just dialed up to 100 due to the Goa'uld nepotism and megalomania, constantly uniting and breaking apart as they conquered each other, when earth became a threat and started taking down system lords, they should have said let have a cease fire and brief cooperate to destroy this threat, but their very nature prevented this and ultimately it led to their doom
Nepotism eh? Never thought of it like that but yeah I guess you could say that, it's more a consequence of their genetic memory than anything but it works out the same way I suppose. Kinda makes you wonder how the Tok'ra were able to break free from that cycle. Surely the first generation were born evil and became good later on.
@sword4005 exactly but I believe the tokra had a major part in keeping them fighting amongst themselves but their nature didint help them at all
Wow.. looks like our Doc is truly Back. Awesome
@DeezMatterz still a bit coughing but managed the script OK
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Whoa, so I was partly right. Damn, sorry the creepy bug seems to really be tackling you bro, and I can barely imagine your hectic painful endurance throughout. Just was so thrilled to see you again, finally on Vid. Like almost forgot the damn toll that your body and possibly Mind also, have incurred for such an extenuated length. You really are tough Man. You do need to know that. Given all that you so openly and honestly shared, atop what we all nowadays know to be those horrors of such Symptomatic Cases, even when what used to be the minor occurrence of flu, now turns into the worst rollercoaster ride, which even as only the flu, being no longer as it were, could most certainly have proven a serious issue with an unfathomable outcome, GOD forbid any overly hectic scenarios, bit speaking alone to those general incidents that have left such awesome people around the World and lots whom I know and knew... In terrifying repercussive States which are undeniably scary to consider. Coz with my own first cuz, having assumed COVID about 4 years prior, Tested with some determination finding said little fluiness, that left him, with a condition whereupon we've been able to hear his Breathing over these years, having held onto him for just 2,3 or so weeks, seriously had doctors impose continual Antibiotic with Immuno Boosters and BronchioVascular Courses, causing the lungs to thin out post damages, thus, can never breathe without Horsey frkn. Liquified gurgle sounds, if that makes any sense. Sorry. Not trying to scare you, but quite in opposition, having waited upon your healthy and strong recovery, merely aiming to establish so you recognize bro, that you have truly been through something, and for toughing it out, to present your upbeat, intellectual, funny plus spirited demeanor, in clear declaration of your triumph, as a Subscriber who appreciates the Work you Endeavor for our Entertainment, especially in such Passion as we all share, to get you recognizing that you are absolutely a tough fighter Man. So whilst extremely glad you're back and giving it the Cook Outs that we cannot get enough of. Don't forget and do keep us updated on your situation, okay man?
Chill to have in the background
Very awesome job, sir! I was about to start yelling about Jollinar of Mallksure, about how she raised an arm of Jaffa to fight the Goa’uld but as I recall, Teal’c said her forces were crushed. So it amounted to little. Great video!
@michaelkotcher5491 thanks buddy yh the tokra have on occasion tryed to openly fight the goa'uld but there number are to little so espionage and manipulating things from the shadows was there only play but they kept the goa'uld of balance so when the tauri join the stage the empire was mostly still fighting with each other leaving the tauri to pick one goa'uld of at a time, the tokra are for sure the one of the main reasons for the goa'uld fall
@ of course! And while the pace of the Tok’ra plan was too slow for O’Neill’s tastes, they managed to gather intel and some resources to keep the infighting amongst the various System Lords and under lords nice and warm so that no one Goa’uld could amass too much power. That said, I wonder what their plan against Sokar was? Or was the Netu plan what they were going to do? Obviously, they had no real answer for the return of Anubis, other than to die.
@michaelkotcher5491 yh the tokra planned a very long game I don't think they expected anyone to challenge the goa'uld openly like the tauri Did but they adapted and helped the tauri out on many occasions or should I say selmak did most of the help and with sokar I believe it was to destroy netu and sokar at the same time with apophis in was the mine field but apophis had cloaked ha'taks and anubis was basicly run run run and help when they could with the plan to destroy the super weapon the kull warrior weapon the tretonin and gather any Intel they could they did a lot behind the scenes hell they did almost wipe out all the system lords with symbiote poison but that plan would of given anubis everything so they didn't but if anubis wasent In the picture that plan would of been devastating to the goa'uld
Very cool video, good to see you back.
@DieSuper-Influencer thanks buddy being ill for over a 100 days was not great but I'm better now with so many video ideas to share with you all I'm glad you enjoyed
@ can t wait for the next one.
very thorough video!
I wonder if the beginning of the use of the sarcophagus coinsigns with there stagnation as while the goa'uld are power hungry by default(generally Egiria being one of the few exceptions) it was dialed up to 11 through the continuous use of the sarcophagus over countless centuries
@thestanleys3657 most likely the sarcophagus didn't help there power hungry nature
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y I was more thinking was it a contributing factor as to why they become stagnant as they became more focused on petty bickering , fighting eachother & grandiose posturing. as goa'uld are highly intelligent but seem to not really think of new tactics or innovations like as you pointed out how the staff weapons aren't particularly practical
@thestanleys3657 ah I get you yh it most likely increased there arrogance amd superiority complex they basicly become to over confident and complacent in there technology and tactics that improvements where mostly like brushed of
lol the most posh/ snobbish aliens in all sci-fi franchises 😂
@@alexiachimciuc3199 and always looking at you with the look of superiority haha
Anyone ever notice we never saw the ha tak cloack ever again?
It only took 8 seasons and then still they were a threat yay
In short, don't mess with earth.
I’ve wondered if the Unas’s violent nature with their instinctual sense of superiority imprinted on the early Goa’uld leading them along the way of megalomaniacal rulership. If the first Goa’uld took a human first or even a Nox, not an Unas, the Goa’uld could have been like the Tokkra. That the Goa’uld are really just blank slates that were raised by wolves… and thus became predators.
The goa'uld were gods! Anyone who betrayed them are Sholva!
Okay Doc. So in terms of the Shows Canon. They did basically Start off, upon taking Unas Hosts, as being driven as per such a likened follow-on, driven to Parasitically Take Over and Rule
@DeezMatterz in the shows cannon the goa'uld took unas as the first hosts but it's still unclear if the goa'uld are naturally evil or became evil later on. the sarcophagus didint help there mental states anyway, but regardless of the beginnings they became evil and took over
Yoh bro, you have no idea how many time I've typed and retyped, basically entire Canon following, I'm order to present my best realized Show Continuity basis for the Goauld. So lemme just 1 last time, attempt a swiftest concise delivery so that I might finally get back to your Vid. Yes, that is exactly how long with how much I were gonna have typed. Anyways. The Goauld, as such 'Caretaker Species' that the Furling specifically orchestrated, as the Parasite Snakeoids that they originally emerged, would unfortunately be forced to take the Unas on as Unwilling Unwitting Hosts. No clarity on wether they were ever intended to further Evolve into a more suited and viable Organism, but since they were endowed with extremely High-Level Sentience and Cognitive Faculties, most likely felt no alternative aside of their First Using the Unas as their Hosts. I mean, can you imagine the Hellish Purgatory that must've constrained their every essence, being truly of a vastly superior Intellect plus Awareness than we Homosapiens ourselves, such as their inherent traits with characteristics indisputably guaranteed. All of that, trapped within the singular Lakes or whatever, with absolutely Zero mechanisms whereby their innate Exploratory, Inquisitive and obviously Artistic Natures, were irrevocably imprisoned. Dude, that is akin to One, given whatever premise allows for an individual to continuously traverse empty black void of Space, forced to snail along some zero-activity, no-interaction course, and as Humans, not even afforded some single toy or bits that could be fiddled with in exploration. Anyways, trust me... That Prefacing emotional sort of argument in favor of the Goauld, as it seems, was UTTERLY ESSENTIAL. You will see soon.
So when the First Goauld managed a successful realization that resulted in their outwitting that initial Unas, to overcome their Central Nervous System, Post whatever inconceivable extent, to Realize that they were now able to achieve Mobility, Explorations, Sensations and the very Start of a Life's Course... It were not really a stretch, to contemplate the loss they had incurred and all that were never afforded prior. Okay, so basically, Unwilling to ever risk that forever... The Goauld would not take any chance of relinquishing control, whilst naturally coming to see that were they, to trick others of the Unas Tribe, getting them in proximity of their original homes/prisons, that they'd soon comprise some realistically viable numbers advantage, that secured their freedoms. So yes... From that beginnings, the Goauld were such scoundrels, since the Phsycopathy as above-mentioned, would invariably enforce Narcissist, Personality disorders with serious Control Issues, that given that arisal, from seemingly Nowhere, to where their figuring of the Stargates plus the eventual grasping of those Technologies and Tools which now made the entire Galaxy... Their Plaything, quite logically, derived the GOD Complex Issues. Now whilst having Answered to your question about them being so, right from the start, as Yes, definitely. Let us look at Ageria, did I recall her Name correct? Anyways, the Queen Mother, upon birthing her First-most TokRa, that having noted the capacity to share consciousness with beings, also possibly as responsive to their GENETIC MEMORIES, That particular Symbiote, would have determined that even whilst the original circumstances which finally freed and allowed them the opportunity of Sentient appropriate Lives... The sacrilege of what that distinct continuity, in blatant disregard for some other Organism that even if you first, far surpass, still nonetheless actually posseses Intelligence and Awareness such as yourself, thereby imprisoning them in an actually Worse Hell than You Ever were Forced through, given the forcible Viewership with zero ability to speak move nor indicate Anything, in Any Way, truly being the worst, that First TokRa, undertook whatever Methodology were necessary, in order to first achieve suffient enough numbers, as I did State were necessitated by such original scenario, managed to clearly accomplish the absolution of following, in that belief and regards for Freedoms plus Rights, to and for All, simultaneously conveying that to said Queen Mother, who even after abiding by that very disgusting cycle for long, as Ra and the others, nevertheless Chose to recognize and appreciate the TokRa Principles, of course even being safely taken away, so as to never be forced into the continuous Birth and Life Cycles of complete Monsters, thereafter seemingly able to solely Birth TokRa minded Offspring, must lead to that their Species never were inherently Evil or Good. But having natural affinities for both and/or either, did, in the Ultimate Eventuality Prove, that given those conditions, could and certainly would have only ever bore, considerate caring and empathic Kin, whom, yet though across the board seeming to boast some Natural 'Sense of Superiority', which the TokRa even display, but regardless, maintain as part of their individual Control and Space, without enforcing upon or infringing upon any other's. To me, this showed that they were perhaps correctly evolved, but just that the semantic drawbacks which I attribute to the Furling Failures in erroneous ability to properly plan, sadly did lead to what we were left with. As One cannot deny... Either because their Tumultuous Trauma were too much and so, broke them beyond repairs, which I would in fact highlight as maybe not .. were the Sarcophagi never integrated into the equation. Coz that Factor, definitely rendered every single 1 of them as beyond any saving grace. This probably shows that the Goauld were moreso a purer and better Species than Humanity, who've committed atrocities beyond measure, without cause nor reason, for the most part, and when gifted Enlightenment or Corrections... Still elect the Worst general following, as per our Species' bulk. Yet though for just such sliver comprising real goodness, empathy, humanity and right, we are still beautiful. Sorry so damn long but what do you think?
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Yet I have just finished my apologetically honestly lengthy expounding about that. Look how your simple clear Point here, whilst asking such question, clearly shows the brilliance behind your already having That Nail perfectly Hammered Home, Doc. You see why we Love this Channel. Man, True FANDOM. With you bro. As always. NICE
There's one other factor that I think you didn't consider. The complete stagnation of technology on the part of the Gua'old have never advanced their tech, never needed to advance it
Meanwhile, the Tau'ri advanced from our present state to having a fleet of inter galactic
For tens of thousands of years, no one in the galaxy was able to challenge them except the Asgard (the other three races of the big four ever bothered with them) so they didn't have to advance.
When the Tau'ri fought them and started winning, over and over and over again, they STILL wouldn't advance or not advance fast enough to win against the Tau'ri with any consistency
The Gua'old were pretty much destined to lose
Ba'al was the only one who had a chance and still he loses again and again as well
This is wrong. All throughout the show the gou'ald constantly creating new technology and looking to acquire more. The main factors in the gou'alds downfall were Anubis and the Replicators. Humanity was an inch. And the tauri were out scavenging as much as the gou'ald.
@dragonweyr44 I agree with both you and the other comment yes the goa'uld did advance quickly but they still was obtaining new technology and improving what they had but I think it was there tactics, they never improved their tactics much over the conflict with the tauri which allowed the tauri to constantly out wit the goa'uld
@nihilityjoey I don't think so. Some of the Gua'old develop new ships, like Apophis and Anubis, but they're just bigger ships, not better
Anubis' ship was only different in that he had the eye gems that could kill planets Yu's fleet
Anubis, in my opinion, was the only one capable of developing new tech of any kind, whatsoever
Ba'a' managed to clone himself, steal stargates, managed to turn the Avenger virus against itself and other things, Ic consider him the ONLY real threat to the SGC. Even more than Anubis
Except for these two, no other Gua'old stood a chance
Even Athena and Neru, who worked for him/them, were not real threats
@@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Read my response to the other commenter
@@dragonweyr44 Sokar created a brand new mothership with far deadlier weapons and shields. He also created cloaking technology for motherships. Apophis created a brand new ship type, with a brand new reactor. The gou'ald collectively created brand new weapons to fight the reettou. Nirti developed out of phase technology as well to fight the reettou. Ba'al was working on new gravity manipulation technology. Nirti was trying to create a hoktar. They created things such as the needle threader. The gou'ald were constantly creating and upgrading. That's what an empire that wants as much power and control as they can does.
What did the tauri do that was any different? What did they create that wasn't reverse engineered from either gou'ald or ancient technology?
Replicators and Ori, pretty much destroyed the empire.
Anyone else seeing the symbol of the Cybran Nation on that map? Down on the grey?
Hi Fam sorry if I am late
@DeezMatterz no worrys buddy
Was at a Funeral
@DeezMatterz no problem that's important buddy
@SCI-FI-NERD-DRMCK4Y Yoh. Thanks for understanding man. Actually hate Funerals, but was my Step dad's Sister in Law so was unavoidable. Actually gonna have to catch up again on your Vid. Btw, from where managed to start until, was an awesome coverage
I would dont call it down fail
Looking at timline and % that fail take
It more like nuck