Biggest Changes Since Wipe - Armor Update EXPLAINED - Escape From Tarkov

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @green_2159
    @green_2159 6 місяців тому +105

    The .50 cal heavy machine gun round being stopped by a bicep tells me I need to get to the gym more.

  • @АндрейМочалов-щ9р
    @АндрейМочалов-щ9р 6 місяців тому +63

    Back in the day they implemented arms penetration specifically to fix the issue with chiken wing meta. But i do remember that penetration was supposed to only happen when the arm was blacked out. I dont know when or why it stopped being the case later. But i feel like it should be a solution to the bouth problems.
    As i see it - there should be 2 thresholds of ammo pen value that dictates if the bullet is able to pen the arm hitbox:
    1. around 35 pen (as it was previously) - bullet will penetrate arms ONLY when it hits already blacked hitbox. This will practically elliminate the problem of arms tanking too much damage, while also leaving them able to tank 1 or 2 hits, preventing random thorax oneshots through shoulder.
    2. 60+ pen - bullet will be able to penetrate arm hitbox on the first hit. There are not that many ammunition with over 60 pen, all of it are quite rare and i feel like this change would give it special purpose in game.
    Ofc exac pen values are a subject to balance and i sugest it only as example. If you think that this concept is better then what we have now, it would be cool if you could share it with BSG team, because they pretty much unavailable to general public and only listen to small ammount of people around tarkov media scene.

    • @omaewanani3887
      @omaewanani3887 6 місяців тому +4

      they are constantly reverting same changes and bugs over and over again, i wonder, maybe it's lack of documentation in dev process or general irresponsibility or smth like that

    • @Schimml0rd
      @Schimml0rd 6 місяців тому

      ​@@omaewanani3887 it's a skill issue; i think they simply don't know how to code very well and by now their entire project is (dysfunctional) spaghetti

    • @floben3041
      @floben3041 6 місяців тому

      ​@@omaewanani3887maybe because it's still a beta and we are testing a new armor system?

  • @Opachki69420
    @Opachki69420 6 місяців тому +95

    I really hope they don't keep the arm like this, thats pretty busted that you can stop a .338 with your shoulder and just live

    • @TheVoidxi
      @TheVoidxi 6 місяців тому +27

      This is bsg babysitting streamers that are mad about getting one tapped in the armpit claiming armor is useless and such......

    • @AdmiralTypeZero
      @AdmiralTypeZero 6 місяців тому +16

      @@TheVoidxi I only got armpitted once or twice whole wipe never understood the fuss coming from streamers.

    • @Nomadic12347
      @Nomadic12347 6 місяців тому +2

      higher end armor was useless. if the area of protection was so small before.. what was the use of other ammos other than rip rounds

    • @erickmerryman109
      @erickmerryman109 6 місяців тому

      Dont let the kids who dont leave their PC or streamers hear you. They need to be able to tank all your rounds with the armors they grind out while you work or study LUL.

    • @Opachki69420
      @Opachki69420 6 місяців тому +5

      @@Nomadic12347 rip rounds never could pen your arm, you needed 20 or more pen. Now I can tank a 70 pen ARMor piercing round lol

  • @CaesartheX
    @CaesartheX 6 місяців тому +75

    No matter what they change or how they tweak thing, the tried and true method of taking rip ammo and spraying the legs remaisn undefeated

    • @incediumignis
      @incediumignis 6 місяців тому +7

      i enjoy running vector 9x19 with 50 rounders and pst ammo and laying in a bush next to customs dorms, its so funny seeing somebody get mag dumped and panic and somehow not die after that many bullets.

    • @awsomesprinkles
      @awsomesprinkles 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@@incediumignis eat rocks

    • @tyrincarnate3854
      @tyrincarnate3854 6 місяців тому +4

      Papasha my beloved

    • @mortythemort
      @mortythemort 6 місяців тому

      @@incediumignisThis is why Tarkov sucks nowadays. This dumbass rat meta

  • @NukeOverlord
    @NukeOverlord 6 місяців тому +6

    They've done it. Left hand peeks are finally better than right hand peeks :)

  • @TheVoidxi
    @TheVoidxi 6 місяців тому +11

    This makes a lot of shit yesterday understandable..... sometimes things felt unkillable and other times shit just fell over....

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      The damage numbers look fucky too... Like you'll have 10 hits but only about half the damage you should...
      Just more complex convoluted systems that make people not trust what they are seeing because they don't understand it.

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      ​@Airwingmarine did the blunt damage seem random to you as well? It feels really random.

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      ​@Airwingmarine did the blunt damage seem random to you as well? It feels really random.

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      ​@Airwingmarine did the blunt damage seem random to you as well? It feels really random.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  5 місяців тому

      ​@@poisonouslead85 No, they are very consistent based on ammo type, plate type, and armor levels.

  • @liamfreelund3096
    @liamfreelund3096 6 місяців тому +25

    I understand the argument for increased TTK, but this change disproportionately screws over the AXMC and Ash-12. Both guns are priced and balanced around having ammo that 1 shots to the thorax, but when a bicep stops .338 AP 25% of the time, it feels really shitty

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +13

      You won't find any disagreement with me on that. My limited support for this changed is based on the assumption it's a stop gap to get us to a better fix to the overall mechanics and not a perm change.

    • @FUNKER420
      @FUNKER420 6 місяців тому +9

      ​@@Airwingmarine And that's why this game is never gonna actually be fixed is because most of the big names like you airwing have that sentiment your completely ok with them updating the game making it worst and somehow that's still ok because its just temporary lol. What a joke just fix the problem. These devs fix issues like politicians fix problems

    • @ItBeLikeThatSometimes247
      @ItBeLikeThatSometimes247 6 місяців тому

      I feel the AXMC fix is easy due to its insane muzzle velocity. Make rounds that are +1000mps impact targets differently.

    • @vultureTX001
      @vultureTX001 6 місяців тому

      @@ItBeLikeThatSometimes247 every time you increase the difficulty/variability of the shooting, that is MORE code for BSG to foul up on a patch. As Arena proved, code merges are literally unscripted at BSG

    • @GiRR007
      @GiRR007 6 місяців тому

      Better actually hit the thorax then.

  • @ChrisShanks2709
    @ChrisShanks2709 6 місяців тому +8

    Production quality went up a notch - great work!!!

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      thanks! We spent a ton of time on this.

  • @JuffBeezos
    @JuffBeezos 6 місяців тому +5

    "You're not going to die because of blunt damage." Not me getting killed by T ammo blunt damage to a level 6 plate after a nasty PvP.

    • @Tillice
      @Tillice 6 місяців тому +1

      ive died from a single round of .45acp due to blunt damage after a nasty fight lol

    • @Opachki69420
      @Opachki69420 6 місяців тому

      I shot a guy in the back of his fast mt from about 100m with a tac x lapua round
      He took 11 damage 😂

    • @Tillice
      @Tillice 6 місяців тому


  • @godskitten49
    @godskitten49 6 місяців тому +4

    All of these past the original release (and fixing) of the new armour system I think demonstrate that it is flawed when in context of interacting with other mechanics. And that we need radical changes to it inorder to make it feel fairer and more consistent, whilst keeping the good parts of the new system. Here's some of my ideas:
    >Realign the animation of ADS'd models to have their chest face where they're shooting.
    Considering how much effort BSG has gone to inorder to make the game feel authentic, this is one thing they've seemingly overlooked and it's reared it's ugly face with this new system: This should've already been the case considering soldiers are taught to face their chests towards the enemy so their plates can actually cover their vitals. In-game this would massively reduce the amount of times you get, essentially, scraped by a bullet to your (protected by hurtbox: THORAX) ribs and (unprotected) armpits. The changes to making the upper arms unpenetrable is a bandaid change that this would fix. Although shots to the collarbone (protected by hurtbox: THORAX) would be the same. Overall this change should happen regardless of the next ones.
    Next are two changes I see as mutually exclusive: Either one, or the other:
    >Add a damage reduction system to the thorax based on how far away from the center of the hurtbox (from the perspective of the shooter) the bullet lands: The further away the less damage dealt upto 60% or 50% less.
    By 'from the perspective of the shooter' what is meant is that if you hit the armpit from the front, there will be a damage reduction, but if you hit the armpit from the side, there will be none. This *could* be done by using the code BSG has to decide whether a shot to the helmet will ricochet or not (fun fact, some plates can ricochet too but the angles are very oblique and so it's incredibly rare. Or just doesn't work at all. But the stats for it are there). The system should reduce the damage of bullets that 'scrape' past your ribs/armpit dramatically and reduce damage to collar shots to about 80/70%. The intended consequences is that only high damage rounds could 2/3 shot your thorax when hitting outside of the plate, which would also slightly buff integrated armour since you'd have a damage reduction from it, and this system.
    >Add a 'Vitals' hurtbox inside the thorax hurtbox, that has very little health (but does not take damage from explosives nor bleeding), and add back in the ability for bullets to penetrate the thorax so that they can hit the Vitals. Then make Thorax a 'non-vital' area that doesn't cause instant death when blacked out by direct or spill-over damage.
    Some pen values would most likely have to be changed inorder to let low pen bullets to hit the vitals (depending on the given penetration required to penetrate the thorax), perhaps bring back fragmentation for these rounds although that mechanics seems to do nothing but bring trouble. Regardless this system too would reward good shot placement (hence, too, plates which protect the vitals) and punish bad shot placement.
    Although I heavily doubt any of these will be developed, not an insult to BSG but they do things their own way, but as seen, many times this has a clear negative effect on the majority of the playerbase.

    • @SiberianOldPal
      @SiberianOldPal 6 місяців тому +1

      Yes! "Vitals" could be good. And grazing hits. Grazing hit on the cheek will kill character in game, but I suppose a man can get only a bad scratch

  • @voggers2593
    @voggers2593 6 місяців тому +10

    I don't see how keeping bullets from penetrating most of a body is helping at all. Was getting collateralled ever even an issue? I guess rounds could hit your back plate after going through your body, but that really doesn't seem like an issue. All it does is band-aid the armpit hit-box, and it's an awful band-aid at that.
    It's made worse by the fact that the blacked arm damage multiplier is more than half, so a PMC has effectively double HP if you're shooting them in the arms. That needs to be changed too. I mean the total HP is already 440, so with most rounds in the game dealing damage in the 40-60 range (before fall-off), you would take upwards of 10+ rounds to the arm to die *if* the damage was 1:1, in-game right now it's twice that. Absolutely ridiculous.

    • @nocodenoblunder6672
      @nocodenoblunder6672 6 місяців тому +2

      Totally agree it’s not a bug but rather a very poor workaround to the underlaying problem.

    • @nocodenoblunder6672
      @nocodenoblunder6672 6 місяців тому +2

      For some people it was an issue cause they died to the armpit hit-box which is not covered by armor. So you could be shot into the arm, have the bullet pass trough and hit your thorax via arm pit hitbox.

    • @АндрейМочалов-щ9р
      @АндрейМочалов-щ9р 6 місяців тому +3

      @@nocodenoblunder6672 In that case i dont really see the point in having armpit hitbox. If, in general, bullets could hit thorax through arms and shoulders. I guess it would be better to just remove it and leave everything else as it was. Low pen rounds couldnt go through arms, medium pen rounds could, but the damage could be reduced via shoulder armor in some cases. high per ammo piercing everything like it supposed to, brining more value into flanking and hitting enemy from the side, where he is more vulnerable.
      instead BSG just shot themselves in the foot again with going completely 180 on their previous fix to the chiken wing problem and introducing a lot of randomness in TTK back again.

    • @Opachki69420
      @Opachki69420 6 місяців тому

      ​@@nocodenoblunder6672as someone who doesnt even run a helmet, thats mostly a skill issue

    • @nocodenoblunder6672
      @nocodenoblunder6672 6 місяців тому +1

      @@АндрейМочалов-щ9р I think bullets with reasonable pen should pass through arms with reduced dmg and pen.
      Also I think armpit hit box could be a thing but the direction which the round enters the body needs to be taken into account.
      If you get shot from the front to your armpit it should not do much dmg as is does not hit anything vital although hitting your thorax.
      If you get shoot from the side, through the arm, it passes, hits you in the armpit, bypasses your armour and goes straigh into your body, you should be fucked since then this shoot was center mass.

  • @Rikushio17
    @Rikushio17 6 місяців тому

    The canted sight reminds me of the canted arm shield strat we used to do back in PUBG. Then they invented arm pen and the strat was gone.

  • @HOBOTw1tcH
    @HOBOTw1tcH 6 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for all of this testing. Guys like you don’t get enough credit for what you do for the community

  • @nox2889
    @nox2889 6 місяців тому +2

    Great work as always but I still have so many questions related to armor material and durability. Really hoping you do another video on these stats. Thanks for all the hard work. I know this stuff takes a lot of work but from someone who loves this game it really is appreciated.

  • @GiRR007
    @GiRR007 6 місяців тому +3

    Anything that increase ttk in the game is a good thing.

  • @lllOXKlll
    @lllOXKlll 6 місяців тому +2

    they should have outter hitboxes at the very edges of the character to simulate grazing shots. u get pain , the getting shot effect. and some damage. but mostly not lethal unless u hit closer to the center. and it doesnt have to be huge. just... 1 cm in in the head box i think

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      Yeah, the mix of a realistic armor system with an unrealistic 'vital' system is the biggest failing of all of this IMO.
      I've spoken with a few folks who work in Unity, and they don't believe it's an easy, or even practical system for BSG to switch to. Most ideas or systems would require nearly a complete overhaul of the health system and I just don't see that happening.

    • @lllOXKlll
      @lllOXKlll 6 місяців тому

      we need the best C# coder in the world @@Airwingmarine

  • @ZeroOne-mp1qe
    @ZeroOne-mp1qe 6 місяців тому

    6:52 That's absolutely wild.
    What I don't even begin to understand is that in Raid Episode 5 with the DSHK shooting the Black Division operators, it absolutely shreds them to pieces.

  • @floomuscw6628
    @floomuscw6628 6 місяців тому +2

    Your time and dedication benefit us all, thank you all :)

  • @mrjoehimself
    @mrjoehimself 5 місяців тому

    High quality in all aspects, well done, keep up the hard work!

  • @psychobarnes8333
    @psychobarnes8333 6 місяців тому +3

    Thanks for all you do sir. Keep up the great work. And thanks for the guys helping out there.

  • @-NoodleBoy
    @-NoodleBoy 5 місяців тому

    They should make it where only things that can pen class 2 armor can pen the arms and hit your armpit. If it cannot pen class 2 it will do normal flesh DMG.

  • @Elvy3358
    @Elvy3358 6 місяців тому +1

    Marine, I got a very uncommon request for you, could you try testing damage on someone when their soft armor is completely destroy but with plates at full health? And then test a armor/rig that got only plates, no soft armor, just to see if the destroyed soft armor still change anything just by existing there?

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      We did in this testing. It acts the same as if your wearing a rig without aramid. Same with a plate that is zero'd but also has functional aramid behind it. Proper function.

  • @12345farris
    @12345farris 6 місяців тому +1

    oh god, i remember being with you to help testing when people started smackin' each other with knives

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      Thanks for helping out!

    • @12345farris
      @12345farris 6 місяців тому

      @Airwingmarine Anytime my man, anytime.

  • @cyanon32
    @cyanon32 6 місяців тому +2

    Great video, thanks for all this work Airwing.

  • @dukesofdevon
    @dukesofdevon 6 місяців тому

    Anything that extends fights is good. I think the arm blocking rounds is supposed to stop the one tap armpits, but it is a dumb fix. Should have just removed the armpit box...

  • @onpatrolforthejuice
    @onpatrolforthejuice 6 місяців тому

    I think, if it turns out like you said, then I agree this is a good temporary fix for the problem and hopefully they find a more elegant fix then this workaround.

  • @SleepySteve79
    @SleepySteve79 6 місяців тому +1

    That scav example sluggin you hits to close for comfort :' (

  • @idekwytic
    @idekwytic 6 місяців тому

    At the beginning of the wipe I was having so much fun once I figured out what the armor was generally doing but after the revert patch I haven't liked playing as much. The game feels way too clunky, inconsistent and unstable. I think this comes from BSG not knowing what they wanted to do until the game had defined itself already and now they are trying to change it and it feels like they don't know how to do that, or even if it is a good idea.

  • @ugachaka2614
    @ugachaka2614 6 місяців тому +2

    Great vid as is tradition=)
    U need a counter for how many volunteer life it took to do curent testing.
    P.S.: the sword on a helmet part cracked me up so much-)))

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      You should go watch the whole interaction on the VoD, those two goofballs were screwing around the entire time and I didn't realize it till we went back and looked at all the footage 🤣

  • @lidla2008
    @lidla2008 6 місяців тому

    Hoping you guys were accounting for the fragmentation bug that's been in the game forever - any round with

  • @longplaylegends
    @longplaylegends 6 місяців тому

    @13:20, not quite that, but I did have an AI scav 360 no-scope me with .366 AP-M at Dorms during beginning of the wipe LMAO. After killing two juicers, too...

  • @Phoenix55rus
    @Phoenix55rus 6 місяців тому

    At the moment, UA-camr GeorG has already conducted a test on bullet penetration and the damage behind armor from "aramid" packets, and an unpleasant detail emerged. Often, the server just can't accurately calculate the damage and penetration, leading to situations where a bullet, which shouldn't be lethal or penetrate, ends up killing a PMC simply because there are too many armor packets in the bullet's flight path.

  • @MIKEKN0WSshorts
    @MIKEKN0WSshorts 6 місяців тому

    22:00 this guy looks like bubbles from tpb lmao

  • @Good_Username
    @Good_Username 6 місяців тому

    Oh I will no longer be able to do collateral one-taps across map! Such a shame...

  • @YxSEF
    @YxSEF 6 місяців тому

    This might sound silly, but limbs should have an armor class for penetrating. Arms and legs are class 2 and stomach and thorax can be class 3.

  • @TheFatesBack
    @TheFatesBack 6 місяців тому

    Im pretty torn on the hitbox stuff, I like it all in theory but in actual practice I dislike the ttk being much faster via the throat hitbox extending the instant kill area down much further compared to when it was just the head

    • @kinsgaming8197
      @kinsgaming8197 6 місяців тому

      i had on a lvl 5 with no neck protection and a killa face mask pretty early in the wipe
      the very first bullet to hit me instakilled me cuz i was "hit in the neck"
      listen i know in real life a bullet to the neck is death but like come the fck on......
      i was wearing better kits this wipe than i usually would the amount of oopsie doo looks like i booped the one tiny section which doesnt stop this hahaha fuck you back 2 lobby retard....
      9mm instakilling while my armor is 100% has made me quit tarkov lol

  • @3stone1
    @3stone1 6 місяців тому +1

    I think putting so much quests on lighthouse wich in my opinion is a broken unfun mess and then putting even more quests on streets wich is poorly optimized, hurts this game the most.

  • @Kit--_--
    @Kit--_-- 6 місяців тому

    Idk about everyone else, but I die to blunt damage pretty often, maybe 2 of 5 deaths are from blunt damage

  • @thalus5990
    @thalus5990 6 місяців тому

    I prefer if PMCs are to tanky than not tanky enough.
    I proposed 2 solutions one quick and easy and one ideal but BSG decided to make arms no penetrable instead.
    Quick and easy solution: For easy visualization area that fits under hexgrid should have normal dmg and everything outside that on the chest hitbox should take like half dmg.
    Ideal solution would be to have Extra hitbox for lungs and heart. Heart could even be 100% dmg Lungs 50% Dmg and rest of chest 50%. So if bullet hit in to chest it does at least 50% of its dmg, if also pass thru lungs it does another 50%.
    Armor system is great but because half assed hitboxes drags it down. Plates do not work as designed and how they could i they should cover vital organs but our PMCs have vital organs everywhere.

  • @armypenguin
    @armypenguin 6 місяців тому

    at 13:59 does anyone keep hearing marimba mario theme? Also A+ work to airwing and the others.

  • @nocodenoblunder6672
    @nocodenoblunder6672 6 місяців тому +5

    I am sorry but arms not letting high pen bullets trough at all is so stupid. Reduce dmg, reduce pen after passing sure.
    Right now the game feels like either you land a headshot or they tank a lot even with crappy armor although you land shots center mass.
    It really seems like a workaround not being able to implement a proper system for this instead just make the bullet disappear.
    This seems like a direct result of people complaining being killed trough armpit hitbox.

    • @Xenix-xb4gw
      @Xenix-xb4gw 6 місяців тому

      They made this huge equalizing armor update where you can land chest shots with good shot placement. And then found ways to fully cheese around the whole thing by making every pmc stop the world's most powerful ap rounds. So to fix a non issue they made the game significantly less realistic because some tarkov streamers bullied them into it. Pathetic.

  • @jessegerardryan
    @jessegerardryan 6 місяців тому

    Been having a blast this wipe .

  • @Ozaryk
    @Ozaryk 6 місяців тому

    I love how you shot someones lips from the side, and they died instantly, but when you tried to hit the side of their head from the front, it seemed like it was going right through.

  • @mariusmaxttv
    @mariusmaxttv 6 місяців тому +1


    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      It just hit your soft armor and missed the plate. This and the lead slug rounds are why I urge everyone to wear class 3 aramid and not 2.
      Go check out my other armor videos that explain how the plates and soft armor work.

  • @SalmonShrk
    @SalmonShrk 6 місяців тому

    I feel called out with that shoreline scav comment 😂

  • @HOBOTw1tcH
    @HOBOTw1tcH 6 місяців тому

    The dude with rubber arms and a canted sight is driving my OCD nuts

  • @AlhazredTheMad
    @AlhazredTheMad 6 місяців тому +1

    Obviously Nikita was sick of dying to scav armpit shots.

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 6 місяців тому

      He's the one who made the scavs have a hateboner for the left armpit.

  • @brendankeith249
    @brendankeith249 6 місяців тому +1

    Honestly bsg said a long time ago they want a realistic shooter, they should have left the armor where they had it this wipe and just tweeked the plates cuz now they are literally breaking the game... you can't have a realistic game and have unrealistic armor mechanics.. the old armor was broken the new armor before the nerfs was better after the nerfs is now more broken then the old armor

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      I think you have it a little backwards. The armor system is more realistic, the problem is the health system is not. That incongruency is what is causing most of the issues.

    • @brendankeith249
      @brendankeith249 6 місяців тому

      @Airwingmarine that's understandable but the only reason the arms are messed up now is cuz people complained that they were dieing to easily when shot in the nape or the shoulders and I'm like we'll you die quick cuz there is no armor there now zabroler armor or the other that has the arm protection those you shouldn't die easy

  • @StAjoraGames
    @StAjoraGames 6 місяців тому

    Could fragmentation only happen if the round hit armor first? Meat is soft and since most body parts don't allow the round to pass through any damage behind that part just can't happen. Basically I wonder if fragmentation (assuming it's still implemented) can only happen after it has passed through the first layer of everything in the round's path.
    Also I noticed that 2 of the 3 hit boxes that allow rounds to go through have absolutely no way to "armor" them in game (it would be 3 of 3 but a few face coverings have neck protection right?). I don't know what the means or if it's even related but it's just something I noticed.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      No, previously fragmentation could happen in all sorts of places, some of them unintentional, and some of them only when AI shot you not PMCs. The whole system was a buggy mess that I believe caused a ton more problems with the new armor system.

  • @ElevatedRC
    @ElevatedRC 6 місяців тому

    hey man how do we download your music . i would love to use it on my rc channel

  • @infinityd8448
    @infinityd8448 6 місяців тому +1

    They should increase damage modifier for arms (maybe same as legs) now, if top of the arms are not penetrable.

  • @michaelproper1071
    @michaelproper1071 6 місяців тому

    Why dont they use a system where the arm reduces the penetration or damage of a bullet that would have previously penetrated through instead of stopping it completely

  • @blimpgaming8534
    @blimpgaming8534 6 місяців тому +2

    7:35 Bro doing that marine math, 100 reduced by 51% equals 41 damage

  • @Mrlaarenahd
    @Mrlaarenahd 6 місяців тому +1

    amazing job mate! greetings from spain

  • @Mr64442
    @Mr64442 6 місяців тому

    i actually want to know something i cant find an answer to about armor which is now that all the armors have the same matrail under the plates which are considered heavy or light armors? as only the plates are marked as heavy or light ans my goal this wipe was to have fun maxing the armor skills which is harder to do without knowing if the aryramid taking hits works on which skill light or heavy

  • @ski102426
    @ski102426 6 місяців тому

    Tarkov is soon going to require a doctorate degree to heal yourself.

    • @idle_q3699
      @idle_q3699 6 місяців тому +1

      You will no longer be able to use anti-chemo cheese packets to replenish your blood supply :(

  • @TheVoidxi
    @TheVoidxi 6 місяців тому +2

    Glad we are going back into the chicken wing meta....... bsg really babysitting some people on this one..... the game felt good again. Yeah you die to random scavs from time to time but isnt that what this game is about? If you get a lil too comfy just running around being an idiot you are far more likely to die in a "realistic" game..... but your arm completely stopping bullets designed to go through the strongest armor in the game is slightly game breaking and will lead even more people who play the game casualy to cheating......

  • @wessredd7237
    @wessredd7237 6 місяців тому

    I appreciate this video and it helps in many ways but i still do not understand blunt damage. I got one tapped by a scav to the thorax. My plate blocked the bullet and I still died. I go to the death screen and clearly one bullet hit my chest and I had blunt damage in every area. You spoke about damage numbers between 1 and 7. I dont understand what happened at all lol. Maybe I misread the death screen but I feel like I did not. Maybe a video on how to clearly understand damage on your healing screen would help. But that death baffles me to this day. One blocked bullet did so much blunt damage to me that I dropped dead 😅

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      Without seeing a clip and the death screen I can't do much to help explain it bud :(

    • @Dyx_DeTcTBa
      @Dyx_DeTcTBa 6 місяців тому +1

      You could have the thorax/head bleed out to 0 HP and become blacked. Then after a bullet hit your plate and did not penetrate, it distributed some DMG to every other part of the body which effectively damaged the blacked head/thorax for just 1 additional HP and you died to that. I had a similar comic death when I died with a blacked head because in the dark I touched the barbed wire near ZB-012 enough to have some DMG distributed to the head.

  • @evanpennington1130
    @evanpennington1130 6 місяців тому

    im confused i watched the entire video, is the arm now a bullet sponge or did they make it so you can pen arm now

  • @william6072
    @william6072 6 місяців тому +1

    I honestly don't enjoy the new armor system because it just feels so inconsistent. All the invisible hitboxes for different parts, plates only covering some small area, all the convoluted armor layers interaction, it all makes me nostalgic for the old tarkov, despite its flaws. I like hardcore realism as much as the next guy, but this change in particular I didnt like, particularly its arena implementation.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      I agree with the inconsistent part. It sucks... BUT. This update made a huge step in making it more consistent. Is the mechanic in doing so good? Yes and No...
      Fingers crossed it's a stop gap till they can get a better system implemented and this isn't the final state...

  • @dzej16
    @dzej16 6 місяців тому

    why there is link to patch notes from February?

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      Because that's the patch that changed all these systems. Took me a while to get the video put together.

    • @dzej16
      @dzej16 6 місяців тому

      Ok. I was very confused that I couldn't find anywhere the patch notes 😅
      Anyway, I just want here to say that you did very good job. Thanks to people like you we can understand better this "horrible" game.

  • @desertrat814
    @desertrat814 6 місяців тому

    Anyone else notice shotguns being nerfd because of the changes... feel like killing potential fell way off with this patch.

  • @Chevalier_knight
    @Chevalier_knight 6 місяців тому

    Can we get some new testing on glasses some videos are stating only three of them have glow now and glasses like crossbows have been fixed with 14.1 but they didnt show the testing on screen.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      Mine is still good.

    • @Chevalier_knight
      @Chevalier_knight 6 місяців тому

      @@Airwingmarine iv seen this one in some videos testing it last month they where saying that most of those are now fixed like the crossbows it was simple survial video that tested it but he didnt show his testing just a small fast clip of testing

  • @SonicSonedit
    @SonicSonedit 6 місяців тому

    They literally re-implemented the shitties part of PUBG early penetration mechanics, the which were a plague to PUBG and spawned a "hand-tanking meta" with certain weapons because of stands, like you highlight in this video with canteen sights stand. This is just beyond me. BSG really re-created what most other shooter devs trying to fix for years.

  • @dangdo1458
    @dangdo1458 6 місяців тому

    Strong like tagill

  • @cascarudoFPS
    @cascarudoFPS 6 місяців тому

    great great video and juicy info!!! thanks for the work

  • @geraldketthad
    @geraldketthad 5 місяців тому

    Yeah, where was one or two moments, when I died becuase of the player on SCAV, who insta-killed me one tapping in thorax with PS ammo. It was awful, I ALT-F4 out of the game then)

    • @-NoodleBoy
      @-NoodleBoy 5 місяців тому

      PS can't one tap...

  • @Penice-rj8wd
    @Penice-rj8wd 6 місяців тому

    One of the dumbest change ever made. Making arms unpenetrateble on top of lowering limbs damage by 25%. Now we have in game 1 weak spot that is almost 100% quaranteed kill on almost every armor in game and every part of the body that can tank more than 15 shots (exept thorax and head if not hit in armor). After armor change, not just TTK got even higher, but also random is even greater factor in fights. I think they should bring back adequate limbs damage back since its ridiculous how some fights feel. Even if you are the one surviving 18 shots and onetapping someone in a thorax with a shotgun

  • @SenTeoRecord
    @SenTeoRecord 6 місяців тому

    Hey Wing, what about Blunt dmg from the lates changes it feels like i always die to blunt dmg... feels kinda unbalanced.... nice vid keep it up 🤓sometimes just getting 1 tapped in the torax from sp ammo...

  • @anenemystand4965
    @anenemystand4965 6 місяців тому +1

    They need to address bosses 1 tapping you in the thorax with 1 bullet hitting twice that bug has been in the game forever.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому

      Depends on what happened to you, but I don't think this is inherently a bug as much as a desync issue.

  • @grimreapaa4802
    @grimreapaa4802 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow. Blacked limbs only doing 49% distributed damage is disappointing for flesh damage builds, to say the least. I would think that a blacked limb should act more as a reward and give 1.5x more damage, but hey I guess BSG says otherwise.
    Also blew my mind when saying the Bagarly is actually the Bagariy lmao thanks for showing that

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      This is just a modification of how the system has always worked. The stomach USED to be 1.5x, so bonus damage when it was blacked... Now I think it's only 1.05x?
      Go check out the "health system" page on the wiki. All sorts of gems of info there most folks don't even know exist.

  • @TheBigDook
    @TheBigDook 6 місяців тому

    i say just remove armpit hitbox and blend it with side hitbox, but bsg dont listen to anyone

  • @vastroy6307
    @vastroy6307 6 місяців тому

    You have to use the expensive fire grip tho right

  • @arc695
    @arc695 6 місяців тому

    Left armpit is still a MENACE

  • @FutureLaugh
    @FutureLaugh 6 місяців тому

    do you have to be actively ADS to make this chicken wing defense theory work or jus thave the canted sight on the gun? do i need the canted sight plus the canted grip? will one of the 2 work?

    • @Sin-zl4bi
      @Sin-zl4bi 6 місяців тому +1

      you do need to ADS, as ADS causes you to raise your gun to your face/ chicken wing. Just need canted sight, grips are grips for the most part I believe.
      (at least when I run it, I do se-5's with a canted sight)

  • @Atrocious1
    @Atrocious1 6 місяців тому

    I honestly dont even think BSG knows how their hit reg, armor system, and hit boxes work. 😂

  • @chrisleclerc8236
    @chrisleclerc8236 6 місяців тому

    Great Content !

  • @justperry5473
    @justperry5473 6 місяців тому

    This armor change has single handedly killed the game for me this wipe. I went from thoroughly enjoying the game to now I refuse to even boot up. It is a waste of time. This game has become nothing but an RNG spray fest. The old armor system was soo much better and fights way more enjoyable. Now we are back to exploits with crooked arms and shit...

  • @TurntBucket
    @TurntBucket 6 місяців тому

    Instead of reverting changes and trying to fix how they function before sending them back out they are just slapping more "solutions" on top of it. Great way to create a game held together by duct tape.

  • @Wafflefryz995
    @Wafflefryz995 6 місяців тому

    Then I die getting two tapped through lvl 5 plates with 7.62 ps from a rogue. Do they have some sort of damage buff I don't know about 😂

  • @ab0ve8cl0uds2
    @ab0ve8cl0uds2 6 місяців тому

    shoreline scav so tru

  • @mikelit7613
    @mikelit7613 6 місяців тому

    It took all this for them to even adress the goofy ass ear hitboxes, new armor has been an absolute negative and really one of the more shamefull roleouts from bsg.

  • @frost3623
    @frost3623 6 місяців тому

    No matter the changes and if I agree or disagree with them. I will always appreciate the effort Airwing puts in so we can still be informed.

  • @TimmyInTarky
    @TimmyInTarky 6 місяців тому

    This is the most stupid change they eever did. Collatting a couple or more dudes is one of the coolest things you can do in a shooter game. However, perhaps they see that they can't improve the trash netcode any further simply because they just can't, they decide to start cutting functionality so servers can cope and they can start now cutting server costs too now that the game is dying and perhaps they start planning on implementing a serious anti-cheat when going closer to final release, so they can't benefit of selling to cheaters as much. There is no other close to reasonable explanation I can pull out of my finger for this change.

  • @HayMakerMK0310
    @HayMakerMK0310 6 місяців тому

    So since this dude is taking way too long, is the arm armor fixed or not?
    It was always like that, idk why we talk about it if it's not fixed, so i hope it is.

  • @FutureLaugh
    @FutureLaugh 6 місяців тому

    its been almost 1 exact year (april) since BSG promised us a new netcode and Unity update

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 6 місяців тому

      It wouldn't make any sense to do that right now. Unity 2023 still hasn't hit LTS and it's looking to build on everything that was established with 2022 LTS. Migrating to 2022 LTS or 2023 LTS would be rebuild the game from the ground up type endeavors, may as well wait for 2023 to hit LTS before committing full time resources to it.

    • @FutureLaugh
      @FutureLaugh 5 місяців тому +1

      @@poisonouslead85 my brother, i need this in laymens terms. and it sounds like you are a developer, why would they promise this if youre saying its not a good idea (now a full year after the promise)

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      @@FutureLaugh Updating to a new version of Unity is a huge undertaking and the current Long Term Support version of Unity isn't as good as the next one will be. Each LTS version brings tons of features that were worked on through that year's cycle. It looks like 2023's LTS version will be building on 2022's entity system and include a bunch of new highly performant graphics related stuff. Nikita probably made that promise before it was clear than 2023 LTS would upgrade all of the 2022 features he was already planning on using.
      If they're actually going to upgrade from 2019 and use all of the new features that have been developed since 2019, the game will run like a scalded dog. It will be a huge undertaking because they have to break the game apart and put it back together with the new jobs and entity system but the performance gains will be great. The game currently relies too much on a single CPU thread. The Jobs system will allow them to assign a lot of the game processes to other CPU threads. The Entity Component System is super performant but you're better off looking up a video on Unity ECS because a written description doesn't do it justice.

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      @@FutureLaugh I can't believe UA-cam ate the reply I wrote to you last night.
      So here's the deal with Unity. At the end of each "year" Unity releases the Long Term Support version for that "year". The LTS version is the final refined version of all of that year's development on Unity. The features are solidified. Usually each "year" has a different set of features that are the focus of development for that "year". 2023 is an exception to that rule because they're further refining and improving on 2022's feature set.
      2022's feature set was all about making games ABSURDLY more performant. We're talking running games 5x faster type performance gains. Unity Jobs, Unity DOTS, and Unity ECS. It looks like 2023 is more of the same and fixing some of the jank involved with 2022 and making it easier for devs to adopt the new technologies. Each one of these technologies would require a complete reworking of Tarkov as you know it.
      Unity Jobs: This allows you to break different parts of your game into discrete jobs that can then be sent to other CPU threads. In Tarkov's case, this would allow performance gains through getting the AI off the main game thread. This would also allow for smarter AI that are using more complicated nav meshes and decision trees. You have to rewrite a lot of code to break it up into jobs.
      Unity ECS/DOTS: The Data Oriented Technology Stack and Entity Component Systems provide a very different way of handling game assets. It also requires a complete rework of all of the games assets to convert them over to the new system. It's not hard, it's just really time consuming. TL;DR: Huge gains in both load times and overall FPS as drawcalls and VRAM are used more efficiently. You should look up videos on this tech because it's easier to understand if you see it in action.
      TL;DR on my whole post: They'd have to rework the entire game to make upgrading Unity worth the effort and they may as well wait for Unity 2023 LTS to maximize the gains they get from the work that will be required.

  • @jonathanhonorwood4818
    @jonathanhonorwood4818 6 місяців тому

    Just my two cents: Tarkov was better before Patch 0.14. It felt better, more consistent, even if I lost, it was fair and I looked up what I was doing wrong and improved. Patch 0.14 made, at least for me, Tarkov feel so much more random and the pen/armor system doesn't feel very rewarding, also last wipe I looked up, when and how to get better ammo and armor and made these unlocks my milestones, which felt like very consistent progressing, now you buy lvl 4 armor from lvl15 until lvl 36 and you don't feel an upgrade, same with the ammo except M80 which is a gamechanger and kind of broken or forgotten to get in line with everything else. I still played this wipe till lvl46 I think, but it was far less enjoyable than last wipe. I love new Shoreline and Streets and BTR and a lotta stuff, but Armor/Ammo progression and system feels, at least for me, like a step backwards.
    How do you all feel about that?
    P. S. This will certainly polarize a lot, but I also appreciated last wipe's recoil much more. It was fun to me to learn and manage it, no matter if it was realistic or not, I belive the gameplay was better, not like a simple CoD ADS+DumpMag mechanic. Yes, it wasn't perfect, but 0.14 is neither.

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      I'm pretty much in the same boat as you.
      It's hard to pin exactly what it is, but the gamehas progressively fealt worse each wipe since streets was added. Netcode, connection issues, bugs, and just weird mechanics have all played into this.
      As far as recoil... I warned people for years to be careful what they wished for. Making recoil "feel better" was going to dramatically reduce ttk in a game like tarkov

    • @jonathanhonorwood4818
      @jonathanhonorwood4818 6 місяців тому

      @@Airwingmarine Wow, thank you so much, I'm quite baffled, I hardly expected that anyone would understand me, even less that it would be you, mentioning ttk feels like you read my mind! You really made my day, man, thank you so much, feels incredible to be understood.
      This is my third wipe, ~2000h, played a lot of Apex Legends when it got released it and I loved high'ish ttk, it means less ratting and skill can turn the fight, even if you didn't shoot first - this is a lot more fun than ratting to me, although I like that you have to unlock upgrades for your gear first in order to being able to do that. I've been sharing my thoughts for 0.14 at many places and got crushed, getting answers like "this is the best wipe ever, what are you talking about", "my 6 year old could fire an AR-15 and manage the recoil better than 0.13, this is more realistic", "it's a good thing that there is no meta, so you can just play what you want and what looks cool", "new armor/ammo/pen system makes everyone equal, so there are no chads, better for beginners and fights are more fair", even from my favorite streamers, which made me think that they might be trying to hide the downsides of 0.14 due to the game being their main source of income. I also thought BSG did these changes for new players coming from the Arena release, so CoD/Fortnite/etc. players wouldn't have to master the hard learning curve of Tarkov. WillerZ even said after a while that he thinks recoil is coming back to normal day by day, which I agree and am happy about. Day 1 you could strafe ADS and it was perfectly flat, now your aim wanders around a lot when while walking ADS. All of this supports my thoughts even more.
      I didn't feel much difference between last wipe and the wipe before, but maybe because I was new to the game. Just before I started Tarkov, I played 1,5 wipes of "The Cycle: Frontier" and have a trauma from their Season 3 Patch, it broke the game entirely and I called it early, but nobody would believe me and the Game died in less than 6 months. This was heartbreaking for me. I was hearing all those complaints about Tarkov, but since I joined every patch was improving the game and I fell in love with the game and the dev team, I was impressed with the patches. 0.14 was like 40% as bad as TC:F S3 patch, but I totally fell in love with the RD-704+Razor+BP last wipe and managed to build a meta RD even before lvl 15 this wipe, and it broke my heart - I don't understand why they broke this gun, it just makes no sense to me. I'll close my comment here, before I steal even more of your lifetime. Thank you so much man, means the world to me hearing these words from your mouth, you are truely a blessing. Greetings for Germany

    • @poisonouslead85
      @poisonouslead85 5 місяців тому

      @@Airwingmarine That's because videogames were never meant to be developed like this. Very few games can be worked on for a decade straight without turning into disasters. Most devs aren't cut out for it. If your name isn't Anton Hand, you gotta just shove the game out the door and move on.

  • @Floopuss
    @Floopuss 6 місяців тому +1

    War thunder mentioned!!!!!!!

  • @blackjacket_
    @blackjacket_ 6 місяців тому

    It seems to me that combat is almost r&g at the moment

  • @TheBigSlime420
    @TheBigSlime420 6 місяців тому

    Ana m2 has been my favorite armored rig this wipe

  • @MrFizz27
    @MrFizz27 6 місяців тому

    Just get rid of the armpit hitbox and make arms penetrable again.
    Headshot collaterals are cool and its lame they arent possible anymore

    • @Airwingmarine
      @Airwingmarine  6 місяців тому +1

      It wasn't just the armpit hitbox bud. Above that hitbox where the shoulder is would give you the same results if the arm was penetrable...
      Again, I don't like how this is a janky fix that is more of a bandaid than a thought out mechanic...
      BUT if it ends up just being a stopgap while they work on actually fixing the system I'm ok with it.

  • @Arbiter8114
    @Arbiter8114 6 місяців тому

    The arm thing is one of the STUPIDEST thing they could’ve done what the fuck are they thinking

  • @dashman1439
    @dashman1439 5 місяців тому

    Thank you B0SS

  • @isaacbfvt
    @isaacbfvt 6 місяців тому +14

    They could have kept the old armor system and nobody would had complained.

    • @RedGod55
      @RedGod55 6 місяців тому

      He’s just been trying to find something to help the devs on and armor is something that needs testing, it’s probably gonna change again soon

    • @KcGanjaBoy
      @KcGanjaBoy 6 місяців тому +1

      No one complains about the new armor system. Only complains are that it doesn't work as intended and still needs fixing

    • @mikedebakker5820
      @mikedebakker5820 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@KcGanjaBoyHave you been living under a rock? The new armor system has to be one of the most controversial and criticized features the game has ever seen.

    • @isaacbfvt
      @isaacbfvt 6 місяців тому

      I've heard a lot from players on the official server complaining with arguments like : "Why would they need to over complicate a system that already works ... "The game is already immersive enough."

    • @KiddBuu_
      @KiddBuu_ 6 місяців тому +2

      No, the old armor system was bad. This one is better, it just needs to be properly functioning and figure out the right balance.

  • @Hezsta
    @Hezsta 6 місяців тому

    I mean we all knew this was gonna be a shitshow, especially this big new system with plates and shit. Did we really put our faith in a company that has not fixed issues that are still present in the game from like 8 years ago? They are backtracking while trying to keep the new armor system and it is just tilting the majority of the playerbase because it makes the game even more unpredictable in a bad way.

  • @brettbosserman3639
    @brettbosserman3639 6 місяців тому


  • @GmodFilmsTR
    @GmodFilmsTR 6 місяців тому

    evolved knight update on the wrong game

  • @SiberianOldPal
    @SiberianOldPal 6 місяців тому

    Imagine how fucking cool it would be if a developer would watch the video... Then answer on all of them fucking questions?! Why do people have to do independent researches? :D

  • @Amplar2
    @Amplar2 6 місяців тому

    Invincible arms just makes me not want to play. Just go back to the old armor system, I want consistency. We shouldn't have to do unrealistic things to compensate for russian incompetence with coding.

  • @idn
    @idn 6 місяців тому +2

    Summary: leg them.

    • @idn
      @idn 6 місяців тому

      Seriously though, thank you for this Airwing!