Aylmer pastor posts video to social media

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • In Henry Hildebrandt's Facebook live post, London police officer can be seen issuing Hildebrandt a ticket and court summons, saying it's for participating “in an outdoor gathering at Victoria Park which exceeded 25 people contrary to the Reopening Ontario Act.”

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @johnknelsen9210
    @johnknelsen9210 3 роки тому +145

    If we don't stand For something will fall for anything

    • @tvojslauf
      @tvojslauf 3 роки тому

      * if you stand for nothing

    • @jamesk1719
      @jamesk1719 3 роки тому +2

      sounds like you already fell for it

    • @camarada7274
      @camarada7274 Рік тому

      just follow the rules?

  • @pmsousa986
    @pmsousa986 3 роки тому +126

    So it begins.. God help us all

    • @davegrenier1160
      @davegrenier1160 3 роки тому +7

      Yup. Gestapo personnel didn't start off murdering and torturing people. They started as ordinary police doing ordinary things. At some point those "ordinary things" were being done at the behest of a tyrant. But that didn't bother them. They continued to do what they were told.

    • @frankdatank7751
      @frankdatank7751 3 роки тому +3


    • @DoubleoP
      @DoubleoP 3 роки тому

      This is how it starts.

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 3 роки тому

      Don't worry, just be rapture ready! The world is on the brink of the 7year Tribulation, please get rapture ready, people: accept JESUS CHRIST as your personal Lord and Savior today! Thank JESUS for paying for your sins on the cross and HIS resurrection on the 3rd day!!! It must come from the bottom of your heart and don't forget, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! All born again Christians will get raptured out of this filty world before the Tribulation begins. Please study biblical end times prophecy, listen to Dr. Ron Rhodes on end times chronolgy.

  • @lorrie9990
    @lorrie9990 3 роки тому +121

    Love that pastor stand for freedom 😍🥰🙏🏻

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +3

      You removed your old comment with the same content because people (including myself) posted on how disgraceful this "pastor" is?
      He has been in the news before for fear worse things, but you choose to ignore these. Questionable pictures on his computer, denying his followers to take there children to get medical aid which ultimately led to the children's demise.
      How can you put any love into a pastor that had direct hands in the death of children?

    • @lorrie9990
      @lorrie9990 3 роки тому +2

      I agree with what he’s fighting for ,I know what’s happening in the world is to bring in a NWO and make slaves of people ,other then that I only know he believes in Jesus Christ and so do I ,how and by which rules he does it by I have no idea ,but what I see the world system doing is pure evil ,so yes I do stand on that with Paul !

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@lorrie9990 He believes in media attention.
      His own rule book tells him to obey the government or receive damnation, and he cannot follow that. He is in it for himself, no other purpose.
      He got what he wanted the first time the government allowed him to hold services, then after a few quiet months he decided he wanted more media coverage so he changed the game by hosting services that breached the reopening Ontario act.
      He does it because the media gives his cult advertising, that is all he is in it for.

    • @lorrie9990
      @lorrie9990 3 роки тому +2

      Corey why are you soo going after him ? Were you from that church ?Like if you don’t like him why are you following him ? This is who I listen to and love him ,you might understand what’s happening if you stop and listen 🙏🏻 steven DeNoon Israelinewslive.org

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      ​@@lorrie9990 all he does is bitch and moan about the mandates put in place for the good of community health.... He got a win to make sure worship can continue at all via drive in sermons. He stopped getting media coverage and wanted to escalate it. He calls himself a leader, my limited knowledge of religion, there is only 1 leader. Yet here he is calling himself and the people near him leaders...
      It is a cult, drink the koolaid when he asks you to.

  • @ovedinapadilla4670
    @ovedinapadilla4670 3 роки тому +9

    It wasn’t for peaceful protesting, It was for 25 or more gathering the peaceful protesting. Praying for you all❤️🙏🏻

  • @Tayfun11
    @Tayfun11 3 роки тому +102

    Im from east Europe, i remember the comunits time when you were persecuted for going to church, this looks the same to me. Are you sure you are in Canada?

    • @neoarmour
      @neoarmour 3 роки тому +13

      We're facing communism here and everywhere in the western world. Every eastern European I meet, knows this is communism. The ppl here are blind.

    • @Tayfun11
      @Tayfun11 3 роки тому +7

      @@neoarmour the holl eastern Europa Blog sufred really bad with the comunists ,30 years later and we are still not recovered, that's why we are really sensitive Wenn we see it coming .

    • @TheThreshermansson
      @TheThreshermansson 3 роки тому +5

      @@neoarmour it's not communism..it's Romanism
      Those police are enforcing Roman admiral maritime law of the see
      All roads lead to Rome ...not Russia or China
      Which Pope was it said I control the whole world from this room ?

    • @TheThreshermansson
      @TheThreshermansson 3 роки тому

      @emmy lite no well I'd disagree, that is how they get away with it and we as blind fools can't see ..to understand the problem we got to get to the root cause ..and the root cause in this babylonian world is Vatican city state ..and let's call it for what it is..satanic demonic and inherently evil ....rather than just call it communism...see the difference?

    • @annakomasinska1080
      @annakomasinska1080 3 роки тому +1

      @@neoarmour It will soon transform into nazism. It' s already happening

  • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
    @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому +71

    Even in russia people are allowed to practice their faith.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      This ticket has nothing to do with church. They gathered in groups in excess of those stated in the mandate for the reopening Ontario act.
      Did you even try and watch it before posting your baseless claim?

    • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
      @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому +1

      Did you see the amount of people in the church? Thay are using the pandemic to try destroy people's faith. Its what the preacher preaching against immorality is their real problem. It happen in my country too. But truth shall prevail. History proves that!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@jimmyandtheresurrection7247 the only thing they are trying to destroy the spread of the virus. They allow church services, they are not stopping you from attending church.

    • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
      @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 its what the preacher is preaching about is their problem. Dont be no hypocrite. Did you see the amount of people in the church?

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@jimmyandtheresurrection7247 the opinion of the cult leader is not my opinion. Him saying they are trying to destroy faith is his OPINION.
      An opinion is not fact. What does the amount of people in the church have to do with anything? They should be following the capacity limits for people in the church, yet they cannot do that simple task either.

  • @juliapigworthy
    @juliapigworthy 3 роки тому +44

    War's brewing.

  • @ChuckSSoul
    @ChuckSSoul 3 роки тому +43

    Good on you all. Those are not police officers, they are Gestapo

    • @metalhead6698
      @metalhead6698 3 роки тому

      Haha! Ok. Cops just doing their job. Be mad at covid. Not at the cops..

    • @lavallee45
      @lavallee45 3 роки тому +1

      @@metalhead6698 ...those who hunted down Anne Frank were also "just doing their job"...since when is it a cops job to violate our rights?

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@lavallee45 your rights are not being infringed upon. Section 1 of the charter states your freedoms are subject to limitations, and they implemented limits on group sizes.

    • @lavallee45
      @lavallee45 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 ...until those in "authority" start treating airports, walmart, costco etc with the same rules that they are implementing on small businesses, Christian Churches, people walking their dogs...who in their right mind would think these "rules" are for the greater good healthwise when infact its looking more and more like the first steps in ushering in something quite sinister. The propaganda pushed in the main stream media tells us that theres a rise in cases and yet the death rate remains below 1%...are you saying that the governments and health organizations can implement nothing short of marshall law against the people and enforce these unconstitutional rules by the use of RCMP, City Police and Peace Officers? The people will eventually have enough and widespread violence is going to break out.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@lavallee45 There is so many things wrong with your reply, let me address them one by one.
      Walmart, Costco provide items required for human life. You can survive without gathering in groups, or going indoors for church service, but you cannot survive without food that these types of stores provide.
      You are not being told you cannot go out and walk your dog, or physical activities.
      While some businesses cannot operate as normal, a vast majority are still able to keep their doors open with capacity limits, or offer curbside pickups. Sure, some businesses fall into a category where this is not permittable, and that is a sad thing.
      The death rate is not below 1%, in fact it sits at over 2%. Here, let me do the math for you to prove my point.
      As of 11:55 PM EST May 13th from John's Hopkins
      Total cases: 160,828,503
      Total deaths: 3,340,359
      Death rate = 3,340,359 / 160,828,503 * 100 = 2.077%
      Section 1 of the charter states "the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits".
      This literally says the government has the right to set limits on any proceeding section in the charter. This means that limitations on group sizes is not breaching your right, since you are still able to gather for peaceful assembly, albeit with less people.

  • @saeaxx9793
    @saeaxx9793 3 роки тому +8

    Invalid ticket, nobody can restrict how many people you gather with

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      I am glad you know how the law works. They absolutely can, they did, and they still are. Canadian rights and freedoms are subject to limitations, read section 1 of the charter and it is very clearly written there.

    • @dericksmith2137
      @dericksmith2137 3 роки тому +3

      They can restrict the number of people.
      The challenge is to prove that you were WITH those people. The man may have went there with his own group of 5 friends? Well under the limit.
      Are you WITH everybody that rides the same bus as you? Are you WITH the people that are at the same restaurant as you?
      * Go to Walmart and count the number of people in there. It’s in excess of 25 people, in fact they likely have 20 staff, prior to counting the customers? Are you WITH all the customers and staff? And that’s in a building not out in a park.

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 What would this video do without you trolling the comments section here. Corey's troll comments can be found all over this comment section. Just scroll down and look

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@billg7205 yep, trolling the people who believe in conspiracy theories.

  • @roycullum2722
    @roycullum2722 3 роки тому +40

    People what does the bible say that will happen to the church's in the last days ??

    • @dennisonyazzie3489
      @dennisonyazzie3489 3 роки тому +7

      We will be shot and killed for our (Lord and savior)! Just like in Noah’s days! We will be persecuted in the streets just like My Savior (Jesus Christ )in heaven. Jesus carried his cross and was crucified by men. The blood that ran down that cross on that day. He Paid for our sins that we committed as a sinnerS. days later he arose from the tomb with the keys of ☠️ remember what I have shown you and taught you. For you are not alone for I did not send you a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@dennisonyazzie3489 sounds like the perfect example of someone who is brainwashed haha.

    • @nicktorea4017
      @nicktorea4017 3 роки тому +7

      @@KOTR2003 brainwashed by the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ praise the Lord 😀😁😇🤜🤛

    • @earlleighbyrd6083
      @earlleighbyrd6083 3 роки тому +2

      JUDE 1;4

    • @loscastaneda3766
      @loscastaneda3766 3 роки тому +9

      @@KOTR2003 the brainwashed individual here is you.. but im not fna try to convert you or nada.. thats all on you..... but I'll say this.. "every knee shall bend in the presence of the Lord when we die" .... so to keep it simple... don't cry and don't say shiddd when you die and ur standing in front of God while you get sent to hell... just remember this moment here.. cuz you'll remember it for alll eternity. Peace homeboy ✌

  • @teejay7510
    @teejay7510 3 роки тому +24

    Gods bless you pastor Hildebrant, praying for you, God is faithful.
    Vengeance is mine, “I will repay”, sayeth the Lord.
    For all you folks that are under the impression that the government has your best interest in mind, you’re going to be in for a rude awakening.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      You all don't even follow your own Bible when it tells you to follow the laws and government... No Freedoms or rights have been breached.

    • @unknown9392
      @unknown9392 3 роки тому +1

      I agree with You in prayer! 🕊️🙏🏻

    • @jeremiahjeremiah1319
      @jeremiahjeremiah1319 3 роки тому +2

      @@KOTR2003 You are the saddest example of ignorance I've seen to date.
      I am so concerned for you.
      I hope you don't have kids.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@jeremiahjeremiah1319 read romans 13 1-2, tell me what it says. I worry for you if you cannot understand it.

    • @jeremiahjeremiah1319
      @jeremiahjeremiah1319 3 роки тому +2

      @@KOTR2003 You are truly ignorant if you believe our government isn't evil and corrupt.
      You need help.

  • @josunshine9926
    @josunshine9926 2 роки тому +2

    God bless you for standing for freedom. 😇🕊🙌

  • @thenumber1Doc
    @thenumber1Doc 3 роки тому +33

    How those cops sleep at night is beyond me. They have betrayed our trust, and lost our respect. They are dishonourable, they badges are tarnished with misdeeds

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      Break the laws and mandates in place and you deserve a ticket. There is nothing dishonourable about their actions.
      What is dishonourable however is to put other peoples health in the community at risk by not taking precautions through social distancing and wearing masks.

    • @dylanmartin128
      @dylanmartin128 3 роки тому +3

      @@KOTR2003 No what is dishonorable is thinking that you can take away the freedom of the people to not muzzle themselves and to gather as guranteed under the laws of the United States. Im aware this is in Candada and I would invite the pastor to come to the US and open a church here. We would love to have him.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@dylanmartin128 you don't have to wear a mask in public, look up what the consequences of not wearing as mask was in Canada.
      You are allowed to gather, section 1 of the charter said that your rights are subject to limitations. If they said that you couldn't gather with 1 other person, that would be the only time that the right to gather would be violated.
      He moved to Canada from the USA, please take him back, we don't want him here in Canada.

    • @dylanmartin128
      @dylanmartin128 3 роки тому +3

      @@KOTR2003 Well, the more freedom loving people from Canada come to the US the merrier. Perhaps we can do an exchange? You take the Marxist socialist and crazed liberals from over here and we will take people who stand up for their rights like the pastor?

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@dylanmartin128 I can assure you people do not emigrate to the usa from Canada for more freedom haha.
      The amount of American citizens in Canada and vice versa is basically identical numbers. The amount of skilled trade workers coming into Canada from USA is on the rise from what I see... You can take our lower intelligent people while we take on your skilled workers, score 1 for Canada.

  • @PracticalPerry
    @PracticalPerry Рік тому +1

    This happened in the USA also, problem is police were enforcing government "mandates", which are not laws and thus, police and the courts have/had no jurisdiction. However, the police hope you are fooled and will plead guilty to a non-law and pay a fine. Pure illegal extortion. Only a court of law, after the due process of a trial, can issue a legal mandate, under what is called a Writ of Mandamus. Governors and health officers and OSHA and CDC etc, cannot legally issue mandates whatsoever. Further, in the US Constitution, which is a law, the 1st Amendment guarantees the God given right to peacefully gather, among other things, regardless of number and regardless of any alleged "pandemic".

  • @aspinallsandy4810
    @aspinallsandy4810 3 роки тому +7

    The man ouzes peace, very calm and gentle man

  • @jimkelly4011
    @jimkelly4011 3 роки тому +26

    Sick people! Sad they do people this way. The government should see how bad this makes them look.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      As opposed to those media seeking idiots who refuse the simple task of wearing a mask?
      You look really stupid when you argue tyranny for being asked to wear a mask or reduce gathering sizes. Mandates are put in place to help curb the spread, and they have shown to work. When restrictions loosen, then numbers climb at an increased rate when compared to times where restrictions are tighter.

    • @Silvane911
      @Silvane911 3 роки тому +4

      @@KOTR2003 You have been completely brainwashed with the koolaid. All the "health experts" swore up and down that masks should not be worn last spring, then they all changed their tune overnight. The reduced gathering sizes notion can be dispelled with 5 seconds of logical thought if you go into a Cosco or large mall with hundreds of people milling around. Interesting also liquor stores never shut down while churches were forced to close or reduce numbers. I feel sorry for you and pray you wake up.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@Silvane911 never did they say not to wear masks. They said do not buy up the supply of n95 masks that health care workers needed. The ability for hospitals to get shipments of the masks they required was greatly hindered because people were buying them up for personal use.
      Stores have policies and procedures in place to keep people the required distance apart, it is up to the patrons to follow said policies. The employees cannot dedicate their time to ensuring all customers are staying the required distance apart. They have limits of people allowed in the stores, they are doing their part to comply.
      Churches were told not to hold in person services. When that was not good enough for the cult that is church of god, they fought it and got drive in services approved. That was fine and dandy until his church stopped getting media coverage, and escalated the situation by trying to host indoor services.
      Your rights are not infringed upon, wearing a mask does not reduce your ability to get oxygen. Wearing a mask is a sign that you care about people in your community for wearing a mask protects those around you more than it protects you from others.
      Keep reading one side of the story and that is the only opinion you will have, I have read both sides and formed an opinion not based off of bias. You should try and do the same.
      By the way, you clearly don't understand "the koolaid" reference, I suggest you actually learn what it means, because the way you used it shows your lack of common sense.

    • @myzamilli9281
      @myzamilli9281 3 роки тому +2

      @@KOTR2003 shhh calm down child

    • @gordonliddy6997
      @gordonliddy6997 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 Get off your parents computer

  • @johncostello2948
    @johncostello2948 3 роки тому +11

    Not showing up will only cause the court to issue a bench warrant. He should show up with cameras and make a polite spectacle, then make it go viral. Then pressure the powers that be to extinguish this silly law.

  • @markp8277
    @markp8277 3 роки тому +6

    A real good cop would have told his Sargent sorry not going to be a part of this

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому +1

      That's why there basically are no real cops anymore. They end up quitting

  • @phillipf961
    @phillipf961 3 роки тому +3

    Dude is out of breath

  • @paulthurlow2396
    @paulthurlow2396 3 роки тому +11

    It's going to get tough before it gets better ,they are going to get what's coming ( prison )

  • @howardfoss700
    @howardfoss700 3 роки тому +6

    That is the face of the new Gestapo

  • @dklswh
    @dklswh 3 роки тому +4

    you dont have to answer your door for police

  • @nancyfehr5246
    @nancyfehr5246 3 роки тому +13

    Two policeman sitting in the car in upfront it’s not 6 feet apart.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +3

      Your point? In the workplace there is not always the opportunity to social distance. When you are on the job, do you not talk to people you work with in close proximity, if you don't then good on you, but still a valid question.
      The social distancing is geared for people you don't normally interact with.
      They also arrest people, hand out fines. They are not on the front lines like the medical industry, but their job requires them to be less than 6 feet from people.

    • @dirtbikingcanada
      @dirtbikingcanada 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 Corey, you are a slave. Stop it.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@dirtbikingcanada I am not being forced to endure any physical labour. Nor am I the legal property of anyone. Those are the requirements to be a slave, so by definition I am no slave. I have the choice to wear a mask or not: I can order groceries online and pickup outside the store. I choose to wear a mask, having a choice again means I am no slave.
      I am curious what you think makes me a slave.
      Comparing the restrictions that they have implemented to slavery is sickening. Slaves of years past would kill to live in these times.

    • @donk.2775
      @donk.2775 3 роки тому

      So true

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 It's Corey again commenting on every post in this video. Scroll down and look. If trolling comments caused covid, you'd be giving it to everyone.

  • @rocketman2112
    @rocketman2112 3 роки тому +19

    Complete breach of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +5

      You say that, but tell me what part of it is breached. I bet you cannot identify it, you are just a sheep on the "our freedom has been taken away" train.

    • @rocketman2112
      @rocketman2112 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 Section 2&3
      Freedom of Peaceful Assembly
      Freedom of Expression
      Freedom of Religion
      Freedom of Association
      Freedom of Mobility (coming next)

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +3

      @@rocketman2112 The government has not taken any of those away.
      Section 2a only relates to ones right to believe in whatever entity or religion they so wish. It has no relation to an assembly for said religion.
      Section 2b is freedom of speech, thoughts and belief. This has no relation to wearing a mask. This means you are entitled to expressing your opinions in any form you wish (verbal, media, press etc.)
      Section 2c while it DOES relate to peaceful protests, nothing in the charter says limitations cannot be placed on the size of the groups.
      Section 2d see my response regarding group sizes in 2c
      Your right of mobility has not been hindered. You are not bound to your home. Even in a lockdown you will still be allowed to go to work, shopping at stores that are deemed essential, go for walks, etc. If it came to the point of a 'lockdown' there are only people who do not wear masks or take the virus seriously to blame.
      Section 3 says you have the right to vote.... you clearly did not read properly when you went through the Charter to try and add substance to your baseless claim.

    • @erik5628
      @erik5628 3 роки тому +3

      @@rocketman2112 do you have freedom to not wear a seatbelt? ... I’ll wait.

    • @rocketman2112
      @rocketman2112 3 роки тому +2

      Section 2a - Breached
      Defined as "the right to entertain such religious beliefs as one chooses, the right to declare religious beliefs openly and without fear of hindrance or reprisal and the right to manifest religious belief by worship and practice or by teaching and dissemination"
      Section 2b - Breached
      This issue has expressive content. The manner in which this man chose to express himself does not remove that right to freedom of expression. The govt clearly has infringed on that protection. Placing limits on how many people can listen also breaches the freedom of expression rights the listeners have under Section 2b
      Section 2c - Breached
      We are "guaranteed the right to peaceful assembly" The govt is placing arbitrary limits on how many people can peacefully assemble.They cannot interfere with freedom of expression which placing assembly limits automatically does
      Section 2d - Breached
      In a nutshell this is the collective rights of people to come together to pursue other constitutional rights
      As for section 2b mask wearing was never discussed by myself but it is actually a breach of Section 7 of the charter as well.
      I apologize for referencing Section 3 instead of Section 6. I am rusty on the Charter sections. Mobility rights was referenced for future consideration and not applicable directly to this incident. The govt is considering implementing inter provincial mobility restrictions next.
      It is clear to me that the govt is violating the charter of rights and freedoms. Just yesterday the RCMP blocked people on the road from going to church in Steinbach,MB
      I think the real 'sheep' are the people who do nothing and go along with this egregious violation of our freedom.

  • @lucineasima2012
    @lucineasima2012 3 роки тому +6

    Let me understand this ...the same people that needs prayers for all the troubles we are facing ended is too against those who gather in prayers.
    God be with us!

  • @repure1999
    @repure1999 3 роки тому +5

    I am Sikh.
    To all our Christian bros and sisters; This is an absolute travesty against a community that brings salvage, refuge, comfort, and above all the lord and savior under these times of isolation. . . Why would you take that away from from people.
    We need to be united.
    God bless you.

    • @michaelweston2285
      @michaelweston2285 2 роки тому

      so religious people should be exempt from the laws of the land?

    • @AS-zv9dw
      @AS-zv9dw Рік тому

      Sikh people are two faced and use all laws to degrade Canada internally. Sikhs work with muslim brotherhood like jag meet and his bro being shills for Iran and Saudi/Turkey/ Qatari Wahabi Salafi Sunni's. Sikhs carry knives and play both sides. Now they are here to play the Christians

  • @crackencornandidontcare5273
    @crackencornandidontcare5273 3 роки тому +30

    I’m a follower of Jesus but I’m no pacifist, you slap me and I’ll slap back.

    • @popscyclep8084
      @popscyclep8084 3 роки тому +2

      Then you are confused

    • @TheThreshermansson
      @TheThreshermansson 3 роки тому +1

      To be a true follower of the Prince of peace we must be like Him and follow His examples and teachings
      is it not Written to do no violence to no man ?
      and if struck on the cheek to turn the other as well?
      My advice is don't get in a situation to get a slap
      Saying that situations arise and if we need to defend ourselves so be it ..my advice and action would be avoid situation, if it's a woman slapping then don't respond avoid the slap
      If it's a man slapping ..side step it and do your best to knock him out.
      Saying that lets do our best to follow the Lord with His Royal law command to treat everyone how we wish to be treated
      And then no one need slap anyone

    • @crackencornandidontcare5273
      @crackencornandidontcare5273 3 роки тому +3

      @@TheThreshermansson I think you need to do some deep study on turn the other cheek. It means to return with equal action, in other words. If someone slaps you, you don’t cave their head in with a rock you slap them back.

    • @TheThreshermansson
      @TheThreshermansson 3 роки тому

      @@crackencornandidontcare5273 I think you missed what I said
      Anyways ..The Lord taught to treat everyone how you yourself want to be treated, brotherly love and kindness to everyone ..and love thine enemies ..do violence to no man
      I suggest you study that

    • @crackencornandidontcare5273
      @crackencornandidontcare5273 3 роки тому +2

      @@TheThreshermansson I apologize this was supposed to be for the other commenter.

  • @unavailableusername9694
    @unavailableusername9694 3 роки тому +5

    Cant say what I think.

  • @quagmiredavis4117
    @quagmiredavis4117 3 роки тому +7

    While harassment going on over bs how many robbery and serious crimes are being ignored

  • @djmanning346
    @djmanning346 3 роки тому +10

    This Shit is coming to a fight , I hope you people know !

  • @delawar3
    @delawar3 3 роки тому +4

    "It's just mandatory masks." ❎
    "It's just illegal lockdowns." ❎
    "It's just our charter rights." ❎
    "It's just temporary...." ❎

    • @scotonfire1
      @scotonfire1 3 роки тому

      Caring about the safety and security of the churches congregation, including defenceless children, doesn't seem to matter when it comes down to a sense of privilege and above the law attitude.

  • @traceynomatterwhat383
    @traceynomatterwhat383 3 роки тому +20

    Well that was exciting to watch!! 😂

  • @dominiquedupouy9331
    @dominiquedupouy9331 3 роки тому +8


  • @francineb855
    @francineb855 3 роки тому +6

    Stand up for your rights we can all get through this if we just work together ❤
    It's about our FREEDOM!

  • @ernesttimnge
    @ernesttimnge 3 роки тому +17

    All i can say guys is that we are at the very last moments of the last days. Please let us all prepare for our lord and savior when he comes to rapture us.

    • @JoHn-if6wy
      @JoHn-if6wy 3 роки тому

      Nobody knows when the last day will come. You think people werent screaming the "last days are near" in WWII? lol.
      One thing is for sure. A world under one ruler will never occur. God condemned it. Just as all failed in the pass.
      These are simply cycles. You either stand up for it or get rolled by it. Has nothing to do with the end of days.

    • @ernesttimnge
      @ernesttimnge 3 роки тому

      @election fraud you have nothing to explain. Go read the Bible. The Bible is the word of God and it is the word of truth. Study the Bible to show thyself approved into God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • @tereasamcwhorter5449
    @tereasamcwhorter5449 3 роки тому +1

    The police department should they charge for Erasmus towards you in the church

  • @mariesantellan1732
    @mariesantellan1732 3 роки тому +3

    Brother you keep doing what the lord is telling you prayers for you I'm in A Z

  • @jenniferhester7911
    @jenniferhester7911 2 роки тому

    This is absolutely harassment

  • @mikee5507
    @mikee5507 3 роки тому +6


    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 3 роки тому

      Yes, the fall of Babylon is upon us. Satan's church system of mystery Babylon is being judged by God. It has become a habitation of devils. Satan's ministers disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness just like the scriptures say. Billions are deceived by it.

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 3 роки тому

      @election fraud i would love to agree with that. I really would. That would be great.

  • @jasunstudios2236
    @jasunstudios2236 3 роки тому +3

    Getting a ticket for hanging out with friends wtf is this world coming to

  • @JohnDought
    @JohnDought 3 роки тому +4

    Canada beautiful country.

  • @bibsann861
    @bibsann861 2 роки тому

    Why was this Church singled out. Seems to me most Churches during the pandemic closed but had online services. No authority came to lock doors it put the Pastor in jail. Now Churches are opening up again.

  • @Briggz5d
    @Briggz5d 3 роки тому +3

    It's been months.. where's the follow up ?

  • @Jordan-zj9oe
    @Jordan-zj9oe 3 роки тому +7


  • @markhayes1769
    @markhayes1769 3 роки тому +3

    They wouldn't go down to the local mosque and do that only Christian people.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      As far as I have seen in the news, no mosques have went out of their way to break the reopening Ontario act, so why should they get a ticket?

  • @geofffyffe1210
    @geofffyffe1210 3 роки тому

    Oh this so wrong of the police to do this

  • @longshadow7553
    @longshadow7553 3 роки тому +3

    Get a constitutional lawyer for that's against the first amendment sue their asses

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      This is Canada... We don't have amendments here. If you have no clue about what you are discussing, best to stay quiet haha

  • @sqsp
    @sqsp 3 роки тому +2

    Did the two officers receive a ticket for parking on the sidewalk?

  • @duanetank12
    @duanetank12 3 роки тому +7

    These officers will find a nice place in hell for participating in this outrageous proceeding

  • @windowcreek1798
    @windowcreek1798 3 роки тому

    These police officers will never have the public's respect ever again. Acting like Gestapo. London Police should be ashamed of themselves for ever.

  • @Bo-qv4ez
    @Bo-qv4ez 3 роки тому +10

    all pastors sould come out of hiding and take a stand for the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords.... Thk you Sir. God bless u and all who stand with u

    • @erik5628
      @erik5628 3 роки тому +1


    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      Their own Bible tells them they are wrong...
      Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."

    • @kellytinsinger9030
      @kellytinsinger9030 3 роки тому

      Romans 13 you idiot

    • @dirtbikingcanada
      @dirtbikingcanada 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 Thats a misuse of that scripture you sheep. You probably go to some reprobate church that worships the beast government.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@dirtbikingcanada how is it misuse when that is exactly how it is written?
      You claim misuse because it goes against your agenda, but it's right there in black and white. How else can you interpret those words that are so very clear.

  • @canadianrightstransparency
    @canadianrightstransparency 2 роки тому +1

    Always film the police 📸📸📸

  • @darel1540
    @darel1540 3 роки тому +19

    Wearing an obedience muzzle is a choice and there is no way in hell i will conform to tyranny

    • @compscilaw
      @compscilaw 3 роки тому +6

      Then don't come in my store.

    • @darel1540
      @darel1540 3 роки тому +3

      @@compscilaw gladly

    • @compscilaw
      @compscilaw 3 роки тому +5

      @@darel1540 Cool. And don't participate in any aspect of civil society either. .. I'm actually quite satisfied with your banishment. I ... guess ... I prefer it.

    • @compscilaw
      @compscilaw 3 роки тому

      Boy thank god you won't conform to tyranny.

    • @funfest24
      @funfest24 3 роки тому +1

      Intelligence has left the building.

  • @Grace-vk3jd
    @Grace-vk3jd 3 роки тому

    🦁 LIONS should not run away from hiennas. GOD IS IN OUR COURT. . Sandra ( as Grace

  • @DanOKC
    @DanOKC 3 роки тому +3

    Any follow-ups?

  • @Pepper-rn4hh
    @Pepper-rn4hh 3 роки тому +1

    Any update on this?

  • @squal911911
    @squal911911 3 роки тому +3

    The pastor lied and it has been caught on camera. He said he was ticketed for being at a peaceful protest. The truth is that he was ticketed for 'failing to comply' to the 're-opening Ontario Act'.

  • @amadaacunia8613
    @amadaacunia8613 3 роки тому +2

    Stand strong, God is with you

  • @markGoldfinch1989
    @markGoldfinch1989 3 роки тому +3

    Despicable....we must stand together and fight tyranny from this federal and all municipal governments. All politicians participating in this tyranny must be charged and jailed.

  • @debbiegamble6062
    @debbiegamble6062 3 роки тому +1

    I saw Pastor hillebrand on the Sasha Stone video where he spoke and said he was isolating himself on some big farm and not going into town or bothering with these lockdowns. So which is it?

  • @compscilaw
    @compscilaw 3 роки тому +15

    Professional and polite.

    • @metalhead6698
      @metalhead6698 3 роки тому

      I know right? A couple of nice cops...

    • @chrisprosser9389
      @chrisprosser9389 3 роки тому +2

      I agree. The cops did well surrounded by cell phone tough guys and selfish idiots

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @election fraud nowhere in the Charter does it say you have the right to freedom of worship. It says you have freedom of conscience and religious belief, but nothing about freedom of worship.
      They allow Sunday services through drive in means, so even if it did say freedom of worship, they still would have that right.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @election fraud the right to peaceful assembly is still allowed, in limited group sizes.
      There is a clause stated in section 1 of the charter that says any section following it is subject to limitations. Unless they say you cannot gather with one other person, you have the right to peaceful assembly.
      It does not say the government has no right to make rules regarding a religion. Are you sure you read the charter? Even still, the limitations are a blanket rule for all civilians, not just religion so it is not discriminatory.

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 What's this, like the 50th comment you've trolled on this video?

  • @scafe232
    @scafe232 3 роки тому

    That idiot filming should be arrested too for harassing and following the cops in the process of carrying out their duties. That's disorderly conduct.

  • @charliesmith5545
    @charliesmith5545 3 роки тому +4

    If this was a BLM protest or people blocking train tracks/ trying to derail trains, the cops wouldn't do anything and sit idle.
    But if your trying to run a business your ticketed!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      Absurd thought process you commented. It's because of the gathering size, nothing to do with the content of the protest/gathering. They have also charged people for hosting house parties under the 'reopening Ontario act'.
      If you don't comply with the act, you absolutely deserve to get a ticket. It is for the protection and safety that all Canadian citizens are entitled to according to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    • @mitchellhedden1978
      @mitchellhedden1978 3 роки тому +1

      The courts will decide that.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@mitchellhedden1978 You are just spitting out the same statements as everyone else. It does not matter what the court decides, in this moment, there is an act that introduces new laws, and if you do not follow them you deserve a ticket.

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 Yet another comment where the the first troll responder was, you guessed it folks, COREY!!!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@billg7205 two in a row here that you pasted the same one, making is 12. How high can we go by the time we hit the end of the comments on this video.

  • @abegraber7181
    @abegraber7181 3 роки тому +1

    We need to help our Canadian Patriot neighbors raise and train a Militia......

  • @papayaman78
    @papayaman78 3 роки тому +5

    Nasi psychopath s

  • @chiefswife1212
    @chiefswife1212 3 роки тому +1

    Yall better stand up!! And fight this Tyranny!!!

  • @f8bethere
    @f8bethere 3 роки тому +12

    Absolutely childish, and I don’t refer to the police.

    • @danielklassen6667
      @danielklassen6667 3 роки тому +4

      So you mean standing up to our rights and freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is being Childish?? Now talk to me! Or go hide under your Rock. You're such a Kid. Grow Up...

    • @f8bethere
      @f8bethere 3 роки тому +2

      @@danielklassen6667 First, I don’t have a rock. If I did I wouldn’t be aware of the world wide pandemic. Where does the Charter of Rights give you the right to potentially spread a deadly virus? Yes, I stick by childish, but religion is a business and you have to do what you have to do to make a dollar. A physiologist will tell you that you can’t have a rational conversation with an irrational person. Have a good day.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@danielklassen6667 you keep referring to it going against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, point me to the section that discusses being asked to wear a mask in public, or taking precautions to stop the spread of a virus.
      I will gladly read it, you just need to point me to the right section.

    • @jonathantable1316
      @jonathantable1316 3 роки тому +2

      @@KOTR2003 You can't even read the youtube video description... The court summons is for participating in an outdoor gathering at Victoria Park which exceeded 25 people contrary to the Reopening Ontario Act. Nothing to do with masks.....Even if this man wasn't wearing one, there is also no mandate to wear masks in outdoor public spaces, only indoor. Vic Park is not an indoor space. The section in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is section 2(c) which details the right to peacefully assemble and associate. All laws created from the emergency act are subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and these mandates do not supersede these rights. Why is this difficult to understand?

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@jonathantable1316 you took one part of my comment and twisted it. The protests are partially because people think being asked to wear masks is a breach of freedom, so my point still stands.
      Let me reword it for you... Find anywhere in the Charter that says your rights are infringed upon related to this charge.
      I know exactly why he was given a ticket.
      I just read the rest of your message.. Section 2c is not breached because they have not banned peaceful protests. They have limited the group size, not forbid people from protesting. The charter has not been breached. Its THAT hard for you to understand?

  • @mariavarela7388
    @mariavarela7388 3 роки тому +2

    And yet....murderers, rapists, thieves, etc. roam free...

  • @glt-shirts5207
    @glt-shirts5207 3 роки тому +8

    If the Pastor was the only one "singled out" this is fascism.

    • @funfest24
      @funfest24 3 роки тому +2

      No he wasn’t. He was one of the keynote speakers and he brought his little sheep with him.

    • @erik5628
      @erik5628 3 роки тому +3

      Look up the word “instigator”. You might learn something.

    • @nathankinman7753
      @nathankinman7753 Рік тому

      Honestly, if I was a Pastor, I would rather the blue pigs, and their government overlords, just issue ME a citation and ME only. And leave my congregation alone.

  • @stevepellew8021
    @stevepellew8021 2 роки тому

    God's says let my children go 🚶.

  • @sterain61
    @sterain61 3 роки тому +5

    Well to be honest all the cops did was serve papers.

    • @TablaSmagdarina
      @TablaSmagdarina 3 роки тому +6

      Your famous last words:
      First they came for the Preachers
      And I did not speak out because I was not a Preacher
      Then they came for the Christians
      And I did not speak out because I was not a Christian
      Then they came for the Unvaccinated and I did not speak out because I was unvaccinated too
      Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@TablaSmagdarina they have handed out tickets to more non prominent religious people than they have prominent religious people.
      They are not singling out pastors, it is just that they are constantly breaking the laws and because of their position they get more media coverage.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@TablaSmagdarina a pastor deserves to be arrested if they continue to break the laws. They are given orders not to do certain things or be arrested, yet they do it anyways.
      More people have recieved tickets for attending gatherings than pastors have been arrested or even ticketed.
      You say I don't know the truth, yet you keep telling false information.
      I have to ask you, do you think being asked to wear a mask is part of a satanic agenda, then you are saying saving lives is part of the satanic agenda. Masks have proven effective in reducing the chances of spreading the virus, and in turn saving lives. Do you actually think saving lives is an act of the devil?
      Open your eyes, you don't need to follow your cult leaders every been and call.
      Edit: it seems like you deleted your last comment that I replied to... I wonder why that is. Hmmm

    • @thinkcentre2974
      @thinkcentre2974 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 health Canada has recalled masks out of concern

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@thinkcentre2974and, what point are you trying to prove? Why don't you reply with what the recall was issued for. I know the reason, do you?

  • @francineb855
    @francineb855 3 роки тому +2

    Just 12 hours ago. Great news just came in!
    The judge has refused Ontario Attorney General’s request to lock down Aylmer’s Church of God today!
    The judge saw no immediate health needs would be served by the action, and wisely expressed a desire that the situation be de-escalated, not intensified by such an action.
    On to Pastor Hildebrandt’s contempt trial, which will proceed as planned on May 13, but more good news is that counsel will be allowed to cross-examine the Regional Chief Medical Officer during that trial, with regard to health risk actually posed by the church!

  • @mmg1972mikee
    @mmg1972mikee 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you Pastor and the team for standing firm against the ruler of this world along with his agents.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      Their own Bible tells them they are wrong... there is no section of the charter that is being breached, none at all.
      Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."

    • @erik5628
      @erik5628 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 they hate it when their “facts” are thrown back at them. Also, they shouldn’t ever cut their hair, ergo every man with short hair is committing some kind atrocity to god. Cherry picking passages, like most public religious figures.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @Top o' the mornin' Are you actually going through and liking your own comments? Haha, very sad
      What am I lying about, your rights are not infringed upon, your rights are subject to limitations, read section 1. It flat out tells you that your rights can be limited.

  • @RussellStudiosUSA
    @RussellStudiosUSA 3 роки тому +1

    Thugs going against their oaths!

  • @vettkid
    @vettkid 3 роки тому +6

    Finally a little bit of justice to this guy he deserves it putting us all in danger and risking all of our health
    Romans 13:1-2

    • @juanjanzen
      @juanjanzen 3 роки тому +2

      I can see you are on the right track, but keep reading the whole chapter don’t just read one or two verses out of it. Read everything!!

    • @cdncoalitionforliberty174
      @cdncoalitionforliberty174 3 роки тому +1


    • @nor-westbulklineslp3292
      @nor-westbulklineslp3292 3 роки тому +1

      Just another sheep you are participating in group think

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@nor-westbulklineslp3292 Sheep are those who follow this pastor and the ways of his cult.

    • @phillyunrau4736
      @phillyunrau4736 3 роки тому +1

      @@juanjanzen ..that is right ✅ ..we don't bow ..follow governments we FOLLOW JESUS ONLY ... even motorcycle 🏍 car 🚗 insurance etc must be Optional ..not forced by government gangs .. 5GAPPEAL.EU

  • @coldcoldrain13
    @coldcoldrain13 3 роки тому

    To gutless and overpaid to be the Gostapo.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      Break laws and mandates, get a ticket plain and simple.

  • @rebeccajohnson4232
    @rebeccajohnson4232 3 роки тому +3

    They have no idea what they are doing!
    Very! big mistake to come against the people of God.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      Because the people of God are above the law?

    • @phillyunrau4736
      @phillyunrau4736 3 роки тому

      This Corey is everywhere..same as myself ..lo ..yes we are above man-made laws ..

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@phillyunrau4736 Mk, now you have shown once and for all you are just memeing.

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 Yet another comment where the the first troll responder was, you guessed it folks, COREY!!!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@billg7205 this is now the 8th time you have pasted this comment. Come on, making an original comment is not that difficult.

  • @foreignlanguagestutoring6087
    @foreignlanguagestutoring6087 3 роки тому +1

    have my support. We all face these nazi fascists tactics.

  • @geijoe1926
    @geijoe1926 3 роки тому +3

    Jeremiah 21 says woe unto you pastors 4ye how the sin number social insurance number Cain's sacrifice trafficking number

    • @phillyunrau4736
      @phillyunrau4736 3 роки тому +1

      What you mean ... eternallyaware.com and C19 virus is fake 5GDANGERS.com and

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@phillyunrau4736 yeah, a fake virus has killed millions of people... makes sense. You are a sad, old man shaking a stick at the wind.

    • @phillyunrau4736
      @phillyunrau4736 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 ..u again..lo follow me everywhere ...repect your elderly..someday soon ..u be older ..hopefully wiser like myself ..if I live til 888 ?? as Adam did then me still a youth ..ok millions dead fr what ?? Have you cut one body open to see ..u trust NWO GANG..JESUITS Doctors etc .. flu deaths etc are all down ummm wonder why .. and 5g is killing many ..in China etc .

    • @phillyunrau4736
      @phillyunrau4736 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 ..u r the sad one .. be spirituallysmart.com and live

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@phillyunrau4736 there is so much wrong with your reply. You have shown in many occasions that you are not a "wise old man". You debate like a child, when you are proven to be wrong you hide away, change the subject, go off on wild rants, and never actually try and prove your opinion.
      Firstly, it is you that posts everywhere, I merely respond to the stupidity that you spew.
      Millions dead from covid... No need for me personally confirming that. If a person tests positive for covid, and dies unexpectedly, then it is safe to assume covid caused the death.
      Flu deaths are down you say? The last days released for flu related deaths and hospitalizations was April 2020, so where are you getting your data from that spread decreased deaths? Oh that's right, you don't have a source.
      You are all over, why is it so hard for you to stay focused? 5g is killing people you say... You love your conspiracy theories I see.
      Edit: once again you fail to compile your reply into one post. I love the rebuttal though "I know you are not what am I" lol... The maturity level you convey is non existent.

  • @duanecarr6712
    @duanecarr6712 3 роки тому +1

    How quickly the cops are just fine with harassing and intimidating their own citizens. What pigs and traitors

  • @KOTR2003
    @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +4

    Good on the police, Aylmer needs to step up and do something as well to more of those involved in the huge violation that proceeded there.
    I love how the original person who uploaded this video thinks that it makes them look any better and that the police are the bad guys here.
    Where does it say that new laws (within reason) cannot be enacted upon Canadian citizens. If something says no large gatherings, then abide by it. Your protests will go nowhere, the only thing they will do is increase the number of covid cases.
    The effects of Aylmer's 1900+ "freedom" march are being seen in the latest daily cases of the coronavirus.
    Your freedom is not being impeached upon by having to wear a mask, those who do not wear them actually take away freedom from those who are at risk of severe effects of the virus. They sit at home for fear of going out and interacting with people who refuse them the simple respect of wearing a mask.

    • @patriotpilot6007
      @patriotpilot6007 3 роки тому +5

      The people in Nazi Germany allowed their freedoms to be taken also, for the "good" of the country, that is how people's freedoms are encroached upon, little by little. And as far as Mask Wearing, the CDC in the U.S. stated 3 months ago that mask wearing does NO GOOD at ALL! Then under pressure from liberals, they changed and said they did some good, but is was hard to tell for sure. Locking people down has caused more deaths from suicide than Covid has. The Covid Numbers were and are INFLATED, doctors being ORDERED from their hospitals where they work, to wrote down every single death as Covid related. You people need to do just a little research on your own instead of listening to the Lame stream media who goes along with these Tyrants in places of power trying to outright LIE about the number of cases and deaths. The inventor of one of the tests used for Covid stayed that multiplying the results like they do produces over 50% or mor FALSE POSITIVE RESULTS. I watched it myself and looked his name up. I don't need my government telling me to wash my hands and stay at home to save lives, WHEN IT IS DOES NOT! Just because they CLAIM there are more cases everyday, they forget to mention that most of these Cases, are people perfectly fine, showing no symptoms whatsoever. The media has managed to manipulate the brain dead masses into believing they will now die unless they have a mask, that Makes your immune system go down because you are not breathing fresh air anymore. READ A LITTLE.,INFORM YOURSELF! Do NOT depend your life on what the government tells you. I mean, has THE GOVERNMENTS OF THIS WORLD EVERLIED TO US BEFORE? Have they EVER BEEN WRONG BEFORE? Use your common sense, be careful, but LIVE YOUR LIFE! You quarantine SICK PEOPLE, NOT THE HEALTHY!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      ​@@patriotpilot6007 Wow... where do I start with you? I almost did not even give you the time of day to read that paragraph. Tip, space out your points next time, that was very hard to read (both because the lack of intelligence, and the format in which you wrote it out).
      I am not afraid of researching, so I went ahead and did some basic but thorough searches on your entire wall of text.
      1) The CDC never said that masks were ineffective. I believe you are referring to a doctored post on Facebook that has the official CDC logo on it. This same document also claims that wearing cloth masks traps CO2 and can be harmful to the wearer. That claim is absolutely ridiculous, and is easy to test. There are videos of people wearing many masks at once, and blood oxygen levels did not lower from a control test of no mask at all. (source: ca.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN24I2PP)
      2) Statistics for suicide are not tracked live. They are collected and released at a later time, so 2020 statistics will be released in 2021. If you have a source that can show the current stats for suicide, I would welcome you to share it with me. Even statistics Canada does not have information on 2020, publicly available and their 2019 data collected in July they marked it as "PRELIMINARY" values. If 2019 is still labelled preliminary, I highly doubt 2020 figures are public. (source: www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/suicide-stats-canada-provinces/)
      3) No legitimate sources have proved that numbers are inflated. Therefore I take this as a baseless claim. I have read stories on multiple sides and concluded for myself that this is an untrue claim.
      4) Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test) never said the quote “PCR tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all”. This quote was taken from a document written by John Lauritsen. The PCR test absolutely can identify if someone has COVID with great accuracy, but the PCR test cannot prove whether the person is infectious or not. (source: www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-pcr-idUSKBN24420X)
      5) Now, this next one shows your true level of intelligence. You claim washing your hands will do nothing? If someone was sick with the common cold, or the flu (if you believe in the flu I guess I should say), and they coughed/sneezed on something (without your knowledge of course) and you touched that object then a mucus membrane, do you not believe you would get sick? If you are around sick people, it is common knowledge, I would hope, that the best way to try and avoid getting sick is to wash your hands.
      6) I would love you to explain how wearing a mask does not allow fresh air to enter your lungs. Doctors/nurses/industrial workers/construction all wear masks on a daily (or mostly daily) basis. How do you explain all of those people making it through (especially doctors) 12, 14, 20 hour days while wearing a mask the entire time? Did you ever even consider that before believing that conspiracy theory? People work with masks on all the time, and yet, they go home just fine every day. (some videos to watch: ua-cam.com/video/0Tp0zB904Mc/v-deo.html and ua-cam.com/video/npXP5wqNzaI/v-deo.html)
      After that point you basically go on a conspiracy theory rant, and I just cannot read the eye cancer that which it is. It literally hurt my brain trying to go through the same conspiracy theorist vomit.
      I have provided links to reputable sources, and have done actual research. If you can come back with any more data, I implore you to share it, but for now, all of your claims have been fact checked, and are proven false.

    • @fernandolozano9898
      @fernandolozano9898 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 your response was great 👍

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@fernandolozano9898 thanks, it was long winded, but if that is what it takes to provide the truth then so be it.

    • @Eric-tc8iv
      @Eric-tc8iv 3 роки тому +1

      @@KOTR2003 you’ve gone full stupid. Now your prophetess “Colonel” Dr Birx has said that “"There are other countries that if you had a pre-existing condition and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem -- some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now ... if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death." Proving that the Covid numbers are completely manipulated, after taking the misleading PCR test and testing “positive” someone can die in a motorcycle crash and they will be added to the Covid death toll. Your other points are too stupid for me to address.

  • @slowgynman1234.
    @slowgynman1234. 3 роки тому +1


  • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
    @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому +4

    This world is full of laws. But mo justice!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      Where is the justice for all the people who have died from covid? How many of their lives could have been saved if people took precautions to curb the spread of the virus?

    • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
      @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 covid would never happen if people were not so greedy. It's faith that will carry us through this covid thing. Faith with good works im talking.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@jimmyandtheresurrection7247 how does greed have anything to do with covid?
      If anything greed is what is causing all the animosity towards this church and its "pastor". He is greedy for media coverage, for the advertising, he needs more people to join his cult and feed him money.

    • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
      @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 what does greed have to do with covid? You need to do your research. The pharmaceutical companies create situations so they can make a killing. Dont you think if the world pull togather we would have already had a credible cure? What do you see? People competing against one another. Cause they figure who gets the cure first will make a killig. They have weaponized covid. And they have made it an alibi to sensor free speech. If God doesnt open the eyes of the Mankind to a cure then he wont have a cure. And there is a lot of conflicting reports among the medical fraternity about this thing makes you wonder.

    • @jimmyandtheresurrection7247
      @jimmyandtheresurrection7247 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 And what you said about the preacher about wanting to advertise is judgemental. Judge not lest you be judge

  • @jennifercameron1536
    @jennifercameron1536 2 роки тому

    👏👏👏👏👏👏 USE THE MASKS 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @silentpulls7447
    @silentpulls7447 3 роки тому +4

    Is Jesus saving you from the pandemic? No. So stay home and get past it.

    • @johanhiebert7743
      @johanhiebert7743 3 роки тому +3

      Yes Jesus saves everybody who believes on him

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@johanhiebert7743 Did God save those children who fell ill in the early 2000's? They could have survived with basic medical care, but your pastor forebode them to receive it. Praying for those children caused them to perish.

    • @elenaharder8137
      @elenaharder8137 3 роки тому

      Jesus kam to save us from sin, not from siknis...

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@elenaharder8137That spelling though... why bother praying for health then if "god is not there to save you from sickness'?

    • @billg7205
      @billg7205 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 Yet another comment here trolled by, you guessed it folks, COREY!!!

  • @dklswh
    @dklswh 3 роки тому +1

    A order or a mandate are not laws.

  • @scafe232
    @scafe232 3 роки тому +4

    I wonder if he read that part in the Bible that says "obey your earthly authority."

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      You need only reference their own Bible to put their protests into question.
      Romans 13:1-2 says (may be in different words in different bibles, but essentially): "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow."

    • @geijoe1926
      @geijoe1926 3 роки тому +1

      I wonder if he didn't read the part where Samuel says to Saul it is better to obey than to sacrifice Hosea 13:11 KJV in mine anger I give you a king in my wrath I take him away

    • @geijoe1926
      @geijoe1926 3 роки тому +1

      Have you ever read acts 4 acts 5 in the KJV understood it rightly cuz man's Wisdom is foolishness unto God Psalms chapter 2 KJV do you even know what it means to obey God rather than man Titus 1:14 KJV

    • @geijoe1926
      @geijoe1926 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 read Psalms chapter 2 KJV Acts chapter 4 + 5

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +1

      @@geijoe1926 How many times do I have to tell you I am not religious, and do not waste my time reading the bible.
      You are trying to cherry pick verses in the bible to try and prove your ridiculous claims, but by doing so and twisting the words, you are saying that the part that I point out is not valid, not important.
      If you are truly religious and follow the bible, you would also follow Romans 13, which says all things of power are put there by God, if you disobey said powers then you "shall receive to themselves damnation". (referring back to your version that you keep bringing up.
      You say you are religious, or appear very much so, but yet you dismiss parts of the bible... you can stop trying to prove your foolishness with the bible, because the more you do the more you prove you don't actually follow your own rulebook.

  • @shawnlawrence973
    @shawnlawrence973 3 роки тому +2

    I believe that officer may have committed numerous federal offenses. Perhaps you can have the case thrown out or the summons void. I don't know what the laws are in Canada but I think there similar to USA , I believe that officer committed a federal offense by using the mailbox without POSTAGE paid, I think only a mailman is authorized to put anything into your box. And again its gotta have postage paid.

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      He tried to hand the ticket to the idiotic pastor, but he refused. He told him to put it in the mailbox. What the fuck are you talking about? haha
      He was read the ticket, asked if he had questions about the ticket. He did not, so he already gave a verbal agreement that he got the ticket and did not have questions about it.
      You saying that only a postman has authorization in your mailbox.... wow. You do realize that local newspapers are handed out by people who are not postal workers. I was 10 years old and putting newspapers in peoples mailboxes. Once more, what the hell are you talking about?
      The biggest thing that makes your claim idiotic is that... THEY FILMED THEIR PASTOR GETTING THE TICKET. They literally gave all the proof in the world that they issued a ticket to the correct person.

    • @dericksmith2137
      @dericksmith2137 3 роки тому

      @@KOTR2003 - I’d have to agree. It’s a shame tho because I’d love it if the damned ‘flyer’ people could be arrested. I’ve got the ‘no soliciting/no flyers’ sign, yet my mailbox was always full. My area converted to the mailbox ‘stations’ where I walk across the street to a box with many licking mail slots (and it’s full of flyers too). So with my sign and the mail station, I removed my house mail box. Now the flyer people shove them in between the screen and protective scroll on my screen door, ripping the screen, and stretching it out of the seal.
      *ok, I got off topic and ranted like a lunatic. 🙄😉

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому

      @@dericksmith2137 Maybe the sign is not in an obvious enough spot? *shrug* who knows, it is often children (or at least it used to be years ago) trying to make a couple bucks delivering the flyers, so they are in their own heads and not looking for those kinds of signs.

    • @popscyclep8084
      @popscyclep8084 3 роки тому +1

      Cop was given permission to put it the mailbox!

  • @Jr-vd3fr
    @Jr-vd3fr 3 роки тому +3

    These people with their cameras trying to justify their stupidity.

    • @danielklassen6667
      @danielklassen6667 3 роки тому +5

      So you mean standing up to our rights and freedoms under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is Stupid?? Now talk you 🐪!

    • @KOTR2003
      @KOTR2003 3 роки тому +2

      @@danielklassen6667 having to wear a mask to protect others is not encroaching on your freedom. Plain and simple.

    • @erik5628
      @erik5628 3 роки тому

      @@danielklassen6667 Did you call him a camel? what does that mean?

    • @danielklassen6667
      @danielklassen6667 3 роки тому +3

      @@erik5628 YES I DID. Now go put your Thinking Cap on will ya!

    • @danielklassen6667
      @danielklassen6667 3 роки тому +4

      @@KOTR2003 I ALWAYS wear a mask on indoor and outdoor public places to be nice to them people

  • @tjclaudio665
    @tjclaudio665 3 роки тому +1

    Way to go guys stand your ground!!

  • @judydyck4707
    @judydyck4707 3 роки тому +1

    Prayers for the church !! 🙏

    • @patbrennan6572
      @patbrennan6572 3 роки тому +1

      Prayers are ok but i;m sure they would prefer the cash . LOL.

  • @phillipf961
    @phillipf961 3 роки тому +1

    Why are they mad at the cops. They were very polite and they didn’t make the summons to court. They delivered it. People are rude

  • @josegomezbighands
    @josegomezbighands 3 роки тому

    Re-elected your representatives in Canada

  • @markmateman2968
    @markmateman2968 3 роки тому +2

  • @SuperSlappy25
    @SuperSlappy25 3 роки тому +2

    will there be more than 25 people in the court on that day

  • @patsyjeanflaharty5318
    @patsyjeanflaharty5318 3 роки тому +1

    I feel sorry for the cops for having to do something that must feel so wrong. It goes so much higher than them. Our world has gone nuts. We as Christians need to continue to shine brightly in a dark world.

    • @The7dioses
      @The7dioses 3 роки тому

      You are not shining brightly by feeling sorry for corrupt inmoral scum that practise oppression upon innocent people.

  • @marthaingram4621
    @marthaingram4621 2 роки тому

    What’s? Going on

  • @ramonmedina1363
    @ramonmedina1363 2 роки тому

    En cuba comenso asi y como se elebo y cresio el diablo!!!

  • @scotonfire1
    @scotonfire1 3 роки тому +1

    Perhaps you may understand it better if put into theological terms. God wants you to love your neighbour by not spreading a deadly virus and you can accomplish that by following the health officials recommendations which are, wear a mask, social distance(keep 6 feet apart), limit social gatherings to recommended numbers and to get through this with the least amount of suffering get vaccinated as soon as possible. Any responsible child of God wouldn't have a problem with this.

  • @ramonmedina1363
    @ramonmedina1363 2 роки тому

    👉ellos cren que estan bien pero estan mal ese gobierno!!!