People are like he needs to change coach this and that but from what I see he's a smart guy knows what he is doing. Instead of making his athletes gain 50 lbs a year he takes a much safer approach of adding muscle consistently over a longer period of time, leaving the ego out of the door training time under tension and also using minimal super sups to get maximum results. Also giving each athletes time doing one on one session. Couldn't ask for a better coach who looks after his athletes wellbeing instead of making them get max results using minimum time.
Děkuji za rozhovor a rovnoi poprosím o další . . Povídání s panem trenérem je velice zajímavé , vzpomínám si na hodinový podcast s Mišem a panem Hlobikem, a ten jsem si poslechnul na jeden ráz . A držím palce Miškovi na Mr. Olympia !
Great interview, very smart coach. I am a HUGE fan of Dorian Yates and unfortunately he is right. On some exercise Dorian was very cautious. On other, especially arms not so much. Skullcrusher should be called elbow crusher and forcing on standing barbell curl isn't also safe for biceps. And this is were injuries happened. Not only because of "contest prep" but ALSO in exercise selection and weight used. Ronnie was WAY worst though. He seems to say Dorian "abused" supps but he was very conservative so I would be very curious what is his approach in this department.
hey Krizo, in generals terms what do you think is better for naturals athletes, to train a muscle once per week or twice? (assuming a correct volume per training session)
Everything he says is 100% true, I never train to failure, never go super intense where i cant move my arms anymore, when you reach maximum pump you STOP, pushing past it does nothing but cut your recovery down.. And im natural, got my best gains when i trained what he preaches, 100% on point, all this go hard go home, super intense failure training is actually counter productive
all good and hope things work not sure there is a right or wrong way. i think its just a person to person thing. some like to push crazy hard and some hold back. heck ive seen injuries happen without doing anything. so its a body to body thing. Some people handle the heavy training some dont. I think Krizo is looking good. A little more work on a couple things and he'll be in those top spots for sure. Keep up the good work guys.
ur right that everybody is a bit different but leaving some gas in the tank and not overloading the body will be safer and more effective for the vast majority of people. Almost every BB who trained like Dorian ended their career with tons of injuries.
A point which probably needs some clarification - Branch Warren and Dorian Yates didn't train anything alike. Not in volume, not in intensity (expressed as a percentage of reaching failure) or frequency. Warren trained explosively - more or less throwing the weights around, the antithesis of HIT principles. Warren trained more like Ronnie Coleman, which is no coincidence since they shared the same gym. Yates injuries ALL occurred during pre-contest prep. By his own admission (watch his interviews) - that's when he should have backed-off, but he mentally couldn't do it - he continued training like he did in the off-season (balls-to-the-wall.) Is he really saying that Yates took more "supplements" than today's competitors? How would he know what he took? It seems doubtful one way or another, given how heavy competitors are today... Their training for sure isn't any better and they lack a lot of details from guys 20 years ago.
Dorian Yates said many times exactly what he took, how much, how long, etc. Directly from HIS mouth. And he was pretty conservative compared to today's bodybuilder so I am VERY curious what is his approach. Seems low dosage.
@@LoutfiAJAOUN That's true, but some people cast doubt on it (is he being truthful.) So I wonder what he believes he took. Only Dorian really knows. Personally I doubt he was that outrageous as he seems to live a good life today whereas many of his contemporaries have passed away...
The coach didn't say Dorian used more than today's BB pros. He said Dorian used high dosages in absolute terms - meaning "high for coach's taste." That doesn't mean current BB guys don't take even more.
@@LoutfiAJAOUN Dorian may have lied on his GH use though. Jamo nezzar one of his friends and 90's competitor gives the exact amounts Yates took in an interview. Ped wise exactly like Yates said but way more GH than the usual 6/8 Yates preach. He says in an interview (jamcast#22, in French) Dorian used 24IU a day. 12 morning, 12 at night. That would surely massively helps his recovery.
@@Marc-co5cj oh wow!!! I am french first language and for SURE will check this interview! Some of guys in the 90s are old now and it gets hard for them to remember clearly unless they wrote it down.
Pumpovanie nie je hlavný spúšťač svalového rastu, tým je mechanické napätie. Tak cvičil Dorian, spomínaný DC tréning, čo vynašiel Dante Trudel, za mňa nie je nič lepšie pre naturála ako táto schéma, podľa mňa aj keby križo cvičí týmto spôsobom, tak by mal ešte lepšie výsledky. To je môj názor, sám sledujem Križa už dlhú dobu a keď tlakoval veľké váhy na úzkom benchi tie paže boli enormnejšie aspoň z môjho pohladu👊🏻💪🏻
Spustacom rastu svalu je akakolvek jeho praca...praca je len stimulom..pri praci sval nerastie..naopak....rast svalu zavisi od oddychu,regeneracie a stravy..a suplementov.....Krizo cvici vyslovene pekne..kontroluje aj aktivnu aj pasivnu cast cviku...nedava extremne vahy...tym sa vyhyba zraneniam a velky..ale je sa neda povedat o takych ako Ruhl,Waren či Walker...ano ..oni su tzv.bulky..ale nemajú estetické svaly...u Kriza je problem v tom ze ma velke paprče...a tazsie izoluje napr.chrbat...najme latissimus....tam by mal pridat...ale pomaly a postupne....aby sa nezranil....prirychly rast svalu zvysuje nachylnost na ruptury svalu ci uponov....nieje dovod aby svoj karierny peak dosiahol hned teraz.... je dobrý...a bude lepsi
@@richardcsabi7454 Ako moze sval rast bez toho aby si mu dal dostatocny stimul? Sval rastie z toho že ho mechanicky pretažíš, tj.časom dvíhaš ťažšie váhy na čo sa sval adaptuje, tak rastie sval a nie metabolickým stresom alebo svalovicou teda DOMS.(že sa poškodí a zcelí naspäť, to je nonsens) Prečo tí najväčší kulturisti boli najsilnejší? Coleman priťahoval 200kíl, benchoval so 180 doslova pred súťažou.
Asi sme sa nerozumeli.....ja netvrdim ze sval netreba stimulovat..ja hovorim ze akakolvek praca je stimul.vo vseobecnosti.. samozrejme ze 130kg pro bodybilder asi nebude dvihat 5kg cinky. V tom mas pravdu ze sval potrebuje ano..ale nemusia to byt maximá...nieje nutne technicky zle benčnut 250 kg..dedliftnut 350...a legpresnut 500kg...potom dopadnes ako Colleman...light weight baby..yeah. a je na voziku s kompresivnymi frakturami driekovych stavcov a odpálenymi koxami Kazdy jeden z tych kulturistov je individual....a kazdemu vyhovuje nieco ine..ja vravim ze dobre a kontrolovane odcvicena seria so 100kg je viac ako cheatovat so 150kg len aby si to o sebe mohol povedat....cim vyssia vaha a horsia kontrola tym vacsie riziko velkej ale aj malej traumy ci mikrotraumy..... Je pravda ze sval treba stimulovat...ale nielen vahou..ale aj napr.zmenou cvikov....a hlavne co najviac izolovanym cvicenim.....najtazsie sa robia svaly ktore najviac pouzivas v beznom zivote....ako u ortopoda su to nohy..hlavne lytka. A brucho.... lebo tu sa u muzov najviac uklada tuk.....ono je to jednoduche Ja som nikdy nerobil kulturistiku ako sport..a vzdy ako "natty".....a nimky som nesielv treningoch na max.vahy.....raz za 3 mesiace trening na benči.....rastol som..a nikdy ziadna trauma.....samozrejme z tychto pro bodybilderov ani jeden nejdw bez "gumidžúsu"..ani jeden......
pa trener je odborník, ale neni mu rozumět ani slovo, nebýt tam angl. titulky tak nikdo neví co chytrého povídá, až na nepřesnost z Branchem, řiká pravdu
Krizo needs some breathing and posing training for the Olympia. I don't think you gave 100% in your last competition but posing and conditioning is really important to be in top 6 at the MR. O
Dorian was definitely heavy duty. Have you not seen what he used to row?! And the intensity which Dorian and him advocate are different. Dorian was all about swinging heavy weights on some exercises whereas he advocates time under tension for a good rep range for hypertrophy
@@srilanka739 You have probably forgotten that prior Dorian's "one max set" he used atleast two warmup sets of 50% and 70% of his max. From this point of view it looks like a pretty conventional training with final max. set till the failure and beyond (with few forced reps). It worked great for his back, but it definitely hurt his arms which is game over for success in BB.
Lost me in the first 10 seconds. Dorian Yates is a 6 time mr Olympia that changed the trajectory of bodybuilding. Kinda hard to critique his training style.
lol noob. he didn't say that Dorian was exercising badly. he said that his technique, which he did in the past, may not always work for someone now.😂 every person is different and something different works on everyone
Mate, Dorian made a lot of mistakes in his training and injured himself so often that it seriously impacted his look. Yes, he was great but at what cost and perhaps it was in spite of some of his training methods rather than because of them.
Najlepšou vizitkou trénera je jeho zverenec. A na Michalovi nevidno, že by ho trénoval človek, ktorý nevie čo robí. Veľa zdaru obom.
coach's knowledge is absolutely Elite! Krizo is surely in good hands
People are like he needs to change coach this and that but from what I see he's a smart guy knows what he is doing. Instead of making his athletes gain 50 lbs a year he takes a much safer approach of adding muscle consistently over a longer period of time, leaving the ego out of the door training time under tension and also using minimal super sups to get maximum results.
Also giving each athletes time doing one on one session. Couldn't ask for a better coach who looks after his athletes wellbeing instead of making them get max results using minimum time.
you have an elite coach 🥇congrats for him, he does an amazing job
As Lee Haney used to say, "Stimulate, don't annihilate!"
As my porn star director used to say annihilate don’t stimulate. ……
Annihilation = muscle growth
Stimulate = muscle pump
This is awesome. Would love to hear more about his training style . I totally agree with it
We believe in you krizo.
Děkuji za rozhovor a rovnoi poprosím o další . . Povídání s panem trenérem je velice zajímavé , vzpomínám si na hodinový podcast s Mišem a panem Hlobikem, a ten jsem si poslechnul na jeden ráz . A držím palce Miškovi na Mr. Olympia !
Presne tak, niekedy menej je viac jak sa hovorí ale zároveň musíš vedieť čo robíš a prečo to robíš ;) Rozumný tréner!
great interview and advice. Hes totally correct.
Veľmi poučné SLOVÁ!
Pán Hlobik je inteligentný rozumný človek tak aj tréner ...tak je to aj v živote menej je viac👌
viac takych rozhovorov, velmi zaujmave
Well done coach!
Konečně náhled do uvažování opravdu profi trenéra a ne nějakýho youtubera. Chci víc videii,s timto trenerem.
Úžasne ❤
This coach talks soooo much sense. I need to find someone like him.
Awesome coach what has he done, much love and respects from Mexico 🇲🇽
Love your content bruz, great ideas. Keep up the good work!
Veľmi dobre vysvetlené, keby som znovu cvičil aktívne, cvičím už s rozumom. Mišo má genetiku a dobrého trénera. Vražedná kombinácia pre súperov.
Looks like a great coach. What he says makes perfect sense.
Great interview, very smart coach. I am a HUGE fan of Dorian Yates and unfortunately he is right. On some exercise Dorian was very cautious. On other, especially arms not so much. Skullcrusher should be called elbow crusher and forcing on standing barbell curl isn't also safe for biceps. And this is were injuries happened. Not only because of "contest prep" but ALSO in exercise selection and weight used. Ronnie was WAY worst though. He seems to say Dorian "abused" supps but he was very conservative so I would be very curious what is his approach in this department.
Good coach, awesome knowledge, awesome advices.
hey Krizo, in generals terms what do you think is better for naturals athletes, to train a muscle once per week or twice? (assuming a correct volume per training session)
Team Krizo..🏋️
Very amazing video for me, thanks 😍😍
I laughed every time I read muscle fevers. What a perfect description. I'm using this asap! 👊
Amazing info, krizo has a great coach.
Everything he says is 100% true, I never train to failure, never go super intense where i cant move my arms anymore, when you reach maximum pump you STOP, pushing past it does nothing but cut your recovery down.. And im natural, got my best gains when i trained what he preaches, 100% on point, all this go hard go home, super intense failure training is actually counter productive
all good and hope things work not sure there is a right or wrong way. i think its just a person to person thing. some like to push crazy hard and some hold back. heck ive seen injuries happen without doing anything. so its a body to body thing. Some people handle the heavy training some dont. I think Krizo is looking good. A little more work on a couple things and he'll be in those top spots for sure. Keep up the good work guys.
ur right that everybody is a bit different but leaving some gas in the tank and not overloading the body will be safer and more effective for the vast majority of people. Almost every BB who trained like Dorian ended their career with tons of injuries.
A point which probably needs some clarification - Branch Warren and Dorian Yates didn't train anything alike. Not in volume, not in intensity (expressed as a percentage of reaching failure) or frequency. Warren trained explosively - more or less throwing the weights around, the antithesis of HIT principles. Warren trained more like Ronnie Coleman, which is no coincidence since they shared the same gym. Yates injuries ALL occurred during pre-contest prep. By his own admission (watch his interviews) - that's when he should have backed-off, but he mentally couldn't do it - he continued training like he did in the off-season (balls-to-the-wall.) Is he really saying that Yates took more "supplements" than today's competitors? How would he know what he took? It seems doubtful one way or another, given how heavy competitors are today... Their training for sure isn't any better and they lack a lot of details from guys 20 years ago.
Dorian Yates said many times exactly what he took, how much, how long, etc. Directly from HIS mouth. And he was pretty conservative compared to today's bodybuilder so I am VERY curious what is his approach. Seems low dosage.
@@LoutfiAJAOUN That's true, but some people cast doubt on it (is he being truthful.) So I wonder what he believes he took. Only Dorian really knows. Personally I doubt he was that outrageous as he seems to live a good life today whereas many of his contemporaries have passed away...
The coach didn't say Dorian used more than today's BB pros. He said Dorian used high dosages in absolute terms - meaning "high for coach's taste." That doesn't mean current BB guys don't take even more.
@@LoutfiAJAOUN Dorian may have lied on his GH use though. Jamo nezzar one of his friends and 90's competitor gives the exact amounts Yates took in an interview. Ped wise exactly like Yates said but way more GH than the usual 6/8 Yates preach. He says in an interview (jamcast#22, in French) Dorian used 24IU a day. 12 morning, 12 at night. That would surely massively helps his recovery.
@@Marc-co5cj oh wow!!! I am french first language and for SURE will check this interview! Some of guys in the 90s are old now and it gets hard for them to remember clearly unless they wrote it down.
Krizo n 1
Pumpovanie nie je hlavný spúšťač svalového rastu, tým je mechanické napätie. Tak cvičil Dorian, spomínaný DC tréning, čo vynašiel Dante Trudel, za mňa nie je nič lepšie pre naturála ako táto schéma, podľa mňa aj keby križo cvičí týmto spôsobom, tak by mal ešte lepšie výsledky. To je môj názor, sám sledujem Križa už dlhú dobu a keď tlakoval veľké váhy na úzkom benchi tie paže boli enormnejšie aspoň z môjho pohladu👊🏻💪🏻
Spustacom rastu svalu je akakolvek jeho praca...praca je len stimulom..pri praci sval nerastie..naopak....rast svalu zavisi od oddychu,regeneracie a stravy..a suplementov.....Krizo cvici vyslovene pekne..kontroluje aj aktivnu aj pasivnu cast cviku...nedava extremne vahy...tym sa vyhyba zraneniam a velky..ale je sa neda povedat o takych ako Ruhl,Waren či Walker...ano ..oni su tzv.bulky..ale nemajú estetické svaly...u Kriza je problem v tom ze ma velke paprče...a tazsie izoluje napr.chrbat...najme latissimus....tam by mal pridat...ale pomaly a postupne....aby sa nezranil....prirychly rast svalu zvysuje nachylnost na ruptury svalu ci uponov....nieje dovod aby svoj karierny peak dosiahol hned teraz.... je dobrý...a bude lepsi
@@richardcsabi7454 Ako moze sval rast bez toho aby si mu dal dostatocny stimul? Sval rastie z toho že ho mechanicky pretažíš, tj.časom dvíhaš ťažšie váhy na čo sa sval adaptuje, tak rastie sval a nie metabolickým stresom alebo svalovicou teda DOMS.(že sa poškodí a zcelí naspäť, to je nonsens) Prečo tí najväčší kulturisti boli najsilnejší? Coleman priťahoval 200kíl, benchoval so 180 doslova pred súťažou.
@@gymbeast5144 a kde je Coleman ted? Na vozíku nebo o berlích! Dorian je taky oddělaný!! Těžký váhy nejsou všechno
@@jacobblack666 Cutler cvičil tiež s ťažkými váhami a pozri ako vyzerá, to je individuálne, Dorian Yates doteraz športuje tak o čom točíš
Asi sme sa nerozumeli.....ja netvrdim ze sval netreba stimulovat..ja hovorim ze akakolvek praca je stimul.vo vseobecnosti.. samozrejme ze 130kg pro bodybilder asi nebude dvihat 5kg cinky. V tom mas pravdu ze sval potrebuje ano..ale nemusia to byt maximá...nieje nutne technicky zle benčnut 250 kg..dedliftnut 350...a legpresnut 500kg...potom dopadnes ako Colleman...light weight baby..yeah. a je na voziku s kompresivnymi frakturami driekovych stavcov a odpálenymi koxami
Kazdy jeden z tych kulturistov je individual....a kazdemu vyhovuje nieco ine..ja vravim ze dobre a kontrolovane odcvicena seria so 100kg je viac ako cheatovat so 150kg len aby si to o sebe mohol povedat....cim vyssia vaha a horsia kontrola tym vacsie riziko velkej ale aj malej traumy ci mikrotraumy.....
Je pravda ze sval treba stimulovat...ale nielen vahou..ale aj napr.zmenou cvikov....a hlavne co najviac izolovanym cvicenim.....najtazsie sa robia svaly ktore najviac pouzivas v beznom zivote....ako u ortopoda su to nohy..hlavne lytka. A brucho.... lebo tu sa u muzov najviac uklada tuk.....ono je to jednoduche
Ja som nikdy nerobil kulturistiku ako sport..a vzdy ako "natty".....a nimky som nesielv treningoch na max.vahy.....raz za 3 mesiace trening na benči.....rastol som..a nikdy ziadna trauma.....samozrejme z tychto pro bodybilderov ani jeden nejdw bez "gumidžúsu"..ani jeden......
pa trener je odborník, ale neni mu rozumět ani slovo, nebýt tam angl. titulky tak nikdo neví co chytrého povídá, až na nepřesnost z Branchem, řiká pravdu
Krizo needs some breathing and posing training for the Olympia.
I don't think you gave 100% in your last competition but posing and conditioning is really important to be in top 6 at the MR. O
please make a video in English
Where is Mikey at we need to keep the training videos coming all through the Olympia prep
been resting this week, but we are back at it next week!
@@krizoyoutube thanks
get a pump and leave before it's gone, training while the pump is gone is a waste of time, i guess this is the take home message?
he looks like a gymnastic coach lol
wrong - dorian was not heavy duty - he was low volume with high intensity which seems to be what you advocate for
Dorian was definitely heavy duty. Have you not seen what he used to row?! And the intensity which Dorian and him advocate are different. Dorian was all about swinging heavy weights on some exercises whereas he advocates time under tension for a good rep range for hypertrophy
@@prashantchhetri6996 but low volume. only one set per exercise.
@@srilanka739 he was swinging that tho. No proper form and like krizos coach said using the tendon more than the muscle
@@srilanka739 You have probably forgotten that prior Dorian's "one max set" he used atleast two warmup sets of 50% and 70% of his max. From this point of view it looks like a pretty conventional training with final max. set till the failure and beyond (with few forced reps).
It worked great for his back, but it definitely hurt his arms which is game over for success in BB.
Lost me in the first 10 seconds. Dorian Yates is a 6 time mr Olympia that changed the trajectory of bodybuilding. Kinda hard to critique his training style.
lol noob. he didn't say that Dorian was exercising badly. he said that his technique, which he did in the past, may not always work for someone now.😂 every person is different and something different works on everyone
dorian torn so many muscles and never had any good bodypart other than his back, literally everything else on him was average
Mate, Dorian made a lot of mistakes in his training and injured himself so often that it seriously impacted his look. Yes, he was great but at what cost and perhaps it was in spite of some of his training methods rather than because of them.
@@nameless46368 dorian had perfect technique tho. you cant say trained the way branch did
So did Ronnie. Look where he is now. Dorian tore a lot of muscles and his body is full of injuries