To the Christian Who is Tormented About Divorce, Remarriage and Adultery

  • Опубліковано 18 лют 2024
  • I responded to a question sent in about Luke 16:18 and talked about divorce, remarriage, adultery and more.
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  • @renearosser1466
    @renearosser1466 4 місяці тому +20

    It takes two to tangle isn’t true for an abused spouse. One spouse can certainly destroy a marriage single handedly.

    • @majorcajun5524
      @majorcajun5524 4 місяці тому +4

      I believe people who say that are ignorant

    • @melb2734
      @melb2734 3 місяці тому

      ​@@majorcajun5524Also sometimes manipulative. My ex mother in law said that after her son had multiple affairs. I was supposed to take less than my worst case scenario in court, not tell my family why we were getting divorced and apparently keep blaming myself for everything totally outside my control.

    • @k60c85
      @k60c85 2 місяці тому +4

      EXACTLY. Thank you. There are a lot of legalistic, self-righteous people on this page. We serve a God of grace, particularly to those who are repentant, and those who are victims of adultery and abuse.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому +2

      It takes two to tango ... and only one to destroy it.

  • @araci88
    @araci88 Місяць тому +7

    There is team condemnation, and team forgiveness. I am divorced, my spouse cheated on me and abandoned me. I don’t know what to do. Team condemnation tells me that I am done, I have to wait until he dies. Team forgiveness tells me that I can remarry. I am just hoping that whatever I decide to do God takes in consideration that I TRULY was trying to follow him and if I misread the word it was an honest mistake, whatever I decide to do.

    • @unoveski3688
      @unoveski3688 13 днів тому

      Ditto - Praying for you.

    • @trappedcat3615
      @trappedcat3615 10 днів тому +1

      Encouraging someone to take heed to warnings and directives from Jesus is not condemning nor does it bypass forgiveness. You can both embrace forgiveness and believe it is adultery to remarry will the former spouse lives.

    • @nicklouishalsey9532
      @nicklouishalsey9532 7 днів тому

      Thats right God's marriages were covenant not contracts Moses teaching dealing with hardness of the heart putting away their spouse with out a certificate of divorce! Which was abuse of the covenant! Now we marriage under government contracts! They are not the same thing!

    • @sergedorsainvil7962
      @sergedorsainvil7962 7 днів тому

      BRO, Mr. Dejesus STOP!!!!!!!!! Viewers, you have to stop watching social media & UA-cam with people who set nice-looking backgrounds and have good audio (I'm complimenting this video for that reason only, lol). However, that does not make them an expert or the final word, especially regarding GOD's Word. Anyone who believes they can get remarried after a divorce is walking down a road that will lead to separation from God. While it might feel good here on earth to be with a new spouse while the previous spouse is still living, it will be at the expense of your eternity away from God. Remember those who will not inherit the Kingdom Of Heaven. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) Mr. DeJesus is wrong in his explanation. People must beware. Remember, (2 Timothy 4:3). People, God does not honor divorce for any reason. He does allow separation if you are in an abusive relationship or for sexual sin, however, you must come back together after some time away or remain unmarried. Don't be fooled and don't feel good in your pleasure that may be a sin. Think about it, is it really worth the risk of missing eternity with God because of some feel-good sin? Or will you pick up your cross and fully rely on Jesus for your contentment and have eternal life with Him. One last thing to remember. We have rules/commands to follow. It's not enough to say I believe in Jesus, we must obey His commands like the disciples were told to do. (John 3:36 ESV) I say all of this in love. God Bless everyone.

    • @paulmozo
      @paulmozo 6 днів тому

      I cor 7 addresses this specifically...paul says the directions are from God...kind of hard to confuse the in a similar situation and it is terrible, but i promised the Lord to love my wife whatever comes..and it promise is forever though or it meant nothing to begin with...God honors covenant...His and ours

  • @susandesantell1379
    @susandesantell1379 4 місяці тому +22

    Dear Mark,
    Thank you for making this video. I have been tormented by this issue for literally 20 years, since 2004, and no one preaches on this or talks about it.
    LONG testimony kept short, I was raised in church but only ever taught to “say the prayer” and then basically try not to sin. I was never discipled or shown what a relationship with Christ looked like. At 19 years old, I did my sister’s hospice care and watched her die. It was traumatic. God did not save her and I was confused/my heart grew hard. I married my live-in boyfriend at the time, got put on Zoloft for panic attacks that started, and tried to move on with life. I didn’t know how to handle the trauma I’d experienced or the grief and my new husband wasn’t much of a talker. 4 months into our marriage, I went off the Zoloft cold turkey, and met a coworker who talked to me all the time and let me share/grieve. I left my husband of 4 months and moved in with the coworker. I had no conviction over my actions; I don’t believe I was actually saved yet.
    Well, as God would have it, the apartment I moved into was next door to a girl from high school who had since gotten saved. I went to church with her and *actually* surrendered my life to Christ. My husband of 4 months did not trust me (can’t blame him) and didn’t want to have to go through the work of counseling, so he initiated divorce. I signed and it was done. We were divorced. I was now reading the Word, feeling convicted about things, and wanted to please God, and I thought, “Surely He doesn’t want me to be with yet another man,” so I married the coworker I had sinfully turned to. Fast forward….. He got saved as well, we have now been married for over 15 years, and we have 3 beautiful children we are raising in the Lord.
    ………….BUT, I read a book somewhere along the way (I believe it was called Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage) that basically said if you get divorced/remarried you are living a life of perpetual sin and are basically not repentant or forgiven. The book said repentance is not truly complete unless you leave the marriage. It compared marriage after divorce to homosexual marriage in the sense that being remarried is not a “marriage” in God’s eyes in the same way that gay people are not married in God’s eyes and you would be expected to leave a homosexual relationship once getting saved.
    I love Jesus with everything in me, but I’m 41 years old now and have not felt completely secure in my salvation since reading that over a decade ago. It has stolen my peace for basically my entire adult life. I can’t go back and change the choices I made at 20 years old…. If I could, I would. And though I’ve talked to a few pastors about this, and they’ve reassured me to remain in my marriage, I’ve thought, “What if they’re wrong and that book is right?! Would God have me leave my husband and 3 beautiful children because the relationship started out in sin…?” 😰
    I just want every part of my life to be clean and repentant before Him, and to walk in the fullness of His truth. And I want my peace back on this issue and in regards to my salvation. God forbid that I willingly live a life of perpetual sin!! Never! 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @johnathanford7410
      @johnathanford7410 4 місяці тому +17

      Thank you so much for sharing your heart Susan!!! You are SO loved and seen by God. First, I find it very difficult to believe that God would mandate something in the Old Testament law that then disqualified us from salvation in the New Testament, where Deuteronomy 24:1-4 said that if a person got divorced and then remarried, they were not supposed to return to their former spouse.
      You are a woman of truth and purity. Your sins are forgiven you, and now you are washed in the blood of the Lamb. The Spirit of God flows through you and touches so many people! He has you, even when you don't feel it. 💙
      Father, I lift up this precious daughter to you right now. I pray you will fill her with the joy of her salvation in you (Psalm 51:12). I pray she can confidently rest in your forgiveness, and that she will have peace at last. I come against every lie from Satan, and I pray that she will know the truth and walk in the liberation that it brings (John 8:32). I pray you will give her confidence and peace, knowing that she is loved and accepted by you. Remind her that you cradle her in your arms, and I pray that her fears will be put to rest at last. Give her confidence in the truth even when she is tempted to believe otherwise. Encourage her, Lord. Amen!

    • @susandesantell1379
      @susandesantell1379 4 місяці тому +6

      @@johnathanford7410 Thank you. 😭😭😭🙏🏻

    • @katiedavis2871
      @katiedavis2871 3 місяці тому +17

      Jesus told the woman at the well that she'd had five husbands, and the man she was currently living with was not her husband. God in flesh acknowledged each of those men as her husband. They were each legitimate marriages, apart from her current one, because she was not married to him. He made that distinction and still had mercy and grace for her when she was shunned by everyone else for her sin.
      Here is the fact of the matter: Jesus forgives us and cleanses us of all unrighteousness when we confess our sin. As long as we live in gratitude of that salvation and do not pursue a life of sin, we do not stand in condemnation.
      Heterosexual marriage of any kind is incomparable to homosexual "marriage". There are three clear allowances made in Scripture for remarriage - death, sexual immorality, and abandonment by an unbelieving spouse. NOWHERE in Scripture will you find an allowance for homosexuality.
      Homosexual marriages are allowed by the state. They are not and have never been ordained by God. So whoever is making a comparison of the two needs to stop comparing apples to oranges.
      God hates divorce, so I'm unsure of why we'd teach that divorce (a sin) is the solution in the case of remarriage.
      No. Confess your sins, dedicate your here and now and future plans to Christ, and walk in the Spirit.
      What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn for good.
      Be at peace!

    • @susandesantell1379
      @susandesantell1379 3 місяці тому +4

      @@katiedavis2871This was a very helpful response and I’m so grateful
      you took the time to share it. Thank you so much! 😭🙌🏼

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 3 місяці тому +2

      @@katiedavis2871 oh wow I can't believe you said this I'm really hoping you're not actually believing this you cannot remarry after divorce he does not say after divorce you can remarry only through death you can remarry that is when the marriage is done it's only through death why do you give this advice can you talk about Grace Grace does not give us the permission to sin so you are telling this person it's okay for you to continue in your sin and God will forgive you where in the Bible does it say this I want to see the verses because I read the King James Bible and absolutely nowhere does it tell you you can continue in sin and be saved

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +4

    David Pawson is a prominent teacher on the subjects of divorce and remarriage. He shared a recent conversation he had with someone.
    I was travelling by train to London. The last halt to pick up passengers was at Clapham Junction. A man boarded my carriage at the far end, sat down, stared at me for some minutes before walking down the aisle and taking a seat facing me. As I recall, the conversation went like this: ‘I think I recognise you. Are you a preacher?’ ‘Yes. Where would you have seen me?’ ‘Fifteen years ago, someone brought me to Guildford to hear a preacher, and I think it was you.’ ‘It almost certainly was. Are you a Christian?’ ‘Yes. [pause] Can I ask you something?’ ‘I can’t guarantee an answer, but what’s the question?’ ‘Well, it’s like this - I’ve left my wife, and I’m now living with another woman.’ ‘Why did you leave your wife?’ ‘Because I met this other woman and fell in love with her.’ ‘So, what do you want to know?’ ‘If I get properly divorced and marry this other woman, would that put it right in God’s sight?’ ‘No, I’m afraid it wouldn’t.’ ‘Then what would?’ ‘Leaving this woman and returning to your wife.’ ‘I thought you’d say that.’ ‘I believe it’s what Jesus would say if you asked him.’ This produced a silence between us. By now, the train was slowing down for Waterloo, and I realised I probably only had a minute or two more with him. I wanted to Kindle that fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, so I reopened the conversation with: ‘You have a difficult choice to make.’ ‘What’s that, then?’ ‘You can either live with this woman for the rest of this life or with Jesus for all the next, but you can’t do both.’ His eyes filled with tears, but he jumped onto the platform and disappeared among the crowd. I felt a little of what Jesus must have felt when the rich young ruler left him. I prayed he would never be able to forget what I had told him until he had repented. But was I right to say what I did? Was I telling him the truth or trying to frighten him with a lie? What he really wanted was an assurance that his sin would not affect his salvation. This I could not give him.

    • @r.a5765
      @r.a5765 Місяць тому

      Thank you for sharing this.

  • @grahamlucas1915
    @grahamlucas1915 3 місяці тому +11

    Read Romans 7 1-3. So simple! Only death ends a marriage and allows for remarriage.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому +7

      Read Deuteronomy 24:2. So simple! Remarriage is clearly lawful after a duly enacted divorce. And if anyone says "but that was under Moses", refer to Matthew 5:17-18, Luke 16:17, 1 Cor 7:28, and 2 Tim 3:16.

    • @Janelle618
      @Janelle618 6 днів тому +1

      Line by line; precept by precept. Please understand the scripture fully. Divorce and remarriage is allowed

    • @paulmozo
      @paulmozo 6 днів тому

      @@dh605x matt 19:8 mean anything to you?

    • @paulmozo
      @paulmozo 6 днів тому

      @@Janelle618 so Jesus was mistaken?

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 6 днів тому

      @@paulmozo Does Matthew 5:17-18 and Luke 16:17 mean anything to you? Better yet, does the word "context" mean anything to you?
      It was the abuse of divorce and remarriage that Jesus condemned as tantamount to adultery, not these things per se. Why, oh why, is this rocket science to some of you!?

  • @TruthSpeaker3
    @TruthSpeaker3 2 місяці тому +7

    2:51 this is not what the passage is saying, at all. I would be very careful speaking for Jesus, as to what he was saying. Luke is consistent with other passages that do not allow marrying another while your spouse is still alive. Marantha

    • @jessebourneau6426
      @jessebourneau6426 6 днів тому

      Matthew records this narrative as part of the teaching on lust and digging your eye out as well as the beatitudes. Have you ever lusted? Yet you have all your appendages. Obviously, Jesus is intending something in the text that escapes you. Way to cast the first stone.

  • @Rmiller488
    @Rmiller488 3 місяці тому +11

    Does not say that. "With the intent". Paule says stay unmarred or reconciled to your husband. How can you have a husband if you're unmarried? That would indicate that the covenant still stands.

    • @AnthonysDaughter007
      @AnthonysDaughter007 2 місяці тому +1

      I was always confused about that scripture that say "a wife is bound by her husband until death" I am divorced, my ex divorced am I still bound to him and we're unmarried. Also, he can do whatever and remarry however, because I was a wife (not anymore) I'm still bound to him? How? He's married andover on but I can't remarry because he's living? 😢😢

    • @dceles3764
      @dceles3764 2 місяці тому

      ​@@AnthonysDaughter007Marriage is a covenant with God man and the woman. You are bound to your husband according to the Bible not the world or the court system. God established marriage before the law so him saying remarriage is ok is not scriptural. That is why you are supposed to reconcile with your husband or stay unmarried. The only way to remarry is if your spouse dies. This man is not following scripture.

    • @Brandon199799
      @Brandon199799 2 місяці тому

      You have to remember who Jesus was talking to. He didn’t have to say “with the intent” because the crowd he was speaking to already knew what “intent” that might be. Jesus was ultimately addressing the their disrespect for God’s design of marriage, which they’d learn to justify with a “certificate of divorce.”

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому

      @@dceles3764 You're dead wrong. God did say remarriage is ok at Deuteronomy 24:2, and nothing in the words of Jesus changes that (Matt 5:17-18). You either accept the Word of God taken as a whole or you do not. There is no middle ground.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому

      (To Rmiller488) The implicit assumption by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 is that in such a separation there is no compelling need for divorce. Those two verses are directed at believers who are abiding by the terms of the marital covenant and are not engaging in conduct that would destroy the marriage. The general principle is that a marriage should not end by divorce unless there is a compelling reason to do so, usually a sin problem.
      If you are already divorced, then you have no spouse to reconcile to. You don't have to go out of your way to pursue reconciliation when the prospects of a successful reconciliation are remote. Verse 15 speaks of this.
      Some believers in Corinth were divorcing each other - or considering doing so - on the mistaken view that celibacy was somehow more holy and pleasing to God. Paul wrote chapter 7 in part to rebut this view.

  • @JessicaIngbretson-px3zf
    @JessicaIngbretson-px3zf 3 місяці тому +14

    I dont think its ocd, I think its being convicted by the word of God. Its pretty clear that remarriage isnt permitted while the spouse is still living. I think we've just made marriage an idol. Singleness isnt a death sentence if reconciling is a ludacris option. Picking up your cross is laying down your will and your rights for God's.

    • @katiedavis2871
      @katiedavis2871 3 місяці тому +2

      There are three exceptions given in Scripture for remarriage after divorce. Those are: death, sexual immorality, and abandonment by an unbelieving spouse.
      Do I encourage divorce and remarriage? Absolutely not. I have been, and it is not ideal and it is messy.
      But I also don't condemn myself or others who are in these shoes.
      David was a man after God's own heart. He had something like 7 or 8 wives and hundreds of concubines, if I remember correctly.
      The woman at the well had 5 husbands. Jesus met her, anyway.
      This obviously does not excuse sin, but it does show the heart of the Father toward those who have been divorced and remarried.
      Please don't tell people that their condemnation and torment is actually conviction.
      The love of Jesus and His kindness are what lead us to repentance.
      Guilt and shame drive us further into sin and despair.

    • @JessicaIngbretson-px3zf
      @JessicaIngbretson-px3zf 3 місяці тому +4

      @@katiedavis2871 I don't agree. I could argue all those points and we could have an intellectual debate but usually people have their mind made up and then read the bible to support their primary conclusions. Especially on a topic that's this personal and probably very painful on a number of levels and messy as all get out. So while I can empathize, I disagree with all your justifications for remarriage.

    • @FollowingJesus_-
      @FollowingJesus_- 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes Jessica I agree

    • @jen8595
      @jen8595 2 місяці тому +1

      Yes. It really bothers me that he attributes conviction to OCD. 😑

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@@jen8595Very true. Jesus said we must be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. We can't be continuing in adultery and be heaven bound, and God says remarriage IS adultery as long as the first spouse is still living. The Pharisees said you could remarry, but Jesus said no!

  • @dustytrout5
    @dustytrout5 4 місяці тому

    Hi Mark, I'm struggling with OCD still, but something specific, but NOT UNCOMMON.
    I've always been told to never use logic or rational thought with OCD obsessions. And that's fair, I think that most intrusive thoughts should be "ignored" in a passive way.
    However, I struggle with the cognitive distortion of "black and white" thinking. And I feel like coming up with logical ways of thinking about how my situation isn't as bad as my brain is making it out to be would help me immensely to get rid of my "all or nothing" mindset. However I don't want to fall into reassurance seeking. But then, I do want to be assured of my salvation. So is it possible to be logical, while not engaging with intrusive thoughts in an unhealthy way? Or do I have to irrationally respond to all intrusive thoughts? Thanks.

  • @Peyitforward
    @Peyitforward 4 місяці тому +1

    I literally can’t tell if my OCD & it’s control on my life (confusion, condemnation, guilt, shame, regret) is the reason I’m divorcing my spouse, or if it’s really due to God’s grace, love, & mercy. & protection & provision for us both.
    My marriage is SOOOOO bad! My brain won’t let me rest in it. 😩😩😩

    • @k60c85
      @k60c85 4 місяці тому

      If your spouse is causing confusion, guilt, shame, condemnation, then you may be married to a narcissist. This is so difficult! Study up on the subject, and particularly from Christian authors. Counsel only with those who are familiar with narcissism. There are a lot of judgmental "well-meaning" Christians who invalidate what you are going through. God hates divorce, yes, but God hates abuse. Why stay in a marriage and continue to enable an abuser? God bless you

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому

      what were your marriage long as I am stead of for better or worse....there is a difference, no...

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +1

      Yes definitely God hates divorce you should definitely stay married but if it does get really bad you can get divorced but under any circumstances you cannot remarry as long as your spouse is still alive because if you do now you're committing adultery!!!

  • @danawaldrop4930
    @danawaldrop4930 Місяць тому +3

    As a parent I always ask myself - would I condemn my son or daughter to a life of sin and shame simply because their marriage didn't work out? No. Your Father would not do that to you! THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST! But I know a lot of pastors who should be condemned for tricking people! They don't see the enemy who has them TRAINED to do his deeds! They force parishioners and would-be parishioners to live in bondage. Waiting for the ONLY chance at love now - now that they're divorced. After divorce, they're told they should be unloved and unable to 'legally' love. They're told the only chance they'll see love again is when they get to meet Jesus. That is NOT what God wants for His child here on this earth!!! Please learn this --- and STAND up for this truth!

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 5 днів тому +1

      Oh wait a minute you're taking that out of context here there is no condemnation in Christ, you are right but there is a reason for that because once you are in Christ you do not continue to live in sin anymore because there is no sin in Christ, but if you think it says this and you can continue to send you're in big trouble and yes if you continue to live in sin son or daughter it doesn't matter you will be punished for it, there is two things here that people are forgetting or don't want to know Jesus is also just we need to obey him and we need to fear the fear of the Lord is wisdom to the believer now if we get with a fear and we get rid of obedience what do we have sin. And what does God hate the most SIN!!!!!

    • @danawaldrop4930
      @danawaldrop4930 4 дні тому

      @@truthnow902 Exactly! And once you are DIVORCED you are not sinning when you remarry. Because 'put away' means SEPARATION not divorce! So why do the pastors condem remarried people? I'll tell you why! BECAUSE satan TRAINED THEM TO SWITCH THE WORDS APOLYO WITH APOSTASION AND THEY'RE TOO IGNORANT TO CARE!

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 4 дні тому +1

      @@danawaldrop4930 oh wow I did not say that if you remarry after divorce of course your committing adultery the Bible is very very clear on this, Romans 7:2-3 1st Corinthians 7:39 Romans 7:2 so here are the verses in three different places this is totally impossible to take this the wrong way he's very very clear that you can only remarry after death not divorce!!! When we start thinking we can remarry after divorce and go against these Bible verses that's from the enemy trying to deceive us with his lies please don't fall for his lies!!!!

  • @Friendlyadhd10
    @Friendlyadhd10 4 місяці тому +5

    It takes two to tango, but im just gonna do the waltz for a while and be blessed being single.

  • @metropcs359
    @metropcs359 4 місяці тому +5

    Check out Tony Evans sermon on marriage covenant. His marriage counseling class is nine months long. I think it should be law to attend a Biblical marriage counseling class and would make a difference in the divorce rate.

    • @marvinpalmerjr5861
      @marvinpalmerjr5861 2 місяці тому

      Some Churches do make that necessary

    • @josefjking308
      @josefjking308 Місяць тому

      Divorce does not dissolve a marriage in the sight of God. Regardless of what the law says, in the eyes of God, you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life. However, if your spouse passes away, you are free to marry someone else. This is made clear in the Scriptures. Jesus himself emphasised that until one's partner dies, they are still considered married to them.

    • @pmcmva
      @pmcmva 21 день тому

      @@josefjking308 Scripture reference for the claim that "in the eyes of God you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life"? At the very least, your point needs some context/nuance. My Christian niece who divorced the man who raped her with a ball bat certainly would be looking at the passages differently.

  • @stephanieo2858
    @stephanieo2858 12 днів тому +1

    2 Corinthians 5:17. 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
    I think God's word is for the believers. So if you either divorce or remarry after accepting Jesus, then you are living in sin, but if you were an unbeliever and then you converted to Jesus, then your sins are forgiven, but make sure not to do it again.

  • @Panchito-Preacher
    @Panchito-Preacher 2 місяці тому +5

    Read your bibles people. Marrying a divorced woman which Jesus himself called "adultery," is engaging oneself into a relationship with God DID NOT join together. And just saying "I'm sorry" doesn't mean you can remain in that relationship which God DID NOT join together. If you stole someones wallet and later felt remorseful, can you now keep that wallet? Of course not! Therefore, true repentance means to PUT AWAY your sin. So, as long as your in that sinful relationship, YOU ARE committing adultery. For in Habakkuk 1:13 we read concerning God: "You are too just to tolerate evil; you are unable to condone wrongdoing." Yes, God is not going to contradict his Son Jesus Christ who called it adultery. Therefore, staying in such a relationship could not only send you down that road that leads to destruction, but encourage others to do the same. For as the saying goes, "If they can get away with it, why can't we."

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому +1

      You are absolutely correct. Luke 16:18 is the command of Jesus, and this man is twisting God's Word. Adulterers must repent and repentance is to confess AND FORSAKE the remarriage as Proverbs 28:13 says. If divorced (I am the innocent spouse), you must remain unmarried and chaste or reconcile. I have kept my vows 41 years now though divorced in 2008. I have done hundreds of videos on this because so many are deceived. Jesus is coming very soon. Maranatha.

    • @kevindavis4709
      @kevindavis4709 2 місяці тому

      I use too feel bad about being single after hearing this not anymore

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +3

    "To the married, I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife." (1 Corinthians 7:10-11)

    • @renearosser1466
      @renearosser1466 Місяць тому

      God does allow for divorce sometimes. He himself divorced Israel.

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 27 днів тому +2

      ​@@renearosser1466Yet read further in context. Return unto me for i am your husband. Only death brraks the 1 flesh union this man is leading thousands to sin. People love their ears tickled

    • @renearosser1466
      @renearosser1466 26 днів тому +2

      @@grant2149Jesus and Paul both gave examples for divorce. Even in the old testaments in the law there was allowance for divorce at times. The whole of scripture must be taken into account. You may disagree that is fine. I’m incorporating all of scripture. Not just one verse.

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 26 днів тому

      @@renearosser1466 We Not under Mosaic Law. Jesus came.
      " You have heard it been said( Jesus talking about Moses) BUT I SAY UNTO YOU( JESUS). You are truly lost and terribly deceived. Good luck with your fleshly desires. You more than likely Remarried.🔥

  • @Tatiana-cp1fc
    @Tatiana-cp1fc 3 місяці тому +9

    To the question of remarriage as the unforgivable sin--if, in fact, remarriage IS adultery (defined as the unlawful joining of one person with another who is NOT their lawful spouse), then the relationship itself is sin. If we are to say that we can remain in sinful relationships and be AOK with the Lord, then we need to be quiet about ALL other types of illicit relationships. We can pick one, say it’s ok-even though scripture says otherwise, and then come down hard on another type of illicit relationship. All the world will see is Hypocrisy and wonder how it is that one relationship God called adultery is Ok in the church, but other types of sinful relationships are condemned with demands of repentance (forsaking the relationships) to be in fellowship with that Body.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x 2 місяці тому +1

      Actually, if remarriage = adultery then either adultery was lawful under the Old Testament (Deut 24:2) or Jesus changed the Law to alter the definition of adultery, something He said He would not do at Matt 5:17-18 and Luke 16:17.
      Some of us who had no choice but to divorce are better off remarrying (1 Cor 7:9), and I am one of those people. Permanent celibacy is simply not a viable option for me, so it's either I marry again or sleep with women I'm not married to. Which of these is less bad?

    • @Tatiana-cp1fc
      @Tatiana-cp1fc 2 місяці тому

      ​@@dh605x Jesus did change many things. "You Have Heard That it was Said…But I Say to You..." was repeated many times in the NT.
      Also, Jesus would never give us a commandments while giving exceptions yo some. Sex is not food and water. Would you excuse a single Christian man who can't find a wife but commits fornication as it was not a 'viable' option for him to stay celibate? I think not.
      Also, is cheating on your wife with one woman (your new wife) better than cheating on her with many women? Both are sinful and classified as adultery.
      Unfortunately, your arguments are weak.
      While I know this is a tough subject, a marriage can’t be legitimate and illegitimate at the same time. If you divorce from a legitimate marriage and remarry anyone else you are committing adultery.

    • @darthjedi99
      @darthjedi99 Місяць тому

      @@dh605x Jesus made the law(Luke 16:18, Mark 10:10-11) it was man who made the ;aw in the old testament because of the hardness of their heart. Jesus says what God joins together let no man separate and only death breaks that marriage covenant (Romans 7:2-3).

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому

      @@darthjedi99 You either accept the Word of God taken as a whole or you do not. There is no middle ground. If you truly believe that Moses overstepped his God-given authority in this area, then you are not qualified to teach on biblical matters. The Word of God makes it very clear that divorce ends the marital covenant just as death would (Deut 24:1-4), and nothing in the words of Jesus changes this (Matt 5:17-18, Luke 16:17). Any teaching to the contrary is error.

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 Місяць тому +2

      ​​@@Tatiana-cp1fc Excellent reply to 605 that comment. 💯 facts.

  • @maryalbritten3702
    @maryalbritten3702 12 днів тому

    If your past spouses are disrespectful,abusive and committed adultery!

  • @natan_skills9976
    @natan_skills9976 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey mark i thank God that he led me to your videos , truly it has been helpful and i thank you also ❤. I used to feel fear and ocd throughout the day and now that i feel it less i just find myself doing nothing, i will be happy if you or anybody else direct me to a video of you talking about it or just informatiob about it in your website . Appreciate it❤

  • @jodic8952
    @jodic8952 4 місяці тому +3

    This is why the Catholic Church has the process of annulment. It is a healing process by which through counseling and meeting with a tribunal it is determined if the sacrament was truly present in the marriage. The Catholic Church also has a pretty demanding marital prep to find out what stumbling blocks each person is bringing into the relationship and are aware of it and if they are willing to work through it. The Church will also not marry people who are already pregnant because there is an outside pressure. My son went through all of this so we have witnessed the process. I know it hasn’t always been like this and unfortunately every diocese/parish might not follow this process in a perfect way.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому +1

      an annulment is not Biblical...

    • @pmcmva
      @pmcmva 21 день тому

      I was raised RC. They love to talk about "tribunals" and "sacrament was truly present" and a "demanding marital prep." I'm glad that you have experienced those things. It is a rarity. And not insignificantly, all conducted by celibate men. Un_Biblical from jump. The rest of your post speaking about "outside pressures" to marry and how "every diocese/parish might" do thus and so, and "annulment" -- a purely RC, man-made doctrine -- just simply falls flat to a Biblically tuned ear. I'm sorry for you son and his wife's pain. But the answer to this complex spiritual and emotional question is not "The Roman Catholic Answer."

  • @k60c85
    @k60c85 4 місяці тому +10

    This is an excellent talk on divorce and remarriage. Thank you. Being married to a narcissist, especially when you don’t have a clue what you’re getting into, is super confusing. They are Jeckyl/Hyde (2 different people). My first marriage was to a narcissist, but he left me. He tried to make it look like I left him, but I ran into him with other women and actually caught someone in our bed with him. The truth of the matter revealed itself. He would not file for divorce but wouldn’t reconcile. After 3 years of living separately like this, I filed for divorce. I had my pastor’s blessing. One of the best Biblical based books explaining narcissism is DC Robertsson’s book, The First Shall Be Last.

    • @Blessednesting
      @Blessednesting 4 місяці тому +2

      You definitely had a biblical backing to divorce.

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +3

      Well the Bible does say you can get divorced but you just cannot remarry until your spouse is passed away he makes this very clear and very simple but we know how the devil likes to twist all the words around he loves to keep us in sin and bondage that's right through Jesus and righteousness we can break that bondage God Bless!!!

    • @k60c85
      @k60c85 2 місяці тому +4

      @@truthnow902 I completely disagree when the spouse has been unfaithful, abusive and abandoned a spouse. You think God hates divorce so much however, the abuser can continue with their sin while the one walking with The Lord has to stay in bondage to the estranged spouse walking in sin? Which sin is greater? Only God can judge. The abused spouse ends up in bondage to the abuser, who is controlled by sin, satan, which is right where satan keep the righteous I bondage. "There is therefore, now no condemnation for who are in Christ Jesus" Romans 8:1. The burden falls on the abusive spouse who abandoned and committed adultery and refuse to repent. Not on the victim who was more than willing to work on the marriage and gave their heart and soul to God and His Word. God gave us all a free will, and no one should be bound to the free will of one who chooses sin over God's ways.

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +1

      @@k60c85 oh wow I have no idea how you're coming up with this stuff what you're saying is not biblical so you're saying the one walking with the Lord has to stay in bondage how did you come up with that? Only God can judge well I'm going to be sharing some Bible verses with you Sin is Sin you do realize that right doesn't matter who's doing it someone walking with God or someone who is not they are still punishable unto death the abused both ends up in bondage to the abuser who is controlled by sin Satan which is right where he wants okay first of all yes Satan wants to keep the righteous in bondage I agree okay first of all the one that is abused is not in bondage I'm not sure how you're coming up with this? Okay I can't answer the rest of your questions because the spouse is not in bondage. Please Explain.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому +2

      @@k60c85 neither abuse nor abandonment are Biblical grounds for divorce and can separate or even divorce and the options are reconcile or remain unmarried...

  • @darthjedi99
    @darthjedi99 Місяць тому +2

    They always ignore Mark 10:10-12, Luke 16:18, Romans 7:2-3, 1 Cor 7:10-11, and then turn to Matt 5:32 or Matt 19:9 where Jesus uses two different word taking about the betrothal period, Jesus says fornication and adultery not adultery and adultery and even is marriage vows you say to death do us part not divorce .

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 Місяць тому


    • @mustardseedist
      @mustardseedist Місяць тому

      Cherry picking devils they are.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому +1

      No we don't. We take those verses in their intended context. We do not stretch these verses well past their intended scope as people who advocate the marriage permanence heresy do.
      In Matt 5:32, Matt 19, Mark 10, and Luke 16, Jesus did NOT condemn any and all remarriage after divorce. He only condemned the practice of dumping a faithful spouse just so you can run off with some Instagram girlie. If any and all remarriage after divorce = adultery then either adultery was lawful in the OT (Deut 24:2) or Jesus changed the Law to alter the definition of adultery (Matt 5:17-18). It's heresy either way.
      1 Cor 7:10-11 is intended for believers with no compelling reason to divorce. It isn't a blanket ban on divorce any more than Luke 18:22 is a ban on having money. Not only that, Paul himself makes it clear that it is no sin to marry in two verses (9 and 28) in the very same chapter if you are unmarried for any reason, regardless of prior marital status. And Romans 7 isn't even about marriage at all!

  • @ceciliawoods6991
    @ceciliawoods6991 Місяць тому +4

    Please be aware that you are accountable for what you are sharing. The word of God is clear.

  • @MountainGoat67
    @MountainGoat67 Місяць тому

    I am convicted and guilty. I never had any prior covenant marriage, and now "legally" married to a divorced wife. We together confess and repent our sin of adulterous marriage and now live in celibacy but nothing else changes, still living under the same roof. Must we file a civil "divorce" paper and live separately as any other divorced couples although in the eyes of God, we are not considered in covenant "married" ?

    • @sfs1167
      @sfs1167 Місяць тому

      There are people who get onto these channels for the purpose of espousing works-based theology. One in particular divorced his second wife and still lived with her, having sex with her, so that he wouldn't be a married divorcee, thus following that particular legalism. Then he rationalized it by saying....I'm not married to her and can ask for forgiveness every time we have sex, so that's different! Plus, David had Uriah killed so he wasn't in an adulterous marriage! That's they way they think.

  • @andrepotts5337
    @andrepotts5337 4 місяці тому +3

    Great great advice here homie

    • @Friendlyadhd10
      @Friendlyadhd10 4 місяці тому +1

      Mark is our wonderful brother from another mother.❤

  • @thomaspower221
    @thomaspower221 Місяць тому +1

    The trouble we are having is that church congregations do NOT support marriage for life any longer. The general view is that when a judge slams down their gavel, this also ends the covenant. Of course, if one considers this, it could not be further from the truth. Preachers preach marriage for life from the pulpit, but yet they allow adulterers to congregate in their church assembly, even encouraging remarriage in the majority of evangelical contexts. It is clear we are commanded NOT to company with rebellious sinners, who call themselves Christians 1 Cor. 5:11, but yet the church welcomes them into their fellowship, with open arms and some even allow them to company with the singles ministry. Church assemblies often remarry folks who's spouse is still alive. The effect of this disobedience is clearly on display for all to see. The reality is this: THE CHURCH LOOKS JUST LIKE THE WORLD. The church is supposed to be transformed by the renewing of the mind, not conformed to this world. If you track HISTORY on the matter, you will see that when the church allowed the secular courts to break up marriages and families, that clearly this was the beginning of the end of MARRIAGE as we should know it.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому

      So the claim you make is that any and all remarriage after divorce is adultery. If that were so, then I suppose that either adultery was lawful under the Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy 24:2), or Jesus changed the Law to expand the definition of adultery (Matthew 5:17-18). I don't see how either of these can pass the smell test.
      In fact, it was the abuse of divorce and remarriage that Jesus had a problem with, not divorce and remarriage per se.

    • @thomaspower221
      @thomaspower221 Місяць тому

      @@dh605x I don’t make the claim, Christ does. “He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.”
      ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭19‬:‭8‬ . The Bible said the hard-hearted will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому

      @@thomaspower221 I'm confused. Is Jesus contradicting Moses or Himself? You might want to rethink your interpretation of Matthew 19:6-9.

    • @thomaspower221
      @thomaspower221 Місяць тому

      @@dh605x Your not the only one who is confused. The church looks exactly like the world right now. That is 2/3 of Christian marriages ending in divorce. Jesus just told you that divorce is suffered for the hard-hearted. If you’re not going to listen to Jesus, who will you listen to? Do you have another authority you can reference that is higher than our Lord and savior, who can explain why marriage in the church is broken?

    • @pmcmva
      @pmcmva 21 день тому

      the line " It is clear we are commanded NOT to company with rebellious sinners, who call themselves Christians 1 Cor. 5:11, but yet the church welcomes them" is very interesting. Nowhere in the video was rebellious sinners; i.e., unrepentant, remarried adulterers, mentioned or even contemplated.

  • @AveryAct1
    @AveryAct1 2 місяці тому +3

    Jesus's cousin John the Baptist who had the holy spirit inside him even when he was in the womb of his mother. Was beheaded because of his stance on divorce and remarriage. Study the life of John the Baptist, then go to Matthew 19:9. 😇 🙏

  • @kevindavis4709
    @kevindavis4709 2 місяці тому

    In other words it better too remain single instead of experiencing a marriage where a spouse walks out on you can’t get remarried. All you can do is hope that spouse come back to you if not you have the thought if I remarry than I’m a sinner. I’ll take singleness any day. Question though what happens if you got married at a young age got separated married somebody else have kids with them are you suppose too break up that family to go back to your first spouse?

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 2 місяці тому

      Yes this is advocated by some "Bible teachers" but I think that is wicked counsel to wilfully break up a Christian marriage even if it's a remarriage and especially so if you have children. No grace, no forgiveness offered, often with a threat that they will burn in hell, for being "adulterers".

    • @kevindavis4709
      @kevindavis4709 2 місяці тому

      @@neilmccall5311I use too feel bad about being single having a hard time finding a wife after hearing these teachings makes me feel better

    • @joshjohnson3005
      @joshjohnson3005 Місяць тому

      I am in this situation you’re describing currently. We are trapped in limbo because we married prior to coming to religion. We have children. My wife is in constant depression because there is not a clear path. Destroy our family or maintain it. Do two wrongs make a right? Do our vows have no meaning?

    • @terismith1077
      @terismith1077 16 днів тому

      @neilmccall5311 But unfortunately, its not a Christian Marriage. According to the word of God its an adulterous marriage.

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 15 днів тому

      @@terismith1077 I don't think Jesus meant for his warning to men who easily divorce their wives to be taken as a blanket ban on remarriage. The idea that you're just waiting for a previous spouse to die so you are "free" to remarry is bizarre and unchristian but this is what this teaching amounts to, also to tell good fine Christian people that they are going to hell because of their "adultery" is just plain wicked.

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +1

    Divorce does not dissolve a marriage in the sight of God. Regardless of what the law says, in the eyes of God, you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life. However, if your spouse passes away, you can marry someone else. This is made clear in the Scriptures. Jesus himself emphasised that until one's partner dies, they are still considered married to them.

  • @philipbuckley759
    @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому +3 can separate or divorce, but not remarry.....

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому

      Amen brother!

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому

      @@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways thanx...

    • @kevindavis4709
      @kevindavis4709 2 місяці тому

      What happens if a husband is a child molester is the wife suppose to stay with him?

    • @neilmccall5311
      @neilmccall5311 2 місяці тому

      I don't agree with that, you don't actually have to find a Bible verse because the abuser has broken their marriage covenant with their conduct, however you have to be sure this is sufficient and serious abuse not a trivial issue.

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому

      @neilmccall5311 The "covenant" is what God says it is- until death, but if separated or divorced, you must remain chaste and not remarry just like Philip said. That is 1 Corinthians 7:1-11 & 39.

  • @Glory2Abba
    @Glory2Abba 2 місяці тому

    Luke 16:18 says that God does not encourage anyone to remarry after a divorce, however, He does respect the individual's choice and will offer mercy and forgiveness for sins associated with the divorce.

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому +3

      the divorce is not the is the remarriage.....the options, for divorce, once again, are to reconcile, or remain unmarried...

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +1

      You definitely cannot remarry once you divorce you can't reconcile through your spouse only if they have not been defiled if they have been defiled you cannot go back to them or it will be sin and you cannot remarry after divorce or this will be adultery!!!

    • @Glory2Abba
      @Glory2Abba 2 місяці тому +1

      @truthnow902 that is your interpretation. Scriptures say we're a NEW CREATION when we come to Christ. We are no longer bound by marriage if an unbeliever departs per Paul. Your interpretation is not the only interpretation. It's a relationship with Christ.

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +2

      @@Glory2Abba can you please read Malachi 2:14-17 marriage is a covenant you make your spouse for life until death do you part you could read it in this chapter it's not an interpretation as long as the devil keeps people believing it is bondage then the devil has people in bondage with his deception yes when we decide to follow Christ and accept them as our Lord and savior we are a new creation this means we are changed he gives us a new heart and we turn away from our sins take up our cross and follow our savior deny the flesh and we will be saved

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 Місяць тому +1


  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +1

    God recognises all marriages, whether they take place in a church, registry office, or any other location. The first marriage took place in a garden, and God recognised it. According to Jesus, this principle applies to everyone for all time. There is no distinction; it applies to all people. Therefore, remarrying after a divorce violates one of the ten commandments: you shall not commit adultery.

  • @tinaregeneratedlady3476
    @tinaregeneratedlady3476 Місяць тому

    I'm 63 years old. I divorced my first husband (sunday school teacher/church bus driver) after 11 years of mental, emotional, & mild physical abuse. I tried for several years to get him to agree to counseling. He refused. Physical abuse was becoming progressive & frightening to the children. I could take no more so I took our children & left. I remarried a man who was very good to my children. After 30 years together he passed away in 2020. My 1st husband has been with 3 other women & divorced now again. I just want to do whats right is Gods eyes. Many Christians will say I have to try to reconcile with 1st husband & that surely he has learned his lesson by now. Sorry but I just can't imagine going there. I feel bad for him but he caused his troubles & still seeks no help. I do struggle with wanting a remarriage to be right and not what someone says Jesus really means by what He says. I don't want man's opinions or them twisting what is written. I want truth according to scripture. At 63 healthy & active I would like a partner again, but feel like its hard to trust. I struggle with possibilities that a man may not be honest about why he is divorced as my 1st husband wasn't honest with his other wives. I tend toward trusting widowers more, but there are less of them. Its a struggle being alone as I get older. Its lonely.🙏

    • @mariapal1109
      @mariapal1109 18 днів тому +1

      Please know I will pray for you and your future husband. Jesus is preparing you ♥️

  • @samsung8310
    @samsung8310 3 місяці тому

    Listen to The Divorced Christian Podcast, it helped me to understand all about divorce, adultry, and remarriage, but you must listen to all the episodes 👍🏻

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому +1

      That is a terrible website. Stick with the Scriptures.

    • @samsung8310
      @samsung8310 2 місяці тому

      @@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways Why? Because you disagree? I listened to every single episode on his podcast, it’s biblical teaching backed up by Scriptures. Christians think they know everything but we don’t most of the times we’re deceived. We as Christians we really need to go deep in the scriptures and educate ourselves.

    • @dceles3764
      @dceles3764 2 місяці тому

      ​@@samsung8310if it says you can remarry while your spouse is alive it is wrong.

    • @samsung8310
      @samsung8310 2 місяці тому

      @@dceles3764 NO IT IS NOT. Do your research. Like I said go listen to every single episode of his podcast where he breaks everything word for word and it makes sense. Once I understood I got revelation from God and I also got my peace back. Remarriage is optional though, people don’t have to remarry if they don’t want to, but yes people can remarry after a divorce and they don’t have to wait for the other person to die in order to remarry 👍🏻

    • @dceles3764
      @dceles3764 2 місяці тому

      @@samsung8310 YES IT IS!!!

  • @terismith1077
    @terismith1077 Місяць тому

    Additionally, Almost all modern day preachers think that because of the “fornication” clause in Matthew you can remarry because of adultery:
    And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for fornication (or uncleaness porneia), and marries another woman commits adultery (moikeia).
    Notice that the Greek word for fornication is “porneia” and the Greek word for adultery is “moikea.” Also, please note that this “except for fornication” clause is not found in Mark or Luke. This is because Matthew was writing to Jews. The Jews had a betrothal period before marriage. This was somewhat like our engagement period today, but more legally binding.
    I’m sure you know the story how Mary was found to be with child before they were married, and Joseph was going to put her away until the angel of the Lord intervened. When Joseph found out that Mary was pregnant, he assumed she had been fornicating because he knew that he was not responsible for Mary’s pregnancy. Therefore he could have ‘put away’ his fiancée because of fornication. Notice that the Bible refers to Mary as Joseph’s wife before they were married:
    Luke 2:5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife,
    Matt. 1:20 … Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife…
    The Jewish betrothal was begun with a proposal and a commitment made in the presence of witnesses. It was beyond the private promise made in modern engagements, and was considered legally binding. Furthermore, espoused partners were referred to as husband and wife (see Matthew 1:19 and 20 - “Joseph her husband” and “Mary thy wife.”) Therefore to break an espousal in Jewish society required a legal separation - a writing of divorcement equivalent to that required of married couples.
    Jesus’ exception, quoted only in Matthew, was aimed at this Jewish situation. He was saying that divorce is wrong, except when putting away an espoused partner who has been unfaithful before marriage.
    However, Mark and Luke were written to the Gentiles. That’s us. We have no betrothal period, so the “fornication clause” does not apply. Here are the texts from Mark and Luke. Notice that they have no such “fornication clause”:
    Mark 10:11-12 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
    Luke 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.

  • @ianpassion
    @ianpassion Місяць тому

    Prudelent marriage-it is my first time to hear this. I wonder if there is good ground for divorce and remarriage. Yes, you are right. The Bible doesn't tell if your husband hits you with a baseball bat when he is drunk and angry, then divorce him. I think we need to interpret the scripture to find first the original meaning according to its audience context and second to us readers. I believe the scriptures, as the Holy Spirit leads, communicate the truth, so God's grace is experience and not condemnation. In Romans 8, there is no condemnation of Christ. I know friends who are the children of both parents who divorced but are now serving the Lord and dedicating their lives to God's mission in the world.

  • @Friendlyadhd10
    @Friendlyadhd10 4 місяці тому +1

    I mean its unda the blood!❤

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому

      remaining in a relationship, called adultery is under the blood....hmmm...

    • @Friendlyadhd10
      @Friendlyadhd10 Місяць тому

      @@philipbuckley759 You are?

  • @Friendlyadhd10
    @Friendlyadhd10 4 місяці тому +1

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤soo great!!

  • @carolvitale7634
    @carolvitale7634 4 місяці тому


  • @classicmikestar
    @classicmikestar 2 місяці тому

    You look exactly like bob saget

  • @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep
    @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep 2 місяці тому

    The elephant in the room, is the adulterous women, not the putting her away and marrying a virtuous woman!

  • @Tatiana-cp1fc
    @Tatiana-cp1fc 3 місяці тому +3

    As is shown even in the Matthew 19:9 passage, the INNOCENTLY put away spouse is NOT FREE…………the “bond” is NOT dissolved-even though the other has married again. If the bond were dissolved, then the “left” one would be free to marry another. We see the same teaching in Romans 7:2-3…………even if a woman DOES marry another (making her an adulteress), she will not be free from the bond of marriage until her 1st husband dies……………..THEN, and only then, will she be ‘free’ to marry another. Paul never, in ANY of his writings/teachings, says that divorce or adultery DISSOLVES the “one flesh” that endures until death--quite the opposite.

    • @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep
      @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep 2 місяці тому +1

      Matthew 19:9 is speaking to husbands, not wives, to be biblically sound. Read it for yourselves.
      But if the unbeliever DEPARTS (LITERALLY) the man +or the women) is not under bondage in that case.
      Get back to The KJV Bible.

    • @Tatiana-cp1fc
      @Tatiana-cp1fc 2 місяці тому +3

      @@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep there is no permission to remarry.

    • @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep
      @DouglasNicholson-ff6ep 2 місяці тому

      Why sre women attempting to teach or usurp authority over the man?
      What real man needs a woman's guidance, in this, or any matter, when we born again men are told...
      ....and literally experience the fact that Jesus Christ is our ONLY direct spiritual head?
      Can a real husband need spiritual guidance for him, from a wife, but still be her spiritual head?
      Isn't that what Adam did?

    • @philipbuckley759
      @philipbuckley759 2 місяці тому

      @@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep not under bondage is not akin to not bound...

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +1

      @@DouglasNicholson-ff6ep you're right they will not be under bondage in the marriage if there was any adultery or any abuse in the marriage the bondage would be broken I'm not quite sure why but why are people calling marriage bondage it's not bondage it's a covenant you make to your spouse and God versus bondage thing coming from people need to do more studying

  • @warneachothereverydayheb.3406
    @warneachothereverydayheb.3406 Місяць тому

    There is a good reason why they are feeling tormented. Jesus is addressing the Deut 24:1-4 passage, bringing clarity to it when the rabbi's were mixing people up about the true meaning of the passage. Jesus said that the "innocent" woman who was divorced by her first husband/master"ba'al" as referenced in Deut 24:1, if she (divorcee) goes and remarries "another" man, she has now become not only "defiled" as Deut 24 says it, but "adulterated" commits adultery (present tense ongoing), because the "other" man is defiling her.... and not only that, but the "other" man is now defiled". why would he be defiling her? Because, as Jesus put it with finality, the original two became "one" and "DO NOT SEPARATE" what God has joined together; the first covenant (of marriage) is still in force (until death, not divorce) Romans 7:1+ and Galatians 3:15+. A second covenant cannot be made until the first covenant has been severed by death, not divorce. The only way to have peace with God, is to get out of the illegitimate union (by God's laws and standards)... no it isn't easy, but only those who obey God's laws will enter the kingdom of God. You are saved by Faith, but on judgment day, will not be judged according to your Faith, but by your faithfulness to keep His commandments... do not commit adultery. Jesus defined committing adultery as: divorcing and marrying another, marrying another after being dumped by your spouse, and marrying someone that was dumped or the divorcer. Those three were explained by Jesus. He explained that it is better to gouge out your eye or cut off your hand if you are in continued sin (adultery in this case, than to end up in Hell, eternal punishment. It is not worth living in constant fear of torment; be at peace with God. If you truly love your spouse, you will give them the opportunity to enter into the kingdom of God for eternity by severing your unlawful union. You are showing love to them. Sin for a season is not worth risking eternity for.

  • @jillanderson3037
    @jillanderson3037 3 місяці тому

    Please read Exodus 22:16. Fornication is when a woman marries a man who didn't take her virginity. Thank you!

  • @ianstewart9209
    @ianstewart9209 Місяць тому

    If you look at it as exercising common sense , then you put limitations on God and God is almighty, all things are possible through him. So no matter what happens in your marriage , just take it to God and let him fix it

  • @raudydelarosa5970
    @raudydelarosa5970 3 місяці тому +5

    Search Pastor Gino Jennings and you’ll know

    • @stevenramey775
      @stevenramey775 3 місяці тому +2

      The trinity denying Apostle? The one who said go back to your first spouse if you’re remarried ? You do know that’s an abomination ?

    • @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways
      @WalkingbytheSpiritAlways 2 місяці тому

      He is pretty good on divorce and remarriage, but I took him off my playlist since he denies the Trinity.

    • @stevenramey775
      @stevenramey775 2 місяці тому +1

      @@WalkingbytheSpiritAlways how?!?! He said go back to your first spouse even if they’re married. That’s an abomination according to scripture

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +2

    God recognises all first marriages and will only recognise a second or third if the partner has died. Death ends a marriage, freeing one to remarry.

  • @purplemoose6431
    @purplemoose6431 22 дні тому

    There is no forgiveness from divorce in the Catholic Church

  • @terismith1077
    @terismith1077 Місяць тому +1

    Well unfortunately, most churches are actually preaching something similar to what you preaching ! And unfortunately it’s false! But it’s what people’s itching ears want to hear! Yes, Paul was open about his sin and admitted to his past sin of killing etc and excepted God’s grace but guess what? He also stopped killing people! Why would it be that adultery is the only sin that you can ask for forgiveness once and then consciously choose to do over and over again without repentance? Doing something over and over is not true repentance! Why would every other sin be held to a different standard? Last I checked sin is sin! If you steal on Monday and ask for forgiveness are you telling me you can steal on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and never ever have to ask for forgiveness or never ever have to stop stealing? I’m sorry that’s not how it works. You have to repent from sin! Period! The Bible says, do we keep on sinning so that grace can increase? We know that God forgives our sin but we have to repent (i.e. “What must I do to be saved REPENT and be baptized). What did Jesus say to the women at the well, “John 8:11, which Jesus says to a woman caught in adultery. The verse reads, "Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. So no she’s not condemned but she has to stop sinning. So, yes, divorce is forgiven but remarriage is adultery because you are not stopping the sin. It’s ongoing! Thus, remarriage is a sin that you are actively choosing to do day in and day out and not turning away from so you are actively in sin!

  • @dannyland4582
    @dannyland4582 16 днів тому

    John 4 chapter. Jesus said unto her “ go bring your husband. The woman said unto him “ I have no husband “. Jesus answered “You have said the Truth that you have no husband!” There are those who teaches that divorce doesn’t end marriage, but Jesus recognizes that it does! When people try to apply what was said in a non-contextual society (ancient Jewish culture) into a contextual society (modern society) there will always be confusion and misinterpretation of what Jesus was saying about divorce!

  • @lanceallenmcginnis1105
    @lanceallenmcginnis1105 Місяць тому

    Sadly, he also completely misrepresented the words of Jesus regarding adultery. The story of Hosea is in the Bible to show that God is faithful to us when we are not faithful to Him. In no way at all is adultery an “automatic” divorce. Bad council. Based on what scripture shows is the heart of God, It would be better to reconcile and heal from adultery. He does permit divorce in cases of adultery but it is not his best plan.

  • @LadyDCassoni
    @LadyDCassoni 2 місяці тому +1

    In the name of Jesus. People study your Bibles. The word is putting away, not divorce. Go to the King James Bible, or either the Geneva, Bible, and you’ll find that the word that Jesus uses is putting away not divorce. Divorce is a different word. the Jews are still doing that to women today. The women are called AGUNAH. These women have been put out without a written divorcement, and cannot remarry. Please study your Bibles. Be very careful with modern day translations.

    • @truthnow902
      @truthnow902 2 місяці тому +1

      Yes you are right it is called putting away Jesus also speaks about getting divorced he speaks of both of these but you definitely have to be careful on how they are used

  • @Jigsawdotkom
    @Jigsawdotkom 3 місяці тому +25

    You're twisting the scripture in order to make people feel better

    • @JacksonLong-qx8xl
      @JacksonLong-qx8xl 3 місяці тому +8

      He is watering down the interpretation of Luke. That said, his description of freedom from the law in Roman's is perfectly exposited. We are not bound to the law. We are bound to Christ, His grace is sufficient to cover all sins. Even when we have sinned in the act of divorce/ remarriage.

    • @stevenramey775
      @stevenramey775 3 місяці тому

      Actually he’s doing a great job of breaking it down. You on the other hand don’t understand the context and historical background. For example, Jesus says the “exception clause” after John the Baptist is beheaded. Research Herod Antipas and Herodias. They divorced their spouses to cover up their affair. Again, divorcing a person in order to marry another IS ADULTERY

    • @marvinpalmerjr5861
      @marvinpalmerjr5861 2 місяці тому +6

      Christ himself said that if a man is with another woman so long as his wife is still alive you shall be called an adulterer. He also said adulterers shall have no place in the kingdom of God

    • @stevenramey775
      @stevenramey775 2 місяці тому +6

      @@marvinpalmerjr5861 false because in the law of divorce that would be a contradiction. He referred to the law of divorce too. So to tell somebody they’re in a continual state of adultery is trash and bad theology. The fix would be then to divorce their second spouse and go back to their first. However, that’s an abomination according to law of divorce. So again, where’s the consistency?

    • @stevenramey775
      @stevenramey775 2 місяці тому +3

      @@marvinpalmerjr5861 what scripture you’re referring to? Adulterers are people who are having sexual relations with someone’s wife that hasn’t been divorced (meaning a certificate).

  • @lanceallenmcginnis1105
    @lanceallenmcginnis1105 Місяць тому

    Another example of someone explaining away scripture that a 3rd grade reading comprehension could understand. This man simply has not researched enough or is choosing to be ignorant.

  • @LorenaMontoya7
    @LorenaMontoya7 Місяць тому

    What’s wrong with staying single? y’all marriage is till death so if you all divorce stay single or work it out

  • @rose500
    @rose500 15 днів тому


  • @LecraMandLecraM
    @LecraMandLecraM 2 місяці тому +2

    Once married, you cannot remarry if your spouse is still alive without going to hell. If you are remarried, put away that second spouse or be help accountable as an adulterer.

    • @grant2149
      @grant2149 Місяць тому


    • @dh605x
      @dh605x Місяць тому +1

      By that logic, I suppose that means Esther is now in hell for her marriage to King Xerxes. And I suppose so is anyone who observed Deuteronomy 24:2. Adultery is adultery regardless of what century it occurred in.
      What's wrong with you people!?

  • @garvinsmith4555
    @garvinsmith4555 13 днів тому

    To all the christians who are tormented by divorce, you should be. Divorce is one of the most dishonorable, and disgraceful things that man can do in the sight of God. We cannot begin to understand how disrespectful and insulting divorce is to the Lord. Divorce is insulting to the very nature of God, it insults the relationship between father, son, and holy spirit.

  • @yourintrouble6296
    @yourintrouble6296 2 місяці тому

    Sin is a serious issue. And Jesus was clear how dangerous it is. And how few of us will be entering the kingdom. I’ve watched a few of your videos now. Why do you keep writing off fear of sin as OCD? I’m confused 🫤

    • @josefjking308
      @josefjking308 Місяць тому

      Divorce does not dissolve a marriage in the sight of God. Regardless of what the law says, in the eyes of God, you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life. However, if your spouse passes away, you can marry someone else. This is made clear in the Scriptures. Jesus himself emphasised that until one's partner dies, they are still considered married to them.

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому

    David Pawson is a prominent teacher on the subjects of divorce and remarriage. He shared a recent conversation he had with someone.
    I was travelling by train to London. The last halt to pick up passengers was at Clapham Junction. A man boarded my carriage at the far end, sat down, stared at me for some minutes before walking down the aisle and taking a seat facing me. As I recall, the conversation went like this: ‘I think I recognise you. Are you a preacher?’ ‘Yes. Where would you have seen me?’ ‘Fifteen years ago, someone brought me to Guildford to hear a preacher, and I think it was you.’ ‘It almost certainly was. Are you a Christian?’ ‘Yes. [pause] Can I ask you something?’ ‘I can’t guarantee an answer, but what’s the question?’ ‘Well, it’s like this - I’ve left my wife, and I’m now living with another woman.’ ‘Why did you leave your wife?’ ‘Because I met this other woman and fell in love with her.’ ‘So, what do you want to know?’ ‘If I get properly divorced and marry this other woman, would that put it right in God’s sight?’ ‘No, I’m afraid it wouldn’t.’ ‘Then what would?’ ‘Leaving this woman and returning to your wife.’ ‘I thought you’d say that.’ ‘I believe it’s what Jesus would say if you asked him.’ This produced a silence between us.
    By now, the train was slowing down for Waterloo, and I realised I only had a minute or two more with him. I wanted to Kindle that fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, so I reopened the conversation: ‘You have a difficult choice to make.’ ‘What’s that, then?’ ‘You can either live with this woman for the rest of this life or with Jesus for all the next, but you can’t do both.’ His eyes filled with tears, but he jumped onto the platform and disappeared among the crowd. I felt a little of what Jesus must have felt when the rich young ruler left him. I prayed he would never be able to forget what I had told him until he had repented. But was I right to say what I did? Was I telling him the truth or trying to frighten him with a lie? What he really wanted was an assurance that his sin would not affect his salvation. This I could not give him.

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому +1

    Divorce does not dissolve a marriage in the sight of God. Regardless of what the law says, in the eyes of God, you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life. However, if your spouse passes away, you are free to marry someone else. This is made clear in the Scriptures. Jesus himself emphasised that until one's partner dies, they are still considered married to them.

  • @josefjking308
    @josefjking308 Місяць тому

    Divorce does not dissolve a marriage in the sight of God. Regardless of what the law says, in the eyes of God, you remain married to your first spouse for the rest of your life. However, if your spouse passes away, you can marry someone else. This is made clear in the Scriptures. Jesus himself emphasised that until one's partner dies, they are still considered married to them.