  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
    • "ON MY OWN" BY MATT-Q ...
    Crisis has a very special way of unveiling the depths of motives in hearts and repeated patterns of human nature manifested across known history.
    Naturally, the tendency to preserve one's own safety is a natural response we see in the animal kingdom and homo sapiens as well.
    But one distinctive trait of humans, which we tend to try to excuse ourselves from, is the ability to make a moral choice based on the strength of the moral compass one either has spent one's life building or ignoring.
    Conscience, which is a deeply embedded human trait, is not merely, as many others may dismiss, a social construct. It is an innate human ability to discern between right and wrong that one can either strengthen through active, consistent practice, or deaden through wilful neglect and taking the easy way out to avoid suffering for what one believes in.
    But when the volcano does erupt,, when fear, peer pressure, forces at work behind the scenes in shaping minds and hearts prior to the fallout, tend to reveal very similar trends and traits that show not much difference in terms of human nature.
    It reveals what others stand for, who really stands with you if they claim they know you and your heart, the moral courage to stand for principle and fairness or lack of it and the degree of response to fear and the moral mettle developed in standing one's ground or simply choosing to flee to avoid being involved.
    Sometimes, the silence can be far more deafening than all the cacophony in the furnace of affliction and the flames of trial will burn away any dross of pretence, thus showing, that eventually and ultimately, self interest and preservation is the default mode with the exception of a few, whom one should really treasure as genuine friends. But on the whole, we find out the hard way that we're on our own when it comes to the crunch because self interests and self preservation at all costs will prevail.
    At the end of the day, it is not so much the prevailing opinion of who is wrong or right and who comes out on top in an argument anymore. It boils down ultimately who believes in representing the truth in its totality in spite of imperfection and who is willing to stand by it even there is fear and pressure.
    Although it is not surprising as one matures through hard knocks and repeated trauma, it does not mean it gets any easier emotionally, psychologically, mentally and yes, especially, spiritually, because it gets lonelier, more isolating and more hurtful with each subsequent blow that extinguishes any vestige of hope, joy, meaning and the will to even live.
    #nopoint #hopeless #matthewqueksingapore #nothingchanges #onmyown #lesmiserables #fearistheultimateweapon #revelation #truth #totality #balance #holistic
    © Matthew Quek