Ubisoft Responds to AC Shadows Hate, Steam Deck Best Games to Play | TouchPad

  • Опубліковано 30 лип 2024
  • Ubisoft CEO responds to Assassin's Creed: Shadows hate, plus the best games to buy for the Steam Deck, and some new, unfortunate Crazy Taxi Info.
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    00:00 - Intro
    01:16 - Story 1, Assassin's Creed Remakes, AC Shadows Response, Layoffs
    06:50 - Story 2, Steam Deck Top 100
    09:43 - Story 3, Lost Records Delay, Frostpunk 2 Delay
    10:49 - Story 4, Capcom Acquires Minimum Studios
    11:15 - Story 5, Crazy Taxi Returns as a... what?
    12:42 - Releases, Announcements, Outro
    Benny - @bennyjgrkman
    Jared - @AvalancheJared
    Karlec - @Karlec_
    Music by: James - @JamesElseyMusic
    Intro Design: Cameron - @CameronKen
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  • @bennyjgrkman
    @bennyjgrkman 26 днів тому +2

    This video has gotten a lot of traction, and there has been hate thrown on both sides. But for the record, I just want to clarify. You can have a different opinion on the story, we can talk or debate the veracity of facts, or argue whether or not certain choices should be made, but I will never support or give leniency to a group that spreads hate and death threats to working developers, irrespective of what politics or drama is involved.
    You can hate journalists, you can hate studio leadership, you can hate each other, but hatred towards a group of people simply trying to create entertainment and art for a populace to consume and enjoy that content as they wish, will always be respected and admired by me. This same line of thinking applies to the comment section. I don't delete anything that isn't against UA-cam terms of service. And I'm fine when it comes to disagreeing with me, or the news, but if comments lean toward threatening violence or harassment of devs, those will be moderated as necessary.

  • @daisydevine3940
    @daisydevine3940 28 днів тому +39

    Lies. It is not hate to point out Yosake is not a samurai.

    • @CorruptDemocratsJ6
      @CorruptDemocratsJ6 27 днів тому +5

      Yeah there's several big facts/points proving they wouldn't have allowed a bIack/foreigner to be a Samurai. At most, a token bIack guy bodyguard/servant.

    • @kam6642
      @kam6642 27 днів тому +5

      And time traveling through dna does not exist. Welcome to fiction dear child.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +1

      Death threats, harassment, doxxing, and bullying are all great examples of hate. Guillemot was not referring to the entire concept, only the worst offenders.

    • @TheRighteousFist
      @TheRighteousFist 27 днів тому +7

      It's a fictional game genius, who cares? Do you think Rodrigo Borgia was a real Templar who fought one on one against an Assassin in a Roman cathedral? Do you think Connor was a real Indian who rode around with Paul Revere? What it really comes down to is this is low key racist push back against putting minorities into prominent roles. Even if Yasuke (not Yosake) wasn't a true Samurai, it makes no difference in a fictional re-telling of his story from a video game franchise that puts historical figures into roles they likely didn't play in real life. I suppose Leonardo Da Vinci really invented weapons for the Assassins, right, or did every other re-telling give you the same pause as Yasuke did, over the years?

    • @kenmasters734
      @kenmasters734 27 днів тому

      @@TheRighteousFist Spoken like a true imbecile,carry on.

  • @kenmasters734
    @kenmasters734 27 днів тому +18

    "This was a paid for presentation by Ubisoft"

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +1

      Yes, Ubisoft is dumping money into my channel with 92 subscribers. They are very intelligent marketers.

  • @simonphoenix3789
    @simonphoenix3789 27 днів тому +2

    lol historically real in the same way that Gladiator was about a historically real Emperor Commodus. All we have about this is that a guy came as a slave, interested the Japanese enough that he was given status for a while, and then wound up being sent back to be a slave once that lord died. If he was an actual Samurai, it seems odd that he was given back to the Jesuits rather than told to commit seppuku or simply becoming ronin.

  • @crazynthree
    @crazynthree 27 днів тому +7

    The trailer on Ubisoft Japan for assassin's Creed as 5K likes and 50 k dislikes

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +1

      Is this trying to say only Japanese people can dislike a video on a Japanese-language UA-cam channel? Also, dislikes are private, and a third party tool used to judge a video based off of analytics is not exactly report-able information.

    • @crazynthree
      @crazynthree 27 днів тому +1

      @@bennyjgrkman ok the us trailer has 290k likes and 751k dislikes. And the dislike figure was pulled directly from the UA-cam API so seems pretty reportable.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      @@crazynthree If you're using the "Return UA-cam Dislike" extension, as is the most popular of these tools. It uses historical data that was previously provided by the UA-cam API (which is no longer available), and extrapolates that with users currently using the extension and their like/dislikes. It does not actually show the real data. Either way, what exactly would UA-cam dislikes prove?

    • @crazynthree
      @crazynthree 27 днів тому +1

      @@bennyjgrkman no I'm not using an extension. Also not sure why your taking this personally? It's a little odd. I'm just giving some stats.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      @@crazynthree I’m not taking anything personally lol. Just wondering why/how? How are you able to see dislikes when that’s something UA-cam made private in 2021? Without using an extension?

  • @pandemix69
    @pandemix69 28 днів тому +17

    AC shadows having a black main character is obviously pandering, and pretending it's not is just ridiculous. I've had this conversation with plenty of people so far and none can balance their support for shadow with how they would react if ubisoft decided to choose a white samurai instead. Wokeness is a thing in modern media and pretending it doesn't exist and throwing insults when someone points it out is just as shallow as AC shadows diversity.

    • @zorgivanov8685
      @zorgivanov8685 28 днів тому +2

      imagine the hate if ubisoft were to have a white, nordic man as character in Origins, the world would stop

    • @magneisuemwinterjuice7810
      @magneisuemwinterjuice7810 28 днів тому +2

      The hyper fixation is artificial, over the top and is probably making certain content creators rich. A white samurai was chosen in Nioh and no one made a stink because it was not a popular culture war signifier. This hyper fixation extends to so much more than just AC shadows black character. A new one I just noticed it extends to is Denzel Washingtons character in Gladiators 2 (who plays a arms dealer..?) It extended to people like youtube 'Synthetic Man' calling the Fallout tv series woke garbage after 1 ep because of "forced raced mixing" his exact words. Probably thinking it would flop just like Amazon's Lord of the Ring series but instead, it exposed his bias and grift.
      Its mostly nonsense that may have started at one time from a place intellectual honesty, but its long past that. So keep beating that drum if you must but peoples tolerance to hearing the constant over the top whining that at times crosses over to pure bigotry will eventually reach a tipping point.

    • @magneisuemwinterjuice7810
      @magneisuemwinterjuice7810 28 днів тому +4

      @@zorgivanov8685 Assassins Creed Black Flag took place in the Caribbean Sea and the main character was a Welshman. The 3 major cities in the game were Havana in CUBA, Nassau in the BAHAMAS, and Kingston in JAMAICA. Does the Welsh have anything to do with area and time period? The answer is no. So drop the selective outrage. You know complaining about white characters is not in vogue, stop lying.

    • @zorgivanov8685
      @zorgivanov8685 28 днів тому +5

      @@magneisuemwinterjuice7810 bro, you do realize that black flag took place in the caribbean sea while there were european colonies everywhere and the colonisers were white? So i mean, it is nowhere near the black samurai, stop trying. This is like saying that it is odd that character in RDR is white, because the original people of North America are indians :D

    • @zorgivanov8685
      @zorgivanov8685 28 днів тому +3

      @@magneisuemwinterjuice7810 you know you are not scaring anyone with the "bigotry","racism" and other scary words :D, that time has passed

  • @migg7888
    @migg7888 27 днів тому +3

    judging by your dislike ratio, I'm guessing even his own audience doesn't agree with this guy. And I'll guess that he'll never take the time to understand why either, since just calling them bigots or "A CERTAIN GROUP OF GAMERS" is easier for him than doing some research instead.

  • @AllahuSnackbar270
    @AllahuSnackbar270 27 днів тому +6

    I've never seen you before, but 5 seconds in I already knew where you stood on the issue. Why is that?

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +1

      @@AllahuSnackbar270 Hey, thanks for your comment.
      5 seconds in was when I was introducing the Steam Deck Top 100 topic. I guess I’m pretty positive on Steam releasing their charts? Not sure what the issue is. Thanks.

    • @hafluq2979
      @hafluq2979 27 днів тому

      Is it the haircut bro?

    • @finbharasa7777
      @finbharasa7777 27 днів тому

      Wow dude, are you like a psychic 🤯🤯?

    • @AllahuSnackbar270
      @AllahuSnackbar270 25 днів тому

      @@hafluq2979 Possibly a contributing factor. Tofulicious. ;D

  • @That-riyadh-gamerBlogspot
    @That-riyadh-gamerBlogspot 28 днів тому +5

    distractingly boring....

  • @davitigelovani5331
    @davitigelovani5331 27 днів тому +10

    Main issue, why the Samurai is a black dude?!!

    • @EternalNetzah
      @EternalNetzah 27 днів тому +7

      Main issue is that it's historically inaccurate for the sake of pushing real-world political agendas. People spot political agendas from miles, and it's very visible from Ubisoft (and among other companies like Netflix). Ubisoft has been having issues in regards to story telling for quite a while, but it seems like people seem to enjoy their gameplay regardless so the game is definitely going to be good. Just "OOC"ily politically themed instead of being historically inspired.

    • @tortepasti2
      @tortepasti2 27 днів тому +2

      @@EternalNetzah AC has never been in any way historically accurate. Its all out such a weak argument.

    • @davitigelovani5331
      @davitigelovani5331 27 днів тому +4

      @@tortepasti2 maybe not entirely, but close to it

    • @EternalNetzah
      @EternalNetzah 27 днів тому +1

      @@tortepasti2 you didn't finish reading the entire text :/
      Damn tiktok generation.

    • @tortepasti2
      @tortepasti2 25 днів тому

      @@EternalNetzah If the main issue is the historical inaccuracy rn it could very well imply that they try to be accurate. If they ever tried that they failed miserably in all but maybe architecture. That is my point.
      And whatever that miserable app has to do with anything, I dont know. Im probably even older then you but I dont try to use it as a sad argument.

  • @huyphung802
    @huyphung802 27 днів тому +2

    How horrible your depiction of japan can be to make japanese hold petition to cancel your game 😂😂😂

  • @QuadPowerful
    @QuadPowerful 27 днів тому +7

    "A historically real, black samurai" - He is mentioned so little in the sources that we don't know much about the man, it's not clear whether he was or wasn't a samurai.
    Even his Wikipedia entry doesn't say he was a samurai.
    In addition to that Assassin's Creed always had fictional protagonists,
    It's quite clear that Ubisoft wanted a black protagonist in the game for the sake of intersectionality and diversity and Yasuke was the better option so that it won't be as obvious.
    Believing everything you hear without doing your due diligence to verify the validity of the claims is negligent, unprofessional and reckless considering the risk of spreading misinformation.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +2

      My brother/sister in Christ. You can go to meet real life Thor in the last game. The god. He’s there. You can talk to him. Assassin’s Creed 3 has a DLC where George Washington takes over as King. In AC Odyssey they travel to Atlantis. These games have always shakily been placed into vaguely near-history storylines, with fantastical plot points. I guarantee you no one at Ubisoft thought about it past “wow that would be cool,” much as they do with literally everything else in their games.

    • @TheRighteousFist
      @TheRighteousFist 27 днів тому

      Why are you lying the comments like you won't get immediately fact checked? Actually, his Wikipedia entry DOES say he was a Samurai. The first line literally says, and I QUOTE from an adjacent tab:
      "Yasuke (Japanese: 弥助 / 弥介, Japanese pronunciation: [jasɯ̥ke]) was a man of African origin who served as a samurai to the Japanese daimyō Oda Nobunaga for a period of 15 months between 1581 and 1582, during the Sengoku period, until Nobunaga's death in the Honnō-ji Incident."
      That's not to say you should believe everything you read on the internet, and while acknowledging that anyone can edit Wikipedia, it just makes no sense that you would make that statement so boldly when you know good and well someone is going to come along and check.

  • @hafluq2979
    @hafluq2979 27 днів тому +2

    I don't disagree with Ubisoft using Yasuke as a samurai because there was no conclusive proof that he wasn't one but there also wasn't proof that he was so I hope you understand that when you say "features a historically real black samurai" you are putting yourself in the complete opposite camp instead of looking at it holistically and doing slightly more research. Still, I'm just gonna enjoy the game as is since AC games were always alternate history for me.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      Google "Yasuke" and tell me what the consensus that the Smithsonian, the Britannica Encyclopaedia, the BBC, The Japan Times, CNN, multiple scholarly journals via JSTOR, and multiple academic research papers via Google Scholar, have all reached, that you haven't reached in your research.

    • @hafluq2979
      @hafluq2979 27 днів тому +3

      @@bennyjgrkman Thanks, The Japan Times looks like a great website and I got this directly from them: “There’s no piece of paper that says Yasuke was a samurai,” Lockley says (a Nihon University professor). It's so funny you proved my initial comment using your own sources.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      @@hafluq2979 the next two sentences:
      “but then there’s no piece of paper that says anybody else was a samurai.” Most telling to Lockley, however, is that no reputable Japanese historian has raised doubts about Yasuke’s samurai bonafides.
      Was this supposed to be a gotcha? Your single cherry picked line out of an entire 700 word article?

    • @hafluq2979
      @hafluq2979 27 днів тому +2

      @@bennyjgrkman Historian consensus is not fact. I gave you a quote based on the current fact that confirmed we do not know whether he was or was not samurai. In comparison, I can tell you that William Adams, an English man, was in fact a samurai because there are legitimate historical records of this. Historians can say whatever they want but unless they have the proof then it should never be taken as fact.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      @@hafluq2979 General consensus on things is traditionally how the world works for pretty much everything.
      Though, I can understand your point of view on this, but even still, I don’t get the hate towards his inclusion in the game. Samurai or not, he existed. And Assassin’s Creed is historical fiction, not fact.

  • @Ichi.Capeta
    @Ichi.Capeta 26 днів тому +3


  • @HellsFallenAngel1
    @HellsFallenAngel1 27 днів тому +3

    go away

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому

      You can click the three dots next to the thumbnail, and then click on not interested. It’s very quite easy to not click or see videos you don’t want to watch.

  • @madgibbo44
    @madgibbo44 3 дні тому

    Better work on the steam deck!!

  • @the_leathermushroom
    @the_leathermushroom 28 днів тому

    leave in all your goofs, commit.

  • @ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind
    @ViewTube_Emperor_of_Mankind 27 днів тому +1


  • @kam6642
    @kam6642 27 днів тому +5

    lol everyone became a historian when this game was announced. U weirdos wine about everything.

    • @bennyjgrkman
      @bennyjgrkman 27 днів тому +2

      It’s wild. It’s okay to disagree with the notion of a character not being who you want. If the criticism ended there, it would have never been covered on this show. It only goes too far when it involves threatening, doxxing, and harassing-so much so that even the actual little old man CEO even heard about it.

  • @chief4900
    @chief4900 26 днів тому

    It's weird that nobody complained about the protagonist of Nioh being a white man in feodal japan. I really don't know why 🤔...

  • @notimetogame
    @notimetogame 28 днів тому

    *Random Heckling Noises*