Hades and Hades II are both fantastic. In the sequel, the story continues with Melinöe, daughter of Hades, Witch and protege of Hecate. Early access has a great amount of gameplay but there are huge updates to come and the game cannot be ‘beaten’ just yet. I strongly recommend completing the Hades story before moving into II.
Every time you mention this game because of my username I feel bad that I don't tell you that I have never seen this game a day in my life 😂 hope you enjoy it though!!!!
Hades and Hades II are both fantastic. In the sequel, the story continues with Melinöe, daughter of Hades, Witch and protege of Hecate. Early access has a great amount of gameplay but there are huge updates to come and the game cannot be ‘beaten’ just yet. I strongly recommend completing the Hades story before moving into II.
Every time you mention this game because of my username I feel bad that I don't tell you that I have never seen this game a day in my life 😂 hope you enjoy it though!!!!
Game really cooked you, eh? XD