National Seminar on NEP 2020 Philosophy | Dept. of Education | Inauguration

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati inaugurated and addressed the National Seminar on "NEP-2020 Philosophy: Indian Philosophical Thoughts and Contribution of Thinkers to the field of Education" at the Conference Hall, Education Department, Mizoram University in the state capital on 15th March, 2023. The Department of Education , Mizoram University organised the seminar sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The 3 days seminar concluded on March 17. In his inaugural session, Governor Hari Babu Kambhampati shared his views and high expectations about the National Education Policy 2020 - a policy document that lays out the vision and direction for higher education in India for several years to come. He underlined the three key principles on which the NEP 2020 is built - access, equity, and quality. He explained that these principles are critical for ensuring that every student has an equal opportunity to pursue higher education, regardless of their social or economic background. He also lauded the framers of the NEP 2020 for emphasizing multidisciplinary education, research, and innovation. According to him, all the contents are precisely prepared and arranged in a timeline manner to help India achieve its ambition as a global knowledge Super Power soon. Since implementing this highly practical education policy is a daunting task, he urged all that are involved in teachings at the higher level of education to try to do their level best in whatever field of studies they will be entrusted with after NEP 2020. The inaugural program commenced with a welcome address from Prof. Lokanath Mishra, Head, Department of Education, Mizoram University. This was followed by an introduction of the Education Department of MZU by Prof. Lalhmasai Chuaungo Dean, Faculty of Education, Mizoram University. The participating professors, scholars, and students were then introduced to the theme of the Conference by Dr. Muttu Vemula, Conference Convener, Department of Education, Mizoram University. After this, the selected key people addressed the event on their chosen topics on the theme. Prof. Ghanta Ramesh Visiting Professor, MANUU, NCTE Members SRC, Prof. Lalnundanga, Registrar, Mizoram University, and Prof. Pravakar Rath, Vice Chancellor, Mizoram University were the speakers who delivered keynote addresses.