Induction Day at U.S. Naval Academy

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Induction Day at U.S. Naval Academy


  • @ksquaredx2
    @ksquaredx2 11 років тому +4

    19000 applicants 1230 accepted that's about a 6.5% acceptance rate.

  • @zaxism1022
    @zaxism1022 12 років тому

    How would you know unless you went to enlisted boot camp? You don't.

  • @Prodigysportsman
    @Prodigysportsman 12 років тому +1

    Cadre....detailers, just terminology. My class was the first to have "cadre." (They were also "better" because that was the first year they did away with second class being squad leaders and a lot of them were squad leaders or or other positions for a second Plebe summer. The quality went down while I was there. You agreed that the old timers had it tougher than us (as in we aren't old timers) yet you state you "had the last REAL Plebe Summer"

  • @_jay51
    @_jay51 12 років тому

    Why is there a marine at 0:45???

    • @hannahriordan4526
      @hannahriordan4526 6 років тому

      Because he joined the color guard in '06 and that's the only natural progression. Look it up you UNCLULTURED SWINE

    • @hannahriordan4526
      @hannahriordan4526 6 років тому

      sorry for spelling uncultured wrong I just get so heated when people call me a marine. It's offensive to my ancestors. I graduated in 2011 and had nothing to do so I was just chillin there and they asked me to put that shit on and I was like fuck yea man whatever. They paid me to be in this video too

  • @97JAF
    @97JAF 10 років тому

    Damn this does not look worth it for being a navy seal officer fuck that

    • @lifeofchrisj
      @lifeofchrisj 10 років тому

      Why not lol

    • @97JAF
      @97JAF 10 років тому

      i would only want seals yelling at me not some out of shape sailors haha

    • @lifeofchrisj
      @lifeofchrisj 10 років тому

      Yeah i guess haha but just remember all seals had to go through OCS to become an officer, or any of those other options :D

    • @97JAF
      @97JAF 10 років тому

      yea i know

  • @TrueCourse
    @TrueCourse 12 років тому +1

    A minor correction.... 2nd Lieutenant in the USMC or an Ensign in the U.S. Navy :) I guess what you're asking Browneye is that if one needs to go to college to become an officer? The Naval Academy (or other service academies such as West Point, NY for the Army, Air Force Academy, CO for the USAF, Coast Guard Academy, CT for USCG or even the Merchant Marine Academy, NY for the Merchant Marine (graduates also receive a commission in the U.S. Navy Reserve) is one route, and there's ROTC.

  • @Necron3211
    @Necron3211 12 років тому +1

    Just received my appointment yesterday!!

  • @browneyedmngurl
    @browneyedmngurl 12 років тому +1

    Is this the college part needed to be an officer ?

  • @uhscoyotes07
    @uhscoyotes07 12 років тому

    only idiots say what I say? hmmmm, even if they did have it tougher back then (which I would agree for the most part), that still doesn't negate the fact that in a mere short 3-4 years, it became more notably watered down. When you say 'we had it tough compared....', I take it you were in class of '11 as well. If so, you should see these points better. Also, the fact still remains that our class was the last class to be trained by Cadre, not Detailers.

  • @ynewbee
    @ynewbee 12 років тому

    @SpudxMuffinz if u ur a junior now u should apply this year in april

  • @StrangerYouKnow
    @StrangerYouKnow 12 років тому

    No. This is a military Academy.

  • @zalfight
    @zalfight 12 років тому

    Not at all! R u fucking serious?

  • @TrueCourse
    @TrueCourse 12 років тому +1

    You're absolutely right. I did neglect to mention OCS (I was running out of characters, hehe). Also, professionals such as lawyers, doctors, physician assistants, dentists, chaplains, etc. can get their commissions directly (thus are called "direct commissions") and must go through Basic Officer School (every branch has a different name for it). Their ranks upon entry into service depend on experience, prior service, etc.

  • @830matador512
    @830matador512 12 років тому

    This is one of the ways to become an officer. There is also Direct Commission which is for people with professional degrees ( Clergy, Doctor, Dentist Lawyer etc.) there is Officer Canidate Course, which is for College grads, and there is the Platoon Leaders Course, which is for students that are currently enrolled in college..

    • @weirdo1060
      @weirdo1060 7 років тому

      There is also NROTC. The caveat is that it is the smallest college ROTC option in the military, fewest schools offer that compared to Air Force or Army ROTC.

  • @zalfight
    @zalfight 12 років тому

    Yeah, but a bachelors is needed to be a 2nd LT. in every branch. But you can get it online, it still counts. Someone can enlist and take online classes when they are done working for the day, and say in 5-10 yrs. be eligible for OCS.

    • @weirdo1060
      @weirdo1060 7 років тому +1

      OCS is still a challenge to get accepted. One must meet age / medical/ physical fitness requirements, submit paperwork (including letters of recommendation), and deal with going through a rigid training course again.

  • @SpudxMuffinz
    @SpudxMuffinz 12 років тому

    I'm hoping to get accepted to Annapolis when I apply at the end of my senior year of high school next year!

    • @weirdo1060
      @weirdo1060 7 років тому +1

      It is now five years later. What happened? Did you get in?

  • @uhscoyotes07
    @uhscoyotes07 13 років тому

    Class of 2011 had the last REAL Plebe Summer with the CADRE of CLass of 2008. Enough said....

    • @SaltiDawg2008
      @SaltiDawg2008 5 років тому

      *Retired 24 year Submariner - USNA Class of 1965 - Former Enlisted Man*

  • @KrankSniping
    @KrankSniping 12 років тому

    @jorgec5151 marines and navy are the same

    • @weirdo1060
      @weirdo1060 7 років тому

      They are two separate military branches that fall under the same department.

  • @zalfight
    @zalfight 12 років тому

    No, it is one of the ways to become a 2nd Lieutenant in both the Navy, and Marine Corps.

  • @zaxism1022
    @zaxism1022 12 років тому

    You don't know what hell week is; USMC Bootcamp Black Friday!

  • @zalfight
    @zalfight 12 років тому

    Yup, the Marines call their school "TBS" (The Basic School). It is for fresh 2nd LTs.

  • @alhfgsp
    @alhfgsp 8 років тому +1

    As an enlisted marine going to the Academy, it should be easy. If you have experienced what it is like to stand on the yellow footprints, nothing can compare.

    • @weirdo1060
      @weirdo1060 7 років тому +1

      Prior service cadets / midshipmen struggle at a service academy for opposite reasons as civilian applicants. They sometimes have academic issues and have difficulties accepting non-prior service students denigrating them.

    • @SaltiDawg2008
      @SaltiDawg2008 5 років тому +2

      @@weirdo1060 As a former Enlisted Man, I had an advantage for just a few days at the start. No more!
      *Retired 24 year Submariner - USNA Class of 1965 - Former Enlisted Man*