The guy who's cheated on every wife he's ever had and says he can't even have female friends cause admittedly he'd try to sleep with them, thinks that atheist can't be moral or failthful in relationships.
I think he's just afraid that if he doesn't believe god these kind of morals are totally okay even when it's not (unless people are okay with open relationship but most of the time that's not the case)
As a 75 year old atheist who knows all the god believers claims by heart I no longer pay much attention to them except to debunk everything they say as long as I can stay awake.
I was very offended when Steve Harvey did an episode of Family Feud featuring drag queens who were simply on the show to raise money for charity. Steve's behavior was disgusting. He wouldn't stand too close to them, he would roll his eyes when they would laugh, and worst of all- when one of the contestants told Steve he was cute- Steve looked at the camera and said "I want to go to Heaven yall".
I blame the March of Progress image. It leads people to view evolution as linear and with a set direction. We’re cousins with primates, and we had a common ancestor.
@@kyrroti Really? The blame is squarely on those spreading lies despite full access to the truth. Another problem that only exists because of religion.
@@scottgodlewski306 well the blame lies in evolution itself really, people who "didn't get it" should have left the gene pool a zillion years ago. we need some kind of exam folks have to pass before even being allowed to walk upright.
When he said that, at first I honestly thought he misspoke and meant to say "gastric acid". It made me think that he was somehow trying to claim that we, as atheists, think that the universe is nothing more than the fluids of someone's stomach. Then again, given his other stupendous claim that he's never encountered any atheists, he probably actually does think that about us.
It's weird how Harvey is giving an argument that the atheist should be making. I think there's a fair argument for saying that most Christians don't *really* believe. When they get sick they still go to the hospital when prayer is so much cheaper. Cool jacket by the way! That red liner is sleek.
As far as dating is concerned I am thrilled Harvey offers this advice. If someone is so much of a bigot I would prefer to find out right away and be done with them instantly. I can argue with someone about theology but I aint dating someone who is a bigot to atheists and hoping to convince them otherwise. Let the bigots bigot when it comes to dating. You don't want that kind of shit in your romantic life. Take the gift and move on.
Yeah, he's a simpleton. Sociologists have studied various cultures and given people tests that pigeonhole what they would do in various situations that test their morals. They have learned that morality among humans appear to be nearly universal, regardless of religion or culture.
Those people who say their belief in their god keeps them from doing all kinds of heinous and diabolical deeds, are admitting that underneath It all, they are psychopaths.
I'm willing to bet, just like many Christians I have encountered, that Steve has not actually read the Bible either, and is just going off what he has heard preached to him in church.
If someone comes up to me and close to the first thing out of their mouth is “I’m a Christian”, I WILL just walk away. What such a statement so early on says is “I consider my religion more important than being a good, moral person”. Such a person may well base their morality on random passages in a book that preaches Genocide, condones Slavery, and considers Rape a property crime against the husband or father. And in my experience, those who come out publicly with their religion tend to be the worst of the lot - fundamentalists, evangelicals, and missionaries - groups who have in the past used physical force and killing to push their religion onto others. On the other hand, if someone mentions their religion later on in a discussion (perhaps when asked what they are doing on a given day), and the religion is a side note that they don’t push, that is different. But many Christians think of things in a black-and white way - their denomination is good regardless of evidence, but any single revealed flaw in any other group is sufficient to brand that entire group as evil. That type of Christian will not associate with anyone they consider an “outsider”.
As far as the relationship side goes…I get it. For the Christian….God, Jesus, Christianity, is such a big part of your life, why would you want to be involved with someone who doesn’t share those values? Past that…he sends unreasonably hostile for some reason. Maybe in that moment, he was exceptionally “on fire “ and hyped up about his religious stance…idk.
I've only known him as the host of Family Feud. I always found him unfunny and just not very likable in general. I never held it against him, there are some entertainers that you just don't like. I didn't realize he was a bigot to boot. I miss Richard Dawson. Although John O'Hurley wasn't bad. Better buy leaps and bounds than Louie Anderson. Man, does that man have an ugly mug.
Faith is such an interesting topic, and I’m happy that people are in conversation about it. You are right about Steve clearly missing the point. Anyone who claims belief in an ideology must humble themselves with the fact that not every aspect of their belief can be proven. Steve doesn’t seem to understand that faith actually requires the act of belief to a certain extent. Obviously, not every aspect of a religion can be proven. On the other hand, atheism also requires belief that outward observations can disprove internal resolutions. Saying science is absolutely better at revealing truth as opposed to just imagining something is true is admitting that you must order truth on an evidential basis, which is a choice that one must make before accepting anything as true. I know that atheists are all very intelligent people. I am happy knowing that, although currently I hold certain beliefs, there are people out here ready to challenge things surrounding what I believe, because I am not content with accepting ideologies that are only given a platform because they don’t receive backlash.
I also have to mention that his religious faith and preaching is directly tied to his prosperity. If he were not financially prosperous, he wouldn't have a message. The problem is prosperity isn't really what Jesus's message was supposed to be about.
8:16 _"... why do we still got monkeys ..."_ > We are monkeys (haplorhines), for f+ck's sake! _"Creationism, because it's easier to read one book than a whole bunch of hard ones."_
I watched an excellent short video by Latter Day Skeptic about game theory and morals. The game theory proves that co-operation is a more effective survival strategy than constantly back-stabbing your nearest and dearest. We get our morals from our DNA and our upbringing just like everything else; we have evolved to co-operate. The occasional amoral person like Trump will pop us thanks to bad parenting and bad DNA, and they can prosper individually (hopefully not too much longer), but a species we can't all be like that or we'd die out.
Exactly. Rugged individualism will only get you so far. I know it's a TV, but the walking dead is a great example. People group together because we figured out cooperation & the power of numbers gets you way further, even when we have to smack selfish jerks from time to time
I was just waiting for Harvey to say "Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that." Willful ignorance is a primary feature of religious belief. Harvey just accepted whatever his Sunday school teacher mother told him, and that's all the effort he ever wanted to expend to understand how the universe works. The answers to all his questions are out there, but he won't bother researching because he already has his lazy answer "goddidit".
@@thefantasticmrlewis1358: "Can you please explain to me, how a proper understanding of the universe disproves God?" > 1. Why do you ask for "disproving" an _unfalsifiable assumption_ (inelegant hypothesis) named "God"?! Is your request due to unknowing or dishonisty? 2. Can you please tell me, how -magic- "God" _(the god of the gaps)_ is supposed to explain anything?
@@Egooist. Sorry I should've rephrased my question, you're right that it isn't exactly what he was saying. My argument should be directed more towards you, as the original commenter was simply referring to harvey's personal stupidity. Can you go into greater detail about the quote you referenced? I'm not very familiar with Nietzsche. Upon examination of the quote at a very rudimentary glance it seems to be implying that to have faith in anything at all is to willfully cast away any notion of intelligence or understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong, I want to know exactly what you think before we engage in any kind of discussion.
@@Egooist. God explains why people act within a certain set of moral principles. Evolution can do this too, but due to semi recent philosophical understandings and findings that I'm sure you're familiar with given your username, acting under any pretext of something being outright "wrong" and objecting to anything anybody else does as being "wrong" simply doesn't make sense within that framework, while it does within a morally religious framework. God also explains the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the various miracles of the Old Testament. The bible is a book mainly comprised of written oral tradition regarding the history of the Israelites and the early Christian church, as well of Yeshua the messiah (Known modernly as Jesus Christ). How could Jesus resurrection of there is no higher power? And why would the higher power resurrect him if he was not everything he said he was (One in the same with God the father, the messiah and the savior of mankind, the only path to heaven and the Lord)?
"You can't tell me nothing..." Well, I think he meant "anything," but aside from that, I don't think he realizes that all he's saying is that he is so arrogant that he doesn't believe he could be wrong and his mind is completely closed to any alternative ideas on this issue. If that's not the mark of an intelligent, critically thinking person, then I don't know what is!
Nah... It's really not that bad to advice avoiding to partnering someone according to religion. I can't imagine how I would be even dating someone religious, and living together would be straight up nightmare. It's not about distaste, it's about pain we will inflict on each other. Why should she tolerate my militant anti theism? It would be painful for her. Why should I hold back all the time? It would be painful (and at times immoral, from my perspective). How we would be parenting,if we'd come to that part of relationship? We clearly a poor choice for each other at this state of minds.
Even if someomeone had no empathy, they could always get their "moral barometer" from the law of the land. I would consider someone who breaks no laws to be basically moral.
Steve created a bunch of problems in his own life and then somehow says a "god" made his life better? Okay..........where is the proof of that? It seems to me that many people have problems in this life and that "being in the right place at the right time" can make a world of difference. I am coming to see that people can bottom out with a god or without a god. For me, it was a divorce, the pandemic and a major family illness that floored me. In fact, it was BECAUSE of those things that I escaped my lame Agnostic (part Christian belief) and came to be an Atheist. Understanding that no god can save me is the grounding I needed all my life, being honest. Steve is not thankful for anything and the way he talks is just............annoying and ugly! Steve doesn't understand that he is suffering from "confirmation bias" but he is. Thanks for the video man!
It's ok. Steve Harvey is a hypocrite, and I hate him too. His arrogance in thinking that god helped him, but doesn't help so many others is wild and disgusting.
If God has enough free time to 'make the clouds' and 'make the wind', why doesn't He/She take a moment to fix some of mankind's more serious problems? Or answer some more prayers? It's more important to him to 'make the wind blow' than stop some of the suffering in this world? Hmm... seems like a bit of an a$$ to me.
So what he is saying, is that as a christian he obviously base his morals on god, and believe he get them from god, he also said that atheists can be moral, but that for him, its unclear where and what theu base tjeir morals on. As in, you can be good bit for what reasons are you good?
Question: is it wrong for me not to want to date a religious man as an atheist. I meet them and their beliefs are more important to them. So I prefer not to date religious men
i don’t like tyra but i thibk that’s a bit harsh. she’s at work it’s not her job to sit there and disagree with peoples opinions if she doesn’t want to get into it. some people don’t like speaking up much especially on tv where people will critique what you say. also there’s a loud bossy opinionated man very clearly set in his opinion next to her. she wasn’t going to be able to chnage his mind just start and argument and possibly put herself in an unsafe situation. on top of that up until than it really wasn’t that harsh of a point. he said it badly but like religious compatibility is important to a lot of couples. i couldn’t date someone who did believe in god that much. i wouldn’t expect someone who did believe in god like that to want to date me
Hey Steve...You are claiming there is a supposed god, so the burden of proof is on you. Prove the supposed god you claim exists actually does exist. You cannot.
Well, that's just too bad for you, Steve. I identify as agnostic because I think it's arrogant to suppose a mere human can understand the ineffable will of a being capable of creating a universe. We are mostly immature beings who think we know everything and often act like we do... often to our own detriment. Your reasonings come off as arrogant, Steve.
@hendrsb: "I identify as agnostic ..." > (A)Gnosticism regards the (un)knowing of "God". (A)Theism regards the (dis)belief in "God". Are you an agnostic (a)theist?! @hendrsb: "... a being capable of creating a universe." > Why should there be a creator in the first place? _"This is atheism in a nutshell. You say, "there is a God". I say, "can you prove that?" You say, "No." I say, "I don't believe you then.""_ [Ricky Gervais] @hendrsb: "... immature beings who think we know everything ..." > _"I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I know; so I am likely wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know."_ [from _"The Apology of Socrates"_ 21d]
Man I hate cars and I hope I can avoid owning one for as long as I live. I've seen more than enough destruction and death from those things. People and pets I'll never get back. Motorcyclist forever. I like the cut of your jib.
What? I’m fine with you doing whatever you want, but do you not believe in numbers? I just lost a friend on a bike. Talked to him one day and made plans then he’s gone. Doesn’t make me hate bikes.
The whole argument Atheists make is and argument from ignorance. Secondly all the arguments you make against the clips in this video are false dichotomies in that you pretend to know what he thinks, a mind reading fallacy if you will and you ignore much better explanations for his views, or you engage in contextomy to make your points seem more logically valid.
@@stephenlurie821 Do I need to write it in crayon using single syllable words? If you don't understand, what Logical fallacies are I can't help you understand.
@@charlesvincent4127: "The whole argument Atheists make is an argument from ignorance." > How so? _"This is atheism in a nutshell: You say, "there is a god". I say, "Can you prove that?" You say, "No". I say, "I don't believe you then."_ [Ricky Gervais] "God" - _Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur._ (What can be asserted without [sufficient] evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.)
@@Egooist. atheists can't prove God doesn't exist. Argument from ignorance (from Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance represents "a lack of contrary evidence"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.
about 30% of the US population is non-religious and that number is much higher in the UK, Canada, Australia and much of Europe, plus most of China and Japan are effectively atheist, so no, not really
Can anyone have an opinion without being torn to sh*t? Your opinion is more meaningful to you than anyone else. As an atheist myself, I believe people have a right to their opinion. What's your excuse?
@@joshuaboudreau5258 in speech terms, there really isn't, someone is allowed to have an opinion and you are allowed to have an opinion about that opinion, regardless of how extreme that is, short of calling for personal harm against them
The guy who's cheated on every wife he's ever had and says he can't even have female friends cause admittedly he'd try to sleep with them, thinks that atheist can't be moral or failthful in relationships.
I think he's just afraid that if he doesn't believe god these kind of morals are totally okay even when it's not (unless people are okay with open relationship but most of the time that's not the case)
hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.
So Steve Harvey, an African American male who worships a slavery condoning God, is going to question atheists' morality?
Yeah, okay!
Bro is Bojack horseman as a real person
As a 75 year old atheist who knows all the god believers claims by heart I no longer pay much attention to them except to debunk everything they say as long as I can stay awake.
I'm 71 years old and if one more god botherer tells me I better get right with god before it's to late they just might see him before I do!
Sorry, but no one who says "if we evolved from monkeys why we still got monkeys?" should be calling anyone an idiot!
He doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what an atheist is!
@Cantstanya He THINKS he smart! He says so enough. That's for sure!
Paul Harvey giving martial advice. That's rich. He's been married 3 times and has f-ed around on several.
I was very offended when Steve Harvey did an episode of Family Feud featuring drag queens who were simply on the show to raise money for charity. Steve's behavior was disgusting. He wouldn't stand too close to them, he would roll his eyes when they would laugh, and worst of all- when one of the contestants told Steve he was cute- Steve looked at the camera and said "I want to go to Heaven yall".
Apparently he hates writing his own jokes too!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Steve may be Christian, but that mustache is godless.
a million years ago it was a caterpillar.
“Why are there still monkeys?” is the center square on the bad theist arguments bingo card.
"Here's another question. If honey nut cheerios came from cheerios then why are there still cheerios?" -Bill Maher.
Because modern monkeys are survivals of fittest.
I blame the March of Progress image. It leads people to view evolution as linear and with a set direction. We’re cousins with primates, and we had a common ancestor.
@@kyrroti Really? The blame is squarely on those spreading lies despite full access to the truth. Another problem that only exists because of religion.
@@scottgodlewski306 well the blame lies in evolution itself really, people who "didn't get it" should have left the gene pool a zillion years ago. we need some kind of exam folks have to pass before even being allowed to walk upright.
Steve is on the 'Flat earth' end of the religeous sprectrum.
He’s a gastrous ball
When he said that, at first I honestly thought he misspoke and meant to say "gastric acid". It made me think that he was somehow trying to claim that we, as atheists, think that the universe is nothing more than the fluids of someone's stomach. Then again, given his other stupendous claim that he's never encountered any atheists, he probably actually does think that about us.
It's weird how Harvey is giving an argument that the atheist should be making. I think there's a fair argument for saying that most Christians don't *really* believe. When they get sick they still go to the hospital when prayer is so much cheaper. Cool jacket by the way! That red liner is sleek.
thanks, it's from Straight to Hell
maybe they'll sponsor me someday
As far as dating is concerned I am thrilled Harvey offers this advice. If someone is so much of a bigot I would prefer to find out right away and be done with them instantly. I can argue with someone about theology but I aint dating someone who is a bigot to atheists and hoping to convince them otherwise. Let the bigots bigot when it comes to dating. You don't want that kind of shit in your romantic life. Take the gift and move on.
I think we should strive to change the very type of attitude behind the thinking
Yeah, he's a simpleton. Sociologists have studied various cultures and given people tests that pigeonhole what they would do in various situations that test their morals. They have learned that morality among humans appear to be nearly universal, regardless of religion or culture.
“If I’m here, why do I have cousins” I liked that one
“Heaven ain’t a round trip.” Um Steve? Kat Kerr would like a word with you.
_"There's no hate like Christian love."_
This content is great. This audio is rough. Why are the Steve Harvey clips so much more quiet? I’m consistently changing the volume throughout.
I've always had fantastical audio problems
Have you taken it on faith? 😂
Arrogance and stupidity is a dangerous thing.
Yep, 2 of the 3 things that makes up religion. The other being greed
Anyone who needs god to tell them what's right or wrong is a monster
Those people who say their belief in their god keeps them from doing all kinds of heinous and diabolical deeds, are admitting that underneath It all, they are psychopaths.
He's a T.V host his opinions don't matter ;-)
Its ok because i really dont like theists.
Agreed, delusional and wilfully ignorant people annoy me. 👍
Agreed, theists are truly nauseating. 👍
Agreed, I think Steve Harvey is an idiot. 👍
Great vid. Really enjoying your channel a lot and hope the algorithms smile upon you. 😊
thank you!
I'm willing to bet, just like many Christians I have encountered, that Steve has not actually read the Bible either, and is just going off what he has heard preached to him in church.
If someone comes up to me and close to the first thing out of their mouth is “I’m a Christian”, I WILL just walk away.
What such a statement so early on says is “I consider my religion more important than being a good, moral person”.
Such a person may well base their morality on random passages in a book that preaches Genocide, condones Slavery, and considers Rape a property crime against the husband or father.
And in my experience, those who come out publicly with their religion tend to be the worst of the lot - fundamentalists, evangelicals, and missionaries - groups who have in the past used physical force and killing to push their religion onto others.
On the other hand, if someone mentions their religion later on in a discussion (perhaps when asked what they are doing on a given day), and the religion is a side note that they don’t push, that is different.
But many Christians think of things in a black-and white way - their denomination is good regardless of evidence, but any single revealed flaw in any other group is sufficient to brand that entire group as evil.
That type of Christian will not associate with anyone they consider an “outsider”.
As far as the relationship side goes…I get it. For the Christian….God, Jesus, Christianity, is such a big part of your life, why would you want to be involved with someone who doesn’t share those values?
Past that…he sends unreasonably hostile for some reason. Maybe in that moment, he was exceptionally “on fire “ and hyped up about his religious stance…idk.
I've only known him as the host of Family Feud. I always found him unfunny and just not very likable in general. I never held it against him, there are some entertainers that you just don't like. I didn't realize he was a bigot to boot.
I miss Richard Dawson. Although John O'Hurley wasn't bad. Better buy leaps and bounds than Louie Anderson. Man, does that man have an ugly mug.
Kat Kerr is it not only been to heaven I believe she's a general in the army at this point
"Been to heaven"😂😂😂
This guy doesn't really hold the moral high ground so,... It's kinda mutual.
I just listened to you chatting w/ Beneil Watts and Sam Borner on our Blasphemy in the Bluegrass podcast. Great to hear you!
I'm gay. I'm atheist, my partner is Roman Catholic. We've been together 27 years. We both joke about our beliefs. No issues.
your partner should know his religion thinks of you both very poorly
Does your partner not know the Bible is against homosexuality? Like how can he even be catholic when it's a biblical sin?
He ain't catholic then
@@Evan-k Christians these days wanna ignore the anti-gay parts of the Bible lmao
As an Atheist I talk to God all the time. I figure if everyone else is talking to imaginary beings, so can I.
Why do you think God is imaginary? Also in your mind what has aseity(the ability to self exist)?
Being an atheist means you believe in no god at all. What does it mean to you?
@@cosmic.chrysalis that's the joke
As a guy who's thinking about this, how does something come from nothing with no intelligence? Just asking cause I thought of this
@@jamesellis701look up the phrase "emergent complexity" then get back to us
You are snarky as hell.. I approve 😂 job well done sir
how nice of god to help some random comedian nobody really knows instead of all the other people needing actual help
13:00 "you wasn't payin' attention in Sunday school." I was, and I was ALSO paying attention in regular school, unlike Steve, apparently.
You would make a great Christian.
Another great video young man keep it up :)
Faith is such an interesting topic, and I’m happy that people are in conversation about it. You are right about Steve clearly missing the point. Anyone who claims belief in an ideology must humble themselves with the fact that not every aspect of their belief can be proven. Steve doesn’t seem to understand that faith actually requires the act of belief to a certain extent. Obviously, not every aspect of a religion can be proven. On the other hand, atheism also requires belief that outward observations can disprove internal resolutions. Saying science is absolutely better at revealing truth as opposed to just imagining something is true is admitting that you must order truth on an evidential basis, which is a choice that one must make before accepting anything as true.
I know that atheists are all very intelligent people. I am happy knowing that, although currently I hold certain beliefs, there are people out here ready to challenge things surrounding what I believe, because I am not content with accepting ideologies that are only given a platform because they don’t receive backlash.
I also have to mention that his religious faith and preaching is directly tied to his prosperity. If he were not financially prosperous, he wouldn't have a message. The problem is prosperity isn't really what Jesus's message was supposed to be about.
How does he feel about agnostics?
he can't decide
Haaa nice!!!@@danger.snakes
8:16 _"... why do we still got monkeys ..."_
> We are monkeys (haplorhines), for f+ck's sake!
_"Creationism, because it's easier to read one book than a whole bunch of hard ones."_
I watched an excellent short video by Latter Day Skeptic about game theory and morals. The game theory proves that co-operation is a more effective survival strategy than constantly back-stabbing your nearest and dearest. We get our morals from our DNA and our upbringing just like everything else; we have evolved to co-operate.
The occasional amoral person like Trump will pop us thanks to bad parenting and bad DNA, and they can prosper individually (hopefully not too much longer), but a species we can't all be like that or we'd die out.
Exactly. Rugged individualism will only get you so far. I know it's a TV, but the walking dead is a great example. People group together because we figured out cooperation & the power of numbers gets you way further, even when we have to smack selfish jerks from time to time
I was just waiting for Harvey to say "Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that."
Willful ignorance is a primary feature of religious belief. Harvey just accepted whatever his Sunday school teacher mother told him, and that's all the effort he ever wanted to expend to understand how the universe works. The answers to all his questions are out there, but he won't bother researching because he already has his lazy answer "goddidit".
_"Glauben heißt Nicht-wissen-wollen, was wahr ist."_ [Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche]
(Faith means not wanting to know, what's true.)
Can you please explain to me how a proper understanding of the universe disproves God?
@@thefantasticmrlewis1358: "Can you please explain to me, how a proper understanding of the universe disproves God?"
> 1. Why do you ask for "disproving" an _unfalsifiable assumption_ (inelegant hypothesis) named "God"?! Is your request due to unknowing or dishonisty?
2. Can you please tell me, how -magic- "God" _(the god of the gaps)_ is supposed to explain anything?
@@Egooist. Sorry I should've rephrased my question, you're right that it isn't exactly what he was saying. My argument should be directed more towards you, as the original commenter was simply referring to harvey's personal stupidity. Can you go into greater detail about the quote you referenced? I'm not very familiar with Nietzsche. Upon examination of the quote at a very rudimentary glance it seems to be implying that to have faith in anything at all is to willfully cast away any notion of intelligence or understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong, I want to know exactly what you think before we engage in any kind of discussion.
@@Egooist. God explains why people act within a certain set of moral principles. Evolution can do this too, but due to semi recent philosophical understandings and findings that I'm sure you're familiar with given your username, acting under any pretext of something being outright "wrong" and objecting to anything anybody else does as being "wrong" simply doesn't make sense within that framework, while it does within a morally religious framework. God also explains the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the various miracles of the Old Testament. The bible is a book mainly comprised of written oral tradition regarding the history of the Israelites and the early Christian church, as well of Yeshua the messiah (Known modernly as Jesus Christ). How could Jesus resurrection of there is no higher power? And why would the higher power resurrect him if he was not everything he said he was (One in the same with God the father, the messiah and the savior of mankind, the only path to heaven and the Lord)?
He is just a wash up comedian and game shown host ;-)
This is old, I wonder if he's changed. Probably not.
Where is cancel culture when you need it
"It ain't a round trip."- tell Kat Kerr that. 14:12
I think she was just laughing about how stupid it was
"You can't tell me nothing..."
Well, I think he meant "anything," but aside from that, I don't think he realizes that all he's saying is that he is so arrogant that he doesn't believe he could be wrong and his mind is completely closed to any alternative ideas on this issue. If that's not the mark of an intelligent, critically thinking person, then I don't know what is!
I shouldn't have clicked on this. I love Family Feud and after watching this, I'm probably going to not want to watch it anymore 😂😭
Nah... It's really not that bad to advice avoiding to partnering someone according to religion.
I can't imagine how I would be even dating someone religious, and living together would be straight up nightmare. It's not about distaste, it's about pain we will inflict on each other. Why should she tolerate my militant anti theism? It would be painful for her. Why should I hold back all the time? It would be painful (and at times immoral, from my perspective). How we would be parenting,if we'd come to that part of relationship? We clearly a poor choice for each other at this state of minds.
5:20 exactly, I hate assholes & willfully ignorant people god factors in 0% of that
Don't you know? The most rare sub-group in existence is the unicorn of all unicorns... The Black Atheist. I'm 58, and I've NEVER met one.
Maybe they are just shy?!
They might have more to lose?!
Now you have lol.
Hi. I'm Danisha. I'm black. I'm an atheist.
Nice to meet you.
@@dfreeman13 So glad to meet you too! You've shown me something I almost thought I might never seen. Have a wonderful day.
He's definitely known for his comedy my dude.
weird of you to assume any christian in particular has read the bible tbh. not reading their holy book is one of their defining characteristics.
So why is it okay for you Atheist to hate on religious people but not vice versa?
Have you ever seen Family Feud. Steve Harvey acts like the show is all about him. Family Feud. The show is definitely not about him
I do appreciate your view on atheist and religious people being able to look past God or no God and just be happy to have 1 another
Even if someomeone had no empathy, they could always get their "moral barometer" from the law of the land. I would consider someone who breaks no laws to be basically moral.
Steve Harvey Trya on the Barbie Channel. The atheist comment is around 15:47.
Are you on
Steve is s camera christian.
Like all his hollywood type.
He more atheis than u.
Steve created a bunch of problems in his own life and then somehow says a "god" made his life better? Okay..........where is the proof of that? It seems to me that many people have problems in this life and that "being in the right place at the right time" can make a world of difference. I am coming to see that people can bottom out with a god or without a god. For me, it was a divorce, the pandemic and a major family illness that floored me. In fact, it was BECAUSE of those things that I escaped my lame Agnostic (part Christian belief) and came to be an Atheist. Understanding that no god can save me is the grounding I needed all my life, being honest. Steve is not thankful for anything and the way he talks is just............annoying and ugly! Steve doesn't understand that he is suffering from "confirmation bias" but he is. Thanks for the video man!
Ya but why does he hate being funny?
Is it? cause I kinda get it, as well that's the feeling I have with very religious people.. I'm like okay nice to meet you but I've gotta go.
It's ok. Steve Harvey is a hypocrite, and I hate him too. His arrogance in thinking that god helped him, but doesn't help so many others is wild and disgusting.
If God has enough free time to 'make the clouds' and 'make the wind', why doesn't He/She take a moment to fix some of mankind's more serious problems? Or answer some more prayers? It's more important to him to 'make the wind blow' than stop some of the suffering in this world? Hmm... seems like a bit of an a$$ to me.
I mean hes an old man. Theyre all like that
Engagement, yay! 🎉All hail the algorithm.
too many Christians are engaging on the Joe Rogan video, but at least they're views and comments I suppose
So what he is saying, is that as a christian he obviously base his morals on god, and believe he get them from god, he also said that atheists can be moral, but that for him, its unclear where and what theu base tjeir morals on. As in, you can be good bit for what reasons are you good?
Lighten up Harvey, you talking outta your ass.
Steve Harvey is the embodiment of _"blessed are the poor in spirit"_ ...
... don't mind me, I'm just feeding the needy-greedy mhtirogla ...
Question: is it wrong for me not to want to date a religious man as an atheist. I meet them and their beliefs are more important to them. So I prefer not to date religious men
nah, it's just a preference
different background and big content creator.
Well, as a Christian, I don't really like to argue with atheists. But when I do, I realize that they know more about the Bible than I do.🤣
Atheists for the most part started out as Christians and for many reading the bible has resulted in becoming an Atheist.
@@vestafreyja RAmen!
i don’t like tyra but i thibk that’s a bit harsh. she’s at work it’s not her job to sit there and disagree with peoples opinions if she doesn’t want to get into it. some people don’t like speaking up much especially on tv where people will critique what you say. also there’s a loud bossy opinionated man very clearly set in his opinion next to her. she wasn’t going to be able to chnage his mind just start and argument and possibly put herself in an unsafe situation.
on top of that up until than it really wasn’t that harsh of a point. he said it badly but like religious compatibility is important to a lot of couples. i couldn’t date someone who did believe in god that much. i wouldn’t expect someone who did believe in god like that to want to date me
I doubt she would have let a comment like that slide against any other group
Hey Steve...You are claiming there is a supposed god, so the burden of proof is on you. Prove the supposed god you claim exists actually does exist.
You cannot.
Well, that's just too bad for you, Steve. I identify as agnostic because I think it's arrogant to suppose a mere human can understand the ineffable will of a being capable of creating a universe. We are mostly immature beings who think we know everything and often act like we do... often to our own detriment.
Your reasonings come off as arrogant, Steve.
@hendrsb: "I identify as agnostic ..."
> (A)Gnosticism regards the (un)knowing of "God".
(A)Theism regards the (dis)belief in "God".
Are you an agnostic (a)theist?!
@hendrsb: "... a being capable of creating a universe."
> Why should there be a creator in the first place?
_"This is atheism in a nutshell. You say, "there is a God". I say, "can you prove that?" You say, "No." I say, "I don't believe you then.""_ [Ricky Gervais]
@hendrsb: "... immature beings who think we know everything ..."
> _"I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I know; so I am likely wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know what I do not know."_ [from _"The Apology of Socrates"_ 21d]
Man I hate cars and I hope I can avoid owning one for as long as I live. I've seen more than enough destruction and death from those things. People and pets I'll never get back. Motorcyclist forever. I like the cut of your jib.
What? I’m fine with you doing whatever you want, but do you not believe in numbers? I just lost a friend on a bike. Talked to him one day and made plans then he’s gone. Doesn’t make me hate bikes.
Are you a robot
I don't think so
The whole argument Atheists make is and argument from ignorance. Secondly all the arguments you make against the clips in this video are false dichotomies in that you pretend to know what he thinks, a mind reading fallacy if you will and you ignore much better explanations for his views, or you engage in contextomy to make your points seem more logically valid.
Dude, you're not making any sense.
@@stephenlurie821 Do I need to write it in crayon using single syllable words? If you don't understand, what Logical fallacies are I can't help you understand.
More nonsense!
You're just making a word salad.
@@charlesvincent4127: "The whole argument Atheists make is an argument from ignorance."
> How so?
_"This is atheism in a nutshell: You say, "there is a god". I say, "Can you prove that?" You say, "No". I say, "I don't believe you then."_ [Ricky Gervais]
"God" - _Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur._ (What can be asserted without [sufficient] evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.)
@@Egooist. atheists can't prove God doesn't exist.
Argument from ignorance (from Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance represents "a lack of contrary evidence"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is false because it has not yet been proven true.
Every body does, not just steve.
about 30% of the US population is non-religious and that number is much higher in the UK, Canada, Australia and much of Europe, plus most of China and Japan are effectively atheist, so no, not really
Can anyone have an opinion without being torn to sh*t? Your opinion is more meaningful to you than anyone else. As an atheist myself, I believe people have a right to their opinion. What's your excuse?
I didn't say he wasn't allowed to have an opinion. I just shared my opinion on his opinion. why does he get to share his while I have to stay silent?
@@danger.snakes there's a difference between an opinion piece and a hit job.
@@joshuaboudreau5258 in speech terms, there really isn't, someone is allowed to have an opinion and you are allowed to have an opinion about that opinion, regardless of how extreme that is, short of calling for personal harm against them