let's see here, the oily water that drains you above or below, return of snacker the shark, the engine room with a bottomless pit, and the instant kill propeller jiggie. To poor salt on wound, on the N64 times die once and you have to recollect everthing. Although the ship does contain some stop n swop secrets.
zeldasmetaknight lol that one corner where you can barely see the hole underwater in Snacker's caged corner, that leads to six hidden notes and the hojeycomb piece.
JupiHornet Mumbo Jumbo has the pictures to the 2 eggs and the ice key, but what Mumbo doesn't know is that there are 4 more secret eggs. The secret is called stop n swop. Inside one room of the ship is a map.
I willing to say all of Rusty Bucket Bay to be the worst. Banjo Kazooie had a pattern of making a set piece and building the world around it (Freeze-Eazy Peak had the snow man, Clanker's Cavern had Clanker, Treasure Trove Cove had the rock arch/mountain, ECT) which made navigating the worlds easy. RBB had the same thing with the ship, except that the ship looks very samey no matter where you need to go. this mixed with a world that's not very big, made even smaller by preventing us from exploring the water, and collectibles that were scattered in places that you didn't want to go (on a nerow ledge on the side of the level and no less then 3 in the water they don't want you in) made the world just unfun to play. Even Click-Clock Wood (the world you have to go in four times to fully complete) was more fun by, again, making the world feel big.
If there's one good thing about Rusty Bucket Bay, it's how effective an "anti-water pollution" message it makes, having the water drown you on the surface because of how filthy it became from the ship Having played Banjo-Tooie far more than Kazooie though, I have much more disdain for Grunty Industries, which might as well be "Rusty Bucket Bay 2.0" lol While Grunty Industries lacks a frustrating instant-death platforming challenge that RBB is infamous for, it more than earns its title of "Worst Banjo-Tooie level", if not worst level of this series, for being a complicated maze of a level with needlessly hard-to-get Jiggies. Seriously, whenever I see people criticize Banjo-Tooie for being hard to navigate and Jiggies being a chore to collect, I can't help but think they're referring to Grunty Industries cause, while the game as a whole *does* suffer from those problems, GI is easily the worst offender Right off the bat, in order to enter the factory itself, you have to search out the "Train Button" to allow Chuffy the Train access to the level, exit the level, and then ride Chuffy into the factory (which, retroactively, is most likely the reason why Old King Coal, the boss of the second level, is pitifully easy; you can only use Chuffy after defeating him and the train is mandatory to actually enter this level). And it only gets worse from there as Grunty Industries is just riddled with restrictions that no other level in this game has. You have to collect batteries scattered across the level in order to open certain doors (which can only be done by Banjo alone, who is terrible at platforming). You have to activate switches in order to gain immediate access to the other floors of the factory. There are screws holding up chains that you have to unscrew in order to gain access to certain things, namely a rabbit employee (necessary for a Jiggy) and a Mumbo Pad. Said rabbit employees need to have their uniforms washed via Banjo's "washing machine transformation", itself easily the worst transformation in this series as its only attack is shooting underwear (which can't readily kill the WEAKEST enemy in the game, let alone help you survive against the strongest ones which happen to be most common), can't jump high at all, and it can't use the warp pad that otherwise mitigates the traveling around you must do (sure, the washing machine gets access to small elevators and go through specific doors, but those just compound the restrictivness of GI), and those rabbit employees aren't the easiest to find and get to To enter the room of the freaking BOSS of Grunty Industries, you have to use Mumbo to shut off an electromagnet (in itself requiring you to do the aforementioned unscrewing of his pad) and, in 90 seconds, go back to Banjo and Kazooie, quickly transform into the washing machine, and jump onto the button that the magnet would've prevented the washing machine from getting onto (and is too strong for B&K to press), THEN you can transform back into Banjo and Kazooie and fight the boss, but even after its defeat you don't immediately get the Jiggy: you have to collect it from a giant fan afterwards... Really, I can't blame anyone for preferring Banjo-Kazooie over Tooie despite my personal feelings after playing Grunty Industries, cause it really makes one appreciate the smaller and simple levels of Kazooie and even Rusty Bucket Bay is more tolerable in comparison. I just have too much fun with the rest of Tooie to let GI ruin it for me lol
I think terrydactyland deserves the title of worst tooie level. The music in the level is horrible and the levels design is flawed at best. It’s the only level in either game I truly dread playing.
6:49 this is the same as the N64 version as well, I have that very exact memory of getting that last Jiggy in that VERY moment. IT took me straight to the extended ending as well!
Personally, as a N64 player, i always went for that jiggy first, because getting it made me not worry about it again and i could focus on the rest of the jiggies
Maybe as a suggestion for this series you can do something from Yoshi's Island (if you played that game)? That game has some frustrating, terrible levels, like Poochy Ain't Stupid and More Monkey Madness. It also has a lot of really great ones like Sluggy The Unshaven's Fort. Or maybe you can discuss the 99 floor dungeons from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series?
YESSS! Although I'm surprised that at least so far, Clanker's Cavern hasn't been mentioned, particularly the part where you need to raise Clanker to the water's surface. (If you've played Banjo-Kazooie yourself, you should probably know what I'm talking about.)
Holy moly, i didht check this channel for a few months and there's so much new good content, way to go. Never played banjoo, but that lvl looks fun even if frustrating
Omg I remember my mom saying not to leave this level until I got everything. Waited until she fell asleep to leave. Yeah that jiggy behind that rotor is frustrating and fearful. They had to bring that shark back too. Also most of the level is under that bay water...
2:25 "Hi!" "Hi!" To me, having a super hard level in an easy game is one of the worst things a game can do. It's why the last level completely ruined Shantae & the Pirate's Curse for me & a big part of why I consider A Hat in Time's Death Wish mode to be the worst thing in any game I've played.
This level left such an impression on 11 year old me that 10 years later while watching this everytime Banjo bounced back and tried to regain his footing i felt like screaming and fainting at the same time, same with the winter section in Click Clock Woods where tou have to climb the huge tree Rare was actively trying to make children have heart attacks with this game ;-;
The Jiggy definitely stood out to be as difficult, though I think it's really the bad controls that get involved in the last part that makes it stupid more than anything. If there's anything that gets to me in BK, it's Mad Monster Mansion in general. Though at least that's by being appropriately difficult. But I'd have to play through the game again to figure out what happened, because my memory is foggy in that regard.
I would guess the spiky hazards and invincible wall-crossing ghosts and annoying hard-to-hit bats hanging everywhere. It was really hard to get anything done in that level because it was so huge and the goals so small.
Well, for the ghosts you just use wonderwing. I never thought MMM was particularly difficult, but it was tedious, especially climbing around the mansion as pumpkin.
That's so bad I've literally never attempted it. I'm already on edge from all the other first-person segments where your vision range is poor and you can barely see enemies coming. I braved the first one as a acceptable gimmick, the second was insane and counterintuitive to the FPS mechanics, and the third I've never even tried simply due to the reputation it has with people.
In my most recent playthrough, I collected everything other than the propeller jiggy first, then just used the glitch to clip into the ship and swim directly to the propeller jiggy. Screw this level of an otherwise excellent game.
MasterZebulin for a long while I thought that mad monster mansion belonged to captain blackeye, his cellar and toilet also had the stop n swop eggs. Also in the bedroom is a treasure chest, the same treasure chest is seen in jollys next to blackeye himself. It also it me that the main villain of project dream was once captain blackeye, then a giant.
Kinda strange that this edition of Worst Levels Ever is instead focused around a room in...well, a level, as opposed to the level itself. Though it's understandable: the rest of Rusty Bucket Bay certainly isn't a 'bad' level; it's just more challenging than everything else encountered up till that point. For me though, it wasn't the propeller Jiggy that I feared about the engine room; it was timing the jump past the fans just right and getting the notes there.
I never could figure out how to change the water level so I never go there and went to tooie. I have moved on to the gamecube era by than. I always wondered where that part of the title screen gameplay was.
Oh yeah understandable. The entrance to RBB was actually one of the harder ones to reach precisely because of that water level switch. If you still want to know, what you have to do is destroy the metal gate in the hubworld near the entrance to Mad Monster Mansion, then ENTER Mad Monster Mansion, go to mumbo to turn you into a pumpkin, go back out of MMM and, while still a pumpkin, go down the path opened by destroying the aforementioned gate. The reason you need to be a pumpkin is to be able to enter a small hole in an otherwise locked door at the end of the path. The rest should be easy (while youre at it, you can also leave the Graveyard portion of the hubworld as pumpkin, and go through a small tunnel at the end of a VERY thin bridge in the lava-cave-section of the hubworld to find Cheato, who will tell you one of three "allowed" cheatcodes for the game).
someone please explain me why is it that when you drop a comment about the git/lub lub/ Adam on an avgn video, there aren't ever any follow-up replies, but if you mention him on a git video, a bunch of people seems to understand the reference.
Wonder if I'm a psychic... When you uploaded the Oddworld cbe I thought of it ten minutes earlier. Yesterday before I went to sleep I was wondering when you'd make another one of these.
I remember that level all too well having done a playthrough on my channel a while ago. That level and click clock wood to me were the hardest levels to get all 100 notes. Also for anyone trying for the note score of 100 it's actually best to focus on either the notes or the jiggy because unless you're sure you can make it through there and out you'll lose the notes you collected but yeah if you're going for the 100 notes there get the ones in there first because it's a really bad idea to collect them last since you would have to collect them and then also get back out to the level entrance as well to record the note total. I still like the challenge of the N64 version compared to the remake (not that I have it but it made it less challenging).
it's true the xbox verions of the game is easier but it''s also prone to a few hick ups my sister had trouble finding the last few notes in click clock woods and since they don't respawn and the counter doesn't reset she couldn't get them all.
Maybe that happened to me, I can't think four notes in that world and I swear I looked everywhere. Oh well, I found them all on the N64 back in the day, so I have technically have the achievement in my soul.
I actually liked the challenge of needing to collect all 100 notes without dying, it's actually rare that games use that mechanic now though compared to a while ago. There were plenty of games like that like Mario 64 (100 coins without dying), Diddy Kong racing (all 6 (or maybe it was 7 Nintendo coins in a level while being in first), There were probably other games as well though those were the most prominent ones I remember. It seems like from what I can tell that collectathon games in general have actually died out a lot and only are just coming back recently with games like breath of the wild, super Mario odyssey, A hat in time, and Yoko Laylee. Yet the idea of collecting everything you need without dying seems to have gone away completely which I think is disappointing as it added a big challenge to try and get everything without dying. Here's hoping they bring those kinds of games back though as I really enjoyed Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64.
Rusty Bucket Bay, the worst level in Banjo Kazooie due to the oil spill in the water (it can still be completed but it will take some time due to the many ways to die). I remember how frustrating it was swimming in the stage and how annoying the lower decks of the ship are...why is the inside of the engine room a bottomless pit!? I spent hours on my first run of this level trying NOT to die and doing a complete run was even worse because if I died, I have to recollect every music note again (only on the N64 version, the XBLA version didn't do this anymore). Still, Banjo Kazooie is a classic to me and its definitely a fun game, its pretty easy and not that difficult to complete the entire thing either. Rusty Bucket Bay is the only level that will give anybody problems, even to somebody who remembers a lot about the game and has already completed the entire thing (like me, I get careless and/or cocky so I sometimes end up dying because of my own stupidity). I recommend Banjo Kazooie and its sequel Banjo Tooie, both are fun and both are by the amazing company Rareware Ltd. (just stay away from Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts). If you want a more mature game, try Conker's Bad Fur Day/Live & Reloaded, Live and Reloaded has better controls so I suggest Live & Reloaded (ignore the bad reviews, it got those for the stupidest reason: some curse words that were uncensored in Bad Fur Day are censored in Live & Reloaded...that is the main reason it got a bad reputation, not the gameplay or controls, just the censorship).
the main reason i hate rusty fuck-it bay is because it has water that drains your air fast and then theres a jinjo , a jiggy , the entrance near the anchor , the fish jiggy and an entrance to another building in the water or under water its so easy to drown if you suck at under water movement , then theres the engine room too , on the xbox this level is much better , atleast the notes dont go away if you happen to die
For Worst levels ever, you should take a look at Rayman 2: The Great Escape. These levels are the end section of The Sanctuary or Water and Ice and The Fairy Glade. These levels took forever to get through (over 1 hour) and I found them very tedious to come back to, because I would like to 100% the game.
Sanctuary of Rock and Fire absolutely dwarfs both of them. In fact, I'd prolly say it's twice as bad as either of them. There's surprisingly little to Ice and Water, and the Fairy Glade isn't overly difficult (although it is sorta long). Tomb of the Ancients though... that's both hard AND long. The Iron Mountains gets props too for being so epic.
Nekonomicon you want scary things on BK watch this ua-cam.com/video/6NK2o1MR4_w/v-deo.html please don't worry the link is safe. Personally I don't find these bees scary.
I think the bees only go after you if you destroy the beehive, and even then there's a good second-and-a-half delay before they home in on you. For a kid it's terrifying, but leaving them unmolested is safe. Unlike the pipe monsters.
I find it funny that the beehives joke about having their bees swarm at you if you destroy them. You can still use golden feathers to destroy them lol....
eggmanland from sonic unleashed do not get me started on that the level in 1 life takes about 2 damn hours to complete and the final boss please do not talk about it it is very hard that is why i hate sonic unleashed it is so difficult
"Pretend there's a Jiggy here"
Lihan Torrero I saw it too!!
let's see here, the oily water that drains you above or below, return of snacker the shark, the engine room with a bottomless pit, and the instant kill propeller jiggie. To poor salt on wound, on the N64 times die once and you have to recollect everthing. Although the ship does contain some stop n swop secrets.
Not everything, just musical notes
Lucas França also all switches unpressed and the jinjos go back to their places, but yes the music notes are a torture.
zeldasmetaknight Still better than modern games which literally hand you the key to victory after dying too many times.
zeldasmetaknight lol that one corner where you can barely see the hole underwater in Snacker's caged corner, that leads to six hidden notes and the hojeycomb piece.
Rusty F***ing Bucket Bay.
Rusty "Fuck-it" Bay
Fusty Rucket Bay?
After finally 100%ing this game, I can finally say,
*God. Damn. Rusty. Bucket. Bay.*
Fusion Isa YUP! UGH
that rhymed
What is so bad about it?
The worst thing about this is that you don’t get to see the secret pictures
Dammit git, you just HAD to leave us hanging..
XxN1TR0FUS1ONS Mega Man and More you talking about the map of treasure trove cove with the x on shark food island?
+zeldasmetaknight One of the guys at the end said he had pictures
JupiHornet Mumbo Jumbo has the pictures to the 2 eggs and the ice key, but what Mumbo doesn't know is that there are 4 more secret eggs. The secret is called stop n swop. Inside one room of the ship is a map.
*@Nitro/Kevin Gaming* If you want to see them, look up the 100% ending for the game then.
I willing to say all of Rusty Bucket Bay to be the worst. Banjo Kazooie had a pattern of making a set piece and building the world around it (Freeze-Eazy Peak had the snow man, Clanker's Cavern had Clanker, Treasure Trove Cove had the rock arch/mountain, ECT) which made navigating the worlds easy. RBB had the same thing with the ship, except that the ship looks very samey no matter where you need to go. this mixed with a world that's not very big, made even smaller by preventing us from exploring the water, and collectibles that were scattered in places that you didn't want to go (on a nerow ledge on the side of the level and no less then 3 in the water they don't want you in) made the world just unfun to play. Even Click-Clock Wood (the world you have to go in four times to fully complete) was more fun by, again, making the world feel big.
I wonder why the propellers on the back of the boat are even on? It's not like the boat is ever going anywhere...
Grunty is a witch.
This makes the Great Ocean Temple from Majora's Mask look like a cakewalk.
Oh GOD I hate that dungeon!
If there's one good thing about Rusty Bucket Bay, it's how effective an "anti-water pollution" message it makes, having the water drown you on the surface because of how filthy it became from the ship
Having played Banjo-Tooie far more than Kazooie though, I have much more disdain for Grunty Industries, which might as well be "Rusty Bucket Bay 2.0" lol While Grunty Industries lacks a frustrating instant-death platforming challenge that RBB is infamous for, it more than earns its title of "Worst Banjo-Tooie level", if not worst level of this series, for being a complicated maze of a level with needlessly hard-to-get Jiggies. Seriously, whenever I see people criticize Banjo-Tooie for being hard to navigate and Jiggies being a chore to collect, I can't help but think they're referring to Grunty Industries cause, while the game as a whole *does* suffer from those problems, GI is easily the worst offender
Right off the bat, in order to enter the factory itself, you have to search out the "Train Button" to allow Chuffy the Train access to the level, exit the level, and then ride Chuffy into the factory (which, retroactively, is most likely the reason why Old King Coal, the boss of the second level, is pitifully easy; you can only use Chuffy after defeating him and the train is mandatory to actually enter this level). And it only gets worse from there as Grunty Industries is just riddled with restrictions that no other level in this game has. You have to collect batteries scattered across the level in order to open certain doors (which can only be done by Banjo alone, who is terrible at platforming). You have to activate switches in order to gain immediate access to the other floors of the factory. There are screws holding up chains that you have to unscrew in order to gain access to certain things, namely a rabbit employee (necessary for a Jiggy) and a Mumbo Pad. Said rabbit employees need to have their uniforms washed via Banjo's "washing machine transformation", itself easily the worst transformation in this series as its only attack is shooting underwear (which can't readily kill the WEAKEST enemy in the game, let alone help you survive against the strongest ones which happen to be most common), can't jump high at all, and it can't use the warp pad that otherwise mitigates the traveling around you must do (sure, the washing machine gets access to small elevators and go through specific doors, but those just compound the restrictivness of GI), and those rabbit employees aren't the easiest to find and get to
To enter the room of the freaking BOSS of Grunty Industries, you have to use Mumbo to shut off an electromagnet (in itself requiring you to do the aforementioned unscrewing of his pad) and, in 90 seconds, go back to Banjo and Kazooie, quickly transform into the washing machine, and jump onto the button that the magnet would've prevented the washing machine from getting onto (and is too strong for B&K to press), THEN you can transform back into Banjo and Kazooie and fight the boss, but even after its defeat you don't immediately get the Jiggy: you have to collect it from a giant fan afterwards...
Really, I can't blame anyone for preferring Banjo-Kazooie over Tooie despite my personal feelings after playing Grunty Industries, cause it really makes one appreciate the smaller and simple levels of Kazooie and even Rusty Bucket Bay is more tolerable in comparison. I just have too much fun with the rest of Tooie to let GI ruin it for me lol
thanks for writing an essay
I think terrydactyland deserves the title of worst tooie level. The music in the level is horrible and the levels design is flawed at best. It’s the only level in either game I truly dread playing.
The Music!
Oh, the Music's PERFECT
The running noise for kazooz
6:49 this is the same as the N64 version as well, I have that very exact memory of getting that last Jiggy in that VERY moment. IT took me straight to the extended ending as well!
Fuck, i didn't expect there was a freaking jumpscare in the video.
**Stuck between two insta-kill blades** "Hey, why can't I move!?"
Because you're transitioning to the full ending cutscene!
"when did banjo turn into a toad of the battle variety"
oooohhhhh i get it
I... don't a-a'
So this is Tick Tock Clock's even more evil cousin?
That or Tick Tock Clock is Rusty Bucket Bay's NICER cousin.
2:25 did they just say hi to each other?
On the n64 version you can glitch trough the wall on the left of the second switch saving a lot of time
I hated this one as a kid.
Personally, as a N64 player, i always went for that jiggy first, because getting it made me not worry about it again and i could focus on the rest of the jiggies
I heard nasty things about rusty bucket bay, but never in this much detail. thanks for the great vid as always
Maybe as a suggestion for this series you can do something from Yoshi's Island (if you played that game)? That game has some frustrating, terrible levels, like Poochy Ain't Stupid and More Monkey Madness. It also has a lot of really great ones like Sluggy The Unshaven's Fort. Or maybe you can discuss the 99 floor dungeons from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series?
Rusty Fucket Bay.....I HATED this level.
YESSS! Although I'm surprised that at least so far, Clanker's Cavern hasn't been mentioned, particularly the part where you need to raise Clanker to the water's surface. (If you've played Banjo-Kazooie yourself, you should probably know what I'm talking about.)
Holy moly, i didht check this channel for a few months and there's so much new good content, way to go.
Never played banjoo, but that lvl looks fun even if frustrating
Right now, I made it to that level. Before I beat the level, I am watching this video and having lunch. And as another thing, Titanic is on.
Omg I remember my mom saying not to leave this level until I got everything. Waited until she fell asleep to leave. Yeah that jiggy behind that rotor is frustrating and fearful. They had to bring that shark back too. Also most of the level is under that bay water...
2:25 "Hi!" "Hi!"
To me, having a super hard level in an easy game is one of the worst things a game can do. It's why the last level completely ruined Shantae & the Pirate's Curse for me & a big part of why I consider A Hat in Time's Death Wish mode to be the worst thing in any game I've played.
This level left such an impression on 11 year old me that 10 years later while watching this everytime Banjo bounced back and tried to regain his footing i felt like screaming and fainting at the same time, same with the winter section in Click Clock Woods where tou have to climb the huge tree
Rare was actively trying to make children have heart attacks with this game ;-;
This was the level that made you curse the day you ever picked up an N64 controller.
Oh gosh, not this level.
I always saved that Jiggy for last... for obvious reasons.
The one thing I dislike in Banjo Kazooie is the swimming.
The Jiggy definitely stood out to be as difficult, though I think it's really the bad controls that get involved in the last part that makes it stupid more than anything.
If there's anything that gets to me in BK, it's Mad Monster Mansion in general. Though at least that's by being appropriately difficult. But I'd have to play through the game again to figure out what happened, because my memory is foggy in that regard.
I would guess the spiky hazards and invincible wall-crossing ghosts and annoying hard-to-hit bats hanging everywhere. It was really hard to get anything done in that level because it was so huge and the goals so small.
I hate monster mansion becausd I keep dying to shit and the n64 version made it super annoying.
Well, for the ghosts you just use wonderwing. I never thought MMM was particularly difficult, but it was tedious, especially climbing around the mansion as pumpkin.
All that annoyance for one Jiggy, BOOOOOOO!!!😣
banjo tooie's worst level has to be clinker's cavern in grunty industries
That's so bad I've literally never attempted it. I'm already on edge from all the other first-person segments where your vision range is poor and you can barely see enemies coming. I braved the first one as a acceptable gimmick, the second was insane and counterintuitive to the FPS mechanics, and the third I've never even tried simply due to the reputation it has with people.
In my most recent playthrough, I collected everything other than the propeller jiggy first, then just used the glitch to clip into the ship and swim directly to the propeller jiggy. Screw this level of an otherwise excellent game.
Question, is this gruntys ship or captain blackeyes ship?
zeldasmetaknight Truly one of Rare's greatest mysteries.
MasterZebulin for a long while I thought that mad monster mansion belonged to captain blackeye, his cellar and toilet also had the stop n swop eggs. Also in the bedroom is a treasure chest, the same treasure chest is seen in jollys next to blackeye himself. It also it me that the main villain of project dream was once captain blackeye, then a giant.
Kinda strange that this edition of Worst Levels Ever is instead focused around a room in...well, a level, as opposed to the level itself.
Though it's understandable: the rest of Rusty Bucket Bay certainly isn't a 'bad' level; it's just more challenging than everything else encountered up till that point.
For me though, it wasn't the propeller Jiggy that I feared about the engine room; it was timing the jump past the fans just right and getting the notes there.
I never could figure out how to change the water level so I never go there and went to tooie. I have moved on to the gamecube era by than. I always wondered where that part of the title screen gameplay was.
ZNemerald are you referring to Clanker's cavern? Yeah the inside of clanker is like a prelude to rusty bucket bay. Machinery inside there
Oh yeah understandable. The entrance to RBB was actually one of the harder ones to reach precisely because of that water level switch. If you still want to know, what you have to do is destroy the metal gate in the hubworld near the entrance to Mad Monster Mansion, then ENTER Mad Monster Mansion, go to mumbo to turn you into a pumpkin, go back out of MMM and, while still a pumpkin, go down the path opened by destroying the aforementioned gate. The reason you need to be a pumpkin is to be able to enter a small hole in an otherwise locked door at the end of the path. The rest should be easy (while youre at it, you can also leave the Graveyard portion of the hubworld as pumpkin, and go through a small tunnel at the end of a VERY thin bridge in the lava-cave-section of the hubworld to find Cheato, who will tell you one of three "allowed" cheatcodes for the game).
I always saw Click Clock Woods as a reward for getting through Rusty Bucket Bay. What a grimy, slimy, mean ass level it is!
This is why I use Leaky and the Infinit Air Cheat Code in Treasure Trove Grove.
I saw Banjo Kazooie
“Oh, Rusty Bucket Bay?”
This Jiggly and the one where you have to eat more than the red crocodile in world 4 are the two obstacles I faced with 100%ing this game on the N64.
That Damn Engine room... i had 96 Notes and then: Dead. That was some rage in my youth...
Now i always clear the Engine Room first :p
That Jiggy made me stop playing the game after a long streak of 100%ing the levels. God I hate it so much.
I thought it was only a matter of time Rusty F*ckit Bay makes the cut. And damn I was right.
Well at least the music in this factory section is catchy like most of the tracks in the game.
This whole section of the game still makes my palms sweat this was one if not the worst level in the series
someone please explain me why is it that when you drop a comment about the git/lub lub/ Adam on an avgn video, there aren't ever any follow-up replies, but if you mention him on a git video, a bunch of people seems to understand the reference.
Wonder if I'm a psychic...
When you uploaded the Oddworld cbe I thought of it ten minutes earlier. Yesterday before I went to sleep I was wondering when you'd make another one of these.
I remember that level all too well having done a playthrough on my channel a while ago. That level and click clock wood to me were the hardest levels to get all 100 notes. Also for anyone trying for the note score of 100 it's actually best to focus on either the notes or the jiggy because unless you're sure you can make it through there and out you'll lose the notes you collected but yeah if you're going for the 100 notes there get the ones in there first because it's a really bad idea to collect them last since you would have to collect them and then also get back out to the level entrance as well to record the note total. I still like the challenge of the N64 version compared to the remake (not that I have it but it made it less challenging).
it's true the xbox verions of the game is easier but it''s also prone to a few hick ups my sister had trouble finding the last few notes in click clock woods and since they don't respawn and the counter doesn't reset she couldn't get them all.
Maybe that happened to me, I can't think four notes in that world and I swear I looked everywhere. Oh well, I found them all on the N64 back in the day, so I have technically have the achievement in my soul.
Flint Dragoon the Xbox version is easier but in a good way. It got rid of that 100 note bullshit that games of today would probably get panned for
I actually liked the challenge of needing to collect all 100 notes without dying, it's actually rare that games use that mechanic now though compared to a while ago. There were plenty of games like that like Mario 64 (100 coins without dying), Diddy Kong racing (all 6 (or maybe it was 7 Nintendo coins in a level while being in first), There were probably other games as well though those were the most prominent ones I remember. It seems like from what I can tell that collectathon games in general have actually died out a lot and only are just coming back recently with games like breath of the wild, super Mario odyssey, A hat in time, and Yoko Laylee. Yet the idea of collecting everything you need without dying seems to have gone away completely which I think is disappointing as it added a big challenge to try and get everything without dying. Here's hoping they bring those kinds of games back though as I really enjoyed Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64.
Rusty Bucket Bay, the worst level in Banjo Kazooie due to the oil spill in the water (it can still be completed but it will take some time due to the many ways to die). I remember how frustrating it was swimming in the stage and how annoying the lower decks of the ship are...why is the inside of the engine room a bottomless pit!? I spent hours on my first run of this level trying NOT to die and doing a complete run was even worse because if I died, I have to recollect every music note again (only on the N64 version, the XBLA version didn't do this anymore). Still, Banjo Kazooie is a classic to me and its definitely a fun game, its pretty easy and not that difficult to complete the entire thing either. Rusty Bucket Bay is the only level that will give anybody problems, even to somebody who remembers a lot about the game and has already completed the entire thing (like me, I get careless and/or cocky so I sometimes end up dying because of my own stupidity). I recommend Banjo Kazooie and its sequel Banjo Tooie, both are fun and both are by the amazing company Rareware Ltd. (just stay away from Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts). If you want a more mature game, try Conker's Bad Fur Day/Live & Reloaded, Live and Reloaded has better controls so I suggest Live & Reloaded (ignore the bad reviews, it got those for the stupidest reason: some curse words that were uncensored in Bad Fur Day are censored in Live & Reloaded...that is the main reason it got a bad reputation, not the gameplay or controls, just the censorship).
N&B is a good game on it's own though. Just remove the characters and you have a solid game.
Yeah, I guess you are right. Still, I think Banjo and Kazooie look terrible with their new look, ugh, so hideous.
can't argue with that.
the main reason i hate rusty fuck-it bay is because it has water that drains your air fast and then theres a jinjo , a jiggy , the entrance near the anchor , the fish jiggy and an entrance to another building in the water or under water
its so easy to drown if you suck at under water movement , then theres the engine room too , on the xbox this level is much better , atleast the notes dont go away if you happen to die
Imagine this level but x4 worst
Thats right,grunty's industries
the backtracking for bof 2 from capitan and hometown ive always found annoying
Great as always my man.
I figured it'd be Rusty Bucket Bay
Rusty bucket bay was my favorite level... that all.
I never played the game, but I see, if I ever play this is gunna be like
Doo Doo Doo Doo do do do do do. *Fuck!*
Rusty Bucket Bay is just the worst. No contest at all
For Worst levels ever, you should take a look at Rayman 2: The Great Escape. These levels are the end section of The Sanctuary or Water and Ice and The Fairy Glade. These levels took forever to get through (over 1 hour) and I found them very tedious to come back to, because I would like to 100% the game.
Sanctuary of Rock and Fire absolutely dwarfs both of them. In fact, I'd prolly say it's twice as bad as either of them.
There's surprisingly little to Ice and Water, and the Fairy Glade isn't overly difficult (although it is sorta long).
Tomb of the Ancients though... that's both hard AND long. The Iron Mountains gets props too for being so epic.
So wait, if you got 100 jiggies in that bit, would you actually die if the timer ran out before the transition activated?
I think I dislike Clanker's more, actually. Just an overall obnoxious water level.
How are you not scared of the bees?
Nekonomicon you want scary things on BK watch this ua-cam.com/video/6NK2o1MR4_w/v-deo.html please don't worry the link is safe. Personally
I don't find these bees scary.
I think the bees only go after you if you destroy the beehive, and even then there's a good second-and-a-half delay before they home in on you. For a kid it's terrifying, but leaving them unmolested is safe. Unlike the pipe monsters.
I find it funny that the beehives joke about having their bees swarm at you if you destroy them. You can still use golden feathers to destroy them lol....
May all your bees be my wax.
What if the creators remastered the first 2 games
eggmanland from sonic unleashed do not get me started on that the level in 1 life takes about 2 damn hours to complete and the final boss please do not talk about it it is very hard that is why i hate sonic unleashed
it is so difficult
5:01 Jumpscare
Banjo Kazooie huh?
*Mutes video*
Thank god this is one of your usual text videos.
Maybe he or she was working,so you can see the video without problem.
But the original komment seemed to imply that it was muted because it was Banjo Kazooie.
Which I'm curious of knowing why that game in particular.
Worst Levels Ever # 25
The Yiga Clan Hideout from Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
as soon as i saw the thumbnail, I know it would be banjo and kazooie
I could tell it would be Rusty Bucket Bay simply from the wire mesh around the Chomper in the thumbnail.