Yuri Vs. Duke Part 3 on Unknown without an All-Divide. Level 200 using Blazor Edge Abyssion (around 6,000 P. Atk), Yuri's best armor and every useful skill he has.
Just wanting to take note, at the end when he went into OL, and Yuri went, "This is bad...", if you didn't activate your MA, he would've used Brave Vesperia. >.>; Not saying it was luck, but timed well. xD; Great job!
If I am correct, if you obtain all of the Fell Arms, once you enter the final phase of the battle with Duke, they essentially rank up into their true forms.
thx, i understand now, but i only have 4 of them for now
Just wanting to take note, at the end when he went into OL, and Yuri went, "This is bad...", if you didn't activate your MA, he would've used Brave Vesperia. >.>; Not saying it was luck, but timed well. xD; Great job!
nice battle !!
How does your health regenerate so fast??
Get a grip Jawee. Lmao. good vid.
xAlex4lifex is apparently online >.>
How the Over Limit timer keep going restoring?
At least 3 times during that fight duke could have wasted yuri but either backed away or teleported still well done.
How do you get blazor edge abyssion?
If I am correct, if you obtain all of the Fell Arms, once you enter the final phase of the battle with Duke, they essentially rank up into their true forms.
y does he look like that he was white for me
you could call it that..D: