Many of my teachers told my mom I had ADHD because I got bored and disruptive when I didn't have something to do. She would point out that I could quietly read for hours at a stretch and suggest ways for the teacher to keep me busy. I'm really grateful that my mom educated herself, even though it was a lot harder to do in the 80's.
I have ADHD and have all my life. I can function with altered methods of doing things...but when society does not allow those accommodations, sometimes medicine is warranted for special times where I need to be alert. I agree that America PUSHES medicines on people. There are hundreds of TV ads telling you to "tell your doctor that you need..." insane, in my opinion. There are people who need medicine to regulate things that their body cannot...but it is insane how pills are pushed here in America.
Personally, I see the solution as simple: Ban all pharmaceutical ads. There is no reason for these ads. I have a primary care doctor. He went to school for a decade to study medicine & I trust he knows how to identify if I have a problem and then knows how to treat the problem. No part of that process requires me to know what drugs are or what they do. That would be like advertising housing wiring. Im not an electrician. Im sure the electrician I hirer will know the appropriate wire to use
@@gordongiobanni7543 In France, or the EU, it's non imaginable to have prescription drugs beings advertised on public space. Plus we have a Healthcare system that includes the most vulnerables; and we're still a free market :)
@@gordongiobanni7543 Can you buy food and soda? Yes, then makes sense to advertise them. You can't buy medication. A doctor buys it for you. Do you just say free market to avoid thinking? Daily reminder the average IQ is 100
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 14 or 15 but I feel like I’m not necessarily more hyperactive than others, I just sate my thoughts out loud and act compulsive. For example standing up in class just because I felt like standing, without thinking about what the teacher would say. At least it makes me a bit interesting though.
Ya i think a definitive quality that shows that someone wud benefit from adderall is when you do thinks without thinking of the outcome, good or bad. You just do because u want to and can lol i was diagnosed in second grade. I never wanted to do what everyone else wanted to do. I always did me own thing, never listen to teachers or could remember things people told me over and over. Also getting under peoples skin was so funny and fun. Pushing ppls buttons is kind of the way of learning what reactions you get. Oh also no filter at all. The usually process of having a thought -> imagining the several outcomes -> and acting on them for the best outcome, for adhd the middle step doesnt exist.
I feel like the U.S. is the most extreme when it comes to the amount of medication that is consumed. In switzerland(where I live) the doctors are not influenced as much by the pharmacutical companies and they don't push patients to medication as some U.S. doctors do. As long as washington can be bought the pharmacutical industry will continue to push as many pills as possible whether the patient needs medication or not.
New laws have been introduced that force any sort of exchange between a pharmaceutical company and a physician to be documented publicly. Hopefully, this is a step toward the right direction to soften the pill-pushing. With that said, I don't think the biggest problem here is the effective marketing or high accessibility of the drugs, it's our lack of understanding the disorders themselves.
As an adult ADHD medications have saved my life. I’m less disruptive, can focus more, can sit still, I’m less distracted and can live in the moment. Previously I couldn’t even sit down to watch a tv show or read a book because I couldn’t sit still. The medications have had an immense affect on the quality of my life. I’m on Concerta.
It’s frustrating. I didn’t get diagnosed until 31. I ended up going through donefirst and they’re amazing. Def google it if your still looking for help.
Have you ever actually made the effort to sort out your emotional stuff and learn cognitive-behavioral skils? Or do you only believe you "need" medications because you have never made that effort? "Need" is a funny word. Yes, there are people who need stimulants to function. There are also people who convince parents that their children need stimulants and conveniently forget to warn them that they are addictive and that, without ever learning cognitive-behavioral skills, they will end up needing them to function. No, I won't dispute that you need medication. But you were probably made to need it.
I worked in advertising in NYC in the '90s for many major ad agencies. They are truly evil in their agenda and VERY smart people are pushing drugs children don't need.
These medications when used as directed and under supervision are some of the most studied and safe medications for psychiatric disorders. The medication stigma created by those that don’t use them properly causes more harm because nobody takes the disorder seriously. But I do agree that advertising for any controlled substance should be significantly changed.
I believe that an ADHD diagnosis is losing its meaning. ADHD is a very real disease, and many patients do actually have this. The ads today for ADHD medications are incredibly strategic, as they are meant to be. People who create these advertisements go to school and learn about what sells. If anyone sees an ad of a kid hugging his mom and everything is sunshine and rainbows, and it is an ad for a medication, the assumption is that the medication made everything great. Like Dr. Kesselheim mentions in the video, the great things are at the top of the ad and the risks and scary things are at the bottom. So you read all the wonderful and great things about ADHD medication then read the risks and side effects. I think that makes it easy for people to say that the good effects of the medication outweigh the bad. All parents want the best for the children, that cannot be typically argued. Like the video mentioned, there are kids who do not get the best grades but that does not mean they have ADHD. Just because your kid is a little disruptive in class or seems all over the place, does not automatically mean he or she has ADHD and needs medication. ADHD should be taken very seriously, and with the right medication it can make a world of a difference to a person. But, ads like this that only say the good things are harmful to children. Parents see these ads and get worried that there little Jonny is not the perfect child, and automatically think well if medication helps then…, without thinking of the side effects. I am not trying to discount ADHD diagnoses because there are certainly patients of all ages who have this disease. But medicating a child or any patient who does not have this disease with these kinds of stimulants can be very damaging. In this pharmaceutical era where at least half of the population is on a prescription medication, it is very clear that drug advertisers know exactly how to make these ads to get the business they want.
Very, I have ADHD and the diagnosis is handed out too easily. Parents and teachers decided they're experts. Instead of working with a therapist to look at the issue, they just give them meds and send them on their way. They're are so many disorders that have the same symptoms as ADHD or even issues that aren't mental health related. Even if you do have ADHD, a therapist is still a great resource to learn coping skills and other techniques to help you with your disorder. Meds don't magically fix all your problems, they just make them more manageable. The problem here isn't "is ADHD real? Its pharmaceuticals seeing an opportunity to take advantage of kids and parents to make money.
I'd rather have these meds "pushed" on people via ads rather than wasting most of your life without ever realizing why your life has been unnecessarily hard and nobody told you why.
@@pizzabread5309 In described doses it makes the lives EASIER, not harder. The people with the condition are already severely disadvantaged without the remedy.
There is much work on children who have ADHD/ADD being distracted and hyperactive because of sleep deficit. Many of them have undiagnosed sleep apnea. There's a sleep apnea clinic in Bangor, ME, which has 3 test rooms each night: one of them always has a child. (Google "children and sleep apnea") Most of these kids don't need drugs, they need decent sleep.
When you put a child on this type of medication from a young age, you run the risk of that child never developing the normal life skills required to cope with getting distracted or having trouble focusing (problems everyone has at one point). I know a lot of people who got taken off the medication in high school only to have their grades fall apart because they'd been relying on a medication rather than themselves to get things accomplished. For any illness, there is more than one way to treat it. I take adderall, and I do think it's something that is good for me, but it isn't good for everybody, and it's very easy to develop a dependence on it or start to abuse it. I know several diagnosed kids who were selling their drugs to other kids who wanted to get better grades, yet their parents kept talking about how much the drugs "helped." Bottom line: when it's an ailment of the brain, explore all treatment options first, don't just jump to one particular one because you think it's easy.
If a person has adhd and dose not get find at a young age it can cause serious harm and would get worse when you get older every thing worse your syptoms and side effects of adhd get worse with out meds and its to late to heal and is dasicly permante and cant be turned dack
Why is the scientific community too dumb to not get the brilliant idea of just letting adhd people suffer so the brain magically fixes itself? Geniius oh wait… thats me! And it didn’t work! Thanks
I'm sure many parents want their kids to receive a stimulant prescription. They can save the kids from drugs and get themselves high. Can't blame them!
ADHD is very over-diagnosed in the United States. I believe any parent that describes their child as hyper and over-active is labeled with ADHD but in reality their just being normal kids. Advertisements that are everywhere definitely put into a parents head that their child needs to be medicated for this disease and that it will make everything better and life for them and their child easier. But this is undermining those who actually suffer with ADHD and have no other option but to be medicated. These adds portray to the world that it is very common yet a quick and easy fix to make everything perfect again. I believe there are children that are hyperactive and may have a difficult time focusing in school but that doesn't mean they have ADHD. Kids are naturally hyperactive and that's cured by having them burn their energy through sports, recess and playing outside not medication. These advertisements that are ran show that its very common for kids to not focus and by just one medication the child would be its best at everything. It shows that the children would normally do things and say things that they normally would not. News flash, no child likes doing chores, or homework regardless of ADHD or not. These advertisements need to stop targeting the general public and stop putting the idea into every parents head that their child must have ADHD and therefore need to be medicated.
Dear NYT: This video is incredibly irresponsible. Talk about misleading clickbait! There’s no mention of the other side of this coin: viz., the massive personal and social costs associated w/ NOT prescribing ADHD medication in cases where the impairments are severe and cut across all aspects of a person’s life. Recent meta-analyses have determined that ADHD dramatically increases the risk of death before age 45 (5x as likely). It’s highly correlated with bankruptcy, debt, divorce, diabetes, anxiety, and incarceration. And no, Mr. Harvard doc, there aren’t alternative treatments that don’t involve meds. I mean, there are ways to treat diabetes without the use of insulin. But you’d be embarrassed to suggest that as an alternative on anything like an equal footing. CORRECTIONS NEEDED.
If you respond to aderall over mph then it is individual but for me at the exactly perfect dose it makes life less gray and gives motivation/kognition/color hard to describe. (Oh and it lets you take pain way better like a painkiller exept you feel the pain but can get throu it better without going insane and doing impulsive things. And other people like you more and it can activate your social intuition at the right dosage
So if your kid isn't the most popular, straight A student, just give them a pill. What message are you really giving your child if they keep talking about them as if they're a disappointment, that there's something wrong with you? I have nothing against the diagnosis of ADHD, it's just overly diagnosed, too many kids who don't fit in or come from dysfunctional families, who all ready have a diagnosis of LDs, (which sometimes appear to be ADHD, but aren't like auditory processing or remembering what you read), and might just be anxious and fustraited, who might be homeless, who have abuse issues at home, who might be care givers to someone In their family, who are really smart who are just board, so it might appear that they're "inattentive"... If they get a diagnosis of ADHD, patents can kick and scream and get the district to send them to one of the many private schools for students with learning Disablities. Maybe they have ADHD, but not all need medication, which has many side affects and if they've ever taken medication for this they can't join the military and they don't learn how to really deal with it and just take a pill also not realizing that once they get that diagnosis, get an IEP, that's all they are and what gifts they might have aren't looked at. It's very sad.
I disagree with this guy when he says "ADHD is a real and legitimate clinical problem." ADHD is an imaginary diagnoses created, after the fact to profit from the effects of a pharma product. .
Please tell me why I cant take in Information dispite the fact I want to so bad. Tell me why I space off so much that it prevents me from learning. Tell me why my mind is in such a rush I can't remeber to do certain task. Tell me why I break down because I can't sort them in my head. You seem to be a doctor, so tell me. ADHD is very real and can be very disruptive to living a normal life and if medications help, Whats the problem? ADHD didn't use to exhist because mental health as a whole wasn't discussed.
Many of my teachers told my mom I had ADHD because I got bored and disruptive when I didn't have something to do. She would point out that I could quietly read for hours at a stretch and suggest ways for the teacher to keep me busy. I'm really grateful that my mom educated herself, even though it was a lot harder to do in the 80's.
I have ADHD and have all my life. I can function with altered methods of doing things...but when society does not allow those accommodations, sometimes medicine is warranted for special times where I need to be alert. I agree that America PUSHES medicines on people. There are hundreds of TV ads telling you to "tell your doctor that you need..." insane, in my opinion. There are people who need medicine to regulate things that their body cannot...but it is insane how pills are pushed here in America.
So meth and amphets help you lol these chemicals are drugs used to poison us
Pills are services you don’t have to take them but zoloft for example saved my life and im sure adhd drugs did to for millions out there
Personally, I see the solution as simple: Ban all pharmaceutical ads. There is no reason for these ads.
I have a primary care doctor. He went to school for a decade to study medicine & I trust he knows how to identify if I have a problem and then knows how to treat the problem. No part of that process requires me to know what drugs are or what they do.
That would be like advertising housing wiring. Im not an electrician. Im sure the electrician I hirer will know the appropriate wire to use
So ban all food and soda ads also ? Right? It’s a free market
@@gordongiobanni7543Try again. You are my semi-daily reminder that 54% of adults having below a 6th grade literacy level
@@gordongiobanni7543 In France, or the EU, it's non imaginable to have prescription drugs beings advertised on public space.
Plus we have a Healthcare system that includes the most vulnerables; and we're still a free market :)
These kind of ads is banned where I live I Europe
@@gordongiobanni7543 Can you buy food and soda? Yes, then makes sense to advertise them. You can't buy medication. A doctor buys it for you.
Do you just say free market to avoid thinking? Daily reminder the average IQ is 100
I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 14 or 15 but I feel like I’m not necessarily more hyperactive than others, I just sate my thoughts out loud and act compulsive. For example standing up in class just because I felt like standing, without thinking about what the teacher would say.
At least it makes me a bit interesting though.
Ya i think a definitive quality that shows that someone wud benefit from adderall is when you do thinks without thinking of the outcome, good or bad. You just do because u want to and can lol i was diagnosed in second grade. I never wanted to do what everyone else wanted to do. I always did me own thing, never listen to teachers or could remember things people told me over and over. Also getting under peoples skin was so funny and fun. Pushing ppls buttons is kind of the way of learning what reactions you get. Oh also no filter at all. The usually process of having a thought -> imagining the several outcomes -> and acting on them for the best outcome, for adhd the middle step doesnt exist.
I didn’t know randomly getting up in class was an adhd thing
I feel like the U.S. is the most extreme when it comes to the amount of medication that is consumed. In switzerland(where I live) the doctors are not influenced as much by the pharmacutical companies and they don't push patients to medication as some U.S. doctors do. As long as washington can be bought the pharmacutical industry will continue to push as many pills as possible whether the patient needs medication or not.
New laws have been introduced that force any sort of exchange between a pharmaceutical company and a physician to be documented publicly. Hopefully, this is a step toward the right direction to soften the pill-pushing. With that said, I don't think the biggest problem here is the effective marketing or high accessibility of the drugs, it's our lack of understanding the disorders themselves.
As an adult ADHD medications have saved my life. I’m less disruptive, can focus more, can sit still, I’m less distracted and can live in the moment. Previously I couldn’t even sit down to watch a tv show or read a book because I couldn’t sit still. The medications have had an immense affect on the quality of my life. I’m on Concerta.
@@daniellel7038 Those drugs are great and can help a lot of people. I hope everyone gets them.
Your "ideas" about adderall abuse is keeping me from getting the medications I need from the doctors who prescribe them.
It’s frustrating. I didn’t get diagnosed until 31. I ended up going through donefirst and they’re amazing. Def google it if your still looking for help.
@@AngelzMessage people don’t have this kind of money. If we don’t have the money we get to suffer. Yay!
Have you ever actually made the effort to sort out your emotional stuff and learn cognitive-behavioral skils? Or do you only believe you "need" medications because you have never made that effort? "Need" is a funny word. Yes, there are people who need stimulants to function. There are also people who convince parents that their children need stimulants and conveniently forget to warn them that they are addictive and that, without ever learning cognitive-behavioral skills, they will end up needing them to function. No, I won't dispute that you need medication. But you were probably made to need it.
@@Knightgil congnitive behavioral skills don’t fix your brain chemistry and they don’t help with the rapid thoughts and zoning out constantly
I worked in advertising in NYC in the '90s for many major ad agencies. They are truly evil in their agenda and VERY smart people are pushing drugs children don't need.
Evil would be pushing falsehoods that lead to adhd not being taken seriously
These medications when used as directed and under supervision are some of the most studied and safe medications for psychiatric disorders. The medication stigma created by those that don’t use them properly causes more harm because nobody takes the disorder seriously. But I do agree that advertising for any controlled substance should be significantly changed.
I’ve noticed lately people are running around like headless chooks, chasing something, on a pursuit to gain and gain. On another level.
I was saying this as a kid, how is me running round like a kid not normal?
Intuniv is not a controlled substance
I believe that an ADHD diagnosis is losing its meaning. ADHD is a very real disease, and many patients do actually have this. The ads today for ADHD medications are incredibly strategic, as they are meant to be. People who create these advertisements go to school and learn about what sells. If anyone sees an ad of a kid hugging his mom and everything is sunshine and rainbows, and it is an ad for a medication, the assumption is that the medication made everything great. Like Dr. Kesselheim mentions in the video, the great things are at the top of the ad and the risks and scary things are at the bottom. So you read all the wonderful and great things about ADHD medication then read the risks and side effects. I think that makes it easy for people to say that the good effects of the medication outweigh the bad. All parents want the best for the children, that cannot be typically argued. Like the video mentioned, there are kids who do not get the best grades but that does not mean they have ADHD. Just because your kid is a little disruptive in class or seems all over the place, does not automatically mean he or she has ADHD and needs medication. ADHD should be taken very seriously, and with the right medication it can make a world of a difference to a person. But, ads like this that only say the good things are harmful to children. Parents see these ads and get worried that there little Jonny is not the perfect child, and automatically think well if medication helps then…, without thinking of the side effects. I am not trying to discount ADHD diagnoses because there are certainly patients of all ages who have this disease. But medicating a child or any patient who does not have this disease with these kinds of stimulants can be very damaging. In this pharmaceutical era where at least half of the population is on a prescription medication, it is very clear that drug advertisers know exactly how to make these ads to get the business they want.
Very, I have ADHD and the diagnosis is handed out too easily. Parents and teachers decided they're experts. Instead of working with a therapist to look at the issue, they just give them meds and send them on their way. They're are so many disorders that have the same symptoms as ADHD or even issues that aren't mental health related. Even if you do have ADHD, a therapist is still a great resource to learn coping skills and other techniques to help you with your disorder. Meds don't magically fix all your problems, they just make them more manageable.
The problem here isn't "is ADHD real? Its pharmaceuticals seeing an opportunity to take advantage of kids and parents to make money.
I'd rather have these meds "pushed" on people via ads rather than wasting most of your life without ever realizing why your life has been unnecessarily hard and nobody told you why.
Yeah I’m sure making thousands of children dependent on stimulants isn’t also make their lives unnecessarily hard either lolz
@@pizzabread5309 In described doses it makes the lives EASIER, not harder. The people with the condition are already severely disadvantaged without the remedy.
Most other countries simply do NOT permit this kind of television advertising for pharmaceuticals.
Only New Zealand allows it.
There is much work on children who have ADHD/ADD being distracted and hyperactive because of sleep deficit. Many of them have undiagnosed sleep apnea. There's a sleep apnea clinic in Bangor, ME, which has 3 test rooms each night: one of them always has a child. (Google "children and sleep apnea") Most of these kids don't need drugs, they need decent sleep.
ADHD has a high co-morbidity with sleep apnea. Getting better sleep will certainly increase attention and focus, but it doesn't eliminate ADHD
When you put a child on this type of medication from a young age, you run the risk of that child never developing the normal life skills required to cope with getting distracted or having trouble focusing (problems everyone has at one point). I know a lot of people who got taken off the medication in high school only to have their grades fall apart because they'd been relying on a medication rather than themselves to get things accomplished. For any illness, there is more than one way to treat it.
I take adderall, and I do think it's something that is good for me, but it isn't good for everybody, and it's very easy to develop a dependence on it or start to abuse it. I know several diagnosed kids who were selling their drugs to other kids who wanted to get better grades, yet their parents kept talking about how much the drugs "helped."
Bottom line: when it's an ailment of the brain, explore all treatment options first, don't just jump to one particular one because you think it's easy.
If a person has adhd and dose not get find at a young age it can cause serious harm and would get worse when you get older every thing worse your syptoms and side effects of adhd get worse with out meds and its to late to heal and is dasicly permante and cant be turned dack
Why is the scientific community too dumb to not get the brilliant idea of just letting adhd people suffer so the brain magically fixes itself? Geniius oh wait… thats me! And it didn’t work! Thanks
Bro my grades were nonexistant before I even learned about my adhd
I'm sure many parents want their kids to receive a stimulant prescription. They can save the kids from drugs and get themselves high. Can't blame them!
I wish that Acura commercial had a skip
ADHD is very over-diagnosed in the United States. I believe any parent that describes their child as hyper and over-active is labeled with ADHD but in reality their just being normal kids. Advertisements that are everywhere definitely put into a parents head that their child needs to be medicated for this disease and that it will make everything better and life for them and their child easier. But this is undermining those who actually suffer with ADHD and have no other option but to be medicated. These adds portray to the world that it is very common yet a quick and easy fix to make everything perfect again. I believe there are children that are hyperactive and may have a difficult time focusing in school but that doesn't mean they have ADHD. Kids are naturally hyperactive and that's cured by having them burn their energy through sports, recess and playing outside not medication. These advertisements that are ran show that its very common for kids to not focus and by just one medication the child would be its best at everything. It shows that the children would normally do things and say things that they normally would not. News flash, no child likes doing chores, or homework regardless of ADHD or not. These advertisements need to stop targeting the general public and stop putting the idea into every parents head that their child must have ADHD and therefore need to be medicated.
Dear NYT: This video is incredibly irresponsible. Talk about misleading clickbait!
There’s no mention of the other side of this coin: viz., the massive personal and social costs associated w/ NOT prescribing ADHD medication in cases where the impairments are severe and cut across all aspects of a person’s life. Recent meta-analyses have determined that ADHD dramatically increases the risk of death before age 45 (5x as likely). It’s highly correlated with bankruptcy, debt, divorce, diabetes, anxiety, and incarceration.
And no, Mr. Harvard doc, there aren’t alternative treatments that don’t involve meds. I mean, there are ways to treat diabetes without the use of insulin. But you’d be embarrassed to suggest that as an alternative on anything like an equal footing.
I miss when the NYT actually put out objective news
Sad journalism playing to the gut reaction subscriptions
Eat the speed. EAT IT
I know that guy! He was on the Netflix Documentary called “Take Your Pills”
how do you feel after medication? does it make you feel happy?
If you respond to aderall over mph then it is individual but for me at the exactly perfect dose it makes life less gray and gives motivation/kognition/color hard to describe. (Oh and it lets you take pain way better like a painkiller exept you feel the pain but can get throu it better without going insane and doing impulsive things. And other people like you more and it can activate your social intuition at the right dosage
Ahh man this is messed up.
So if your kid isn't the most popular, straight A student, just give them a pill. What message are you really giving your child if they keep talking about them as if they're a disappointment, that there's something wrong with you? I have nothing against the diagnosis of ADHD, it's just overly diagnosed, too many kids who don't fit in or come from dysfunctional families, who all ready have a diagnosis of LDs, (which sometimes appear to be ADHD, but aren't like auditory processing or remembering what you read), and might just be anxious and fustraited, who might be homeless, who have abuse issues at home, who might be care givers to someone In their family, who are really smart who are just board, so it might appear that they're "inattentive"... If they get a diagnosis of ADHD, patents can kick and scream and get the district to send them to one of the many private schools for students with learning Disablities. Maybe they have ADHD, but not all need medication, which has many side affects and if they've ever taken medication for this they can't join the military and they don't learn how to really deal with it and just take a pill also not realizing that once they get that diagnosis, get an IEP, that's all they are and what gifts they might have aren't looked at. It's very sad.
They are speed
Drove across the country on 30 mg I swear that trip only took 10 minutes
I Agree with you 1000%.
God do I love adderall
Good video on the ADHD scam.
There is no ADHD
I disagree with this guy when he says "ADHD is a real and legitimate clinical problem."
ADHD is an imaginary diagnoses created, after the fact to profit from the effects of a pharma product. .
That’s a stretch.
@@seamusmckeon9109 hardly
Please tell me why I cant take in Information dispite the fact I want to so bad. Tell me why I space off so much that it prevents me from learning. Tell me why my mind is in such a rush I can't remeber to do certain task. Tell me why I break down because I can't sort them in my head. You seem to be a doctor, so tell me. ADHD is very real and can be very disruptive to living a normal life and if medications help, Whats the problem? ADHD didn't use to exhist because mental health as a whole wasn't discussed.
@@snow2267you have nothing, get over it, you wont learn things you are not interested in, its normal, stop entitling yourself
Well said.