Blessings to you! So grateful you found the gospel and know the beauty and blessings of Temple Square at Christmas time. We pray for you and your country for all that is going on over there. God Bless.
I taught Seminary and Institute classes for 35 years and I believe you two are the best teachers I have known or seen. My wife and I would never miss your presentations!!!! Bruce and Nancy Preece
I've read Revelations several times, and never quite understood it. And always was left with several questions. Hearing this video tonight, and hearing it how easy you explain it, many of my questions have been answered. It amazes me how well you understand the scriptures, and how easy it is to understand what you say. I hope you are teaching the Book of Mormon for 2024, so I can understand it better. Thank you for all your time teaching us The New Testament & Revelations.
Thank you for this lesson and the amazing insights. It was a difficult week for me personally and this video reminded me that through Christ our trials can help us reconnect to him and become the type of person he wants us to be. Even though things may seem hard now it doesn’t mean that it will always be that way because God really does love his children and he will in his way and time wipe away all tears and lead us to living waters. Thanks again 🙏
Well brothers , as always enjoy your lessons . Some of the best teaching I have had the privilege to hear . I 51:25 am so greatful to have been one of the millions to know by the lpve of our God that Joseph Smoth was Gods chosen propĥet tp restore his Church on this earth . I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saonts . Our wonderful Prophet , the 12 apostles . We have the greatest leadership to follow . We are indeed blessed .
I do want to be on the Lord's side! I have already chosen His side! However, I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to Follow Him each and every day. I will continue to this until the day I take my last breath here in mortality. I will continue to do His will in the Spirit World and throughout the Millennium until the work is finished.
Understanding the power of Revelation in the New Testament is like unlocking a spiritual treasure chest. It provides profound insights, divine guidance, and a deeper connection to the sacred teachings, enriching our faith journey with wisdom and clarity.
Thank you for your thoughts about how the War in Heaven is still here today but there is hope! I loved how you shared how loving God is but He honors our agency. It really is our choice whose side we're on but what beauty is found in knowing that if I want to follow Christ and I'm doing those things that show that I'll be ok! Thank you for the encouragement to use our phones for good. Your videos are the good things you were talking about ☺️
The way you guys expound on the scriptures is such a great help to me in my life. This video has changed my outlook on the book of Revelation and showed me that I can begin to understand what’s contained within it. Very very informative and inspiring!
I marvel at the mercy and grace the Lord has on me, in allowing me to learn how to get closer to Him through studying with you Brethren. Thank you for your gifts, your time, and talents. If all of us put as much energy into building the Kingdom as much as you do, Zion would so easily be established. Thank you for helping to open my eyes and heart to the beauty of the scriptures. May all of you be blessed immensely🙏🏻
These last few weeks lessons have been so Grand, It is hard to express what we learn here weekly. THANK YOU all for bringing us these lessons and for comments given, experiences shared, and all the hard work. In case I do not get here before Christmas, Merry Christmas to all who see this message, and may we remember the true celebration of this wonderful Season and indeed feel loved, and spread this light and goodness with everyone we can. Heart felt THANKS (again).
Thank you Bro Griffin and Bro Halverson. You have both beautifully simplified the approach to studying and understanding the book of revelations. I believe the two of you can teach and simplify anything that is put in front of you. I have seen it with all your presentations. That is most definitely a valuable and prized skill. It is a gift too, they way I see it. Not everyone has the skill to do that, even some of the most learned. I love everything that was shared. I love what Bro Griffin said about making slight changes to turn to the Lord. I think it's true, the devices that distract us from the Lord are the same devices that can also draw us to the Lord. It is most definitely a pivot. It is an important pivot too. Wow, that's really insightful. I love what Bro Halverson said about the number triple 6. I also loved the insight shared about the similarities of the saints standing on mount zion to the attributes of current temple reccomend holders. Wow, the type of saints that John is talking about in the book of revelations are very much temple patrons today in that analogy. I think this is a powerful insight. It amazes me how the scriptures always manage to come full circle. I especially loved the end thought from revelations chapter 7, that was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I missed that insight in my personal study, so thank you for ending the presentation on that beautiful thought. Thank you so much and God bless everyone at SC ❤️
I often remember after passing through the veil in the temple how peaceful it is. I do agree the veil is a symbolic coming unto Christ, for even in the temple we can observe this peace physically and in our daily surrender spiritually.
Thank you to you both for all the good work that you do! I'm grateful for the way you present each lesson with humility and love! It is a gift to teach Revelations and have the audience walk away with a hopeful heart!
Thank you. I have never felt so keenly that holding my phone in my hand represents a choice of whether to follow Heavenly Father and the Savior in that moment. I also appreciate the perspective on 666.
I cannot thank you both enough for your time and efforts in teaching such amazing lessons. You have made my study of the New Testament so interesting this past year. I look forward to studying the Book of Mormon with you next year. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
This was all 100% false teaching from two guys who are completely Biblically illiterate. Repent, and learn what the truth and Christianity of the Bible actually is.
I have really appreciated your lessonds these last 4 years. You have been so helpful and knowledgeable. I really appreciate hiw you are talking right to us, even though as you pointed out recently that you are just standing in front of cameras and technology. That must be so hard, but I feel you are teaching just us right here in your classroom.
Thank you again for a wonderful lesson! I’m not able to attend my word always and I try to study lots on my own. You guys make it possible for me to! It’s fun when you understand what you’re reading and it makes me want to study even more!❤😊
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing to light these verses . After your thoughts and knowledge they are easier to understand, and their messages are no longer terrifying. Their context is so much easier to understand and easier to see Heavenly Fathers message of love. Thank you so much!
I always enjoy your lessons; I have always had trouble understanding the Book of Revelations. Both of you explain scriptures so well and have insights which further my understanding. Thank you. Merry Christmas to both of you and your families.
19:46 I like to think of this scripture Rev 6:15-16 being that the mountain and dens are our homes and then when we ask that the mountains and rocks fall on us it is a representation of the days constant distractions we indulge ourselves with to keep us distracted from having to look at our selves from gods judgement.
It seems the blood of Christ as a perfect Resurrected Being, has the genetic perfect eternal blood as inherited from God his Father. This pure holy clear clean perfected blood is no longer red. This perfect divine eternal blood is clear bright white fluid from Christ does have the power to cleanse each of us if all sins, weakness, faults, failings, & imperfections. How blessed we are. Thanks be to our Eternal Father, & His Son, even our Redeemer, Jesus Christ who can atone us to receive Eternal Life with great Joy.
My phone number has 666 in it. People ask about. I always say, "don't worry, I love Jesus". This number has given me more opportunities to testify of Jesus christ then I would've imagined.
Is the tribulations spoken of in Revelations due to our comfort on the earth? The tribulations seem to aim to get our attention as to what is important now! Even President Nelson has recently invited us to "overcome the world."
I am four minutes in but this makes me think of the 1,000 years of peace also, when it is the perfect amount of time and will be to complete temple work for everyone that it was not done for all the way back to Cain being the first to be the idiot!
So I wondered if I could get your opinion--I understand 4 is often a symbol for the earth, or the 4 corners or quadrants of the earth. And in an earlier episode I seem to remember hearing that sometimes black and red are associated with north (ie the Black Sea) and south (the Red Sea). When I look at the 4 Horsemen, I have to wonder if the colors white and pale (if that could be called a color) are in any way associated with east and west. As Joseph learned, the Horsemen have to do with the history of the earth, and I wonder along with that if there is any symbolism to a spatial orientation.
these are they who are not subject to time nor space, The Four Horsemen are active in all Dispensations exception the Millennium. The limited senses of mortality are set aside. White is a feeble description of Glory and with the thunders of heaven as the voice of God. They are not audible transmission by airwaves passing through heaven reaching our eardrums and sounding but rather "thought" sent instantaneously . He/she that hath ears let them hear
lots of great work and thoughts here. my question to those who think this and other (visionary) revelations are metaphorical: if the prophet had a vision and *saw* something that he described the best he could, why would we think its more metaphorical and less literal? to satisfy our own challenges in understanding how it could be literal?? (not to say it can't be both.) when we're speaking of God's power, i don't think we need to rationalize things that don't make sense to us right now, even if we're trying to help someone struggling with faith. gasping for rational air can easily detract from other very real spiritual experiences that are not visionary, and can (ironically) be dangerous for those struggling with faith.
This is of a truth that they can be both literal and symbolic .John can see a beast as though it is literal and describe it as he sees it but the true interpretation is the the beast is a symbol of a truth that is veiled. Remember the Wizard of Oz. Oz is behind the curtain manipulating on the large scree out the front but Dorothy the Lion, Tin man and scarecrow see a fiery beast portrayed on the screen and they are terrified until Toto the dog goes behind the screen and exposes OZ who cause the Beast on the screen to say dont listen to the man behind the screen. The deception by Oz is to fool the others in to obeying the beast as animated on the screen., when the beast is really a manipulator by Oz, much like satan does who follow after mammon
It is assumed that the readers of scripture are familiar or follow along with the JST as many followers indeed do. As for us we would do nothing but have the JST present in all discourses. We have a hard copy but they can be found online and can be referenced if you like
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the sealing of the faithful in their foreheads “signifies sealing the blessing upon their heads, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making their calling and election sure” (in History of the Church, 5:530). To him/her that hath ears let them understand. Those whose name is written in the Book of Life and have remained faithful and true until the end are made sure by obedience to the Will of God thereby making the promise effective to seal one to Eternal Life
John saw what was going to happen when each seal was opened, not the contents of the actual seal. Also, the events shown are all future to John, so post 33AD. What John saw is for us to use as points of reference to know what is happening/about to happen in the last days. If nothing else, the key takeaway is this all is future in relation to John. The white horse has nothing to do with what is contained in the first 1000 years. The 4 horsemen are still on the horizon.
When you are aware of true doctrine you will understand that all those who are present in heaven, literally or visionary see the Past Present and Future simultaneously without interruption see Doctrine and Covenants 130:7
I'm not buying your explanation on the numbers. You don't seem to know what you're trying to describe or say about the exponential aspects if any of 12x12 x 1000.
144,000 is pretty straight forward without explanation. You might find that the 'Lion of Judah" who was in the Pre existence as Jehovah who was the only one worthy of opening the 7 seals as bit of a challenge as Judah was not even born, the earth was not even created. However Jesus can still be of the House of Judah before Israel was a nation. Leave it to us unless you want further explanation.
The problem with their interpretation stems from their applying 1,000 literal years to each of the seven seals. The earthquake occurs at the beginning of the sixth seal. It does not last for the entire 1,000 year period. It sounds like they are doing a lot of numerology instead of biblical interpretation. Their interpretation of Revelation 13 really missed the boat. The beast and the false prophet therein are the same beast and false prophet that Christ casts into the lake of fire at the Second Coming (Revelation 19:20).
They were very clear to not interpret anything. That is the prophet's responsibility and we don't take that lightly. Any perceived interpretation is either backed by prophetic statements or is put forward as a possible interpretation.
It is of a truth the the seven dispensations are not exactly one thousand years precisely as they overlap. However Joseph Smith stated that the seals cover the seven one thousand dispensations of mankind. An example of this is that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are found in six dispensations (Not the Millennium) excepting Jesus Christ on the White Horse and those that follow Him on white horses. Some scholars assume that the three horsemen cover the first four dispensations, this is a false assumption
Concerning Lords time in reckoning end times, the most important aspect of this and other revelations is 'preparation' . We know this to be before the Millennium and part of the 'separation from the wicked form the righteous (Wheat and Tares just prior to the Lords Second Parousia. The focus is on the awareness of the retribution against the wicked , the righteous need not fear (being prepared). It is to be noted that Taylor and Tyler do a great work in the testimony of the Restoration of gospel of Jesus Christ and although there will arise issues that are always remedied by the Spirit in patience and love, the work they do and of scripture central are most worthy of praise and honour that extols the virtues of Jesus Christ and is to be commended
Flat Earth Fallacy went out with Copernicus in the 13th you travel south, approaching the equator, Polaris sinks lower and lower toward the horizon. Once you’ve crossed that boundary, you can't see it at all - it's blocked by the curve of Earth in that direction. Similarly, as you travel south, new constellations await your delighted gaze - ones that would be completely obscured by Earth's curve if you stayed up north. If the earth was flat you could see all these as there would be no curvature according to flat earth.
Thank you from Russia! I always enjoy your lessons! I served my mission on Temple Square in Salt Lake. I miss that place and love the Gospel! ❤❤❤
Love to you and the saints in Russia. We’re praying for all of you 🙏
I served in Russia on a mission in 1999 to 2001 l loved the Russia people
Blessings to you! So grateful you found the gospel and know the beauty and blessings of Temple Square at Christmas time. We pray for you and your country for all that is going on over there. God Bless.
@user-gj8im8dj3w I also served in Russia, from 2015-2017. The Russian people are so kind
God Bless The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.🙏
I taught Seminary and Institute classes for 35 years and I believe you two are the best teachers I have known or seen. My wife and I would never miss your presentations!!!! Bruce and Nancy Preece
Thank you for my food of the day. No calories, but oh what power and energy and ❤
Thank you
Most of my Sunday school lessons come from your come follow me lessons. Thanks for all you do!!
I've read Revelations several times, and never quite understood it. And always was left with several questions. Hearing this video tonight, and hearing it how easy you explain it, many of my questions have been answered. It amazes me how well you understand the scriptures, and how easy it is to understand what you say. I hope you are teaching the Book of Mormon for 2024, so I can understand it better. Thank you for all your time teaching us The New Testament & Revelations.
Thank you for this lesson and the amazing insights. It was a difficult week for me personally and this video reminded me that through Christ our trials can help us reconnect to him and become the type of person he wants us to be. Even though things may seem hard now it doesn’t mean that it will always be that way because God really does love his children and he will in his way and time wipe away all tears and lead us to living waters. Thanks again 🙏
You are completely deceived. Repent!
Thanks so much ❣️ God bless you brothers 💝
Well brothers , as always enjoy your lessons . Some of the best teaching I have had the privilege to hear . I 51:25 am so greatful to have been one of the millions to know by the lpve of our God that Joseph Smoth was Gods chosen propĥet tp restore his Church on this earth . I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saonts . Our wonderful Prophet , the 12 apostles . We have the greatest leadership to follow . We are indeed blessed .
I do want to be on the Lord's side! I have already chosen His side! However, I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to Follow Him each and every day. I will continue to this until the day I take my last breath here in mortality. I will continue to do His will in the Spirit World and throughout the Millennium until the work is finished.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and testimony with us. You truly bless my life. May the Lord bless you always.❤
These two have zero knowledge of the truths of the Bible. They are blind guides.
Understanding the power of Revelation in the New Testament is like unlocking a spiritual treasure chest. It provides profound insights, divine guidance, and a deeper connection to the sacred teachings, enriching our faith journey with wisdom and clarity.
Thank you for your thoughts about how the War in Heaven is still here today but there is hope! I loved how you shared how loving God is but He honors our agency. It really is our choice whose side we're on but what beauty is found in knowing that if I want to follow Christ and I'm doing those things that show that I'll be ok! Thank you for the encouragement to use our phones for good. Your videos are the good things you were talking about ☺️
The way you guys expound on the scriptures is such a great help to me in my life. This video has changed my outlook on the book of Revelation and showed me that I can begin to understand what’s contained within it. Very very informative and inspiring!
I marvel at the mercy and grace the Lord has on me, in allowing me to learn how to get closer to Him through studying with you Brethren. Thank you for your gifts, your time, and talents. If all of us put as much energy into building the Kingdom as much as you do, Zion would so easily be established. Thank you for helping to open my eyes and heart to the beauty of the scriptures. May all of you be blessed immensely🙏🏻
Thank you again Tyler and Taylor for another beautiful insightful lesson. I have been blessed to have learned so much from you guys 🙏🏽
I love you guys!!!! Thank you for teaching by the spirit!!!
Know that you are loved!
These last few weeks lessons have been so Grand, It is hard to express what we learn here weekly. THANK YOU all for bringing us these lessons and for comments given, experiences shared, and all the hard work. In case I do not get here before Christmas, Merry Christmas to all who see this message, and may we remember the true celebration of this wonderful Season and indeed feel loved, and spread this light and goodness with everyone we can. Heart felt THANKS (again).
Thank you Bro Griffin and Bro Halverson. You have both beautifully simplified the approach to studying and understanding the book of revelations.
I believe the two of you can teach and simplify anything that is put in front of you. I have seen it with all your presentations.
That is most definitely a valuable and prized skill. It is a gift too, they way I see it. Not everyone has the skill to do that, even some of the most learned.
I love everything that was shared. I love what Bro Griffin said about making slight changes to turn to the Lord. I think it's true, the devices that distract us from the Lord are the same devices that can also draw us to the Lord. It is most definitely a pivot. It is an important pivot too. Wow, that's really insightful.
I love what Bro Halverson said about the number triple 6. I also loved the insight shared about the similarities of the saints standing on mount zion to the attributes of current temple reccomend holders. Wow, the type of saints that John is talking about in the book of revelations are very much temple patrons today in that analogy.
I think this is a powerful insight. It amazes me how the scriptures always manage to come full circle.
I especially loved the end thought from revelations chapter 7, that was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I missed that insight in my personal study, so thank you for ending the presentation on that beautiful thought.
Thank you so much and God bless everyone at SC ❤️
Great lesson. Thanks a lot for teaching how much our Father and our Savior love us and want us to go back to their Presence.
I often remember after passing through the veil in the temple how peaceful it is. I do agree the veil is a symbolic coming unto Christ, for even in the temple we can observe this peace physically and in our daily surrender spiritually.
Good lesson. Sometimes I feel like a POW in this war, but I still believe.
What a great lesson, never knew all this.thanks.
Thank you to you both for all the good work that you do! I'm grateful for the way you present each lesson with humility and love! It is a gift to teach Revelations and have the audience walk away with a hopeful heart!
Thank you. I have never felt so keenly that holding my phone in my hand represents a choice of whether to follow Heavenly Father and the Savior in that moment. I also appreciate the perspective on 666.
I enjoy your llessons
This lesson has great value for me because until now, I couldn't understand Revelation. Thank you.
It is A GREAT Honor Working in The Lords House
I cannot thank you both enough for your time and efforts in teaching such amazing lessons. You have made my study of the New Testament so interesting this past year. I look forward to studying the Book of Mormon with you next year. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
This was all 100% false teaching from two guys who are completely Biblically illiterate. Repent, and learn what the truth and Christianity of the Bible actually is.
Thank you for an awesome lesson some of which I shall use in my lesson on Sunday!! ♥️
I really injoy your lessons also.I can't hardly wait for the next one.😊
I have really appreciated your lessonds these last 4 years. You have been so helpful and knowledgeable.
I really appreciate hiw you are talking right to us, even though as you pointed out recently that you are just standing in front of cameras and technology. That must be so hard, but I feel you are teaching just us right here in your classroom.
Thank you great explanation now I like it better thank you John 😊
Love your lessons! They strengthen me and bring me closer to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you!❤️🙏🏻☀️
You guys are wonderful! Thank you so much for all you do and to everyone helping behind the scenes ❤️
Thank you again for a wonderful lesson! I’m not able to attend my word always and I try to study lots on my own. You guys make it possible for me to! It’s fun when you understand what you’re reading and it makes me want to study even more!❤😊
Amen! And thank you!! ❤🇨🇦
Thank you💓
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing to light these verses . After your thoughts and knowledge they are easier to understand, and their messages are no longer terrifying. Their context is so much easier to understand and easier to see Heavenly Fathers message of love. Thank you so much!
I always enjoy your lessons; I have always had trouble understanding the Book of Revelations. Both of you explain scriptures so well and have insights which further my understanding. Thank you.
Merry Christmas to both of you and your families.
Amazing explaination love it thanks. From Philippines
19:46 I like to think of this scripture Rev 6:15-16 being that the mountain and dens are our homes and then when we ask that the mountains and rocks fall on us it is a representation of the days constant distractions we indulge ourselves with to keep us distracted from having to look at our selves from gods judgement.
Thank you
Loved the lesson! Pure gold!
It seems the blood of Christ as a perfect Resurrected Being, has the genetic perfect eternal blood as inherited from God his Father. This pure holy clear clean perfected blood is no longer red. This perfect divine eternal blood is clear bright white fluid from Christ does have the power to cleanse each of us if all sins, weakness, faults, failings, & imperfections. How blessed we are. Thanks be to our Eternal Father, & His Son, even our Redeemer, Jesus Christ who can atone us to receive Eternal Life with great Joy.
Amazing lesson!
I love ❤️ Jesus
It would be nice to hear more of Taylor’s thoughts and inspiration, to get a more fuller perspective.
My phone number has 666 in it. People ask about. I always say, "don't worry, I love Jesus". This number has given me more opportunities to testify of Jesus christ then I would've imagined.
Yes many things seem good on the surface
Is the tribulations spoken of in Revelations due to our comfort on the earth? The tribulations seem to aim to get our attention as to what is important now! Even President Nelson has recently invited us to "overcome the world."
1000 is 10 to the third power.
I am four minutes in but this makes me think of the 1,000 years of peace also, when it is the perfect amount of time and will be to complete temple work for everyone that it was not done for all the way back to Cain being the first to be the idiot!
So I wondered if I could get your opinion--I understand 4 is often a symbol for the earth, or the 4 corners or quadrants of the earth. And in an earlier episode I seem to remember hearing that sometimes black and red are associated with north (ie the Black Sea) and south (the Red Sea). When I look at the 4 Horsemen, I have to wonder if the colors white and pale (if that could be called a color) are in any way associated with east and west. As Joseph learned, the Horsemen have to do with the history of the earth, and I wonder along with that if there is any symbolism to a spatial orientation.
these are they who are not subject to time nor space, The Four Horsemen are active in all Dispensations exception the Millennium. The limited senses of mortality are set aside. White is a feeble description of Glory and with the thunders of heaven as the voice of God. They are not audible transmission by airwaves passing through heaven reaching our eardrums and sounding but rather "thought" sent instantaneously . He/she that hath ears let them hear
Don't forget that Ezekiel saw this whole vision himself. 2:8 etc.
lots of great work and thoughts here. my question to those who think this and other (visionary) revelations are metaphorical: if the prophet had a vision and *saw* something that he described the best he could, why would we think its more metaphorical and less literal? to satisfy our own challenges in understanding how it could be literal?? (not to say it can't be both.) when we're speaking of God's power, i don't think we need to rationalize things that don't make sense to us right now, even if we're trying to help someone struggling with faith. gasping for rational air can easily detract from other very real spiritual experiences that are not visionary, and can (ironically) be dangerous for those struggling with faith.
This is of a truth that they can be both literal and symbolic .John can see a beast as though it is literal and describe it as he sees it but the true interpretation is the the beast is a symbol of a truth that is veiled. Remember the Wizard of Oz. Oz is behind the curtain manipulating on the large scree out the front but Dorothy the Lion, Tin man and scarecrow see a fiery beast portrayed on the screen and they are terrified until Toto the dog goes behind the screen and exposes OZ who cause the Beast on the screen to say dont listen to the man behind the screen. The deception by Oz is to fool the others in to obeying the beast as animated on the screen., when the beast is really a manipulator by Oz, much like satan does who follow after mammon
Wow as I opened to carry on at my snail speed...144 000 finally a good answer! Question: v 3 says of all the tribes but then he says 12 000
I enjoy these videos but am a little disappointed that you don't reference the JST corrections when they appear.
It is assumed that the readers of scripture are familiar or follow along with the JST as many followers indeed do. As for us we would do nothing but have the JST present in all discourses. We have a hard copy but they can be found online and can be referenced if you like
Love this explanation! - Whose artwork is that at the 14:56 mark of the mother and baby? It's beautiful! - Thank you for all you do! - Muddypaw 🐾
There was a great earthquake, 1202 in Syria. Read the Joseph Smith Translation to verse 14 replaces several words of this verse.
I'd love to understand better about the seal on there forehead ds. Please explain what does it means?
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that the sealing of the faithful in their foreheads “signifies sealing the blessing upon their heads, meaning the everlasting covenant, thereby making their calling and election sure” (in History of the Church, 5:530).
To him/her that hath ears let them understand. Those whose name is written in the Book of Life and have remained faithful and true until the end are made sure by obedience to the Will of God thereby making the promise effective to seal one to Eternal Life
Can I get a li k to that version of nearer my God to the I tried to have Shazam recognize it but it can’t. Thanks!
How do you refer to Lord of The Rings without saying the name. Challenge complete.
They actually did mention LotR, Star Wars and Harry Potter but it felt awkward so we cut it out for the final edit. 😂
good decision.@@scripturecentralofficial
The world will end in about 5 billion years...when the sun dies 😮
This is just a fun coincidence. John 6:66 tells us about people who no longer follow Christ.
John saw what was going to happen when each seal was opened, not the contents of the actual seal. Also, the events shown are all future to John, so post 33AD. What John saw is for us to use as points of reference to know what is happening/about to happen in the last days. If nothing else, the key takeaway is this all is future in relation to John. The white horse has nothing to do with what is contained in the first 1000 years. The 4 horsemen are still on the horizon.
DC 77:7
When you are aware of true doctrine you will understand that all those who are present in heaven, literally or visionary see the Past Present and Future simultaneously without interruption see Doctrine and Covenants 130:7
6-figures 6-pack 6-foot
But days whole villages in Nigeria that have been destroyed because they are/were Christians. Now days, laws or not.
I'm not buying your explanation on the numbers. You don't seem to know what you're trying to describe or say about the exponential aspects if any of 12x12 x 1000.
144,000 is pretty straight forward without explanation. You might find that the 'Lion of Judah" who was in the Pre existence as Jehovah who was the only one worthy of opening the 7 seals as bit of a challenge as Judah was not even born, the earth was not even created. However Jesus can still be of the House of Judah before Israel was a nation. Leave it to us unless you want further explanation.
The problem with their interpretation stems from their applying 1,000
literal years to each of the seven seals. The earthquake occurs at the
beginning of the sixth seal. It does not last for the entire 1,000 year
period. It sounds like they are doing a lot of numerology instead of
biblical interpretation.
Their interpretation of Revelation 13 really missed the boat. The beast
and the false prophet therein are the same beast and false prophet that
Christ casts into the lake of fire at the Second Coming (Revelation 19:20).
They were very clear to not interpret anything. That is the prophet's responsibility and we don't take that lightly. Any perceived interpretation is either backed by prophetic statements or is put forward as a possible interpretation.
It is of a truth the the seven dispensations are not exactly one thousand years precisely as they overlap. However Joseph Smith stated that the seals cover the seven one thousand dispensations of mankind. An example of this is that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are found in six dispensations (Not the Millennium) excepting Jesus Christ on the White Horse and those that follow Him on white horses. Some scholars assume that the three horsemen cover the first four dispensations, this is a false assumption
@@disciplesofjesuschrist2026 How do you understand the timing of the 7 trumpet and 7 vial judgments?
Concerning Lords time in reckoning end times, the most important aspect of this and other revelations is 'preparation' . We know this to be before the Millennium and part of the 'separation from the wicked form the righteous (Wheat and Tares just prior to the Lords Second Parousia. The focus is on the awareness of the retribution against the wicked , the righteous need not fear (being prepared). It is to be noted that Taylor and Tyler do a great work in the testimony of the Restoration of gospel of Jesus Christ and although there will arise issues that are always remedied by the Spirit in patience and love, the work they do and of scripture central are most worthy of praise and honour that extols the virtues of Jesus Christ and is to be commended
Sorry, but Earth is not a globe, it's flat. So there are four corners of the Earth.
Flat Earth Fallacy went out with Copernicus in the 13th you travel south, approaching the equator, Polaris sinks lower and lower toward the horizon. Once you’ve crossed that boundary, you can't see it at all - it's blocked by the curve of Earth in that direction.
Similarly, as you travel south, new constellations await your delighted gaze - ones that would be completely obscured by Earth's curve if you stayed up north. If the earth was flat you could see all these as there would be no curvature according to flat earth.
@@disciplesofjesuschrist2026 Flat Earth theory is proven by the word of God. Please, read scriptures.