Rethinking Homeschooling: It’s About the Child, Not the Method

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • In my latest podcast interview with Angela Sizer, we discussed ideas that challenge the typical home education narrative. We didn’t just talk about how to educate children, we flipped the script on what it means to truly educate at home.
    Watch the webinar! (www.subscribep...)
    “A lot of the work in homeschooling is working on ourselves as parents. ”
    Rethinking homeschooling: it’s about the child, not the method…
    It’s Not About the Method-It’s About Your Child
    Angela and I both agree that we need to spend our time rethinking homeschooling. Homeschooling isn’t about following a strict curriculum (capturingthech...) or adhering to a method. (capturingthech...)
    It’s about focusing on the unique needs of your child. (capturingthech...)
    Too often, we might get caught up in wondering, “Am I doing this right? (capturingthech...) ” But the truth is, it’s less about doing homeschooling “right” and more about creating an environment where your child feels supported and able to grow into who they are meant to be. (capturingthech...)
    Individuation & the Adolescent Age of Exploration
    As children reach the age of individuation (capturingthech...) -where they start carving out their own identities (capturingthech...) -it’s necessary for us as parents to honour their need for independenc (capturingthech...) e.
    Homeschooling offers a beautiful opportunity to nurture this without stifling their curiosity (capturingthech...) . In our chat, Angela and I shared how we both strive to help our kids grow into thoughtful, independent thinkers (capturingthech...) who don’t follow us-or anyone else-blindly. (And I also acknowledge that I have found this challenging!)
    Rethinking Homeschooling: Defining Success Beyond Homeschool Kiddo Compliance
    Here’s something that might make you pause: Have you ever considered how much we value compliance in our homeschooling?
    We might even point to our most compliant child as the “success” story. But is that really success? (capturingthech...) Shouldn’t success mean raising kids who are confident enough to take risks, even when it means not doing what’s expected? Our conversation touched on creating a home where it’s okay to question, to think differently, and to take paths that might look unconventional.
    Trust Your Gut: You Can Do This, Homeschool Mama!
    If you’re a new homeschooler, feeling the weight of imposter syndrome (capturingthech...) -welcome to the club! We’ve all been there. But here’s the reality: You know your child better than anyone (capturingthech...) . Angela and I encourage all new homeschool families to trust themselves, reach out for support when needed, and avoid the comparison trap.
    Homeschooling asks us to be comfortable with doing things outside the norm. (capturingthech...) It’s not easy at first, but once you lean into it, you’ll find the freedom to shape your homeschool around your family’s values and rhythms.
    Angela’s Homeschool Journey & Identity Shift
    Writing her book gave Angela the opportunity to solidify her ideas, which felt like a huge accomplishment. She also spoke about her shift in identity-from being a teacher to a homeschooler, and now navigating life as her kids are growing and becoming more independent.
    Final Thought…
    In this interview, I also shared how I’ve grown to stop defending my choice to homeschool. I’ve realized that homeschooling isn’t a badge to wear or something to defend-if you want to homeschool, I’m here to support you. ( If not, that’s okay too.
    Ultimately, Angela and I hope to encourage other homeschool families to rethink what success looks like, trust t...