Full Body Kettlebell Workout for Better Golf



  • @AndreeB19
    @AndreeB19 9 місяців тому +1

    I do like those exercises and will definitely introduce into my routine!!!

  • @claromentis
    @claromentis 9 місяців тому

    i like these - i don’t have kettle bells and am in my 69s - male - can you guess what kind of weight would be good?

    • @svgolfperformance
      @svgolfperformance  9 місяців тому +1

      Thats a really difficult one to suggest as strength levels vary so much from person to person and even in different parts of their body. A safe bet would be around 5-8kg I think.

  • @MdSaunRahman
    @MdSaunRahman 9 місяців тому

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