Make sure to fill out one of those financial aid forms at the hospital... They all have them they just don't advertise them. If you don't have insurance or you're between jobs there's a very good chance they'll pay most of even the whole thing. Happened to me about 10 years ago. Same situation. Everything from emergency room to surgery was comped after a several month review. Good luck to you!! 👍
I wish you a speedy recovery good sir!
Sorry you had this awful event. Speedy recovery!🙏🙏
That sucks.. Sorry for you dude. Speedy recovery. Hugs.
Make sure to fill out one of those financial aid forms at the hospital... They all have them they just don't advertise them. If you don't have insurance or you're between jobs there's a very good chance they'll pay most of even the whole thing. Happened to me about 10 years ago. Same situation. Everything from emergency room to surgery was comped after a several month review. Good luck to you!! 👍
Best wishes and heal quickly. Listen to as much music as you can. Cheers....
I hope you will heal quickly Ric.
That sucks
I'm sorry this happened to you 🙏 Hope you recovery well and quick as possible. Stay focused, you'll get through this💯
my athletic king 🙏🙏
Wow!!!! I am sooooo sorry. Will be praying for ya....also you have a PO? Make sure you keep you legs up!!!
Sorry buddy. You must live in the usa. No other country has "medical debt"
Bro! You'll be fine man, keep it up with a good mood and that's all You need bro