I've watched this show on TV at various times going back years. More recently, I've found a few pieces of episodes on youtube. And now I've found this channel. In quick scanning what you've put up, I don't think I've seen ANY of these episodes before. So I'm really enjoying this. Seeing the homeland of (some of) my ancestors is very satisfying.
Thanks one billion times for uploading and sharing this beautiful program from USA 🎁🎁🎁thanks again for uploading
i know I'm quite randomly asking but do anyone know a good website to stream new tv shows online ?
@Soren Carmelo lately I have been using Flixzone. You can find it by googling :)
@Hezekiah Ricky Definitely, I've been using FlixZone for months myself =)
@Hezekiah Ricky thanks, I went there and it seems like they got a lot of movies there =) Appreciate it!!
@Soren Carmelo happy to help :)
I absolutely love this channel and Food
I've watched this show on TV at various times going back years. More recently, I've found a few pieces of episodes on youtube. And now I've found this channel. In quick scanning what you've put up, I don't think I've seen ANY of these episodes before. So I'm really enjoying this. Seeing the homeland of (some of) my ancestors is very satisfying.
@Dennis Case What is this, some kind of advertisement? Knock it off.
Oh, yeah! Awesome soup....!
Love this show! Thank you!
Glad you enjoy it!