According to Statistics Canada, there were 300 mother tongue speakers in 2011. Most literature on Gaelic in Nova Scotia puts the number of speakers at around 2000, although this includes second language learners. In the late 1800s, there were around 100,000 native speakers in Canada. Today, revitalization efforts are underway to preserve and celebrate Gaelic language and culture, especially in Nova Scotia which is the home of Canadian Gaelic.
On yersel, Hen! Abair boireannach brèagha! Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil thu a ’fuireach sàbhailte. Bho Dùn Bhreatainn, Alba.
Tapadh leibh! Tha mi ag ionnsachadh gàidhlig a-nis. Tha i na cànon brèatha.
sorry, my english language is very bad, how many people speaks gaelic in canada? thanks I am from Barcelona, spain. thanks.
ivanrdskin galiza there is only about 3000
només hi ha uns 3.000
According to Statistics Canada, there were 300 mother tongue speakers in 2011. Most literature on Gaelic in Nova Scotia puts the number of speakers at around 2000, although this includes second language learners. In the late 1800s, there were around 100,000 native speakers in Canada. Today, revitalization efforts are underway to preserve and celebrate Gaelic language and culture, especially in Nova Scotia which is the home of Canadian Gaelic.
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh ach is mise dona a-nis. Tha mi à Coquitlam BC.
tha i ceart. Tha mi nam pàiste agus dh 'ionnsaich mi Gàidhlig
Nach ise tha glic; agus deagh Ghaidhlig Barraidh!
Wow, sounds extremely Germanic to my ears, like a blend of Swedish and Yiddish, except for her R's, of course.