Wow I messed up the Battleship powerup hardcore!!! So sorry about that..All worked out in the end but I got completely thrown off by the way the rows and columns were said...You even see me say "I hope I did this right" Good news- It's been 2 weeks since a mistake Bad news - It shouldn't happen.... Mucho love homies...
17:30 Athena says row 1 column 2 and Jon gives her row 2 column 1 and previously before that he gave her row 3 instead of row 2, honestly made me laugh
Powerup idea: Trip to the past. Defensive. After your opponent rolls you go to the item that they landed on. If you see that its something you dont want to give up you call back Trip to the past before you say deal or no deal. You then switch to most recent and go to the same row/column in the most recent.
Powerup idea! Back 2 School call before roll, 3 item powerup you pick a column and roll for the row, you get the item you land on and 2 items to the left of it. so you go back 2.
Powerup Idea: Radar If there is a Mystery Decal or Special item (2x point item like white zombas) in the row the item is in, the row above or the row below, the person getting the item has to call a number from 1-4 and then roll 1-4, if they get the number they called they get the good item, if they don’t get the number they called, they get the item they originally landed on. IN THE CASE THEY LANDED ON A MYSTERY/SPECIAL ITEM FROM THE RNG ROLL: if they get the number they called, the item with the highest points
Power up: Where's Waldo: call anytime, the item you land on is the corner of a 5 by 4 grid, you then can ask two questions about items in the grid, then you say a column and row in that 5 by 4 and get that item
Athena's entire battleship picking was messed up by john. He had column/row reversed in his head but I don't want him to read this and be like "why do people always only point out my mistakes" because in the end it was fine because Athena got good items anyway and y'know it's only blind trading. Love the series John and love you.
Interesting that she actually only picked imports, but got a mystery and an exotic from that.. (ofc she might not have gone the route she went, had she been shown the true items she got so w/e)
Jon! BIG 7-item power up. "V for Vendetta" -Chosen before you roll. The column is always #4, because that is the bottom of the "V". Roll a row. Your V is from top left, down to the bottom of row 4, and up to top right. You get all 7 items in the V. (Or if 7 is too much, just the 3 items of the V. Point to point to point.)
Power up idea for the beginning of the game "Now I know my ABC'S" - you pick a column and get to roll two times, whatever items you land on the other person tells you what letter the item starts with. That way you have some kind of idea where stuff may be going into the game
Thanks god! Every single Monday morning, before working, I seat back in my truck, and I watch the weekly blind trading! And it makes my Monday better :D Thanks guys, and Please don't stop doing this... Much love
Dear Jon And Athena, I Have A Power Up I Believe Is A Absolute Banger. The Name Is Rose 🌹 (Play On Words Like Rows). You Spread Out Like A Flower 🌸 You Get The Item You Landed On Then 2 Out Left And Right 2 Above The Current Item 2 Down Below The Current Item 1 Diagonal Right (Top And Bottom ) 1 Diagonal Left (Top And Bottom) I Hope This Is Not Too Complicated Leave Any Constructive Criticism Below Like So Jon/Athena Can See!😊
Jon you should make a powerup called 'X marks the spot' where whatever you land on you have to make a x shape on that so the basically the one you land on and the four corners so top left,right and bottom left,right. (So essentially you get 5 items , or you could just pick 3) :)
Power up idea (it’s a sniper) The apple doesn’t land far from the tree You call after a roll then roll a number 1-7 The number between 1-7 is how many items you aloud to move in any direction of your choice Red white and blue You call before you roll then the item you land on a move right along the screen until there was a crimson cobalt and titanium white and those are the items you get (the one u landed in and the red white and blue)
Stack Sweep: Called before rolling, when landing on an item that has more than 1 item, you roll the amount of items in that stack and take however many you get.
Anyone else want an episode where Jon and Athena get to pick 4 of their favorite power ups each, and they all get to use all 8 power ups, then only 1 normal turn. It would be a crap ton of items, but it sounds fun to me. lol.
Defensive power up: Merry go round When your opponent hits a item you don’t want to give you can use this power up, your opponent then has to roll 1 till 8, 1 being the item above and go clockwise, the item the opponent lands on will be the item the opponent gets Any questions just reply Like so Jon sees this
Based - Nebulous They are about 55-61 keys but that's without the certs. Probably even more like 70 with them. Oh yeah and TW Zombas are way more depending on the crate. PCC: 150-160 keys. CC4: 120-140 keys.
Don't know if it's possible, but a power-up where you get to see each other's faces for a roll would be cool. So before the roll, you call it, and then you get to see the persons face as they scroll down to it.
At 30:09 Athena messed up the order of the items, can be going wrong in redemption. EDIT: And it did go wrong, titanium white saptharisi went of while it has been the samurai that originally was in that spot.
Power up idea: "My Numbers!" Lets say Athena chooses column 4, and rolls row 25.. Jon can then call "My Numbers!" as defensive powerup. Jon then has to roll random number from 1-10. If he gets 8, 9 or 10. Jon gets the item that is in Athenas column 4 row 25.
Power-up: Refusal You can call this at any time. Whenever the other player rolls and lands on an item you DONT want them to get (i.e. mystery decal), you tell them what that item was, but they dont get it.
Power Up Idea: This would be a BANGER powerup, just an FYI. Call beforehand, you get to pick any letter in the alphabet that the opponent types it into the search bar, limiting results to just those items. (For Instance, Jon could put a Z and it would limit it to Zombas or I and limit it to Infiniums and Illuminatas or H and limit it to Hexed and Hellfire, etc.) Then, the person chooses a column and rolls for the row. (Of course, the person counting would have to tell the person rolling how many rows there are). Just an idea of mine, I hope you like it!
New Powerup Idea: Sniper -Call after you roll -2 items -Get the item you land on and you have 5 moves to make to "snipe" your second item. EXAMPLE= 2 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down. EXAMPLE= 3 to the left, 2 down. EXAMPLE= 4 up, 1 right. You get the point. LIKE SO THAT JON CAN SEE THIS SIMPLE BUT STRONG POWERUP!!!
General rule of thumb: the more words it takes to explain something, the more likely it is to be screwed up. This is true with your power-ups. They don't need to be so complicated.
Power-up: Detective Call this before you roll. So you roll 3 times and every time the other player tells you what those three items were. You dont get any of the items, but it helps for figuring out where their items are
New defensive powerup *"Pick Your Poison"* Lets say athena lands on a BMD jon calls this athen sets her numbers 1-7 and rolls 2 numbers (lets say 1 and 4) she can choose any number in between if she gets 2 numbers like 3 and 4 she gets the worst item in the row
Power up- abc’s- when it is your turn to row call this before you roll and you put 1-26 and the number you land on they have to type that letter in (1=a and 26=z) then you chose a column and row (remember to change your numbers to the new amount of rows)
New power up: “RNG King” called before the roll, you don’t need a column the person using the power up rolls a row and both people go to that row and then both people roll a number between 1 and 30 and whoever gets the highest number gets the best item in that row
I've got a power up idea: IT'S OPPOSITE DAY! This power up is fairly simple: it's where you roll for your row then you pick a number between 1 and how many rows that person has. It's basically a sniper power up, but it'll be ok. If you change it just a little bit, it'll be fine. I'll just be glad you're using one of my power ups. Much love Jon. ✌️
I've come up with a power up. It's called " I want you to have everything." all you do is clear all of your filters and then roll. The points system will work like in crate wars. P.S. I love all your vids :)
Jon. Do a three way blind trading between you, Athena and phantomACE. You can choose who to take from after you roll. A power up can be you get item from both people...I call it double trouble. WINNER TAKES ALL
i think you should do the first to 100 points game. it''s super tense, cuz on one hand you wanna get bangers to finish it quickly, but on the other hand, you don't want your opponent to get a lot of your items. i think it'll be a great episode
New power up Gon' Fishin. Call it before and u roll your column and your row, then the other person rolls 1-4( maybe before you call your row and stuff) and that's how far you go down from that item. Kind of a play yourself power up so will be fun.
Power up idea: Calculated - Roll a row. That row and the 3 rows below it is the "area". Then roll 3 numbers 1 through 10. You can use those numbers, along with +, -, ×, ÷, to come up with a number, which is how many times you can move in one direction (up, down, left right, diagonal). The top left is where you start from. Do this 5 times, giving you a total of 5 items. You can use the numbers and "math symbols" to come up with any number. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Please like so Jon can see!!!
I have 2 ideas first is called "mirror mirror " you call it on their turn before they roll. What ever they get eg " row 2 column 18" you get the same. You get the item on that position in their inventoy. The second power up is called “all aboard" you roll 1-7 and then the column depending on the 1-7 roll is the amount of items you can get. It may be a bit too op as you could get a full row
Defensive Power Up Idea: it is called the anchor because it drags down their points. So basically before the person rolls; you (the opponent) calls out anchor then you turn on the rare filter so that the person rolling has a chance of getting as low as 1 point so it can balance out a lead they may have against you.
I don't get how Athena always seems to get best case scenarios and gets black markets from out of nowhere, but even if the whole screen was mysteries except for one import, Jon always somehow manages to get the one import. Their luck is literally on separate sides of the spectrum it seems like
thought of an idea for a banger power up, you roll the row and that row is the top of the screen and you make a triangle going to each bottom corner and you get the four items that are inside the triangle
A New End Power Up Idea! Better Than Redemption, It Is Called The Swap, At The End John And Athena/Phantom Roll A Number 1-(However Items Are Rolled) And Once They Both Roll The Number They Both Swap That Item Meaning It Could Be A Complete Game Changer.
Powerup: True Randomness You call this powerup before and the other person closes their eyes and just randomly presses the arrow keys rapidly for 10-20 seconds (person using the powerup counts and says stop). If off the screen, closes item or reroll
Power up idea called Face Off, it's a bit of a gambling one. Both of you roll 1-10. Whoever rolls higher gets to choose up to two filters to apply to the inventory currently being rolled on. IE: If Jon calls Face Off on his turn, and he wins the 1-10 roll, he can tell Athena to filter for only Black Markets, or Black Markets and Exotics, or Exotics and Painted, etc. If Athena wins the roll, she can filter for only Imports. Then Jon would have to pick a column and roll out of what remains.
That was so fun, "I hope I did this right" ! oups... Nice episode tough. That come back ! Sorry for you loss. Hey, tell yourself you dont play for your silver button on this...
Power up: "lucky stack" •you call before rolling and it acts as a normal roll •if the item you land on is stacked you roll 1 thru x (the stacked number) and get that amount. •In redemption if you land on any of the said stacked item the whole stack is redeemed
Jon I will personally create a tutorial spreadsheet explaining how every rule of blind trading works along with any and all new or updated powerups, JUST for the sake of me not getting salty about you losing a black market lol
New power up Double up: Any stacked item if it is stacked you get x2 that item if not you have lost the round and its a use anytime and no deals allowed and is a 2 item powerup
Another power-up baby. This one I like a lot, actually. This a FOUR item power-up. It's called: SNAKE (based on the game :3) You need to call this one before, because it's a banger. So, you call it, choose the colum and roll the row (the usual). Then, you choose up, right, down or left, and you roll 1-2. Then you move to the direction you choose and the number you got, and you get that item. Then, you do the same, but you roll 1-3. You move in the same way, and tou get that item. And for last, you do the same again but you roll 1-4. So, you get the item you landed on and the other 3 items :3 offensive power-up Edit: prob Imma put it in next blind trading with Josh, since I was a little bit late and so Jon prob won't see it
3 person blind trading you athena and josh it works like this when jon picks a column and rolls a row they both pick the item and it works like that for everyone! Powerups would be the same no matter what like you cant choose diffrent per person and etc. ( defensive power ups re roll both too)
Power up: Lightning You roll an item, then you roll 1-5 and whatever number you get, you do diagonal moves Example: You got 4, so you move 4 diagonal spaces down, as a lightning bolt ⬜⬛
Man whenever I watch Jons video I completely forgot hes a grown ass man with a wife, kid, house and car payment because hes such a kid (which is great)
A power up idea for next Sunday. Past is the Present, Has to be used before roll. User inputs the number of items already collected then rolls (rolls from the items already collected on their screen), the item he/she lands in the present, the user then rolls for the row if the user lands on the same type (Ex. rolls from 6 items collected, lands on a mystery. if they roll for the row and land on a mystery it is doubled.) of item the points are doubled. If the user doesn't land on the same item they get an extra point on the item that has been landed on.
Power-up idea - The One Shot Wonder (Before) - Multiply columns by rows (e.g. 7 x 40 = 280). Randomize number between 1 and 280, you get that item. Re-role if already got it or empty. NO DEAL OR NO DEAL.
Wow I messed up the Battleship powerup hardcore!!! So sorry about that..All worked out in the end but I got completely thrown off by the way the rows and columns were said...You even see me say "I hope I did this right"
Good news- It's been 2 weeks since a mistake
Bad news - It shouldn't happen....
Mucho love homies...
Great vids love this blind trading
I got soo confused lol. did you see my powerup idea Jon?
i really like you and your channel but dude how do you F up that badly lol
Jon Sandman neat mike would have never made that mistake
Jon Sandman I love but please don’t do this to me
You need to make a top 10 biggest mistakes in blind trading. Lol
Clint Simoneaux Half would be in this episode lol
Number 1: Not playing Bookworm Adventures Deluxe.
Good idea but it would be like fourth minutes long😂😂😂
Clint Simoneaux omg yes!
Jon you messed up her battle ship
You gave her better items
@@aarongoldsmith6596 she wouldhve changed her tactic drasticly.
Lets just say it would have most likely ended better for Jon if he didn’t mess up lol
he got the rows and columns mixed lol
And he even gave her the 3rd row iten when she wanted the 2nd row item in the first pick. That whole part couldn’t have been more wrong lmao
17:30 Athena says row 1 column 2 and Jon gives her row 2 column 1 and previously before that he gave her row 3 instead of row 2, honestly made me laugh
It made me mad to she was supposed to get absolute shit but he gave her good shit
No she said row 1 column 2
I cringed so God damn hard
Love how jon messed up the battleship and still convinced Athena that it was right 😂😂 what a classic. Much love jon love all you vids
Powerup idea: Trip to the past.
After your opponent rolls you go to the item that they landed on. If you see that its something you dont want to give up you call back Trip to the past before you say deal or no deal. You then switch to most recent and go to the same row/column in the most recent.
That’s really confusing but cool if you understand it
Waiting for mozz singing the pimp my rocket league right like
Marquazio YES
Marquazio nice pfp
Marquazio a
Jon messed up Athena's Battleship lmao. feelsbadman
James Keizer ikr
yea athena was not suppose to get that black market
12:55 She said "don't forgot honey".. LOL this got me a lowkey
AngryHillGamer forget*
Lowkey kinda turned me on
BoofToop you commenting this got it spoiled for me cuz i didnt even click on the time
Jenn camp same
AngryHillGamer me too😂
*I love and will all ways sing along to your intro!*
same lol
Same here😂
Listen to the rap Mr sandman by yung turk
Factsss mad factss
Powerup idea!
Back 2 School
call before roll, 3 item powerup
you pick a column and roll for the row, you get the item you land on and 2 items to the left of it. so you go back 2.
The knockout punch reminded me of tat time when Josh stole all those exact mysteries with the full row power-up...
Powerup Idea: Radar
If there is a Mystery Decal or Special item (2x point item like white zombas) in the row the item is in, the row above or the row below, the person getting the item has to call a number from 1-4 and then roll 1-4, if they get the number they called they get the good item, if they don’t get the number they called, they get the item they originally landed on.
if they get the number they called, the item with the highest points
Power up:
Where's Waldo: call anytime, the item you land on is the corner of a 5 by 4 grid, you then can ask two questions about items in the grid, then you say a column and row in that 5 by 4 and get that item
Anyone else realize that when she said row 4 column 2 he went to row 4 column 3
Athena's entire battleship picking was messed up by john. He had column/row reversed in his head but I don't want him to read this and be like "why do people always only point out my mistakes" because in the end it was fine because Athena got good items anyway and y'know it's only blind trading. Love the series John and love you.
Jeff Starr yep it wouldn’t changed the game at all tbh but Athena’s rng though...
Im so mad now
Yea, I noticed it, but she killed him at the end so I dont think it matters lol
Interesting that she actually only picked imports, but got a mystery and an exotic from that..
(ofc she might not have gone the route she went, had she been shown the true items she got so w/e)
Jon! BIG 7-item power up.
"V for Vendetta"
-Chosen before you roll. The column is always #4, because that is the bottom of the "V". Roll a row. Your V is from top left, down to the bottom of row 4, and up to top right. You get all 7 items in the V. (Or if 7 is too much, just the 3 items of the V. Point to point to point.)
16:58 jon thats not how you count 1,2 down. Thats 3 down
Pretty sure he also got his rows and columns mixed up.
JpMehh yea he messed that entire thing up bad.
who tf is John? lol
Teddy S. He didn’t mess anything up
xFlawx yes he did
Power up idea for the beginning of the game
"Now I know my ABC'S" - you pick a column and get to roll two times, whatever items you land on the other person tells you what letter the item starts with. That way you have some kind of idea where stuff may be going into the game
jon you did athena's battleship so horribly wrong
He knows that
I love watching crate openings and blind tradings! You and other you tubers have inspired me to post a crate opening video myself!
GabstarPlayz that would be so cool and the last person should maybe be pickapixel but he does have a bit of a smaller inventory
Or maybe sotus
GabstarPlayz don't write in caps bro, that's whack
Mikey G u r right it’s pretty fucking annoying tbh
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG THAT WOULD BE SO FUNNY WTF LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thanks god!
Every single Monday morning, before working, I seat back in my truck, and I watch the weekly blind trading! And it makes my Monday better :D
Thanks guys, and Please don't stop doing this...
Much love
Dear Jon And Athena,
I Have A Power Up I Believe Is A Absolute Banger.
The Name Is Rose 🌹 (Play On Words Like Rows).
You Spread Out Like A Flower 🌸
You Get The Item You Landed On
Then 2 Out Left And Right
2 Above The Current Item
2 Down Below The Current Item
1 Diagonal Right
(Top And Bottom )
1 Diagonal Left
(Top And Bottom)
I Hope This Is Not Too Complicated
Leave Any Constructive Criticism Below
Like So Jon/Athena Can See!😊
Nxnja *an absolute*
Nxnja They won't use this because it takes way too many items. But that's just my opinion
Ryan Lombard I agree
Jon you should make a powerup called 'X marks the spot' where whatever you land on you have to make a x shape on that so the basically the one you land on and the four corners so top left,right and bottom left,right. (So essentially you get 5 items , or you could just pick 3) :)
Which one of them farted at 13:40 LMAOO
Athena did that with her lips.. 🙈
Just realised.
David Hart 🤦♂️
I was dying😂
David Hart OMG😂😂😂😂 u got good ears on ya😂😂👍🏾👍🏾great stuff
Power up idea (it’s a sniper)
The apple doesn’t land far from the tree
You call after a roll then roll a number 1-7
The number between 1-7 is how many items you aloud to move in any direction of your choice
Red white and blue
You call before you roll then the item you land on a move right along the screen until there was a crimson cobalt and titanium white and those are the items you get (the one u landed in and the red white and blue)
Jon doesn’t know the difference between rows and columns 😂. She said row 1, column 2, and you went column 1, row 2. smh
Stack Sweep: Called before rolling, when landing on an item that has more than 1 item, you roll the amount of items in that stack and take however many you get.
Anyone else want an episode where Jon and Athena get to pick 4 of their favorite power ups each, and they all get to use all 8 power ups, then only 1 normal turn. It would be a crap ton of items, but it sounds fun to me. lol.
Mystery streak nOOOoOOooOoOoOooOooooOoooo
Crystalyze oh yay, NOOOOO
But he did get a mystery even though it wasn’t on the first one
Henry Gallagher I know😂
power up name: cross. power: you get a cross off items, one in the middle one above one below one to the right one to the left.
Been waiting all day for this and now that I decided to leave it's uploaded 😭
Defensive power up:
Merry go round
When your opponent hits a item you don’t want to give you can use this power up, your opponent then has to roll 1 till 8, 1 being the item above and go clockwise, the item the opponent lands on will be the item the opponent gets
Any questions just reply
Like so Jon sees this
Jon officially broke now.
Rifqi Ramadhan He could take those white zombas and buy back everything he lost this episode and still have keys to spare but okay
those bms are like 50k, tw zombas are 100-110k, he still made a lot of this lol
Based - Nebulous They are about 55-61 keys but that's without the certs. Probably even more like 70 with them.
Oh yeah and TW Zombas are way more depending on the crate.
PCC: 150-160 keys.
CC4: 120-140 keys.
what, your prices are so off lol, since when has CC4 been less then PCC? heat is 18, hellfire is 9, hexed is 5, that's nowhere near 70.
Rifqi Ramadhan but he got the zombas🧐
Don't know if it's possible, but a power-up where you get to see each other's faces for a roll would be cool. So before the roll, you call it, and then you get to see the persons face as they scroll down to it.
At 30:09 Athena messed up the order of the items, can be going wrong in redemption. EDIT: And it did go wrong, titanium white saptharisi went of while it has been the samurai that originally was in that spot.
Orange Tiger NL that’s wrong because the item she took off first was the last item, so it didn’t change the order of the rest of the items
"no,don't worry about it,they just suck" lmao savage Jon
Power up idea: "My Numbers!"
Lets say Athena chooses column 4, and rolls row 25.. Jon can then call "My Numbers!" as defensive powerup.
Jon then has to roll random number from 1-10. If he gets 8, 9 or 10. Jon gets the item that is in Athenas column 4 row 25.
Wow nerd
@@ivanjams4427 ??
It’s confusing
I like how Jon somehow convinced Athena that he did battleship right
14:53 jon.exe has stopped working.
Power-up: Refusal
You can call this at any time. Whenever the other player rolls and lands on an item you DONT want them to get (i.e. mystery decal), you tell them what that item was, but they dont get it.
I am so pissed at how you messed that up, actually the first time I’ve ever got mad at u jon... love u but come on!!!
Power Up Idea: This would be a BANGER powerup, just an FYI.
Call beforehand, you get to pick any letter in the alphabet that the opponent types it into the search bar, limiting results to just those items. (For Instance, Jon could put a Z and it would limit it to Zombas or I and limit it to Infiniums and Illuminatas or H and limit it to Hexed and Hellfire, etc.) Then, the person chooses a column and rolls for the row. (Of course, the person counting would have to tell the person rolling how many rows there are). Just an idea of mine, I hope you like it!
Jon wish me luck. I have my first day f college tomorrow and my books for my classes haven’t arrived yet! Much love!
The Albino Shadow gl m8
I'm not sandman but do your best
good luck
Lol, good luck man, I have school today at 8am and I've been up since 5pm... #teamnosleep
The Albino Shadow dw u honestly dont need them on your first like week
New Powerup Idea: Sniper
-Call after you roll
-2 items
-Get the item you land on and you have 5 moves to make to "snipe" your second item.
EXAMPLE= 2 to the right, 1 down, 1 to the right, 1 down.
EXAMPLE= 3 to the left, 2 down.
EXAMPLE= 4 up, 1 right.
34:28 Jon is just the best at describing power ups...
General rule of thumb: the more words it takes to explain something, the more likely it is to be screwed up. This is true with your power-ups. They don't need to be so complicated.
*Power up: Plus➕*
*You can go in the shape of a plus in a 9 by 9 square and you get all of the items In the plus ➕ xD*
Power-up: Detective
Call this before you roll. So you roll 3 times and every time the other player tells you what those three items were. You dont get any of the items, but it helps for figuring out where their items are
He messed up her battleship
FlexedBubbles u messed up ur gender he or her
LMFAO 13:39
I’m 108th comment. Love you Jon and keep up the fantastic work
what do you want a medal
Max Mathias why do we have people like you? Just shut up 😂
Max Mathias do you want to fuck off
why do we have sados like you that race to comment you uncultured swine
max just stop being salty
That battleship power up mistake on the counting by Jon was probably the worst mistake he’s made on blind trading lol
New defensive powerup
*"Pick Your Poison"*
Lets say athena lands on a BMD jon calls this athen sets her numbers 1-7 and rolls 2 numbers (lets say 1 and 4) she can choose any number in between if she gets 2 numbers like 3 and 4 she gets the worst item in the row
Thanks bobby for your input looking foward to you getting out the chains
Power up- abc’s- when it is your turn to row call this before you roll and you put 1-26 and the number you land on they have to type that letter in (1=a and 26=z) then you chose a column and row (remember to change your numbers to the new amount of rows)
Once again, another video of Athena taking all of jon’s black markets 🙄
Walker Sweeney it’s good for Athena this week but imagine next week. Athena rly has nothing to play for now. Also rip Josh 😂
Well actually she didnt get the Hexed, Jon did the battleship wrong
New power up: “RNG King” called before the roll, you don’t need a column the person using the power up rolls a row and both people go to that row and then both people roll a number between 1 and 30 and whoever gets the highest number gets the best item in that row
What is going on with athena's chronos
purple tangerine that’s a glitch that can sometimes occur. Kinda weird.
I've got a power up idea: IT'S OPPOSITE DAY!
This power up is fairly simple: it's where you roll for your row then you pick a number between 1 and how many rows that person has. It's basically a sniper power up, but it'll be ok. If you change it just a little bit, it'll be fine. I'll just be glad you're using one of my power ups. Much love Jon. ✌️
I threw my freaking phone with her knock out powerup 😭
I've come up with a power up. It's called " I want you to have everything." all you do is clear all of your filters and then roll. The points system will work like in crate wars. P.S. I love all your vids :)
Who else loved it when John did Fortnite Bingo
22:07 nice voice crack jon much love
Power up idea : double deal
You get to roll twice and get those 2 items
Jon: 6,4
Athena, who is used to this by now: covers her ears for the oncoming explosion
Do redemption before u play so u already know what ur losing
Knives. 74 that's a good idea
that is a great idea
Then that ruins the suspense at the end. You'd know who won and lost before the end of the game...
There’s no point so they don’t have the items yet so they couldn’t take off anything
Jon. Do a three way blind trading between you, Athena and phantomACE. You can choose who to take from after you roll. A power up can be you get item from both people...I call it double trouble. WINNER TAKES ALL
I’m in love with Athena. 😍❤️
i think you should do the first to 100 points game. it''s super tense, cuz on one hand you wanna get bangers to finish it quickly, but on the other hand, you don't want your opponent to get a lot of your items. i think it'll be a great episode
Jon was destroyed feels bad
New power up
Gon' Fishin.
Call it before and u roll your column and your row, then the other person rolls 1-4( maybe before you call your row and stuff) and that's how far you go down from that item. Kind of a play yourself power up so will be fun.
You guys messed up so much :/
Power up idea: Calculated - Roll a row. That row and the 3 rows below it is the "area". Then roll 3 numbers 1 through 10. You can use those numbers, along with +, -, ×, ÷, to come up with a number, which is how many times you can move in one direction (up, down, left right, diagonal). The top left is where you start from. Do this 5 times, giving you a total of 5 items. You can use the numbers and "math symbols" to come up with any number. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Please like so Jon can see!!!
13:39 I heard that Jon! 😂🤢
I didn’t even notice lmao 😂
I have 2 ideas first is called "mirror mirror " you call it on their turn before they roll. What ever they get eg " row 2 column 18" you get the same. You get the item on that position in their inventoy. The second power up is called “all aboard" you roll 1-7 and then the column depending on the 1-7 roll is the amount of items you can get. It may be a bit too op as you could get a full row
2:38 video starts...
Defensive Power Up Idea: it is called the anchor because it drags down their points. So basically before the person rolls; you (the opponent) calls out anchor then you turn on the rare filter so that the person rolling has a chance of getting as low as 1 point so it can balance out a lead they may have against you.
SAVAGE JON!!! you messed up her battleship, not on purpose of course, and then convince her that there are 7 rows and 4 columns. HAHAHA.
12:55 she called you honney WOOOWW RIZZO WILL BE MADDDD
I don't get how Athena always seems to get best case scenarios and gets black markets from out of nowhere, but even if the whole screen was mysteries except for one import, Jon always somehow manages to get the one import. Their luck is literally on separate sides of the spectrum it seems like
thought of an idea for a banger power up,
you roll the row and that row is the top of the screen and you make a triangle going to each bottom corner and you get the four items that are inside the triangle
I'm simple
I see powerful, I see blind trading.
I click
A New End Power Up Idea! Better Than Redemption, It Is Called The Swap, At The End John And Athena/Phantom Roll A Number 1-(However Items Are Rolled) And Once They Both Roll The Number They Both Swap That Item Meaning It Could Be A Complete Game Changer.
Powerup: True Randomness
You call this powerup before and the other person closes their eyes and just randomly presses the arrow keys rapidly for 10-20 seconds (person using the powerup counts and says stop). If off the screen, closes item or reroll
Athena during battleships: I AM SO DUMB
Me, looking at Jon: *facepalms*
Power up idea called Face Off, it's a bit of a gambling one. Both of you roll 1-10. Whoever rolls higher gets to choose up to two filters to apply to the inventory currently being rolled on. IE: If Jon calls Face Off on his turn, and he wins the 1-10 roll, he can tell Athena to filter for only Black Markets, or Black Markets and Exotics, or Exotics and Painted, etc. If Athena wins the roll, she can filter for only Imports. Then Jon would have to pick a column and roll out of what remains.
That was so fun, "I hope I did this right" ! oups... Nice episode tough. That come back ! Sorry for you loss. Hey, tell yourself you dont play for your silver button on this...
Power up: "lucky stack"
•you call before rolling and it acts as a normal roll
•if the item you land on is stacked you roll 1 thru x (the stacked number) and get that amount.
•In redemption if you land on any of the said stacked item the whole stack is redeemed
What a game!! This was amazing. So glad u got ur tw zombas back!! Cant wait for the blind trading with Josh this week !!
Jon I will personally create a tutorial spreadsheet explaining how every rule of blind trading works along with any and all new or updated powerups, JUST for the sake of me not getting salty about you losing a black market lol
ive never shaken my head so many times at one of your videos jon wow that battleship power up was a total fail.
New power up
Double up:
Any stacked item if it is stacked you get x2 that item if not you have lost the round and its a use anytime and no deals allowed and is a 2 item powerup
Another power-up baby. This one I like a lot, actually. This a FOUR item power-up.
It's called: SNAKE (based on the game :3)
You need to call this one before, because it's a banger. So, you call it, choose the colum and roll the row (the usual). Then, you choose up, right, down or left, and you roll 1-2. Then you move to the direction you choose and the number you got, and you get that item. Then, you do the same, but you roll 1-3. You move in the same way, and tou get that item. And for last, you do the same again but you roll 1-4. So, you get the item you landed on and the other 3 items :3 offensive power-up
Edit: prob Imma put it in next blind trading with Josh, since I was a little bit late and so Jon prob won't see it
3 person blind trading you athena and josh it works like this when jon picks a column and rolls a row they both pick the item and it works like that for everyone! Powerups would be the same no matter what like you cant choose diffrent per person and etc. ( defensive power ups re roll both too)
Power up: Lightning
You roll an item, then you roll 1-5 and whatever number you get, you do diagonal moves
Example: You got 4, so you move 4 diagonal spaces down, as a lightning bolt
power up distortion:call anytime: you move to best item bellow the rrow you land on you get the item you landed on as well.
Is it me or anyone feel like Jon and Athena could take over the world
Man whenever I watch Jons video I completely forgot hes a grown ass man with a wife, kid, house and car payment because hes such a kid (which is great)
A power up idea for next Sunday. Past is the Present, Has to be used before roll. User inputs the number of items already collected then rolls (rolls from the items already collected on their screen), the item he/she lands in the present, the user then rolls for the row if the user lands on the same type (Ex. rolls from 6 items collected, lands on a mystery. if they roll for the row and land on a mystery it is doubled.) of item the points are doubled. If the user doesn't land on the same item they get an extra point on the item that has been landed on.
Power-up idea - The One Shot Wonder (Before) - Multiply columns by rows (e.g. 7 x 40 = 280). Randomize number between 1 and 280, you get that item. Re-role if already got it or empty. NO DEAL OR NO DEAL.