Power up: Devil's Deal This is also a defensive power up. So, this is how it works. At first, it works like the Guardian Angel power up, you call it once you know what the item the other one landed on is. Then, both of you roll from 1 to 10. If the person who called Devil's Deal gets the higher number, he/she gives the other the worst item in that row. If the person who rolled that row gets the higher number, the one who called the power up has to say the two 'colums' where the best items in that row are. Then, the other has to choose which one he/she wants (basicly a 50/50). If you rolled the same (when you're rolling 1 to 10) just re-roll
Power Up Idea Tower Choose a column and roll your row. The number you roll will be the item in the top of the screen. You will get all 4 items that is on the screen in the column you chose.
I have an idea called stacks which Means when you call stacks it’s and auto deal and if the item is stacked you get 2 Of that item if not stacked you still get the item thanks! Like so Jon can see ❤️
The KEY VALUE Power Up! When used, the item you land on is worth key value converted to points Ex. Land on Bio, you get 3 points So it’s a risk :D No matter what, you get 3 points
Certified row(or whatever you wanna call it xd) : You calm this before the roll. You get every certified item in the row, Including the item you landed on, even if it's not certified. This may lead to uneven numbers of items in the end so Idk if it's doable, maybe only turn on the certified filter.
Power Up: One Last Chance This you can use after Redemption. Set your max number to 100 and lowest to 1. If you get the number that the other player chose, you get to save an item. If you don't, your done.
Power-up: Two heads are better than one Must call power-up before rolling. AFTER rolling call either 'two heads' or 'one head'. 'Two heads' gets you the two lowest point items circling the one you landed on. 'One head' gets you the best item circling the one you landed on. You don't get the item you land on.
I just thought of a power up for crate wars that I think would be awesome!! Call it “First Come, First Serve”! It can be where whenever you open a crate you get the points for the item it starts on and the item you actually get!
A different kind of fun power up that really has no change to the actual final numbers is which I would call "Bamboozle". The way the power up works is it isn't called when used, an example is if the item the opponent lands on is really good like a black market and they say deal, you can use your Bamboozle without saying out loud and pick any item in the row above or below that item (Any item down the rows). In the end you'll both tell which item you Bamboozled and you'll reveal the real item and switch it back for the final points but during game it could really throw off the opponent trying to figure out where items are in the long run. You can even do a counter to this and have an example where they land on a really bad item and in one of the upper or lower rows has a black market. You can choose to Bamboozle with that black market and in the end they never even got the black market in the first place! It's a different idea and I don't think it's been done before. Maybe could be worked around a bit but I think it'd be interesting!
New type of game Horse race: You roll a number and pick 2 rows (horizontally) those 2 rows are your "horses". How it works: then u roll a 1:6 if u land on 2 and 4 you advance, if you don't you stay at your position on the "board". First one to finish gets both rows. Like❤️ to show to John!!
Defense Power-Up Suggestion: Both you and Athena/Josh pick 1 row at the start of the game without the other person knowing that row. If they land on that row during the game, they have to re-roll. This makes it so you can defend something you absolutely don't want to get rid of. Like this if you agree for Jon to see this and potentially consider it. Thanks :)
This power up is called Reverse physiology 💡 It is a before power up It’s pretty simple instead of choosing your column number before you roll your number it’s the opposite! You roll your row number, then you get to choose the column number- Choose Wisely Jon (;
I found the channel a couple days ago and am still binging a ton of content. Keep up the good vids! Edit: Idea for new power up: The Slap Defensive power up used before other player’s roll. Defending player gains the ability to “slap” the other player’s roll 2 spaces in any direction. For example: Jon rolls 1,37, and Athena used he slap and pushed Jon into 1,39 ( but before he rolled ). Like if you want to see the power up!
Power up name: Magic Cylinder (yugioh reference) This is an offensive and defensive power up, call before dealing or not. The one who's attacking doesn't get the item and his turn now becomes "your turn", the one who used the powerup gets the item that he would have landed on if he rolled the exact column and row as the attacker. You can only use this if you HAVE the exact row, for example if the one who used the powerup has 80 rows, the attacker has 60 and the attacker rolls r: 67 col: 4 the defender can't use it.
Power-up: Refusal You can call this at any time. Whenever the other player rolls and lands on an item you DONT want them to get (i.e. mystery decal), you tell them what that item was, but they dont get it.
There should be a defensive power up called import only which allows the user to put on the import only filter making it so that the opponent can only get imports for that turn so they can only get 3 points (plain import), 4 points (certified or painted), or 5 points (certified and painted)
Power up idea: The Yellow Brick Road. In this power up, you change the filter to exotics only. You pick a column and whatever the person lands on, you get that item, the item above, and the item below.
Power up: electroshock, this is a before power up where when you land on an item, you can choose to go diagonal to top right top left bottom left or bottom right
Power-up: One round start from the middle and choose if you going up or down. Then roll a number that is half of your inventory. :D No special things, just basic.
Defense power up Hustle: after the person rolls, before you say deal or no deal you call this then the row is changed to two above the rolled row, then the turn player rolls 1-7 and gets that item
Power-up: Detective Call this before you roll. So you roll 3 times and every time the other player tells you what those three items were. You dont get any of the items, but it helps for figuring out where their items are
Panic attack defensive power up. If they land on an item u don’t want to lose u call panic attack and for that turn they must reroll but u turn the very rare filter on. If you add the very rare filter and there is too many rows just replace the imports with very rare for the next turn
A New End Power Up Idea! Better Than Redemption, It Is Called The Swap, At The End John And Athena/Phantom Roll A Number 1-(However Items Are Rolled) And Once They Both Roll The Number They Both Swap That Item Meaning It Could Be A Complete Game Changer.
Power up idea: YMCA Basically whatever you roll is going to be the start of a letter in YMCA. You don't get the item you land on. Call before, but pick which letter after rolling. Each letter should give the same number of items
I got an idea for a power up Its called "upside down counting" And its just as its sounds You start counting from the last row all the way to the start. You can only do it before you roll
Defensive power up: Flipped If the guessing person uses a power up that makes them get more items, the other person can use this power up after they see what they would get. What happens is then it flips, so everything is the opposite, meaning the collector get different items. This can be used after the other person sees what items the collector would normally get. Ex: Columns one and five are picked (due to a power up). If the power up is used, columns four and two are force-picked instead (opposite of the before columns). Column 4, row 35 is picked, and because of a power up, a couple next to it are picked too (let’s say column 3, row 34). Due to Flipped, instead of it being column 3, row 34, the new one is column 5 row 36, because it flips it across its previous location.
You should do an episode where you can see each other while playing so you can see facial reactions that each other make. It would add a whole new twist with trying to cover up if it's good or bad
Defensive power up idea - Discount If the item landed on is painted or certified, you can remove the paint or certification from the item, reducing the points received for the attacker by 1. In the instance that you don't have a non painted/non certified version of the item, this power up CANNOT be used. Could be great for heartbreaking white zomba/white draco kinda moments aha. Love the vids, keep up the great work.
New power up idea: Gambler: basically how this power up works is you normally roll your turn and you land on a certain item. From there your opponent changes their phone number randomizer from 1-10. Whichever number the phone randomizes to is how many items the person who originally rolled can get. Example: If John landed on column 6, row 24 and then Athena randomizes a number and got 7, John can go up down left or right around the item he landed on 7 times but he doesn’t know that Athena got the number 7 so if he picks to go over his limit of 7, he gets none of the items. You have to know when to stop moving. It’s kind of weird but it would be cool to see it implemented in a game.
(Defensive power up) "Switcheroo" When the other person rolls an item, you can choose to use "switcheroo" before you show the item and the other person has to give their item on their screen.
Confusion Spell- For a normal roll- When your opponent picks his column and his row is selected, cast a confusion spell and he has to give the item for said row/column IE- Jon picks column 2 and rolls a 18, Josh casts confusion spell which is super effective and now Jon gives Josh the item in for column 2 row 18. Maybe set a limit before Josh starts counting so he can’t see the item he would be losing and casts it. Play with it.
21:19 here in mexico some people say: piedra papel o tijera, escoge lo que quieras menos cara de galleta wich means: rock paper or scissors, choose what you want but cookie face...
Topsy Turvey: rather than counting down from the top you count down from the bottom. (Called before the player makes their rolls/ before you realize what’s in the row)
Defense Beginning Breaker At the beginning you pick 1 through 7 based on what you are scared off for them to hit. Than roll your own inventory and what you land on they can’t get that at all the whole game.
Defensive Power-Up: Bull. Once per game a player can select a different item they see on the screen rather than the one the other person rolled on. The player who rolled can guess if the other player switched the item. If they guess correctly they get both items. If you successfully change the item a player lands on you let them know afterwards so they don't guess and lose an item later.
POWER UP - Roll With The Punches - Called before the roll - if you land on a painted or certified item you get to choose to get an item thats above, below, right, or left of that item added on to the item you already landed on - if it's painted and certified then you get to choose to get 2 items from above, below, right, or left of that item added on to the item you already landed on
I think I have the defencive power up you are looking for- "Pick Your Poison" You can only use this 1-3 turns before redemption, what happens is the opponent will set their max # on the RNG for how many items they are trading to you (what you see on your screen not opponent's screen) and then the opponent will roll 2 numbers and whatever items they landed on will be " locked," in other words, in redemption the opponent cannot take those items back.
Power-up: the fork! The person who uses this power-up gets 3 items (just like a 3 prong fork) in the row they land but they have to have 1 space between them (the space in between the prongs) so you could get like 1 3 5 or 2 4 6 or 3 5 7
Since Jon and Athena have almost the same rows, I've got a power up for you. It's called I GET WHAT I WANT You call before and u roll 1 through 26 (the alphabet) and then u roll 1 through 2. 1 is the best item in that letter 2 is the worst. This is a clutch power up cuz u could roll z and the tension will be mad but then you would roll 2. This is a good power up to use.
Reverse Roll - you pick a number between 1 and however many rows the other person has. Then you roll for the 1 through 7 column. You can also choose to no deal that roll and re-roll the column like a normal roll
John I thought of a power up, the power up is you role a 1-26 bc of the Alpheabit and whatever number it lands on you count it onto the alphabet. So whatever letter it lands on that's the first letter you type in. Then they role
Defensive power up: Merry go round When your opponent hits a item you don’t want to give you can use this power up, your opponent then has to roll 1 till 8, 1 being the item above and go clockwise, the item the opponent lands on will be the item the opponent gets, you can call this before and after your opponent has said deal or no deal Any questions just reply Like so Jon sees this
New defensive power up: BALLED, Call it when the other person lands on one of your items, they roll a number between 1 and 10, if they get a 1 or a 10 the get the item anyway but if they don’t they have to re-roll but you have import only filter on so they can only get imports from that turn.
Power up suggestion: (this might suck but hear me out) it would be called pinpoint. In most of the episodes I’ve watched with Jon or phantom or Athena is that one of them is very interested in an item the other person has. So how it would work is the person who had the power up used against them would have the person who used the power up roll 1-7 in the row to try and get it. It can be used on ANY item. Like if you think it’s a good idea
Rewatching Jon's old blind trading is relaxing 😍😋❤
@@george8606 fr
@@itscrosz fr
@@toastterrrr8957 fr
@@archietomes7060 fr
Power up:
Devil's Deal
This is also a defensive power up. So, this is how it works. At first, it works like the Guardian Angel power up, you call it once you know what the item the other one landed on is. Then, both of you roll from 1 to 10. If the person who called Devil's Deal gets the higher number, he/she gives the other the worst item in that row. If the person who rolled that row gets the higher number, the one who called the power up has to say the two 'colums' where the best items in that row are. Then, the other has to choose which one he/she wants (basicly a 50/50). If you rolled the same (when you're rolling 1 to 10) just re-roll
Guilherme Lourenço Guardian*
locomotion1989 Ik, must have 'mistyped' it
no u
usB ur mom gæ
Joaquin Mourelle no u
45:23 I love how they unintentionally looked at each other, shit had me ROLLING
Rainbow row:
You roll the row and you get everything painted in that row
KSIOlajidebtHD V2 wish you had more likes good idea
I think it should be that but forest green pink crimson or titanium white
Not hating, okay guys?
Rainbow road would be better. They could make it a mario episode. With like a mario jump and you get the item right above the one you landed on
Mr. Sandman has brought me dream
A new blind trading video
Deviants got no dream, deviants got ra9
Mr sandman brought me a dream
Bum bum bum bum
A new blind trading video with Athena from twitch
Bum bum bum bum
Connor my friend. You’re back!
My name is connor the android sent by cyberlife
Power Up Idea
Choose a column and roll your row. The number you roll will be the item in the top of the screen. You will get all 4 items that is on the screen in the column you chose.
Power up
Reverse re roll
Call this if the person no deals the have to re roll the column 1-7 instead of the row
that is a good 8dea
i like this one
8:53 anyone else notice athena picked 6 then rolled a 6, and picked the number 6 as her redemption number, 666 😈😈😈 coincidence... I think not
It was 5 points
Hotel? Trivago.
And then she no dealed and rolled a 33 lol the devils hour is 3:33
But the wheels were 5 points oof
I have an idea called stacks which Means when you call stacks it’s and auto deal and if the item is stacked you get 2 Of that item if not stacked you still get the item thanks!
Like so Jon can see ❤️
Rhetty RL rlly good idea.
Bro, I commented this same idea but no one noticed it :( I'm gonna like so jon sees
Yeah but most items that are stacked probably aren’t very good ya know
I like the idea, however this has already been a power up before a long time ago......😂😂😂😂
Power Up: Nope...
Effect: After Opponent Picks, rather than asking deal or no deal, use this power up and make them randomize again.
Joeymags 28 interesting, but i think it would potentially get rid of the hype in getting a good item
Too op.
Since you can only use it once, they still have a good chance of getting another good item, it's not that OP.
TheRealMikeShea but it is basically a garunteed taking away a good item. Its no fun and there is no risk in using it
I like this idea but instead of using after u have to use it once u hear what row ( u don’t know what item just the area)
The KEY VALUE Power Up!
When used, the item you land on is worth key value converted to points
Ex. Land on Bio, you get 3 points
So it’s a risk :D
No matter what, you get 3 points
Carson MelonBaller but what if u get white zombaz
My name is idk well then you are getting a looooot of points :D
Video starts at 5:50
37:35 Jon got 6 points from the certification and painted exotic
Certified row(or whatever you wanna call it xd) :
You calm this before the roll.
You get every certified item in the row, Including the item you landed on, even if it's not certified.
This may lead to uneven numbers of items in the end so Idk if it's doable, maybe only turn on the certified filter.
Another week, another blind trading.
Power Up: One Last Chance
This you can use after Redemption. Set your max number to 100 and lowest to 1. If you get the number that the other player chose, you get to save an item. If you don't, your done.
Jon you should make a video that we see you react to your blind trading and see what you would of got
Counter attack after they roll u can choose if u want to counter it and instead of yr item u take their item in the exact spot
Jonsandman I love you. I have been watching you since before you played minecraft and love your vids. Please keep uploading.
Aidan Wrigglesworth He played Minecraft just cause of Woofless and that was only 1 1/2 years ago
Power-up: Two heads are better than one
Must call power-up before rolling. AFTER rolling call either 'two heads' or 'one head'.
'Two heads' gets you the two lowest point items circling the one you landed on.
'One head' gets you the best item circling the one you landed on.
You don't get the item you land on.
Lol Athena played John when she saw the Draco’s she used the power up
@YT Wave she never said deal or no deal, that’s allowed lol
The dracos Would be on 6 So she Wouldnt give it to him
Yeah she cheated she does that. All the time says deal or no deal before
45:21 i just love how they both look at each other lmao
Yes got my popcorn ready let’s do this jon
I just thought of a power up for crate wars that I think would be awesome!! Call it “First Come, First Serve”! It can be where whenever you open a crate you get the points for the item it starts on and the item you actually get!
A different kind of fun power up that really has no change to the actual final numbers is which I would call "Bamboozle".
The way the power up works is it isn't called when used, an example is if the item the opponent lands on is really good like a black market and they say deal, you can use your Bamboozle without saying out loud and pick any item in the row above or below that item (Any item down the rows). In the end you'll both tell which item you Bamboozled and you'll reveal the real item and switch it back for the final points but during game it could really throw off the opponent trying to figure out where items are in the long run. You can even do a counter to this and have an example where they land on a really bad item and in one of the upper or lower rows has a black market. You can choose to Bamboozle with that black market and in the end they never even got the black market in the first place! It's a different idea and I don't think it's been done before. Maybe could be worked around a bit but I think it'd be interesting!
Evaqs holy shit. That would actually be hilarious
my weeks have literally resorted to waiting for blind trading on a Sunday and Wednesday! killing it my man, love from the UK
Trade off(defencive)
Defending player can stop the item from being picked but the other player gets to pick one item randomly around it
New type of game
Horse race: You roll a number and pick 2 rows (horizontally) those 2 rows are your "horses".
How it works: then u roll a 1:6 if u land on 2 and 4 you advance, if you don't you stay at your position on the "board". First one to finish gets both rows.
Like❤️ to show to John!!
Im eating hot pockets rn
i would try something new, hot pockets are really bad for you
Shut up
maybe a salad?
iBinkHD only hot pockets
Airagog 101 lol 😂😂😂
I watch the blind tradings while making and eating breakfast Jon, I look forward to them in the mornings! Keep it up.
Defense Power-Up Suggestion: Both you and Athena/Josh pick 1 row at the start of the game without the other person knowing that row. If they land on that row during the game, they have to re-roll. This makes it so you can defend something you absolutely don't want to get rid of. Like this if you agree for Jon to see this and potentially consider it. Thanks :)
That is a good idea!!!
this is too op, u could use it on a row with like 6 mystery decals in them
Kyron Have you seen how many good rows they have?
Kyron yeah use it on the row with heatwave hellfire and hexed
Came back to watch his old blind trading episodes, I’m so sad this can’t happen anymore. I love you Jon!
This power up is called
Reverse physiology 💡
It is a before power up
It’s pretty simple instead of choosing your column number before you roll your number it’s the opposite! You roll your row number, then you get to choose the column number-
Choose Wisely Jon (;
great idea
Great to see you're at least trying to balance out the inventories, much appreciated!
I found the channel a couple days ago and am still binging a ton of content. Keep up the good vids!
Edit: Idea for new power up:
The Slap
Defensive power up used before other player’s roll. Defending player gains the ability to “slap” the other player’s roll 2 spaces in any direction. For example: Jon rolls 1,37, and Athena used he slap and pushed Jon into 1,39 ( but before he rolled ). Like if you want to see the power up!
Power up name: Magic Cylinder (yugioh reference)
This is an offensive and defensive power up, call before dealing or not. The one who's attacking doesn't get the item and his turn now becomes "your turn", the one who used the powerup gets the item that he would have landed on if he rolled the exact column and row as the attacker. You can only use this if you HAVE the exact row, for example if the one who used the powerup has 80 rows, the attacker has 60 and the attacker rolls r: 67 col: 4 the defender can't use it.
Athena counted from 2 so Jon should have a mainframe 17:58 still love the Vids and they say no mistake counting
Angel Chavez No, she Said "Oh that's not one".. Then she started again from one.
Øyvind Skjønhaug thanks but weird when I saw the video it didn't show that she went back
Had fun watching this one - now I gotta get some sleep!
8:34 uhhh athena you good?
Bruh wtf
Power up: Give 1 some love.
Column 1 only and roll get the one you land on the one above and below.
Watch the damn Video!!!!
STriKeTeX is that noy watching the video?
YvngCartell noy sauce
STriKeTeX m
No respect bro
STriKeTeX bruh
Power-up: Refusal
You can call this at any time. Whenever the other player rolls and lands on an item you DONT want them to get (i.e. mystery decal), you tell them what that item was, but they dont get it.
Power Up: 20XX
you change your numbers from 1-3 and you need to roll the column and the row... if you get two times the one, you get the 20XX
There should be a defensive power up called import only which allows the user to put on the import only filter making it so that the opponent can only get imports for that turn so they can only get 3 points (plain import), 4 points (certified or painted), or 5 points (certified and painted)
tristan stop lying
tristan thank you I needed to go to work so I couldn’t watch the whole thing I was able to watch with these so awesome thank you again
This aint crate openings
Thanks a lot liar
Hey, Jon, you could've used your defensive power up here -> 29:27
(unless you couldn't because it was in colum 7)
athena looked really pretty this episode tbh
She always does 💦💦
She does in every one
Nah, but annoying as always.
never seen a more annoying person before
20:35 Jon is the best singer EVER!😂
Im a NO SHOOT person :)
m u star 44 alien at least some of us are cultured smh....
Twinkerson I'm a shoot guy
Power up idea: The Yellow Brick Road. In this power up, you change the filter to exotics only. You pick a column and whatever the person lands on, you get that item, the item above, and the item below.
Hey, Jon, Turn. Your. Mic. Up.
Hey, Azreal, Turn. Your. Sound. Up.
RadioActive What i mean is his mic is a lot more quiet than Athena/Josh' Mics in his videos
Hey, RadioActive, learn the basic principles of sound design.
Hey, undeadman7676, stfu
Hey, RadioActive, no u
Power up: electroshock, this is a before power up where when you land on an item, you can choose to go diagonal to top right top left bottom left or bottom right
No one likes my comments😥😥
Works every time
Ok fuck off
I wonder why...
np, im here for you XD
Corton so then if yoy want people to see you want likes on your comments you need likes. So i dont..
Will trade the centio v17 and breakout and 4 zephyr crates for the cyclone. Ps4
Power-up: One round start from the middle and choose if you going up or down. Then roll a number that is half of your inventory. :D No special things, just basic.
Defense power up
Hustle: after the person rolls, before you say deal or no deal you call this then the row is changed to two above the rolled row, then the turn player rolls 1-7 and gets that item
Power-up: Detective
Call this before you roll. So you roll 3 times and every time the other player tells you what those three items were. You dont get any of the items, but it helps for figuring out where their items are
Panic attack defensive power up. If they land on an item u don’t want to lose u call panic attack and for that turn they must reroll but u turn the very rare filter on. If you add the very rare filter and there is too many rows just replace the imports with very rare for the next turn
9:58 that’s Jon’s “oh I don’t use them but I still want them voice”
A power called secret no no and it automatically protects and they have to no deal I would love to see this in blind trading much love Jon
A New End Power Up Idea! Better Than Redemption, It Is Called The Swap, At The End John And Athena/Phantom Roll A Number 1-(However Items Are Rolled) And Once They Both Roll The Number They Both Swap That Item Meaning It Could Be A Complete Game Changer.
I’ve been waiting for this video all day, finally!!
23:08 "This is a 3 person power-up" lol
Power up idea: YMCA
Basically whatever you roll is going to be the start of a letter in YMCA. You don't get the item you land on.
Call before, but pick which letter after rolling. Each letter should give the same number of items
I got an idea for a power up
Its called "upside down counting"
And its just as its sounds
You start counting from the last row all the way to the start. You can only do it before you roll
[rosed] Soulless good idea man👍 but unfortunately, he won’t see this.
Defensive power up: Flipped
If the guessing person uses a power up that makes them get more items, the other person can use this power up after they see what they would get. What happens is then it flips, so everything is the opposite, meaning the collector get different items. This can be used after the other person sees what items the collector would normally get.
Columns one and five are picked (due to a power up). If the power up is used, columns four and two are force-picked instead (opposite of the before columns).
Column 4, row 35 is picked, and because of a power up, a couple next to it are picked too (let’s say column 3, row 34). Due to Flipped, instead of it being column 3, row 34, the new one is column 5 row 36, because it flips it across its previous location.
reminiscing by watching jon’s old videos is so fun
Jon I got a new power up: Star
What happens is whatever u land on u get the to pick 3 items from 5 spots: the four corners and the top one
Blind Trading Power Up
Future Sight: roll a number 1-8 at the beginning of the round whichever number add plus 3 points to the item
You should do an episode where you can see each other while playing so you can see facial reactions that each other make. It would add a whole new twist with trying to cover up if it's good or bad
Reverse Gravity: Defensive power up that you call after the other person lands on an item. Causes you to then count from the bottom instead of the top
I don't even play rocket league any more but every blind trading episode. I stay up till 12 just watching it. Luv u jon
I had a tough day at work but I realized the day was still going to be good after Jon uploaded. Thanks.
Defensive power up idea - Discount
If the item landed on is painted or certified, you can remove the paint or certification from the item, reducing the points received for the attacker by 1. In the instance that you don't have a non painted/non certified version of the item, this power up CANNOT be used.
Could be great for heartbreaking white zomba/white draco kinda moments aha.
Love the vids, keep up the great work.
New power up idea: Gambler: basically how this power up works is you normally roll your turn and you land on a certain item. From there your opponent changes their phone number randomizer from 1-10. Whichever number the phone randomizes to is how many items the person who originally rolled can get. Example: If John landed on column 6, row 24 and then Athena randomizes a number and got 7, John can go up down left or right around the item he landed on 7 times but he doesn’t know that Athena got the number 7 so if he picks to go over his limit of 7, he gets none of the items. You have to know when to stop moving. It’s kind of weird but it would be cool to see it implemented in a game.
(Defensive power up)
When the other person rolls an item, you can choose to use "switcheroo" before you show the item and the other person has to give their item on their screen.
Confusion Spell-
For a normal roll- When your opponent picks his column and his row is selected, cast a confusion spell and he has to give the item for said row/column
IE- Jon picks column 2 and rolls a 18, Josh casts confusion spell which is super effective and now Jon gives Josh the item in for column 2 row 18. Maybe set a limit before Josh starts counting so he can’t see the item he would be losing and casts it. Play with it.
7:55 That's legit a record, that's like 5 episodes in a row now or something
21:19 here in mexico some people say:
piedra papel o tijera, escoge lo que quieras menos cara de galleta
wich means: rock paper or scissors, choose what you want but cookie face...
Topsy Turvey: rather than counting down from the top you count down from the bottom. (Called before the player makes their rolls/ before you realize what’s in the row)
Defense Beginning Breaker
At the beginning you pick 1 through 7 based on what you are scared off for them to hit. Than roll your own inventory and what you land on they can’t get that at all the whole game.
It could be an import or a black market
They both looked at each other at the same time they are fucking crazy but chill
Love them
27:00 such a shady move
7:31 Athena:turns into a dying fish
Defensive Power-Up: Bull. Once per game a player can select a different item they see on the screen rather than the one the other person rolled on. The player who rolled can guess if the other player switched the item. If they guess correctly they get both items. If you successfully change the item a player lands on you let them know afterwards so they don't guess and lose an item later.
They’re like “ah damn I don’t want an import” and I’m just sitting here like “I’ll take ‘em”
POWER UP - Roll With The Punches - Called before the roll - if you land on a painted or certified item you get to choose to get an item thats above, below, right, or left of that item added on to the item you already landed on - if it's painted and certified then you get to choose to get 2 items from above, below, right, or left of that item added on to the item you already landed on
I think I have the defencive power up you are looking for-
"Pick Your Poison"
You can only use this 1-3 turns before redemption, what happens is the opponent will set their max # on the RNG for how many items they are trading to you (what you see on your screen not opponent's screen) and then the opponent will roll 2 numbers and whatever items they landed on will be " locked," in other words, in redemption the opponent cannot take those items back.
Power-up: the fork!
The person who uses this power-up gets 3 items (just like a 3 prong fork) in the row they land but they have to have 1 space between them (the space in between the prongs) so you could get like 1 3 5 or 2 4 6 or 3 5 7
Since Jon and Athena have almost the same rows, I've got a power up for you. It's called
You call before and u roll 1 through 26 (the alphabet) and then u roll 1 through 2. 1 is the best item in that letter 2 is the worst. This is a clutch power up cuz u could roll z and the tension will be mad but then you would roll 2. This is a good power up to use.
Reverse Roll - you pick a number between 1 and however many rows the other person has. Then you roll for the 1 through 7 column. You can also choose to no deal that roll and re-roll the column like a normal roll
John I thought of a power up, the power up is you role a 1-26 bc of the Alpheabit and whatever number it lands on you count it onto the alphabet. So whatever letter it lands on that's the first letter you type in. Then they role
The stopped watching the PGA Tournament for this Jon. This is how much I love Blind Trading
Defensive power up: Merry go round
When your opponent hits a item you don’t want to give you can use this power up, your opponent then has to roll 1 till 8, 1 being the item above and go clockwise, the item the opponent lands on will be the item the opponent gets, you can call this before and after your opponent has said deal or no deal
Any questions just reply
Like so Jon sees this
New defensive power up: BALLED, Call it when the other person lands on one of your items, they roll a number between 1 and 10, if they get a 1 or a 10 the get the item anyway but if they don’t they have to re-roll but you have import only filter on so they can only get imports from that turn.
New power up:
The you land on is in the middle. 3x3 square
And you can move any direction like a compass.
N, E, S, and W + NE, NW, SE, SW.
Wasn’t feeling so great, thinks, I wonder if Jon Sandman posted.... Blind trading,,25 minutes ago, saved my day brother.
He is literally the coolest chill dude I have ever seen and you will never guess what I’m eating a ring pop lol
Power up suggestion: (this might suck but hear me out) it would be called pinpoint. In most of the episodes I’ve watched with Jon or phantom or Athena is that one of them is very interested in an item the other person has. So how it would work is the person who had the power up used against them would have the person who used the power up roll 1-7 in the row to try and get it. It can be used on ANY item. Like if you think it’s a good idea