WWE ALTERNATE BOOKINGS: Wrestlemania XI (1995)

  • Опубліковано 2 чер 2023
  • As we continue the series in the long anticipation for the 40th anniversary of Wrestlemania, up next is Wrestlemania 11, which took place on April 2nd, 1995 at the Hartford Civic Center in Connecticut. The event was celebrity heavy with Pamela Anderson, Salt-n-Pepa, Nicholas Turturro, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Kathy Huey, Larry Young, future IMPACT co-founder Bob Ryder, and Jenny McCarthy all taking part.
    The big sell was NFL star Lawrence Taylor taking on Bam Bam Bigelow, a feud that started since the Royal Rumble and brought in football players such as Ken Norton Jr, Chris Spielman, Rickey Jackson, Carl Banks, Reggie White, and Steve McMichael. The WWF Championship is also on the line being defended by Diesel who is taking on his former best friend Shawn Michaels.
    Unfortunately this Wrestlemania was one of the worst. We attempt to provide an alternate pay-per-view card to make it more enjoyable and four hours long by using all of the talent available at the time and a main event that should've made sense. #wrestlemania #wrestlemania11 #wrestlemaniaxi #wwe #wwf
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  • @RoyStantz
    @RoyStantz 8 місяців тому +4

    Here's my attempt, based around the feuds and the storylines that were going on at the time, with the roster we've got:
    1.The New Headshrinkers (with Capt. Lou Albano & Afa) vs. The Blu Brothers (with Uncle Zebekiah)
    [These two teams had a brief feud on a couple episodes of Wrestling Challenge in February and March, so it makes sense for them to get on this card for a quick PPV payday, with the Blu Twins getting the win.]
    2.Jeff Jarrett (with The Roadie) vs. Razor Ramon (with The 1-2-3 Kid) for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
    [We're keeping this match in, and you can still have Razor win by DQ.]
    3.Davey Boy Smith & The Smoking Gunns vs. Irwin R. Schyster, King Kong Bundy, & Nikolai Volkoff (with Ted DiBiase)
    [Just get six guys on the card, and Bulldog and the Gunns get the win when Bulldog pins Volkoff with the running powerslam; Charles Wright still makes his WWF return, but as Papa Shango instead of Kama the Supreme Fighting Machine, and he can still feud with Taker throughout the spring and summer of 1995, culminating in their casket match at SummerSlam that year as Taker vs. Shango instead of Taker vs. Kama; imagine the back-and-forth mind games between these two.]
    4.Bull Nakano vs. Alundra Blayze for the WWF Women's Championship
    [This match was held on Raw the night after, but it would make more sense to have it take place at WrestleMania with Alundra winning back the title; then you can have Bertha Faye make her debut the next night on Raw by attacking Alundra during an interview.]
    5.Lex Luger vs. Tatanka (with Ted DiBiase) in a steel cage match
    [This feud had been building since SummerSlam and Survivor Series in 1994, so the blow-off should happen here; after the match which Luger wins, DiBiase berates Tatanka, who tries to attack him, only for Luger to return to the ring, beat down Tatanka, and shake hands with DiBiase, thus cementing Luger's heel turn so he can feud with Diesel, Shawn, Bret, and Taker.]
    6.The 1-2-3 Kid & Bob Holly vs. Hakushi & Yokozuna (with Jim Cornette & Mr. Fuji) for the WWF Tag-Team Championship
    [I think Kid and Holly should've had a longer title reign after winning at Royal Rumble 1995, and Hakushi would've also been a suitable partner for Yoko; that way, Kid and Hakushi can exchange high-flying moves, while Holly and Yoko exchange stiff punches, kicks, and chops; we can still have Hakushi and Yoko win the titles here, and then go on to In Your House #1 to defend against the Gunns.]
    7.The Undertaker (with Paul Bearer) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (with Ted DiBiase)
    [Since Taker is feuding with the Million Dollar Corporation, it makes sense for him to battle their crown jewel, who would obviously be Bigelow; obviously Taker would win, but he and Bigelow can still have a decent big man match.]
    8.Diesel (with Lawrence Taylor) vs. Shawn Michaels (with Sycho Sid) for the WWF World Championship
    [Instead of wrestling Bigelow, L.T. can be in Diesel's corner to counter Sid, and Vince gets the celebrity coverage that he wants.]
    9.Adam Bomb vs. Kwang (with Harvey Wippleman)
    [Just a quick toilet break match to cool down the crowd between Diesel/HBK and Bret/Owen, and allow Bomb to get the win so Kwang can disappear off TV and come back as Savio Vega at In Your House #1.]
    10.Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (with Bob Backlund) in a No DQ match with Roddy Piper as the guest referee
    [I know that this match was held on the Raw prior to the PPV, but it should've occurred here; also, I don't have Backlund in a match on this card because his victory over Bret at Survivor Series 1994 was just a chapter in the Bret/Owen feud; the finish could involve Backlund trying to interfere on behalf of Owen, only for Piper (who would be the Old Generation guy sticking up for the New Generation) to knock Backlund the holy hell out, and Bret manages to make Owen submit to the Sharpshooter, thus bringing an end to their year-long feud.]

  • @brandonfouts4074
    @brandonfouts4074 7 місяців тому +1

    Nasty boys armpit face rub to queen sherri was old school classic

  • @popmonika
    @popmonika 6 місяців тому +1

    Ok here we go...
    Bob Holly, 123 kid and men on a mission vs king Kong Bundy, irs, tatanka and Sid...
    Match was booked with dibiase declaring he'd bought fourth surprise member for match.... It's revealed at mania to be a returning Sid, who gets pinfall for million dollar team on the kid (who was seemingly beaten up by Jarrett during match).
    Undertaker vs yokozuna - Yoko jumped undertaker at royal rumble. This is the third and final match of their over year long feud. Taker wins after slamming Yoko and hitting a chokeslam or top rope move.
    Lex and bulldog vs smoking guns- tag titles - guns wins after pinning luger after bulldog left ring after mix up with luger and therefore turning heel (like Martell did at mania 4)
    Bam bam vs Lawrence Taylor - this stays as is- but just isn't main event.
    Ic champion jeff Jarrett vs razor - rematch from rumble. With the Roady seemingly free to run havoc, razor is seemingly fighting impossible odds, but all of a sudden the 123 kid comes and helps razor to become a three time ic champion.
    Bul Nakano vs alundra blaze wwf women's title - blaze wins title for second time.
    Diesel vs Shawn - not the main event because in my timeline Bret never lost to backlund and someone else won the rumble after Shawn didn't help diesel against Bret (diesel turning on Shawn and becoming baby face)- Prior to the match Shawn says that it's nothing personal between himself and diesel and that they were both competitors and that he shouldn't have taken big daddy cools competive streak lightly and after the match they'll he back being the dudes with attitude.
    Shawn fights for his life after going through table and with diesel about to go for jack knife, Shawn gets a quick roll up win. Shawn goes to shake diesel's hand post match but... And yes the original face/heel wrestlemania swerve happens here.
    Bret vs Owen for wwf title in a i quit match- ref is piper and after vicious and bloody match up, the over year long family feud ends with Owen saying i quit.

  • @ryanprior1294
    @ryanprior1294 Рік тому +2

    Id go
    Bret vs owen wwf championship
    Michaels vs Diesel
    Luger & bulldog vs smoking Gunn's
    Hall vs jarrett w/ piper as referee
    Blayze vs makano
    Taker vs bigelow
    Taylor vs yokozuna
    I'd also have that 12 man tag match that sounds genius actually except id replace bulldog with brooklyn brawler
    Backlund vs 123 kid

  • @thomasmuller1425
    @thomasmuller1425 5 місяців тому +1

    Here's my WrestleMania 11 card:
    1. The Allied Powers vs. Men on a Mission (w/ Oscar) for the WWF World Tag Team Championship
    (In my timeline, The Allied Powers win the vacant WWF Tag Team Titles at the 1995 Royal Rumble & they basically run through all challengers so far until they meet Men on a Mission. This is a face vs. face tag team match for now. In the end, Lex Luger & British Bulldog get the win. This starts a slow heel turn for Men on a Mission that will take place in the beginning of summer.)
    2. Sycho Sid vs. Bob Backlund
    (Basically Sid should've had a match at this year's WrestleMania & I think this is the way they can pull it off. Have Backlund be with Owen Hart for a bit until he starts to realize that Owen is just using him during his feud with Bret & he's had enough of his shit. So, Owen sends a returning Sid Justice, now as Sycho Sid, after him. This is an 8 minute match with Sid getting most of that match & he ends up winning via powerbomb.)
    3. Razor Ramon (w/ 1-2-3 Kid) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ The Roadie) for the WWF Intercontinental Championship
    (It's simple. Jarrett beats Razor at the Royal Rumble to win the IC Title thanks to interference from The Roadie. Ramon is mad about it & invokes his rematch clause here. Jeff says that he beat The Bad Guy once & he'll have no problem doing it. The Bad Guy says that since The Roadie cost him the title at the Royal Rumble, he'll have some to back him up in case that tends to be the case again. That's when 1-2-3 Kid comes out & sends them packing. At WrestleMania, I'd have Razor become a 3x champ & then build towards a final match between the two either at IYH 1 or KOTR where Jarrett wins the title back in time for him to feud with Shawn Michaels.)
    4. The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) in a Casket Match with Chuck Norris as the Special Guest Referee
    (This feud had been brewing over the past year since their last Casket Match at the 1994 Royal Rumble where half of the heel roster helped Yoko "kill" The Undertaker. After that, The Phenom makes his return at SummerSlam to face & defeat Bam Bam Bigelow. Then at Survivor Series, he faces & defeats Adam Bomb. Basically, Taker just takes everyone down one by one, kinda like how Batman took down all the crooks & criminals, until he gets to Yokozuna. Chuck Norris is added as the referee to make sure there's no interference this time. This is the same match as their real life Survivor Series 1994 match with The Undertaker finally defeating Yokozuna, thus ending this overly year long feud once & for all.)
    5. Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Bob Holly
    (The debut of a future legend in the WWF. Let's say he debuts a little bit early here & he faces Bob Holly in just 5 minute match just to show the WWF fans what he can do. Helmsley wins after hitting Holly with a new move called pedigree & that's only the beginning for the future head booker of the company.)
    6. Diesel (w/ Pamela Anderson) vs. Shawn Michaels (w/ Jenney McCarthy)
    (Basically the same build as in real life. Shawn accidentally superkicks Diesel & HBK begins to berate him for being in the way, which causes Big Daddy to snap & goes after him. This causes them to relinquish the WWF Tag Team Titles because they just can't function as unit anymore. Shawn says that without him, Diesel would be nothing. Diesel, in reply, says that Shawn should be grateful that he's helped him keep the IC Title for as long as he did because if he wanted to, he could've walked away & just the likes of Marty Jannetty or Mr. Perfect take it from him. Diesel wins after hitting HBK with the powerbomb & then after their match is over, Diesel raises his hand to Shawn. Shawn looks at the crowd for a very brief moment before jumping & high fiving Big Daddy's hand. Thus, turning babyface for the 1st time in his career.)
    7. Alundra Blayze vs. Bull Nakano for the WWF Women's Championship
    (This is kind of a cool down match. But tbh, this should've happened at WrestleMania instead of the Raw after WrestleMania & Blayze ends up winning the title back. Then the next night on Raw, Bertha Faye can make her debut by attacking the new WWF Women's Champion & that will set up their feud heading into the spring & summer.)
    8. Lawrence Taylor (w/ Carl Banks, Rickey Jackson, Ken Norton Jr., Chris Spielman, Reggie White, & Steve McMichael) vs. Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ King Kong Bundy, Tatanka, Irwin R. Schyster, Kama Mustafa, Nikolai Volkoff, & Ted Dibiase)
    (Basically, this is the same as in real life, it's just not the main event.)
    9. Bret Hart (w/ Bruce Hart, British Bulldog, & Diana Smith) vs. Owen Hart (w/ Keith Hart, Jim Neidhart, & Elizabeth Hart) in an I Quit Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper as the Special Guest Referee
    (This is the main event. This feud had been brewing since WrestleMania X where Owen gets the shocking win over his brother only for Bret to regain the WWF Championship from Yokozuna in the main event. Thus Bret overshadows his brother again as this doesn't sit well with The Rocket as he goes on to become the 1994 KOTR & he uses this to get him a shot at Bret in a Steel Cage Match at SummerSlam where Owen WINS THE TITLE thanks to Jim Neidhart, who turns on Bret, & aligns with Owen. To keep this short, Bret Hart wins the 1995 Royal Rumble Match to grant him one more match against his younger for the title. To raise the stakes, Owen challenges Bret to an I Quit Match so everybody can hear him so those words. Bret accepts as long as he gets to pick the referee for the match. This is when Roddy Piper comes out & tells The Hart Brothers to get it all out of their systems so that once this is all over, they can shake hands, hug each other, & we can go home happy. After 25 minute match, Bret locks Owen in the Sharpshooter & Owen tries to hang on for almost 1-2 minutes before yelling "I Quit". Thus, Bret FINALLY manages to defeat his brother Owen, becomes a 3x WWF Champion, & ends this legendary feud once & for all.)

  • @antoniusjohnson3824
    @antoniusjohnson3824 2 місяці тому

    Here’s my Wrestlemania 11 card
    1. The Allied Powers vs The Million Dollar Corporation( Tatanka & King Kong Bundy) w/ Ted Dibiase
    2. Adam Bomb vs Yokozuna w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette
    3. Razor Ramon w/ 123 Kid vs Jeff Jarrett w/ The Roadie for the IC Title
    4. The Smoking Guns vs The Blu Brothers w/ Uncle Zeb for the WWF Tag Team Titles( Owen & Yoko win the titles at In Your House 1).
    5. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart w/ Bob Backlund in an I Quit Match with Rowdy Rowdy Piper as the special guest referee
    6. Alundra Blayze vs Bull Nakano for the WWF Women’s Championship
    7. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer vs Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Ted Dibiase in a Lumberjack Match with Lawrence Taylor as the special guest referee
    8. Shawn Michaels w/ Sid & Jenny McCarthy vs Diesel w/ Pamela Anderson for the WWF Championship.

  • @nickpeluso7511
    @nickpeluso7511 Рік тому +2

    I could never sit through this Mania. It was that bad

  • @mattyg4186
    @mattyg4186 5 місяців тому +1

    I liked 2 matches Michaels vs Diesel and LT vs Bam Bam (wasn’t great match but I’m a Giants fan so i think LT did great at the time for a non wrestler)

  • @nicholaswoodall450
    @nicholaswoodall450 6 місяців тому +1

    here's my wm11 card
    roddy piper vs bob backlund in a i quit match
    bret hart vs sid
    diesel vs Hbk
    undertaker vs yokozuna

  • @joekarate9424
    @joekarate9424 Рік тому +1

    Any alternative to the original is an improvement 😂

    • @intheplot2241
      @intheplot2241  Рік тому

      That is true 🤣

    • @attiepollard7847
      @attiepollard7847 11 місяців тому

      ​@@intheplot2241nope give Bert Hart another opponent so he can win at wrestlemania, we do not want to see the bushwhackers and we do not want to see the NFL vs the million dollar corporation. Give us tatanka vs the 123 kid

  • @mattyg4186
    @mattyg4186 5 місяців тому +1

    I still would’ve put Diesel over

  • @filmunion8194
    @filmunion8194 3 місяці тому

    2:19 what does that mean?

    • @intheplot2241
      @intheplot2241  3 місяці тому

      Instead of seeing the light as he originally claimed at wm11 he just gets beat up back stage and claims to have seen the light