I've spent up to an hour. At the end of ANTENNA channel SCANNING I don't know what button on the remote to push in next. I've tried every button but nothing happens. So what happens immediately it keeps scanning and goes over to cable scanning but I don't want that. I've not figured this out yet. At the end of ANTENNA channel SCANNING Im trying to figure out what button on the remote to push in next.
Thanks for this video. Going to the ‘TV input’ setting under Live TV fixed it for me. I bought a Roku TV several years ago but never had WIFI, so I just used the free antenna channels . Finally hooked up WIFI and got freaked out when I couldn’t find my local stuff. Thanks for this tutorial
Here’s how I watch local TV channels where I live. I have Paramount plus for free. Which covers CBS. I have Hulu for $6.99 a month which covers the other major networks. Plus Paramount and Hulu are in effect DVR’s for those programs. And then of course I have the over the air antenna for NFL football and the cool channels are only available on over the air TV. Like decades, antenna TV, cozi And so on. I tried a Tablo and it just didn’t work for me. Also I have a strong aversion to paying five dollars a month to Tablo just to use all the features of their products. That is why the Amazon fire recast is a far better option for those who want to DVR over the air TV. The problem is it only works with Amazon products. Tablo works with everybody including Amazon.
That's a decent set up, and you're correct in that it basically gets around needing a DVR for the most part. Completely agreed. There's little need to charge for that.
@@eijentwun5509 I don’t pay for local channels. My antenna does not pick up CBS. I get Paramount plus for free. The other major networks come in fine. Which is good for NFL football. But I don’t watch live TV except for the NFL. I binge watch all my shows. That is impossible to do without in over the air antenna and a DVR like.Tablo. I don’t like Tablo at all. It is the only piece of electronics in history where you have to pay extra once you buy it to use all the features. That is ridiculous. That’s why I pay a minimal amount to stream most of my TV and I get a lot more value for my money. I get Paramount plus for free for CBS shows, and I pay $1.99 a month to Peacock for NBC shows. There is nothing I am interested in watching on Fox or ABC. So for $1.99 a month I get more functionality that a DVR could ever give me. Which means I can watch shows whenever I want to watch them. I don’t have to be in front of the TV set at a given time.
An antenna with a Tablo dual and a Roku TV is my set up. It is somewhat annoying to pay $50 a year to Tablo to get the extended guide and to be able to record a series rather than just individual episodes. The commercial skip was hit and miss for me during the free trial so I’m not paying for that.
Hi folks, I have a slightly different problem. My condo supplies cable (dish tv) in the fee, but no dvr. I also have roku for streaming. What do I need to dvr both the condo's cable and my roku? Thank you.
We'd assume that you wouldn't be able to DVR content from Dish given that it's through your condo. It's best to ask the property manager to determine that for sure. You can't DVR anything on Roku as it's on demand content.
I don’t have Roku and only stream with xfinity internet. I would like to get the locals but don’t want to get UA-cam TV yet bc cost and just recently cut the cord. In my area the UFH is strong and I would like a recommendation on a good indoor antenna. Do you have any recommendations?
Currently, i'm not paying anything, but missing the DVR experience 😢 I have a Roku Express cuz my tv's old, and an outdoor antenna to get local channels over the air...we've only cut the cord about 3 mths ago becuz we couldn't get internet where i live until then. I'm still learning the ins & outs of the streaming but i'm getting more used to it & actually liking it now, except not having DVR
Got ya. One option you could consider, if you prefer one local channel over another, is getting the on-demand option as that'd likely eliminate the need for a DVR. Paramount+ for CBS content, would be one example.
When I'm scanning antenna channels and I get to the end of scanning I don't know what to do from there, because it switches immediately from antenna to cable. Am I supposed to hit a certain button?
My problem is at the end of the antenna channels scan I don't know what to do next because it immediately switches I er to SCANNING CABLE. What am I doing wrong? Was I supposed to turn off the TV at the end of ANTENNA scanning for channels? Is there a certain button that I'm not pushing in?
Local channels are lock on smart TV's even though I have them on my favorites I can't see them unless you pay for them so don't buy smart TV's buy regular TV and smart DVD player
Please help I’m new to streaming tv and have already went over my monthly data, good thing company allow this one time without additional charges. I mainly watch my local tv channels daily and have Netflix, paramount, Hulu, Philo and Apple TV for any movies, may want to watch. Just got an antenna and hooked up to my Roku tv for local channels watching did the scan shows 42 channels found but none are my local channels and more than 42 channels are actually coming through so I’m afraid it’s still streaming and using data is it even possible to stream and use antenna for my free channels without using up my data guess want to switch back and forward, can this be a achieved without taking my Wi-Fi off the tv all together and forget streaming my subscriptions
I followed instructions far as having an over Air Antenna. I Hid Streaming Channels yet they still show. And I still can not find my Local Channels. I just bought an onn 65 inch Roku Tv.
got to settings, TV Input, scan local channels, Scan local channels, scan cable (if no cable skip). If you have an external HD then go with live pause, if not skip. Save the channels and then when you go to roku live, go to favorites and they are there. After that you can go to setting and do manage channels and add them as favorites quicker. I just did this and it works.
I just use my indoor antenna for locals on my Roku tv. Then I use Netflix Hulu Disney plus and HBO max. I get HBO max for free through att fiber internet. I also took a black Friday deal last year for Hulu for 99 cents for a year and 2.99 for Disney plus permanent for now. I also have prime video although I just use it for shipping.
How much do you spend to get local channels?
I've spent up to an hour.
At the end of ANTENNA channel SCANNING I don't know what button on the remote to push in next. I've tried every button but nothing happens. So what happens immediately it keeps scanning and goes over to cable scanning but I don't want that. I've not figured this out yet. At the end of ANTENNA channel SCANNING Im trying to figure out what button on the remote to push in next.
Thanks for this video. Going to the ‘TV input’ setting under Live TV fixed it for me. I bought a Roku TV several years ago but never had WIFI, so I just used the free antenna channels . Finally hooked up WIFI and got freaked out when I couldn’t find my local stuff. Thanks for this tutorial
My scanned antenna channels are not moving to the live channel lineup.
Or just add the local channels to your favorites and never have to lose them again, Like I did today. All in all, this did help.
Wanted to know how to set up free local channels on my Roku stick. Gave me a how to download apps to pick it up, unless I missed something
thanks!..the TV was confusing for us that came from Over The Air antenna setup...
Here’s how I watch local TV channels where I live. I have Paramount plus for free. Which covers CBS. I have Hulu for $6.99 a month which covers the other major networks. Plus Paramount and Hulu are in effect DVR’s for those programs. And then of course I have the over the air antenna for NFL football and the cool channels are only available on over the air TV. Like decades, antenna TV, cozi And so on. I tried a Tablo and it just didn’t work for me.
Also I have a strong aversion to paying five dollars a month to Tablo just to use all the features of their products. That is why the Amazon fire recast is a far better option for those who want to DVR over the air TV. The problem is it only works with Amazon products. Tablo works with everybody including Amazon.
That's a decent set up, and you're correct in that it basically gets around needing a DVR for the most part. Completely agreed. There's little need to charge for that.
Why are you paying for Local Channels may I ask? They are 100% completely free with just a Rabbit ear antenna.
@@eijentwun5509 I don’t pay for local channels. My antenna does not pick up CBS. I get Paramount plus for free. The other major networks come in fine. Which is good for NFL football. But I don’t watch live TV except for the NFL. I binge watch all my shows. That is impossible to do without in over the air antenna and a DVR like.Tablo. I don’t like Tablo at all. It is the only piece of electronics in history where you have to pay extra once you buy it to use all the features. That is ridiculous.
That’s why I pay a minimal amount to stream most of my TV and I get a lot more value for my money. I get Paramount plus for free for CBS shows, and I pay $1.99 a month to Peacock for NBC shows. There is nothing I am interested in watching on Fox or ABC. So for $1.99 a month I get more functionality that a DVR could ever give me. Which means I can watch shows whenever I want to watch them. I don’t have to be in front of the TV set at a given time.
An antenna with a Tablo dual and a Roku TV is my set up. It is somewhat annoying to pay $50 a year to Tablo to get the extended guide and to be able to record a series rather than just individual episodes. The commercial skip was hit and miss for me during the free trial so I’m not paying for that.
Agreed, we're not fans of the charging for any of that - especially if it's not going to work 100% of the time for you.
Hi folks, I have a slightly different problem. My condo supplies cable (dish tv) in the fee, but no dvr. I also have roku for streaming. What do I need to dvr both the condo's cable and my roku? Thank you.
We'd assume that you wouldn't be able to DVR content from Dish given that it's through your condo. It's best to ask the property manager to determine that for sure. You can't DVR anything on Roku as it's on demand content.
I don’t have Roku and only stream with xfinity internet. I would like to get the locals but don’t want to get UA-cam TV yet bc cost and just recently cut the cord. In my area the UFH is strong and I would like a recommendation on a good indoor antenna. Do you have any recommendations?
Currently, i'm not paying anything, but missing the DVR experience 😢 I have a Roku Express cuz my tv's old, and an outdoor antenna to get local channels over the air...we've only cut the cord about 3 mths ago becuz we couldn't get internet where i live until then. I'm still learning the ins & outs of the streaming but i'm getting more used to it & actually liking it now, except not having DVR
Got ya. One option you could consider, if you prefer one local channel over another, is getting the on-demand option as that'd likely eliminate the need for a DVR. Paramount+ for CBS content, would be one example.
❤how can I get local channels on my Samsung TV with Roku added to the TV? Thank you
When I'm scanning antenna channels and I get to the end of scanning I don't know what to do from there, because it switches immediately from antenna to cable.
Am I supposed to hit a certain button?
My problem is at the end of the antenna channels scan I don't know what to do next because it immediately switches I er to SCANNING CABLE. What am I doing wrong? Was I supposed to turn off the TV at the end of ANTENNA scanning for channels? Is there a certain button that I'm not pushing in?
I did the channel scan and I don't see the channels, I see channels starting in the 900's number range.
Local channels are lock on smart TV's even though I have them on my favorites I can't see them unless you pay for them so don't buy smart TV's buy regular TV and smart DVD player
Please help I’m new to streaming tv and have already went over my monthly data, good thing company allow this one time without additional charges. I mainly watch my local tv channels daily and have Netflix, paramount, Hulu, Philo and Apple TV for any movies, may want to watch. Just got an antenna and hooked up to my Roku tv for local channels watching did the scan shows 42 channels found but none are my local channels and more than 42 channels are actually coming through so I’m afraid it’s still streaming and using data is it even possible to stream and use antenna for my free channels without using up my data guess want to switch back and forward, can this be a achieved without taking my Wi-Fi off the tv all together and forget streaming my subscriptions
Thanks, figured it out and so much more to learn.
Not All devices has this setting. That is the problem
I followed instructions far as having an over Air Antenna. I Hid Streaming Channels yet they still show. And I still can not find my Local Channels. I just bought an
onn 65 inch Roku Tv.
got to settings, TV Input, scan local channels, Scan local channels, scan cable (if no cable skip). If you have an external HD then go with live pause, if not skip. Save the channels and then when you go to roku live, go to favorites and they are there. After that you can go to setting and do manage channels and add them as favorites quicker. I just did this and it works.
What about the Roku box
I just use my indoor antenna for locals on my Roku tv. Then I use Netflix Hulu Disney plus and HBO max. I get HBO max for free through att fiber internet. I also took a black Friday deal last year for Hulu for 99 cents for a year and 2.99 for Disney plus permanent for now. I also have prime video although I just use it for shipping.
I'm not picking up channels with my antenna
I beg you think not. Still connected to the Internet Right
Good content but she needs to stop jumping her hands all over, very distracting