G20: Interview with Toronto Mayor David Miller

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @spartan2600
    @spartan2600 14 років тому

    Mr. Jay did an excellent interview, he really put the screws to Mayor Miller. I rarely see this kind of bold journalism, especially in the US.

    @BLLAARRRGG 14 років тому

    Great job real news!! you rock j

  • @terra382
    @terra382 14 років тому

    good questions were addressed good job the real news

  • @PTTurboe
    @PTTurboe 14 років тому

    Yes, very good interview...

  • @Diipole
    @Diipole 14 років тому

    Good job Paul! I was waiting for you to mention the previous cointelpro incident in CANADA!!! He couldn't dispute it!!! So..... CHANGE IT! How is it NOT systemic?

  • @2minstral
    @2minstral 14 років тому

    In Canada, everyone has the following fundamental rights & freedoms.
    A. Freedom of Conscience and Relogion.
    B. Freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.
    C. Freedom of peaceful assembly.
    D. Freedom of association.
    Legal Rights
    Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof .
    Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure

  • @JWalls28
    @JWalls28 14 років тому

    Miller is great. He managed to avoid getting snookered by Paul Jay's leading questions and attempts to pass off his opinions as facts. I hope he runs again.

  • @Japerra1
    @Japerra1 14 років тому

    I am a Toronto business owner, property owner and pay my taxes. I am not a left wing activist and until recently have been proud to call myself both a Canadian and a Torontonian.
    Today I am ashamed of my city and my country. Shame on you Harper; shame on you Miller; shame on you Toronto Police. Shame on you Canada if you do not stop this police state in its tracks before it's too late.

  • @Sezlar
    @Sezlar 14 років тому

    keep up the good work paul

  • @herzogsbuick
    @herzogsbuick 14 років тому

    great interview

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    the toronto police showed remarkable restraint, and should be commended

  • @klard
    @klard 14 років тому

    Yes Every official always has complete confidence in their police department. Every one has a different perspective on what constitutes excessive force by the police.

  • @2minstral
    @2minstral 14 років тому

    Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprissoned.
    Everyone has the right on arrest or detention to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informrd of that right and to have the validityof the detention determined by way of habius corpus and to be relaesed if the detention is not lawful.
    That is just part of the Canadian Charter or Rights and Freedoms. I have a copy in front of me.

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    or like people who take for granted just how unbelievably free and fortunate they are to live in canada because they've never actually lived under an oppressive government

  • @bumpmedia
    @bumpmedia 14 років тому

    Demand A Public Inquiry!

  • @frepi
    @frepi 14 років тому

    I feel the heavy hand of Steven Harper behind this

  • @JWalls28
    @JWalls28 14 років тому

    1) I don't know what that has to do with the issue of Paul Jay asking leading questions.
    2) I mistyped; I should have said "I wish he would run again".
    I read the paper. Free speech is what allows G20 protesters to protest, Paul Jay to do his vidcasts, and me to "get on my soapbox".

  • @ubercomrade
    @ubercomrade 14 років тому

    I'll miss Miller.

  • @TristanPEJ
    @TristanPEJ 14 років тому

    This video makes me appreciate the Vuvuzela button.

  • @dangerouslytalented
    @dangerouslytalented 14 років тому

    @eslersi This kind of crap happens WHEREVER and WHENEVER a G20 or G8 or whatever meeting takes place. A bunch of thugs appear and starts riots.It is not just a Canadian thing.

  • @sangfroideur
    @sangfroideur 14 років тому

    Conclusion: City, province and federal politicians do not have their act together. Just the police.

  • @ElvinAtTheMovies
    @ElvinAtTheMovies 14 років тому

    I have not seen the video yet and I already know that the mayor will denied or have no knowledge of police beatings or he will say police were only defending themselves.

  • @RonnieInOC
    @RonnieInOC 14 років тому

    Get into your free speach zone prol!

  • @bulldogger
    @bulldogger 14 років тому

    @bulldogger ...embrace these characterizations, thus removing any propaganda value they could offer the establishment in the future. After all, if everyday people identify with protesters, and participate in actions deemed terroristic, the establishment is exposed rendering the word meaningless.

  • @YamaKazoo
    @YamaKazoo 14 років тому

    paul jay is a good guy

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    ...it lets the "other 12" talk to the 8. apparently there are more than 8 countries who'd like a say on global issues. the G20 allows developing nations to address issues of global finance and trade with the developed ones. the G20 provides needed counterbalance to international architecture otherwise dominated by the US. it's why george bush fought against the creation of the G20

  • @belltocher
    @belltocher 4 роки тому

    So thay have 2 police departments. Where did the good police go during the g20

  • @terra382
    @terra382 14 років тому

    1. $1 billion spent on security personnel, yet unable to protect their property i.e. unattended vehicles ?
    2. around 19,000 police officers deployed for the g20 weekend , yet black bloc was still able to leave their mark & vandalize while cops had prior knowledge of their arrival ?
    3. a rally in st.catharines at montebello park will be taking place on JULY 17(TODAY) to call for an public inquiry regardin the g20 summit
    thanks therealnews

  • @ScottishAtheist
    @ScottishAtheist 14 років тому

    @tlndofa Oh come on. These types of incidents would happen if he was there or not. It happened during Bush's PRESENCE too.

  • @prjctcivilian
    @prjctcivilian 14 років тому

    end private property

  • @bulldogger
    @bulldogger 14 років тому

    @SocialistReign I agree with you that damaging property is vandalism, but why shy away from the establishments characterization it's violent? Is the state not violent? Are the police not violent? Is violence in the face of violence not justified? This characterization of protesters as violent is a part of a larger program of demonizing dissent. What are now referred to as anarchists, thugs, and the mob, will eventually be deemed terrorists; because of this I'd put forward we should...

  • @voodoodawn64
    @voodoodawn64 9 років тому

    Those politicians and those enforce them don't get it. Eventually they will become private citizens and these laws they come up with will come back and haunt them. They could be walking down the street and those laws will be used against them too.
    - karma
    - what goes around will come around

  • @XRaDiiX
    @XRaDiiX 14 років тому

    @Valdris1987 does the free world feel so free anymore.

  • @prjctcivilian
    @prjctcivilian 14 років тому

    @nomed187 well, gee golly you gotta be pretty happy with yourself. Got me there! lol
    When talking about private property there is a difference between possession and ownership. In communism goods are distributed based on need but ppl still own goods. Exploitative private property is any property used to generate a profit such as a factory or any other workplace

  • @Greenjah81
    @Greenjah81 14 років тому

    Love the last question. Boom. 8))) And the answer. Especially a part about a democracy *)))))))))))))))) IT DOESN'T EXIST MR.MILLER. You should know that since you are a polititcian. lfmao

  • @prjctcivilian
    @prjctcivilian 14 років тому

    @nomed187 I do not own exploitative private property

  • @blackiron60
    @blackiron60 14 років тому

    So evasive, how typical of modern politicians. A straight answer would be nice for a change.

  • @womblefree
    @womblefree 14 років тому

    I never thought of peaceful protest as descent, interesting labelling going on by the power mongers

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    try reading section ONE of the charter, or have you not read that far yet. you know, the part about reasonable limits....
    then read the constitution and learn about municipal powers

  • @nomed187
    @nomed187 14 років тому

    @prjctcivilian you are free to give yours up first, really, take all your money and send it to my paypal account

  • @agitcam
    @agitcam 14 років тому

    Gosh, I guess Canada is a police state just like the U.S.

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    you realize, don't you, that your two sentences have nothing to do with each other, that you can still have the G20 and NOT spend/waste 1 billion for a meeting in toronto.
    maybe you should ask the indian or brazilian or south african PMs what they think about abolishing the G20, because they think it's a great idea

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    no, the issue at hand is if we live in an increasingly fascists police state and if the law giving police temporary powers to arrest people coming within 5 meters of a barricade encircling a few blocks supports this claim. both fail. canadians have no problem with this. it's only a very small minority of anti-capitalist protesters looking for a fight who do

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    and in case you haven't noticed, your comments keep getting removed. maybe you aren't wanted here

  • @educution
    @educution 14 років тому

    Miller just got f'd in the a by mr Paul Jay!!

  • @rosaparkvisuals
    @rosaparkvisuals 14 років тому

    Wow. I never comment, but this journalist steps all over the interview subject. I find that annoying and rude! David Miller seems very patient. Edits are also abrupt and camera movement is jarring too.

  • @jibbi4one
    @jibbi4one 14 років тому

    This is a good example of gov't BS wasting money and peoples' time. This whole event is a massive charade, over-the-top waste which made no sense locally or globally.

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    "reasonable limits justified in a democratic society"
    exactly. funny but 99.999999% of canadians have no problem with the police beating the heads of a few hundred squeegee kids looking for a fight

  • @MichelleZB
    @MichelleZB 14 років тому

    Does anyone else just feel kind of personally hurt by what Miller was saying? I voted for that guy... twice. I thought he was legit. It's like he let me down. Very disappointing.

  • @MrJlamb10
    @MrJlamb10 14 років тому

    @mrblue911 don't tell me your sticking up for those sorry excuse for cops

  • @Greenjah81
    @Greenjah81 14 років тому

    @nomed187 hahaha I grew up in same situation 8)))

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    LET'S FIGHT TO END CAPITALISM ........ by watching videos on youtube in front of our expensive computers. busted

  • @mrblue911
    @mrblue911 14 років тому

    "Apparently" you throw that word around like you were not even there. However when you describe your reporter being struck the word "apparently" is not used. Clearly biased reporting.... The real story here is the Mayor finding time to talk to such an amature garage level apparently news service.

  • @gringodeltoro1
    @gringodeltoro1 14 років тому

    Yoo hoo, hello ! The black block is paid by the police, ok ? Understood? yes? good !

  • @nubbs1320
    @nubbs1320 14 років тому

    excuse me? if im the stalker how come i made my first comment here THREE days ago (having an exchange with several people) while you made your first comment here TWO days ago, the point of which was to insult me. this is not the first time you've done this, where ive made a comment and later, out of nowhere, you make a comment calling me a freak or something. let's get the facts straight - you are the freak who sent me your picture and personal info. i then blocked you. and now im reporting you

  • @Unkn0wnGuy
    @Unkn0wnGuy 14 років тому

    What a waste of money... let another country host the g20.

  • @cyclehank1
    @cyclehank1 14 років тому

    you call anarcist i call under cover to justfi needless vilence against people that have the bully like mantality ya you seen how they police go down to cherry beech and see toronto finest

  • @JWalls28
    @JWalls28 14 років тому

    Miller is great. He managed to avoid getting snookered by Paul Jay's leading questions and attempts to pass off his opinions as facts. I hope he runs again.