David Platt - Why People Don't Make Disciples

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • Free book by David Platt - The 4 Marks of a True Disciple. Click here to download: www.vergenetwo... Free book by David Platt - The 4 Marks of a True Disciple. Click here to download: www.vergenetwo...


  • @crosscarryamerica1553
    @crosscarryamerica1553 10 років тому +6

    Amen, The Lord is worthy! He is worthy of our worship, He is worthy of our love and He is so worthy that we ought to be asking Him how, HOW can WE do More to SHARE this with others who like ourselves have been unworthy but Christ saved us anyway. He died in my place even though I was unworthy. But now with Christ in me I am Worthy, I am worthy to be an Ambassador of Christ, I am Worthy to be sent and I am worthy to share my knowledge with whoever Christ says needs to hear the Gospel. He told us to Go into all creation and share and that is what I want to do and AM doing. In Jesus Name , AMEN

  • @sophiadej1
    @sophiadej1 2 місяці тому

    Proclaim a life giving Gospel and share God's Love and Grace to all people. 20:36

  • @mitchielou9622
    @mitchielou9622 11 років тому +1

    Platt is a real deal teacher. Speaking that truth!

  • @CalebSuko
    @CalebSuko 11 років тому +1

    Well said David! At the very least many of Jesus' disciples have been misguided to think that the job of making disciples is the job of pastors and evangelists!

  • @realmelo9999
    @realmelo9999 3 роки тому +4

    This is SO GOOD!! Not good that it’s a reality with the lack of true discipleship today, but I’m so refreshed hearing this to see that Christ is being taken seriously by biblically-minded Christians devoted to serving God in making disciples, sharing the gospel and not compromising 🙌🏻 Thankyou for sharing this!

  • @blooms0120
    @blooms0120 11 років тому +1

    Glory glory glory. Amen.

  • @Bkintariah
    @Bkintariah 11 років тому +1

    Thank you! Amen and Amen..

  • @macknbeezy10
    @macknbeezy10 11 років тому

    Me and the men in my church are taking the Follow Me bible study by David Platt, can't wait

  • @ChaplainTray
    @ChaplainTray Рік тому +1

    Blessed me deeply

  • @ignitethefirewithministert3649

    WOW, so true, modern evangelism runs the risk of disillusioning millions of souls. It’s not about a 30 second prayer, or filling out a card with your name. It’s about true and genuine repentance, that leads to conversion, that leads to regeneration, that leads to a life producing fruit worthy of true repentance, that leads to a desire to follow Jesus, that leads to a desire to read His Word, and fellowship with the brethren, that leads to true discipleship and growth into the image of Christ.

  • @clemencembuya6732
    @clemencembuya6732 Рік тому

    Be blessed

  • @lukebeam4058
    @lukebeam4058 11 років тому +1


  • @XploitDaPoor
    @XploitDaPoor 3 роки тому +2

    His speech basically proves that mediators are simply a positive thing in Christianity. Mediators do not usurp Jesus as the sole mediator because a Christian is but a part of the Body of Christ. 1 Timothy 2:5 is a passage where Paul clearly states people should pray for everyone especially our leaders. This passage has more to do with praying for our leaders than stating there are no other mediators. And Jesus absolutely delegated the mediation of forgiveness with John 20:19-23.
    Praying to God for his intervention in another’s life is by definition of being a mediator.

  • @Payte
    @Payte 11 років тому +1

    Trueeee dat.

  • @sunnycriti9809
    @sunnycriti9809 2 роки тому +2

    Becoming a disciple is a right step. Christ Jesus will teach us the higher things in live. Decrease Materialism

  • @jimkraft9445
    @jimkraft9445 Рік тому +1

    Salvation is a free GIFT from God. Romans 6:23. Discipleship is for rewards in heaven, First Corinthians 3:11-15, and to keep from the chastening of the Lord for the saved sinner. Colossians 3:5-6.
    First Corinthians 5:5. Turn such a one over to Satan to kill the flesh, so that his Spirit, Ephesians 1:13-14, may be saved in the day of the Lord. This was a born again believer who was sleeping with his fathers wife. He was about to lose his life, and the rewards in heaven he could have had, but the man was still saved. John 3:18. Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. The rapture of the church. First Corinthians 15:51-53, and First Thessalonians 4:13-18.
    First John 2:2 For He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. John 3:18. John 6:47. God cannot lie. The only reason I cannot go to hell is because I have no sins to pay for. Jesus died, paid my sin debt in full, Romans 4:7-8, so I can never be condemned again.

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 Рік тому

    " make disciples of all nations" - ( matheteusate ta ethne in the original Greek text ), is still the direct command of Christ Jesus! You see every finished, complete disciple of Jesus Christ is a blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God. But, every blood- bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God is not a disciple of Jesus Christ. Those have to be made by one who has been discipled to be a disciple to make still more disciples in Christ Jesus. This command of Matthew 28:18-20 is just that. It is not a concept to consider it is the direct command of Christ Jesus to be obeyed.

  • @paulrivalto1974
    @paulrivalto1974 Рік тому

    Every true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God is not necessarily a disciple of Christ Jesus. However every true and finished disciple of Christ Jesus is a true blood-bought, born-again, child of Jehovah God. For disciples have to be made! Then it's our direct command from Christ Himself to make them. " All authority ( Greek word exousia) has been given unto Me, go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations, ( matheteusate ta ethne in the original Greek text), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you, and lo I am with you always even to the end of the age. " Matthew 28:18-20. Full obedience to this command answers the prayer to the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers for the fields ripe unto harvest. Matthew 9:37-38. Putting feet into ministry not just butts in pews.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt Рік тому +1

    Because “making disciples” in this individualistic way you go about it is unbiblical. Jesus told His disciples to go and teach the nations. Not to have disciples discipling disciplers.

  • @blondboozebaron
    @blondboozebaron 2 роки тому

    People don't make disciples?
    They can if they decide to measure with the Word GOD being Sacrificed for its Kingdom, not our arguments.
    Let's use the Life with the Light Christ brings as Holy.
    Respond to the Word GOD being drawn together in agreement as children with our honored dead ancestors being forgiven in truth.
    Kneeling to give picture on Earth.
    G is an incomplete whole with one square angle drawn in Earth.
    O is a Whole measure.
    D is a split whole with two square angles drawn in Earth.
    Sacrificed , Holy measured.
    As we add a Whole relationship to the Words middle way we see GOOD expanded from its Whole contracted image together.
    As we draw the Words first and last remains into its Whole middle way to measure a Whole halved once squared twice to the right for its:
    Time 12-3-6
    Time, times 12x-3-6
    Time, times and half a time 1/2x-3-6
    Additional elements from the table:
    12 Magnesium
    3 Lithium
    6 Carbon
    1 Hydrogen
    One clock wise cycle out of many observed and measured from drawing the Words Whole understanding together.
    As the Word GOD is Holy:
    Life is a Whole held by a short line and up by a long line.
    Truth is a long line crossed by a short line.
    Way is a long line toward a Whole image.
    Those three pictures come from Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
    Thanks for taking the time to draw the Word together with me.
    As we are incompletely whole being split from its measure together from accepting the Sacrifice of the Word GOD.

  • @TheMinimalistSparrow
    @TheMinimalistSparrow 2 роки тому

    Unsaved devil….

  • @Rinian85
    @Rinian85 10 років тому

    Romans 10 dude! It isn't a superstition or coolade.

    • @atruckerschannel2971
      @atruckerschannel2971 10 років тому +1

      If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
      (Romans 10:9)
      Sir, please don’t rip this from the context of Scripture. To believe is faith and faith is proven by works (James 2:19-20). A mere declaration with one’s mouth for Salvation would make Y’shua a liar and false prophet; because Christ said many will have declared Him as Lord and will NOT be saved (Matt 7:21-23). I believe Christ prophesied of this generation, in this country, with it’s superstitious prayer and christian walk. Platt is talking about the great commission, the only purpose a Christian has in life, which is to spread the Gospel and not warm pews, absorb in TV, moves, sports, and the likes. In that, this is the will of the Father that none shall perish (2 Peter 3:9); therefore He sent His Son so that the Gospel will be preached to the end of the Earth (Luke 24:47). Yet many will profess the name of the Lord with their mouth and NOT done the will of the Father (Matt 7:21); nor those who did not repent of their sin (Matt 7:22-23).
      The parable of Abiding in the Vine, the parable of the sower, and the parable of Swept Clean and Empty all tell how the lack of discipleship to those who are lost will cause those who claim to know God to be pruned off, choked out, judged by those who did the will of God. When put into context, "declare with your mouth" is the decibel making, non denying, spreading the truth of Christ to the World; and not a simple prayer.
      Don’t put your faith in comfortable cliche’s or doctrine made from Scripture pulled from context that is contradictory to the Gospel as a whole.
      God Bless.

    • @Rinian85
      @Rinian85 10 років тому

      RevealedRevelations My faith isn't based in cliches but in the Word of God. And the Word clearly says confessing with your mouth, which by the way is an action, and believing with your heart, which is also an action. I believe that faith without works is dead, but on the hand works without faith pointless. You have just acused me of putting my faith in comfortable cliche’s or doctrine made from Scripture pulled from context that is contradictory to the Gospel as a whole, yet you don't know who I am or what I've done for the body of Christ. You talk of the Gospel, well what of the Thief on cross, he was not baptized, he didn't live for God, he probably never even read the Old Testament, and definitely didn't make self-glorifying youtube channel, YET he confessed before men and believed with heart and he went with Christ into Paradise! What are you doing for Christ?

    • @Rinian85
      @Rinian85 10 років тому

      ***** My faith isn't based in cliches but in the Word of God. And the Word clearly says confessing with your mouth, which by the way is an action, and believing with your heart, which is also an action. I believe that faith without works is dead, but on the hand works without faith pointless. You have just acused me of putting my faith in comfortable cliche’s or doctrine made from Scripture pulled from context that is contradictory to the Gospel as a whole, yet you don't know who I am or what I've done for the body of Christ. You talk of the Gospel, well what of the Thief on cross, he was not baptized, he didn't live for God, he probably never even read the Old Testament, and definitely didn't make self-glorifying youtube channel, YET he confessed before men and believed with heart and he went with Christ into Paradise! What are you doing for Christ? 

    • @atruckerschannel2971
      @atruckerschannel2971 10 років тому

      Stephen Webster You must have read into what I was saying. This is not hard, I’ve been guilty of it myself. The written word is without tone and without facial expression, therefore we inject our own feelings at the time of reading.
      I rarely comment on these channels. I typically only interject when I think the person has much more to offer than what they may be showing. That means nothing as God once spoke through a donkey and I’m just a dumb sheep but I’m not one of those who live on here to argue with people.
      In that, I did not accuse you of putting your faith in a comfortable cliche but it was more of a warning based on a fact that you and I both know to be true. There are plenty of people, both in and out of the church, that profess to be Christian but they live like the world, refusing to repent of their sinful ways, and refusing to make Christ Lord and King of their lives. These people said a “sinners prayer” and believe they are going to Heaven when their fruits, compared to the Gospel, says otherwise. This is what Platt is coming at here. One can say the sinners prayer, it’s not pagan or ungodly, but doing so without a true repentance and accepting Christ as Lord makes it useless. In this, my comment was one of warning as please don’t put your faith in this belief as there is much more in the Bible. In efforts of keeping my long winded self short, I failed on the point I was trying to make.
      My comment was not to spark a debate between Grace and works, but rather as the parallel to “believe in your heart”. You are correct, works does not save. There are plenty of people that are kind and loving, but the difference in God’s people is that we are kind and loving to those who are not kind and loving to us - our works surpass that of the worlds; yet are not as much a condition of Salvation but a witness of our Salvation.
      This brings us to the thief on the cross. This is called Cherry Picking, and we all are guilty of this a various points in our lives. In that we point at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. We can’t make a doctrine on a subject we know very little about; and which doctrine would be contrary to the Scripture as a whole. The thief confessed his sin, confessed Christ’s innocents, and confessed Christ’s Lordship; other than this, we know nothing else. This is where the cliche’ comes in that “only God knows the heart”. We were not given a chance to see the fruits of this man’s confession but God knew what would come if he were able to live. To use this incident to promote the prayer of confession in the lackluster way it’s presented today is to go against all the other Scriptures that says we must repent, forgive, love, visit the prisoner, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, don’t store up, and most importantly is to make disciples. Though one can not live this kind of life without God, these are not things that God does through us. All these statements, in Scripture, are active statements in that we do them. It’s also clear that if we do not do them, we are not of Him. This is the subject of this video as a whole.
      What am I doing for Christ? I did not challenge this question of you because I don’t have the right to do so. In the same manner, you don’t have the right to challenge another on this statement. It would appear, in it’s defensive manner stated, that you meant this statement as a red herring. What I do for Christ I do not announce to the other hand. The majority of professing Christians, who know my life, reject my life and would never follow it. I’ve been accused of “works” for salvation when I actually have a genuine love for what I do. Yet, in all I do, as with any person we may see as so “godly” in their life, I’m still an unfaithful servant doing what God as commanded of me (Luke 17:9-10).
      Stay in the Word and Blessings from God

    • @Rinian85
      @Rinian85 10 років тому

      ***** I have know desire to argue with you. I can see you have a heart for God and you're a brother in Christ. However I will say this, I was saved through the alter call along with every member of my family so many generations back that I can't count. Everyone of us gave our lives and repented for our sins. I gave Jesus all of my life and repented of who was, I am born of water and of Spirit to live for Christ and die for Adam, and all of this began at an alter call. I met Jesus 21 years ago and have loved Him ever since. Now mind I'm boasting of what I did but of what Jesus did. He called me to the alter. I bent down before Him and He entered in my heart and became Lord of my life many years ago, and to this day He is my King and my God. I let you know a little of who I am so that you'll understand why taking a stand against what this pastor is saying. My name is Stephen. I and my family missionaries to Russia. For the past 20 years ever since I was a boy, my family and I have been serving the Lord above the artic circle. We have given everything for Christ and He has returned us a hundred fold. All of this began at the alter call. And now look on the church in the US. I see Christians speaking Christ but not living Him, and see in responce an attitude fit for a pharisee full of judgement. The House is divided against itself! The sinners are laughing at the Body of Christ, because we don't live Jesus and we're too busy fighting each other, rather than loving and understanding each other. I'm sure David Platt means well but his statements mock my birthday in the Lord and every other person's that have been lead to Jesus through the alter call, and that's wrong. You can call it cherry picking if you want but I call it talking like Jesus. When the pharisees came against Jesus He would use one passage to prove them wrong.

  • @gmc4jc74
    @gmc4jc74 11 років тому


  • @gmc4jc74
    @gmc4jc74 11 років тому


  • @oneskepticalguy781
    @oneskepticalguy781 11 років тому +1

    This Pastor is a real viper, spewing poison!
    Perhaps the real reason why people dont disciple is because Pastors like this clown have completely perverted the Gospel!
    You have to be a blithering idiot to believe that "Believe Jesus or you will be tortured in hell for an eternity" is "Good News"

  • @frankwhite5119
    @frankwhite5119 5 місяців тому

    -Why don't people make disciples? My answer. Because they don't teach children how then children can become disciples of Jesus. The Holy Spirit teaches children and they come to faith more easily than adults who do not understand, for example Pentecostals. Me too when I was 3 years old and it was wonderful at the time. Yes Jesus himself did become blessed and many others as well.