You will love it. Here's a link to the sound and light module I used on it.¤cy=USD&cur_warehouse=CN&createTmp=1&ad_id=513001116163&gclid=CjwKCAjw9e6SBhB2EiwA5myr9jZ3aIvci_nJw8bqgp7FgWL4nrsdR3xbf88a8SstQjJrMjuNLLR_CBoC5NgQAvD_BwE
Mine should arrive this week, i bought it in ALL Orange, cant wait for it to arrive.
You will love it. Here's a link to the sound and light module I used on it.¤cy=USD&cur_warehouse=CN&createTmp=1&ad_id=513001116163&gclid=CjwKCAjw9e6SBhB2EiwA5myr9jZ3aIvci_nJw8bqgp7FgWL4nrsdR3xbf88a8SstQjJrMjuNLLR_CBoC5NgQAvD_BwE