@@Woodyisasexybeast Can't wait - it might be worth putting Quake 2 & 4 together, as they continue the same story. Quake 3 unfortunately is low on story, but it's nice to see the Ranger from Q1 is still going in it!
I’d love to and plan to. I found call of the machine to be very interesting and loved how it actually connected the two games. I never thought I’d be so happy to see shamblers lol
@@carloRX78K2no quake 2 is not a true sequel...that was a bit of fun...maybe a bit of two realities crashing together...but their better off as aeen as separate.
If it's true that a Quake remake/reboot/sequel is in the works I hope they keep Scourge of Armageddon, Dissolution of eternity, Dimension of the past and Dimension of the machine canon
I’m certain they will. Dimension of the Machine is brand new and was released alongside the recent remaster. It seemingly helps connect Quake and Quake II.
@@Woodyisasexybeastespecially because of Quake 2s dlc called Call of the Machine. It’s very similar and you even travel to some familiar places during it too
Well I just hope we get a quake 6. As a hot take, i’m not very hyper doom dark ages. I would’ve preferred a quake game instead. I’m seeing this as a doom and quake fan myself.
The part that blew my mind discovering it 28 years later is the crates we see in E1M2 featuring a logo that would be repurposed as the Strogg emblem in Quake 2. Like many, I'd long accepted the idea that the second Quake abandoned the first game's basic lore entirely, but we see things like the Ogre's having a chainsaw and a grenade launcher, and most of Quake 1's bestiary is hideous mutated or mutilated creatures, and the idea that this lore evolves into the one inhabited by the Strogg is not a hard leap to make.
Damn, this Ranger guy is no different from DOOM guy. The story in the base game is all too similar to doom 1, how the research facility conducted teleportation experiments, how it messed up and started summoning demonic hordes, how the main character had to fight them all off in their own territory and how they lost their sanity in fighting them.
No. His struggle in the comic that I used throughout this video is all we’ve got. I imagine they’re fine though. The Shub incident was pretty self contained. Especially considering it seems all but forgotten about during the Strogg war. Quake II’s Call of the Machine seems to show that humanity doesn’t know about Shub-Niggurath at all. In the case of Doom guy, it’s not confirmed that his family was killed by the demons but given his rage, I imagine that’s exactly what happened.
@@Woodyisasexybeast no actually in the case of doomguy, it was confirmed that both his family and his bunny were killed. About quake, yeah now i feel that everything is falling into place. It's different from DOOM and it's because it takes place in a different multiverse. Quake champions is where all these universes overlap, isn't it?
No no, you’re misunderstanding me. His family for sure died and Daisy for sure died at the hands of the demons. We don’t know for certain whether or not his family was killed by demons though. Daisy is the only one that’s 100% confirmed. Doom and Quake are absolutely within the same multiverse. Quake 3 and Champions have shown us as much
Thanks a lot. The original cut used the Quake soundtrack but sadly, I wasn’t allowed to use it and had to re-edit the video with Halo stuff. Is what it is I suppose 🤷♂️
Nice. Amazing work. I'd love to see a remake of this one, keeping the movement aspect intact. I wish Quake Champions would give us more lore of Ranger.
You should check out the comic, Quake Champions. I used some of it in this video to help flesh out the rangers backstory and give him some more context. It’s a really cool comic and totally worth the read. Only one section is from his POV though.
I like how right away by level 2 the game introduced you to the concept that whatever turned your marines and hounds, also turned knights from the past, and they too were turned into beings who feel no pain and only derrive pleasure from killing.
I have been a Doom fan for a long time but the creepy, dark gothic supernatural variation Quake brings is so nice. Quake is like "horror Doom" if that makes sense.
21:33 based on Quake Champions I think the base was sealed to keep the Ranger from escaping since he was called to the Slipgate Complex in the first place to be a sacrifice to Shub Niggurath
I appreciate the effort, very detailed. I played Quake 1 and 2 as a kid, never really understood the story. You should make a video where its just the story of each game as you progress, without the details of what the players thoughts or smaller details. Not that I don't appreciate the effort into this, but a timeline video might get alot more views. There isnt a timeline about quake yet on YT.
I have something like that for Quake II and every other game dealing with the Strogg war. Quake II, it’s DLCs, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Quake 4. It’s sort of similar in that I talk about the characters thoughts and things. That’s not a bad idea though and it’s something I’ve been thinking about. A more generalized timeline that’s sort of outside the characters heads for the most part
I believe that mysterious voice was suppose to be Legond. From what I've understand, she is in Abyss of Pandemonium. Though, it's not a mission pack as we know, but it was suppose to be. If that were true, it would explained everything about that mysterious voice. Because an unanswered question I (or we) have is, who was that voice? Because Shub Niggurath is dead (although, to be honest, the entity in that pit was only a Dark Young and not her true self), Armagon is dead, the Wraith Overlord is dead. It could be the dragon honestly. We have multiple instances in movies and video games allowed dragons to talk telepathically. So, if it wasn't the Dragon, I think it was suppose to be Legond. Because she was also a general of Quake. But of course, we're focused what's official. I don't know, I just wonder how it would it pan out if Abyss of Pandemonium was actually canon.
I’d never heard of Abyss of Pandemonium until this comment. It’s not an official release so I would agree with you that it isn’t canon. They could always release it through their add ons system though. Not that that would make it canon because there are plenty of add ons that aren’t. I like this “Dark Young” idea. I’ve also never heard of it until this comment. The idea that Shub might still exist in some capacity is interesting. I assume that the forces of Quake are lead by gods with a little g and that something greater exists beyond them. The rulers of the arena eternal, specifically. Perhaps they’re the ones responsible for the creation of the lightning mechanism used to dispatch Chthon the first time around? That’s the only other really big unanswered question. A question I find more mysterious and intriguing than the identity of the voice. It’s very possible that the voice was the dragon but the little bit of lore from that DLC is very vague. So it could really go either way. I think that might’ve been the original intention but it’s really hard to say with absolute certainty.
@@Woodyisasexybeast The dragon sounds more plausible the more I think about it. Though, I'm just curious, had Abyss of Pandemonium made the cut based on the rumors making it sound official, I wonder how the time timeline would of shifted. You'd have to play the mappack yourself a few times to try to get a sense of the history behind it too if there was any curiosity. Honestly, I consider it the "unofficial" 3rd mission pack based on where it would of sat it's own release, although we already know Dimension of the Past is real official one.
plot twist: the marine's mind was so corrupted after being inside that dimension and Shub-Niggurath for so long that when he returned he saw everyone else as monsters that he has to dispatch
Very good video. Would like to see a Quake II/IV and Quake III video. About Hallo, I like to imagine there is no Halo 5 and no Halo 6 (although Halo 6's open world was great). I liked the story until the end of 4. I remember being so pumped with the Halo 5 trailer where Master Chief was in the desert with Cortana's broken chip and a huge creature emerges, but then the game came out in it's final form, all that was shown on the trailer was not present in the game, and the story was not good.
Glad you enjoyed. This was quite the effort to produce. I like Halo 5 and Infinite. Both stories would’ve been much better had they stuck to their guns and not coarse corrected so hard. The Didact should’ve reappeared and Cortana’s created should’ve stuck around. They needed more time to develop both plots. I can’t stand retcons. Running with mistakes and improving upon them with content later is always the way to go. Though I am glad that Infinite brought the Banished into an FPS.
going off of the multiverse theory the forces of Doom and the Forces of Quake are likely the same or competing forces of conquering. Both transform, demonify, mutate, and cybernetically augment creatures of the past present and future from all over the galaxy. They also warp and merge environments they have conquered in a combined pocket dimension that simultaneously is its own place, yet connects to real 3d spaces that can be reached through traditional means. They were the OG "Taken King" The reason they have their rooms all connect conveniently through a series of teleporter gates, is because these mfs spread like vines if you think about it. The gates are like treating the hotspots of invasion in 3d space like a series of tubes or vascular system in a plant. They branch from a common source. They need to connect this way to make it convenient for the head-hancho to reach the outer expanse of invasions and maintain a constant directional flow of minions outward through space and time. You using these gates to REACH the big bad is something the big bad doesn't intend for unless its a bleeding heart begging to die like the Wall Demon from the end of Doom 2 I notice "all good boomer shooters" have this thing going on. Why do we think half life 1 and 2 are so cool? for many reasons but this type of threat you are up against is one of them. You are a guy who wasnt meant to survive these odds, and thats why it seems convenient that all the gates lead to you taking out the big bad. Ur the counter conqueror. Ur alexander the great cutting the gordion knot. Taking out a complex problem with a brute force and direct approach. - nobody thought you'd just blast the walls of a labrynth down and hijack THEIR invasion gates because they thought you'd be bones by now.
Being that Quake is based on Lovecraft lore, you can say that both the Thunderbolt and the machine used to kill Chthon are yithian technology. The Yith used electricity based weapons to face their enemies, namely the flying polyps, in The Shadow Out of Time. Even in the game "Call Of Chthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth" you eventually aquire the yithian cannon, an hybrid between HL's Gauss Cannon and Quake's Thunderbolt with infinite ammo.
That’s really interesting. I don’t know much about lovecraftian mythology but it would make a lot of sense that a previous civilization that had been consumed by Shub-Niggurath left some technology behind. Perhaps even intentionally so.
@@Woodyisasexybeast the Great Race of Yith (that's the full name) were a technocratic race of aliens that lived in prehistoric Australia and mastered, among other things, a form of time travel that involves a body switch, were the mind of the target from the era goes to the body of the yithian explorer and vice versa. While the unfortunate soul that now resides in an alien body is forced to write down everything it knows about its era, the yithian in its body takes in knowledge of that era, so it can write down more when it comes back home. The explorers can use the material from that era to create machines based on its own technology. They also predicted their downfall and escape in new bodies to survive the incoming apocalypse brought upon by the elder gods and other eldritch creatures. So they probably predicted that Chthon was weak against electricity and hid the thunder machine (hence why you have to lower the rods yourself instead of finding them already in place. Maybe a way to move behind Shub-Nigurrath's back and help Ranger in his quest? Possibly. Bear in mind that, whathever the Yith does, its for their own agenda, so Ranger's actions just happened to cross their plans in their favor.
I’m certainly not against giving them a try. I mainly tackled Quake because of its narrative connections to Doom and I’m pretty damn certain id or machingames are working on a new one.
I don't remember anything past the Shub Nuggarth fight and I played this game a lot as a kid. Were the levels after added for other ports (besides PC) or available for harder difficulties? I feel like the additional portals weren't there when I played.
Everything after Shub is DLC. Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity were official level packs for the original PC version of the game. Dimension of the Past was made in 2016 by one of the main devs at MachineGames. The final DLC, Dimension of the Machine, was created very recently and made available along side the 2021 re-release of the game.
One question: Why is the in-game text a black box with simple windows font? Edit: Another question: Didn't Dimensions of the Past take place between the original Q1 campaign and Scourge of Armagon?
Id was good at saving resources. Where’d you hear that? I did this in release order because there’s no other way to date these. Especially considering they seem to take place beyond linear time.
@@Woodyisasexybeastread it on wikipedia, they even linked three sources to it, but looking at the linked sources, it appears that there's no factual information to prove this. Weird, why include the sources as proof if they're arbitrary at best?
@georgeoldsterd8994 (reposting my comment so you see my edits) that basically sums up my entire experience with both the Doom and Quake wikis. They’re extremely unreliable and almost never cite actual sources. I’m still trying to track down where it’s stated that the capital ship Bitterman is aboard during Quake II is called the Phobos. That’s what the wiki claims but I’ve seen literally 0 evidence of that elsewhere. I just found the links you’re referring to. Didn’t realize you meant Wikipedia proper. How strange. I think they’re saying that because it’s listed as “episode 5: dimension of the machine”. Suggesting it takes place right after episode 4, the netherworld. Not so sure that means it actually takes place between them though 🤷♂️
@@Woodyisasexybeastthere's a document called "countdown to armageddon" IIRC that tells the story of Bitterman from his enlistment into the 101st Spaceborne to op alien overlord, it was released at the same time as the game and is the enlarged version of the story told in Q2's manual, wasn't the name Phobos mentioned here ?
I found it over the internet from official sources when I was a child and I was pretty desperate to know more about what is going on in the game. It details the Strogg war, mentions other planets fought over by humans before they attack Stroggos, tells the news stories overheard in the opening cinematic in greater detail, and mentions how the Strogg use human corpses as fuel. Bitterman earned his medals destroying anti air artillery during a drop. It's authored by the guy who wrote the manual story, which was shortened because id prolly thought the story didn't need to be that detailed.
Personally I still think Doom 2016 (and doom eternal) is Quake with Doom skin on it. Don't even get me started on the new Doom that is coming lol. I love both series and I know they are connected, but I would have enjoyed the newer dooms alot more if they were called Quake, cause that's how they play.
@@Woodyisasexybeastin the latest gameplay trailer for Doom the dark ages it says something like travel to the furthest reaches of the Doom universe and worlds beyond and when it says worlds beyond it shows an environment that looks very quake like so maybe Doomslayer will briefly travel to the worlds of quake
With the recent release of Qdoom on the Quake add-ons I would like to think after dimension of the machine the portal took ranger to Qdoom where the creatures of Doom and quake come together. I don't think Qdoom is supposed to be cannon but I would like to think that's what happened after Ranger defeated Chton a second time in dimension of the machine
In all seriousness, I imagine that’s what might end up happening. Sort of. If id is working on a new Quake game like I suspect, I imagine it’ll tie into Doom somehow.
Nice job man but every first mission of the various episodes being in a tech base means this is clearly the "secret facility" spoken about in the lore, the start map with difficulty and episode select isn't canon. These levels take place on Earth, and the enemies you face are soldiers corrupted by Quake, it's even mentioned in the manual that their neural network has been reworked so they feel pleasure when they kill. These are the "death squads" sent by Quake through the portal to take the facilities. It is pretty strongly implied that the human-made slipgates somehow connected with the Quake-made ones and are now used by those at the other side to conquer Earth, like many other worlds before it.
I’m still not sure if the start map is considered canon but I lean towards yes because Quake Champions has some stuff from the Rangers perspective where he mentions the facility being a death trap. Here’s a quote: “They didn’t tell me much about the Slipgate. They had hired some creepy egghead to build it in the underground levels - Gilman, I think his name was. But what else was he doing down there? Why was the facility laid out like a death trap? When I used that first Slipgate, I got zapped to somewhere else, but it looked the same. Had they already gone through and built a base on the other side? What about those psycho Marines, the poor bastards? Who did that to them? Was it Quake, or was it Gilman?" The way this is framed leads me to believe that area, at least to a certain extent, is canon. Mostly because he speaks of entering a screwed up facility BEFORE stepping through the first slip gate.
If I was to delve into conjecture a bit, I'd guess the soldiers went probably sent through the gates to explore what's on the other side or fight back Quake's creatures, and were returned... changed, as the ones responsible for taking control of the facilities.
@@Woodyisasexybeasti see, it makes perfect sense. Like you said, it seems this Gilman was some sort of Elder God worshipper the same way Betruger is in Doom 3, and that area could be seen as some sort of place of worship. Pretty cool ! He could have implanted the soldiers himself then, to take control of the base for Quake, and Ranger wasn't turned because he wasn't in the base then. Interesting thoughts, it's nice and weird to see things differently after having played the game for decades
I tried to say their names throughout whenever I talked about them but here’s a list. Base game Standard infantry - grunt Heavy infantry - enforcer Dog - Rottweiler Zombie - zombie Grenade thrower - ogre Small armored guy- knight Big armored guy - death knight 4 legged freak - fiend Flying prick - scrag Giant electricity flinger - shambler Gooey guy - spawn 3 legged thing - vore Lava dude - Chthon final boss - Shub-Niggurath Scourge of armagon Bat like corpse eater - gremlin Scorpion - centroid Seed pod - spike mine Final boss - armagon Dissolution of eternity Flying reaper guy - wraith Flying reaper guy boss - overlord Floating sword - phantom swordsman Eel - electric eel Statue - statue Upgraded spawn - hell spawn Multi nade douche - multi-grenade ogre Mummy - mummy Egyptian guys - guardian (3 different versions) Small Chthon - Hephaestus Dragon - dragon
This is awesome! Thanks for doing this, I love Quake 1 lore - please do all the Quakes!
Thank you :). I’m planning on doing Quake II at some point as well
@@Woodyisasexybeast Can't wait - it might be worth putting Quake 2 & 4 together, as they continue the same story. Quake 3 unfortunately is low on story, but it's nice to see the Ranger from Q1 is still going in it!
That was a thought I had but I’m not sure.
If you look hard enough there is a fairly substantial amount of q3 lore to explore
@@SlimeBlueMS Please point me in the right direction!
This was very good. It was very detailed too and the inclusion of the comics is nice.
I hope you make a quake 2 lore with its recent remaster "Call of the Machine"
I’d love to and plan to. I found call of the machine to be very interesting and loved how it actually connected the two games. I never thought I’d be so happy to see shamblers lol
@@Woodyisasexybeast yeah, infact call of the machine confirms quake 2 is not just a sequel in name anymore it is THE sequel for quake 1.
@@carloRX78K2no quake 2 is not a true sequel...that was a bit of fun...maybe a bit of two realities crashing together...but their better off as aeen as separate.
If it's true that a Quake remake/reboot/sequel is in the works I hope they keep Scourge of Armageddon, Dissolution of eternity, Dimension of the past and Dimension of the machine canon
I’m certain they will. Dimension of the Machine is brand new and was released alongside the recent remaster. It seemingly helps connect Quake and Quake II.
@@Woodyisasexybeastespecially because of Quake 2s dlc called Call of the Machine. It’s very similar and you even travel to some familiar places during it too
@ColeGenthe-kw7qf oh yeah, I’m quite familiar. I did a breakdown similar to this for Quake II and all of its DLCs
Well I just hope we get a quake 6. As a hot take, i’m not very hyper doom dark ages. I would’ve preferred a quake game instead. I’m seeing this as a doom and quake fan myself.
@b_radbrad8899 I’m crossing my fingers that Dark Ages is secretly a back door Quake game
The part that blew my mind discovering it 28 years later is the crates we see in E1M2 featuring a logo that would be repurposed as the Strogg emblem in Quake 2. Like many, I'd long accepted the idea that the second Quake abandoned the first game's basic lore entirely, but we see things like the Ogre's having a chainsaw and a grenade launcher, and most of Quake 1's bestiary is hideous mutated or mutilated creatures, and the idea that this lore evolves into the one inhabited by the Strogg is not a hard leap to make.
100%. I talk about this a bit in my Quake II break down
Quake 2 and the others were fun, I enjoyed them, but Quake 1 was so iconic to me and will always be my favorite. The zombies used to terrify me!
Nice, I like this recap! It was an interesting watch / listen! Especially as I map for Quake! :P
Damn, this Ranger guy is no different from DOOM guy. The story in the base game is all too similar to doom 1, how the research facility conducted teleportation experiments, how it messed up and started summoning demonic hordes, how the main character had to fight them all off in their own territory and how they lost their sanity in fighting them.
Loss of family is the same too. Doom guy had a wife and kid (as seen on a picture within the fortress of doom)
@@Woodyisasexybeast is it confirmed that Ranger guy loses his family as well to the quake forces?
No. His struggle in the comic that I used throughout this video is all we’ve got. I imagine they’re fine though. The Shub incident was pretty self contained. Especially considering it seems all but forgotten about during the Strogg war. Quake II’s Call of the Machine seems to show that humanity doesn’t know about Shub-Niggurath at all.
In the case of Doom guy, it’s not confirmed that his family was killed by the demons but given his rage, I imagine that’s exactly what happened.
@@Woodyisasexybeast no actually in the case of doomguy, it was confirmed that both his family and his bunny were killed.
About quake, yeah now i feel that everything is falling into place. It's different from DOOM and it's because it takes place in a different multiverse. Quake champions is where all these universes overlap, isn't it?
No no, you’re misunderstanding me. His family for sure died and Daisy for sure died at the hands of the demons. We don’t know for certain whether or not his family was killed by demons though. Daisy is the only one that’s 100% confirmed.
Doom and Quake are absolutely within the same multiverse. Quake 3 and Champions have shown us as much
Very nice and in depth video. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep up the good job man!
Just got back into Quake so this was a great reminder of the game. Thank you.
Sure thing. I actually just posted a massive breakdown of Quake II, 4 and everything in between (the entirety of the Strogg war)
@@Woodyisasexybeast i'll give it a watch no doubt. Must have taken a lot of work to make.
@Induna123 you have no idea lol
Gotta be like 100 hours worth of time put into that beast
Thank you for making this for us , I just finished quake 2 and wondered if there was any lore behind this awesome game 🎉🎉
Working on a Quake II breakdown as well
Halo music works well for this. Great work!
Thanks a lot. The original cut used the Quake soundtrack but sadly, I wasn’t allowed to use it and had to re-edit the video with Halo stuff. Is what it is I suppose 🤷♂️
Nice. Amazing work. I'd love to see a remake of this one, keeping the movement aspect intact.
I wish Quake Champions would give us more lore of Ranger.
You should check out the comic, Quake Champions. I used some of it in this video to help flesh out the rangers backstory and give him some more context. It’s a really cool comic and totally worth the read. Only one section is from his POV though.
This video makes it look easy
Hard/Nightmare are NO JOKE. especially in the expansions
Thank you for this great video! And THANK YOU for a completely ad free experience!!!
Thanks though I have no idea why you saw no ads. I need every penny I can get cause making these is a lot of work 😅
@@Woodyisasexybeast He must have an ad blocker on as I saw the ads
@Induna123 almost certainly
@@Induna123 UA-cam app does not have ad blockers.
@@Woodyisasexybeast UA-cam app does not have ad blockers.
I came here for Quake but I’m leaving a comment to say this is so well made. You did an exceptional job here man 🫡
I like how right away by level 2 the game introduced you to the concept that whatever turned your marines and hounds, also turned knights from the past, and they too were turned into beings who feel no pain and only derrive pleasure from killing.
Great job Marine 💪🏻 Rip and Tear 🤘🏻
"Small hatchet"
It's actually a battle axe named "Gladus"
I have been a Doom fan for a long time but the creepy, dark gothic supernatural variation Quake brings is so nice. Quake is like "horror Doom" if that makes sense.
21:33 based on Quake Champions I think the base was sealed to keep the Ranger from escaping since he was called to the Slipgate Complex in the first place to be a sacrifice to Shub Niggurath
I appreciate the effort, very detailed.
I played Quake 1 and 2 as a kid, never really understood the story. You should make a video where its just the story of each game as you progress, without the details of what the players thoughts or smaller details. Not that I don't appreciate the effort into this, but a timeline video might get alot more views. There isnt a timeline about quake yet on YT.
I have something like that for Quake II and every other game dealing with the Strogg war. Quake II, it’s DLCs, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and Quake 4. It’s sort of similar in that I talk about the characters thoughts and things. That’s not a bad idea though and it’s something I’ve been thinking about. A more generalized timeline that’s sort of outside the characters heads for the most part
That was done really well, bravo!
bro. thanks for this ! and quake 2 part is amazing too !
I believe that mysterious voice was suppose to be Legond. From what I've understand, she is in Abyss of Pandemonium. Though, it's not a mission pack as we know, but it was suppose to be. If that were true, it would explained everything about that mysterious voice. Because an unanswered question I (or we) have is, who was that voice? Because Shub Niggurath is dead (although, to be honest, the entity in that pit was only a Dark Young and not her true self), Armagon is dead, the Wraith Overlord is dead. It could be the dragon honestly. We have multiple instances in movies and video games allowed dragons to talk telepathically. So, if it wasn't the Dragon, I think it was suppose to be Legond. Because she was also a general of Quake. But of course, we're focused what's official.
I don't know, I just wonder how it would it pan out if Abyss of Pandemonium was actually canon.
I’d never heard of Abyss of Pandemonium until this comment. It’s not an official release so I would agree with you that it isn’t canon. They could always release it through their add ons system though. Not that that would make it canon because there are plenty of add ons that aren’t.
I like this “Dark Young” idea. I’ve also never heard of it until this comment. The idea that Shub might still exist in some capacity is interesting.
I assume that the forces of Quake are lead by gods with a little g and that something greater exists beyond them. The rulers of the arena eternal, specifically. Perhaps they’re the ones responsible for the creation of the lightning mechanism used to dispatch Chthon the first time around? That’s the only other really big unanswered question. A question I find more mysterious and intriguing than the identity of the voice.
It’s very possible that the voice was the dragon but the little bit of lore from that DLC is very vague. So it could really go either way. I think that might’ve been the original intention but it’s really hard to say with absolute certainty.
@@Woodyisasexybeast The dragon sounds more plausible the more I think about it.
Though, I'm just curious, had Abyss of Pandemonium made the cut based on the rumors making it sound official, I wonder how the time timeline would of shifted. You'd have to play the mappack yourself a few times to try to get a sense of the history behind it too if there was any curiosity. Honestly, I consider it the "unofficial" 3rd mission pack based on where it would of sat it's own release, although we already know Dimension of the Past is real official one.
Wow, I played Quake a lot but your storyline is awesome!
Hanging on for that reboot 😅
plot twist: the marine's mind was so corrupted after being inside that dimension and Shub-Niggurath for so long that when he returned he saw everyone else as monsters that he has to dispatch
Oh man. That would be so messed up
enjoyed it a lot. Thank you.
Very good video.
Would like to see a Quake II/IV and Quake III video.
About Hallo, I like to imagine there is no Halo 5 and no Halo 6 (although Halo 6's open world was great). I liked the story until the end of 4. I remember being so pumped with the Halo 5 trailer where Master Chief was in the desert with Cortana's broken chip and a huge creature emerges, but then the game came out in it's final form, all that was shown on the trailer was not present in the game, and the story was not good.
Glad you enjoyed. This was quite the effort to produce.
I like Halo 5 and Infinite. Both stories would’ve been much better had they stuck to their guns and not coarse corrected so hard. The Didact should’ve reappeared and Cortana’s created should’ve stuck around. They needed more time to develop both plots. I can’t stand retcons. Running with mistakes and improving upon them with content later is always the way to go. Though I am glad that Infinite brought the Banished into an FPS.
Built my first pc back in mid 90s to play quake.
going off of the multiverse theory
the forces of Doom and the Forces of Quake are likely the same or competing forces of conquering. Both transform, demonify, mutate, and cybernetically augment creatures of the past present and future from all over the galaxy. They also warp and merge environments they have conquered in a combined pocket dimension that simultaneously is its own place, yet connects to real 3d spaces that can be reached through traditional means. They were the OG "Taken King"
The reason they have their rooms all connect conveniently through a series of teleporter gates, is because these mfs spread like vines if you think about it. The gates are like treating the hotspots of invasion in 3d space like a series of tubes or vascular system in a plant. They branch from a common source. They need to connect this way to make it convenient for the head-hancho to reach the outer expanse of invasions and maintain a constant directional flow of minions outward through space and time. You using these gates to REACH the big bad is something the big bad doesn't intend for unless its a bleeding heart begging to die like the Wall Demon from the end of Doom 2
I notice "all good boomer shooters" have this thing going on. Why do we think half life 1 and 2 are so cool? for many reasons but this type of threat you are up against is one of them.
You are a guy who wasnt meant to survive these odds, and thats why it seems convenient that all the gates lead to you taking out the big bad. Ur the counter conqueror. Ur alexander the great cutting the gordion knot. Taking out a complex problem with a brute force and direct approach. - nobody thought you'd just blast the walls of a labrynth down and hijack THEIR invasion gates because they thought you'd be bones by now.
Just started playing quake for the first time so that means I gotta educate myself on the lore
Enjoy, my friend. The universe isn’t as deep or fleshed out as Halo but it’s fun and interesting if you look closely
Being that Quake is based on Lovecraft lore, you can say that both the Thunderbolt and the machine used to kill Chthon are yithian technology. The Yith used electricity based weapons to face their enemies, namely the flying polyps, in The Shadow Out of Time.
Even in the game "Call Of Chthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth" you eventually aquire the yithian cannon, an hybrid between HL's Gauss Cannon and Quake's Thunderbolt with infinite ammo.
That’s really interesting. I don’t know much about lovecraftian mythology but it would make a lot of sense that a previous civilization that had been consumed by Shub-Niggurath left some technology behind. Perhaps even intentionally so.
@@Woodyisasexybeast the Great Race of Yith (that's the full name) were a technocratic race of aliens that lived in prehistoric Australia and mastered, among other things, a form of time travel that involves a body switch, were the mind of the target from the era goes to the body of the yithian explorer and vice versa. While the unfortunate soul that now resides in an alien body is forced to write down everything it knows about its era, the yithian in its body takes in knowledge of that era, so it can write down more when it comes back home. The explorers can use the material from that era to create machines based on its own technology. They also predicted their downfall and escape in new bodies to survive the incoming apocalypse brought upon by the elder gods and other eldritch creatures.
So they probably predicted that Chthon was weak against electricity and hid the thunder machine (hence why you have to lower the rods yourself instead of finding them already in place. Maybe a way to move behind Shub-Nigurrath's back and help Ranger in his quest? Possibly. Bear in mind that, whathever the Yith does, its for their own agenda, so Ranger's actions just happened to cross their plans in their favor.
Halo Theme and Quake
I wanted to use Quake music but unfortunately, Trent Reznor retained the rights to all of it, so I was unable.
My real "wow what the fuckmoment" in Quake was when you see the shadow of the logo on the floor but there is nothing in the sky...
This is amazing! Could you please do Heretic & HeXen?
I’ve actually never played either. Maybe 🤔
@@Woodyisasexybeast I think you'd at least like Heretic. HeXen is a bit of a love/hate type of game.
I’m certainly not against giving them a try. I mainly tackled Quake because of its narrative connections to Doom and I’m pretty damn certain id or machingames are working on a new one.
@@Woodyisasexybeast Dude I loved this video.
Thank you. I have one for Quake II and the entire Strogg war too
I don't remember anything past the Shub Nuggarth fight and I played this game a lot as a kid. Were the levels after added for other ports (besides PC) or available for harder difficulties? I feel like the additional portals weren't there when I played.
Everything after Shub is DLC. Scourge of Armagon and Dissolution of Eternity were official level packs for the original PC version of the game. Dimension of the Past was made in 2016 by one of the main devs at MachineGames. The final DLC, Dimension of the Machine, was created very recently and made available along side the 2021 re-release of the game.
One question: Why is the in-game text a black box with simple windows font?
Edit: Another question: Didn't Dimensions of the Past take place between the original Q1 campaign and Scourge of Armagon?
Id was good at saving resources.
Where’d you hear that? I did this in release order because there’s no other way to date these. Especially considering they seem to take place beyond linear time.
@@Woodyisasexybeastread it on wikipedia, they even linked three sources to it, but looking at the linked sources, it appears that there's no factual information to prove this. Weird, why include the sources as proof if they're arbitrary at best?
@georgeoldsterd8994 (reposting my comment so you see my edits) that basically sums up my entire experience with both the Doom and Quake wikis. They’re extremely unreliable and almost never cite actual sources. I’m still trying to track down where it’s stated that the capital ship Bitterman is aboard during Quake II is called the Phobos. That’s what the wiki claims but I’ve seen literally 0 evidence of that elsewhere.
I just found the links you’re referring to. Didn’t realize you meant Wikipedia proper. How strange.
I think they’re saying that because it’s listed as “episode 5: dimension of the machine”. Suggesting it takes place right after episode 4, the netherworld. Not so sure that means it actually takes place between them though 🤷♂️
@@Woodyisasexybeastthere's a document called "countdown to armageddon" IIRC that tells the story of Bitterman from his enlistment into the 101st Spaceborne to op alien overlord, it was released at the same time as the game and is the enlarged version of the story told in Q2's manual, wasn't the name Phobos mentioned here ?
I found it over the internet from official sources when I was a child and I was pretty desperate to know more about what is going on in the game. It details the Strogg war, mentions other planets fought over by humans before they attack Stroggos, tells the news stories overheard in the opening cinematic in greater detail, and mentions how the Strogg use human corpses as fuel. Bitterman earned his medals destroying anti air artillery during a drop. It's authored by the guy who wrote the manual story, which was shortened because id prolly thought the story didn't need to be that detailed.
Personally I still think Doom 2016 (and doom eternal) is Quake with Doom skin on it. Don't even get me started on the new Doom that is coming lol.
I love both series and I know they are connected, but I would have enjoyed the newer dooms alot more if they were called Quake, cause that's how they play.
I’m crossing my fingers for a back door Quake connection in The Dark Ages. That would be very cool
@@Woodyisasexybeastin the latest gameplay trailer for Doom the dark ages it says something like travel to the furthest reaches of the Doom universe and worlds beyond and when it says worlds beyond it shows an environment that looks very quake like so maybe Doomslayer will briefly travel to the worlds of quake
4:11 I think Normal is the canon difficulty
With the recent release of Qdoom on the Quake add-ons I would like to think after dimension of the machine the portal took ranger to Qdoom where the creatures of Doom and quake come together. I don't think Qdoom is supposed to be cannon but I would like to think that's what happened after Ranger defeated Chton a second time in dimension of the machine
In all seriousness, I imagine that’s what might end up happening. Sort of. If id is working on a new Quake game like I suspect, I imagine it’ll tie into Doom somehow.
Thank You. 😀.
he was trapped in the arena dimension and fought for eternity
Man quake is hard game especially those controls
i require more
Nice job man but every first mission of the various episodes being in a tech base means this is clearly the "secret facility" spoken about in the lore, the start map with difficulty and episode select isn't canon. These levels take place on Earth, and the enemies you face are soldiers corrupted by Quake, it's even mentioned in the manual that their neural network has been reworked so they feel pleasure when they kill. These are the "death squads" sent by Quake through the portal to take the facilities. It is pretty strongly implied that the human-made slipgates somehow connected with the Quake-made ones and are now used by those at the other side to conquer Earth, like many other worlds before it.
I’m still not sure if the start map is considered canon but I lean towards yes because Quake Champions has some stuff from the Rangers perspective where he mentions the facility being a death trap. Here’s a quote:
“They didn’t tell me much about the Slipgate. They had hired some creepy egghead to build it in the underground levels - Gilman, I think his name was. But what else was he doing down there? Why was the facility laid out like a death trap? When I used that first Slipgate, I got zapped to somewhere else, but it looked the same. Had they already gone through and built a base on the other side? What about those psycho Marines, the poor bastards? Who did that to them? Was it Quake, or was it Gilman?"
The way this is framed leads me to believe that area, at least to a certain extent, is canon. Mostly because he speaks of entering a screwed up facility BEFORE stepping through the first slip gate.
If I was to delve into conjecture a bit, I'd guess the soldiers went probably sent through the gates to explore what's on the other side or fight back Quake's creatures, and were returned... changed, as the ones responsible for taking control of the facilities.
@@Woodyisasexybeasti see, it makes perfect sense. Like you said, it seems this Gilman was some sort of Elder God worshipper the same way Betruger is in Doom 3, and that area could be seen as some sort of place of worship. Pretty cool ! He could have implanted the soldiers himself then, to take control of the base for Quake, and Ranger wasn't turned because he wasn't in the base then. Interesting thoughts, it's nice and weird to see things differently after having played the game for decades
That is actually a odd thing, where did he get that double-sided axe before even crossing dimensions?
Perhaps standard issue in his universe? No idea. I vaguely remember that there’s more information about it elsewhere but I don’t recall where or what
Maybe he is also a lumberjack as well as a ranger and just happened to have his axe with him when he crossed over
What are the names of each monster in this game? DLCs included
I tried to say their names throughout whenever I talked about them but here’s a list.
Base game
Standard infantry - grunt
Heavy infantry - enforcer
Dog - Rottweiler
Zombie - zombie
Grenade thrower - ogre
Small armored guy- knight
Big armored guy - death knight
4 legged freak - fiend
Flying prick - scrag
Giant electricity flinger - shambler
Gooey guy - spawn
3 legged thing - vore
Lava dude - Chthon
final boss - Shub-Niggurath
Scourge of armagon
Bat like corpse eater - gremlin
Scorpion - centroid
Seed pod - spike mine
Final boss - armagon
Dissolution of eternity
Flying reaper guy - wraith
Flying reaper guy boss - overlord
Floating sword - phantom swordsman
Eel - electric eel
Statue - statue
Upgraded spawn - hell spawn
Multi nade douche - multi-grenade ogre
Mummy - mummy
Egyptian guys - guardian (3 different versions)
Small Chthon - Hephaestus
Dragon - dragon
@@Woodyisasexybeast I prefer the names you've given them.
Its been a looooong time aince I played Quake, but i dont remember any of this being explained in the game lol
I used to think quake and doom were the same universe
I guess it’s possible I just feel like it’s unlikely given Quake’s emphasis on the multiverse in its narrative
I wish I was allowed to use Quake music but 🤷♂️
What is the source for doom and quake being in the same multiverse?
Quake III. It has characters from both series in it. Champions as well.
@@Woodyisasexybeast cool! I gotta check that out
There isn't any lore. You are the strongest entity known in the universe here to kick ass.
Th-they used Shub.
That was... a move.
I could go for a quake 2 breakdown
It’s in the works :)
@@Woodyisasexybeast thanks... you did a great job on this btw... made a fun *not so little * story out of a game I thought made no sense
Now i know where is the Nine Inch Nails logo is from haha
Originally, I had intended to work a bunch of Nine Inch Nails references into my script but the idea got lost during the process 🤷♂️
I wish i never knew the lore of quake, for me the lack of it just made more invested in the atmosphere and gameplay.
Ranger went to the eternal arena? Quake 3 events
Yep. I wanted to keep that out of this video and save it for another.
I knew Niggurath was going to be mentioned and i tried really hard not to laugh.
Every single time I read it in the script, I got nervous I’d pronounce it… poorly
Please Please make more videos
Oh boy do I have a surprise in the works for you 😉
Keep an eye out. I think you’ll like it
Never played either, but I've decided to play them once Ai advances to the point where it can completely remake the game using all modern graphics.
So we keeping the likes on 666 right 😈 imma just leave the thumbs up here then 👍
Love the video but actually turning on "alternate typeface" for the gameplay footage instantly made click dislike.
This video is kind of bs since there was never a real lore for quake. Theres rooms there are enemies there are weapons thats it. Get to the finish.
No. There’s plenty of narrative contained in both the manuals and intermissions. There’s only nothing there if you have no imagination.
Strogification 💀💀💀
That's so stupid.
You Ever Written A Story Before?