Gjuha shqipe është më e hershme se greqishtja apo latinishtja, këtë gjë e kanë vërtetuar shumë studiues dhe gjuhëtar. Gjon Shkallu ka zbërthyer rreth 20000 mijë fjalë të greqishtes së vjetër me gjuhën shqip. Pra, rrënja e fjalës është shqip. Vjetërsia e fjaleve nuk matet me dorëshkrimet e lashta, por me rrënjën e fjalës.
Gjuha shqipe është Proto-Indo-Europiane, që do të thotë fillesa rrënjët e një pemë një jetë të re, gjithë gjuhët huaja vijnë nga gjuha vjetër e pellazgeve ililiraneve. Ështw fact Kur Kanuni I vjetër ka qen me gojë dmth oral si ligje rregulla të një shoqërie civilizuar para 5000 7000 viteve nga doli Greqia e latinët e kinezët afrikanët indianët? Sepse Kanuni jonë ai oral është 5000 deri 7000 vite i vjetër dhe sot 2024 po e studiojne shumë shtete sepse është ligji juridik me i sistofikuar I rregullt I qartë që dhe sot kanë zili shumë juristë në botë, kshuqe bie teza e antishqiptareve.
The roots are Indo-European you clown😂 watch the rest of the lectures. Proto-Albanian split from pre-Proto-Albanian in the 6th century AD according to de Vasn, Greek had its split in the bronze age, almost 3 thousand years earlier
Urimet e mia profesoj .Te falenderoj nga zemra per leksionet qe jep .Eshte akoma me mire qe i jep ne gjuhe Angleze qe ta mari vesh bota qe edhe ne kemi ekzistuar dhe jemi popull i lashte.Respektet e mia i nderuar.
Ore koqe , ai po thote qe ne i kemi mare hua fjalet qe nga Latinet dhe Greket apo sllavet. Ti e mbur I thua Bravo qe na thua skemi nje gjuhe tone autentike po I kemi mare fjalet left and right
I am a fledgling Albanian student, and this lecture is worth its weight in gold. I'm studying both spoken and Albanian Sign Language. I plan to visit in 2024.
It's not. This guy is spreading false information. His knowledge on Albanian language is poor. Albanian language is much older than Greek and Latin. The archeological sites in Albania are proof of continuous civilization since 8000 before Christ. Proto Albanian language was spoken by Etruscans and Messaps. Read Science Magazine latest news on Albanian language.
Latin has Etruscan ancestry. You can find many words of the Etruscan language in today's Albanian language in the Gheg dialect. This fact can help you make the connection
Latin is an Indo-European, so it can't be the descendant of Etruscan, which was a completely different language. There's no connection between Latin or Albanian with Etruscan
@@bastianodimebag per quanto ne so gli etruschi sono l'antica popolazione italiana. Allora la popolazione dell'Italia erano i romani con la propria lingua latina. Tutta la vecchia popolazione è scomparsa e c'è stato un vuoto dagli Etruschi ai Romani?
@@ermelindamaneka3849 ti spiego: i Latini e gli altri popoli italici, come Oschi e Umbri, erano Indoeuropei e non erano nativi della penisola italica, ma discesero dall'Europa centrale. Durante il neolitico la penisola era abitata da popoli pre-indoeuropei, tra cui gli antenati degli Etruschi, che abitavano all'incirca la moderna Toscana. Quando gli Indoeuropei calarono sottomisero gli altri popoli, mischiandosi con essi, ma gli Etruschi, culturalmente più sviluppati, mantennero la lingua e influenzarono gli Italici dal punto di vista culturale. In definitiva, le due lingue convissero finché l'etrusco non si estinse
No ai po na e nxjerr gjuhen, sikur esht komplet nji gjuh e ndertu nga huazimet. Keta te ashte-quajtur studjues , na shkrin , se vetem studim gjuhesor me rrenje per shqipen nuk kan bo, pevecse ca prrallave me mret. Por kur s’ke shqiptar te zot, t’jeret ledhavisin si ju do qefi.
Finally a real professor talking about the Albanian language. We are full with fake-scientist saying a lot of stupid stuff about this beautiful language.
Half slavic half turkish half greek half latin but nathing albanian the word tërmet albanian terra mota latin termet turkish so to wich laguage belong this word, wooo finally à réal profesor bla bla bla you are exaited like the spanish cow in the réd color the word shpia in albanin comming from shpella an in greek shpiti to wich language belong the word bardh (white) comming from the word bora (snow) and more and more.
Finally my ass, do you understand what a fuck this guy is talking about? He is making our language younger than Greek and Latin .This is stupid , what language were we speaking before the Roman invasion ?? Albanian language was much older than Latin.
May I make some suggestions: Alb, zhvillim Eng, develop Italian, zvilupare Alb, dera Modern greek, Porta Old Greek, Thira Alb, athet Itlian, aceto Eng, Acid. Alb, kerko It, cerco Eng, search There are many terms which do not relate to either Italin or Latin, or Greek: Alb, lufte Greek, Polemos (polemic) Italian Guerra (it would be interesting to see where do some albanian terms like lufte come from? what about debore (snow), shi (rain), pyll ( forest), fushe (field), etc etc.
Luftë is borrowed through Vulgar Latin from Late Latin lucta, from Latin luctor; cognate with Romanian luptă, Aromanian ljuftã, Spanish lucha; Borë from Proto-Albanian *bārā, from *bera (“to fall”) (modern bie); dialectal variants are from a prefixed form *(d)išbārā; Shi comes from Proto-Albanian *śūh, from Proto-Indo-European *suh₂-s < *sh₂ew- (“to rain”). Compare Ancient Greek ὕει (húei, “it rains”) Pyll from an earlier *pëýll, *pëdyll, borrowed from Vulgar Latin *palūdem, from metathesis of Latin palūs, palūdem. Compare Romanian pădure with the same sense development; cf. also Italian padule.
@@daniellevi4978 Lingua comes from older dingua (attested as a rare word in Gaius Marius Victorinus), from Proto-Italic *denɣwā, from Proto-Indo-European *dn̥ǵʰwéh₂s, from which derive: teanga (Irish), tongue (English), Zunge (German), tunga (Icelandic). This way to break the words into syllables is pseudo-scientific
Federico caputo. Aha, so then; Dingua. Dingwa Derives like this ; Din-gwa Din-gua, Which is obvious, Din/knows-gua/tongue Another words it derives perfectly f.albanian. Sience must consider. Wee haven’t had universitys since 13 century being under Otoman, slavic and Bizantium so. Reed Norbert Yocle’s studies about Albanian …
@@daniellevi4978 ok dude, arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon: no matter how good I am, the pigeon will shit on the chessboard and will fly with pride
Federico Caputo. Ma dai. Federico are you someone like expert to be full-time in here tell Albanesi whot to think what to say 😄. Look there are so meny facts tellin you about how ald/great/emportant is our lin-Gua. Comon this canot be coincidence. Yes together with latin and a. greec, very impotant. I mean just look at the Map. Wee been ignoret a beet. Ciao. And one little advise from your quite neighbour, leav your life…
Albanian language is unique and one of its kind.. the thing that kept it un noticeable is the fact that was not written until late… if u take tha basic words of everyday life like eat drink stay.. etc the have just two letters and this shows that is an old word easy to say and not complicated of grammar.. it needs much more studying
don't be silly we never have borrowed critical life style words from Slavic after they came they copied a lot of our traditions.. to say oborr and zakon are from Slavic origin is to sleep on our albanian reality we know very well how to explain a word of our language and to transmit the real meaning of the word of the pure albanian meaning Albanian language is deeper than you might understand and practice ... Albanians have their own words for everything that might exist in this planet even if a word can be found as an original in others language our language have the Power to bring it back in An Albanian originality explainig the word propperly because the words on this planet always existed in a first mood in the first time that's why we belive in the beginning of albanian language because it has the Power to bring back the word in the first created mood of the word ... you have to iluminate yourself more dear you and a lot like you that try to confund the albanian original words with the borrows... you have to look back and back for everything it's not easy to claim something in Albanian okkkkk
Norbert JOKL : "" The Albanian lanGUAge serves as a fiber that keeps the trunk alive and connetct this branches with roots.As you descent along this fiber to the wonders of history, strands can be affectedt. The Albanian language is a tool through which the seeker can illuminate the dawn of Albanian people's beginnings and immerse themselves in time that goes beyong the historical evidence "".
Latin : "" Ante Greace fuit aut esse aliquando viderat Romam in montibus Illyrica MONTICOLA ascenderunt Illyrica "" . Josiah G HOLLAND & Richard W.GILDER "" Before Greece was or Rome was dreamed of, the Albanian mountaineer climbed the Albanian mountains "".
@Funny Planet Source : Greek Encyclopeadia Vol.19 p.873 "" The grandfathers of today's Albanians therefore, that is, the Pelasgians, lived since prehistoric times in most parts of the world then known "".( Britann.Great Encyclopeadia, Russian ENCYCLOPEADIA).
Ti shko në Kosovë dhe mëso së pari Gegnishtën pra gjuhën shqipe ashtu si duhet dhe pastaj eja ketu ! Mos ia fut kot se kinse sipas teje gati të gjitha fjalët shqipe jan Latine apo Greke.
Why do you assume the direction of loanwords? Why do you assume Albanian adopted words from other languages? When two cultures are in contact, they both exchange information in both directions. And then think of word Computer in German. It came from English right? But English itself is a germanic language. When Mycenaeans moved into Illyrians Peninsula they came into Illyrian/Albanian environment. They may have adopted words such as afërdita, në fillim/Nephilim etc. And if a 1000 years later Albanians barrow it back as something else that was still originally Albanian.
Albanian language needs a deeper research , cause the standard language is done by the communist, which has selected words or pronunciation towards the Tosk dialect and has added the sufficient < ë > , which is not part of Gheg …etc. Our standard needs new changes, where the language should been more neutral. The word - Njeh - in my Gheg dialect goes - < Njef > Mua goes < Mu > or < Muve > Drapër , goes just simple as < Drap > Këmbë , goes < Kom > Fëmijë , goes < kalamo > , < çilimi > Shtëpi , goes < Shpi > Këndo , goes < Kno > Mëkat , goes < mkat > Shëndoshë , goes < shnosh > kurorë , goes < kunor > or < knor > Mëndafsh , goes < mënafsh > Baba , goes < Tat > meaning < At > Tamam , in albanian we have < sakt > Sahat , goes < or > Mysafir , < miq > Etc …..
Thank you . but unfortunately Albanian is a very difficult language for foreigners to master because it has a lot of depth of thought... the Albanian language is like a coconut. that cannot be enjoyed by everyone. it takes a lot of sacrifice, effort and patience.
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ sasia e fjaleve ne nje gjuhe,nuk tregon vjetersin ,por zhvillim e nje Etnie...mendon se njeriu primitiv kishte 1 milion fjal ?? jan rrenjet e fjaleve ato qe tregojn vjetersin e gjuhes,sa kto rrenj jan te shumta ne fjal formime..pra kur nje rrenj merr pjes ne shum fjale ,kjo defton vjetersin e gjuhes ,per ndryshe fjalet jan thjesht huazime nga nevoja, nga pa aftesia per te krijuar fjal ...thoni se i keni dhen dije botes,e nuk dini gjerat me thelbesore . ja keni var lesht Dijes ,ose nuk keni ditur kurr,por thjesht keni rrejt duke rishkruar papiruset ...besoj ke degjuar ndonjeher per ...mungesen e papiruseve
@@albodomi1979 Says the confused albanian 🤣 Y'all don't even know what you are: Illyrians, Macedonians, Pelasgians, your whole existence in Europe is one big WTF 🤣
Why you are wrong? Here some words 5500 years old. Ngjis/stick is in the Albanian language, *ngis is in the Sumerian language. 100% the same word. 5500 yeras old. Ama/mother in Albanian same as *ama of the Sumerian language. The same form the same meaning. *ama/ama/mother *pas/*has/back *gus/gu/neck *gjoks/gaba/breast *dar/dar/divide *kru/hur/scratch and there are much more to come.
I can see you are following the same way what slavic says, but you are completely wrong, how can a people that been before all others and they didn't know how to speak but they awaiting for late languages to learn how to speak. You are guiding some people wrong, please go in Albania, Tirana and get some lessons from Agron Dalipaj. After you coment Albanian language. Don't like at all.IAm curios to know who pays you Rusia and Serbia. All slavic came in Iliria and worked as slaves after with push of Russia they occupied Albanians land, all your explaining was wrong.To speak about Albanian language you must study in Tirana University and to get lessons from right professionals ok.In Albania people says who want to coment or divert the truth about Albania language need to wash 7 times the mouth with salt.After you can understand and speak the truth, you cannot deny the truth and history of Albania language, culture,tradition, Albanians÷Ilyrians been here and not came from Mongolia.
how come Albanian language had borough words from other and not them from us 🤔 words are made for the purpose they do like you mentioned TYM = TYMOS(GREEK) but anagram of TYM- MYT =kill so Tym kills kamba=camba =ka=is mba=hold so kamba is holding your body and isn't latin. sorry to say but you most learn Albanian language even new words are made by Albanian ambriofems like MAGENET what magenet do hold things on it so MA=HOLD G(j)E=things NE=on T(ë)=it you didn't born adult you grown up by time that Albanian language is the seed of all language because is the only language who make words by joining only two letters one wolve + one consonant or otherside. so study the language before you make yourself feel stupid
How stupid of all these academic linguists that they didn't think that these words were loaned to the other languages.... 🤣🤣 Shame that the Albanian 'mother' language didn't develop a script of its own to leave us some inscriptions. I mean look at this 'advanced' civilization from the 'oldest' people and they didn't even invent letters.
@@my8osprive I'm totally agree with you by saying the albanologs of Albania are very stupid they never even try to do anything all they do go against Albanian language and everything related to Albania even they made Albanian language 90% borough from greek Latin turkish slave while the Albania language is the mother of all those language, yes greeks serbian and Turkish did their part to destroy everything, so today everything what is Albanian is covered by Greeks and serbian. if you want to know the truth there are a lot of really greek historians that greeks and Albanian are same people and spoke same language not the one who make propaganda and brainwash people if you like to know text me and I'll sent you the links
@@my8osprive read this if you can is one of the oldest writing found in Greece, images.app.goo.gl/5At5ZJ8jY779j9rm8 if you can it means that you can't read Albanian 🤫🤣🤣
1) Actually there are Albanian loanwords in other languages, Greek included (λουλούδι comes possibly from Albanian); Orel argues that the postponement of the article in Romanian and Bulgarian comes from Albanian 2) Breaking the words into syllables and giving them a meaning is non scientific because Albanian is not an agglutinative language
You realize what he says, refutes the myth of Illyrian-Albanian connection which is at the core of the nationalistic theory of indigenous Albanians? It is a creole language
Ushtar is pure albanian. Usht is the lance, and it means to stick or to spear. It is name formed with the suffix ar which is the most used suffix to form names in albanian. Shqiptar, ushtar, arketar, thesar, farketar etc. etc. the problem with foreing Albanologist is that they dont understand Albanian.
Ta perktheni? Kush esht ky qe flet? Ku e kur e ka dhen kte leksion x ke punon etj etj nese mund ti jepni kto informazione beni mir x ndryshe sherben pak
Homeboy forgot that Albanian has similarities with Messapic. Illyrians tribal names all have Albanian meaning. Their kings too. The Illyrian gods EN and Perendi gave Enjte (Thursday) and (Peremte) Friday.
@@bastianodimebagno thats not pseudoscientific because you dont know how words were created , there were created in a long time and not in a second and any word must have a meaning , words are not symbols
The old alnanian is the same with modern albanian, so it is better saying that albanian language is one of the older language of world well conserved until nowdays…
Just go eat something, will you? It’s like saying that you are a stork because you look like one and talk like one. I’m afraid you got it all wrong. All the other nations came to Albania and took smth from there and called it theirs. Like the word grabit that you mentioned. In English grab.
There are many more ancient greek loanwords than those. Hypur - Hyper. When something is over something else. Hypës - Ippos. Horse in ancient greek, something that you mount in albanian. Te eter (tjeter) - Hetero. Another in albanian. Other in ancient greek. Grima - Gramma. Which means a scratch, or an etch in both albanian and ancient greek. Oner (phonetically gheg) - Oner. Dream in both a.greek and gheg albanian. Vo - Ovo Egg in gheg albanian and ancient greek. Bire - Βερε. Bring it, in both a.greek and albanian. E sgata - Eschate. Meaning the furthest in both a.greek and albanian. There are also lots of basic words like Αυτα, αυτο, αυτι - Ata, ato, ati Εκει, εχο - E ki, E kom Im not a linguist, nor do I work with philology in any form. Still I am able to refute the top of the worlds philologists regarding albanian. This says a lot about the poor state of albanian philology studies.
Some words you have mentioned are cognates in Albanian however hip (to mount) in Albanian is from Proto-Indo-European *skewbʰ-. Whence ιππος (horse) in greek is from PIE word *h₁éḱwos. As you can see they are not from the same root but are merely homophones.
@@ginatz75 Thanks for the pointer, but I'll take an example from a living language as more truthful than an example from a reconstructed language based on whims and feels of philologists who produce unfalsifiable claims. Tell, how do they test their conclusions when they reconstruct the proto indo european language?
I am sorry to say but your explanation are very superficial. Only one example to make you think deeper. You said latin loan word Albanian "gjinde" English "people" from Latin "gente". Ridiculous. Albanian "gji" mammary glands,mother breast, " jep gji" to breastfeed..Gjinde or Gente are people from same mother or family . More related meaning of "gji" is bay, "gjithe" altogether ,. Conclusion: Latin word "gente"is loan word from albanian word "gji".
You left out Messapic, there are plenty of inscitprions and many studies concluded is proto Albanian, whoch means you didnt even look at it, and thats fine, but you should have mentioned it.
Very poor knowledge. The Osinchani inscription, I ready have transcript it is written inAlbanian language. In Illyrian or Dardanian. The Ilyrian scripts will find thru Ilyrian Peninsula, following from others inscriptions, from Durres,Apolonia, Epiros, Greece. Even in Acropolis there are Illyrian inscriptions, Greeks can't read them, because they are writen in Illyrian-Albanian language . But you don't know that, and your spech is a your very poor knowledge, mister!. You also don't know many, many other Albanian words that belong in foundation of Latin language. Those are all your inventions. - The word "land" become from "landinë" (Alb), "berg" from "breg" in Albanin , etcetera . "Mount" , "mal" in Alb, "brot" and "bread" from "bukë ..... You don't know the history of emigration of Albanian-Dardans in Troy, Ilion (toponym "Ilion" comes from "y(i)lli-on". Then from there, Dardans whith Aeneas whent in Rome and Lombadi in ( lumë-bardhi) in Italy, where they found the Latin ethnos and grafted the Latin language with Dardanian ( Illyrian Albanian language). Please search in Google and read: Epigtaphy synopsis: "Albanian and the Illyrian Pelasgian Thesis" and "Albanianin in and around Europe". Please enough whith your incapacity. Very poor with this ugly ad!. That is shame what you doing!
You have no idea what do you try to tell us. Do you know which poeple live in balkan, 2000years ago? Emil Nak's "Germania" don't exist greece. I this area lives only illyrian
hI dont understand why do you state tha albanian has taken greek words where in fact the albanian version is shorter. 1 it is moree logical from pras or presh you get prason ( in greek ) than viceversa. same with tym or draper. Logically one syllable words create 2 syllable ones by adding affixes . So there is no way albanian can take these words you are writing from greek. The same story with italian or latin. Mik is 1 syllable word and amicu is 3 syllable. the core of the word is the albanian version.
Ke gjuhe te kuptoje "guhen" tende malokshe qe eshte oer te marre malet dhe pretendoni qe eshte gjuhe primare nje gjuhecwe ka 100 vjet qe shkruhet me alfabet.... latin!
Everyone above are normal people, and all of them don’t need to be professors to understand from where this words has come from, they understand the words wen they split them to get the full meaning, tekh ne le gjeja , Greek ,tekh ne lo gia .English technology , si mund qe veq ndjesit zanore te shqipes u japin kuptimin e duhur shum fjalve,qe grekerit e italianet nuk I kuptojn, I hope 🤞 professors around the world, work more carefully wen is about to think about Albania language, I forget to translate the word , tekh ne lo gia. In Albania means, In as get birth of things , thanks 🙏 for trying to help as understand from where Albania words come from
Nobody is shocked that we talk about loanwords when all those words can be explained in their core only with proto albanian? Not logic right?! When a albanian speaker that knows a few languages, or a non speaking one that learn the dialect Gege or Gegisht, and no specific formation needed can translate all kind of words (etrusk/farsi/sanskri and so many moderns words) that has no meaning or a not a satisfying one in other languages you come to the conclusion that indo-europeanisme is a trick and a lie from the 19th century to change history and try to cancel the roots of European population and their story by the way. One mother language and one poupulation who speaks that divine and mysterious language. The language is still spoken, the population has caught amnesia. The story of all or us if we pretend to be free and free spirits. You wanna know the true history of the world but mostly the old continent then lean the 800 monosyllabic words or travel to Albania and u can verify a lot of things by yourself by doing this. Cheers to the truthseakers
Very poor explanation. Your acknowledge is superficial and has no any merit into historical facts. As for your attempt to be a linguist, i admire your intention. As for any value of the facts you try to illustrate, it is a laughing mater. Even Homer, the pioneer of World's artistic literature, has spoken and written Illirian/Albanian words 3,000 years ago. Ancients of Albanian People, are the oldest Humans in the Continent of Europe and for that matter, they are the first language speaking people in Europe. They were called Pellasgians. They resided and stretched from Zagreb to Danube to Western Turkey, Greece, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, down to Algeria. All of these Nations keep to this day, many Albanian words in their own languages. For your curiosity, I will give you one FACT: EVEN Israeli's LANGUAGE has borrowed 6 letters from Illirian Language, some thousands years ago. I fill bad for your poor acknowledge about Albanian Language.
Michael , may God almighty reward you , ALBANIAN language 8000 thousands years old ,,, we have all Adreatic see and Land , Albania letter's and unique , even day tray to change , letter's still is Albanian language ,, thanks
Unfortunately, you have just a little knowledge about the Albanian language, and your misrepresentation of infinitive makes us believe that we’re stuck by a very defective and self destructed standard. Albanian language is the last prisoner of communist regime. Your presentation is pretty poor. Thank You.
Honestly , proff how can Akbanian language borrow from Latin and Greek language when Albanian language is older than both of them. Latin borrowed a lot of words from Etruscans who were speaking proto Albanian. You are intentionally ignoring the connection between Illyrian or proto Albanians with nowadays spoken Albanian.
Why should Albanian had to borrow from everyone, and not vice-versa? We all know when Greek, Latin and others date, but not Albanian? Doesn't it mean that, something that exists more than 2500 years and you have no idea when it was formed, gave words to others to borrow?
Every language has borrowed words Albanian is not an exception But there are some words in Albanian Geg dialect that I think have no link with European language’s Eng-Alb Black-Zi or Zezë Fall-Ra Says-Thot Moon-Hona or Hëna Wind-Era Blow-Fryn Eye-Syni or Syri Cave-Shpella Sun-Dilli or Dielli Star-Ylli Dream-Onder or Ëndër or Ander Me-Un or Unë King-Mbretë And many more
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ in the past Albanians have been close to Greeks lingual but during the Roman ruling we adapted Latin words and writing I don’t say Albanians are older or Greeks but there are few words that survived any European influence
It's the other way around you are mixin helens that were dark skined orthodoxe from Ethiopia region grekis, grekos was italian way of calling orthodoxe albanians and this show it prrfectly ua-cam.com/video/Krd9FH84DSU/v-deo.htmlsi=w4SU_TMe7yWemXkZ
Albanian is older than any other Indo-European language that has been continuously used for at least 6500 years. We don’t have Slavic loan words but it is other way around. By the time slaves migrated to Europe. Albanians were living there in cities, developed langue, culture etc. Please could you tell me what loan word do Albanias use that is Slavic? Neither of the ones you nations are Slavic words. You are clueless with etymology of the words.
This is literally wrong, it’s the opposite. Albanian didn’t get these words from Latin, Latin loaned it from Albanians. The Romans loaned these words from the Etruscans. And Romanian are the a latinized Dardanians. Pelasgians/Etruscans- Illyrian/Dardanian - Albanians. They don’t want to accept this fact. They are getting ahead of us and taking the etymology from us. That’s why Harvard is now teaching the Albanian language at 3 different levels, they want to steal our etymological proof that our language is older than every other.
 ok I can only post text so why don’t you search up “ Boundaries of the Dardanians. Of Tin (Jupiter). “ a stone found in Tunis written in Etruscan describing the borders of the Dardanians. Look up “Homeric Greek” Homer didn’t even speak Greek hahahaha “Ancient” Greek and Modern Greek are 2 complete different languages. Search that up as well “Homeric Greek Albanian” Albanians can literally read Homers text due to most words being OLD ALBANIAN or GHEG. Look up NICHOLAS BIDDLE'S JOURNEY TO GREECE IN 1806. PROF. WILLIAM NICKERSON BATES. Where he writes that the Albanians are similar to the Native Americans in that we are the indignities autochthonous (also an Albanian word) of Europe. He writes about Athens “Albanian villages he found located all over the country, where the people spoke no Greek. The Albanian people he likens to American Indians.” Our history isn’t recorded because it was stolen for over 3000 years by migrating Slavs, Greeks, Turks Etc. Don’t get me started you dont want this debate for real
findly thats right profesor. show to every one the albanian language is the oldest language. is the romans and ottoman fault. who destroyed the population and language .most of the albanians academic and professors are sold the soul and identity for €1000 euros pension for there one benefits or for citizenship to Russian gricce serbia orthodox church .we have to many uss likers . who sale the owne family for the money's. 🇦🇱 respect
he is actually showing the thousands of loanwords from Greek, Latin, Slavic, Turkish, Italian, etc, destroying Albanian nationalist fairytale of a 'mother' language.
Inxhi Tafa you just cannot take the truth that Albanian is a language that developed inland & that you people are very related to the Wallachians. The truth hurts.
He is wrong, he shouldn’t talk about Albanian language..English-F_at_her Albanian-Ati, Atdhe/Fatherland. With an Albanian language you can decode English and German. Like” Ex-press/As-pres- nuk-e-pres .. Njo/ know. Albanian language is before greek language. Pelazgo/Illyrians are here and never left Albanoi/Albania
Das kann irgendwie nicht stimmen. Müssen sie den Dialekten anwenden und nicht die neuen Schreibweise ( Gjuhen Letrare). Dann werden sie in ein anderes sieht weiße den Dingen sehen. Also wenden sie die Dialekten..... Das Problem hier ist: wer ist die erste und welche Sprache hat überlebt ?! Alles gute
Gjuha shqipe është më e hershme se greqishtja apo latinishtja, këtë gjë e kanë vërtetuar shumë studiues dhe gjuhëtar. Gjon Shkallu ka zbërthyer rreth 20000 mijë fjalë të greqishtes së vjetër me gjuhën shqip. Pra, rrënja e fjalës është shqip. Vjetërsia e fjaleve nuk matet me dorëshkrimet e lashta, por me rrënjën e fjalës.
Greqishtja u shkrua nga marko bocari që bëri alfabetin grek mas 1821
Fjala Androgyne vjen nga gjuha shqipe, a ndrro gjini 😂. Si dhe fjala HyperBore, hyp për bore. 😅
Gjuha shqipe është Proto-Indo-Europiane, që do të thotë fillesa rrënjët e një pemë një jetë të re, gjithë gjuhët huaja vijnë nga gjuha vjetër e pellazgeve ililiraneve. Ështw fact Kur Kanuni I vjetër ka qen me gojë dmth oral si ligje rregulla të një shoqërie civilizuar para 5000 7000 viteve nga doli Greqia e latinët e kinezët afrikanët indianët? Sepse Kanuni jonë ai oral është 5000 deri 7000 vite i vjetër dhe sot 2024 po e studiojne shumë shtete sepse është ligji juridik me i sistofikuar I rregullt I qartë që dhe sot kanë zili shumë juristë në botë, kshuqe bie teza e antishqiptareve.
The roots are Indo-European you clown😂 watch the rest of the lectures. Proto-Albanian split from pre-Proto-Albanian in the 6th century AD according to de Vasn, Greek had its split in the bronze age, almost 3 thousand years earlier
@@seranodefranco1203Marko Boçari shkruajti fjalorin e parë shqip-greqisht, jo se greqishtja u shkruajt për herë të parë nga ai 😂😂😂🤦🏻🤦🏻
Urimet e mia profesoj .Te falenderoj nga zemra per leksionet qe jep .Eshte akoma me mire qe i jep ne gjuhe Angleze qe ta mari vesh bota qe edhe ne kemi ekzistuar dhe jemi popull i lashte.Respektet e mia i nderuar.
Ore koqe , ai po thote qe ne i kemi mare hua fjalet qe nga Latinet dhe Greket apo sllavet. Ti e mbur I thua Bravo qe na thua skemi nje gjuhe tone autentike po I kemi mare fjalet left and right
@@aurelmishaxhi8411 koqja e satame o legen muti.
@@xhonixhoni4044 ignorant dhe budalla biles
Ik lexo Çfar do ore koqe kanari
I am a fledgling Albanian student, and this lecture is worth its weight in gold. I'm studying both spoken and Albanian Sign Language. I plan to visit in 2024.
It's not. This guy is spreading false information. His knowledge on Albanian language is poor. Albanian language is much older than Greek and Latin. The archeological sites in Albania are proof of continuous civilization since 8000 before Christ. Proto Albanian language was spoken by Etruscans and Messaps. Read Science Magazine latest news on Albanian language.
Latin has Etruscan ancestry. You can find many words of the Etruscan language in today's Albanian language in the Gheg dialect. This fact can help you make the connection
Latin is an Indo-European, so it can't be the descendant of Etruscan, which was a completely different language. There's no connection between Latin or Albanian with Etruscan
@@bastianodimebag per quanto ne so gli etruschi sono l'antica popolazione italiana. Allora la popolazione dell'Italia erano i romani con la propria lingua latina. Tutta la vecchia popolazione è scomparsa e c'è stato un vuoto dagli Etruschi ai Romani?
@@ermelindamaneka3849 ti spiego: i Latini e gli altri popoli italici, come Oschi e Umbri, erano Indoeuropei e non erano nativi della penisola italica, ma discesero dall'Europa centrale. Durante il neolitico la penisola era abitata da popoli pre-indoeuropei, tra cui gli antenati degli Etruschi, che abitavano all'incirca la moderna Toscana. Quando gli Indoeuropei calarono sottomisero gli altri popoli, mischiandosi con essi, ma gli Etruschi, culturalmente più sviluppati, mantennero la lingua e influenzarono gli Italici dal punto di vista culturale. In definitiva, le due lingue convissero finché l'etrusco non si estinse
Le orge hanno fatto?
Prima si sottomettono poi mettono sotto perché culturalmente più avanzati
@@ilir6746 se tu non fossi un completo ignorante sapresti come si sono espansi gli Indoeuropei
Thank you for the clear explanation.
Βravo gjith is që vërtetojn që gjua Shqipe ësht gjuha më evjetër 👍🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🙏
No ai po na e nxjerr gjuhen, sikur esht komplet nji gjuh e ndertu nga huazimet.
Keta te ashte-quajtur studjues , na shkrin , se vetem studim gjuhesor me rrenje per shqipen nuk kan bo, pevecse ca prrallave me mret. Por kur s’ke shqiptar te zot, t’jeret ledhavisin si ju do qefi.
Finally a real professor talking about the Albanian language. We are full with fake-scientist saying a lot of stupid stuff about this beautiful language.
Half slavic half turkish half greek half latin but nathing albanian the word tërmet albanian terra mota latin termet turkish so to wich laguage belong this word, wooo finally à réal profesor bla bla bla you are exaited like the spanish cow in the réd color the word shpia in albanin comming from shpella an in greek shpiti to wich language belong the word bardh (white) comming from the word bora (snow) and more and more.
@@bajrambeqa6751finalmente c'è stato il verdetto che l'Albania e la lingua piu antica e solo 3 quella greca ,basta con questa propaganda di merda
Finally my ass, do you understand what a fuck this guy is talking about? He is making our language younger than Greek and Latin .This is stupid , what language were we speaking before the Roman invasion ?? Albanian language was much older than Latin.
@@bajrambeqa6751it is known as the Epirotice language.
When say others as language Albanian is mother of all languages some peoples smile.
It's ok
Mate the illyrian end albania are the same langue what aer you talking about
May I make some suggestions:
Alb, zhvillim
Eng, develop
Italian, zvilupare
Alb, dera
Modern greek, Porta
Old Greek, Thira
Alb, athet
Itlian, aceto
Eng, Acid.
Alb, kerko
It, cerco
Eng, search
There are many terms which do not relate to either Italin or Latin, or Greek:
Alb, lufte
Greek, Polemos (polemic)
Italian Guerra
(it would be interesting to see where do some albanian terms like lufte come from? what about debore (snow), shi (rain), pyll ( forest), fushe (field), etc etc.
Luftë is borrowed through Vulgar Latin from Late Latin lucta, from Latin luctor; cognate with Romanian luptă, Aromanian ljuftã, Spanish lucha;
Borë from Proto-Albanian *bārā, from *bera (“to fall”) (modern bie); dialectal variants are from a prefixed form *(d)išbārā;
Shi comes from Proto-Albanian *śūh, from Proto-Indo-European *suh₂-s < *sh₂ew- (“to rain”). Compare Ancient Greek ὕει (húei, “it rains”)
Pyll from an earlier *pëýll, *pëdyll, borrowed from Vulgar Latin *palūdem, from metathesis of Latin palūs, palūdem. Compare Romanian pădure with the same sense development; cf. also Italian padule.
Federico. Yes Sir watch this
@@daniellevi4978 Lingua comes from older dingua (attested as a rare word in Gaius Marius Victorinus), from Proto-Italic *denɣwā, from Proto-Indo-European *dn̥ǵʰwéh₂s, from which derive: teanga (Irish), tongue (English), Zunge (German), tunga (Icelandic). This way to break the words into syllables is pseudo-scientific
Federico caputo. Aha, so then; Dingua. Dingwa
Derives like this ;
Din-gua, Which is obvious,
Another words it derives perfectly f.albanian. Sience must consider. Wee haven’t had universitys since 13 century being under Otoman, slavic and Bizantium so. Reed Norbert Yocle’s studies about Albanian …
@@daniellevi4978 ok dude, arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon: no matter how good I am, the pigeon will shit on the chessboard and will fly with pride
The albanian is the pelasg language older then greek and all other is hard to believe bcs albania is what is now but in the future all will acept it
Albanian is Albanian. The Pelasgians were not Indoeuropeans, so they weren't related at all with both Albanians and Greeks
Federico Caputo. Ma dai. Federico are you someone like expert to be full-time in here tell Albanesi whot to think what to say 😄. Look there are so meny facts tellin you about how ald/great/emportant is our lin-Gua. Comon this canot be coincidence. Yes together with latin and a. greec, very impotant. I mean just look at the Map. Wee been ignoret a beet. Ciao. And one little advise from your quite neighbour, leav your life…
Te lumte ,profesori ka pru gjetje te mira.Keshtu vazhdo me tutje.Urime 👏👏👏
Albanian language is unique and one of its kind.. the thing that kept it un noticeable is the fact that was not written until late… if u take tha basic words of everyday life like eat drink stay.. etc the have just two letters and this shows that is an old word easy to say and not complicated of grammar.. it needs much more studying
don't be silly we never have borrowed critical life style words from Slavic after they came they copied a lot of our traditions.. to say oborr and zakon are from Slavic origin is to sleep on our albanian reality we know very well how to explain a word of our language and to transmit the real meaning of the word of the pure albanian meaning Albanian language is deeper than you might understand and practice ... Albanians have their own words for everything that might exist in this planet even if a word can be found as an original in others language our language have the Power to bring it back in An Albanian originality explainig the word propperly because the words on this planet always existed in a first mood in the first time that's why we belive in the beginning of albanian language because it has the Power to bring back the word in the first created mood of the word ... you have to iluminate yourself more dear you and a lot like you that try to confund the albanian original words with the borrows... you have to look back and back for everything it's not easy to claim something in Albanian okkkkk
Norbert JOKL : "" The Albanian lanGUAge serves as a fiber that keeps the trunk alive and connetct this branches with roots.As you descent along this fiber to the wonders of history, strands can be affectedt. The Albanian language is a tool through which the seeker can illuminate the dawn of Albanian people's beginnings and immerse themselves in time that goes beyong the historical evidence "".
Latin : "" Ante Greace fuit aut esse aliquando viderat Romam in montibus Illyrica MONTICOLA ascenderunt Illyrica "" . Josiah G HOLLAND & Richard W.GILDER "" Before Greece was or Rome was dreamed of, the Albanian mountaineer climbed the Albanian mountains "".
@Funny Planet Source : Greek Encyclopeadia Vol.19 p.873 "" The grandfathers of today's Albanians therefore, that is, the Pelasgians, lived since prehistoric times in most parts of the world then known "".( Britann.Great Encyclopeadia, Russian ENCYCLOPEADIA).
Hahaja says the half turk what language he doesn't comprehend. Inshalla. Tenxhere penxhere
Ti shko në Kosovë dhe mëso së pari Gegnishtën pra gjuhën shqipe ashtu si duhet dhe pastaj eja ketu !
Mos ia fut kot se kinse sipas teje gati të gjitha fjalët shqipe jan Latine apo Greke.
Why do you assume the direction of loanwords? Why do you assume Albanian adopted words from other languages? When two cultures are in contact, they both exchange information in both directions.
And then think of word Computer in German. It came from English right? But English itself is a germanic language. When Mycenaeans moved into Illyrians Peninsula they came into Illyrian/Albanian environment. They may have adopted words such as afërdita, në fillim/Nephilim etc. And if a 1000 years later Albanians barrow it back as something else that was still originally Albanian.
Albanian language needs a deeper research , cause the standard language is done by the communist, which has selected words or pronunciation towards the Tosk dialect and has added the sufficient < ë > , which is not part of Gheg …etc.
Our standard needs new changes, where the language should been more neutral.
The word - Njeh - in my Gheg dialect goes - < Njef >
Mua goes < Mu > or < Muve >
Drapër , goes just simple as < Drap >
Këmbë , goes < Kom >
Fëmijë , goes < kalamo > , < çilimi >
Shtëpi , goes < Shpi >
Këndo , goes < Kno >
Mëkat , goes < mkat >
Shëndoshë , goes < shnosh >
kurorë , goes < kunor > or < knor >
Mëndafsh , goes < mënafsh >
Baba , goes < Tat > meaning < At >
Tamam , in albanian we have < sakt >
Sahat , goes < or >
Mysafir , < miq >
Etc …..
Yeas youre so generous people thats Right, you have given much to albania we can clearly See it frome the borders 🦅
Language Albanian is language of god, and God will ravenge for what killed and leaved with force Albanians.Will come one day of judgement from god
Thank you . but unfortunately Albanian is a very difficult language for foreigners to master because it has a lot of depth of thought... the Albanian language is like a coconut. that cannot be enjoyed by everyone. it takes a lot of sacrifice, effort and patience.
Lmaoooo what depth exactly?? You only have like 500,000 words in total in the albanian dictionary, Greek has 5 million LMAOOOOO🤣🤣🤣
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ sasia e fjaleve ne nje gjuhe,nuk tregon vjetersin ,por zhvillim e nje Etnie...mendon se njeriu primitiv kishte 1 milion fjal ?? jan rrenjet e fjaleve ato qe tregojn vjetersin e gjuhes,sa kto rrenj jan te shumta ne fjal formime..pra kur nje rrenj merr pjes ne shum fjale ,kjo defton vjetersin e gjuhes ,per ndryshe fjalet jan thjesht huazime nga nevoja, nga pa aftesia per te krijuar fjal ...thoni se i keni dhen dije botes,e nuk dini gjerat me thelbesore . ja keni var lesht Dijes ,ose nuk keni ditur kurr,por thjesht keni rrejt duke rishkruar papiruset ...besoj ke degjuar ndonjeher per ...mungesen e papiruseve
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ you fake greeks are so desperate. We dont need such people to throw dirt in this video.
@@albodomi1979 Says the confused albanian 🤣 Y'all don't even know what you are: Illyrians, Macedonians, Pelasgians, your whole existence in Europe is one big WTF 🤣
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ thats why your own existence is thanks to arvanites. Without the religion, you are just a mix of albanians, vlachs and other populations.
Do you have all the lectures on this?
Why you are wrong?
Here some words 5500 years old.
Ngjis/stick is in the Albanian language, *ngis is in the Sumerian language. 100% the same word. 5500 yeras old.
Ama/mother in Albanian same as *ama of the Sumerian language. The same form the same meaning.
and there are much more to come.
I can see you are following the same way what slavic says, but you are completely wrong, how can a people that been before all others and they didn't know how to speak but they awaiting for late languages to learn how to speak. You are guiding some people wrong, please go in Albania, Tirana and get some lessons from Agron Dalipaj. After you coment Albanian language. Don't like at all.IAm curios to know who pays you Rusia and Serbia. All slavic came in Iliria and worked as slaves after with push of Russia they occupied Albanians land, all your explaining was wrong.To speak about Albanian language you must study in Tirana University and to get lessons from right professionals ok.In Albania people says who want to coment or divert the truth about Albania language need to wash 7 times the mouth with salt.After you can understand and speak the truth, you cannot deny the truth and history of Albania language, culture,tradition, Albanians÷Ilyrians been here and not came from Mongolia.
Omg ,, sorry but no you have no idea of what Albanian language is ,, it is a mother of All languages in the world 🌎
Shut up. Na e moret fytyren you analfabetet e mutit.
Fake fake fake
@@bastianodimebagfedericocaputakis ??? 😂😂😂😂
@@besnikillyrian8520 🤡
how come Albanian language had borough words from other and not them from us 🤔
words are made for the purpose they do like you mentioned TYM = TYMOS(GREEK) but anagram of TYM- MYT =kill so Tym kills
kamba=camba =ka=is mba=hold so kamba is holding your body and isn't latin.
sorry to say but you most learn Albanian language even new words are made by Albanian ambriofems like MAGENET what magenet do hold things on it so MA=HOLD G(j)E=things NE=on T(ë)=it
you didn't born adult you grown up by time
that Albanian language is the seed of all language because is the only language who make words by joining only two letters one wolve + one consonant or otherside.
so study the language before you make yourself feel stupid
How stupid of all these academic linguists that they didn't think that these words were loaned to the other languages.... 🤣🤣
Shame that the Albanian 'mother' language didn't develop a script of its own to leave us some inscriptions. I mean look at this 'advanced' civilization from the 'oldest' people and they didn't even invent letters.
@@my8osprive I'm totally agree with you by saying the albanologs of Albania are very stupid they never even try to do anything all they do go against Albanian language and everything related to Albania even they made Albanian language 90% borough from greek Latin turkish slave while the Albania language is the mother of all those language, yes greeks serbian and Turkish did their part to destroy everything, so today everything what is Albanian is covered by Greeks and serbian.
if you want to know the truth there are a lot of really greek historians that greeks and Albanian are same people and spoke same language not the one who make propaganda and brainwash people if you like to know text me and I'll sent you the links
@@my8osprive read this if you can is one of the oldest writing found in Greece,
if you can it means that you can't read Albanian 🤫🤣🤣
1) Actually there are Albanian loanwords in other languages, Greek included (λουλούδι comes possibly from Albanian); Orel argues that the postponement of the article in Romanian and Bulgarian comes from Albanian
2) Breaking the words into syllables and giving them a meaning is non scientific because Albanian is not an agglutinative language
Oooou Federico so you are ethnic greec ¬ italian. Ok now i understand where your “ science” coming from 😄
Μπράβο προφεσορ νά έχει υγεία ❤
You realize what he says, refutes the myth of Illyrian-Albanian connection which is at the core of the nationalistic theory of indigenous Albanians? It is a creole language
We are Illyrian and albanian is a unique language. I think greek language is creole.
What about arvanitika?
@@EPIONIXillyrian tribe
Ushtar is pure albanian. Usht is the lance, and it means to stick or to spear. It is name formed with the suffix ar which is the most used suffix to form names in albanian. Shqiptar, ushtar, arketar, thesar, farketar etc. etc. the problem with foreing Albanologist is that they dont understand Albanian.
Ushtar è invece è un vocabolo in prestito dal latino , infatti "hasta" in latino significa "lancia", pertanto i militari con la lancia erano "astati".
Gjuha shqipe është proto-indo-europiane jo indo europian
Ky po na thot qe shqipja esht e marrme nga gjuht tjera nga greqishtja e vjeter nga latinishtja dhe rumenishtja e jo e kunderta
Ta perktheni? Kush esht ky qe flet? Ku e kur e ka dhen kte leksion x ke punon etj etj nese mund ti jepni kto informazione beni mir x ndryshe sherben pak
Homeboy forgot that Albanian has similarities with Messapic. Illyrians tribal names all have Albanian meaning. Their kings too. The Illyrian gods EN and Perendi gave Enjte (Thursday) and (Peremte) Friday.
Albanian language can ethnologie old Greek words and can separated them in syllables
Indoeuropean languages don't work like that. That's pseudoscientific
@@bastianodimebagno thats not pseudoscientific because you dont know how words were created , there were created in a long time and not in a second and any word must have a meaning , words are not symbols
@@besnikillyrian8520 go make a baklava instead of speaking about things you don't know. You Albanians should be banned from speaking about languages
@@besnikillyrian8520Albanian are older than Greeks
Albania 🇦🇱 9000 yrs old
Greece 6000 yrs old
The old alnanian is the same with modern albanian, so it is better saying that albanian language is one of the older language of world well conserved until nowdays…
It's not the same at all. Any language evolves. You can even see by comparing Arbëreshë (based on 1500 Tosk) and modern Albanian
My friend Federico, is anything good you know, you can say about Albanian language/istory, or is it all bad, bad and bad…
@@daniellevi4978 I only say good things
Just go eat something, will you? It’s like saying that you are a stork because you look like one and talk like one.
I’m afraid you got it all wrong. All the other nations came to Albania and took smth from there and called it theirs. Like the word grabit that you mentioned. In English grab.
There are many more ancient greek loanwords than those.
Hypur - Hyper. When something is over something else.
Hypës - Ippos. Horse in ancient greek, something that you mount in albanian.
Te eter (tjeter) - Hetero. Another in albanian. Other in ancient greek.
Grima - Gramma. Which means a scratch, or an etch in both albanian and ancient greek.
Oner (phonetically gheg) - Oner. Dream in both a.greek and gheg albanian.
Vo - Ovo Egg in gheg albanian and ancient greek.
Bire - Βερε. Bring it, in both a.greek and albanian.
E sgata - Eschate. Meaning the furthest in both a.greek and albanian.
There are also lots of basic words like
Αυτα, αυτο, αυτι - Ata, ato, ati
Εκει, εχο - E ki, E kom
Im not a linguist, nor do I work with philology in any form. Still I am able to refute the top of the worlds philologists regarding albanian. This says a lot about the poor state of albanian philology studies.
Some words you have mentioned are cognates in Albanian however hip (to mount) in Albanian is from Proto-Indo-European *skewbʰ-. Whence ιππος (horse) in greek is from PIE word
*h₁éḱwos. As you can see they are not from the same root but are merely homophones.
@@ginatz75 Thanks for the pointer, but I'll take an example from a living language as more truthful than an example from a reconstructed language based on whims and feels of philologists who produce unfalsifiable claims. Tell, how do they test their conclusions when they reconstruct the proto indo european language?
@@durimmiziraj4815 tell me when is Albanian first attested?
@@durimmiziraj4815 and why is it not the other way around?
@@durimmiziraj4815 perhaps you should read more about the PIE subject..
pëlqen 'like'
te lutem or ju lutem 'please'
Shpi (spi)or shtepi'house' the root of the word (spi)-hospitiu
what do you mean by we have no inscriptions in Illyrian ? we have messapic and those in italy
I am sorry to say but your explanation are very superficial. Only one example to make you think deeper.
You said latin loan word Albanian "gjinde" English "people" from Latin "gente". Ridiculous.
Albanian "gji" mammary glands,mother breast, " jep gji" to breastfeed..Gjinde or Gente are people from same mother or family .
More related meaning of "gji" is bay, "gjithe" altogether ,.
Conclusion: Latin word "gente"is loan word from albanian word "gji".
Arvaniti (Albanian of the Greece) 🇦🇱
SPEAK and dance Albanian.. (no modern Greek).. 🤔🤔🤔
You left out Messapic, there are plenty of inscitprions and many studies concluded is proto Albanian, whoch means you didnt even look at it, and thats fine, but you should have mentioned it.
Very poor knowledge. The Osinchani inscription, I ready have transcript it is written inAlbanian language. In Illyrian or Dardanian. The Ilyrian scripts will find thru Ilyrian Peninsula, following from others inscriptions, from Durres,Apolonia, Epiros, Greece. Even in Acropolis there are Illyrian inscriptions, Greeks can't read them, because they are writen in Illyrian-Albanian language . But you don't know that, and your spech is a your very poor knowledge, mister!. You also don't know many, many other Albanian words that belong in foundation of Latin language. Those are all your inventions. - The word "land" become from "landinë" (Alb), "berg" from "breg" in Albanin , etcetera . "Mount" , "mal" in Alb, "brot" and "bread" from "bukë ..... You don't know the history of emigration of Albanian-Dardans in Troy, Ilion (toponym "Ilion" comes from "y(i)lli-on". Then from there, Dardans whith Aeneas whent in Rome and Lombadi in ( lumë-bardhi) in Italy, where they found the Latin ethnos and grafted the Latin language with Dardanian ( Illyrian Albanian language). Please search in Google and read: Epigtaphy synopsis: "Albanian and the Illyrian Pelasgian Thesis" and "Albanianin in and around Europe". Please enough whith your incapacity. Very poor with this ugly ad!. That is shame what you doing!
To talk about albanian language , first you must learn it very well and both dialects , so you can understand what you can compare with other words
You have no idea what do you try to tell us. Do you know which poeple live in balkan, 2000years ago? Emil Nak's "Germania" don't exist greece. I this area lives only illyrian
hI dont understand why do you state tha albanian has taken greek words where in fact the albanian version is shorter. 1 it is moree logical from pras or presh you get prason ( in greek ) than viceversa. same with tym or draper. Logically one syllable words create 2 syllable ones by adding affixes . So there is no way albanian can take these words you are writing from greek. The same story with italian or latin. Mik is 1 syllable word and amicu is 3 syllable. the core of the word is the albanian version.
And one more thing. The reason the Albanians call the badger “vjedhlle” it’s because it is a thief. To steal in Albanian is “Vjedh”
Albanians and language Albanian are blessed from god because want god as exist Albanians.
If the illyrian language was there before latin language came to be? Than maybe is the latin language got the albanian worlds not Vice versa
Sorry, but you are far away to undestand Albanien!
Ke gjuhe te kuptoje "guhen" tende malokshe qe eshte oer te marre malet dhe pretendoni qe eshte gjuhe primare nje gjuhecwe ka 100 vjet qe shkruhet me alfabet....
Na i rrofsh te tria!
E kuptove kete?
@@canadian6167 Ajo gjuha "maloke" që thua ti është më e vjetra në Evropë.
@@jamilire9747 LMAOOOOOO kush ti thote keto, ajo Mongolezja Elena Kocaqi apo plaku matuf Sazan Guri??? 😭🤣🤣🤣
@@lulrugova Ik more ashkali I Kosoves.Gjej shoket ne Kurdistan nga e ke origjinen!
Illyrian-Peninsula the name balkans came much later
Albanian are Alanian. They come from Illyria. Please study deeply. It's no hard if you really are really interested.
Everyone above are normal people, and all of them don’t need to be professors to understand from where this words has come from, they understand the words wen they split them to get the full meaning, tekh ne le gjeja , Greek ,tekh ne lo gia .English technology , si mund qe veq ndjesit zanore te shqipes u japin kuptimin e duhur shum fjalve,qe grekerit e italianet nuk I kuptojn, I hope 🤞 professors around the world, work more carefully wen is about to think about Albania language, I forget to translate the word , tekh ne lo gia. In Albania means, In as get birth of things , thanks 🙏 for trying to help as understand from where Albania words come from
The old Pelazgians turned into Illyrians meaning as of from the stars or stardwellers aswell as free as If a resistant people from colonializm.
Nobody is shocked that we talk about loanwords when all those words can be explained in their core only with proto albanian? Not logic right?!
When a albanian speaker that knows a few languages, or a non speaking one that learn the dialect Gege or Gegisht, and no specific formation needed can translate all kind of words (etrusk/farsi/sanskri and so many moderns words) that has no meaning or a not a satisfying one in other languages you come to the conclusion that indo-europeanisme is a trick and a lie from the 19th century to change history and try to cancel the roots of European population and their story by the way.
One mother language and one poupulation who speaks that divine and mysterious language. The language is still spoken, the population has caught amnesia.
The story of all or us if we pretend to be free and free spirits.
You wanna know the true history of the world but mostly the old continent then lean the 800 monosyllabic words or travel to Albania and u can verify a lot of things by yourself by doing this.
Cheers to the truthseakers
Very poor explanation. Your acknowledge is superficial and has no any merit into historical facts. As for your attempt to be a linguist, i admire your intention. As for any value of the facts you try to illustrate, it is a laughing mater. Even Homer, the pioneer of World's artistic literature, has spoken and written Illirian/Albanian words 3,000 years ago. Ancients of Albanian People, are the oldest Humans in the Continent of Europe and for that matter, they are the first language speaking people in Europe. They were called Pellasgians. They resided and stretched from Zagreb to Danube to Western Turkey, Greece, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, down to Algeria. All of these Nations keep to this day, many Albanian words in their own languages. For your curiosity, I will give you one FACT: EVEN Israeli's LANGUAGE has borrowed 6 letters from Illirian Language, some thousands years ago. I fill bad for your poor acknowledge about Albanian Language.
Completely fake. The man here is a serious linguist unlike you. Then tell me these Homer's Illyrian words
Jesus f Christ. At this point I can not distinguish if you guys are screwing or being for real.
Michael , may God almighty reward you , ALBANIAN language 8000 thousands years old ,,, we have all Adreatic see and Land , Albania letter's and unique , even day tray to change , letter's still is Albanian language ,, thanks
Unfortunately, you have just a little knowledge about the Albanian language, and your misrepresentation of infinitive makes us believe that we’re stuck by a very defective and self destructed standard. Albanian language is the last prisoner of communist regime. Your presentation is pretty poor. Thank You.
Honestly , proff how can Akbanian language borrow from Latin and Greek language when Albanian language is older than both of them. Latin borrowed a lot of words from Etruscans who were speaking proto Albanian. You are intentionally ignoring the connection between Illyrian or proto Albanians with nowadays spoken Albanian.
Why should Albanian had to borrow from everyone, and not vice-versa? We all know when Greek, Latin and others date, but not Albanian? Doesn't it mean that, something that exists more than 2500 years and you have no idea when it was formed, gave words to others to borrow?
Every language has borrowed words Albanian is not an exception
But there are some words in Albanian Geg dialect that I think have no link with European language’s
Black-Zi or Zezë
Moon-Hona or Hëna
Eye-Syni or Syri
Sun-Dilli or Dielli
Dream-Onder or Ëndër or Ander
Me-Un or Unë
And many more
Why the albanian dictionary only has 500.000 pure albanian words (so poor), but a "fake" language like Greek has 5.000.000? Answer me please
@@ΕυτυχίαΕ in the past Albanians have been close to Greeks lingual but during the Roman ruling we adapted Latin words and writing
I don’t say Albanians are older or Greeks but there are few words that survived any European influence
Thart in albanian gege
It's the other way around you are mixin helens that were dark skined orthodoxe from Ethiopia region grekis, grekos was italian way of calling orthodoxe albanians and this show it prrfectly
Albanian is older than any other Indo-European language that has been continuously used for at least 6500 years. We don’t have Slavic loan words but it is other way around. By the time slaves migrated to Europe. Albanians were living there in cities, developed langue, culture etc. Please could you tell me what loan word do Albanias use that is Slavic? Neither of the ones you nations are Slavic words. You are clueless with etymology of the words.
bie or sjell 'bring'
bie' fall'
kam or këmbë'leg'
Thartë in al. Toske
This is literally wrong, it’s the opposite. Albanian didn’t get these words from Latin, Latin loaned it from Albanians. The Romans loaned these words from the Etruscans. And Romanian are the a latinized Dardanians. Pelasgians/Etruscans- Illyrian/Dardanian - Albanians. They don’t want to accept this fact. They are getting ahead of us and taking the etymology from us. That’s why Harvard is now teaching the Albanian language at 3 different levels, they want to steal our etymological proof that our language is older than every other.
Show us some ancient artifacts written in albanian, then. We are waiting...
 ok I can only post text so why don’t you search up “ Boundaries of the Dardanians. Of Tin (Jupiter). “ a stone found in Tunis written in Etruscan describing the borders of the Dardanians.
Look up “Homeric Greek” Homer didn’t even speak Greek hahahaha “Ancient” Greek and Modern Greek are 2 complete different languages. Search that up as well “Homeric Greek Albanian” Albanians can literally read Homers text due to most words being OLD ALBANIAN or GHEG.
Look up NICHOLAS BIDDLE'S JOURNEY TO GREECE IN 1806. PROF. WILLIAM NICKERSON BATES. Where he writes that the Albanians are similar to the Native Americans in that we are the indignities autochthonous (also an Albanian word) of Europe. He writes about Athens “Albanian villages he found located all over the country, where the people spoke no Greek. The Albanian people he likens to American Indians.”
Our history isn’t recorded because it was stolen for over 3000 years by migrating Slavs, Greeks, Turks Etc. Don’t get me started you dont want this debate for real
I never seem to get a reply back 😂
@@Viganify Because none of those things are albanian, so why waste my time with you honestly, i knew you would post some sh*t like this 😭🤣
 your a self hating Albanian I’m a self loving one 😂 you’re scared to debate
findly thats right profesor. show to every one the albanian language is the oldest language. is the romans and ottoman fault. who destroyed the population and language .most of the albanians academic and professors are sold the soul and identity for €1000 euros pension for there one benefits or for citizenship to Russian gricce serbia orthodox church .we have to many uss likers . who sale the owne family for the money's. 🇦🇱 respect
he is actually showing the thousands of loanwords from Greek, Latin, Slavic, Turkish, Italian, etc, destroying Albanian nationalist fairytale of a 'mother' language.
Inxhi Tafa you just cannot take the truth that Albanian is a language that developed inland & that you people are very related to the Wallachians. The truth hurts.
thartë(thart) 'bitter'
pem or pemë 'tree'
Grek? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
He is wrong, he shouldn’t talk about Albanian language..English-F_at_her Albanian-Ati, Atdhe/Fatherland. With an Albanian language you can decode English and German. Like” Ex-press/As-pres- nuk-e-pres .. Njo/ know. Albanian language is before greek language. Pelazgo/Illyrians are here and never left Albanoi/Albania
Pas mal mais pas assez approfondie
Das kann irgendwie nicht stimmen.
Müssen sie den Dialekten anwenden und nicht die neuen Schreibweise ( Gjuhen Letrare).
Dann werden sie in ein anderes sieht weiße den Dingen sehen.
Also wenden sie die Dialekten.....
Das Problem hier ist: wer ist die erste und welche Sprache hat überlebt ?!
Alles gute
Kurth for trap
Hahhahahahahah redicolous, we dont know and is not?this is theory how to denies story off others, ilyria =Albania
Sorry, bur you are very wrong.
Vjedhur for stolen
Hahahahah ku e gjetet kete rotkarin o shkiptar hahaha
Ne pith te sate ame!
E kuptove?
E vërteta po del në shesh, mjaft me përralla greke.
Not professional at all, pure scam
How do u know they were not Albanian and then greek but u say it for sure they were greek,stop this nonsense