Yeah, there was another dude who disproved that jack wasn't his son theory and mentioned that there was zero evidence bill and Dutch were with Abigail. One is the fact that Bill is gay, and that Dutch's preference in women is the opposition of Abigail. Plus it is way out of character for them to save a girl who chose prostitution which is something that she hated and detested even when Grimshaw tried to get her back in, and when she finally was free and had support would continue the same thing and on top of that with her savior's, or in Dutch's perspective, taking advantage of a little girl who got saved. Tbh that seems way out of character for all of these characters. So, it's definingly John's son.
I mean, Jack avenged John in RDR1 so he even if he isn't John's son ,He was a father to him.
Yeah, They had a strong connection
Abigail was always loyal to John, the gang members just tried to ruin him after they disbanded, because he had a better life than they did.
Yeah, that might be right too
Yeah, there was another dude who disproved that jack wasn't his son theory and mentioned that there was zero evidence bill and Dutch were with Abigail. One is the fact that Bill is gay, and that Dutch's preference in women is the opposition of Abigail. Plus it is way out of character for them to save a girl who chose prostitution which is something that she hated and detested even when Grimshaw tried to get her back in, and when she finally was free and had support would continue the same thing and on top of that with her savior's, or in Dutch's perspective, taking advantage of a little girl who got saved. Tbh that seems way out of character for all of these characters. So, it's definingly John's son.