As a sikh Person I can tell you one thing, Hindus are the most secular and open minded person you will over meet, Even Over 10 Centuries Of religious persecution They still are here, The amount of knowledge in Bhagavad gita Literally have shaped my brain Into Working perfectly And for me its not uncommon to go to a hindu temple as no one stop Me Hail Santana dharma Hail sikhism Edit: its also crazy that you can basically be a Sikh and a sanatani same time eg: you believe in a formless, timeless and beyond imaginable reality that exist on everything and the name is waheguru, brahman and Shiva. And remember the name Shiva, hari, gopal, gobind are the names of the reality. Hindus also can have long hairs and beard, even ram ji had simalar bun like that of Sikhs, basically meaning you can be a sanatani and a Sikh at the same time, but one should always look into the religion. Cause we go deep Sanatan dharma have some difference with Sikhism, but the main concept are way similar.
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT BEING A HINDU (sanatana dharma)? 1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted 2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik 3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak. 4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman-shapeless, formless ,infinite, without beginning or end(nirvikalpa brahama) 5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools. 6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it. 7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure! 8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads -Go ahead. 9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana -Be my guest. 10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion) 11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a Karmayogi. 12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy. 13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic ! 14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only -Welcome.(Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship). 15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb!Follow Advaita philosophy 16) You want a Guru? Go ahead, receive Gyaan.(Gyan yoga) 17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !(still gyana or raj yoga) 18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped. 19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism! "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the world is a family) 20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival. Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year. 21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu. 22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved. 23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu! 24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom. 25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe! 26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint. 27) "Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu " (May you all live happily) You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu! This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!! There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell "Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah" Let the knowledge come to us from every direction " Thank You! :) Source: Comment by Video Gigs from
@Pruthvi Yannam Thank you for all that information. Truly appreciate the time and energy you must have invested in researching and then typing your comment. Thank you once again.
@@xyz-tv1op You can't say that, read the Gurugrath sahid and you can't get pass even a single hymn without saying Krishna, Ram....that itself tells the core of Sikhism.
Do you know Hinduism God complete Scientific. Our very ancient the Hindu Monks Created Trigonometry etc Mathematics ,Astronomy, Surgery, Ayurveda Medicine, Construction etc NASA Scientists Believe God Ram Because they found a lot of Proof. Do you know Lord Shiva is energy which indicates ATOMS. And The whole earth is made by atom . Water Indicate God Vishnu (Ram or Krishna) without water the earth's live isn't possible. Similarly each function.
This one is the best explaination of Sanatan Dharma from scratch I've come across. It is incredibly informative, without being boring for one second. Loved the humorous bits. Loved it from beginning to end.
As a Hindu, I can say that to understand our values we don’t need always to read them from our ritual books because in every home of Hindus we grow up by all these as our daily advice from our parents and teachers and so I feel blessed to be a Hindu
The fact that hinduism don't have any founder like Islam and Christian religion is enough to have some idea about how divine and ancient our culture is 🚩❤️
The fact that the other religions dont make provocative videos slandering other religions to bring your 330 million plus gods up speaks a lot about them lol .
@@katrinapoly i think you haven't watched the whole video....we believe in one god....brahman(parmatma) Actually we follow the God's religion and you follow the prophets
@@_SHUVAM_ who said we follow prophets ? I never had any hate towards Hinduism but u don't find any religion using other religions and comparing them to make their own feel better . If u want to spread Hinduism its upto u but don't use the name of other religions . There are already way too many yt shorts of Hindus mocking others so what I said was not false
@Thrisha Raja With all due respect get your facts right. I'd suggest you to read the Quran first, then revisit your opinion on Islam having nothing to do with terrorism.
It deals with the concept of god and spirituality, it has priests and sacred texts and rituals, so it is a religion. "Religion" doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be dogmatic and exclusionary like Abrahamic religions. These are different types of religion.
The truth is the truth regardless of whether u name it or not. It deals with God, our relation to that God, purpose in life and afterlife. So it's a religion, and there's nothing wrong with that
Religion means a set of beliefs or a belief system which has commendments. Hinduism doesnt have any commandments or a book like that. Even bhagvad gita is full of questions and answers there are no commandments.
So let me clear myself hinduism was not a religion but it is religion now. It was called sanatan dharam in which we had few rules to how to live our life. Later as the years passed the concept of bhakti( worship) came and then it became religion. But what i said earlier even when there was no concept of bhakti or worship, our culture was named religion. I am not opposing any of yours opinion that we are not religion now. Yes we are. We have gods. We worship them. And we are a religious community now. But all i am saying it was not meant to be religion but later it became
@@karenbrown3438 read a book called light of the truth by dayanand saraswati. People here use dharma as relegion and that also adulterated I mean purana. You could get confused. First read that book.
I always feel how I am going to teach my kids about Hinduism... Its gonna be so difficult. I mean, we grew up watching Mahabharata,Ramayan,Shiv,Durga serials on TV..but nowadays,TV only has chhota bheem and stuff like that.
@@aditisk99 True..but you know..its gonna be difficult..isnt it? Cz on one side youtube might have All of these good things..but it also has Nicki Minaj ANACONDA 😂
just give them SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA.... It will do its work to ur child..💞 but great thought and concern for yought. and childrens Radhe Krishna from me to u nd ur family
He forgot to mention that Hinduism believes that earth is round like shape n it moves around sun Proof Bhoogol- earth is round Jagat- earth has momentum
@Mishym Ahmed well either ur dumb to believe it or the people who told u this wrong info are dumb actually u both are pray to the animu waifus (i don't follow hindu but i can say that hindu was 1st one created
Also, have you ever thought of the primordial sound of the Universe, "AUM" ? Well, we have three sounds in that, "A" has the quality of creator Brahm'A', "U" has the quality of the preserver Vishn'U' and finally, "M" has the quality of the Destroyer Shiva or 'M'ahesh (another name of Shiva). Together, AUM becomes the trinity of the Universe. :)
The three interesting-looking persons depicted here are Brahma, the world-creator, Visnu, the world-maintainer, and Siva, the world-destroyer. Perhaps you’ve heard them characterized in that very misleading cliche of introductory World Religions texts as “the Hindu trinity.” And perhaps you’re simply inclined to dismiss them as the fanciful projections of a primitive mythologizing imagination run riot. But, if you go to the proper sources, the venerable Vedic texts Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, you’ll find Brahma, Visnu, and Siva accurately explained in the context of an exacting and comprehensive account of God and His creation, an account that is unrivaled in completeness and coherence by any other philosophical, scientific, or religious literature, and that is not only intellectually satisfying but also aesthetically captivating and spiritually fulfilling. In Srimad-Bhagavatam you’ll encounter the important distinction between the idea of “god” and the idea of “absolute truth.” “God” refers to any powerful controller, while “absolute truth” designates the ultimate source of all energies. There can be many gods, many controlling departmental heads of universal affairs, but only one absolute truth. This absolute truth is ultimately a person-Krsna. From Krsna everything emanates; by Krsna everything is maintained; to Krsna everything returns at the time of dissolution. This is what is meant by “absolute truth.” Anything that exists is either Krsna or an energy of Krsna’s. Krsna’s main energies are three. His internal energy is manifest as the transcendent spiritual kingdom; His external energy, as the temporary material world. His marginal energy is comprised of all living creatures, the individual animate souls. Souls are “marginal” because they can dwell either in the spiritual kingdom, serving Krsna in bliss and knowledge, or in the material world, forgetting Krsna in darkness and suffering. The Sanskrit word for the soul is jiva (“living entity”), and the marginal energy is also called jiva-tattva, the category of the jiva. Not only does Krsna expand through His energies, but He also expands Himself personally, directly. Krsna’s direct, personal expansions are called visnu-tattva, the category of Godhead. Like the persons of the trinity in Christian doctrine, the visnu-tattva expansions are one, but because Krsna is unlimited, His personal expansions are not merely three but unlimited divine persons, all manifested to perform unlimited divine pastimes. One of Krsna’s pastimes is to emanate, sustain, and reabsorb the material creation in periodic cycles, and this Krsna does in the persons of Brahma, Visnu, and Siva, who are called guna-avataras. Material nature acts in three ways or modes (gunas). When there is creation-construction, generation, procreation, etc.-material nature acts in the mode of passion (rajo-guna). When there is sustenance-maintenance, preservation, endurance, etc.-nature is working in the mode of goodness (sattva-guna). When there is destruction-decay, dissolution, devastation, etc.-nature acts in the mode of ignorance (tamo-guna). Brahma is the controller of nature in the mode of passion; he is the engineer who creates the universe. Every universe has its Brahma, who appears as the first created being in it. Although Brahma is usually in the category of jiva, he is designated an avatara (incarnation) of Krsna because he is especially empowered with Krsna’s own creative potency. Using the ingredients furnished by Krsna and following Krsna’s blueprints, Brahma constructs the material universe, and then he begets the offspring, called Prajapatis, whose descendants populate all the planets. Visnu, who controls nature in the mode of goodness and sustains the creation, is directly the Supreme Lord. In the spiritual kingdom of God, where everything is everlasting, the quality of goodness exists without either passion or ignorance. Therefore it is appropriate that Visnu personally controls this quality even in the material world, where it becomes bracketed by ignorance and passion. Siva, the lord of the mode of ignorance, devastates the universe at the end by his wild, all-annihilating dance. Siva is a personal expansion of Krsna, not a jiva, yet because he comes into intimate contact with the quality of ignorance and with matter (which is innately ignorant), you cannot receive the same spiritual restoration by worshiping him that you do by worshiping Krsna or Visnu. Siva is therefore given his own category, siva-tattva. Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.39) sums it up like this: “In the beginning of creation there are penance, myself [Brahma], and the Prajapatis, the great sages who generate; then, during the maintenance of the creation, there are Lord Visnu, the demigods with controlling powers, and the kings of different planets. But at the end there is irreligion, and then Lord Siva and the atheists full of anger, etc. All of them are manifestations of the energy of the supreme power, the Lord.
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
@@ajiteshsinghrajpoot2609 are bhai vichar naam ki v koi cheez hoti hai agar hindu dharam itana hi acha hota toh aisi nobat na aati hamare dharam me cast system hai jo ek pagal brahman jo apne app ko hi bagwan manta hai usko ijjat di jaati hai lekin ek shuder hr roj roti k liye marta usko dyan hi nhi dya jata khud socho ek normal insaan ko life matter karti hai usko kisi raja ki problems ka kya ladai rajja ki marte aam log aur je Khatri brahman Salle khud kya mehnat karte the je log toh farmers and other workers se tex lekar hi jeete hai mere bhai mere liae sabhi insaan hai na hindu muslim sikh koi v matter nhi karta matter karta hai toh bs je karta hai k kisne insaniyat ke liye kya kiya
What about Mariam the mother of Prophet Isa ? An entire Surah(Chapter) has been dedicated in glory-fying the true character of a women.... So much, so ... That's she's called one of the greatest women to ever walk upon the face of Earth unparalleled. Here it is : In Islam, neither men nor women are God's or goddess.... In Islam, we believe in the Absolute. For Allah SWT we worship like the angels tirelessly worship Allah for billions of years without food or water. Allah is unique UNLIKE it's creation. We also believe, "Worship the creator, not it's creation". Anyways, Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)
It is written in Gita that it does not matter which caste you belong to... Your karma and work will decide in which category you will be.... Like if you belong to pandit (upper caste) and your deeds and actions are like sutra (lower caste) then logically you will be known as sutra ... (It's all written in Geeta )
this is severely faulty video. someone made him full or he understood Hinduism wrong. - Hindu is a geographical term Given by Persian in ancient time. so Hinduism is not a religion, it is SANATAN DHARMA meaning TIMELESS. so we are Hindu by geography and SANATANI by the practice of life you can call it Religion. - so SANATAN DHARMA has no set of boundaries and primary source of SANATAN DHARMA is RIGVEDA and supreme ENTITY is AADIYOGI or AADISHIVA who is timeless but time, intangible but tangible, nowhere but everywhere, nothin but everything......means we can't describe that ENTITY in any word which has premise. by the way, SANATAN DHARMA consists so many different ideas sometimes contradictory which is ironically justifiable since the philosophy of Dialecticalism applies everywhere. - there is no supreme entity called "Brahman". - Brahman is a caste in Hindu caste systems. - there is deity called BRAHMMA among trinity. - trinities are the deities, not GOD since they all walk on earth at some point of time, and they are more of symbolic representation of the Universe as a working entity. - any God except AADIYOGI is a deity, not a God.
@@krodhbhattaraka5281 did I say something different or from you, please elaborate..... I would love to learn. Since Rigveda is "Apauruseya"(Divine) so anything else is just different opinion by different persons sourcing from Rigveda only or somehow linked with Rigveda. - please tell me about BRAHAMAN(the supreme one) and its source and haw it is different from Aadishiva which is also considered a Bindu but shiva has form.
@@krodhbhattaraka5281 so saying BRAHMAN is the supreme entity is correct? -can you tell me then what do we call the supreme entity described in Vedas and can any other religious text's explanation of a supreme entity override Vedas's concept?
Even Atheists do have a place in Hinduism. Unlike any other religions of the world. We're family of five and we all believe in different aspects/ways of Hinduism.
I've never seen an atheist who calls himself hindu. Maybe some rebel teenagers but they eventually fall in line with their parents. I've never seen a family that is traditionally athiest
@@greengumgrows ok. Let me explain. It's not about them calling Hindu or not. It about Hinduism respecting people who are Atheists. Unlike other religions where Atheists are looked down upon. Let me repeat this one more time. No matter what the person believes God or no God. He/She will find respect in Hinduism. People who do not believe in God, are known as seekers. Which were majority of our people. It's only in recent times we have became believers. Hence Santana Dharm became Hinduism.
@@greengumgrows My father is Shiv Bhakt, My Mom is a Radha Swami, My Grandma is Nirankari, Im an atheist and my sister is confused. Our meals are fun. They all understand me and my sister is still confused.
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் He is actually not wrong, I am a total atheist but I have what you would say a Hindu's life. Hinduism is a way of life, not a religion, at least not for people who care about Humanity rather than a religion. I love the felxiblity of Hinduism, I love the atmospheres of puja but I don't have faith in god. Simple.
They can... There's just alot of text which will take time to learn. The people that have made such mean comments to you, they are just representing there morals and beliefs. Don't be offended or argue back or you will just become a mirror to what they are. A true Muslim Sikh Christian etc have ethics and morality. such true and honest people despise such people. There an embarrassment to there faith. They have forgotten the sentence in there books that talk about morality and kindness and unfortunately you are loosing yours aswell.
Hindusm is just like a ancent science rether then religion it has a big bunch of books morly distroyed.. Its about the centuries of science,research and experiences
Isaiah 45:12,21-22 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts. Declare what is to be, present it- let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. “Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் Shivling is a meteorite stone worshipped as a symbol of Lord Shiva n also with a 3rd eye.. It is the alternative of Shiva Himself..
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் u idiot , Linga doesn't mean penis , it means symbol , for example , females don't have penis , but still we call it "stree Linga", so Shiva Linga is the symbol of Shiva
@@ankityadav-qb3yz bro i think we should not be doing good deeds just because we r afraid of karma but rather we should do them because that's what we are supposed to do
Adnan Farooqui doubt you know 2 shits about Hinduism yourself!! Maybe at least try knowing the truth before criticising other communities.... it’s so easy to disrespect other people’s religion is perfect, it doesn’t need to be!!! No religious texts (however perfect they may sound to people following them) are perfect..... About you blindly insulting the institution of Gods without basic understanding thereof...makes me laugh...the same can be said about the miraculous stories about the Prophet, but with all due respect, I WON’T insult your religion or your prophet or call him names...coz the first things a good Hindu should follow, is to respect other religions and their beliefs...coz that’s the right thing to do!!!! Plus these “stories” are actually trying to teach you lessons on morality and life, which is again a great thing! In fact, many USA based top MBA school are referring to our books like the Geeta to teach situational Management skills, if that helps you understand this point! Mind you...We also believe in a single source and idols are just to make life simpler for a person to pray to someone/something...makes it easier to visualise that someone and pray...but we also believe that every prayer will reach the ultimate being and there needs to be no specific way or compulsory method to can pray at the comfort of your home or in a temple or in any place while doing any activity...or you may simply show the gratitude for what you have, by praying for the food on your plate and good life you are blessed with...and that too is enough! Hinduism believes in are free to be an atheist and you are free to be a long as your actions in your life are good...that’s your dharma (your responsibility towards HUMANITY, SOCIETY and FAMILY) and your karma has been followed we’ll, that’s all that should matter....
@@priyansuchoudhury0246 Oh I love how you said that i think so too i don't think we should do anything just because we are afraid of some sort of punishment
Thanks for reacting Jaby, Achara, and Johny. I'm following Hinduism but haven't read any of these books. Know little stories of these from what my grandparents said. But I really want to read all those and want to understand those in-depth. I'm sure that today's generation including me who are so-called Hindus have no idea about Hinduism. I really wish this situation will change.
@@ayushnayak4060 you have 4 Vedas , Upanishads , puraan , gita , mahapuraan etc . History books Mahabharata , Ramayana etc. Don't lie that hindusm doesn't have religious books .
Not exactly - God is not an Accountant - bean-counter Basically the idea is that if you work hard, you will get good marks in school, you will succeed in life But if you are lazy and don't study or work hard, then bad marks or will not succeed Karma means Action - that's all - your actions determine your fate
In a Hindu household,5 different people can follow 5 different Gods,can choose to be either a monotheist or a polythiest or a honotheist and still live peacefully
To my Dharmic brothers and sisters that claim that Hinduism (and similarly Buddhism Jainism Sikhism) is not a religion but a way of life. Please realize that this is firstly not entirely correct and secondly forms a big danger to us. 1. It is not entirely correct because in addition to being a way of life they do also have elements of typical religions: belief in supernatural being/God (maybe Buddhism is an exception here), there are explanations of how the world began/works .... It's not just a way of life, though it is much more a way of life than Abrahamic Religions where the focus is on believing things. 2. It is dangerous because by declaring it not a religion, it loses a lot of LEGAL power. Many disputes are filed over cases of properties, traditions ... and religions have big protection in these court-cases. By using the 'freedom of religion' you can keep many traditions, temple properties ... But if your practice is not protected under this law because 'it is not part of religion', then they are automatically disadvantaged over Christians/Muslims. This is already happening in India and this is quickly spreading in other Asian regions. The Dharmic traditions are non-expansive, but we cannot deliberately weaken our case when confronted by expansionists Abrahamic religions.
@@LuckyLucky-yy7qz we are humans because we follow Hinduism but you are not humans because jabardasti dharm parivarta, Taliban jammati, love jihad, fun on hindu gods all come under you not us. So, please go and study read something and then come, don't teach us how to become humans because Hindus are humans not jihad or mollana. Ok ॥ जय श्री राम ॥🙏
Vishnu Purana begins with the story of Matsya avatar, the fish incarnation of Vishnu. A tiny fish approaches Manu, the first leader of mankind, on the riverbank and begs him to save him from the big fish. Manu, in his compassion, scoops the tiny fish out of the river in the palm of his hand and puts it in a pot. The tiny fish is immensely grateful. But the next day the tiny fish has grown in size and the pot is too small to accommodate it. Manu transfers the fish to a big pot. A day later, the fish has grown once again. Manu has to move it to a giant pitcher. That too is not enough a day later. So the fish is moved from the pitcher to a pond, from the pond to a lake, from the lake to a river and finally the sea. Even the sea is not enough. So the rains start to fall and the ocean expands to make room for the fish. As the ocean expands, the waters creep over the earth and soon Manu realizes that the whole world will soon be submerged by the rising waters. The rain continues to fall, the sea continues to rise, making more and more room for the fish. Manu cries out in alarm and wonders what is happening. The fish smiles and transforms into Vishnu, and promises to save Manu from the flood. It asks Manu to take refuge in a boat for himself, his family, for various animals and plants and for the seven wise sages in whose custody rests the wisdom of the world (the Hindu Noah’s Ark some may say). The giant fish then guides this boat through the rain and storm to the peak of Mount Meru, the only piece of land that survives the great flood of doom. Why does Vishnu take the form of a fish for his first interaction with mankind? And what does this story have to do with the corporate world? To understand this one must first understand the Sanskrit phrase, ‘matsya nyaya’ which means ‘ law of the fishes’, whose equivalent in English is the phrase ‘law of the jungle’. In the story, the tiny fish asks Manu to save him from the big fish. But in nature, no one would come to the tiny fish’s rescue because in the jungle everyone is on their own and only the fit survive. Manu, however, is human and not entirely part of nature. He has been given the faculty by which he can defy the law of the jungle. That is what makes a man a man. Manu acts, not from the need to survive, but out of compassion. The moment he scoops the fish out and saves it, civilization is born: a place where even the weakest can thrive. The laws instituted to make this happen is dharma, making matsya nyaya the very opposite - adharma. A government is like Manu - trying to create through its laws and regulations - a system where the the weakest can thrive and the strong don’t dominate the weak. They don’t want large MNC and business houses ( the big fish) to establish a monopoly and seize control of the market. They want the smaller players to thrive too. Hence, they impose regulations and licenses and laws and do every thing in their power to stamp out a market where anything goes. Such actions by the government destroying the ‘free’ market and stifling liassez faire has been repeatedly denounced. But they are necessary, since man - while capable of extreme generosity - is also capable of extreme greed. Government laws and regulations and licenses are needed to protect the interests of the weaker sections of society, to ensure a fair distribution of wealth. The tiny fish, however, does not remain a tiny fish forever. It grows in size. Unable to provide for itself, totally dependent on Manu, it begs for more. A bigger pot, a bigger pond. And Manu, in his compassion, keeps giving and giving and giving, until finally even the sea is not big enough for the fish. Rains must come and the sea must expand so that the fish can be accommodated. In the process Manu’s world is destroyed. Thus the story shows the price of foolhardy compassion. Neither Manu nor the fish are willing to face a truth - that the fish is no longer helpless. Manu, because he is afraid of being seen as less compassionate. The fish, because it is afraid of fending for itself. This has happened in India where laws and regulations and licenses ended up stifling growth, and destroying the economy. The rules had to be changed. The markets had to open up to foreign investments. Manu had to let the fish help itself. But that has not been taken kindly…. Everywhere we see protests, riots, marches against the opening up of the Indian economy. The fish is afraid and is lashing out at Manu, which perhaps never prepared the fish for this moment. A leader is like Manu. While creating more markets, he has to consciously sometimes invest disproportionately higher amounts in small developing markets over large developed ones. In the absence of such concerted effort, the budget can be totally appropriated by the big sales team managing the developed markets with its grand promises, leaving the small sales team with little or no budget. A good leader never asks the smaller markets for immediate returns. The bigger markets may cry foul and taunt the leader with proof that if more investments were made it could perhaps cough up a bigger return. But the leader’s vision is long term. The big market may not be big forever and the small market will eventually grow. For the moment, the tiny fish needs its pot and pond and the big fish can manage in the sea. But a shrewd leader must be wary of the plan becoming a habit. The developing market can choose to call itself a developing market forever. It is possible that nobody has noticed that it is becoming a developed market, that it does not need that extra care it was given initially, that it now has the power to play with the big boys. A wise leader should always keep an eye on the size of the fish and know when is it time to throw it back into the sea. Good leadership is about capacity building. A good leader is not someone who gives you the fish - he is one who teaches you how to fish. That is the first lesson of the Vishnu Puran
"The ignorant believe that un-manifest Para Brahma (One God) incarnates or takes manifestations, because they do not completely understand My highest, immutable, incomparable, and transcendental existence." (Bhagavad Gita 7:24)
@@sakib0o7 The actual verse says अव्यक्तं व्यक्तिमापन्नं मन्यन्ते मामबुद्धय: | परं भावमजानन्तो ममाव्ययमनुत्तमम् || Transliteration: avyaktaṁ vyaktim āpannaṁ manyante mām abuddhayaḥ paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mamāvyayam anuttamam Translation: The less intelligent think that I, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna, was formless earlier and have now assumed this personality. They do not understand the imperishable exalted nature of my personal form. So while your comment isn't completely wrong, it is not the complete truth either. The verse actually means to convey that gods are not human - they don't incarnate from Brahman. Instead, they are primordial and live on a spiritual realm, and do not incarnate, but take the form of humans to aid them on earth :) Source:
Why do upper castes believe discrimination doesn’t exist? The Manual Scavengers Of Mumbai
@@stayinawesum because you have an option of not believing in caste system and just omit your caste or get converted to Buddhism (like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar did). But there is more to this. Why do you think the caste exists even after 800 years of islamic Rule (Muslim claims this) and 250 approx. Christian rule (by British)?
@@SamSung-iv4sq like... Do you use every mathematical methods in your life.. Or just say " whats the use sir...i dont use these in my real life so why should i learn. "..the fact is whether it is usefull or not you should study it..
Hinduism has people who don't beleive in Gods, while there are people who believe idol worship. It is a universal culture. Dharma is the word Hinduism is referred as. Dharma means responsibility, duty and not religion.
@@AriaIsara Yes, you are right. But at the same time, religion basically means a belief system on something more powerful than mortal knowledge. But Hinduism never preached that. It considers all at par. Even Gods are subjected to questions here. In that way Hinduism is not a religion but a culture. A religion enforces rules to live , but culture gives you options. The later is what Hinduism does.
GLOBAL AFFAIRS I get what you mean but I feel that this concept that religion enforces stuff and you can't question it comes from that fact that people associate Abrahamic religions as THE model of religion. So since Abrahamic religions are dogmatic, close minded etc people assume that this defines religion. I beg to differ :-) There are different categories of religion, Abrahamic faiths = dogmatic, exclusionary ("only our religion and our way is true") vs other faiths (Hinduism, other eastern faiths?, modern neopagan faiths in the west) = non dogmatic, inclusive But I see your point ^_^
@@AriaIsara I got your point. Its quite true and at the same time it is unfortunate that we take western philosophy as ideal. Although they have some good concepts, but still they are of course not as experienced as our civilisation. They are novice civilisations. I completely agree with your point.
Achara is so freaking smart. She gets everything. I know how hard it can be for a non hindu to grasp this but she does it without any effort. Achara you're perfect! ❤️
Thailand is heavily influenced by our culture. Their national text is the Ramayana in Thai. Their temples and architecture reflect our culture. So it is obvious Achara is influenced by our culture.
Abrahamic faiths - Body has acquired a soul.. Hinduism - Soul has acquired a body.. Time is linear in Abrahamic faiths.. Time is cyclic in hinduism.. Thus the cycle of life & death & life & death.. There is no "judgement day" or "kayamat ka din"
@@yashahir2384 Exactly but, he made his own relegion which is very simple and pure. He derived good things from Hinduism and removed the bad things from it and added another good things as well.
but today's Brahmin is totally different from past, Abhi unke liye paisa is sabkuch hai, sirf lootne me lage hai! Kabhi tirth karne jaana pata lag jayega
@@m.a.1416 You cannot explore the whole world in one lifetime. The point is "do not dwell on the destination but enjoy the journey for as long as it lasts!"
Why do upper castes believe discrimination doesn’t exist? The Manual Scavengers Of Mumbai
@@stayinawesum Well the actual system of caste is bases on occupation and according to veds no discrimination is allowed on the bases of caste there is no lower caste or upper caste in reality and moreover there is no such ritual that a child born is a particular caste will do what his father is doing caste changes as per the occupation a caste is a personal thing and no one has the right to question far as real culture is concerned but it is no longer functional in north but still alive in south
caste system was based on talent of a person, but slowly with time it was degarded to birth based system which is no more in india body belives it in present times except some parts of india
Conservation of Energy principle: Energy neither created nor destroyed but it can only be transferred from one form to another HINDUISM: Soul neither created nor destroyed but it can only be transferred from one form to another. Soul is considered as form of energy
Do not dilute the dharmic concept just because you want to sound scientific. Its a disservice to Dharma. Atman is not energy because energy is material. Every thing that is in the universe and can be measured is material. Atman is immaterial. It is not formed out of anything, it doesn't dissolve in anything and more importantly it DOESN'T transform from one form to another because it doesn't have a FORM to begin with. Its only the matter and materials which can be transformed. Atman is neither matter nor material nor energy, it is the pure living being and in fact the only living being.
@@prigee Bro you don't know much science. You said everything can be measured in this universe Ever heard of Dark Energy and Dark matter?? They neither can be seen nor can be measured. They constitute about 70% and 25% of universe respectively
@@rishabh9389 That's not the point of contention. You should, may be try an understand the point I am trying to make here and then come with a counter point . Then, we shall have a conversation and then you are allowed to judge my comprehension of Science and its fundamentals.
Do not get confused with white ghost form with Atman. Atman is the inner mind which is a part of big universal mind known as Brahman. It's a thinking process.
@@rishabh9389 Who discovered dark matter and dark energy at first place!? It's science. There are antimatter labs in Europe and USA to study them; research is still being going on. Soul is nothing but our imagination of self. There is no soul energy.
@@sudheershukla2381 Every Buddhist knows that. Its written in almost all the books written in Pali. Yea. He agreed on Dharma, karma, moksha and reincarnation but he rejected the superstitious rituals, greedy priests, caste system and it's discrimination and chose the path of meditation for enlightenment and refused to believe in mythological Gods.
@REDPILL knowledge No.. Redpill guys choose this path particularly to hate women.. Hinduism respect women.. Hinduism path is much bigger than every aspect of life
Guys... Stop saying: "You can't understand Hinduism" whatsoever. They were just trying to understand and comprehend the mere basics of it by watching the video, and there is no requirement that they need to know a whole lot about it. And I am pretty damn sure that even many of these so called hardcore 'Hindus' don't really know how it originated or the 'mere basics' that the video covered in the first place. Just appreciate the fact that Jaby and his friends reacted to this pretty 'basic, yet informative' video.
I agree with you 🙌🏻 Seems like a lot of Hindus are just simply taking out points of making themselves offended. I honestly believe that the video was really informative and there are many real facts in his research. Since I have been learning a lot about Hinduism I can say that even though if this wasn’t the whole lot of it, he did summarize it. ☺️
Lord Budha was from Warrier family and he became sage. There are no caste in India. The Cast word was introduced into Indian culture to divide and rule policy of Britishers before 18 Century.
"Matrix" is inspired from vedas. Even the "Navras" sound track in closing credits is a vedic Sanskrit shloka. Avatar, Interstellar, Star wars series, Inception are some of the few other movies which also follow the philosophy based on Hinduism.
@Noyon Koch Upanishads are texts that explain the Vedas And Upanishads too are Hindu texts. Upanishads lay the foundation of the shamanic traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and orthodox Hinduism.
16:15 *People are named or labelled as a group based on their work, like soldiers, merchants and farmers etc. Later that became a caste system, years later began the who's higher than whom and violence based on caste.* *Somebody in my comments for jaby's caste system video mentioned "it's stated clearly Brahmins come from head of God and workers/low caste from feet" etc.. But It's not coming from head of God, it's using one's head/brain for their occupation.* *1st - Brahmins which consisted of teachers, astrologers, mathematicians, spiritual leaders use their intelligence, have to be wise. Their knowledge should be the first thing helping the people and the kings.* *2nd - arms of protection.* *those who use shoulders/body power for their occupation* *Like King, warriors, administrators, soldiers etc* *3rd - those who run the economy, economists* *merchants, doctors, bankers, moneylenders, shopkeepers etc* *4th - people those who depend on a labor for occupation* *Farmer workers, artisans, fishermen, hunters, gatherers, construction workers etc.* *That's how the class is divided into. There's no higher or lower, one should support the other to function proper, to run a kingdom in peace. One shouldn't be corrupt, if they are corrupt that'll lead to decline of the standards and peace. If you're born to a person who is a Scholar you can still choose to be whatever you want to be, it's like choosing a faction, you can be a soldier if you train hard and develop your skills @ war, you can be a doctor, you can be a merchant. There's no restriction. It's the wrong ideas of the people and those who wanted to have an upper hand over others made this into the caste system and whatnot* (Edit:sorry I had to bold this entire paragraph) 25:50 it's true what Achara said Above all.. there's a famous saying "seyyum thozhilae dheivam" meaning the profession you do is the God. So, do your duty, job completely without fault, never disrespect anyone's job/profession.
Well explained.... Hinduism actually doesn't order to have class system by only has classified the DUTIES of human society. Who were expert in which field they had power to choose their own profession. If someone is physically strong then they could choose the profession of soldier, if someone had intelligence n knowledge they were allowed to be teacher, who had read all Vedas n Puranas , and other holy books of Hinduism they were allowed to be priest, but he can be any one. No bar, was their only the bar was expertise in should be there in their chosen field. N only those who don't have any expertise in any field they had to do labour works.... The classification in DUTIES were set by the according to the expertise of people. Then the "genetical logic" comes.. n people start to think that "like father like son". A child must have the qualities of their parents. So if a Brahmin (educated n intelligent professionals ) child born he must have the same strong brain like his parents. Where as if a Sudra have born he must have less talent n knowledge,and can't have any expertise in his blood. That's how castism came in Hinduism by birth.
Labour only do labour work? He don't need education he don't have right to take education? He don't need to protect himself only depends on others? He don't need to do business to earn money and save it ?
I’m so touched how Achara felt connected with everything said in the video. Most Hindus have grown up with all this knowledge, however, it’s still refreshing to go through and when Shiva was presented to the screen my tears came out. I’m so connected to Shiva since birth. Thanks Jaby for reaction video. ✌🏼
It's difficult for non-hindu to get into the essence of Hinduism. Hinduism is experiencial religion unlike Abrahamic religions which are based on scriptures. An hindu struggle is to seek dharma within with the help of scriptures and guru.
Umm no sati and parvati are not the same. Shiva's first wife was sati who gave her life (for some reason i don't remember). His next wife was parvati. I mean parvati is said to be the reincarnation of sati, so in effect they are two different people. Just like Ram and Krishna were different, though the reincarnation of the same god. In fact, Lord Ram often refused the title of being a god as opposed to Krishna who would indirectly acknowledge his godliness (based on the mythological texts)
Sati and Parvati are represenattions of Shakti so when Sati burned herself as her father Daksha insulted her husband Shiva so the next is Parvati when shakti married shiva , The combination of Adishakti and Shiva is supposed to be what keeps universe in balance
RIG Veda = science, math, philosophy Yajurveda = performing yanjgya, poojas, and performing different rituals Samaveda = its all about music, notes, ragas,tala, laya, its mathematics of Music Atharvaveda= its all about occult Caste system was not based on which family he was born but what heor she did in the sense If im a teacher or impart knowledge in whatever ways he was called Brahmin Anybody like a soldier,king, or peacekeepers were called Kshatriyas Traders, businessman were called vaishyas And one who did carpentry, weaving and other odd jobs were called shudras It didnt matter whom u were born to but what u did that was the caste system, but with time it started to change from that structure as kings wanted thier sons to be kings regardless of the ability of the person thats when the system started to fail. The system failed because of the very fundementals people were supposed to give up like Kama, Krodha = anger, mada = Ego, matsara= jealousy, people did not give it up hence the caste system took an ugly face in the evolution. Hence king Bharath the king of Aryavrath as this was the name of india then in vedic times chose not his son but a suitable ruler who can serve people. A king is only a king until and unless he thinks about his people before him. But power or irsha = desire, changed this aspect. Ramayana teaches or draws an outline of how a father should be, how a son should be , how a brother should be , how a wife should be , how a friend should be and while going through life how to be on the path of rigtheousness= dharma. Mahabharath is all about dharma= performing right actions for the said circumstances. Bhagavad geeta is the longest part of mahabharatha. Sad part is most of todays generation is so looking up to the west that they or we havent found the time to go through these texts or its summary. We are busy collecting or running behind material success that we have forgotten to run behind dharmic= differentiating whats right and wrong or karmic = what im doing (right or wrong ) success .
@@tarunmedi i dont hate west buddy, i dont know why u feel so if i hated west i wouldnt be here watching the channel. My identity is my culture if i love my culture doesnt mean i hate anyones, but if asked whether would u give up ur culture for something else the ans would be no. I hope u got your answer, indians cannot be haters of any culture we are welcoming, accommodating, loving of any culture.
@@incarnation8187 we are talking about same Indians who voted for a govt who is violating fundamental rights of others .. who are still crying about what happend in past .. ( even though most of it is a lie) .. who are changing name of towns because they were named after muslim rulers .. on one hand they are demolishing temple of saint ravidas .. on other crying for Ram temple .. ? violating everything for which Ram stood for .. ?
@@tarunmedi how does that relate my comment to the government??? Where is my hatred for west. If u reacted on my comment, my comment is my thinking im not representing the govt nor im a govt employee. However to answer your question if someone comes to your house ransacks the place will u name ur house or compound of ur house on that persons name???
I don't think even 3 out of 10 Hindus can list all the Puranas! Or even know what came first out of the vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas. We know a little and that's all we talk about. Hinduism is a sea of knowledge.
Adhesh Sagar Way to say the right opposite. Indians swarm towards any video with the word ‘India’ on the title. That’s how these reaction channels became big. Your statement couldn’t be more wrong.
People commenting here that this was just a slight part of Hinduism, I have two things to say to you: 1. He said that himself. 2. He definitely mentioned something even you wouldn't have known and respect that. It was a well rounded video and the amount of research done is tremendous, most Hindus wouldn't have been able to put it so well and let's just appreciate it.
Im so proud to be sanatani hindu ! oldest religion and language sanskrit so proud to be sanatani born in dev bhumi 🇳🇵❤️🕉️🙏 "जय श्री पशुपति नाथ " ॐ नम शिबय ॐ
@@ayushpurohit8266 lol... We know tamil is older but it belongs to Sanathana dharma.. Soo don't be a foolish.. I too belong to Andhra which is as much as older as tamil... But what bind is Sanathana dharma.
So once you actually become spiritually awake , hinduism makes a lot of sense. Like it connects all the dots. I understand you guys might not understand, but it's awesome!!
@@galariajaved that's cruelty and evil that has been stored these days...! It doesn't deal with belief's. innocent might be killed evil might be killed . Sin performed = will be punished. "KARMA"
The best version is by osho. But it is in hindi.. Its a 90 hours long.. Took me a year to listen all of it.. Never heard anything more beautiful than that..
Caste system was intended for the whole world to work smoothly based on capabilities. But later people doing certain start to think of themselves as superior to others. Those guys start to discriminate people based on the works. But actually all castes were equal and was intended for smooth functioning of the society and all humans.
God himself ( krishna) tells that ,,, धर्म संस्थापना थाए संभावनी युगे यूगे । He himself will come to earth if no one is able to save sanatan Our dharma means Kindness Love Knowledge and many more things
Hinduism is not founded its not prophet based, book based religion..... Hinduism is a Civilization like Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Ancient Romans etc all of them had their own culture, ancient knowledge, belief systems and mythology, worships and ways of Life...all declined Hinduism or Vedic civilization is the only survived and Surviving ancient civilization, worlds oldest religion....
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
in India people are following western cultures because they think they look cool they dont know base is HINDUISM WORLDS OLDEST RELIGION AND HAS EVERY SOLUTION.
”Lead me from the unreal to the real ” while reading Bhagvad Gita I also compared this concept with the concept of matrix which is very famous and bhakti, yoga, dhyan are the cheatcodes to finish the game called ‘Life ’ and to go home which is the ‘Paramatma ’😃
I liked the way Achara was responding with "Yeah... Yess..." whenever he talked about Ramayana, Arjuna, Ganesha. I am guessing she knew about it already. Great!!!!
Hinduism doesn’t exist are talking about that is ‘Sanatana’ ....but not your fault , even 80% bhartiya(indians) don’t know..... And Sanatana isn’t a’s Dharma...
In Shakta tradition, Shiva's wife is Adi Parashakti who manifests as Parvati. Her warrior aspect is Durga and the aspect related to time and death is Kālī.
Yeah they are not different wife's shiva have.....sati died and recarnated to Parvati...(afterall there's no end to the great and greatest maa adishakti 🙏🙏🙏)
As an Indian, listening to other Religion Opinions over my Religion beliefs I don't mind them as I do think some things gone too far. But I love my Religious Gods, all Gods are my Core and if humans decided to believe in something then this is what Hinduism came up with Useful Beliefs. For example - Yoga, it's a Great intervention to fix your Inner and Outer Cores.
@@devagyasingh6819 Yes it is believed that he was given the boon of immortality. There are a few who are believed to be immortal from the ancient times and hanuman is one of them.
Yes, he is God but Rama never knew he was a God until he passed away. That's why people worship him that much. He has many devotees than Krushna because Rama as a Human Being faced many challenges in life and when he killed Vali then in his next life Krushna died the same way. Vali in his next life became a hunter and killed Krushna. So the Karma here didn't break even for God. PS - I put the spelling as Krushna because in all the languages of Bharat we write it as Krushna and spell it, Krishna.
@@keshavsaini915 hahaha u know got can't b any shape it's alwhere but ur fraud god hs elephant face some hs pig face some ha owl face some hs rat wtf 🤣😅🤭
@@zafaraslamansari100 because for some reason they have that face, and you are talking about elephant face , Lord Ganesh have elephant face because he is God of education, a normal brain cannot store that much information that's why he had that face, and some incarnations of God have animal face to tell humanity that no one is weak everybody have it's own ability and power
Correction: Varna is not "Caste". Caste is a Portuguese System. Laws of Manu does not forbid movement between castes. No Hindu Text does. The British created Caste and the hoaxes around it.
There is truth here, colonialism definitely made it much more of an issue, shacking it to politics and one's birth, etc... However, there was certainly still discrimination around social standing, prior to the colonial days.
There was no discrimination ever. British sowed the seeds of discrimination by superimposing the European Caste Sytem which was birth based over the Vedic Varna System which was training and qualification based. They did so by mentioning "caste" against a persons details through through British Census 1872. The same technique to create Scheduled Tribes out of Hindus living in remote hilly and forest areas. Then Mayavati created Dalits. All these designations were created out of thin air to divide Hindus.
@@yashwantkeirankachhua2300 well... just because new nomenclature was introduced, doesn't mean what it's attempting to define didn't already exist. It was their word to identify the system of social stratification they observed... And then in return they took what they observed and used their power to terribly twist it and use it to oppress the lands natives. Again, I am not denying the British heavily oppressed. I am a practicing sadhaka from the dashnami sampraday corner, I understand all too well how today's caste came to be, and what actual varnashram is, etc. However, from scriptures Iike Manisha Panchakam, the words of Sants, slave Manumissions, etc etc, we can also see that there was some level of social discrimination clearly evident. If everyone embodied proper vivek/vairagya towards eachother, there would literally be no need to even conceive of what the Manisha Panchakam expresses. Not only through those mediums can we see this... But the land is hugely populated, it is simple organic nature that such hierarchy occurs. You can observe this phenomenon amongst many species, not just humans. It's quite a deep topic, actually. To think Bharat was just some ultra humbled etopia, free from any such social discrimination, is absurd. Again, it is common to our specifies and many others. Such structure helps birds avoid collision, for example. With humans level of egoic self-awareness, as intrinsically philosophical beings, such intuitive nature of being as social hierarchy comes under the intellectual light, and with that implies the full contrast of ego and its play. It's literally part of collective survivalism that there would of been some level of discrimination present... It's part of how we've evolved to recognize unfair oppression, etc, and understand self even deeper. So, of course it was present... It just wasn't the heavily oppressive system that the colonials imposed. I firmly agree that it was not some by-birth fucked up systemic thing before. It's going to take many more years before India heals from those times... However, that doesn't mean the land was free from any degree of discrimination... Come on man
@@macdog1 You've just penned down what you are or are not ready to believe about let's say Bharat before the arrival of British or even before Muslim invaders. There cannot simply exist a human society without social classes or stratification which is an economic structure. Simply existence of words like Brāhman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and Chāndāla does imply stratification BUT does NOT imply existence of malicious discrimination between social strata. Why only Manisha Panchakam ? The words Brāhmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and Chāndāla are everywhere in all Texts including Rāmāyana, 4 Veda, Smriti Shastra, Dharma Shāstra, Niti Shāstra, Āgamas, Mahābhārata including Bhāgavad Gita etc. If you are Dashnāmi then you must know this. But they are all in context of "Guna Karma vibhāgashaha" NOT "Janma vibhāgashah". So Shāstra is very clear and contains no malicious discrimination. So Manisha Panchakam is simply saying that no matter in what bodily profession one is according to their abilities on can attain the realisation of Brahma. It nowhere indicated malicious discrimination. Also if you read historical records of foreign travellers from Herodotus, Marco Polo, Fa Hian, Ibn Batuta, Megasthenes upto 3 Century BCE they very clearly say that anyone can become a Brāhmana through a life of study and austere spiritual practices but people are afraid because a Brāhman's life is one of poverty and extreme austerity ! Other Varnas were very rich ! Infact Vaishyas, Shudras and Chāndālas were the richest class. For example: King Harishchandra was bought by a Chāndāla not by Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya or Brāhmana ! All business war run by Vaishya. All engineering, building and agriculture was owned by Shudras. Kshatriyas were not very rich and Brāhmanas were always the poorest. So where was malicious discrimination ?! Again there was 100% literacy which means no discrimination in education and Bhārat accounted for upto 32% of world GDP and so was the biggest economy in the world at par only with China(probably). This is not possible in a backward society where there is malicious discrimination. There were different Varnas in a single family as indicated by :~ “I am a reciter of hymns, my father is a healer, my mother a grinder of corn. We desire to obtain wealth through various actions”-- Rig Veda 9.112.3 Let me if you have concrete documented evidence of malicious discrimination between Varnas. So far I haven't found any but all evidence against such possibility.
just a tip from a proud fellow indian- don't seek western or external approval of our legacy. do we really need the "matrix" to tell us how great our way of life is? believe in yourself and your culture
@@no-body-nobody excuse me for your kindest information I m going to start a gaming channel and there is a game which is called dark soul if need u can check on google
@@nachiketsonar8430 You have to admit that most of us don't understand and neither have we delved any deeper than Cogito did. If you really knew 100% of it, you would be a literal God with a freaking ring of light behind your head right now.
@@dybiosol brother I don't mean to offend anyone but I really don't care whether God exists or not.... I'm just fond of reading and I've read Geeta, couple of Vedas and Purans.... Also Bible and Quran.... And I don't really think it was 100% accurate.... It's my opinion you have all the right to disagree....
As a sikh Person I can tell you one thing, Hindus are the most secular and open minded person you will over meet, Even Over 10 Centuries Of religious persecution They still are here, The amount of knowledge in Bhagavad gita Literally have shaped my brain Into Working perfectly
And for me its not uncommon to go to a hindu temple as no one stop Me
Hail Santana dharma
Hail sikhism
Edit: its also crazy that you can basically be a Sikh and a sanatani same time eg: you believe in a formless, timeless and beyond imaginable reality that exist on everything and the name is waheguru, brahman and Shiva. And remember the name Shiva, hari, gopal, gobind are the names of the reality. Hindus also can have long hairs and beard, even ram ji had simalar bun like that of Sikhs, basically meaning you can be a sanatani and a Sikh at the same time, but one should always look into the religion. Cause we go deep Sanatan dharma have some difference with Sikhism, but the main concept are way similar.
Waheguru ji da khalsa waheguru ji di fateh
Most of us are not open minded 😅
Hinduism is not a book,it's a whole library...
Rather a University
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
@@ajiteshsinghrajpoot2609 true
@@ajiteshsinghrajpoot2609 yes but foreigners don't wanna accept it.....
1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted
2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik
3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak.
4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman-shapeless, formless ,infinite, without beginning or end(nirvikalpa brahama)
5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools.
6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it.
7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure!
8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads -Go ahead.
9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana -Be my guest.
10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion)
11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a Karmayogi.
12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy.
13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic !
14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only -Welcome.(Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship).
15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb!Follow Advaita philosophy
16) You want a Guru? Go ahead, receive Gyaan.(Gyan yoga)
17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !(still gyana or raj yoga)
18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped.
19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism!
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (the world is a family)
20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival.
Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year.
21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu.
22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved.
23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu!
24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom.
25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe!
26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint.
27) "Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu " (May you all live happily)
You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu!
This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!!
There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell "Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah" Let the knowledge come to us from every direction "
Thank You! :)
Source: Comment by Video Gigs from
Very nicely explained bhai...
@Pruthvi Yannam Thank you for all that information. Truly appreciate the time and energy you must have invested in researching and then typing your comment. Thank you once again.
Buddhism , Jainism , Sikhism are part of Sanatan dharma ❤️🔥🙌🏾
Yes Really
Not sikhs they are now radicalized
@@xyz-tv1op i am sikh and i belong to sanatn...following my guru and still have an idol of shiv ji in my home
@@xyz-tv1op You can't say that, read the Gurugrath sahid and you can't get pass even a single hymn without saying Krishna, Ram....that itself tells the core of Sikhism.
sikhs r not hindus , dont try to spread fake things over social media tht sikhs r frm hindu
both religion r totally diffrent
The untouchables is actually not in Hinduism, it's man made only.
Untouchables made to fulfill selfishness n exploit people by some small minded devil people
Yes because this was also followed in France 100 years ago
Sati was also man made na?
Do you know Hinduism God complete Scientific. Our very ancient the Hindu Monks Created Trigonometry etc Mathematics ,Astronomy, Surgery, Ayurveda Medicine, Construction etc
NASA Scientists Believe God Ram Because they found a lot of Proof. Do you know Lord Shiva is energy which indicates ATOMS. And The whole earth is made by atom . Water Indicate God Vishnu (Ram or Krishna) without water the earth's live isn't possible. Similarly each function.
Happy to hear you all liked the video! I really appreciate you watching it :D
Awesome work about all the videos, and good animation and research, and good narration. You will grow surely
Subd bro
That was a really good video Cogito! Thanks for putting in your effort to try and understand Hinduism.
Good work bro....
This one is the best explaination of Sanatan Dharma from scratch I've come across. It is incredibly informative, without being boring for one second. Loved the humorous bits. Loved it from beginning to end.
As a Hindu, I can say that to understand our values we don’t need always to read them from our ritual books because in every home of Hindus we grow up by all these as our daily advice from our parents and teachers and so I feel blessed to be a Hindu
Yes i never read the book but know many knowledge by my parents, teachers etc
Haha yeah 😅
Me too.
Sahi bola bhai
you're Sanatani not Hindu
The fact that hinduism don't have any founder like Islam and Christian religion is enough to have some idea about how divine and ancient our culture is 🚩❤️
The fact that the other religions dont make provocative videos slandering other religions to bring your 330 million plus gods up speaks a lot about them lol .
@@katrinapoly i think you haven't watched the whole video....we believe in one god....brahman(parmatma)
Actually we follow the God's religion and you follow the prophets
@@katrinapoly you're so naive
@@_SHUVAM_ who said we follow prophets ? I never had any hate towards Hinduism but u don't find any religion using other religions and comparing them to make their own feel better . If u want to spread Hinduism its upto u but don't use the name of other religions . There are already way too many yt shorts of Hindus mocking others so what I said was not false
@@Aria-u9i it might be u kid . Who knows ?
Congratulations you just understood 0.00000001% of Hinduism🤣....
Because its man made
@@galariajaved ohh but it is much better that prophets made religion atleast we donot spread terrorism jihad😆😆😆😆😆
@@galariajaved so are all the Abrahamic religions #facts.
@Thrisha Raja With all due respect get your facts right. I'd suggest you to read the Quran first, then revisit your opinion on Islam having nothing to do with terrorism.
Soo true😂😂
Hinduism was never a religion it was way of life but the west at that time named it a religion
It deals with the concept of god and spirituality, it has priests and sacred texts and rituals, so it is a religion. "Religion" doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be dogmatic and exclusionary like Abrahamic religions. These are different types of religion.
The truth is the truth regardless of whether u name it or not. It deals with God, our relation to that God, purpose in life and afterlife. So it's a religion, and there's nothing wrong with that
Religion means a set of beliefs or a belief system which has commendments. Hinduism doesnt have any commandments or a book like that. Even bhagvad gita is full of questions and answers there are no commandments.
So let me clear myself hinduism was not a religion but it is religion now. It was called sanatan dharam in which we had few rules to how to live our life. Later as the years passed the concept of bhakti( worship) came and then it became religion. But what i said earlier even when there was no concept of bhakti or worship, our culture was named religion. I am not opposing any of yours opinion that we are not religion now. Yes we are. We have gods. We worship them. And we are a religious community now. But all i am saying it was not meant to be religion but later it became
Hinduism allows you to be an Atheist; something you don’t see in a religion. It is a way of life :)
Rutul Parikh something they don’t see in western dominant religion “Christianity.”
@@karenbrown3438 read a book called light of the truth by dayanand saraswati. People here use dharma as relegion and that also adulterated I mean purana. You could get confused. First read that book.
Atheist don't even care if a religion allows it or not
That's the whole point of being it
@@faraz.j633 it's a way of life, not a religion lol
@@garden-salsa most of the Hindus and even Hindu scholars think of it and talk about it as a religion tho
I always feel how I am going to teach my kids about Hinduism... Its gonna be so difficult.
I mean, we grew up watching Mahabharata,Ramayan,Shiv,Durga serials on TV..but nowadays,TV only has chhota bheem and stuff like that.
Through books. Or UA-cam coz everything is found here apparently,
old mythological shows.
@@aditisk99 True..but you know..its gonna be difficult..isnt it?
Cz on one side youtube might have All of these good things..but it also has Nicki Minaj ANACONDA 😂
@@bumblebee7287 Yeah but you can add parental control. 😁
just give them SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA.... It will do its work to ur child..💞 but great thought and concern for yought. and childrens Radhe Krishna from me to u nd ur family
Feel you man....the harder aspect would be to generate interest
Jaby lost point. Achara understood everything got the vibe. She is smart.
Jaby is stupid
She follows buddhism so it makes sense!
She grew up in Thailand it has same culture as India
She is born in a buddhist country after all. She can understand Dhamma after all.
buddhists can understand hindus
He forgot to mention that Hinduism believes that earth is round like shape n it moves around sun
Bhoogol- earth is round
Jagat- earth has momentum
are you sure about the meaning of Jagat?
Yes u r right. Joh gati maan hai - jagat.
I’d like to see the source for earth is round thing.
The source r Vedas
ज-जिसमें गत-गति हो ।।। जगत= गतिवान्
14:03 he said ganesha was born but its not true his mother made him by her itself.
He wanted to make it simpler re
They would lose their mind 😂
These people know nothing about our religion
story samzne m 7 janam lag jayenge unhe 😂
Born means giving life to smth, it's not completely about pregnancy
World first religion and richest religion Hindu ❤️😍❤️
And the Most Education Religious Community
but some idiots came looted it and now calling themselves rich and call us under developed bruh -_-
u know who b_____
@@hanime009 First Mughals, then Britishers and now their children are looting us.
@Mishym Ahmed well either ur dumb to believe it or the people who told u this wrong info are dumb actually u both are pray to the animu waifus (i don't follow hindu but i can say that hindu was 1st one created
Wow man I don't even think that word in this way u have really a good Iq
Also, have you ever thought of the primordial sound of the Universe, "AUM" ?
Well, we have three sounds in that, "A" has the quality of creator Brahm'A', "U" has the quality of the preserver Vishn'U' and finally, "M" has the quality of the Destroyer Shiva or 'M'ahesh (another name of Shiva).
Together, AUM becomes the trinity of the Universe. :)
The three interesting-looking persons depicted here are Brahma, the world-creator, Visnu, the world-maintainer, and Siva, the world-destroyer. Perhaps you’ve heard them characterized in that very misleading cliche of introductory World Religions texts as “the Hindu trinity.” And perhaps you’re simply inclined to dismiss them as the fanciful projections of a primitive mythologizing imagination run riot. But, if you go to the proper sources, the venerable Vedic texts Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, you’ll find Brahma, Visnu, and Siva accurately explained in the context of an exacting and comprehensive account of God and His creation, an account that is unrivaled in completeness and coherence by any other philosophical, scientific, or religious literature, and that is not only intellectually satisfying but also aesthetically captivating and spiritually fulfilling.
In Srimad-Bhagavatam you’ll encounter the important distinction between the idea of “god” and the idea of “absolute truth.” “God” refers to any powerful controller, while “absolute truth” designates the ultimate source of all energies. There can be many gods, many controlling departmental heads of universal affairs, but only one absolute truth. This absolute truth is ultimately a person-Krsna. From Krsna everything emanates; by Krsna everything is maintained; to Krsna everything returns at the time of dissolution. This is what is meant by “absolute truth.” Anything that exists is either Krsna or an energy of Krsna’s.
Krsna’s main energies are three. His internal energy is manifest as the transcendent spiritual kingdom; His external energy, as the temporary material world. His marginal energy is comprised of all living creatures, the individual animate souls. Souls are “marginal” because they can dwell either in the spiritual kingdom, serving Krsna in bliss and knowledge, or in the material world, forgetting Krsna in darkness and suffering. The Sanskrit word for the soul is jiva (“living entity”), and the marginal energy is also called jiva-tattva, the category of the jiva.
Not only does Krsna expand through His energies, but He also expands Himself personally, directly. Krsna’s direct, personal expansions are called visnu-tattva, the category of Godhead. Like the persons of the trinity in Christian doctrine, the visnu-tattva expansions are one, but because Krsna is unlimited, His personal expansions are not merely three but unlimited divine persons, all manifested to perform unlimited divine pastimes.
One of Krsna’s pastimes is to emanate, sustain, and reabsorb the material creation in periodic cycles, and this Krsna does in the persons of Brahma, Visnu, and Siva, who are called guna-avataras. Material nature acts in three ways or modes (gunas). When there is creation-construction, generation, procreation, etc.-material nature acts in the mode of passion (rajo-guna). When there is sustenance-maintenance, preservation, endurance, etc.-nature is working in the mode of goodness (sattva-guna). When there is destruction-decay, dissolution, devastation, etc.-nature acts in the mode of ignorance (tamo-guna).
Brahma is the controller of nature in the mode of passion; he is the engineer who creates the universe. Every universe has its Brahma, who appears as the first created being in it. Although Brahma is usually in the category of jiva, he is designated an avatara (incarnation) of Krsna because he is especially empowered with Krsna’s own creative potency. Using the ingredients furnished by Krsna and following Krsna’s blueprints, Brahma constructs the material universe, and then he begets the offspring, called Prajapatis, whose descendants populate all the planets.
Visnu, who controls nature in the mode of goodness and sustains the creation, is directly the Supreme Lord. In the spiritual kingdom of God, where everything is everlasting, the quality of goodness exists without either passion or ignorance. Therefore it is appropriate that Visnu personally controls this quality even in the material world, where it becomes bracketed by ignorance and passion.
Siva, the lord of the mode of ignorance, devastates the universe at the end by his wild, all-annihilating dance. Siva is a personal expansion of Krsna, not a jiva, yet because he comes into intimate contact with the quality of ignorance and with matter (which is innately ignorant), you cannot receive the same spiritual restoration by worshiping him that you do by worshiping Krsna or Visnu. Siva is therefore given his own category, siva-tattva.
Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7.39) sums it up like this: “In the beginning of creation there are penance, myself [Brahma], and the Prajapatis, the great sages who generate; then, during the maintenance of the creation, there are Lord Visnu, the demigods with controlling powers, and the kings of different planets. But at the end there is irreligion, and then Lord Siva and the atheists full of anger, etc. All of them are manifestations of the energy of the supreme power, the Lord.
It's just 0.0000000000001% of Hinduism 😂😂
You can't say i learnt a lot😂
Actually earlier they didn't even have this much information about Hinduism so for them even this 0.000000000001% is a lot.
@@diyakashyap8585 yeah that way it's great😂😂😂
Yeah bro...😂🤣😂🤣
It was a little bit.
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
@@ajiteshsinghrajpoot2609 are bhai vichar naam ki v koi cheez hoti hai agar hindu dharam itana hi acha hota toh aisi nobat na aati hamare dharam me cast system hai jo ek pagal brahman jo apne app ko hi bagwan manta hai usko ijjat di jaati hai lekin ek shuder hr roj roti k liye marta usko dyan hi nhi dya jata khud socho ek normal insaan ko life matter karti hai usko kisi raja ki problems ka kya ladai rajja ki marte aam log aur je Khatri brahman Salle khud kya mehnat karte the je log toh farmers and other workers se tex lekar hi jeete hai mere bhai mere liae sabhi insaan hai na hindu muslim sikh koi v matter nhi karta matter karta hai toh bs je karta hai k kisne insaniyat ke liye kya kiya
Hinduism is the only religion that have goddess
Representing woman is a equal part of men
Odia people are a bit ahead in that. Our Raja festival celebrates women's menstruation.
@@amlanbeherabulabuli Menstrual cycle is also celebrated in Tamil Nadu.
Not really, but it is the only major religion alive today that does so.
What about Mariam the mother of Prophet Isa ?
An entire Surah(Chapter) has been dedicated in glory-fying the true character of a women....
So much, so ...
That's she's called one of the greatest women to ever walk upon the face of Earth unparalleled.
Here it is :
In Islam, neither men nor women are God's or goddess....
In Islam, we believe in the Absolute.
For Allah SWT we worship like the angels tirelessly worship Allah for billions of years without food or water.
Allah is unique UNLIKE it's creation.
We also believe, "Worship the creator, not it's creation".
Anyways, Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon you)
@BHOJPURIYA DESH as it is said.. untouchability was the man made concepts..
It is written in Gita that it does not matter which caste you belong to... Your karma and work will decide in which category you will be.... Like if you belong to pandit (upper caste) and your deeds and actions are like sutra (lower caste) then logically you will be known as sutra ... (It's all written in Geeta )
Shiva isn't some entity who's the destroyer, The name itself translates to "Void", "Zero" or you could say "infinite".
Shivah mean five elements , shivah mean creation and many more and much deeper ..
this is severely faulty video. someone made him full or he understood Hinduism wrong.
- Hindu is a geographical term Given by Persian in ancient time. so Hinduism is not a religion, it is SANATAN DHARMA meaning TIMELESS. so we are Hindu by geography and SANATANI by the practice of life you can call it Religion.
- so SANATAN DHARMA has no set of boundaries and primary source of SANATAN DHARMA is RIGVEDA and supreme ENTITY is AADIYOGI or AADISHIVA who is timeless but time, intangible but tangible, nowhere but everywhere, nothin but everything......means we can't describe that ENTITY in any word which has premise. by the way, SANATAN DHARMA consists so many different ideas sometimes contradictory which is ironically justifiable since the philosophy of Dialecticalism applies everywhere.
- there is no supreme entity called "Brahman".
- Brahman is a caste in Hindu caste systems.
- there is deity called BRAHMMA among trinity.
- trinities are the deities, not GOD since they all walk on earth at some point of time, and they are more of symbolic representation of the Universe as a working entity.
- any God except AADIYOGI is a deity, not a God.
Rudra is the Vanisher. Who brings the void.
did I say something different or from you, please elaborate..... I would love to learn.
Since Rigveda is "Apauruseya"(Divine) so anything else is just different opinion by different persons sourcing from Rigveda only or somehow linked with Rigveda.
- please tell me about BRAHAMAN(the supreme one) and its source and haw it is different from Aadishiva which is also considered a Bindu but shiva has form.
so saying BRAHMAN is the supreme entity is correct?
-can you tell me then what do we call the supreme entity described in Vedas and can any other religious text's explanation of a supreme entity override Vedas's concept?
Even Atheists do have a place in Hinduism. Unlike any other religions of the world. We're family of five and we all believe in different aspects/ways of Hinduism.
I've never seen an atheist who calls himself hindu. Maybe some rebel teenagers but they eventually fall in line with their parents. I've never seen a family that is traditionally athiest
@@greengumgrows ok. Let me explain. It's not about them calling Hindu or not. It about Hinduism respecting people who are Atheists. Unlike other religions where Atheists are looked down upon. Let me repeat this one more time. No matter what the person believes God or no God. He/She will find respect in Hinduism.
People who do not believe in God, are known as seekers. Which were majority of our people. It's only in recent times we have became believers. Hence Santana Dharm became Hinduism.
@@greengumgrows I am a Hindu Atheist *hi*
@@greengumgrows My father is Shiv Bhakt, My Mom is a Radha Swami, My Grandma is Nirankari, Im an atheist and my sister is confused. Our meals are fun. They all understand me and my sister is still confused.
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் He is actually not wrong, I am a total atheist but I have what you would say a Hindu's life. Hinduism is a way of life, not a religion, at least not for people who care about Humanity rather than a religion. I love the felxiblity of Hinduism, I love the atmospheres of puja but I don't have faith in god. Simple.
Lot of books and lot of scholars can not explain Hinduism.
but only Kamasutra can explain what is the real hinduism....
They can... There's just alot of text which will take time to learn. The people that have made such mean comments to you, they are just representing there morals and beliefs. Don't be offended or argue back or you will just become a mirror to what they are. A true Muslim Sikh Christian etc have ethics and morality. such true and honest people despise such people. There an embarrassment to there faith. They have forgotten the sentence in there books that talk about morality and kindness and unfortunately you are loosing yours aswell.
@@doyouknow9428 abe chutiye kamasutra bhi to natural thing hai sex ni karta kya Insaan natural hai wo to
Hindusm is just like a ancent science rether then religion it has a big bunch of books morly distroyed.. Its about the centuries of science,research and experiences
@@mayankindian3750 kamasutra samjhe bina usko padhai Kiya hai isliye nhi samjhega voh chodd jane de 😂
One lifetime is not enough to understand hinduism
Sanatan Dharma is the real name. The term Hindu was coined by the Persians back in the days.
Hindu is a geographic term.
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் they were the thiefs do u know whats indonesia means in persians it means islands of the Hindus
Not Persian by Arabs Greek n romans
I'm also a Hindu.😌
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩.
Are you safe there ?😲
@@rutvik9934 Yes bro.
Actually we all religions love each other.😇
@@MythBoyPro Apnader okhan theke roj loke illegally dhukche ei pare. Sabdhance thakben
@@adrianlegendheart9297 Hmmm Bhai.
Thanks you a lot.😊🙏
@@MythBoyPro Apni kothae thaken?
That was like 1% of Hinduism. He still did not get many of the things right.
Bro it's not like complaining . Krishnansh is just informing you that fact . Vlogger already admitted this point . So plz don't feel offended.
He just described the infrastructure of Hinduism not details what inside all the veds
Krishnansh Gaur 1% ?!?! Seriously 🙄
@@manishachoudhary6894 yes you can say he just given index . Manisha but video must be appreciated.
@@manishachoudhary6894 not even 1 percent . I think u know nothing about Sanatan Dharma .
Proud to be an Indian🇮🇳 and Hindu 🕉️
Yes Jay shree ram 🚩🚩🚩🚩🙏🙏🕉🕉🕉🇮🇳🇮🇳
Greatest prayer in Hinduism is " let my intelligence be sharp" .
Isaiah 45:12,21-22 It is I who made the earth and created mankind on it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts. Declare what is to be, present it- let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. “Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
@@johnfernandez4415 lol
John Fernandez converted christian! Your ancestors were hindus
@@Anu-hi9jh rice bag is flattering his borrowed religion of a delusional man called jesus
Hamko man ki shakti dena
Hinduism has so many idols because it allows you to chose from different ways and not just stick to 1 mindset.
@Hersh Mishra True.
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் Are u an idiot?? Some South Indian stories
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் Shivling is a meteorite stone worshipped as a symbol of Lord Shiva n also with a 3rd eye.. It is the alternative of Shiva Himself..
@kannabiran என்கிற பெரியார் மாணவன் u idiot , Linga doesn't mean penis , it means symbol , for example , females don't have penis , but still we call it "stree Linga", so Shiva Linga is the symbol of Shiva
I m a hindu atheist, bcoz being hindu is a lifestyle not about gods and religion more a way of living
So do you believe in Karma?
@@ankityadav-qb3yz bro i think we should not be doing good deeds just because we r afraid of karma but rather we should do them because that's what we are supposed to do
@@ankityadav-qb3yz Yes. Karma is real. Believing in gods or not is your choice.
Adnan Farooqui doubt you know 2 shits about Hinduism yourself!! Maybe at least try knowing the truth before criticising other communities....
it’s so easy to disrespect other people’s religion is perfect, it doesn’t need to be!!! No religious texts (however perfect they may sound to people following them) are perfect.....
About you blindly insulting the institution of Gods without basic understanding thereof...makes me laugh...the same can be said about the miraculous stories about the Prophet, but with all due respect, I WON’T insult your religion or your prophet or call him names...coz the first things a good Hindu should follow, is to respect other religions and their beliefs...coz that’s the right thing to do!!!!
Plus these “stories” are actually trying to teach you lessons on morality and life, which is again a great thing! In fact, many USA based top MBA school are referring to our books like the Geeta to teach situational Management skills, if that helps you understand this point!
Mind you...We also believe in a single source and idols are just to make life simpler for a person to pray to someone/something...makes it easier to visualise that someone and pray...but we also believe that every prayer will reach the ultimate being and there needs to be no specific way or compulsory method to can pray at the comfort of your home or in a temple or in any place while doing any activity...or you may simply show the gratitude for what you have, by praying for the food on your plate and good life you are blessed with...and that too is enough!
Hinduism believes in are free to be an atheist and you are free to be a long as your actions in your life are good...that’s your dharma (your responsibility towards HUMANITY, SOCIETY and FAMILY) and your karma has been followed we’ll, that’s all that should matter....
@@priyansuchoudhury0246 Oh I love how you said that i think so too i don't think we should do anything just because we are afraid of some sort of punishment
Thanks for reacting Jaby, Achara, and Johny.
I'm following Hinduism but haven't read any of these books. Know little stories of these from what my grandparents said. But I really want to read all those and want to understand those in-depth.
I'm sure that today's generation including me who are so-called Hindus have no idea about Hinduism. I really wish this situation will change.
It's all the work of the corrupt politics here they are slowing erasing everything we had in textbooks about hinduism
hindunism is not a religion
it's way of life
knowldge of ancient people
Nah , it's a religion . And so are all the other religions
@@anirudhdaga2804 must punch dia 😂😂
@@ayaanahmad207 Jihadi spotted🤣😂😂
Sanatan dharam is religion. Its not hindu its sanatani . And it is Religion. And and ancient religion and it is also principle of life.
a Hindu need not follow 'The Book' as in other religions..
@Nerevarine the reason we cant hav books bcoz we hav been slaves for 500 years ...i think it is enough to make a tradition die a culture go extinct.
@@ayushnayak4060 you have 4 Vedas , Upanishads , puraan , gita , mahapuraan etc .
History books Mahabharata , Ramayana etc.
Don't lie that hindusm doesn't have religious books .
@Nerevarine exactly... Books are like true guide which can save you from getting lost from the right path...
The best part 🙏
@@shariqueahmad1050 he never said that we don't have these it's just that we are not bound to read these it's on us whether we do it or not
Karma: " what goes around comes around, just like the blades on a chainsaw"
Godzilla? Eminem?
@@TW-ew9lw 👍Right♥️
I sense a stan!
Hey fellow stan! ❤
Not exactly - God is not an Accountant - bean-counter
Basically the idea is that if you work hard, you will get good marks in school, you will succeed in life
But if you are lazy and don't study or work hard, then bad marks or will not succeed
Karma means Action - that's all - your actions determine your fate
In a Hindu household,5 different people can follow 5 different Gods,can choose to be either a monotheist or a polythiest or a honotheist and still live peacefully
Or atheist also.
Hinduism not religion it's way of Life💖
To my Dharmic brothers and sisters that claim that Hinduism (and similarly Buddhism Jainism Sikhism) is not a religion but a way of life. Please realize that this is firstly not entirely correct and secondly forms a big danger to us.
1. It is not entirely correct because in addition to being a way of life they do also have elements of typical religions: belief in supernatural being/God (maybe Buddhism is an exception here), there are explanations of how the world began/works .... It's not just a way of life, though it is much more a way of life than Abrahamic Religions where the focus is on believing things.
2. It is dangerous because by declaring it not a religion, it loses a lot of LEGAL power. Many disputes are filed over cases of properties, traditions ... and religions have big protection in these court-cases. By using the 'freedom of religion' you can keep many traditions, temple properties ... But if your practice is not protected under this law because 'it is not part of religion', then they are automatically disadvantaged over Christians/Muslims. This is already happening in India and this is quickly spreading in other Asian regions. The Dharmic traditions are non-expansive, but we cannot deliberately weaken our case when confronted by expansionists Abrahamic religions.
@@theseeker4321 go follow your own religion and let us follow our religion
Absolutely Right
@@okbye1968 become a human first
@@LuckyLucky-yy7qz we are humans because we follow Hinduism but you are not humans because jabardasti dharm parivarta, Taliban jammati, love jihad, fun on hindu gods all come under you not us. So, please go and study read something and then come, don't teach us how to become humans because Hindus are humans not jihad or mollana. Ok
॥ जय श्री राम ॥🙏
Vishnu Purana begins with the story of Matsya avatar, the fish incarnation of Vishnu.
A tiny fish approaches Manu, the first leader of mankind, on the riverbank and begs him to save him from the big fish. Manu, in his compassion, scoops the tiny fish out of the river in the palm of his hand and puts it in a pot. The tiny fish is immensely grateful. But the next day the tiny fish has grown in size and the pot is too small to accommodate it. Manu transfers the fish to a big pot. A day later, the fish has grown once again. Manu has to move it to a giant pitcher. That too is not enough a day later. So the fish is moved from the pitcher to a pond, from the pond to a lake, from the lake to a river and finally the sea. Even the sea is not enough. So the rains start to fall and the ocean expands to make room for the fish. As the ocean expands, the waters creep over the earth and soon Manu realizes that the whole world will soon be submerged by the rising waters. The rain continues to fall, the sea continues to rise, making more and more room for the fish. Manu cries out in alarm and wonders what is happening. The fish smiles and transforms into Vishnu, and promises to save Manu from the flood. It asks Manu to take refuge in a boat for himself, his family, for various animals and plants and for the seven wise sages in whose custody rests the wisdom of the world (the Hindu Noah’s Ark some may say). The giant fish then guides this boat through the rain and storm to the peak of Mount Meru, the only piece of land that survives the great flood of doom.
Why does Vishnu take the form of a fish for his first interaction with mankind? And what does this story have to do with the corporate world?
To understand this one must first understand the Sanskrit phrase, ‘matsya nyaya’ which means ‘ law of the fishes’, whose equivalent in English is the phrase ‘law of the jungle’. In the story, the tiny fish asks Manu to save him from the big fish. But in nature, no one would come to the tiny fish’s rescue because in the jungle everyone is on their own and only the fit survive. Manu, however, is human and not entirely part of nature. He has been given the faculty by which he can defy the law of the jungle. That is what makes a man a man. Manu acts, not from the need to survive, but out of compassion. The moment he scoops the fish out and saves it, civilization is born: a place where even the weakest can thrive. The laws instituted to make this happen is dharma, making matsya nyaya the very opposite - adharma.
A government is like Manu - trying to create through its laws and regulations - a system where the the weakest can thrive and the strong don’t dominate the weak. They don’t want large MNC and business houses ( the big fish) to establish a monopoly and seize control of the market. They want the smaller players to thrive too. Hence, they impose regulations and licenses and laws and do every thing in their power to stamp out a market where anything goes. Such actions by the government destroying the ‘free’ market and stifling liassez faire has been repeatedly denounced. But they are necessary, since man - while capable of extreme generosity - is also capable of extreme greed. Government laws and regulations and licenses are needed to protect the interests of the weaker sections of society, to ensure a fair distribution of wealth.
The tiny fish, however, does not remain a tiny fish forever. It grows in size. Unable to provide for itself, totally dependent on Manu, it begs for more. A bigger pot, a bigger pond. And Manu, in his compassion, keeps giving and giving and giving, until finally even the sea is not big enough for the fish. Rains must come and the sea must expand so that the fish can be accommodated. In the process Manu’s world is destroyed.
Thus the story shows the price of foolhardy compassion. Neither Manu nor the fish are willing to face a truth - that the fish is no longer helpless. Manu, because he is afraid of being seen as less compassionate. The fish, because it is afraid of fending for itself.
This has happened in India where laws and regulations and licenses ended up stifling growth, and destroying the economy. The rules had to be changed. The markets had to open up to foreign investments. Manu had to let the fish help itself. But that has not been taken kindly…. Everywhere we see protests, riots, marches against the opening up of the Indian economy. The fish is afraid and is lashing out at Manu, which perhaps never prepared the fish for this moment.
A leader is like Manu. While creating more markets, he has to consciously sometimes invest disproportionately higher amounts in small developing markets over large developed ones. In the absence of such concerted effort, the budget can be totally appropriated by the big sales team managing the developed markets with its grand promises, leaving the small sales team with little or no budget. A good leader never asks the smaller markets for immediate returns. The bigger markets may cry foul and taunt the leader with proof that if more investments were made it could perhaps cough up a bigger return. But the leader’s vision is long term. The big market may not be big forever and the small market will eventually grow. For the moment, the tiny fish needs its pot and pond and the big fish can manage in the sea.
But a shrewd leader must be wary of the plan becoming a habit. The developing market can choose to call itself a developing market forever. It is possible that nobody has noticed that it is becoming a developed market, that it does not need that extra care it was given initially, that it now has the power to play with the big boys. A wise leader should always keep an eye on the size of the fish and know when is it time to throw it back into the sea. Good leadership is about capacity building. A good leader is not someone who gives you the fish - he is one who teaches you how to fish. That is the first lesson of the Vishnu Puran
"The ignorant believe that un-manifest Para Brahma (One God) incarnates or takes manifestations, because they do not completely understand My highest, immutable, incomparable, and transcendental existence." (Bhagavad Gita 7:24)
@@sakib0o7 nice copy paste from google
@@devmehta3003 it's from your have to admit the truth written in your books, or you can stop following the same..thanks😊
@@sakib0o7 The actual verse says
अव्यक्तं व्यक्तिमापन्नं मन्यन्ते मामबुद्धय: |
परं भावमजानन्तो ममाव्ययमनुत्तमम् ||
avyaktaṁ vyaktim āpannaṁ manyante mām abuddhayaḥ
paraṁ bhāvam ajānanto mamāvyayam anuttamam
The less intelligent think that I, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna, was formless earlier and have now assumed this personality. They do not understand the imperishable exalted nature of my personal form.
So while your comment isn't completely wrong, it is not the complete truth either. The verse actually means to convey that gods are not human - they don't incarnate from Brahman. Instead, they are primordial and live on a spiritual realm, and do not incarnate, but take the form of humans to aid them on earth :)
@@sakib0o7 that's not what they says bruhhhh some people like you hate our scriptures so they write whatever they want on google
Hinduism is a world's oldest religion. We love Hinduism.
I agree with you bro.
Why do upper castes believe discrimination doesn’t exist?
The Manual Scavengers Of Mumbai
@@stayinawesum because you have an option of not believing in caste system and just omit your caste or get converted to Buddhism (like Dr. B.R. Ambedkar did). But there is more to this. Why do you think the caste exists even after 800 years of islamic Rule (Muslim claims this) and 250 approx. Christian rule (by British)?
LORD KRISHNA......always remember the name guys.
We Hindus r not even known of 10% of the actual whole Hinduism
It's not possible for an average person to know everything. The problem is we dont even know the basics.
It takes life time to read 10% of the Hindu Scripts... it is universe itself.
10%? Whats the use?
For what use?
@@SamSung-iv4sq like... Do you use every mathematical methods in your life.. Or just say " whats the use sir...i dont use these in my real life so why should i learn. "..the fact is whether it is usefull or not you should study it..
start listening sadhguru, and watch sadhguru's videos. Sanatana Dharma is not that hard to understand.. instead, its the easiest one..
Hinduism has people who don't beleive in Gods, while there are people who believe idol worship. It is a universal culture. Dharma is the word Hinduism is referred as. Dharma means responsibility, duty and not religion.
It's a non dogmatic inclusive religion.
The fact that it's non dogmatic doesn't mean it's not a religion :-)
@@AriaIsara Yes, you are right. But at the same time, religion basically means a belief system on something more powerful than mortal knowledge. But Hinduism never preached that. It considers all at par. Even Gods are subjected to questions here. In that way Hinduism is not a religion but a culture. A religion enforces rules to live , but culture gives you options. The later is what Hinduism does.
I get what you mean but I feel that this concept that religion enforces stuff and you can't question it comes from that fact that people associate Abrahamic religions as THE model of religion. So since Abrahamic religions are dogmatic, close minded etc people assume that this defines religion. I beg to differ :-) There are different categories of religion, Abrahamic faiths = dogmatic, exclusionary ("only our religion and our way is true") vs other faiths (Hinduism, other eastern faiths?, modern neopagan faiths in the west) = non dogmatic, inclusive
But I see your point ^_^
@@AriaIsara I got your point. Its quite true and at the same time it is unfortunate that we take western philosophy as ideal. Although they have some good concepts, but still they are of course not as experienced as our civilisation. They are novice civilisations.
I completely agree with your point.
Please do see my channel too and suggest your view on the videos.
Hinduism is so big that people made Buddhism,Sikhism many others.
@@vaneeramteke9773 What no.
Me: Coming to check the comments of other religions about hindus
Reality:Comments are all from hindu people
@Sourav kumar They are 😏😏
Same here..
India is a consumer world.. So many videos on india n million likes..
The purans are not encyclopedias of hindu beliefs
They are our history
Achara is so freaking smart. She gets everything. I know how hard it can be for a non hindu to grasp this but she does it without any effort.
Achara you're perfect! ❤️
frozen fire She's a Buddhist so it's pretty easy for her
She is a Buddhist, thats why!
I totally assumed she was an english
easy for people who have roots in India (being buddhist in some ways does mean that) .
Thailand is heavily influenced by our culture. Their national text is the Ramayana in Thai. Their temples and architecture reflect our culture. So it is obvious Achara is influenced by our culture.
Hinduism is the oldest religion I am proud to be Indian and Hindu 🙏🇮🇳🚩
Buddhism, Jainism & Sikhism are sister religions of Hinduism.
Buddhism are father of all religion coz of no casts discrimination n no superstition like hinduism
@@rolex7273 lol your Father Gautama Buddha was a Suryavanshi Ikshwaku Kshatriya Hindu 🖕😂😂😂😂 Now we know who is the father of Buddhism 🖕🖕🖕😂😂😂😂😂
Abrahamic faiths - Body has acquired a soul..
Hinduism - Soul has acquired a body..
Time is linear in Abrahamic faiths.. Time is cyclic in hinduism.. Thus the cycle of life & death & life & death.. There is no "judgement day" or "kayamat ka din"
@@yashahir2384 Exactly but, he made his own relegion which is very simple and pure. He derived good things from Hinduism and removed the bad things from it and added another good things as well.
Modern Hindusim is root of Sanatan Dharma.
Brahmins were actually teachers not priests
A Brahmin is neither a teacher nor a priest. A Brahmin is the one who realises the self. Basically a self revised person.
Both are correct
Brahmins were oppressors nothing else. I m a brahmin and say so.
Anshul Tiwari shut up lol, you're ignorant af
but today's Brahmin is totally different from past, Abhi unke liye paisa is sabkuch hai, sirf lootne me lage hai!
Kabhi tirth karne jaana pata lag jayega
No one's gonna talk about the misconceptions that were solved about caste system being inherently oppressive.
Still exists
@@udayborde3938 that's true. At least someone tried.
As a Hindu brahman girl I m proud to be an Indian
by berth u can be a brahman but ur karma ..?
U can't understand Hinduism . No one can in one life atleast
Am learning since 8 years and no where even close
What’s the point then?
@@m.a.1416 You cannot explore the whole world in one lifetime. The point is "do not dwell on the destination but enjoy the journey for as long as it lasts!"
Why do upper castes believe discrimination doesn’t exist?
The Manual Scavengers Of Mumbai
Well the actual system of caste is bases on occupation and according to veds no discrimination is allowed on the bases of caste there is no lower caste or upper caste in reality and moreover there is no such ritual that a child born is a particular caste will do what his father is doing caste changes as per the occupation a caste is a personal thing and no one has the right to question far as real culture is concerned but it is no longer functional in north but still alive in south
caste system was based on talent of a person, but slowly with time it was degarded to birth based system which is no more in india body belives it in present times except some parts of india
not parts, a few unethical families.
Varna... not caste. Caste is one's family line.
No body believes except some parts of India !!? That’s a big lie you are telling
@@walliball12 you’ve never been to india, have you?
@CRAZIBABI XX Britishers did that change for Christian converts
Conservation of Energy principle: Energy neither created nor destroyed but it can only be transferred from one form to another
HINDUISM: Soul neither created nor destroyed but it can only be transferred from one form to another. Soul is considered as form of energy
Do not dilute the dharmic concept just because you want to sound scientific. Its a disservice to Dharma. Atman is not energy because energy is material. Every thing that is in the universe and can be measured is material. Atman is immaterial. It is not formed out of anything, it doesn't dissolve in anything and more importantly it DOESN'T transform from one form to another because it doesn't have a FORM to begin with. Its only the matter and materials which can be transformed. Atman is neither matter nor material nor energy, it is the pure living being and in fact the only living being.
@@prigee Bro you don't know much science. You said everything can be measured in this universe
Ever heard of Dark Energy and Dark matter?? They neither can be seen nor can be measured. They constitute about 70% and 25% of universe respectively
@@rishabh9389 That's not the point of contention. You should, may be try an understand the point I am trying to make here and then come with a counter point . Then, we shall have a conversation and then you are allowed to judge my comprehension of Science and its fundamentals.
Do not get confused with white ghost form with Atman. Atman is the inner mind which is a part of big universal mind known as Brahman. It's a thinking process.
@@rishabh9389 Who discovered dark matter and dark energy at first place!? It's science. There are antimatter labs in Europe and USA to study them; research is still being going on. Soul is nothing but our imagination of self. There is no soul energy.
I'm an atheist, but I like the science in Hinduism
"Buddhism is the completion of Hinduism"
- Swami Vivekananda
Because buddha is also a avatar of lord bishnu
Nope. It's totally different. No relation with Hinduism. Buddha actually boycotted Hinduism.
@@surajmuley5212 yeah and he told tht secret to your ancestors ??
@@sudheershukla2381 Every Buddhist knows that. Its written in almost all the books written in Pali. Yea. He agreed on Dharma, karma, moksha and reincarnation but he rejected the superstitious rituals, greedy priests, caste system and it's discrimination and chose the path of meditation for enlightenment and refused to believe in mythological Gods.
@@gravity1974 it's a myth ..Buddha is Buddha..not avtar n all
"matrix" series is actually inspired from "hindu philosophy"
@REDPILL knowledge no..
na he means waking up from maya(matrix) and merging with the source thing...
@REDPILL knowledge No.. Redpill guys choose this path particularly to hate women.. Hinduism respect women.. Hinduism path is much bigger than every aspect of life
The music in the final fight of final part of matrix are Hindu Slokas, Asathoma sadgamaya Tamasoma jyothirgamaya Mrutyoma amrutangamaya
Dragon ball series also inspired from Hinduism
Guys... Stop saying: "You can't understand Hinduism" whatsoever.
They were just trying to understand and comprehend the mere basics of it by watching the video, and there is no requirement that they need to know a whole lot about it.
And I am pretty damn sure that even many of these so called hardcore 'Hindus' don't really know how it originated or the 'mere basics' that the video covered in the first place.
Just appreciate the fact that Jaby and his friends reacted to this pretty 'basic, yet informative' video.
I agree with you 🙌🏻 Seems like a lot of Hindus are just simply taking out points of making themselves offended. I honestly believe that the video was really informative and there are many real facts in his research. Since I have been learning a lot about Hinduism I can say that even though if this wasn’t the whole lot of it, he did summarize it. ☺️
Quite agreeable.
Well said.
But the video they chose to hear Hinduism from is so outdated
@@devanshumittal8199 I mean. It might've been the most relevant one at that time.
Lord Budha was from Warrier family and he became sage. There are no caste in India. The Cast word was introduced into Indian culture to divide and rule policy of Britishers before 18 Century.
"Matrix" is inspired from vedas. Even the "Navras" sound track in closing credits is a vedic Sanskrit shloka.
Avatar, Interstellar, Star wars series, Inception are some of the few other movies which also follow the philosophy based on Hinduism.
Even Dr. Strange is inspired by Hinduism, vedas and sanskrit.
@Background Music 😂😂😂👍
Matrix is more inclined towards buddhism and christianity
@@abishaipaul2298 Matrix is about the illusion of the world and that's clearly the philosophy of Maya ,taken from Hinduism.
@Noyon Koch Upanishads are texts that explain the Vedas And Upanishads too are Hindu texts. Upanishads lay the foundation of the shamanic traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and orthodox Hinduism.
*People are named or labelled as a group based on their work, like soldiers, merchants and farmers etc. Later that became a caste system, years later began the who's higher than whom and violence based on caste.*
*Somebody in my comments for jaby's caste system video mentioned "it's stated clearly Brahmins come from head of God and workers/low caste from feet" etc.. But It's not coming from head of God, it's using one's head/brain for their occupation.*
*1st - Brahmins which consisted of teachers, astrologers, mathematicians, spiritual leaders use their intelligence, have to be wise. Their knowledge should be the first thing helping the people and the kings.*
*2nd - arms of protection.*
*those who use shoulders/body power for their occupation*
*Like King, warriors, administrators, soldiers etc*
*3rd - those who run the economy, economists*
*merchants, doctors, bankers, moneylenders, shopkeepers etc*
*4th - people those who depend on a labor for occupation*
*Farmer workers, artisans, fishermen, hunters, gatherers, construction workers etc.*
*That's how the class is divided into. There's no higher or lower, one should support the other to function proper, to run a kingdom in peace. One shouldn't be corrupt, if they are corrupt that'll lead to decline of the standards and peace. If you're born to a person who is a Scholar you can still choose to be whatever you want to be, it's like choosing a faction, you can be a soldier if you train hard and develop your skills @ war, you can be a doctor, you can be a merchant. There's no restriction. It's the wrong ideas of the people and those who wanted to have an upper hand over others made this into the caste system and whatnot*
(Edit:sorry I had to bold this entire paragraph)
25:50 it's true what Achara said
Above all.. there's a famous saying "seyyum thozhilae dheivam" meaning the profession you do is the God. So, do your duty, job completely without fault, never disrespect anyone's job/profession.
Very well explained. Jati means classification, not caste. The classification is based on the mind's tendency.
@@WizInsight108 thank you :)
Well explained.... Hinduism actually doesn't order to have class system by only has classified the DUTIES of human society.
Who were expert in which field they had power to choose their own profession. If someone is physically strong then they could choose the profession of soldier, if someone had intelligence n knowledge they were allowed to be teacher, who had read all Vedas n Puranas , and other holy books of Hinduism they were allowed to be priest, but he can be any one. No bar, was their only the bar was expertise in should be there in their chosen field. N only those who don't have any expertise in any field they had to do labour works.... The classification in DUTIES were set by the according to the expertise of people.
Then the "genetical logic" comes.. n people start to think that "like father like son". A child must have the qualities of their parents. So if a Brahmin (educated n intelligent professionals ) child born he must have the same strong brain like his parents. Where as if a Sudra have born he must have less talent n knowledge,and can't have any expertise in his blood. That's how castism came in Hinduism by birth.
Nice explanation 🙌👍
Labour only do labour work?
He don't need education he don't have right to take education?
He don't need to protect himself only depends on others?
He don't need to do business to earn money and save it ?
I’m so touched how Achara felt connected with everything said in the video. Most Hindus have grown up with all this knowledge, however, it’s still refreshing to go through and when Shiva was presented to the screen my tears came out. I’m so connected to Shiva since birth. Thanks Jaby for reaction video. ✌🏼
It's difficult for non-hindu to get into the essence of Hinduism. Hinduism is experiencial religion unlike Abrahamic religions which are based on scriptures. An hindu struggle is to seek dharma within with the help of scriptures and guru.
well Ramayana and Mahabharta are not epics.
Yeah, those were real stories and these are mentioned in the gurbani too ... The gurbani says that it is real
It had happened in reality?
@@tanishqsinghbajwa4542 yes
@@yuvtesh when?
@@tanishqsinghbajwa4542 3067 BCE for mahabharat and Ramayana happened 2000 years before Mahabharata
*I am atheist and great part is i can be hindu as well the same time*
The theory of charuvak rishi !👍 ....
(Though I don't agree with that)
right sis, same here
Same here!
Well I am a continuum , I mean I have no religion I believe in sanatan dharma.
Wrong info... Actually bramha has two wives, saraswati and gayatri. Shiva and Vishnu have single wives. Sati and Parvati are same.
Umm no sati and parvati are not the same. Shiva's first wife was sati who gave her life (for some reason i don't remember). His next wife was parvati. I mean parvati is said to be the reincarnation of sati, so in effect they are two different people. Just like Ram and Krishna were different, though the reincarnation of the same god.
In fact, Lord Ram often refused the title of being a god as opposed to Krishna who would indirectly acknowledge his godliness (based on the mythological texts)
Sati and Parvati are represenattions of Shakti so when Sati burned herself as her father Daksha insulted her husband Shiva so the next is Parvati when shakti married shiva ,
The combination of Adishakti and Shiva is supposed to be what keeps universe in balance
Sati and Parvati are same soul, he didn't have two wives at a time
Saraswati was his daughter not wife.
Actually parvati is the incarnation of sati
Hinduism is not a Religion.Hinduism is Spirituality.
Spirituality enable Seekers to Realise Brahman(God).
RIG Veda = science, math, philosophy
Yajurveda = performing yanjgya, poojas, and performing different rituals
Samaveda = its all about music, notes, ragas,tala, laya, its mathematics of Music
Atharvaveda= its all about occult
Caste system was not based on which family he was born but what heor she did in the sense
If im a teacher or impart knowledge in whatever ways he was called Brahmin
Anybody like a soldier,king, or peacekeepers were called Kshatriyas
Traders, businessman were called vaishyas
And one who did carpentry, weaving and other odd jobs were called shudras
It didnt matter whom u were born to but what u did that was the caste system, but with time it started to change from that structure as kings wanted thier sons to be kings regardless of the ability of the person thats when the system started to fail. The system failed because of the very fundementals people were supposed to give up like Kama, Krodha = anger, mada = Ego, matsara= jealousy, people did not give it up hence the caste system took an ugly face in the evolution. Hence king Bharath the king of Aryavrath as this was the name of india then in vedic times chose not his son but a suitable ruler who can serve people. A king is only a king until and unless he thinks about his people before him. But power or irsha = desire, changed this aspect.
Ramayana teaches or draws an outline of how a father should be, how a son should be , how a brother should be , how a wife should be , how a friend should be and while going through life how to be on the path of rigtheousness= dharma.
Mahabharath is all about dharma= performing right actions for the said circumstances. Bhagavad geeta is the longest part of mahabharatha. Sad part is most of todays generation is so looking up to the west that they or we havent found the time to go through these texts or its summary. We are busy collecting or running behind material success that we have forgotten to run behind dharmic= differentiating whats right and wrong or karmic = what im doing (right or wrong ) success .
Ultimate is to achieve moksha thanks brother for this info
Incar Nation lmao there is a limit to hypocrisy ..u were going just fine ..... till the moment u reflected ur hate for west 😂
@@tarunmedi i dont hate west buddy, i dont know why u feel so if i hated west i wouldnt be here watching the channel. My identity is my culture if i love my culture doesnt mean i hate anyones, but if asked whether would u give up ur culture for something else the ans would be no. I hope u got your answer, indians cannot be haters of any culture we are welcoming, accommodating, loving of any culture.
@@incarnation8187 we are talking about same Indians who voted for a govt who is violating fundamental rights of others .. who are still crying about what happend in past .. ( even though most of it is a lie) .. who are changing name of towns because they were named after muslim rulers .. on one hand they are demolishing temple of saint ravidas .. on other crying for Ram temple .. ? violating everything for which Ram stood for .. ?
@@tarunmedi how does that relate my comment to the government??? Where is my hatred for west. If u reacted on my comment, my comment is my thinking im not representing the govt nor im a govt employee. However to answer your question if someone comes to your house ransacks the place will u name ur house or compound of ur house on that persons name???
19:11 it has less views cuz Indians don't watch it as they know it already
I don't think even 3 out of 10
Hindus can list all the Puranas! Or even know what came first out of the vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas. We know a little and that's all we talk about. Hinduism is a sea of knowledge.
That's not true... The real reason is our generation is more interested in social media and 'Tiktok' rather than know about religion.
@@primate_patel may be we don't know all of them but still we know the purpose and we know how one should live their lives
Hinduism is "infinite life literature".. Islam & Christianity are "single life literature".. That's the fundamental difference.
Adhesh Sagar Way to say the right opposite. Indians swarm towards any video with the word ‘India’ on the title. That’s how these reaction channels became big. Your statement couldn’t be more wrong.
People commenting here that this was just a slight part of Hinduism, I have two things to say to you:
1. He said that himself.
2. He definitely mentioned something even you wouldn't have known and respect that. It was a well rounded video and the amount of research done is tremendous, most Hindus wouldn't have been able to put it so well and let's just appreciate it.
Wow! It was an extremely and insanely complex history and concepts packed in one small video. Great work!!!! 👏🏽
Im so proud to be sanatani hindu !
oldest religion and language sanskrit so proud to be sanatani born in dev bhumi 🇳🇵❤️🕉️🙏
"जय श्री पशुपति नाथ "
ॐ नम शिबय ॐ
Yes but chronologicaly tamil is older
@@ayushpurohit8266 lol... We know tamil is older but it belongs to Sanathana dharma.. Soo don't be a foolish.. I too belong to Andhra which is as much as older as tamil... But what bind is Sanathana dharma.
@@ayushpurohit8266 tamil is the first written language, and sanskrit was the first to be spoken, according to me. I'm not sure.
🇮🇳🇳🇵 subcontinent belongs to Hindus
So once you actually become spiritually awake , hinduism makes a lot of sense. Like it connects all the dots. I understand you guys might not understand, but it's awesome!!
Achara is genius in understanding things in small time window
Hinduism (sanathana) is a ocean, need to dedicate a lot to know what is sanathana. Proud to be a sanathani. Om namasivaya.
Hindus believe that God resides in every living being.
Then why people kill each other, u mean one god killed other god?
@@galariajaved that's cruelty and evil that has been stored these days...! It doesn't deal with belief's. innocent might be killed evil might be killed .
Sin performed = will be punished.
@Surya Kiran two Hindus having two different opinions, that is Hinduism in nut shell. Twist it to support your opinion
@Surya Kiran seekers of what? How do you know I am a blind believer
Then why cut shiva his own son's head and give him a olifant head instead😂
Jaby is constantly laughing by watching the animes popping up the screen. 🤣🤣
This is not hinduism
If you want to understand this simply search this on youtube
''Ashtavakra gita by sandeep maheshwari in english''🙂🙂🙂
This is real hindusim
@@asrasyagaming Thanx bro 👌👌
It’s exactly what hinduism is a bunch of people disagreeing with each other over a subject then is as clear as mud.
@@asrasyagaming u idiot u dont knoe nothing
The best version is by osho. But it is in hindi.. Its a 90 hours long.. Took me a year to listen all of it.. Never heard anything more beautiful than that..
Caste system was intended for the whole world to work smoothly based on capabilities. But later people doing certain start to think of themselves as superior to others. Those guys start to discriminate people based on the works. But actually all castes were equal and was intended for smooth functioning of the society and all humans.
It's not caste. It's varna. Caste is a family name. In Indian languages, it is Jati. Varna is the profession.
Caste system started deteriorating from manuscript. Earlier it was according to abilities
Hinduism is truly unique. It's mostly because nobody knows who is the founder of Hinduism.🙂
God himself ( krishna) tells that ,,, धर्म संस्थापना थाए संभावनी युगे यूगे । He himself will come to earth if no one is able to save sanatan
Our dharma means
Knowledge and many more things
Hinduism is not founded its not prophet based, book based religion.....
Hinduism is a Civilization like Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Ancient Romans etc all of them had their own culture, ancient knowledge, belief systems and mythology, worships and ways of Life...all declined Hinduism or Vedic civilization is the only survived and Surviving ancient civilization, worlds oldest religion....
Hinduism is not chirstianity founded by jesus to rule people
@༼ཆ༽ No. It's clearly not.
I love lord Shiva for ever 💚💚💚
My life belong Shiva mahadeva
Lord shiva the coolest god my opinion.
Budhhist, Sikhh and Jain are also Hindu.......The base is Sanatan Dharma and Hindu, Budhhist, Sikhh, Jain are the parts of Sanatan Dharma which is the most ancient on the planet.......
@@djchitrarath6149 Yes👍
@@ajiteshsinghrajpoot2609 they all are part of sanatan culture
@@someonebig5234 maybe, sabka apna opinion hai . coolest ka toh nhi pata par intellegence k mamle ma toh koi mukabla nhi .
Me being an Indian but an atheist at the same time .....*CONFUSION INCREASES*
Me , an atheist 💜
once read bhagvad gita you will get all solutions about life are fool due to lack of knowledge about hinduism
@@hariss7599 but I literally said I am an atheist ..neither do I believe in God nor do I follow religions
in India people are following western cultures because they think they look cool they dont know base is HINDUISM WORLDS OLDEST RELIGION AND HAS EVERY SOLUTION.
”Lead me from the unreal to the real ” while reading Bhagvad Gita I also compared this concept with the concept of matrix which is very famous and bhakti, yoga, dhyan are the cheatcodes to finish the game called ‘Life ’ and to go home which is the ‘Paramatma ’😃
Hinduism is not just religions, Hinduism means way of living the life,
@@logicmagic50 it never insults other religions atleast.
@@mr.V.5 never insults others .but we
Achara is blessed by Goddess Saraswati and Lord Ganesha to be that knowledgeable and smart
We are lucky to born in India and over that to a Hindu family...
karan raghavan In the 21st century, of course.
As a Brahmin myself...i must say Manusmriti was the worst thing to happen to Hinduism...
I liked the way Achara was responding with "Yeah... Yess..." whenever he talked about Ramayana, Arjuna, Ganesha. I am guessing she knew about it already. Great!!!!
Hinduism doesn’t exist are talking about that is ‘Sanatana’ ....but not your fault , even 80% bhartiya(indians) don’t know.....
And Sanatana isn’t a’s Dharma...
ISLAM is the only true religion
@@nahiankarimkhan4660 may be..coz hinduism or santana dharma is about way of life and following duties
Drakeforce yeah bcz islam is a religion and here we are not talking about a religion....
@@nahiankarimkhan4660 islam is a political agenda for khalifas to gain power it isn't a religion
@@nahiankarimkhan4660 Lol😂😂🤣🤣 Terror Factory...
Parvati and sati both r same soul, incarnated different life and different name that's all. It's not having two life.
In Shakta tradition, Shiva's wife is Adi Parashakti who manifests as Parvati. Her warrior aspect is Durga and the aspect related to time and death is Kālī.
Yeah they are not different wife's shiva have.....sati died and recarnated to Parvati...(afterall there's no end to the great and greatest maa adishakti 🙏🙏🙏)
As an Indian, listening to other Religion Opinions over my Religion beliefs I don't mind them as I do think some things gone too far. But I love my Religious Gods, all Gods are my Core and if humans decided to believe in something then this is what Hinduism came up with Useful Beliefs. For example - Yoga, it's a Great intervention to fix your Inner and Outer Cores.
Achara is a genius, maaan! 25:33 the way she explained the addition of the untouchables to jaby was so poignant
Hanuman is not side kick he is a avatar of Siva,he lives till the end of time and very powerful
He's Vayuputra
The avatars of Shiva are called Rudraavatar.
Ada mutta payaley
Hanuman is still among us on earth!
@@devagyasingh6819 Yes it is believed that he was given the boon of immortality. There are a few who are believed to be immortal from the ancient times and hanuman is one of them.
Rama is not a king he is incarnation of God Vishnu means he is a god
Hm and one can take gods wife and he doesn't aware of that 😂 god or fraud 😂
@@zafaraslamansari100 yes and your Allah doesn't have a body wow he is fraud okk
Yes, he is God but Rama never knew he was a God until he passed away. That's why people worship him that much. He has many devotees than Krushna because Rama as a Human Being faced many challenges in life and when he killed Vali then in his next life Krushna died the same way. Vali in his next life became a hunter and killed Krushna. So the Karma here didn't break even for God.
PS - I put the spelling as Krushna because in all the languages of Bharat we write it as Krushna and spell it, Krishna.
@@keshavsaini915 hahaha u know got can't b any shape it's alwhere but ur fraud god hs elephant face some hs pig face some ha owl face some hs rat wtf 🤣😅🤭
@@zafaraslamansari100 because for some reason they have that face, and you are talking about elephant face , Lord Ganesh have elephant face because he is God of education, a normal brain cannot store that much information that's why he had that face, and some incarnations of God have animal face to tell humanity that no one is weak everybody have it's own ability and power
Correction: Varna is not "Caste". Caste is a Portuguese System. Laws of Manu does not forbid movement between castes. No Hindu Text does. The British created Caste and the hoaxes around it.
There is truth here, colonialism definitely made it much more of an issue, shacking it to politics and one's birth, etc... However, there was certainly still discrimination around social standing, prior to the colonial days.
There was no discrimination ever. British sowed the seeds of discrimination by superimposing the European Caste Sytem which was birth based over the Vedic Varna System which was training and qualification based. They did so by mentioning "caste" against a persons details through through British Census 1872. The same technique to create Scheduled Tribes out of Hindus living in remote hilly and forest areas. Then Mayavati created Dalits. All these designations were created out of thin air to divide Hindus.
well... just because new nomenclature was introduced, doesn't mean what it's attempting to define didn't already exist. It was their word to identify the system of social stratification they observed... And then in return they took what they observed and used their power to terribly twist it and use it to oppress the lands natives.
Again, I am not denying the British heavily oppressed. I am a practicing sadhaka from the dashnami sampraday corner, I understand all too well how today's caste came to be, and what actual varnashram is, etc. However, from scriptures Iike Manisha Panchakam, the words of Sants, slave Manumissions, etc etc, we can also see that there was some level of social discrimination clearly evident. If everyone embodied proper vivek/vairagya towards eachother, there would literally be no need to even conceive of what the Manisha Panchakam expresses.
Not only through those mediums can we see this... But the land is hugely populated, it is simple organic nature that such hierarchy occurs. You can observe this phenomenon amongst many species, not just humans. It's quite a deep topic, actually. To think Bharat was just some ultra humbled etopia, free from any such social discrimination, is absurd. Again, it is common to our specifies and many others. Such structure helps birds avoid collision, for example. With humans level of egoic self-awareness, as intrinsically philosophical beings, such intuitive nature of being as social hierarchy comes under the intellectual light, and with that implies the full contrast of ego and its play. It's literally part of collective survivalism that there would of been some level of discrimination present... It's part of how we've evolved to recognize unfair oppression, etc, and understand self even deeper.
So, of course it was present... It just wasn't the heavily oppressive system that the colonials imposed. I firmly agree that it was not some by-birth fucked up systemic thing before. It's going to take many more years before India heals from those times... However, that doesn't mean the land was free from any degree of discrimination... Come on man
@@macdog1 You've just penned down what you are or are not ready to believe about let's say Bharat before the arrival of British or even before Muslim invaders. There cannot simply exist a human society without social classes or stratification which is an economic structure. Simply existence of words like Brāhman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and Chāndāla does imply stratification BUT does NOT imply existence of malicious discrimination between social strata.
Why only Manisha Panchakam ? The words Brāhmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra and Chāndāla are everywhere in all Texts including Rāmāyana, 4 Veda, Smriti Shastra, Dharma Shāstra, Niti Shāstra, Āgamas, Mahābhārata including Bhāgavad Gita etc. If you are Dashnāmi then you must know this. But they are all in context of "Guna Karma vibhāgashaha" NOT "Janma vibhāgashah". So Shāstra is very clear and contains no malicious discrimination. So Manisha Panchakam is simply saying that no matter in what bodily profession one is according to their abilities on can attain the realisation of Brahma. It nowhere indicated malicious discrimination.
Also if you read historical records of foreign travellers from Herodotus, Marco Polo, Fa Hian, Ibn Batuta, Megasthenes upto 3 Century BCE they very clearly say that anyone can become a Brāhmana through a life of study and austere spiritual practices but people are afraid because a Brāhman's life is one of poverty and extreme austerity ! Other Varnas were very rich ! Infact Vaishyas, Shudras and Chāndālas were the richest class. For example: King Harishchandra was bought by a Chāndāla not by Shudra, Vaishya, Kshatriya or Brāhmana ! All business war run by Vaishya. All engineering, building and agriculture was owned by Shudras. Kshatriyas were not very rich and Brāhmanas were always the poorest. So where was malicious discrimination ?!
Again there was 100% literacy which means no discrimination in education and Bhārat accounted for upto 32% of world GDP and so was the biggest economy in the world at par only with China(probably). This is not possible in a backward society where there is malicious discrimination.
There were different Varnas in a single family as indicated by :~
“I am a reciter of hymns, my father is a healer, my mother a grinder of corn. We desire to obtain wealth through various actions”-- Rig Veda 9.112.3
Let me if you have concrete documented evidence of malicious discrimination between Varnas. So far I haven't found any but all evidence against such possibility.
Actually Matrix was inspired from Hinduism. The credits roll with "Asatoma sargamaya"(an indian mantra in Upanishads) playing in the background.
just a tip from a proud fellow indian- don't seek western or external approval of our legacy. do we really need the "matrix" to tell us how great our way of life is? believe in yourself and your culture
It's satanism
@@thedarksoul468 look who's talking
@@no-body-nobody excuse me for your kindest information I m going to start a gaming channel and there is a game which is called dark soul if need u can check on google
You should watch Ramayana the Animated movie. It is available on UA-cam in English Dub.
It was created by Japan-India collaboration.
It's an Anime
No wonder it had such good animation 🤯..
Thank you FYI
it a anime ooooooo
It was really good movie but our government was so stupid and banned it
He's 60% right he doesn't explain the most important things....
Nachiket Sonar
Hinduism for Hindu youth
depth of DHARMA must watch below full series
@@atul1024 brother I'm an atheist....
@@nachiketsonar8430 You have to admit that most of us don't understand and neither have we delved any deeper than Cogito did. If you really knew 100% of it, you would be a literal God with a freaking ring of light behind your head right now.
@@dybiosol brother I don't mean to offend anyone but I really don't care whether God exists or not.... I'm just fond of reading and I've read Geeta, couple of Vedas and Purans.... Also Bible and Quran.... And I don't really think it was 100% accurate.... It's my opinion you have all the right to disagree....
@@nachiketsonar8430 ..,✌️
I am proud of being a Hindu ,Jai Hind, Vandematram