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I have had so many bad experiences with moisture getting between leaves. I lost at least 3 that way. Other than keeping the leaves clean of dust, and deposits, I go out of my way to not get any water/moisture on the leaves. I’ll also only water/feed them early in the day time. That part of my routine, I thankfully got from watching your videos. Thank you for sharing your love of orchids with us all.
Love your content!! It has helped me greatly with taking care of my orchids. I started off with maybe 10 Phals and have over 60 different species & hybrids now ❤ Thanks a lot!
I am presently trying to revive 2 phalaenopsis orchids (one upright hybrid, and the other that tends to grow downward) I received them as a gift and due to poor watering technique about 80% of the roots died. I now water thoroughly once a week. Orchids were replanted in a mixture of moss and bark and the leaves look great, but growth of new roots and leaves is very, very slow. I mostly use a small amount (1/4 tsp.) of fertilizer mixed in a gallon of water. I also have a spray fertilizer and have used it 3 or 4 times. on leaves I don't soak the leaves with it, just a very light spray. So far it hasn't hurt them, but after listening to this video I might discontinue the spray. I have had these orchids about 8 months and have no idea how long it will take to revive them so they get plenty of new roots and maybe flowers. It is a work in progress. We shall see how it goes. 😶
I'm with you ..i don't spray the leafs ever and they do just fine..In the past I have had stem rot and lost several plant, it went away after I stopped spraying and haven't lost any plants the .
I do it outside, to clean plants or add humidity to them when they are outside and it’s dry, but flowers last for a shorter time and I do my best to avoid them. I don’t focus on the leaves, but on roots. Inside I don’t foliage feed at all, or I rotten everything around lol. I rather than sometimes clean the leaves myself with s soft humid paper. I totally agree with you and loved your analysis!!!
Good information, Danny! I think it’s probably best to create an environment for your orchestra that closely mimics their native environment. Keep the humidity about the same, if possible, just like you plant an orchid in wood chips, where there’s a lot of air around their roots, rather than topsoil. It’s interesting that orchids absorb water and nutrients through their stomata at night, rather than the daytime. If you do mist, I would use a mister that produces is the finest mist possible, kind of like the dew they get at night in the forest and lightly mist them, don’t soak the leaves. If water does accumulate in between the leaf and the stem, use Q-tip to absorb it.
This was an excellent video!! I wasn’t thinking about it, but I’ve had that question from others. I’ll rewatch with a pen and paper to explain the why’s of it not being necessary. I changed my lighting and feeding schedule, and I have sooo many flower spikes on my phals, as well as several of my oncidiums (which have been my most successful so far). Also my dendrobiums are budding or blooming now. I don’t think that feeding would make a difference.
Hi Danni, When I fertilise my Phals, I wipe the leaves with the same water. However, if the leaves hang down, I only lightly spray the outer part of the leaves. So far it seems okay.
I use a spray can to fertilize my orchids. I grow them outside. I live in central Florida . I’m happy with how they are looking. If I bring them inside to enjoy the blooms, I water them on the roots only because I do not want them to get crown rot. 🎉🎉🎉
Hi Danny! I agree not to foliar feed indoors even though I have fans going. Especially since your video about what happened when you watered with the sprayer versus watering can! That was a big aha moment for me because I have lost some orchids to crown/stem rot and couldn’t figure out why because I am careful to not get water on the leaves. Well, I water with a sprayer. At least I used to. No longer! I also wonder if people who like to foliar feed have success because the foliar feed runs down to the roots and is absorbed there?Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge! Much love to you!
I folial fed my orchids when I first got them. They produced less and less blooms. Then I repotted them and they didn’t bloom at all (maybe the pots were too big) and they got withered and split leafed. Then I started feed watering and letting them sit for 30 minutes before draining them and returning them to their ‘seats’. They’ve steadily improved. I think they’re all going to live.
Some orchids are especially sensitive to any standing water on their leaves; the sedirea japonica, for instance, is known to develop rot on leaves very easily. I grow bare-root and mist the roots, taking care not to get the foliage wet, but if a teeny bit of mist gets on a leaf, I see unhealthy spots develop. Such a fussy plant! It wants the stem and leaves to remain entirely dry at all times, thank you very much. To me that's a good indicator that it's not beneficial in home environments; the most fussy or the weakest individuals show the signs first.
I’ve heard many ways to feed orchids in different seasons. Unsure personally since roots do absorb. Makes more sense. Plus, worried to foliage feeding at all now that it is cooler.
In one of your videos, you showed a pot with a short length of cord or yard hanging from the bottom of the pot. It looked like you had put one end of the cord up into a drainage hole or slit and then pulled it back out of another hole. My guess is that this would help with wicking water upward from the tray? I would like more info about that. Do you cover it in any of your videos? Thanks!
Hello Miss orchid girl, I have a question to ask, my mini Mark Holm phalaenopsis Has two spikes that are different colours one is white and the second spike is yellow, has this ever happened to you with your mini Mark. Thank you kapotasgirl 😊
There is no way I could foliar feed. I don’t run fans #1, it’s also very dry in the winter etc😂 I just try not to get one drop of water near the stem. 😅 Thanks for the information about how it would have to be done at night, on the back of the leaves, etc.😊 ❤Carol
After I lost a few phals I am positive it was all due to stem rot. I'm so careful now not to get any water in between leaves . I'm in central Florida and all my orchids are on my screen porch as there are just too many aphids, scale, spiders, etc outside that love my orchids. 🤪 PS..your white walls behind you are too white/bright for filming. I think you need darker contrast....imho.
I'd love to see you making a show and tell about this amazing Cattleya tropical pointer 'cheetah'.🙏 Mine is nearly dying. I'm so sad. She has made only one small new growth this summer and is loosing all leaves on her two older growth. I don't know why. East facing window. Roots are ok. (My others are doing fine. They are all in bark)
I need a video on coconut fiber. I got a Phal that is completely potted in long coconut fiber (not chunks) and I don’t know how to water it. Seems very compact, too.😭
Really? I foliar feed mine all the time and it sure hasn't hurt them, in fact they've grown more this year than they did in the past 2-3 years combined.
The first 500 people to use my link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare premium! This video is sponsored by Skillshare!
I used it, but can’t find your content, will you please link it?
I have had so many bad experiences with moisture getting between leaves. I lost at least 3 that way. Other than keeping the leaves clean of dust, and deposits, I go out of my way to not get any water/moisture on the leaves. I’ll also only water/feed them early in the day time. That part of my routine, I thankfully got from watching your videos. Thank you for sharing your love of orchids with us all.
I love that the cattleya matches Dani’s make up. So pretty!☺️🌸
This makes a lot of sense to me. I think a foliar feed might be great for some plants, but not so much orchids that we grow in our homes.
Love your content!! It has helped me greatly with taking care of my orchids. I started off with maybe 10 Phals and have over 60 different species & hybrids now ❤ Thanks a lot!
I am presently trying to revive 2 phalaenopsis orchids (one upright hybrid, and the other that tends to grow downward) I received them as a gift and due to poor watering technique about 80% of the roots died. I now water thoroughly once a week. Orchids were replanted in a mixture of moss and bark and the leaves look great, but growth of new roots and leaves is very, very slow. I mostly use a small amount (1/4 tsp.) of fertilizer mixed in a gallon of water. I also have a spray fertilizer and have used it 3 or 4 times. on leaves I don't soak the leaves with it, just a very light spray. So far it hasn't hurt them, but after listening to this video I might discontinue the spray. I have had these orchids about 8 months and have no idea how long it will take to revive them so they get plenty of new roots and maybe flowers. It is a work in progress. We shall see how it goes. 😶
I'm with you ..i don't spray the leafs ever and they do just fine..In the past I have had stem rot and lost several plant, it went away after I stopped spraying and haven't lost any plants the .
I do it outside, to clean plants or add humidity to them when they are outside and it’s dry, but flowers last for a shorter time and I do my best to avoid them. I don’t focus on the leaves, but on roots. Inside I don’t foliage feed at all, or I rotten everything around lol. I rather than sometimes clean the leaves myself with s soft humid paper. I totally agree with you and loved your analysis!!!
Great points, Dani-same things I have pondered over the years, and why I too have not chosen to foliage feed.
Good information, Danny!
I think it’s probably best to create an environment for your orchestra that closely mimics their native environment. Keep the humidity about the same, if possible, just like you plant an orchid in wood chips, where there’s a lot of air around their roots, rather than topsoil.
It’s interesting that orchids absorb water and nutrients through their stomata at night, rather than the daytime. If you do mist, I would use a mister that produces is the finest mist possible, kind of like the dew they get at night in the forest and lightly mist them, don’t soak the leaves. If water does accumulate in between the leaf and the stem, use Q-tip to absorb it.
This was an excellent video!! I wasn’t thinking about it, but I’ve had that question from others. I’ll rewatch with a pen and paper to explain the why’s of it not being necessary. I changed my lighting and feeding schedule, and I have sooo many flower spikes on my phals, as well as several of my oncidiums (which have been my most successful so far). Also my dendrobiums are budding or blooming now. I don’t think that feeding would make a difference.
Hi Danni, When I fertilise my Phals, I wipe the leaves with the same water. However, if the leaves hang down, I only lightly spray the outer part of the leaves. So far it seems okay.
I use a spray can to fertilize my orchids. I grow them outside. I live in central Florida . I’m happy with how they are looking. If I bring them inside to enjoy the blooms, I water them on the roots only because I do not want them to get crown rot.
Hi Danny! I agree not to foliar feed indoors even though I have fans going. Especially since your video about what happened when you watered with the sprayer versus watering can! That was a big aha moment for me because I have lost some orchids to crown/stem rot and couldn’t figure out why because I am careful to not get water on the leaves. Well, I water with a sprayer. At least I used to. No longer! I also wonder if people who like to foliar feed have success because the foliar feed runs down to the roots and is absorbed there?Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge! Much love to you!
I folial fed my orchids when I first got them. They produced less and less blooms. Then I repotted them and they didn’t bloom at all (maybe the pots were too big) and they got withered and split leafed. Then I started feed watering and letting them sit for 30 minutes before draining them and returning them to their ‘seats’. They’ve steadily improved. I think they’re all going to live.
Finally!!! I am repeating same things for years!!! Thanks, Dany! 🤗🤗🤗
Very well thought out Dani! Thanks for this 😊 although I have to say my hoyas LOVE when they get a spray of orchid fertilizer 😂
Some orchids are especially sensitive to any standing water on their leaves; the sedirea japonica, for instance, is known to develop rot on leaves very easily. I grow bare-root and mist the roots, taking care not to get the foliage wet, but if a teeny bit of mist gets on a leaf, I see unhealthy spots develop. Such a fussy plant! It wants the stem and leaves to remain entirely dry at all times, thank you very much. To me that's a good indicator that it's not beneficial in home environments; the most fussy or the weakest individuals show the signs first.
I’ve heard many ways to feed orchids in different seasons. Unsure personally since roots do absorb. Makes more sense. Plus, worried to foliage feeding at all now that it is cooler.
I have foliar fed rootless orchids with kelp at the tip away from crown and have found out it saves them. Haven't lost a rootless orchid ever since.
Hi, do you recommend repotting hardware store orchids Immediately whether they are in bloom or not ? Thanks
well reasoned
Is it OK to spray miltoniopsis orchid leaves to keep them dust free? If yes is once weekly ok ? Tx so much 💖🌸
I foliar fed once and ended up losing a couple of orchids. I won’t do it anymore.
Oh nooo sorry to hear :(
In one of your videos, you showed a pot with a short length of cord or yard hanging from the bottom of the pot. It looked like you had put one end of the cord up into a drainage hole or slit and then pulled it back out of another hole. My guess is that this would help with wicking water upward from the tray? I would like more info about that. Do you cover it in any of your videos? Thanks!
Hello Miss orchid girl, I have a question to ask, my mini Mark Holm phalaenopsis Has two spikes that are different colours one is white and the second spike is yellow, has this ever happened to you with your mini Mark. Thank you kapotasgirl 😊
There is no way I could foliar feed. I don’t run fans #1, it’s also very dry in the winter etc😂
I just try not to get one drop of water near the stem. 😅
Thanks for the information about how it would have to be done at night, on the back of the leaves, etc.😊
Hey Danny❤
Hi 👋🙂
After I lost a few phals I am positive it was all due to stem rot. I'm so careful now not to get any water in between leaves . I'm in central Florida and all my orchids are on my screen porch as there are just too many aphids, scale, spiders, etc outside that love my orchids. 🤪 PS..your white walls behind you are too white/bright for filming. I think you need darker contrast....imho.
I'd love to see you making a show and tell about this amazing Cattleya tropical pointer 'cheetah'.🙏
Mine is nearly dying.
I'm so sad.
She has made only one small new growth this summer and is loosing all leaves on her two older growth.
I don't know why.
East facing window.
Roots are ok.
(My others are doing fine. They are all in bark)
Hi, I have her for many years and I think if you type her name in the search bar you’ll find some orchids in bloom episode with her :D
@@MissOrchidGirlThank you! ❤
Lucky for me, i just dicover that i can able to water my plant every night.
I grow my orchids outside at my balcony.
I miss the orchids behind you.
I need a video on coconut fiber. I got a Phal that is completely potted in long coconut fiber (not chunks) and I don’t know how to water it. Seems very compact, too.😭
Hi, coco fiber is not a medium that I like much, so I don’t think I can give the best advice on it since I pretty much avoid it :(
I’m going to give a spray a try… but I’m thinking I’ll spray it on a paper towel and rub it on the bottom of the leaves
I foliar feed ONLY when they are outside. I never foliar feed indoors.
Never have done it, and never will! Doesn’t make any sense at all! Wonderful video as always, thank you! 🌸
Perhaps you could start with explaining what exactly foliar feeding is?
… I didn’t? 🤭
@@MissOrchidGirl - Unless I missed something. If I did, please accept my apologies.
@@MissOrchidGirl I also wasn't sure what it was and through your video I am.just assuming it is watering an Orchid through the leaves?
Really? I foliar feed mine all the time and it sure hasn't hurt them, in fact they've grown more this year than they did in the past 2-3 years combined.
Really depends on your environment.
She didnt say it Hurt them. They will grow even if you dont fertilize at all
What is foliar feeding?
Feeding the plant through the leaves. Some plants absorb some water and nutrients through their leaves.
Like using a spray fertilizer.
She just answered this in the video