In my opinion, Breath of the Dying is a severely underrated assault rifle. Good DPS and those corrosive blobs that it spawns on kill deal insane damage. Not to mention that the firing sound is just eargasmic.
Totally agree. I have seen those blobs hit for tens of millions of damage, and I have had multiple "What just happened?!" kills with it. It has a solid reload, fire rate, accuracy, the works. EDIT: Yes, the orbs will also ROFLstomp you, but after you use it a lot, you can learn the pattern they fly in and it's fairly easy to avoid.
Most dahl ars are really good. I cant think of one that really sucks. A cryo kaos with n2m rad is also one of my favourite weopons since the beginning of the game.
I freaking love the Roisen's thorns, mainly because of in my opinion the best skin in the whole game but also because of how good it is, i use that thing on my Moze over the Harold just because of the skin xD Imagine if the DP version of the RT or the X4 version the Harold properly gave an extra projectile
I don't know if anybody has tried and maybe some of you have but the Dark Army, more specifically the ++ version on Chill and Kill Zane. Digiclone, plus 44 percent SMG damage Seein Dead mod, plus 100% weapon damage while action skill active, equals drones and bullets everywhere and it destroys mobs of enemies in seconds. Toss in a Tediore company man for extra damage if you want. Damn I love Borderlands 3.
It's nice to see the sleeping Giant get some love. That smg is a monster during story mode and really does give that sweet nostalgia to glitch weapons from TPS
Yesssss I love the hive! I made an entire build based on using almost exclusively the hive on moze (sometimes using a plaguebearer for bosses). Infernal wish for double projectiles, phalanx doctrine for more damage and shields, and a toboggan for amped shots, and you have an army or little drones that'll wipe out anything. Fittingly named that save "Hive Queen"
I recently did a Moze Maliwan allegiance playthrough and found a corrosive/fire Kyb's Worth that I used for DLC1, was an absolute beast of a gun. Rowan's Call is probably my favorite gun for a Jakobs allegiance playthrough.
I’m so glad people enjoy this game. I just got into the borderlands series around a year ago. I Maxed out a character on both 1 and 2, 10/10 games for me. When I was looking into Borderlands 3 I saw people hating on the game and calling it garbage. I couldn’t disagree more after grinding 3 for a few weeks. The gameplay is amazing, and the story really isn’t as terrible as some people made it out to be.
@@Ki11ersix I agree, the story isn’t the most important thing to me. I love the aspect of finding rare loot, creating different character builds, and the gameplay.
I'm still in love with my Bekah on my Jacobs Flak build. It's awesome when taking out those pesky annoiteds along with everything else. I have the Maggie and other Jacobs weapons slotted, but the Bekah is the default weapon I always trust.
I hope with the next Borderlands game they rather go the route reducing the enemy health by like 50% instead of buffing random weapons by 100%+ to make them viable. Nerfing the enemies would make much more weapons viable than just buffing some of the weapons.
I agree. But for whatever reason GB thinks they have to buff the enemies health into the thousends in every of their game. M2.0....they learned not much from that how it seems, bc i heard the Chaos chambers in wl have also These modifiers....and they are not fun AT ALL. In bl3 i hated especially the skulls and Espe in the beginning, where the all the weapons (exception opq System) didnt do any damage. And it was pure fruszrstion to got down bc such a f.... skull came through a wall in sloughter shaft and you got down instantly. And to make it the beginning the HP of These skulls were just rediculous. I love the bl games, but i m a firm beliver that they have a few really dumb people there in the creative section (but also great people with absolute insane creativity)
And make allready good weapons god mode deluxe? Rather then reducing health and having to nerf weapons I think buffing some is better. Just make it more obvious that they’ve been buffed.
And having found the x10 hellwalker level 72 it's insane how quick ot kills non mechanic enemies just fleshy enkes that turn in to a red mist from no more than three shots at most it even knocks the bots right on their ass or blows their legs off it's awesome
The Duc. Torgue Jakobs hybrid revolver. Each crit against an enemy automatically sends off two projectiles at other enemies or 2 additional free crits at a boss. Than all 3 of those crits explode a la Torgue dealing crit dmg as well. 5 shots in the mag. As fast as you can pull the trigger. Against a boss, on its own it does 30 crits in 2 seconds. Godly.
A couple of these are amongst my most used. Not a "raid type of guy" and I play all 4 VH. Apparently I'll have to look back at my Roisen's thorn inventory. I think I was already favoring "sigle shots" but I definitely have a couple "additional shots" wasting room in inventory. I knew someone said the Multi-Tap was good... Threw a bunch of these away. I'll have to look back at the gimmick and make sure I give it a good try next time.
Chupa's Organ I feel is dramatically underrated. It's the only item I saw that could still damage bosses during the invincible phase. Anytime a boss went into that BS mode I'd lob as many grenades as I could and it would generally remove a bar during that phase
I confess still to this day that if the SF-Force's secondary firing mode damage wasn't glitched after its 400% damage buff, I definitely think it would give the Plasma Coil a run for its money
Among the dlc ones for me the dark army is underrated, not mentioned in tier list or something also is not so hard to farm this week since is in maurice black market shop but seeing the clone tearing apart the takedown is so much worth the effort to farm
Adapting Torrent (x2) with 26.47/sec firerate and drum mag (80) is a sight to behold. About 55+ bullets per second (16k x 2) with no skills/+stats/buffs. I'm talking about 1.7m base damage. Per second. But only Moze can maintain that manic mag depletion, and only by cheesing "Some for the Road".
I like what they did with the alchemist assault rifle and all the cool shield break/when damaged bonuses. Also the pain cov guns kind of travel that same route. Guns for the tanky character
I actually love the kybs on fl4k cause if you shoot the enemy your pet is attacking it heals the pet especially helpful if your pet is struggling at all, and the gun itself just has nice damage
One of the most underrated base games legendaries that comes to my mind is the Scorpio, it has a ton of damage and i love it's tediore effect of spawning a turret when thrown like Roland did, wish more people got to use and see how good it is.
I always had a soft spot for the rosien throns I always loved the look of the gun and the projectiles I'm glad it got that buff awhile back I love using it on moze
And the storm sniper rifle while it may not melt the sheild like the crit does the orbs are excellent for crowd control everything seems to get shock locked while their able to shoot and throw projectiles and what not, however once I shoot a couple mags of the rifle and orbs are everywhere most of the enemies can't move it's awesome
Man, how great is it that every gun on this list has a dedicated source that we can farm? I’m so glad I don’t have to depend on barfing rng to find all these.
In the early game I really like the Dahl Barrage, it's seems to be a basic AR, but the fire rate is really good, and I like its play style (and I just love the Dahl weapons in this game overall).
I’m glad to see more BL3 content from you K6! I’m personally a sucker for the Grease Trap with Zane and his clone. I feel like a maniacal fry cook who is also part arsonist.
Couple more underrated: 1. Star Helix 2. Companion 3. Monocle 4. Devestator 5. Damned I'm a bit biased toward the star helix. First legendary AR I got. Carried me for a long time through my first playthrough.
For a long time kybs worth was my favourite gun in the game, the gun is just beautiful and strong, wish it return somehow (the name or the gun effect) in futures games
So the DP Roisen's Thorns does add a second Corrosive projectile but does not double the Fire Projectiles (at least it did on the PS4 version, I haven't checked my PS5 version)
I'm glad you included the Contained Blast in the honorable mentions. It's a really good gun but I really haven't heard many people talk about it. I picked it up as Zane once and started absolutely wrecking with it.
I saw your video on the Hydrafrost and now it's a personal favorite of mine, even if I don't see that many people using it. I think the frost exclusivity may turn people off, but it shouldn't considering it's essentially doing 3 different elements that all synchronize together very well. A x2 variant with Moze is essentially unstoppable and can fire for what feels like forever.
The crit imo is really underated being level 72 and on mayhem 11, it still melts most of the time in my clones hands it insta kills 90% of enemies like they are there, then a half a second later gone lol being an epic it actually kind of puts allof of the legendary to shame and that's running victory rush artifact as I do t have any others equipped or any at all otherwise haven t found many artifacts lately
I used a radiation Faisor shotgun with Moze and a relic with radiation efficiency and mag size. That combo wrecks for mobbing. It was doing well before I even had a good anointment on the gun or a splash damage class mod. If your mag size is big enough, you can seriously fire it forever.
Roisen’s Thorns is definitely my favorite pistol in BL3. Solid damage, cool effect, and an awesome skin. I been sayin it for a long time, but I’d like to shout out The Nothingness, it’s a great shotgun that I feel doesn’t get enough love
One gun i really liked but no one ever talks about is the nothingness shotgun from the gmork in guns love and tentacles not the best gun for lesser enemies but is great for bosses and large enemies like loaders or badasses
The shot gun variant is great basically I was able to get three quarters of the guardian takedown done solo just using the shotgun with my clone and dome shield of course but yeah pretty damn powerful and that was back with a little 65 nuclear phaser
You mentioning the hive in bl2 gave me an idea for a video! I think you should do a top ten purple weapon list. I know in bl2 there were many purple/blue guns that were the caliber of a legendary
Having a hard time killing a True Trials raid boss or just don’t wanna spend half an hour to get through it? Hive, U-Rad Moze, Guardian Angel, either Cryo-Gatling or Target Softening BearCub. Shoot it under/at the bosses feet, switch to the shoty, and run away.
Miscreant is definitely top shelf. World dropped for me while doing dlc 3, looking for some of the guns there. Cant really tell a diffrence between it's dmg and that of the 2 light shows i got. And i can shoot my radiation miscreant at every healthbar, while the light show seems to like matched elements. Fire version at least.
@@DeCode343 contained blast is from the same dlc. X2 is the way to go. I like the Miscreant on Moze cause of the ammo regen and splash. The light show I like on everyone else. I go cryo gun with rad next 2 mags if possible. Seems to take out every type of enemy
My personal favourite underrated weapon would be the alchemist assault rifle At higher mayhem levels its sadly lacking but up until like mayhem 5-6 i LOVE it. Its super powerful, fun and really easy to farm for. On moze it can hold its ground in mayhem 11 tho easily
Took me so long to get a Hive and the one that finally dropped was absolute garbage. I was devastated because it took over 50 runs of save-quitting on console. Rosian's Thorn has always been one of my favorite weapons and has carried me through the story with almost every vault hunter. Also I think the Koas is a underrated gun that needs a little love. I had a lot of success with it on my Zane play through and with Amara. Its a little hard to proc the kill effect but once you do the dominoes just fall.
One of my absolute most underrated weapons has to be the bubble blaster i NEVER hear or see anyone use it ever Im not sure most people know it exists especially because it seems like a useless gimmick gun at first However with my amara or moze builds it can literally destroy crowds with just less than the whole magazine even on mayhem 11 and despite not being able to be annointed Its extremely powerful with splash damage and elemental bonuses
So part of me wants to create a urad moze with the Red Suit(I think? The aoe radiation shield that makes you immune to radiation damage), an Atom Balm Deathless, and Moze's skill that increases your shields but drops your health. Run it alongside the Hive and just become the entire Fallout franchise 🤣
My top ten underrated base game @killer six 1. Babymaker 2. Westergun 3. Tsunami 3. Devoted 4. Lasersploder 5. Sleeping giant 6. The butcher 7. Star Helix 8. Brainstormer 9. Kybs worth 10. ASMD HONORABLE mentions: Bangarang Hive Linoge
A very specific one The lucky 7 with all rolls EXCEPT THE FIRE RATE on Moze. That shit does so much dmg and is so easy for you to sustain the ammo; as the fire rate roll is sadly too high for even Moze to keep it firing, unless you leave ironbear and have the infinite ammo skill Otherwise you just have madsive constant critical splash dmg in a peashooter looking gun
The devil's foursome is underated. I love using it for mobbing on my Torgue Moze but since I don't have a radiation one and red suit I get clapped as well.
I remember my first legendary when I started my first playthough my wife and I were like woooooooooah a phasor and was so happy it had a shotgun under barrel but than I learned about the HellWalker 😂
At the moment of my comment, I paused the video and havent watched it yet. One gun I think is underrated is the Lob. I used it day one and didn't enjoy it but all this time later I got another and decided to use it. Good lob glob its got good fire rate and really good damage too. Its bullet speed is a bit slow but when you can make a well of orbs that 1 shot most enemies, yea it's in my inv now and I use it a fair bit.
Storm... very underrated, in my opinion. It deals a ton of shock damage, including splash damage, and those orbs will drain shields pretty quickly. Put this in Zane's digiclone's hands, and this just gets SICK!
Really nice list! I would add nukem as honorable mention, because how interesting this launcher is and has great impact sound, even if launchers are far from your favourite ;)
old vid so it might of changed but ive had the sleeping giant off of it was either a bandit or a skag as i killed a grope with a nade in the starting area of the game at lvl 5
Multi tap w 500% elemental crit annointment on fl4k paired w rack attack and action skill end elemental grenade mods is unbelievably strong AF. Almost every shot on 5 targets is nonstop crits. Wayyyyy better than any atlas replay build on anyone. Its THE BEST atlas gun hands down
Yeah, the Kyb’s Worth and Star Helix to me are very similar to each other, which makes me even more excited to eventually do a Maliwan Amara run, especially since I LOVE the Star Helix.
I just started up the game a few days ago. I was using a Trev for a while. Loved it! Then when it was falling off, a Butcher landed in my lap, and that thing carried me for 20 levels! Then I Sold-Out for a Sell-Out, and that was awesome, even the snark from the gun made me smile. THEN, I found a Beacon. I was hesitant to switch out my Sell-Out, but it was falling off. I try every new Leg I find though. Oh-My-Bigosh! That thing made my life soooo much easier!!! I think I got that thing at level 38, and it made Neko a cake walk and a half! Fire/Shock, oh yeah baby! Going against psycho's? Destroy them with sheer damage and light them on fire! Going against guardians? Destroy them with sheer damage and watch them evaporate! All in one little gun, with a flip of a switch. There were several fights that had both towards the end and I had it all on that damned Beacon, I loved that beaut! BUT I have a question, I got this thing from a chest? I think? Or it dropped out of someone's ass, which they no longer needed of course. And I was NOT in any DLC; this was main story. Do some or all of the non-dedicated/global drop Legs have a chance to drop outside the DLC? I am new to the game, and I have no idea.
@@Ki11ersix Nope! No mods whatsoever. It dropped I think during Blood Drive on Pandora. I had bought the Season Pass the day before. And last night I finished the main story at level 47, and started the Jackpot DLC, but that's the only one I've done. I have had the uh, event up. Not the Halloween or the Romantic one...Cartels! I have had that running, can it drop from one of them?
I see you getting the Garcia in a lot of playthroughs and for some reason I never go get it. I just went and farmed it on my Gamma Burst Fl4k. Dropped me a 115 Radiation Anoint Garcia. Been having so much fun using it!!
Yeah I could never get the Sleeping Giant to work in my favor. And I don’t have high hopes for the Lucky Seven either since I’m doing a Jakobs FL4K run.
@@brawler5760 the lucky 7 I at least used a little because it shows you what buffs you get, I think overall the lucky 7 is just more viable in general but still irritatingly inconsistent
Some more underrated guns in no particular order:
Bird of Prey
Creeping Corruption
Major Kong
Love Drill
Ionic Disruptor
Breath of the Dying
Laser Sploder
Loveable Rogue
Lucians Call
Tankmans Shield
Tiggs Boom
Nice list! PINNED!
Ooooh finally someone say blanc🤣😭
Saw bar with a Infernal Wish on Moze is crazy. I'd add Contained Blast x2 on there along with the Spade
Dude Laser Sploder weapon card never convinced me to even try it after all those lvl caps and mayhem 2.0. It turned out to be still really amazing
i'm gigamind from discord hello
In my opinion, Breath of the Dying is a severely underrated assault rifle. Good DPS and those corrosive blobs that it spawns on kill deal insane damage. Not to mention that the firing sound is just eargasmic.
It’s underrated for a good reason, especially since Zane is the only one who can’t die by the corrosive orbs this gun spawns.
Totally agree. I have seen those blobs hit for tens of millions of damage, and I have had multiple "What just happened?!" kills with it. It has a solid reload, fire rate, accuracy, the works.
EDIT: Yes, the orbs will also ROFLstomp you, but after you use it a lot, you can learn the pattern they fly in and it's fairly easy to avoid.
Most dahl ars are really good. I cant think of one that really sucks. A cryo kaos with n2m rad is also one of my favourite weopons since the beginning of the game.
Yup and bonus points for the Diablo 2 reference!
It does too much damage, it's so easy to accidentally die by the blobs 🤣
I freaking love the Roisen's thorns, mainly because of in my opinion the best skin in the whole game but also because of how good it is, i use that thing on my Moze over the Harold just because of the skin xD
Imagine if the DP version of the RT or the X4 version the Harold properly gave an extra projectile
I don't know if anybody has tried and maybe some of you have but the Dark Army, more specifically the ++ version on Chill and Kill Zane. Digiclone, plus 44 percent SMG damage Seein Dead mod, plus 100% weapon damage while action skill active, equals drones and bullets everywhere and it destroys mobs of enemies in seconds. Toss in a Tediore company man for extra damage if you want. Damn I love Borderlands 3.
No breath of the dying… 😔 I’m crying man 😭
Everyone knows that gun is cracked
I nuke myself with it more than I kill stuff
@@Ki11ersix I guess that’s fair
@@Ki11ersix so it’s like every other splash weapon for you
Touché haha
It's nice to see the sleeping Giant get some love. That smg is a monster during story mode and really does give that sweet nostalgia to glitch weapons from TPS
Yesssss I love the hive! I made an entire build based on using almost exclusively the hive on moze (sometimes using a plaguebearer for bosses). Infernal wish for double projectiles, phalanx doctrine for more damage and shields, and a toboggan for amped shots, and you have an army or little drones that'll wipe out anything. Fittingly named that save "Hive Queen"
7:07 my favorite and I consider it the dedicated gun of the game since it’s skin resembles the skin of the cover for box art
I recently did a Moze Maliwan allegiance playthrough and found a corrosive/fire Kyb's Worth that I used for DLC1, was an absolute beast of a gun. Rowan's Call is probably my favorite gun for a Jakobs allegiance playthrough.
I remember getting a Headsplosion from that Legendary Hunt target in Konrad's Hold, also I got a Kyb's Worth from an early Maurice Vendor
8:01 I’ve noticed that it actually adds one more corrosive bullet but that’s still not enough to make double penetrating worth it.
I’m so glad people enjoy this game. I just got into the borderlands series around a year ago. I Maxed out a character on both 1 and 2, 10/10 games for me. When I was looking into Borderlands 3 I saw people hating on the game and calling it garbage. I couldn’t disagree more after grinding 3 for a few weeks. The gameplay is amazing, and the story really isn’t as terrible as some people made it out to be.
Right? Also if story was important than BL would have died after BL1 where there was basically no story
@@Ki11ersix I agree, the story isn’t the most important thing to me. I love the aspect of finding rare loot, creating different character builds, and the gameplay.
I love the story more so I really wanna know what happened to Fiona. Also, handsome jack is a phenomenal villain
You can't pay me to play through that story and listen to it again, all I'm saying. I put it on mute and I skip all the dialog and waiting that I can.
I'm still in love with my Bekah on my Jacobs Flak build. It's awesome when taking out those pesky annoiteds along with everything else. I have the Maggie and other Jacobs weapons slotted, but the Bekah is the default weapon I always trust.
I hope with the next Borderlands game they rather go the route reducing the enemy health by like 50% instead of buffing random weapons by 100%+ to make them viable. Nerfing the enemies would make much more weapons viable than just buffing some of the weapons.
I agree. But for whatever reason GB thinks they have to buff the enemies health into the thousends in every of their game. M2.0....they learned not much from that how it seems, bc i heard the Chaos chambers in wl have also These modifiers....and they are not fun AT ALL. In bl3 i hated especially the skulls and Espe in the beginning, where the all the weapons (exception opq System) didnt do any damage. And it was pure fruszrstion to got down bc such a f.... skull came through a wall in sloughter shaft and you got down instantly. And to make it the beginning the HP of These skulls were just rediculous. I love the bl games, but i m a firm beliver that they have a few really dumb people there in the creative section (but also great people with absolute insane creativity)
And make allready good weapons god mode deluxe? Rather then reducing health and having to nerf weapons I think buffing some is better. Just make it more obvious that they’ve been buffed.
And having found the x10 hellwalker level 72 it's insane how quick ot kills non mechanic enemies just fleshy enkes that turn in to a red mist from no more than three shots at most it even knocks the bots right on their ass or blows their legs off it's awesome
The Duc.
Torgue Jakobs hybrid revolver.
Each crit against an enemy automatically sends off two projectiles at other enemies or 2 additional free crits at a boss. Than all 3 of those crits explode a la Torgue dealing crit dmg as well. 5 shots in the mag. As fast as you can pull the trigger. Against a boss, on its own it does 30 crits in 2 seconds. Godly.
A couple of these are amongst my most used. Not a "raid type of guy" and I play all 4 VH. Apparently I'll have to look back at my Roisen's thorn inventory. I think I was already favoring "sigle shots" but I definitely have a couple "additional shots" wasting room in inventory.
I knew someone said the Multi-Tap was good... Threw a bunch of these away. I'll have to look back at the gimmick and make sure I give it a good try next time.
I love how I still get excited about build and item combinations. I never thought of the hive with an unforgiven!
Chupa's Organ I feel is dramatically underrated. It's the only item I saw that could still damage bosses during the invincible phase. Anytime a boss went into that BS mode I'd lob as many grenades as I could and it would generally remove a bar during that phase
I confess still to this day that if the SF-Force's secondary firing mode damage wasn't glitched after its 400% damage buff, I definitely think it would give the Plasma Coil a run for its money
Among the dlc ones for me the dark army is underrated, not mentioned in tier list or something also is not so hard to farm this week since is in maurice black market shop but seeing the clone tearing apart the takedown is so much worth the effort to farm
Hornet anyone? I've been having a blast with this pistol for the longest time, deals shit ton of splash and corrosive elemental damage
Adapting Torrent (x2) with 26.47/sec firerate and drum mag (80) is a sight to behold. About 55+ bullets per second (16k x 2) with no skills/+stats/buffs. I'm talking about 1.7m base damage. Per second.
But only Moze can maintain that manic mag depletion, and only by cheesing "Some for the Road".
I like what they did with the alchemist assault rifle and all the cool shield break/when damaged bonuses. Also the pain cov guns kind of travel that same route. Guns for the tanky character
I actually love the kybs on fl4k cause if you shoot the enemy your pet is attacking it heals the pet especially helpful if your pet is struggling at all, and the gun itself just has nice damage
One of the most underrated base games legendaries that comes to my mind is the Scorpio, it has a ton of damage and i love it's tediore effect of spawning a turret when thrown like Roland did, wish more people got to use and see how good it is.
I always had a soft spot for the rosien throns I always loved the look of the gun and the projectiles I'm glad it got that buff awhile back I love using it on moze
And the storm sniper rifle while it may not melt the sheild like the crit does the orbs are excellent for crowd control everything seems to get shock locked while their able to shoot and throw projectiles and what not, however once I shoot a couple mags of the rifle and orbs are everywhere most of the enemies can't move it's awesome
Can confirm. I've been playing a Torgue Moze all week, and the Hive Big Boom Blaster build is extremely underrated for mobbing and sometimes bossing
Man, how great is it that every gun on this list has a dedicated source that we can farm? I’m so glad I don’t have to depend on barfing rng to find all these.
In the early game I really like the Dahl Barrage, it's seems to be a basic AR, but the fire rate is really good, and I like its play style (and I just love the Dahl weapons in this game overall).
Another unrated gun is the Breath of Dying. I started using it with Zane and Fl4K, it does massive damage on crits to every enemy.
I’m glad to see more BL3 content from you K6!
I’m personally a sucker for the Grease Trap with Zane and his clone. I feel like a maniacal fry cook who is also part arsonist.
Couple more underrated:
1. Star Helix
2. Companion
3. Monocle
4. Devestator
5. Damned
I'm a bit biased toward the star helix. First legendary AR I got. Carried me for a long time through my first playthrough.
I don’t know why, but I can’t for the life of me get the Damned to work for me.
@@brawler5760 I used it with Moze. Mind sweeper + blue tree. She's like Salvador. Anything goes.
Torrent goes brrrrrrrrr, my favorite SMG.
For a long time kybs worth was my favourite gun in the game, the gun is just beautiful and strong, wish it return somehow (the name or the gun effect) in futures games
So the DP Roisen's Thorns does add a second Corrosive projectile but does not double the Fire Projectiles (at least it did on the PS4 version, I haven't checked my PS5 version)
I'm glad you included the Contained Blast in the honorable mentions. It's a really good gun but I really haven't heard many people talk about it. I picked it up as Zane once and started absolutely wrecking with it.
The damage scaling is kinda bad rn. no two fer as well
I saw your video on the Hydrafrost and now it's a personal favorite of mine, even if I don't see that many people using it. I think the frost exclusivity may turn people off, but it shouldn't considering it's essentially doing 3 different elements that all synchronize together very well. A x2 variant with Moze is essentially unstoppable and can fire for what feels like forever.
The crit imo is really underated being level 72 and on mayhem 11, it still melts most of the time in my clones hands it insta kills 90% of enemies like they are there, then a half a second later gone lol being an epic it actually kind of puts allof of the legendary to shame and that's running victory rush artifact as I do t have any others equipped or any at all otherwise haven t found many artifacts lately
I used a radiation Faisor shotgun with Moze and a relic with radiation efficiency and mag size. That combo wrecks for mobbing. It was doing well before I even had a good anointment on the gun or a splash damage class mod. If your mag size is big enough, you can seriously fire it forever.
Roisen’s Thorns is definitely my favorite pistol in BL3. Solid damage, cool effect, and an awesome skin.
I been sayin it for a long time, but I’d like to shout out The Nothingness, it’s a great shotgun that I feel doesn’t get enough love
I loved the roisen thorns with the urad anointment used to be my reggae pistol
Gotta love the honorable mentions here... You started listing them and half are some of my fave in bl3
hive + infernal wish + splash moze with flare class mod and cub. the highest xp/h and clear speed u can achieve in clusterfuck situations.
I love the masterworks crossbow + it's maybe the most satisfying weapon in the game
The double rose thorns does give you extra projectiles but only the central corrosive one I've tested it alot cause it's one of my main guns
One gun i really liked but no one ever talks about is the nothingness shotgun from the gmork in guns love and tentacles not the best gun for lesser enemies but is great for bosses and large enemies like loaders or badasses
The shot gun variant is great basically I was able to get three quarters of the guardian takedown done solo just using the shotgun with my clone and dome shield of course but yeah pretty damn powerful and that was back with a little 65 nuclear phaser
You mentioning the hive in bl2 gave me an idea for a video! I think you should do a top ten purple weapon list. I know in bl2 there were many purple/blue guns that were the caliber of a legendary
The beacon is slept on. Absolute unit of a pistol with the right anointments
Love the Lovable Rogue on Fl4k, Zane, and even Amara. I never hear anyone talking about it
Having a hard time killing a True Trials raid boss or just don’t wanna spend half an hour to get through it?
Hive, U-Rad Moze, Guardian Angel, either Cryo-Gatling or Target Softening BearCub.
Shoot it under/at the bosses feet, switch to the shoty, and run away.
Plus an Atom Balm/Deathless if the trash mobs keep getting in the way.
FYI. Dark Army is in the vendor this week. I think the Contained Blast and Miscreant are by far the most underrated gun in this game
Miscreant is definitely top shelf.
World dropped for me while doing dlc 3, looking for some of the guns there.
Cant really tell a diffrence between it's dmg and that of the 2 light shows i got.
And i can shoot my radiation miscreant at every healthbar, while the light show seems to like matched elements. Fire version at least.
@@DeCode343 contained blast is from the same dlc. X2 is the way to go. I like the Miscreant on Moze cause of the ammo regen and splash. The light show I like on everyone else. I go cryo gun with rad next 2 mags if possible. Seems to take out every type of enemy
@@RemingtonSteel ty, I'll be on the lookout :)
Not a gun but the hustler class mod doesnt get enough love
I have most of these guns on some base game builds i made and they work very nicely
If they just continuing on the rest to buff , like the duc and the lenauges need it so badly , dont forget the sledge.
I absolutely love the Multitap and use it often
me first play through gotr a roisen thorns and used it till end of story (got it world drop pretty early on pandora after eden 6)
the multitap slaps on flak with right annointment
My personal favourite underrated weapon would be the alchemist assault rifle
At higher mayhem levels its sadly lacking but up until like mayhem 5-6 i LOVE it. Its super powerful, fun and really easy to farm for.
On moze it can hold its ground in mayhem 11 tho easily
My top 5 are the insider, luciens call and tiggs boom, maggie and dark army
Took me so long to get a Hive and the one that finally dropped was absolute garbage. I was devastated because it took over 50 runs of save-quitting on console. Rosian's Thorn has always been one of my favorite weapons and has carried me through the story with almost every vault hunter. Also I think the Koas is a underrated gun that needs a little love. I had a lot of success with it on my Zane play through and with Amara. Its a little hard to proc the kill effect but once you do the dominoes just fall.
Trevornator and Raoisens Thorns are my two favorite underrated, I'm surprised the Trevornator wasn't on this list
You know what's underrated?.............. Algorithms.....Yeah.
I concur. Thanks dude
One of my absolute most underrated weapons has to be the bubble blaster i NEVER hear or see anyone use it ever
Im not sure most people know it exists especially because it seems like a useless gimmick gun at first
However with my amara or moze builds it can literally destroy crowds with just less than the whole magazine even on mayhem 11 and despite not being able to be annointed
Its extremely powerful with splash damage and elemental bonuses
Awesome List! Now i have 4 Weapons to farm for. Thanks K6💪
So part of me wants to create a urad moze with the Red Suit(I think? The aoe radiation shield that makes you immune to radiation damage), an Atom Balm Deathless, and Moze's skill that increases your shields but drops your health. Run it alongside the Hive and just become the entire Fallout franchise 🤣
The kypsworth can also come with 3 projectiles. And I feel that the tigsboom is also underrated.
My top ten underrated base game @killer six
1. Babymaker
2. Westergun
3. Tsunami
3. Devoted
4. Lasersploder
5. Sleeping giant
6. The butcher
7. Star Helix
8. Brainstormer
9. Kybs worth
10. ASMD
HONORABLE mentions:
I love the hive especially with Zane and moze for that sweet ammo regen.
Flak can regen off it also in his own way
A very specific one
The lucky 7 with all rolls EXCEPT THE FIRE RATE on Moze.
That shit does so much dmg and is so easy for you to sustain the ammo; as the fire rate roll is sadly too high for even Moze to keep it firing, unless you leave ironbear and have the infinite ammo skill
Otherwise you just have madsive constant critical splash dmg in a peashooter looking gun
The devil's foursome is underated. I love using it for mobbing on my Torgue Moze but since I don't have a radiation one and red suit I get clapped as well.
I remember my first legendary when I started my first playthough my wife and I were like woooooooooah a phasor and was so happy it had a shotgun under barrel but than I learned about the HellWalker 😂
At the moment of my comment, I paused the video and havent watched it yet.
One gun I think is underrated is the Lob. I used it day one and didn't enjoy it but all this time later I got another and decided to use it. Good lob glob its got good fire rate and really good damage too. Its bullet speed is a bit slow but when you can make a well of orbs that 1 shot most enemies, yea it's in my inv now and I use it a fair bit.
Awesome list =D, Never hear anything about it but the Kaos from the billies is a very fun selpt on weapon in my opinion.
Is it good on mayhem 10? I saw the firing pattern didnt really care for it got it in armed race today it was shredding but explosion killed me lol
I used Rowan's Call & R.Thorns MASSIVELY during my one and only run
The Kyb’s Worth healing pools only spawn IF the enemy was killed by the shots themselves (so no bonus damage or d.o.t)
Fun fact: the Kyb's Worth can be x3. It's probably a better idea to just get a x2 one, though.
Keep up the great BL content K6. I always return to these videos when I forget a gun or drop spot during a new playthrough. Much appreciated brotha!
Pricker smg is god tier. I'd definitely throw that in here somewhere
fun fact, Minesweeper with x2 Sleeping Giant is a lot of fun but very hard to sustain.
I remember the good ole days of spamming hive hex with launch day moze
It’s back, baby!
Storm... very underrated, in my opinion. It deals a ton of shock damage, including splash damage, and those orbs will drain shields pretty quickly. Put this in Zane's digiclone's hands, and this just gets SICK!
What about the hail? That guns pretty good and if you land a critical hit it does juicy damage, I don't hear people taking about it that much.
The laser sploder will always be my favourite weapon
Really nice list! I would add nukem as honorable mention, because how interesting this launcher is and has great impact sound, even if launchers are far from your favourite ;)
My anti-launcher bias is showing in the honorable mentions lol
I still massively hate that they made Duke Nukem Forever…
Kaos is an insane sleeper pick on moze
I like the boomer. I recently did a Dahl Allegiance Moze and having a Dahl weapon that does splash is nice.
I mean the Boomer to me is like the Kaoson but slightly worse since its bullets explode on impact instead of half a second.
@@brawler5760 ngl I completely forgot about that Kaoson. Lol
One of my favorite ARS is The Lovable Rogue especially the one with the double penetrating prefix
old vid so it might of changed but ive had the sleeping giant off of it was either a bandit or a skag as i killed a grope with a nade in the starting area of the game at lvl 5
Yeah it can world drop.
Multi tap w 500% elemental crit annointment on fl4k paired w rack attack and action skill end elemental grenade mods is unbelievably strong AF. Almost every shot on 5 targets is nonstop crits. Wayyyyy better than any atlas replay build on anyone. Its THE BEST atlas gun hands down
The Rowan's call might be my favorite legendary weapon of bl3
Let's give a quick shout out to Star Helix
Yeah, the Kyb’s Worth and Star Helix to me are very similar to each other, which makes me even more excited to eventually do a Maliwan Amara run, especially since I LOVE the Star Helix.
Corruption on zane and moze so good
The hive.
“Thats alot of bees”
(cant remember the *flavor* text)
I got kybs worth from arms race. I didn't know it was exclusively a takedown item until I looked up how to farm it.
I just started up the game a few days ago. I was using a Trev for a while. Loved it! Then when it was falling off, a Butcher landed in my lap, and that thing carried me for 20 levels!
Then I Sold-Out for a Sell-Out, and that was awesome, even the snark from the gun made me smile.
THEN, I found a Beacon. I was hesitant to switch out my Sell-Out, but it was falling off. I try every new Leg I find though. Oh-My-Bigosh! That thing made my life soooo much easier!!!
I think I got that thing at level 38, and it made Neko a cake walk and a half! Fire/Shock, oh yeah baby!
Going against psycho's? Destroy them with sheer damage and light them on fire!
Going against guardians? Destroy them with sheer damage and watch them evaporate!
All in one little gun, with a flip of a switch. There were several fights that had both towards the end and I had it all on that damned Beacon, I loved that beaut!
BUT I have a question, I got this thing from a chest? I think? Or it dropped out of someone's ass, which they no longer needed of course. And I was NOT in any DLC; this was main story. Do some or all of the non-dedicated/global drop Legs have a chance to drop outside the DLC?
I am new to the game, and I have no idea.
Beacon should only drop in DLC 3. Unless you're in someone else's game and they're using a mod of some sort.
@@Ki11ersix Nope! No mods whatsoever. It dropped I think during Blood Drive on Pandora. I had bought the Season Pass the day before. And last night I finished the main story at level 47, and started the Jackpot DLC, but that's the only one I've done. I have had the uh, event up. Not the Halloween or the Romantic one...Cartels! I have had that running, can it drop from one of them?
@@Ki11ersix I figured it out! It wasn't the Beacon, it was the Hellshock, and I am retarded!
Nope. Did you use a Diamond Key and open that loot room? Because otherwise I have no idea how you would have gotten a Beacon.
I see you getting the Garcia in a lot of playthroughs and for some reason I never go get it. I just went and farmed it on my Gamma Burst Fl4k. Dropped me a 115 Radiation Anoint Garcia. Been having so much fun using it!!
As good as they can be I hate the lucky seven and the sleeping giant I just can't stand inconsistency
Yeah I could never get the Sleeping Giant to work in my favor. And I don’t have high hopes for the Lucky Seven either since I’m doing a Jakobs FL4K run.
@@brawler5760 the lucky 7 I at least used a little because it shows you what buffs you get, I think overall the lucky 7 is just more viable in general but still irritatingly inconsistent
@@Cadwallader38 I can just use the Trickshot since it feels like the Lucky 7 with all of its buffs.
@@brawler5760 probably better to