TSM Episode Request: Video Name: 2810's new antenna 2810: Ugh.. All of the other sirens keep bending my antenna, now my range is decreased. P50 Appears P50 Hey there stack of hockey pucks! (bends 2810's antenna) (runs away) (laughs so hard his head starts flopping everywhere) (runs away) 2810: Ugh... Now my antenna is broken again! later... 2810: The stupid sirens keep bending my antenna, this needs to get fixed.. at megablasters repair shed Megablaster: Hi 2810! What do you need today? 2810: The other sirens keep bending my antenna and it keeps breaking. Megalaster: Well good thing I have this lying around, Titan Antenna for Sirens. This shouldnt break once I install this new antenna. around an hour later Megablaster: Ok, now i need you to turn around so I can test to see if it breaks.. (tries to break antenna) Heh, it works! 2810: Thank you Megablaster! A few days later on Test Day 2810: Time to test! (siren tests) 2810: Great! the test was a success! P50: Oh look what we have here, the biggest stack of hockey pucks! 2810: can you stop calling me that? P50: (tries to break antenna) 2810: Haha, You tried KM1200: Hang on. I will carmelldansen P50: KM1200: (uses carmelldansen lazer on p50) 2810: Thanks! KM1200: no problem! The end
@@gabrielstravels I dont think so.. He's always been like this according to 1000ATFL. USER 0001AI3 "1000ATFL": Yeah.. Even when I burp all the way in the Southeastern end of TSM World, he teleports from Omaha, Nebraska to Crestview, Florida where I am placed! User0001 "Luki": That is correct, 1000ATFL
BSP you don't really know. Thunderbolt sounds off at 127 dB with blower like 2001-SRNB but 2001-130 is louder than him because his sound rating is 3 dB more than thunderbolt or approximately 130 dB.
@@Spontaneousanonymous000 No. But ACA Hurricane has a blower which allows it to sound off at 130 dB. BSP is correct about the fact that 2001 sirens have many ports in their choppers ( exactly 12 ports except Equinox which has 8 ports )
Tsm script. Video name: eows 612 alternate wail: Eows 612: oh boy, it's time to test *Megablaster comes* Megablaster: hold up, your signal for test today will be alternate wail Eows 612: ok *Megablaster goes away and eows 612 sounds off on alt wail* *Meanwhile with thunderbolt* Thunderbolt: omg, that sounds so scary *Megablaster comes* Megablaster: I told eows 612 to sound off on alt wail. Thunderbolt: ok, it's sounds scary tho. THE END (Sorry for the short video script)
DJ Launchpad2: games Music and extras last ones were old finback 4004s. A lot of them FAILED when that tornado came months ago and a lot of them got WRECKED! I was complaining to the city before that to get them fixed, but they failed to listen. We had one fatality (indirect) and a few injuries from that EF-2 and it tossed a tree to my parents’ roof.
After part 2, can you do my script? Tempest cola poisoning? Title: The Tempest Cola poisoning P50: ah! Yet another great plan! I will break out of jail, fire my lazer at whelen, get a tempest cola from the machine, poison it and take it with me with a note that says "for my thunderbaby from 1003". Thunderbolt will get mad and drink it. I will do this to 4 different sirens! **laughs** P50: i will sound my extremely loud noise and get out of jail. bbbbwwwEEEEEEEEEEEE- *_B A N G !_* P50: now time to get whelen Whelen: hey P50! You won't get away with this! P50: IMMA FIRIN MY **buurp** ZER! **buuuuuurp** god dammit i swallowed my lazer. **punches whelen** now time to get that tempest cola. **buys tempest cola and poisons it** P50: perfect! Now to write the note. **writes note and tapes it to bottle** now to give it to thunderbolt. **laughs** Outside... 1003: get over here, my thunderbaby! Thunderbolt: oh no.. **1003 starts chasing thunderbolt** Thunderbolt: finally, she is gone. **runs into table** ooh, a tempest cola. Wait, a note! It says: "for my thunderbaby, from 1003" uugh i don't care how much you love me 1003. Might as well drink it. **drinks tempest cola** **starts choking** 1003: OH MY GOD! Thunderbaby! He needs horn to horn- Allertor: N O H E D O E S N ' T ! he just needs me to jump on him. **jumps on thunderbolt and it doesn't work** oh no! Why didn't it work?! 1003 (extremely big eyes) : oh my god oh my god oh my god! Noo thunderbaby! Allertor (sad face): i'm sorry 1003, but we need to go. 1003: what about thunderbaby? Allertor: there's nothing we can do to save him. 1003: noo! Fine! **leaves** Allertor: ooh, a tempest cola! "For allertor from ATI" wow, i haven't talked to ATI in a long time. Good to see he is nice. **drinks tempest cola** **also starts choking** EOWS 612: allertor, what is happening!? P50 (inside jail cell): yes, it's working! Before i got back in jail again, i put out 2 more colas for 2 more sirens to be poisoned! **laughs** (Change scene) 1003: **punches P -50** P -50: ow wtf 1003 1003: why did you poison my thunderbaby!? Who would ever do that? P -50: that was P50 not me! 1003: oh i'm sorry but i thought he was in jail. P -50: idiot keeps breaking out. 1003: ok! I will tell everyone that P50 is poisoning tempest colas! P -50: good idea. **1003 runs to modulator** 1003: modulator! Don't drink tha- **modulator drinks it** Modulator: uuh sorry 1003 why? 1003: P50 is poisoning tempest colas! You seem to be ok, i don't think yours was poisoned. Modulator: yeah tru- **starts choking** 1003: oh my god! I'm sorry modulator! I need to tell others! **1003 runs to EOWS 408** 1003: EOWS 408! Don't drink that! EOWS 408: why...? 1003: P50 is poisoning tempest colas! EOWS 408: yeah, right. **drinks** look, it's not poiso- **starts choking** 1003: oh my god why does no one listen to me!? At megablaster's repair shop... 1003: megablaster you need to help! Sirens are getting poisoned by tempest colas because P50 is poisoning the colas! Megablaster: on my god how is that possible? Blasteriffic 9000 said he is creating a type of medicine that kills poisons immediately to help sirens. However, i don't think it is done yet. 1003: can you check!? Please!? Megablaster: good idea. **walks into other room** Megablaster: blasteriffic 9000! Are you done the medicine yet? Blasteriffic 9000: yes. Just finished. Why? Megablaster: sirens are getting poisoned by P50! Blasteriffic 9000: oh my god! That is so horrible! At mobil directo's house... Mobil directo: let's watch the news. **turns on tv** Whelen on tv: this is a bad warning! P50 has been poisoning sirens via tempest cola! Including thunderbolt, allertor, modulator and eows 408. Do not drink any tempest cola until we announce that you can again. Repeat! Do. Not. Drink. Tempest. Cola. Blasteriffic 9000 is going around helping sirens get better. Mobil directo: omg! I was just about to drink a tempest cola! Good thing i didn't! Mobil directo: **goes outside** oh my god allertor! Can you talk? Allertor: uh... uh... barely... Mobil directo: i'll take you inside and wait until blasteriffic 9000 gets here. **brings allertor inside** **someone knocks on mobil directo's door** Mobil: oh! **runs and opens door** oh hey blasteriffic 9000 are you here to heal allertor? Blasteriffic 9000: yes. Last one to heal. Mobil directo: perfect. He's over here. Blasteriffic 9000: allertor, i'll get you to drink this. **pours medicine into allertor's mouth** Allertor: **stops choking** oh my god thank you blasteriffic 9000! You saved my life! Blasteriffic 9000: you're welcome allertor! Whelen on tv: P50 is in jail and all sirens have been healed. You are now allowed to drink temlest cola. Everyone: YAY **drinks tempest cola** Everyone: **burps** **2810 comes out of nowhere** 2810: hey, what do you say? Everyone: GET OUT! *_THE END._*
The 2001 sirens sound more scarier than Thunderbolt 1003 and Thunderbolt 1,000t and first of all they are conflicting about who is sounding more gooder than those two Thunderbolt twins and I know LOL ways I don't know I have a voice not no no not no blower no Chopper just a voice to sing LOL
Hey BSP, I have a script for you, it’s called 2001’s transmitting machine 2001SRN: Man, TSM world is filled with different sirens and I’m just the 1st siren to appear in the series aside from the intro and I’ve met almost every siren in TSM and I want to go beyond the boundaries of this world and meet characters from across the multiverse. *thinks for 2 seconds* I know! I can build a device that can bring people from other worlds into this one. But I’m going to need help from one of my bros, blockhead, and BSP himself. *Later with DC, blockhead, and BSP* SRN: okay guys, we’re going to attempt to bring outer world people to this world. DC: okay, but why am I here? if anything you shoulda called megablaster for this project. You: Megablaster is probably busy with another siren right now, that’s probably why he didn’t call him. DC: Says the guy who had to be his son until finally getting a redesign! Blockhead: if you will not shut up, I will test my new technique I just developed called the zapies on you. It allows me to produce a powerful shockwave which will shock and hurt you until your health reaches zero. If your health reaches zero you die. SRN: enough screwing around, we really need to get to work! Thunderbolt and alerter: *come into room* we’ll help to! SRN: how did you guys know we were working on this? Blockhead: I told them, I don’t see why not because we all live in the same house now, and they have proved in the past that they’re great helpers, so I can’t see the difference from now. DC: well, thanks for telling them. We could use an extra pair of antennas. Thunderbolt: anyways, can you tell me what we’re building again? SRN: well, *1 hour later* SRN: *explaining the device they’re building* *2 hours later* SRN: *Still explaining about the device* *3 hours later* DC: *appears to be holding the 3 hours later card* can you move along? I’m running out of time cards! Alerter: don’t worry, I read the script and we’re building a machine that can bring characters into this world. Everyone else: wow, that’s so cool! SRN: indeed it is. Now, let’s get building, it’s not going to build itself. The next day SRN: okay guys, it took all night but we did it! Everybody else: *sleeping* SRN: I know I should wait for everyone to wake up, but I’m too excited to wait and find out what this baby can do. I just need to plug it into the tv, and turn on a random device, but which one *thinks* I choose the nes. *turns on nes* now I need to insert a cartridge into the system. *inserts mario bros cartridge* now I need to flip the on switch. *flips switch on device* Huh, static’s hitting the screen which means it might be working. Mario: *jumps out of the screen* SRN: OMG IT WORKED! Mario: hey stinky, do you have any a food a? SRN: um, yeah, I do. Mario: DO YOU HAVE ANY SPAGHETTI? SRN: um, no, sorry. Mario: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SRN: but don’t worry, I have the next best thing. *grabs tempest cola from the fridge and gives it to mario* Mario: *drinks tempest cola and burps* 2810: hey, what do you say? SRN: get outta here, 2810, we’re in some important business! 2810: *leaves* SRN: sorry about that. wanna do anything else? Mario: do you have any games? SRN: yeah, actually, a lot. They’re over there by the tv. Mario: *goes to game library* SRN: so, what are you thinking? Mario: Superman 64 looks a fun a. SRN: oh, trust me, you don’t wanna play that. Mario: *starts yelling at SRN* SRN: *sighs loudly* fine, you can play it. *boots up Nintendo 64 and inserts cartridge and unplugs transmitting device* Mario: *starts playing and makes flying sounds* SRN: you gotta fly through the rings. Game: lex luther wins Mario: *freaks out and jumps into screen which transmits him safely back home* Screen: *cuts to static when mario jumps into and turns back to normal 3 seconds later* SRN: well, that was a crazy adventure and I can’t wait to see what comes next! *meanwhile in jail* P50: idiots, nobody knew that I hid cameras in all their houses, hahahahahahahahaha! But, is 2001 SRN stupid? I literally hid it ON TOP OF HIS FRIDGE! P50’s Conscience: what are you talking about? He’s terrible at finding things. *flashback* SRN: *holds keys in his antenna* now, where are my keys? *back to the present* P50: oh yeah, I forgot. Anyways, I’m gonna steal 2001’s transmitting machine and bring the baddies of worlds into this one *dramatic music plays while the camera zooms in on p50 while he’s talking in slow motion* This plan could not possibly fail! To be continued...
Do My script! (Thunderbolt's mystery) *Theme song* 1003: Huh? Why is there black foot prints here? Thunderbolt, there's black foot prints right in front of me. Thunderbolt: Not falling for that. 1003: No really, There is! Thunderbolt *Eyes look down* Oh, You're right 1003. Lets go see it is- wait, did you spray that on the grass? 1003: No seriously, there was. (Flash back) ???: *Walking* 1003: Huh? (Back to 1003 and Thunderbolt) Thunderbolt: Let's go. Both: *Walking* Thunderbolt: Hey there, Mystery siren. How are you? Thunderbolt 8003: Thunderbolt 8003. And you? Thunderbolt: I'm Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt 8003: Cool. And who's that behind you? Thunderbolt: Only 1003. Thunderbolt 8003: Great. (The End)
5:37 P-50 literally spins himself everywhere
edit: this comment is two years old how are you guys finding this
When you neck snap everywhere
Wow! Cool username by the way.
Bro and he’s literally saying random nonsense he’s like saying trolalalalalabombable
i’m now wondering how people still find my comments after 2 years
Mind if I make Spinning P-50 into a Funny Meme?
0:25 *Nani!?* Goat Scream meme
1:16 if you listen closely you can hear Ed Bullard winding up
Holy crap i heard it to
So did i
I heard it! Neat!
5:37 Lololololol!
6:05 **Fires lazor**
Doctor Octagon! Bwaaaaaaa!
E D Bullard goes off at 1:13
They sound really cool together TBH. A 4/5 Port Siren and a 5/6 Port Siren.
TrainsAndSirens1 omg it’s u
Bullard isn’t having any sass today!
Heck no, he’s a big old cold war era siren and he’s gonna make sure everyone knows it
You are dang right!-Anon 201813 (SRN)
TSM Episode Request:
Video Name: 2810's new antenna
2810: Ugh.. All of the other sirens keep bending my antenna, now my range is decreased.
P50 Appears
P50 Hey there stack of hockey pucks! (bends 2810's antenna) (runs away) (laughs so hard his head starts flopping everywhere) (runs away)
2810: Ugh... Now my antenna is broken again!
2810: The stupid sirens keep bending my antenna, this needs to get fixed..
at megablasters repair shed
Megablaster: Hi 2810! What do you need today?
2810: The other sirens keep bending my antenna and it keeps breaking.
Megalaster: Well good thing I have this lying around, Titan Antenna for Sirens. This shouldnt break once I install this new antenna.
around an hour later
Megablaster: Ok, now i need you to turn around so I can test to see if it breaks.. (tries to break antenna) Heh, it works!
2810: Thank you Megablaster!
A few days later on Test Day
2810: Time to test!
(siren tests)
2810: Great! the test was a success!
P50: Oh look what we have here, the biggest stack of hockey pucks!
2810: can you stop calling me that?
P50: (tries to break antenna)
2810: Haha, You tried
KM1200: Hang on. I will carmelldansen P50:
KM1200: (uses carmelldansen lazer on p50)
2810: Thanks!
KM1200: no problem!
The end
I love the 2001s your videos and they are my favorite siren. Thunderbolts are pretty cool as well.
Good to know. I live near a 2001.
Cool! Cant wait for the next part of The Run for Revenge
Me too
I like the intro so much!
Secret: Slow down the speed to 0,5 then listen to the new music it creates
@@notanuser-sorry Thomas the tank engine
I like The intro
5:58 Hey, what do you say?
Oh no, not 2810 again lol. Will he ever stop bothering other sirens?
@@gabrielstravels I dont think so.. He's always been like this according to 1000ATFL.
USER 0001AI3 "1000ATFL": Yeah.. Even when I burp all the way in the Southeastern end of TSM World, he teleports from Omaha, Nebraska to Crestview, Florida where I am placed!
User0001 "Luki": That is correct, 1000ATFL
@Koltin Driver ikr
Will 2810 Ever Shut Up?
@@kur0mi_109w Probably not lol
5:38 Reference to Microsoft Sam Reads Funny Windows Errors and other related stuff lol
It’s usually in downtown of sac
of course..
the thunder babies are back.
Omae Wa Mou Shindeirou
Two thunderbolts?
BSP you don't really know. Thunderbolt sounds off at 127 dB with blower like 2001-SRNB but 2001-130 is louder than him because his sound rating is 3 dB more than thunderbolt or approximately 130 dB.
@@Spontaneousanonymous000 Hmm
@@Spontaneousanonymous000 No. But ACA Hurricane has a blower which allows it to sound off at 130 dB. BSP is correct about the fact that 2001 sirens have many ports in their choppers ( exactly 12 ports except Equinox which has 8 ports )
0:25 NANI?!
@@Dogey_1446 NANI?!
6:01 won’t 2810 ever learn
He did
hes teaching maners wtf
@@ethearnos6397 I know, but the sirens are annoyed by this so they just attempt to crap him up.
Also, teaching manners is one thing, but breaking into peoples property is a completely other thing.
Thomas & Friends Theme Sped Up By 2x.
No it sounds like it in high pich
@@citoaguilar2530 isn't
It’s both
I did a script for a tsm episode which hasn’t been made yet called ‘meet ds pakita’.
Hey bsp, What do you use to make your siren synths? I need a siren synth to make, so i would really like if it if you told me what you used.
@@beniciotheproducer yeah know
Tsm script. Video name: eows 612 alternate wail:
Eows 612: oh boy, it's time to test
*Megablaster comes*
Megablaster: hold up, your signal for test today will be alternate wail
Eows 612: ok
*Megablaster goes away and eows 612 sounds off on alt wail*
*Meanwhile with thunderbolt*
Thunderbolt: omg, that sounds so scary
*Megablaster comes*
Megablaster: I told eows 612 to sound off on alt wail.
Thunderbolt: ok, it's sounds scary tho.
(Sorry for the short video script)
Danm he burnt those sirens
Who was that guy
Oh, the guy who fired the laser? He is the siren on top of the San Diego fruit building. Hold on a second… I’m gonna link it.
@@chyrlieroberts3394 ua-cam.com/video/MpB45NuUn_0/v-deo.html
Can you do a video with a T-128
thunderbolts dundundun got me dying
I'm inspired by your creations.
Looks like my area finally replaced the siren system, aaaaand it’s whelens again. This time what I believe are 2904s.
DJ Launchpad2: games Music and extras last ones were old finback 4004s. A lot of them FAILED when that tornado came months ago and a lot of them got WRECKED! I was complaining to the city before that to get them fixed, but they failed to listen. We had one fatality (indirect) and a few injuries from that EF-2 and it tossed a tree to my parents’ roof.
That’s all around rough.
5:38 spin meme
Hey bsp, how do you know the right Hz for the thunderbolts? Also, keep up the great work!
Pssssst! I want you to read vortex with the collecter rings thing
@@furybolt1474 what
@@CazicTheProtogen The collector rings! I did it to him once.
*farts* ikr he is so good at making the tbolt siren
Perhaps watched or visited thunderbolts testing and used a spectrum analyser to detect the correct frequency.
You should do some videos of 'tornado siren madness' with me in it.
Siren audio on thunderbolt's phone!
After part 2, can you do my script? Tempest cola poisoning?
Title: The Tempest Cola poisoning
P50: ah! Yet another great plan! I will break out of jail, fire my lazer at whelen, get a tempest cola from the machine, poison it and take it with me with a note that says "for my thunderbaby from 1003". Thunderbolt will get mad and drink it. I will do this to 4 different sirens! **laughs**
P50: i will sound my extremely loud noise and get out of jail.
*_B A N G !_*
P50: now time to get whelen
Whelen: hey P50! You won't get away with this!
P50: IMMA FIRIN MY **buurp** ZER! **buuuuuurp** god dammit i swallowed my lazer. **punches whelen**
now time to get that tempest cola. **buys tempest cola and poisons it**
P50: perfect! Now to write the note. **writes note and tapes it to bottle** now to give it to thunderbolt. **laughs**
1003: get over here, my thunderbaby!
Thunderbolt: oh no.. **1003 starts chasing thunderbolt**
Thunderbolt: finally, she is gone. **runs into table** ooh, a tempest cola. Wait, a note! It says: "for my thunderbaby, from 1003" uugh i don't care how much you love me 1003. Might as well drink it. **drinks tempest cola** **starts choking**
1003: OH MY GOD! Thunderbaby! He needs horn to horn-
Allertor: N O H E D O E S N ' T ! he just needs me to jump on him. **jumps on thunderbolt and it doesn't work** oh no! Why didn't it work?!
1003 (extremely big eyes) : oh my god oh my god oh my god! Noo thunderbaby!
Allertor (sad face): i'm sorry 1003, but we need to go.
1003: what about thunderbaby?
Allertor: there's nothing we can do to save him.
1003: noo! Fine! **leaves**
Allertor: ooh, a tempest cola! "For allertor from ATI" wow, i haven't talked to ATI in a long time. Good to see he is nice. **drinks tempest cola** **also starts choking**
EOWS 612: allertor, what is happening!?
P50 (inside jail cell): yes, it's working! Before i got back in jail again, i put out 2 more colas for 2 more sirens to be poisoned! **laughs**
(Change scene)
1003: **punches P -50**
P -50: ow wtf 1003
1003: why did you poison my thunderbaby!? Who would ever do that?
P -50: that was P50 not me!
1003: oh i'm sorry but i thought he was in jail.
P -50: idiot keeps breaking out.
1003: ok! I will tell everyone that P50 is poisoning tempest colas!
P -50: good idea.
**1003 runs to modulator**
1003: modulator! Don't drink tha-
**modulator drinks it**
Modulator: uuh sorry 1003 why?
1003: P50 is poisoning tempest colas! You seem to be ok, i don't think yours was poisoned.
Modulator: yeah tru- **starts choking**
1003: oh my god! I'm sorry modulator! I need to tell others!
**1003 runs to EOWS 408**
1003: EOWS 408! Don't drink that!
EOWS 408: why...?
1003: P50 is poisoning tempest colas!
EOWS 408: yeah, right. **drinks** look, it's not poiso- **starts choking**
1003: oh my god why does no one listen to me!?
At megablaster's repair shop...
1003: megablaster you need to help! Sirens are getting poisoned by tempest colas because P50 is poisoning the colas!
Megablaster: on my god how is that possible? Blasteriffic 9000 said he is creating a type of medicine that kills poisons immediately to help sirens. However, i don't think it is done yet.
1003: can you check!? Please!?
Megablaster: good idea. **walks into other room**
Megablaster: blasteriffic 9000! Are you done the medicine yet?
Blasteriffic 9000: yes. Just finished. Why?
Megablaster: sirens are getting poisoned by P50!
Blasteriffic 9000: oh my god! That is so horrible!
At mobil directo's house...
Mobil directo: let's watch the news. **turns on tv**
Whelen on tv: this is a bad warning! P50 has been poisoning sirens via tempest cola! Including thunderbolt, allertor, modulator and eows 408. Do not drink any tempest cola until we announce that you can again. Repeat! Do. Not. Drink. Tempest. Cola. Blasteriffic 9000 is going around helping sirens get better.
Mobil directo: omg! I was just about to drink a tempest cola! Good thing i didn't!
Mobil directo: **goes outside** oh my god allertor! Can you talk?
Allertor: uh... uh... barely...
Mobil directo: i'll take you inside and wait until blasteriffic 9000 gets here. **brings allertor inside**
**someone knocks on mobil directo's door**
Mobil: oh! **runs and opens door** oh hey blasteriffic 9000 are you here to heal allertor?
Blasteriffic 9000: yes. Last one to heal.
Mobil directo: perfect. He's over here.
Blasteriffic 9000: allertor, i'll get you to drink this. **pours medicine into allertor's mouth**
Allertor: **stops choking** oh my god thank you blasteriffic 9000! You saved my life!
Blasteriffic 9000: you're welcome allertor!
Whelen on tv: P50 is in jail and all sirens have been healed. You are now allowed to drink temlest cola.
Everyone: YAY **drinks tempest cola**
Everyone: **burps**
**2810 comes out of nowhere**
2810: hey, what do you say?
Everyone: GET OUT!
*_THE END._*
This is a cool EPISODE BSP should make
@@citoaguilar2530 thanks :)
But it is a little sad
@@citoaguilar2530 why? No one dies lol everyone turns out perfectly fine
Because t bolt,allertor and who else almost died
3:22 LOL😊
Agree so funny!!!
I love your videos
Is Ed Bullard the siren on top of the California fruit building?
Idk it looks like it rigt?
You’re correct
This video was posted on my son's b-day!
this aged (this isn’t an official Ed Bullard siren)
put a Sireno Type 3 siren in your videos
Yes. That test was at the request of a student
NeilPrasad 1905 yes
Hey, Broken solar panel here, and *I'm running out of ideas* .
Isn’t that the siren on top of the fruit building
@EOWS 812's SIREN PRODUCTIONS hi friend, you stole my line lol! So happy to see you here.
Amazing, as usual! :)
Not to be rude or anything, but when will you do my script? (the one which involves the Dutch Luchtalarm FS Modulator siren)
What does that have to do with Tornado Siren Madness?
@@furybolt1474 Introducing the Dutch toned Modulator into Tornado Siren Madness.
Which I find quite funny tbf
@@gabrielstravels Ok. I agree. Lets do this script
@@furybolt1474 I've done it. It's on a comment of mine on the episode The Run of Revenge Part 1
They making a alert signal
Good job
Nice videos
Siren on cal fruit biulding
The 2001 sirens sound more scarier than Thunderbolt 1003 and Thunderbolt 1,000t and first of all they are conflicting about who is sounding more gooder than those two Thunderbolt twins and I know LOL ways I don't know I have a voice not no no not no blower no Chopper just a voice to sing LOL
i need 5:38 but extended to an hour with no sound
I like tornado srien turnder bolt 1003t
0:58 mobile directo… 😳
Decot red arrow 😳
Stl-10 😳
5:30 P50 LAUGHS
0.5x Normal Thomas and friends song
Hello 👋
1:07 Thats a terrible Accord! XD
Honestly fast wail is creepy on a 2001
I agree that 2001s are scary. I’ve never heard fast wail on one though. I’ve only heard alert. Do you mind linking me to recording of such?
@@emrilbennett8704 to be specific sjc fast wail
@@emrilbennett8704 ua-cam.com/video/fA9ou3uHXgI/v-deo.html
5:58 2810 is here.
Alletor 125 is my favourite.
Hey BSP, I have a script for you, it’s called
2001’s transmitting machine
2001SRN: Man, TSM world is filled with different sirens and I’m just the 1st siren to appear in the series aside from the intro and I’ve met almost every siren in TSM and I want to go beyond the boundaries of this world and meet characters from across the multiverse. *thinks for 2 seconds* I know! I can build a device that can bring people from other worlds into this one. But I’m going to need help from one of my bros, blockhead, and BSP himself.
*Later with DC, blockhead, and BSP*
SRN: okay guys, we’re going to attempt to bring outer world people to this world.
DC: okay, but why am I here? if anything you shoulda called megablaster for this project.
You: Megablaster is probably busy with another siren right now, that’s probably why he didn’t call him.
DC: Says the guy who had to be his son until finally getting a redesign!
Blockhead: if you will not shut up, I will test my new technique I just developed called the zapies on you. It allows me to produce a powerful shockwave which will shock and hurt you until your health reaches zero. If your health reaches zero you die.
SRN: enough screwing around, we really need to get to work!
Thunderbolt and alerter: *come into room* we’ll help to!
SRN: how did you guys know we were working on this?
Blockhead: I told them, I don’t see why not because we all live in the same house now, and they have proved in the past that they’re great helpers, so I can’t see the difference from now.
DC: well, thanks for telling them. We could use an extra pair of antennas.
Thunderbolt: anyways, can you tell me what we’re building again?
SRN: well,
*1 hour later*
SRN: *explaining the device they’re building*
*2 hours later*
SRN: *Still explaining about the device*
*3 hours later*
DC: *appears to be holding the 3 hours later card* can you move along? I’m running out of time cards!
Alerter: don’t worry, I read the script and we’re building a machine that can bring characters into this world.
Everyone else: wow, that’s so cool!
SRN: indeed it is. Now, let’s get building, it’s not going to build itself.
The next day
SRN: okay guys, it took all night but we did it!
Everybody else: *sleeping*
SRN: I know I should wait for everyone to wake up, but I’m too excited to wait and find out what this baby can do. I just need to plug it into the tv, and turn on a random device, but which one *thinks* I choose the nes. *turns on nes* now I need to insert a cartridge into the system. *inserts mario bros cartridge* now I need to flip the on switch. *flips switch on device* Huh, static’s hitting the screen which means it might be working.
Mario: *jumps out of the screen*
Mario: hey stinky, do you have any a food a?
SRN: um, yeah, I do.
SRN: um, no, sorry.
SRN: but don’t worry, I have the next best thing. *grabs tempest cola from the fridge and gives it to mario*
Mario: *drinks tempest cola and burps*
2810: hey, what do you say?
SRN: get outta here, 2810, we’re in some important business!
2810: *leaves*
SRN: sorry about that. wanna do anything else?
Mario: do you have any games?
SRN: yeah, actually, a lot. They’re over there by the tv.
Mario: *goes to game library*
SRN: so, what are you thinking?
Mario: Superman 64 looks a fun a.
SRN: oh, trust me, you don’t wanna play that.
Mario: *starts yelling at SRN*
SRN: *sighs loudly* fine, you can play it. *boots up Nintendo 64 and inserts cartridge and unplugs transmitting device*
Mario: *starts playing and makes flying sounds*
SRN: you gotta fly through the rings.
Game: lex luther wins
Mario: *freaks out and jumps into screen which transmits him safely back home*
Screen: *cuts to static when mario jumps into and turns back to normal 3 seconds later*
SRN: well, that was a crazy adventure and I can’t wait to see what comes next!
*meanwhile in jail*
P50: idiots, nobody knew that I hid cameras in all their houses, hahahahahahahahaha! But, is 2001 SRN stupid? I literally hid it ON TOP OF HIS FRIDGE!
P50’s Conscience: what are you talking about? He’s terrible at finding things.
SRN: *holds keys in his antenna* now, where are my keys?
*back to the present*
P50: oh yeah, I forgot. Anyways, I’m gonna steal 2001’s transmitting machine and bring the baddies of worlds into this one *dramatic music plays while the camera zooms in on p50 while he’s talking in slow motion* This plan could not possibly fail!
To be continued...
5:56 LOL burP
Do My script! (Thunderbolt's mystery)
*Theme song*
1003: Huh? Why is there black foot prints here? Thunderbolt, there's black foot prints right in front of me.
Thunderbolt: Not falling for that.
1003: No really, There is!
Thunderbolt *Eyes look down* Oh, You're right 1003. Lets go see it is- wait, did you spray that on the grass?
1003: No seriously, there was.
(Flash back)
???: *Walking*
1003: Huh?
(Back to 1003 and Thunderbolt)
Thunderbolt: Let's go.
Both: *Walking*
Thunderbolt: Hey there, Mystery siren. How are you?
Thunderbolt 8003: Thunderbolt 8003. And you?
Thunderbolt: I'm Thunderbolt.
Thunderbolt 8003: Cool. And who's that behind you?
Thunderbolt: Only 1003.
Thunderbolt 8003: Great.
(The End)
How does Thunderbolt 8003 look like?
8 thunderbolt horns.
@@furybolt1474 cool. So is it omnidirectional?
@@furybolt1474 Cool. I'm thinking about a customized 1003
Set the speed to 0.5 to see how fast the intro is
What the heck? 5:37
Thomas And Friends Sped Up By 3X
0:47-1:05 dang BSP rosted the 2001 sirens
Yeah, and I laughed so hard!
2001 siren
I made fan made 🖼
Explode the
2001siren 2001 siren
P50 is l
2nd comment
Oh my god we don't CARE!
@@furybolt1474 alright then
Very cringe worthy