Hythe Parish Church Choral Evensong (Boys & Men), January 23rd 2000. Vicar of Hythe: Norman Woods

  • Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
  • Hythe Parish Church, Kent. Epiphany III, January 23rd 2000
    Hymn: Songs of praise the angels sang (NEH 451) 4:16
    General Confession, Absolution & Lord's Prayer 7:48
    Responses (1st set) John Reading 10:05
    Psalm 128 (Chant 233 NCP 1* Chant Book) 11:14
    1st Lesson: Genesis XVI; vv 17-20 Mr M Cox 13:45
    Canticles: Brewer in D.
    Magnificat 14:50
    2nd Lesson: John XI (Curate Ramshaw) 18:51
    Nunc Dimittis 20:58
    Apostles' Creed 23:35
    Responses (2nd set) John Reading 25:55
    Anthem: From the rising of the sun (Ouseley) 28:54
    The Vicar welcomes a new Treble to the choir/Parish Notices 31:25
    Hymn: God of mercy, God of grace (NEH 366) 33:03
    Sermon (most of) - The Vicar. Subject: The Millennium night and the Jewish rites of Purification. 35:19
    Absent from recording: Final Hymn, Blessing & Voluntary.
    Vicar of Hythe (1976-2001) - Canon Norman H. Woods BD., AKC.
    Organist & Master of the Choristers: Dr Berkeley Hill (now Professor; BEM)
    Sub-Organist: Toby S.J. Huitson