Savanna Safari Diary Episode 02

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @enricotoesca3941
    @enricotoesca3941 2 роки тому +1

    Beautiful Nature

  • @annettelane659
    @annettelane659 2 роки тому +3

    What a video!!! Incredibly beautiful sightings each and every one. So good to be able to catch up with these beautiful animals that we have come to know and love. Sad to see Tlangisa injured and hopefully she will still be able to hunt. Wishing her a speedy recovery and hoping the young male is OK too. Nkuhuma boy injured too, oh my but that's how it is in the wild. Both Ravenscourt and Thamba looking amazing. Absolutely awesome video Savanna, thank you so much. ❤💯

  • @canetaesferografica9
    @canetaesferografica9 2 роки тому +1


  • @falanajerido875
    @falanajerido875 2 роки тому

    This video is beautiful love this sighting it has my best lion tinyo i still say he alive somebody has hi amazing. Ravencourt male is beautiful the elle fantastic i hope the female leopard be ok

  • @greatbearfromthenorth9944
    @greatbearfromthenorth9944 2 роки тому

    Great tumbela male. He is doing good like his father skorro did in manyeleti.

    • @private4918
      @private4918 2 роки тому

      Yes, he is very devoted to them, and if he is incapable of scratching Nhena 1 vs. 1, he seems to be SMART at not really "patrolling" too wide or far without a strong partner. We know that can be fatal--two lion examples we've seen going back through last year, the first VERY probably got too mad at certain nomads, and the second was not careful enough of how close he got to certain dominant males, and this was not smart! Skorro Jr. sticks fairly close to the pride and cubs, and they are a buffer for a lone dominant male, or one with weak partners.
      My impression is that the S8 male, the Black Dam male, and the Mapoza male might share Skorro Jr.'s caution about not going too many kilometers away from the pride; Darkmane (NAvoca is like that too.) The Black Dam is gone, of course, but he was not killed or fatally injured by other lions; the Mapoza male might still be alive.

    • @greatbearfromthenorth9944
      @greatbearfromthenorth9944 2 роки тому

      @@private4918 to tell the true the mean threat to skorro Jr are the Plains camp males. If they found skorro he will be in trouble. Nhenha is too old and the nkuhuma male not developted well.

    • @private4918
      @private4918 2 роки тому

      @@greatbearfromthenorth9944 I'm probably not wrong in any provable or important way, but you are right about the PC males being a threat to Skorro Jr. You know they already passed through the northwest before going back down through Savanna and into Singita again. They also--and it was probably them--tried to castrate/kill Nkuhuma on one occasion in Singita last year.
      You are "right" in terms of longer-term dynamics, but.... Actually, both Nhena and Nkuhuma are in very good condition. Nkuhuma has really reached full maturity, but he will probably never have his father's mane, though it's grown in a little more on top lately. We've seen that Skorro Jr., unlike the Ottawa male last year, seems to be no match at all for the older Nhena.
      Here's how you could be "right" for 2-3 years down the road.
      1. Nhena and Nkuhuma "takeover" Ottawa pride and eliminate all 5 Tumbela cubs.
      2. Nhena and Nkuhuma males have 6 cubs later this year, 3 with Sassy and 3 with the 14-year-old Mapogo auntie. Nhena is now about 12 years old, and Nkuhuma 6; the PC males will probably turn 5 this year.
      3. Both 14-year-old Mapogo-Ottowa lionesses die before the end of 2023, when the "Birmingham" cubs are barely subadults, but not good hunting age. Nhena lives on, but he becomes much more frail and feeble before the female cubs are ready to mate at 3 years old.
      4. The PC males, then over 7 years old and ready for more lionesses after cubs with the 2 Nkuhuma lioness and a number of Manghenis; they want Sassy and also Gingerella and Ms. Ximumgwe, if they haven't already mated with the latter 2.
      5. The PC males go to the Ottawa pride. Nhena is no longer the strong, fierce monster he was in 2022. The PC males have only to run Nhena off, if he is still alive. Then, they run off or kill Nkuhuma. Next, they kill the Birmingham subadults, or drive off any of the 6 that are actually alive--maybe 4, realistically. The Birmingham females are still a bit too young to mate, and we know the PCs do not like very young lioneses.
      6. Sassy stands alone. The PCs can have her now, but another pride in Sabi Sands is down to a single lioness.

    • @greatbearfromthenorth9944
      @greatbearfromthenorth9944 2 роки тому

      @@private4918 well i don't think the duo nkuhuma and nhenha have future. I mean nhenha is in his final moment and the nkuhuma boy will be lonely like skorro soon. Nhenha started to lose his top big mane and the skorro mane now is bigger than the current nhenha mane.
      The Plains camp, for other side , have a great future ahead and i think they will take all the West females to them soon. Hope the ximhungwe or tsalala can Save some of the nhenha or nkuhuma offspring but lets face the true. There is not much hope to this duo in this situation.

    • @private4918
      @private4918 2 роки тому

      @@greatbearfromthenorth9944 I agree that the PC males seem on the road to a successful future. I wanted them for the Manghenis last year, after the OM tragedy, and their rejection of Nkuhuma and Styx. But other people in these threads didn't see it that way, and of course, it's up to the lions. Some people hate the PCs for killing Ms. Tsalala last year, and I'll always hold that against them, also a few others they've killed, or may have. But otherwise ....
      The PCs are good genetically-speaking for probably any and all the lionesses in the Sabi Sands, the Ndzengas too. Nhena and Nkuhuma are not good genetically for the current Tsalala lioness and the Manghenis; they are good for the Ottawas.
      I would disagree with you about Nhena and Nkuhuma. I think the hair on top of Nhena's head is a bit slicked back, but if you look at images of him from 2021, his mane has probably never been quite as "tall" on top of his head since before May 6-7. But he and his nephew are otherwise doing great, some bloody mating fights lately.
      I hope Gingerella starts entertaining Nhena and Nkuhuma soon--good genetic matching there. I think Ms. Ximumgwe has gone sterile, lots of mating going back into last year, and no cubs. Skorro Jr. is also the picture of health, since recovering from his fight with Nhena, which he lost, even though he retained his pride/territory--for now.

  • @private4918
    @private4918 2 роки тому +1

    Too bad Gingerello hasn't come out of the bushes and joined her adopted mother/sister with 2 new "dominant" males; might keep Nkuhuma from getting killed by Nhena--don't take that too seriously! That's a nasty wound Nkuhuma has, but fortunately the eye seems untouched by it--but he could've lost an eye here! He could've lost his eyes over a year ago too--partially healed box shapes around both eyes, wider on top than bottom. "Go figure" how they got there--remember, a lion's canines are wider on tip than on the bottom. Just too hard to understand--dumb narrative is easier to accept.
    It can be expected that the 2 "Birminghams" here will eventually try again for the Ottawa pride, Gingerella or not. But no, I don't want Skorro Jr. to be killed, and I think Nhena would try, if Nkuhuma might be a little less willing. Nhena and Nkuhuma would actually be very good for the Ottawas, but the 5 cubs would likely be killed, and the ages of the 2 Mapogo-Ottawas is problematic. But I'm sure Nkuhuma might like to have Sassy as a girlfriend for a very long time--shared with Uncle Nhena, of course. So new cubs could stand a good chance of surviving to adulthood.

  • @tdkid1
    @tdkid1 2 роки тому +1

    I love this format! No chatter or filler just the amazing wildlife and nature. I fell in love with Savanna during lockdown and have missed your videos. What a treat to see Thamba still doing well and the beautiful Ravenscourt male, too. Having recently lost Thamba's mom, Djuma's queen Thandi, it brings me such peace knowing that the 4 cubs she raised to independence are all thriving. Thank you!

  • @dreamer8474
    @dreamer8474 2 роки тому +1

    Hope Thlangisa's cubs are ok

  • @sabbrah8365
    @sabbrah8365 2 роки тому

    I really like your safari diary. It will give him a nice scar on the Nkuhuma male💞, it will give him more character, Nhenha💞seems to be fine too but I hope that Gingerella💞will come back to the Ximhungwe Lioness💞that they form a pride.. .I also hope that Tlangiga will heal quickly. Beautiful Thamba and Ravenscour males. Handsome Skorro jr💞and Othawa pride💞they do a remarkable job of protecting the little ones, Skorro jr has and is under a lot of pressure, he lost his two brothers💔but he is still there and I hope for a long time to come, Othawa pride needs him as well as the five minis -musketeers💞they grew up, I wish them all the best...
    Thank you for the video🙂

  • @lisaa7991
    @lisaa7991 2 роки тому

    So many great moments! Why was Euphorbia fighting with Tlangisa? threatening her cub? She has quite the wound. And Ravenscourt looks magnificent! And now Nenha and the Nkuhuma male battling over mating rights……finally, I love seeing the young Othawa cubbies as I saw them exactly 1 year ago as tiny tiny cubbies!