Trust The Delay - This Is Part Of God’s Plan For You!

  • Опубліковано 15 жов 2024


  • @Nae777
    @Nae777 6 місяців тому +142

    Hi Jackie,
    My name is Nathan. I just wanted to simply say, from the bottom of my heart in Jesus name…. thank you. Because of your faithfulness to King Jesus, I was delivered from pornography on February 21 through your livestream video after being stuck in the sin since I was a 12 year old boy. I’m 25 now, and since the deliverance it feels like the demonic weight is finally gone and I can truly live in freedom, praise God!!
    God has called me to fight and make a stand for Him, and now that I’ve been set free by the authority of Jesus Christ, I know I’ve been given the green light to pursue the dream God has placed within my heart: to glorify the Great I Am by standing against the darkness of this world. There is still work to be done as I lean on the Holy Spirit for guidance, making my way from point A to point B; but I’d love to eventually share the work God is doing with me to you, as it has only been made possible by your faithfulness to the Lord.
    May God bless you, your husband Lance, your baby, and all your family from generation to generation in Jesus name! It brings joy to my heart to have you guys as family in the body of Christ. Thank you for everything again, I am eternally grateful to God, for you :)

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +40

      Nathan. this comment brought so much praise to my heart! I am simply a vessel that God used, He set you free and you are FREE INDEED! Remember the temptation knocks at the door but you simply say : "I take that thought captive in Jesus name!". Your testimony will bring hope to many. Please do not be shy in sharing it with all who will listen (even if you know they won't agree, let the Holy Spirit do the convincing). I am honored that the Lord could use little old me to help you brother. It's humbling.... as I am simply His pot of clay. AT HIS NAME demons flee, At His name we are set FREE. Thank you for your donation to our ministry, it helps tremendously for us to continue to work for His Kingdom and we always steward it in the fear of the Lord, putting it to use for the kingdom of God. I appreciate it and receive it with much gratitude and praise to the Lord! God bless you and keep you in His paths, in His way, in His love, and in His truth always :) We would also love to hear more of your testimony! Please email me at Blessings in Christ!

    • @Meriemsun
      @Meriemsun 5 місяців тому +2


    • @StaticBlaster
      @StaticBlaster 5 місяців тому +4

      I've been battling the same addiction and have recently started to eliminate it gradually. I've discarded half of my magazine collection and removed numerous files from my computer. It's astonishing how much of this stuff I've accumulated. Once I completely eradicate it from my life, I plan to dedicate my entire being-mind, body, and soul-to Jesus.

    • @reginalongman
      @reginalongman 4 місяці тому +2

      Good day @@StaticBlaster, I pray this reply greets you well in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I pray that you have a blessed day today✨
      That's really commendable how you were able to discard some of the stuff you mentioned in your comment. That shows that you are really trying and I decree and declare that you will experience total freedom in Jesus name. I am led to tell you - Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10.
      Please ensure that you're not trying to overcome this addiction by your own strength. God is interested in this case. He is interested in your entire being TODAY, right now. Present your heart, mind, body and soul to him today. You don't have to have it all figured out or be perfect before surrendering totally. We can't be whole by ourselves; we have to go to the potter, and he will mend the broken pieces. Jesus is the potter, and we are the clay, and He looks at the posture of your heart, if you truly desire freedom, He will grant it. Nothing is too big for God. I know this because, I too struggled with stuff that were a detriment to my walk with Christ and my spiritual growth, and not until I asked God for help was I able to overcome and have never looked back. I would feel shame, but the Word of God says 'There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.' - Romans 8:1-2. Therefore, shame is just a scheme of the enemy, a spirit that needs to be casted out. The word also says that the LORD is a just God - Isiah 30:18. Let him be the judge of this situation you're in, and the judge of your life. He will grant you everlasting joy and peace so as long as you let Him have His own sweet divine way by giving Him access, He is a gentle man. Jesus said, 'And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.' John 14:13-14. He is not a man that He should lie not the son of man that He should repent. - Numbers 23:19. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and He will not alter a thing that has already gone out of His lips, so ask and it shall be given, believe and you shall receive and knock, and the door will be opened. He won't change his mind. Please, please, please show up in the courtroom today and let the judge of all judges give you the verdict of total freedom, for you are not a slave to sin, the blood of Jesus was shed, and, in that moment, His people were in covenant with Him. Declare that the blood of Jesus speaks for you. Declare also that 'Jesus "blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" - Colossians 2 :14. No uncircumcised philistine shall prevail against you, in Jesus name, Amen. Please agree in prayer and ask the Lord to fight for you, the covenant and be blessed brother/sister✨

    • @valentinadallas
      @valentinadallas 3 місяці тому +1

      Amen , how encouraging to hear ! So happy the lord was able to use these beautiful souls in Christ to set u free, I’m crippled and paralyzed in fear from all trauma I went through and I got free from that,
      I’ll probably open the door again from sin only one stupid time , Jackie isn’t kidding when she said the devil returns with seven more , so when the nasty serpent comes and tempts u bc he will.
      Remember my testimony right now , I’m struggling and suffering horribly bc I have into a temptation not even wanting to but I literally had no where to sleep that night and was cold and so I go with unbeliever to get a good night sleep and end up coerced into a one night stand and I didn’t want to go there or be there or do it at all but after 20 nights on an airport floor as a nurse who has lost it all from choosing Jesus and walking in truth the devil will attack in weird situations he knew I was vulnerable
      so i pray u do like Jackie says take that thought captive in name of Jesus bc if u don’t the second it enter , it germinates, and if u do ever slip bc look at Jackie and me , everyone is able to backslide bc enemy prays on the vulnerable moments in us, please it took me two years to realize , the shame I would feel from backsliding and running away from God was all from Satan too , if u do happen to sin it’s ok , bc ur not perfect , just run right back into arms of Jesus , don’t run from , the enemy will make u feel dity and shame and unworthy of his love to make u go from one small sin slip up bc u r born in fallen state n not easy but if run for god n not to him , the one sin becomes a stronghold so moment u slip up bc even if not with porn could be something else , but run right back fast like a monster is chasing u, run turn n run right back to the holy bible and talk with god n repent !
      Learn from my mistake now i got like a curse over me n it’s so hard to break , I wouldn’t wish a fear like this that cripples u to even make phone calls and do ur to do list to get to where god wants u , it like ur stuck frozen in time , bc of Satan lying in my ear saying how all others times it always went bad ,
      no matter how obedient I was im still being persecuted unjustly and separated from children wrongly , hell is real n we can experience some here , don’t listen to lies , the only way to organize is to know the word c be how I feel right now chained like I know what I need to do and I physically can’t do it , I wouldn’t wish this on Satan himself, and it’s because even after years of being saved , all it takes is running away from the Lord. And ur house becomes empty void of his word , n that’s when Satan bring back 10 more to ur an empty house. So I ask for prayers I need these chains broken , even with me being obedient right now , the fear to do what I know I have to do it’s still paralyzing me ! Prayers please 🙏 😢

  • @Romans10.17
    @Romans10.17 3 місяці тому +8

    “If you’re not dying to yourself for God, how are you going to die to yourself for a spouse? You’re not. God needs to take you through the process to learn to be faithful” wow! AMEN!! Thank you for your faithfulness and vulnerability Jackie! I’m SO thankful for your ministry! It has helped me more than you know!

  • @BrainfooTV
    @BrainfooTV 6 місяців тому +57

    I could read the Bible for years and not be able to interpret it like you do. You clearly have a gift to share with everyone.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +24

      Thank you!! However, I could NOT come up with any of this… I just simply ask the Holy Spirit to speak to me and I open the Word Expecting God to speak to me and He does. He’d do it for anyone :)

    • @metalbozinjo
      @metalbozinjo 6 місяців тому +1

      and when you ask the Holy Spirit, to speak with you
      How does he speak to you?
      Do you hear words or ?
      God Bless

    • @Braveh3artGirl
      @Braveh3artGirl 6 місяців тому +2

      Go to God in thanksgiving and ask Him to reveal the mysteries of the Bible and the scriptures you need to see. Thank Him also for understanding. You can also pray and ask God to let His eyes be your eyes etc so that you really get to see things from His beautiful perspective. You got this! ❤

    • @BrainfooTV
      @BrainfooTV 6 місяців тому

      @@Braveh3artGirl I turn up and do my best with what I'm given every day. Thanks for leaving a kind comment ❤️

    • @BlessedHealthyChefsASMR
      @BlessedHealthyChefsASMR 2 місяці тому

      ​@@BrainfooTVcheck out lion's mane we love it in our smoothie everyday!

  • @clintbeastwood0286
    @clintbeastwood0286 6 місяців тому +25

    Pray for me that I will spend more time in the word, that's where my life comes from. This laziness has to stop ✋️

    • @jessed0308
      @jessed0308 6 місяців тому +1

      "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."

    • @edwinmogollan4718
      @edwinmogollan4718 5 місяців тому

      Get offfff ya phone CHILD

    • @valentinadallas
      @valentinadallas 3 місяці тому +1

      U cant do that alone , ur useless as am I
      however here is good news ….”u can and will do all things in Christ who will strengthen you ! “ tell god I have no motivation speak to me
      And give me drive to know ur holy words so the devil can’t control n continue to deceive me or derail the will u have for my life ! Take the thought and limiting belief that u r lazy captive in name of Christ Jesus like Jackie teaches us , it works ! And don’t feel bad I’m working on surrendering and trusting god and not leaving my trials up to my own strength, the fact ur walk isn’t easy , tell me ur called and the devil attacks what’s not his so sounds crazy but u being persecuted by those thoughts means Jesus has big plans and devil knows it so I’m learning what I’m exhausted to do or fearful to do , is exactly what Jesus wants us to do, the devil is an wicked nasty liar , he loves attacking our thoughts !

    • @clintbeastwood0286
      @clintbeastwood0286 3 місяці тому

      @valentinadallas I'm do exhausted today and needed that, thank you sister 🙏 keep up the fight and bless you

  • @jwaugh319
    @jwaugh319 День тому

    Spot on we are in a spiritual battle and Satan doesn't fight fair. Ever 😢

  • @edwardgenet164
    @edwardgenet164 6 місяців тому +56

    The grass withers and the flower, fades but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +12

      Amen brother! Beauty is fleeting… a trophy wife with a black heart and argumentative spirit isn’t worth it. Waiting on the Lord is where it’s at!

    • @Mark55.
      @Mark55. 6 місяців тому

      ⁠@@jackieVanTine_ Once saved, always saved. Salvation can never be lost. You don’t have to obey or stop committing sins to be saved.

    • @godisone5123
      @godisone5123 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Mark55. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7 KJV.
      ''Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
      Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
      And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

    • @Mark55.
      @Mark55. 6 місяців тому

      @@godisone5123 This verse alone proves that you misinterpreted the words you used:
      Romans 4:5 (KJV)
      “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”

    • @godisone5123
      @godisone5123 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Mark55. You are dreadfully deceived. Repent or perish.

  • @john-doe842
    @john-doe842 6 місяців тому +20

    Please brothers and sisters I need prayers for my friend Alex! Today the Lord led me to share my testimony and preach to a friend which I had previously given a Bible and talked briefly to about my faith. Today I could see the Lord drawing her in and a clear change in the reception of the Gospel message. She said she would definitely consider praying for Him to reveal Himself, so please brethren pray with me that the Lord will lead her to prayer and that when she does He would begin to reveal Himself to her! The hour is late, please pray with me Body of Christ! Thank you so much, God bless. 🙏🕊

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +2

      Lord God, you are the one who created the heart, you can soften and change ANY heart. We know that you are able to do all things. You are the God that split the Red Sea and made a way where there was no way. I pray in the name of JESUS that you will manifest yourself to Alex. We lift her up to you and ask you for her salvation with trust and faith that you will do it because you wish for none to perish but for all to come to repentance. God, we pray that you will fill her with awe at a revelation of the cross you yourself give her. Tear down all the idols in her life... show her that anything above you will simply disappoint. Father, let the scales fall from her eyes so she can see the truth and light of your gospel. I TRUST YOU TO DO THIS! In Your name I pray amen!

  • @DavidRodriguez-ft7fl
    @DavidRodriguez-ft7fl 5 місяців тому +7

    Years ago I was lost in this world trying to live life my way and struggling. I turn my life to the Heavenly Father and now I am living god’s will. I now have enough to help others that are in need and struggling. Amen 🙏

  • @BillYuhas
    @BillYuhas 3 місяці тому +3

    Jackie, I was born again in 1972, got the Baptisim of the Holy Spirit a year or 2 later. In July I'll be 76 but every time I watch you I learn something new or something the Lord's showing gets clarified thru you. May God continue to bless you abundantly!

  • @jeremycarpenter5550
    @jeremycarpenter5550 5 місяців тому +3

    Please pray for me I'm single 49 been praying for years for a proverbs 31 wife trying my best to be a 1 timothy chapter 3 man been praying for her for years . Reading my Bible praying seeking God and his will for my life aman sister good teaching.

    • @shemireyahlilly5521
      @shemireyahlilly5521 2 місяці тому

      I'm 50 never married. I too am praying for a God fearing good man.

  • @sandralevi2915
    @sandralevi2915 2 місяці тому +2

    Wow Jackie, I am grateful to the Lord for you, thank you for your beautiful service and obedience to Him… God Bless you and protect you in Jesus Name I pray… Amen 🙏 ❤

  • @jayelisan
    @jayelisan 6 місяців тому +3

    “Don’t disqualify yourself because of your weaknesses. God is going to use your weaknesses to bring Himself more glory.” Guilty of this, but I’m working with The Lord on it. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement. God bless you and your family! 🙏🏻

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Absolutely brother :) it’s Him that will do it through you, not you. You just need to be willing and obedient to His voice. He is a Father that is never absent but always present, right behind you :)

  • @WalkInTheSpirit119
    @WalkInTheSpirit119 5 місяців тому +4

    ”And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.“
    ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ ❤❤

  • @jwaugh319
    @jwaugh319 День тому

    This is an excellent training video for the Lord, thanks Jackie. 😊 ladies, take notes 📝

  • @css374
    @css374 5 місяців тому +3

    There is time. There is consciousness. Conscience. Awareness. Conscience.

  • @annacatherineandrews
    @annacatherineandrews 6 місяців тому +19

    Wow. This video means a lot to me. I was baptized last night and still dealing with my addictions. I needed to hear this. Thank you so much. God bless you and keep you❤

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +5

      It’s a process! Keep fighting. Extend Gods grace to yourself. Keep SEEKING Him and He Will set you free :) He did it for me He can do it for you!

    • @alexwood6919
      @alexwood6919 6 місяців тому

      ​@jackiestout_ I really needed this and GOD SPOKE THROUGH YOU EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO HEAR!!! Pray for me please! I am confused on what's true and whats man made beliefs . Can you do a video explaining tithe and offering about 10% and about premarital sex? I keep trying to wonder how is it possible not to have premarital sex in this day and age and if it a sin or just a belief

  • @ScottJ5860
    @ScottJ5860 6 місяців тому +44

    God has literally answered prayers for me that I didn't even ask for, while at the same time seeming to ignore me for other petitions I've made of Him. I figure He spoke the heavens and earth into existence while I sometimes struggle to cut a square piece of wood with a tool that's made to cut wood square. So, I'll just trust His responses. Paul instructed us to pray without ceasing. I don't believe this means to pray endlessly 24/7/365, I think it means don't ever give up. Remember, it was Jesus that told us the story of the persistent widow and the unjust judge Luke 18:1-8....and God is not an unjust judge.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +5

      Scott, so well said! I absolutely love that parable. The Lord truly is a faithful God, Father, and judge. He never ignores us, because He is not like man. However, some petitions would harm us if answered. So we need to trust His no's. May He bless you abundantly in all the ways you need and give you your hearts desire as you seek Him above all other things in your life!

  • @DanielSanchez-tv6vh
    @DanielSanchez-tv6vh 2 місяці тому

    AMEN. Thank you for sharing this word from the LORD 🙏

  • @nellymartin471
    @nellymartin471 6 місяців тому +3

    God knows when we are ready .Anything we don’t have wasn’t meant for us or we don’t deserve it .

  • @devendrakadam9521
    @devendrakadam9521 Місяць тому

    I trust God❤❤❤

  • @jwaugh319
    @jwaugh319 День тому

    Findung the right time to be intimate with a loving husband is key, but it has to be a mutual decision to explore each other's bodies intimately ❤

  • @TriedbyFires
    @TriedbyFires 6 місяців тому +24

    If you dont eat your food you Will be weak. If you're not nourished with the Word you wont be able to fight or work with/for the Lord. Understanding and Remembering this concept is sooo critical.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +3

      For real God gave me that on the SPOT! He amazes me the way He teaches concepts.... crazy!

  • @boberthughes805
    @boberthughes805 Місяць тому

    J ur an inspiration to stay strong in the Lord Jesus/ Yeshua is with us in the process journey for righteousness eternity God's word spiritual food strengthens

  • @edscot9986
    @edscot9986 6 місяців тому +3

    Sister, you are so beautiful and so right. I am over 50 and it took me this long to learn what you got taught so early. praise God! Marriage is choosing your spouse over anyone else. It is not comparing them or others seeing how they measure up just in case you might question if you made the right choice. The person you marry will always and forever be your only choice. This, my lovely younger sister is proof in the pudding of a new heart and newness of life. Through our suffering we learn obedience. Though on one hand I regret it took me so long to learn, on the other hand I say to myself BRAVO! Some never learn it. Praise and glory to God our father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Like one of those starfish washed up on the shore that the little boy saw and threw back into the sea, Jesus Christ made a difference in me!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Ed, thank you for your comment. It is refreshing!! When we lose our life we find it and it really is incredible HOW MUCH we grow in marriage if we will submit to hearing our spouse's constructive criticism's. They see flaws in us we never saw when we lived on our own, and it may sting but man is it good for us! Praise the Lord you learned that, (I am STILL learning and find myself failing from Time to time) but how many never come this realization. Praise and bless the Lord for correcting us & for giving us our spouses!

    • @edscot9986
      @edscot9986 6 місяців тому

      @@jackieVanTine_ I messed up my marriage over 20 years ago, have never met my twins. I know i AM A male and you're not but from your experience could you tell me if at 52 God would give me a wife knowing what I learned this year? I myself believe He would, but I know He says if I'm loosed from a wife not to seek one. So, she wouldn't become an idol I asked God to take the desire from me, He has not. I could tell you of a dream I had but God gave me the interp already. He just might also only want me sanctified for Himself.

  • @JohnathanAyala-hi9gi
    @JohnathanAyala-hi9gi 6 місяців тому +1

    Yay I feel the same 😊❤ we should pray for us all Jesus 😊

  • @123JustBecause
    @123JustBecause 6 місяців тому +2

    There are so many 🔥 in this one video-lots of Scripture and things to think about. Rich with love, compassion, Truth, the Word-thank you. Well done.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      All praise to God because He teaches us great things when we seek Him in His Word! For real… I could not come up with anything I put out on my own.
      May the Lord give you peace and trust regarding next steps :) He is our shepherd!

  • @marynaofmasteringhuman4321
    @marynaofmasteringhuman4321 3 місяці тому

    Jackie, your ministry and content is seriously the best. Thank you for serving the Lord and us the saints in such a powerful way. ❤🙏 God bless you

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  3 місяці тому

      Thank you Mary :) God bless you as well !

  • @tinaferr
    @tinaferr 4 місяці тому

    "when the plant has dominion over you" love this. I believe in moderation and harm reduction, having been addicted to really hard stuff. But it's so easy to lie to yourself and say you're using in moderation. God is the answer but i do believe God put plants here to help long as we honor the creator and not the creation.

  • @petere4540
    @petere4540 6 місяців тому +12

    I absolutely ❤Jesus and trust the Lord with his process for my life 😊. But it’s not always easy to stay focused and stay on course if you know what I mean. But Jesus reminds me my breakthrough is coming!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Oh I know Peter! I was off the course for a long time… but the Lord drew me back in and as I was willing I let myself be found by Him and sought Him again and again. He helped me the whole way!

  • @desertdinghy9833
    @desertdinghy9833 6 місяців тому +6

    Yes, so true. Some things, God gave me right away, literally overnight. Others, He knew had to wait until I was ready.
    I have always been the kind of guy who has to learn from all my mistakes until I truly understand the value and importance of what He gives me.
    One thing, one sin, brought me down and I could not overcome it on my own. There was guilt, tears, even begging all these years. I'd fall, get up, fall again, often gave in, but never gave up trying.
    Then, literally days ago, after fighting the sin for almost my entire life (I'm 71 now), it just vaporized. Although I was born again and had all the signs of salvation, this one thing stuck. Why? Because only God knows. I just wasn't ready and by His good grace and mercy, he allowed me to live all these days to taste sweet victory.
    On this special day we honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, I am especially grateful.
    God bless you Jackie, this has been on my heart all day today.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      This was beautiful and refreshing to read. I agree. I wanted to be free from lust for years and nothing… but in His timing and His way as I kept fighting it boom!
      What you wrote demonstrates complete trust in God even when you didn’t know the reasons why. You’re a great example in this way :)

  • @joshsanchez4204
    @joshsanchez4204 6 місяців тому +3

    It’s awesome how you’re allowing God to use you. Less than an hour before i found this video i learned my graduation was going to be pushed back yet another quarter. Even your school example of not doing anything the entire quarter was directly applicable to me😂😂
    Thank you Lord!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +3

      BROOOO that's crazy! God speaks in incredible waysssss :)

  • @ronaldpraise9725
    @ronaldpraise9725 6 місяців тому +2

    Jesus is true god he is our saviour

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Amen brother Ronald! He can save ANYONE 😊

  • @bradenelswick5355
    @bradenelswick5355 6 місяців тому +14

    Happy Easter
    Jesus has risen

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      And because He lives we will live forever! PRAISE HIM!

    • @bradenelswick5355
      @bradenelswick5355 6 місяців тому

      @@jackieVanTine_ 😊😊😊❤️

  • @fernandosandoval9306
    @fernandosandoval9306 2 місяці тому +1

    I also wish the names of medicine! My brain starts over and over every day!

    @BANANA..PEEL. 6 місяців тому +2

    Glory be to Jesus Christ our lord and saviour

  • @joannmclean6406
    @joannmclean6406 6 місяців тому +10

    Jackie, you are a very good teacher of Godly living! I learn a lot from you. God bless you! ❤

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      I appreciate that Joan! Anything I teach is taught to me by the Lord so all credit to Him :)

  • @jeremyalcoser5742
    @jeremyalcoser5742 6 місяців тому +6

    Crazy. I’m going through something right now and what you’re saying makes total sense. Especially since I’m reading the book of Job.
    Stay strong in Faith!
    Be Patient & don’t question.
    When we question God, it means we don’t fully trust HIM.
    He makes everything work for HIS will.

    • @artemisk.2334
      @artemisk.2334 6 місяців тому

      Or if we have started in faith we ask him because we want to connect and trust him truly

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +2

      Keep your eyes on the Lord and this too shall pass in time Jeremy! Remember, this walk is not always easy but SO WORTH IT! & yes, the book of Job convicts me because how many things do I complain about all day, and I am not suffering nearly as much as Job did!!!

  • @Onelovej
    @Onelovej 6 місяців тому +4

    Seems like the only thing I’ve been good at in life is failing. I’m still grateful for the experience and keep on trying.

    • @johnliotta2583
      @johnliotta2583 5 місяців тому

      Ur not a failure ur forgiven in Jesus name! U mean so much to our Father he gave the very best He had to bring u back to Him! Jesus is ur success as He is mine!

    • @Just_in_Rich
      @Just_in_Rich 3 місяці тому +1

      Same here 🙋

  • @larryberry-tx1uz
    @larryberry-tx1uz 3 місяці тому

    Excellent Amen

  • @johnroberts5986
    @johnroberts5986 3 місяці тому

    So. I must say Gods timing on sending me this video was on point.. I watched a couple of your videos just now and especially this one feels like it worked differently… people been trying to say the same things . But certain people just word it perfect and especially since I been seeing what I been seeing and paying attention. And you’re right about so much stuff. And the most comforting was when you said to just repent and God will hear it and forgive and give a fresh start. I needed that cuz I kept messing up thinking it was too late anyway but now I’m really gunna give it a try. Thank you for this

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel 4 місяці тому

    Amen 🙏. Thank you!

  • @SentilongJamir777
    @SentilongJamir777 4 місяці тому

    God brought me here 🙏

  • @zhongwa
    @zhongwa 6 місяців тому +2

    Even though I knew, or at least suspected, a lot of this, I really needed you to tell me. Thanks, God bless.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      We all need this reminder. Even myself sometimes :)

  • @gloriaroman1106
    @gloriaroman1106 Місяць тому


  • @ruffryders210012
    @ruffryders210012 6 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for the video. I know a person that needs to hear this for sure.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Thanks so much Ruffy!!! Lance and I appreciate your support and encouragement ! May the Lord bless you for blessing our ministry!!

  • @michaelsane.1729
    @michaelsane.1729 6 місяців тому +1


  • @kiranalexander5582
    @kiranalexander5582 5 місяців тому

    Thank you GOD

  • @jwaugh319
    @jwaugh319 День тому

    Wow youre right i never thought of it like that 😳

  • @colingeorgemccleave2470
    @colingeorgemccleave2470 6 місяців тому +2

    Amen sister 🙏 that was another great message 💯 never stop shining your light 🙏 God bless you sister 🙏👍

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Thank you Colin! You are always so encouraging ! You are appreciated!!

    • @colingeorgemccleave2470
      @colingeorgemccleave2470 6 місяців тому

      ​@@jackieVanTine_ you're welcome sister 👍 hope you have a great day 🙏

  • @charlesmorgan5054
    @charlesmorgan5054 Місяць тому

    Everything you say is just what needed to hear

  • @agustinburlaza1690
    @agustinburlaza1690 6 місяців тому +3

    Happy Easter ✝️Jesus Has Risen 👑⚓🛐☮️

  • @jamesscalloparquivos3986
    @jamesscalloparquivos3986 6 місяців тому +2

    What meaningful video for humankind. Impossible do not share such message

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +2

      Praise God for His Word!!! it is filled with wisdom :)

  • @Juan-Pedro6612
    @Juan-Pedro6612 6 місяців тому +1

    Found your channel. We can not enter the Kingdom of the Lord by not passing the prepared exercises. Obedience also by accepting the delay. Blessings from Switzerland 🇨🇭😊

  • @Paula.4Jesus
    @Paula.4Jesus 6 місяців тому +1

    Everything you said in this video is so true! God looks after us and we need to trust HIS promises/process not OUR because he has our back and knows what is good and what is not good for us. God is for us! We just need to trust and have faith!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Yes Paula!!! It is easier to trust someone you spend a lot of time with :) We don't trust anyone we don't know, and we don't know anyone we don't spend time with.

  • @joelpritchard451
    @joelpritchard451 6 місяців тому +2

    I just love how the lord of the world works because what you were talking about forgiveness God is so loving that even if someone is on the lethal injection table they can ask God at that moment to be at the Lord of their life and he will save them

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +2

      YES HE WILL FORGIVE the worst of the worst! He is incredible in His mercy!

  • @larryberry-tx1uz
    @larryberry-tx1uz 4 місяці тому

    Wow, Powerful in JESUS Name

  • @paullopes846
    @paullopes846 6 місяців тому +3

    Happy resurrection day. Thanks for the visual message. It helped me.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      SO glad it was helpful to you Paul :)

  • @beautyforashes23
    @beautyforashes23 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow Jackie this video has me at the verge of tears. I’ve been saying “his power is made perfect in my weakness.”This spoke to me. I love you Jesus.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Awwww.. sis you can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you. In all YOU CANT HE CAN!!!

  • @kennethcolbert2921
    @kennethcolbert2921 6 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for this message.

  • @cleangoblin2021
    @cleangoblin2021 6 місяців тому +1

    😢 its been 3 weeks and i was getting angry, depressed and anxious again.
    Was thinking, is God just gonna leave me now after all the trials ive been through?
    I was rid of alcohol finally, my biggest demon.
    But i didnt know where to go next.
    What you said hit me like a truck.
    I still am too proud and wanted to show that my developments were because of my own willpower.
    The potter and flower metaphor speaks so much sense in my situation.
    I also has been living life like i trust that the prophesy will come to padt no matter what. I.e. doing things when i was not awashed by the blood of Christ

    • @Mori_712
      @Mori_712 6 місяців тому

      God will finish what he started in you brother, just trust in him for you are his son ❤

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Find the root cause of the alcohol consumption. Wind it all the way back and deal with that issue.. it could be something in your childhood. Now, how to deal with it and heal from it? WITH God. Having a conversation 1 on 1 with God every day if you need to vent to Him and I promise if you keep asking He will reveal to you more on why you drink then you ever knew. Remember, He knows you better than you know yourself!
      God loves you and sees when you fight against addiction and He is PROUD of you. A contrite spirit He will not despise.
      It took humility to admit that you’ve been believing the prophesy will come to pass irregardless of your lack of obedience. It took me a WHILE to come to grips with that in my life.
      It’s in His strength in the midst of your weakness you will overcome :) God bless you abundantly with His peace and remove all depression from you in Jesus name!

  • @MichaelVandekolk
    @MichaelVandekolk 4 дні тому

    Beautiful testimony

  • @thefruitsoffaith7
    @thefruitsoffaith7 6 місяців тому +2

    I thought that I didn’t need to watch this video, I had confirmation just by the title alone. Then i watched the first 52 seconds and knew exactly what God was trying to say to me, again. The other night I brought to God my feelings for my best friend… asking if she is the one. And the Holy Spirit led me to write God’s words to me on a whiteboard. He wrote, “Why the need to confirm an identity? If she is the one or not, doesn’t matter. Where would the butterflies and anticipation be if I revealed that to you now? You have confessed impatience yet do not hear your own speech. Keep following me and I will satisfy your needs before that dawn of scarlet. Remember my words, do not cling to things that are unclean and witness me.”

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      If it is meant to be God will make it come to pass!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +2

      I pray the Lord lead you in the right path as you seek and TRUST HIM Even when you can’t see :) focus on Him and all other things will fall into place as they should

  • @simranmasih1868
    @simranmasih1868 6 місяців тому +3

    Hey Jackie, this was a very heart touching message. This actually means a lot to me, because I can see how hard it is to obey God, but it in fact it is the excuses that we make like we are not good enough, how can we become holy, pure and righteous before God when Jesus comes to take us in the Rapture.
    In all honesty it’s about trusting in God that he will purify us and make us holy if we commit, obey his word and digest the Word of God to transform/renew our minds so we can be prepare for His Coming, and the promises that He has for lives.
    I feel like in my heart, I should look to God and and Trust in Him whether the promises come to pass or not, but I want God to mold, build and shape me for His Kingdom. Because if I do the Will of God, automatically the promise will come to pass but if I don’t I will stand in the way of the promise or blessing from God. So I really loved this message, thank you so much for sharing.
    All Glory be to God, I thank God for using my sister Jackie to speak the Word of God on so many people’s lives through this channel, that God you will use her more for you Glory so many people will turn to the Kingdom of God and learn so much about You (God), in Jesus Name Amen.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Thank you for sharing your heart with us 🙏😊 it’s full of vulnerability and honesty and that is what we need in the kingdom! A broken and contrite spirit the Lord will not despise :) May He bless you with STRENGTH from His presence. It is there. In the secret place alone with your Heavenly Father you find power you find strength you find peace and rest from this crazy world :)

    @GEORGIOARCADE 6 місяців тому +7

    A blessed resurrection Sunday to you and everyone here Jackie 😊🙏🏽✨. It's great to see your drawings again. This one makes it real easy to understand God's word. I always was a visual learner as a kid so this helps. God is an on time God. What he has for us will come at the right appointed time. Until then, we have to keep working on ourselves so we can handle what he gives us. Keep up the great work!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Me too Georgio!! I actually love visuals and more than that hands on learning! Yes, self evaluation and reflection is the most important before judging anyone or critiquing anyone. Amen :)

  • @christiancoder454
    @christiancoder454 5 місяців тому

    My favorite channel. Thank you for your content!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  5 місяців тому +1

      Aw thanks so much that is really kind of you ☺️

  • @KathleenSnowdeal
    @KathleenSnowdeal 6 місяців тому +1

    We as believers have to trust God in all things. I am glad you figured that out. You deserve the joys of your heart.❤

  • @stormlighter82
    @stormlighter82 6 місяців тому +3

    God bless you

  • @justinpearson8304
    @justinpearson8304 3 місяці тому

    Very smart. Study. Learn.

  • @rebekahnmr
    @rebekahnmr 5 місяців тому

    This is incredible 🖤

  • @TheySeeMeNow
    @TheySeeMeNow 6 місяців тому

    Jackie thank you Jackie good luck Jackie keep being Jackie

    @JAXTWIN 5 місяців тому +1

    You’re incredible. Needed to hear this. Thanks for your vulnerability. God is good.

  • @kylanismyname
    @kylanismyname 6 місяців тому +8

    “he tries it in fire to bring it out as gold” 🔥🔥🔥

  • @samarijelks9663
    @samarijelks9663 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you God amen

  • @koyotepk9230
    @koyotepk9230 6 місяців тому +1

    I asked God questions of what is my next step and what I need to do. Found this video and it really helped me understand now what God needs me to do. Trust the process.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      AMEN :) Productively wait :) Pray and do what you know you need to do until He gives you next steps !

  • @mischulzed
    @mischulzed 6 місяців тому +1

    Waiting is hard, and this message was needed very much today. Thank you for sharing this. Appreciate it

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Oh, but when we wait on the LORD we rest. We mount up on wings like eagles. We run and we don't grow weary. We never faint!

  • @robertgrimsted877
    @robertgrimsted877 6 місяців тому

    Patience god given god knows what you needs he doesn’t always give you what you want peace and love you should pray for god bless your family 😀

  • @genzprepper954
    @genzprepper954 6 місяців тому +1

    18 seconds in. Paused it because literally God is answering my prayers. I have been praying and crying I am jobless and God keeps giving me all this creativity and my iPhone is filled with notes upon notes of business ideas and content ideas but I do not have the finances to do it and I don’t know if I’m to just go for it in blind faith or wait and work for it by continuing to get a job go through all these interviews ect

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Step by step my brother. If He gave you the ideas HE WILL help you accomplish them but In HIS TIME. If He did it now, maybe it would leave you overwhelmed. There's so many reasons why you're not able to now, but none of those reasons are because God doesn't believe in you, love you, or that He is simply hanging a steak in front of your face. All great ideas come from the Lord. PRODUCTIVELY wait (do your research on patents, look for connections, send emails, ask for business counsel) do what you can to be productive, PRAY EVERYDAY for next steps and then WAIT.... If He gave you the idea, He will give you next steps WHEN ITS TIME. Where He guides He provides. Be faithful in the little now and He will give you the much. I pray this encourages you :)

    • @genzprepper954
      @genzprepper954 6 місяців тому

      @@jackieVanTine_ I’m actually a girl hahah😅 but that’s okay I can see the confusion!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      @@genzprepper954 I’m sorry girl !!! Sometimes it’s hard to tell with comments lol but I pray the Lord encourage you :) He is for you in EVERY area of your life!

  • @salvationlight5614
    @salvationlight5614 6 місяців тому

    Wise sayings, thank Jesus Christ for sisters like you, who seek God... Blessed is your family to have you ..Psalms 128.3. Glory to God our Father, Jesus Christ & Holy Spirit.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Thank you :) any wisdom I have comes from the Lord, and never from me. I simply seek and ask Him and He shows up and teaches me! He said: “call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things which you KNOW NOT” Jeremiah 33:3 😊

  • @fabiancardenas7629
    @fabiancardenas7629 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow, love what you shared here, I love your beautiful mind and spirit so committed to God. I hope your prayers are answered in God's time that's best for your spiritual growth. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Thank you Fabian ! I appreciate that!!!

  • @stevenzthompson434
    @stevenzthompson434 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Jackie, we’ve n praying as a family about tithing tonight just before hearing this message. Thank you Father for the work you’ve prepared for Lance and Jackie, make you keep and lead them as they’re faithful with the little Amen 30:12

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Amen Steven!! May the Lord bless you as you are a blessing to His people :) I appreciate your prayers!!!

  • @agustinburlaza1690
    @agustinburlaza1690 4 місяці тому

    Jeremiah 29V11 I love this scripture & Verse ✝️🛐 I love you sooo much Father God. Your Amazing Jackie 🤗 Bless your Heart 🫂👼🕊️

  • @sherriwheeler9771
    @sherriwheeler9771 5 місяців тому

    Prayers please

  • @thelittlebeanbeanbean566
    @thelittlebeanbeanbean566 6 місяців тому +1

    i love everything you and your husband put out! please keep it up

  • @Michael-r6x8m
    @Michael-r6x8m 6 місяців тому +2


    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much for your donation to our ministry! Lance and I are ever grateful and praise-filled by your support for us! Many blessings in Christ :)

  • @basswrld401
    @basswrld401 6 місяців тому +1

    You’re the best Jackie 🙏🏼💙✝️

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      I would beg to differ!! Lol God sure is the best for waking me up 😂 thank you though :)

  • @sharonlee5150
    @sharonlee5150 5 місяців тому

    Oh Jesus, I needed to hear this!! it came up in the right time.
    Thank you, dear!!
    So comforting and confronting at the same time!!
    I trade all the heavy burdens of frustration and worries with you, My Jesus!
    Teach me how to trust and rest in your Love through Faith❤

  • @2024Miracle
    @2024Miracle 6 місяців тому +1

    Wow. I am so grateful to God for stumbling upon your video today. What an insightful lesson. You are so beautiful on the outside, but I think it pales in comparison to your inner beauty. This was much needed. Thank you & may God bless us all 🙏🏼 ❤

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      That is so kind of you to say Danielle.... thanks so much for those words :) I am so so glad it was helpful!!!

  • @PascualAndres
    @PascualAndres 6 місяців тому +2

    Wow thanks sister for letting god use you, I myself is going through the process and it’s hard and I know god has a plan for me and a ministry too but my marriage broke, my wife fell into adultery and left me with two sons. And I can’t make it alone without the help of a spouse. I waited two years to file for divorce which I never wanted and I just hope by god’s grace to have a rightful spouse in my life by God. Amen

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      I am so sorry that you are having to go through the pain of adultery... God knows that pain.... He is very familiar with the pain of adultery because we do it to Him every day and sometimes for long periods. So, just know that during this time He is near to you as you are brokenhearted and not only does He understand all you are feeling, but HE CARES. He doesn't just sympathize with you, He empathizes with you! I pray the Lord provide you with peace and joy through your sons. I pray in JESUS name He bring a woman of God into your life as He prepares you for her. Jesus loves you so much.... and He is famous for turning horrible situations into testimonies of His majesty and faithfulness. Don't give up hope :)

  • @FruitypebbelzRgood
    @FruitypebbelzRgood 27 днів тому

    Thanks for these videos 🙂🙏

  • @thembekahadebe8122
    @thembekahadebe8122 2 місяці тому


  • @Jmyin
    @Jmyin 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks jackie. God has worked huge miracles in my life, and answered massive prayer, but here I am trying to heal from trauma, and I’ve had people give up on me. Coaches give up on me. Pastors give up on me. And I didn’t know what to do, and then I found your channel!

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +3

      Abby I know how that feels… but when the world gives up on you KNOW God has not and WILL NEVER! don’t give up on you either! Keep seeking God above all else and be obedient to His voice and watch how He proves those who doubted you wrong, because He will place His glory His power in you, the imperfect pot. More are for you than against you. You’ve got my support :) love you sis!

  • @kingmusik8901
    @kingmusik8901 6 місяців тому +1

    I agree with u Jackie not only people want something they want right way but they also should realize to make the best decision that would be to know and trust god tomorrow ain’t promised life is like a vapor just like that it disappears but through a relationship with Jesus Christ you don’t need to worry why life isn’t fair because nothing in this world matter when you leave this earth good news is if you have faith in Jesus and know he died on the cross for all of us repent from you sin pick up your own cross daily even when it’s hell all will be worth it for eternity in heaven amen god bless you❤

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Yes absolutely ! This life is just a PIT STOP!!! We need to focus more on building HIS KINGDOM than ours :) If we take care of God's business first, He will take care of our business amen?

  • @ilovesketching1
    @ilovesketching1 6 місяців тому

    I love you my sister my sister 😊 your real your transparent your loving your organic you are a wonderful teacher!!!! God is using you even when you think 💭 your off on a bunny trail 🐰

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      Aww thanks 😊 haha! Yes I really do go on rabbit trails but hey! Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads us off our schedule our agenda and our planned sermon and we shouldn’t resist Him. He can wreck my plans any day in exchange for His!

  • @AnnaT2133
    @AnnaT2133 Місяць тому

    Thank you sister 😘 this is deep.

    @GarciaLOVESJESUS 6 місяців тому

    Wow! God is great god wants us to start from the bottom I was walking and praying everything I prayed and after 4 mins this video popped up

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому +1

      Yes, one step at a time as the LORD leads! :)

  • @George55920
    @George55920 6 місяців тому +3

    Thanks Jackie....blessings.😇💥🙏

  • @BlessedTalks-skipsatan
    @BlessedTalks-skipsatan 6 місяців тому

    As a proud member of the Christian, Reformed, Evangelical, and Presbyterian community, I want to extend my heartfelt support to you, Jackie. You're in my prayers, and I'm truly proud of you.

    • @jackieVanTine_
      @jackieVanTine_  6 місяців тому

      I appreciate your support and prayers! Boy are prayers always needed!! thank you :)

  • @Annoitedpastorlewiswalkin
    @Annoitedpastorlewiswalkin 6 місяців тому

    halleluYah amen from the title of the video speaking to me to trust the delay God is working something for me

  • @Luckness-by3vu
    @Luckness-by3vu 5 місяців тому

    I praise God for this message, am currently going through a had time, was scammed and lost money, weeks after my boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me and it hurts feels like have been hit by a large stone..
    I feel miserable cause but I trust you Lord, your ways are better than mine ❤
    Love from Africa Zambia

  • @anandpeter6223
    @anandpeter6223 Місяць тому

    God bless you ❤️