Did you expect Jakarta to look like that? Let me know below 😀 These things might be useful for you: . Insurance for Travel in 2022 (needed to enter 'Indonesia, also possible to use for long term travel): bit.ly/2TaqcgE . Get My Luggage from Level8 (Discount Code "Dany15"): bit.ly/LEVEL8-luggage . Where I get great Music for my Videos (try it our for free): share.epidemicsound.com/sF7P7 . Join me on My Instagram : instagram.com/danydevv/ . Check out my second Channel (spontaneous talks around mindset): ua-cam.com/users/DanyDev
When you're recording in that place, there is Jakarta Central Police office behind the wall, so that's why for security reasons, you're not allowed. But other than that... You can record every where in SCBD
I'm so surprised that many people still don't know that Asia is actually advanced and full of metropolis. I wish people would travel more and see the world beyond their own town/country.
@@LorenzoAntonASilva I had visited Makati and I think it's a good business district, and now you have Bonafacio, a more beautiful district than SCBD, so do not underestimate your country lah
Bali is overrated and crowded now (and a little bit dirty too because of tourists and bad management). Southeast Asia has hundreds of islands like bali But governments don't focus on tourism much. If they invest in these islands, people would appreciate south east Asia more not just Bali.
@Charlie F22 jakarta emg mau tenggelam bro 2050 jarakta tengelam ..karna permukaan tanah selalu turun ...sia" mubazir gedung" dijakarta tengelam gk ad guna...makanya ibukota ke kalimantam
@@paralelsuniverse9345 tahu kenapa tenggelam? Banyak industri, perhotelan, perkantoran sebagian mengambil sumber air dari dalam tanah jakarta sehingga terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah di dki. Konsep mengembalikan air hujan ke dalam tanah yaitu biopori dan tdk mengijinkan penyedotan air tanah di DKI malah di ajdikan olok2 oleh sebagian orang, terutama masalah biopori itu.
Welcome to Jakarta, Dany. ...Thank you for your positive "review" . I would like to inform you, that nowadays , flood and traffic jam in Jakarta are getting more managable than before. This situation may relate to Covid restrictions and some changes in people's daily lives. The center of government of Indonesia hopefully will move from Jakarta to East Kalimantan in the near future. But the central business of Indonesia will not move ,....it will remain in Jakarta... Many thanks to Dany for sharing your beautiful trip videos from Indonesia. I hope you will return to my country in coming years...Terima kasih & best regards from Bogor City (only one hour by train of commuter line from Jakarta to Bogor).
The reason why SCBD well maintained is because it's owned & run by private company. Security will stop u from filming in area, it's a commercial area but not a public area though
@@bangsaud4658 memang begitu kok, kalau didalam area gedung memang ada pemiliknya tapi kalau area trorotar, jalan, publik transport dan fasilitas lainnya itu tetap dipegang pemda dki. Ibaratkan elu punya rumah sendiri sedngakn diluar jalan sana itu milik umum.
I wanna congratulate you on how clean your English sounds, that way it's easier for NON-natives to understand you. You totally nailed it! Great video! 👏
@Yoshitaka KL has a lower GDP per Capita then Jakarta ok, but in every aspect KL is better: Greater KL is 3 times smaller than Greater Jakarta - Transportation: KL has 3 LRT lines (a 4th coming soon), 2 MRT lines, 1 Monorail Line and 2 Commuter Lines while Jakarta has only 1 MRT line, 1 LRT line and 5 commuter line. Yes Jakarta has BRT with Transjakarta, but it's not enough to make the traffic better - Modernity: Jakarta has many very modern place, like Bundanran Hi, but KL has too, with KLCC for exemple. Overhall, KL is more developped bc it has more skycrapers, less slums, and lot of organised residential area, while most of area in jakarta are a bit chaotic, especially in east and north jakarta - Liveabiliy: KL got a lot of green park while Jakarta has a lack of park, except Merdeka Square, there's not a lot, and it's not a good point. Jakarta has more flood than KL, and yeah, sorry but if you pick random places on google maps, kl looks more advanced (i choosed it random): Jakarta: www.google.com/maps/@-6.1771026,106.7750137,3a,60y,92.7h,87.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su_O8UpoAWHZ5KPgy4G7dPQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 KL: www.google.com/maps/@3.1499086,101.6206276,3a,60y,326.45h,89.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQPVSMgDEU9evacEzdfm7QA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 I'm not saying that Jakarta is not a good place, i love jakarta, but KL is more advanced
@@rayyy1027 i agree if KL more advanced than Jakarta, but not that much. In my opinion, Singapore is way more advanced city than other big cities in ASEAN. I have visited most of all big cities in ASEAN, and i know those cities. The special thing about KL is PNB 118 "the highest skyscraper in ASEAN", which will open very soon. Can't wait for that.
@@rayyy1027 Kuala lumpur looks shabby because the building is not glassy and the road is very narrow, as well as small pedestrians, which is very different when compared to Jakarta. Bangkok and KL are more equal 😆 wkwkwk Btw, LRT jabodatabek made in indonesia(PT. INKA) Not like you 🤣
Saya harap, daerah kumuh di Jakarta semoga cepat di perbaiki. Dan masalah banjir serta penggunaan air tanah, sebaiknya jangan gunakan air tanah lagi karena tanah di Jakarta semakin menurun. Dan saya juga berharap, ekonomi Indonesia semakin baik, sehingga semoga suatu saat, di Jakarta nanti tidak ada lagi PKL, angkot, pengamen, dll. Semoga nanti diperbanyak pejalan kaki, pengguna sepeda, dan kendaraan umum ( kecuali becak, angkot, gojek motor)
Wouahh ! Beautiful city i lived there 3 years a long time ago 1976-1978 but not have a lot of skyscrapers same same today . Incredible city ! Look very clean and modern ! Thailand invests a lot in Indonesian, especially in shopping Malls Robinson, Central Plaza Group and hotels
Even Jakarta is 6 times size of Paris Europe's largest city and Jakarta has been chosen as 2021 no.1 in the world has best public transportation, best infrastructure. No more lies made by western and middle eastern. Western and Middle Eastern supremacy is rotten very poor natural resources for me. Time for new world order including been drawing Indonesia too small on world map since 1569 Mercator, no more! This Emerald of The Equator center of the equator is the Real Richest in the world also richest natural resources ;)
@@RIZFERD every city have their own speciality. Jakarta is one of modern city which is better for building and a new facility. But for me for the megacity with more population such as Tokyo and Seoul is more better in public transportation and how they control their people .
@@pengembaramuhammad more better in public transportation and how? Jakarta has been chosen as 2021 no.1 in the world has best public transportation, best infrastructure.
I prefer Bali to Jakarta. I lived in Jakarta for over 12 years and I've had enough of the rush environment. I love the laid-back vibe in Bali and it's pretty cool. Don't get me wrong Jakarta is cool too but not for laid-back people, for business-oriented persons yes sure.
same here, but watch out for a different indonesia for the next few years. current president did a lot of things quietly, next thing you know there will be a lot of amazing places to visit all over indonesia. dont judge indonesia by what you know from 10 years ago.
@@dadanghanafi8859 Dude, who the fuck said judging Indonesia from 10 years ago? Like seriously you don't even get my point here. I said I prefer living in Bali right now than in Jakarta, period. Like I still live in INDONESIA now
@@andrewflex9 you said you LIVED in jakarta so i assume you no longer live there. i visited jakarta in 2012 and when i visit again last month, it's completely different.
@@dadanghanafi8859 Dude, you have no idea about that. I'm working in a business corporate industry that requires me to move back and forth to Jakarta itself. Right now I live in Bali but most of the time every once in a month I had a business meeting in J-city. So yeah don't compare Jakarta from the 2012 look to today's recent look. It's different. Jakarta has a lot of changes even in just a month!
At least Jakarta is beautiful and there are many tall buildings because Jakarta is urban for business. If you want to go on vacation, you can come on the island of Java, Bali or not, the island of Nusa Tenggara. because that a vacation spot :).. One more thing. Thank you for visiting Jakarta, greetings from Jakarta people, I hope you are always healthy
There are some areas that is "No Drone Zone" sometimes also No Photography of any kind. If you ever in Taman Merdeka (it's closed thanks to covid) you are not allowed to fly drones, although taking pics are okay. Reason is, it's surrounded by government offices and presidential palace... If you manage to fly your drone in that area, be ready for your drone to get shot down.
curious watching vids like this. how people new to a given country perceive it. from australia we moved to a town 60km from jakarta in 2004. we adopted an indonesian girl who is now 15. been living in canggu since 2009 up until now. hence my curiosity.
Indeed, the city of Jakarta which has a population of more than 15 million people at nowadays but living there in my view is not what I thought before. Life there is so dynamic with a mixture of ethnic groups, races and ethnicities who gather in the capital to earn a living for the sake of a decent life. Indeed, life in a big city like Jakarta is very promising for immigrants who will try their luck in this city. Sometimes his life can be tempted because the conditions in Jakarta are really promising for those who emigrate here. For those who are successful they will live richer especially if they have the skills, but for those who do not have special skills, they will certainly be excluded by those who have a proven skill. That is the city of Jakarta which is super dense and super busy which during the day can reach more than 25 million people who come from the suburbs who must get a job there and at night it will stay only about 15 million people. Jakarta is indeed a pride for the Indonesian people because what we want, we can get everything in this busy city. That is the city of Jakarta which is super sparkling at night with very sparkling glass skyscrapers. From Surabaya Metropolitan the 2nd big city after Jakarta Megapolitan. Wow.......
@@urfavchickenlegs8797 Officially jakarta population was census at only 10 million people...but unofficially ( many family bring their family member from kampung to lived with them in Jakarta, people who work in construction site but never go back to their kampung after the project is finish, house keeper, etc) the number is exceeding 10 million...some people says it even reaching 15 million or so
Imo we always have nice nature tho...if you're talking merely about modern buildings and stuff maybe I can agree, but it looks like you said that we "never had anything", cmon we're just like India, one of the major tourist destinations in Asia
You cant shoot in some areas in SCBD and also in MRT facilities for security reasons; I think it's related to terrorism-concern ever since Jakarta has been targeted for bombings. Offices in SCBD area are definitely has more stricter rules than just regular offices in other parts of Jakarta. Legit it's almost feels like going through an airport security. 😅
Dany.. I can't seem to say stop.. every time I see your vlog. Because you make me enjoy... With all your videos. Dany always success for you... Keep healthy
if you have time, nice to go to BSD City (Bumi Serpong Damai) near Jakarta , its greener and many places to see like the Green Cove, Sumarecon Mall, Living World, QB and other surrounding areas.
You must try BRT Bus Rapid Transit Transjakarta so relax and confidence and only 3.5 k for one trip so exciting to explore Jakarta. One of the best sustainable transport city in the world 2021
Thank for showing and visiting in my country 🇮🇩and i hope you explore in central java because there many beautiful mountains and many beautiful place too😊😊
Nice shoot , thank for coming to Indonesia, many place beutyfull in Indonesia , Modern & Traditional , Selamat datang dan selamat berpetualang di Indonesia Mr Dany Take care and keep healty and enjoy Salam Indonesia Wonderfull Land 🙏🇮🇩😍
Saya orang Bekasi, Prakrin sekolah di Jakarta di gedung 41 lantai, Prakrin bagian teknisi gedung, pas lulus sekolah kerja disitu selama 1 bulan, kemudian menjadi teknisi mobile, kadang ke Thamrin,Sudirman, Jaksel, Jakbar, jadi gak cuma di satu gedung, ganti² gedung, liat pemandangan Jakarta dari atas gedung, saya pikir orang dari kota selain Jakarta jika mereka ke Jakarta rasanya kurang puas kalau cuma naikin Monas xD, Meskipun saya udah nikmatin pemandangan itu, nyatanya saya hanyalah orang biasa, bukan termaksud orang nya banyak uang , jadi kalau misalkan Indonesia di banggakan orang luar, saya bisa apa, saya nikmatin jalan jalan aja sulit, ke puncak aja gak pernah, Naik MRT aja belum pernah, naek pesawat dan kereta disel aja gak pernah, saya cuma pernah naik KRL. Nah kalian kebayang lah betapa sulit nya ekonomi saya di Bekasi ini, malahan sekarang saya bukan seorang teknisi lagi, saya udah keluar dari dunia teknisi, jadi sekarang saya gak bisa ke atas gedung² lagi... Udah mending fokus bikin bahagia diri sendiri, banyakin senyum, perbuat amalan baik ke orang, supaya hidup kita jauh lebih berarti ketimbang liat pemandangan kota,
its so interesting to see jakarta throug the eyes of foreigener...as a resident of jakarta since I was born. i never pay attention on that green thingy surround jakarta..i thought its just reguler thing that every big cities around the world has...so when i see trees and flowers surrondings for me its just regular thing.
And you can visit 3 big mall in south Jakarta is a Senayan City, Gandaria City and Pondok Indah Mall... Pondok Indah Mall is a comfortable mall for shopping and restime in many cafe, resto... Pondok Indah Mall has 4 building, is PIM 1-3, and street gallery the central of food Baverages there
Dany, your video is super great, by the way you should cross the main street from SCBD over to the National Stadium (GBK) and a lot of cafes and nice open space activities there
If you still stay in indonesia, you can try to lake toba, there have so beautiful lake, so beautiful place, so nice batak tradition #gale-gale # batak traditional house #
Trima Kasih Sudah Berkunjung ke Indonesia. Semoga Betah. Semoga Menyenangkan Liburan buat kalian selama Di indonesia. Slm Dari. Kediri. Jawa Timur.🇮🇩🙏🤗😘
Some of buildings in Jakarta (including stations/airports) prohibit you to take a video with professional camera, bcs recording with professional camera usually intended for commercial purposes like ads. You need to make request to the building management to record video with professional camera
You can film anywhere in SCBD streets, BUT you have to be on the frame. You cannot just film the area. Selfie is okay. recording others and surrounding without you in the frame, there will be some "minders" to stop you.
More CBDs like this planned for Jakarta in the next 4-5 years. Development has just started for the Mega Kuningan-Satrio CBD integration (about 15-20mins from the SCBD area in your video), where many Korean & Chinese expats reside, which should be even more advanced than SCBD. The city's becoming friendlier for pedestrians, albeit concentrated in pockets of very upscale areas.
Did you expect Jakarta to look like that? Let me know below 😀 These things might be useful for you:
Insurance for Travel in 2022 (needed to enter 'Indonesia, also possible to use for long term travel): bit.ly/2TaqcgE
Get My Luggage from Level8 (Discount Code "Dany15"): bit.ly/LEVEL8-luggage
Where I get great Music for my Videos (try it our for free): share.epidemicsound.com/sF7P7
Join me on My Instagram : instagram.com/danydevv/
Check out my second Channel (spontaneous talks around mindset): ua-cam.com/users/DanyDev
I want to live in that area. It looks amazing
New sub here. Love the channel. (could do without the music though, but that's just me). Otherwise love the style, pace, & content of your vlogs.👍
in Scbd there are some private places maybe, but I don't know, I'm a resident of Jakarta, too, I don't know.
@@WoBuXihuan come,joint US SCBD JAKARTA, INDONESIA 👍👍😁
When you're recording in that place, there is Jakarta Central Police office behind the wall, so that's why for security reasons, you're not allowed. But other than that... You can record every where in SCBD
I'm so surprised that many people still don't know that Asia is actually advanced and full of metropolis. I wish people would travel more and see the world beyond their own town/country.
Most people probably thought the whole asia other than japan and south korea is underdeveloped jungle.
@@zakwanarif hahaha
They didn't learn other side of earth much lol
Beautiful Jakarta Indonesia.
Wanna visit there, such a nice country to travel.
Love from Ph 🇵🇭
Thanks bro❤️
im jealous of indonesia my country philippines is $hit
@@LorenzoAntonASilva dont mock your self bro its not good
@@LorenzoAntonASilva bro sa indonesia kana tumira kung nilalait mo sarili mong bansa..godbless
@@LorenzoAntonASilva I had visited Makati and I think it's a good business district, and now you have Bonafacio, a more beautiful district than SCBD, so do not underestimate your country lah
The places are so stunning ! Very beautifull places Love From Philippines 🇵🇭 🇮🇩
Greetings from Indonesia mahal kita
Hi Indonesia love phillippine
Wkkwwk ini mah bagian bagusnya doang.
11/12 sama India aslinya
Don't come to wakanda country
salamat po from jkt
This is in Indonesia, Jakarta? wow, it's so beautiful... try to go to Bali, Indonesia must be very beautiful😍🇺🇲
I live in Bali almost 4 years, a lot beautifull place in there 😄
bali full of peace
Hello love from Bali iam from Bali🙏🏻
There are beautiful places in Indonesia, try papua, bukit tinggi in west sumatera, Brastagi in northern sumatera, kalimantan (borneo) and many more
Makasih bang
I'm very happy a video like this is shown, so viewers can see that INDONESIA IS NOT JUST BALIIII!!!! plus its nice jakarta is shown. #hometown
Jakarta become so beautiful and more kindly now . Green and more fresh . Jakarta has the best Governoor mr ARB .
Lu orang Indo yekan
Bali is overrated and crowded now (and a little bit dirty too because of tourists and bad management). Southeast Asia has hundreds of islands like bali But governments don't focus on tourism much. If they invest in these islands, people would appreciate south east Asia more not just Bali.
@@Anonymous-vz5ld iya. aku orang indo. indo dan jerman. makanya nama aku bule banget hehe
@@bernhardprziwara2392 hmmm, bernhard nama perempuan?
I'm in love of Indonesia
geetings from Mexico
I hope visit yours cities soon, Malaysia and Phillippines too.
Thanks bro grettings from 🇮🇩.
okay bro,kamu harus datang ke solo
*_Only in the western media does the Jakarta news look bad. But in fact Jakarta is very interesting to visit..._*
Yes...definitely true
Which western media?
@Charlie F22 jakarta emg mau tenggelam bro 2050 jarakta tengelam ..karna permukaan tanah selalu turun ...sia" mubazir gedung" dijakarta tengelam gk ad guna...makanya ibukota ke kalimantam
@@paralelsuniverse9345 tahu kenapa tenggelam? Banyak industri, perhotelan, perkantoran sebagian mengambil sumber air dari dalam tanah jakarta sehingga terjadinya penurunan permukaan tanah di dki. Konsep mengembalikan air hujan ke dalam tanah yaitu biopori dan tdk mengijinkan penyedotan air tanah di DKI malah di ajdikan olok2 oleh sebagian orang, terutama masalah biopori itu.
@@dalurung jakarta itu dri jaman ratusan tahun lalu model ny rawa berair jdi wajar
Wow Jakarta so beautiful. Love from Albania 🇦🇱
tenkyu lope pron KIRIBATI
Love form Pantai Gading. 😁
Albania sa aja lu tong
Nyamar mulu lu
Welcome to Jakarta, Dany. ...Thank you for your positive "review" . I would like to inform you, that nowadays , flood and traffic jam in Jakarta are getting more managable than before. This situation may relate to Covid restrictions and some changes in people's daily lives. The center of government of Indonesia hopefully will move from Jakarta to East Kalimantan in the near future. But the central business of Indonesia will not move ,....it will remain in Jakarta... Many thanks to Dany for sharing your beautiful trip videos from Indonesia. I hope you will return to my country in coming years...Terima kasih & best regards from Bogor City (only one hour by train of commuter line from Jakarta to Bogor).
Hello friend iam Khan from Hyderabad India so much loved for indion asia
aku tidak mengerti @Trinatnawati tolong terjemahan 🙏😁
I love you Indonesia😗😘🇮🇩♥️🇵🇭
Thanks bro grettings from 🇮🇩.
The reason why SCBD well maintained is because it's owned & run by private company. Security will stop u from filming in area, it's a commercial area but not a public area though
I was told it's also for security reason mainly to prevent terrorist from understanding this area.
@Մհեր Մեսրոպյան hhhhh ngempi.... Hhhh
@@bangsaud4658 Lhaa itu khan pandangan orang Aussie.. Gmna sih.. 🤦♂️
@@bangsaud4658 memang begitu kok, kalau didalam area gedung memang ada pemiliknya tapi kalau area trorotar, jalan, publik transport dan fasilitas lainnya itu tetap dipegang pemda dki. Ibaratkan elu punya rumah sendiri sedngakn diluar jalan sana itu milik umum.
Well, IMHO, we're should say: Thx Mr. Anies, thx Mr. Ahox & Thx Mr. Jokowi.
I think that's would be quite fair enough, rite?
I wanna congratulate you on how clean your English sounds, that way it's easier for NON-natives to understand you. You totally nailed it! Great video! 👏
Well organised Jakarta same like as Kuala Lumpur. Love Indonesia
Really? Good news. Thanks.
KL is way more advanced than Jakarta, but Jakarta is still more advanced than most of south asian/african city
@Yoshitaka KL has a lower GDP per Capita then Jakarta ok, but in every aspect KL is better:
Greater KL is 3 times smaller than Greater Jakarta
- Transportation: KL has 3 LRT lines (a 4th coming soon), 2 MRT lines, 1 Monorail Line and 2 Commuter Lines while Jakarta has only 1 MRT line, 1 LRT line and 5 commuter line. Yes Jakarta has BRT with Transjakarta, but it's not enough to make the traffic better
- Modernity: Jakarta has many very modern place, like Bundanran Hi, but KL has too, with KLCC for exemple. Overhall, KL is more developped bc it has more skycrapers, less slums, and lot of organised residential area, while most of area in jakarta are a bit chaotic, especially in east and north jakarta
- Liveabiliy: KL got a lot of green park while Jakarta has a lack of park, except Merdeka Square, there's not a lot, and it's not a good point. Jakarta has more flood than KL, and yeah, sorry but if you pick random places on google maps, kl looks more advanced (i choosed it random):
Jakarta: www.google.com/maps/@-6.1771026,106.7750137,3a,60y,92.7h,87.08t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su_O8UpoAWHZ5KPgy4G7dPQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
KL: www.google.com/maps/@3.1499086,101.6206276,3a,60y,326.45h,89.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQPVSMgDEU9evacEzdfm7QA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
I'm not saying that Jakarta is not a good place, i love jakarta, but KL is more advanced
@@rayyy1027 i agree if KL more advanced than Jakarta, but not that much. In my opinion, Singapore is way more advanced city than other big cities in ASEAN. I have visited most of all big cities in ASEAN, and i know those cities. The special thing about KL is PNB 118 "the highest skyscraper in ASEAN", which will open very soon. Can't wait for that.
@@rayyy1027 Kuala lumpur looks shabby because the building is not glassy and the road is very narrow, as well as small pedestrians, which is very different when compared to Jakarta. Bangkok and KL are more equal 😆 wkwkwk
Btw, LRT jabodatabek made in indonesia(PT. INKA) Not like you 🤣
So cool, the shots are just insane 🤩🤩 love it!
Please you have to going to sky lounge & bar at bca tower its beatiful scenery in bundaran hotel indonesia
Many foreign people go there at rooftop bca tower at 230 meters tall
@@chaeriwardana730 best view is on the gotaworldtosee balcony bar. Facts
Hallo Byanca Don't forget to take a road to the Central park Mall jakarta is very beautiful in the afternoon🎉🎉🎉
Byanca komtra Channel you😄💚👍👍
Saya harap, daerah kumuh di Jakarta semoga cepat di perbaiki. Dan masalah banjir serta penggunaan air tanah, sebaiknya jangan gunakan air tanah lagi karena tanah di Jakarta semakin menurun. Dan saya juga berharap, ekonomi Indonesia semakin baik, sehingga semoga suatu saat, di Jakarta nanti tidak ada lagi PKL, angkot, pengamen, dll. Semoga nanti diperbanyak pejalan kaki, pengguna sepeda, dan kendaraan umum ( kecuali becak, angkot, gojek motor)
Di jakarta masih ada kang kopi dan itu yg merusak pemandangan
Wouahh ! Beautiful city i lived there 3 years a long time ago 1976-1978 but not have a lot of skyscrapers same same today . Incredible city ! Look very clean and modern ! Thailand invests a lot in Indonesian, especially in shopping Malls Robinson, Central Plaza Group and hotels
Even Jakarta is 6 times size of Paris Europe's largest city and Jakarta has been chosen as 2021 no.1 in the world has best public transportation, best infrastructure.
No more lies made by western and middle eastern.
Western and Middle Eastern supremacy is rotten very poor natural resources for me. Time for new world order including been drawing Indonesia too small on world map since 1569 Mercator, no more! This Emerald of The Equator center of the equator is the Real Richest in the world also richest natural resources ;)
fishery farm industry in Indonesia mostly dominate from Thailand investor
@@RIZFERD every city have their own speciality. Jakarta is one of modern city which is better for building and a new facility. But for me for the megacity with more population such as Tokyo and Seoul is more better in public transportation and how they control their people .
@@pengembaramuhammad more better in public transportation and how?
Jakarta has been chosen as 2021 no.1 in the world has best public transportation, best infrastructure.
@@anandasyahendar7293i live in Jakarta, and Tokyo with Seoul definitely has far better public transportation.
A country with such a large population deserve a good cbd like this.
@@DES0720 so
Thank you for visiting our amazing capital Jakarta and filming it.. 🙏🙏 we appreciate it much ❤
Thank you for visiting Indonesia, especially Jakarta, enjoy the beauty of Jakarta ❤🇮🇩
I prefer Bali to Jakarta. I lived in Jakarta for over 12 years and I've had enough of the rush environment. I love the laid-back vibe in Bali and it's pretty cool. Don't get me wrong Jakarta is cool too but not for laid-back people, for business-oriented persons yes sure.
same here, but watch out for a different indonesia for the next few years. current president did a lot of things quietly, next thing you know there will be a lot of amazing places to visit all over indonesia. dont judge indonesia by what you know from 10 years ago.
@@dadanghanafi8859 Dude, who the fuck said judging Indonesia from 10 years ago? Like seriously you don't even get my point here. I said I prefer living in Bali right now than in Jakarta, period. Like I still live in INDONESIA now
@@andrewflex9 you said you LIVED in jakarta so i assume you no longer live there. i visited jakarta in 2012 and when i visit again last month, it's completely different.
@@dadanghanafi8859 Dude, you have no idea about that. I'm working in a business corporate industry that requires me to move back and forth to Jakarta itself. Right now I live in Bali but most of the time every once in a month I had a business meeting in J-city. So yeah don't compare Jakarta from the 2012 look to today's recent look. It's different. Jakarta has a lot of changes even in just a month!
At least Jakarta is beautiful and there are many tall buildings because Jakarta is urban for business. If you want to go on vacation, you can come on the island of Java, Bali or not, the island of Nusa Tenggara. because that a vacation spot :)..
One more thing.
Thank you for visiting Jakarta, greetings from Jakarta people, I hope you are always healthy
Mantap cewek Jakarta 😊👍
There are some areas that is "No Drone Zone" sometimes also No Photography of any kind. If you ever in Taman Merdeka (it's closed thanks to covid) you are not allowed to fly drones, although taking pics are okay. Reason is, it's surrounded by government offices and presidential palace...
If you manage to fly your drone in that area, be ready for your drone to get shot down.
Ngarang aj lu
curious watching vids like this. how people new to a given country perceive it. from australia we moved to a town 60km from jakarta in 2004. we adopted an indonesian girl who is now 15. been living in canggu since 2009 up until now. hence my curiosity.
Welcome to 🇮🇩 Jakarta, selamat datang di Indonesia Jakarta. 🥰
enjoy your travelling! thank you for representing wonderful indonesia to the WORLD
Indonesia is also beautiful country to go for holiday.even I went there years back.its really fun.
Massya Allah jakarta indonesia mantap surga dunia rakyatnya ramah2 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
What a great shots!
I've never miss your videos. Great job, enjoy tour trip and I can't wait to see another videos
Thank you, great video, nice filming. Got to go back to check it out myself, been to this city once some years ago
Thanks Alexander 🙏🏻👍🏼
Love the night skyline with the moon.
Indeed, the city of Jakarta which has a population of more than 15 million people at nowadays but living there in my view is not what I thought before. Life there is so dynamic with a mixture of ethnic groups, races and ethnicities who gather in the capital to earn a living for the sake of a decent life. Indeed, life in a big city like Jakarta is very promising for immigrants who will try their luck in this city. Sometimes his life can be tempted because the conditions in Jakarta are really promising for those who emigrate here. For those who are successful they will live richer especially if they have the skills, but for those who do not have special skills, they will certainly be excluded by those who have a proven skill. That is the city of Jakarta which is super dense and super busy which during the day can reach more than 25 million people who come from the suburbs who must get a job there and at night it will stay only about 15 million people. Jakarta is indeed a pride for the Indonesian people because what we want, we can get everything in this busy city. That is the city of Jakarta which is super sparkling at night with very sparkling glass skyscrapers. From Surabaya Metropolitan the 2nd big city after Jakarta Megapolitan. Wow.......
jakarta population is 10 million.
@@urfavchickenlegs8797 Officially jakarta population was census at only 10 million people...but unofficially ( many family bring their family member from kampung to lived with them in Jakarta, people who work in construction site but never go back to their kampung after the project is finish, house keeper, etc) the number is exceeding 10 million...some people says it even reaching 15 million or so
Jakarta has improved compared to when i went there before, keep it up
Indonesia has nothing earlier. So whatever they are building now is THE BEST. One of my fav countries.. too much positive vibes there
Imo we always have nice nature tho...if you're talking merely about modern buildings and stuff maybe I can agree, but it looks like you said that we "never had anything", cmon we're just like India, one of the major tourist destinations in Asia
You cant shoot in some areas in SCBD and also in MRT facilities for security reasons; I think it's related to terrorism-concern ever since Jakarta has been targeted for bombings. Offices in SCBD area are definitely has more stricter rules than just regular offices in other parts of Jakarta. Legit it's almost feels like going through an airport security. 😅
I lived in this city for decades. Never know it was this beautiful tho.
Jakarta very wide
maybe you've been lost somewhere in the corner of this city
Whati most like with Vlogs is the droneshot is so clear, so different in term of angle, movement and so much enjoyable to watch..🥰👍👍
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke indonesia, semoga kalian semua bisa berkunjung kembali ke negara saya tercinta ini,🙏
Salam saya dari indonesia🇮🇩
Jakarta looks like Dubai and New York 😍😍
Proud to be Indonesian
Is this city clean ?
Agree 👍
@@ahmed_0804 pretty clean
@@ahmed_0804 yeh it is in built up areas
Dany.. I can't seem to say stop.. every time I see your vlog. Because you make me enjoy... With all your videos. Dany always success for you... Keep healthy
Thanks guys for visiting my city, jakarta, please come and come again to visit and enjoy traveling
if you have time, nice to go to BSD City (Bumi Serpong Damai) near Jakarta , its greener and many places to see like the Green Cove, Sumarecon Mall, Living World, QB and other surrounding areas.
BSD itu tandus, gedungnya nggak sebagus dan sebanyak di scbd, trotoarnya juga ngga sebagus scbd.
Area green cove yg hijau mau di gusur jadi ruko
Cool video
I went to Jakarta twice as 2 days stopover to Bali on my first visit and Lombok on my second visit - it is worth visiting Jakarta
You must try BRT Bus Rapid Transit Transjakarta so relax and confidence and only 3.5 k for one trip so exciting to explore Jakarta. One of the best sustainable transport city in the world 2021
Bukannya ada yg free ya itu bus apa ?
@@noorhasanah_ the free bus serves Bundaran HI to Monas, actually Monas is still close during this pandemic so that the service is off
One day must try
Thank for showing and visiting in my country 🇮🇩and i hope you explore in central java because there many beautiful mountains and many beautiful place too😊😊
Hello, I'm from Indonesia, enjoy our country buddy! There is a lot of beautiful place here
Setiap youtuber asing hunting keliling dunia. Terakhir mereka akan terasa betah dan kagum di indonesia.
Pelayanan diindo ramah ramah + ga terlalu privasi klo vlog sana sini. Beda klo dinegara laen yg ketat:v
Karena rakyat Indonesia overproud kaya anda
Nice shoot , thank for coming to Indonesia, many place beutyfull in Indonesia , Modern & Traditional ,
Selamat datang dan selamat berpetualang di Indonesia Mr Dany
Take care and keep healty and enjoy
Indonesia Wonderfull Land 🙏🇮🇩😍
You are an excellent storyteller. Keep it up.
love from Pakistan ❤️🇵🇰
Thank you 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩
@@muslihozil8508 ❤️❤️
Assalamualaikum you muslim
@@denideden2130 Wa Alikum Aslam 😇
Dany Dev -In Modern Jakarta Indonesia it has skyscrapers a big city,has gym for workouts,nice place to stay,consider to visit and see.
Jakarta semakin indah dan tertata rapi
oh how i miss my city! hope to visit this year
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke kota jakarta 🇲🇨🇲🇨👍
Salam dari ibukota Jakarta Indonesia terima kasih telah berkunjung ❤️🔥🔥
love Indonesia from Philippines
Jakarta is not my hometown, but Jakarta is where I travel to find work, Jakarta is the neat organized.Greetings common sense. 🇮🇩
Kota jakarta memang bagus dan besar
Sebab saya bangga jadi orang Indonesia🇮🇩
@@shootmanana picek koe
Indonesia surganya jakarta saja yang lain di Indonesia berantakan
Great video of SCBD Jakarta Dany. Thanks for taking us along.
what is the name of background song
🇲🇨Thank you for visiting Indonesia bro
Bangga lihat jakarta yg indah. Walaupun belum pernah kesana. Hehe...
Datanglah ke Jakarta
Saya orang Bekasi, Prakrin sekolah di Jakarta di gedung 41 lantai, Prakrin bagian teknisi gedung, pas lulus sekolah kerja disitu selama 1 bulan, kemudian menjadi teknisi mobile, kadang ke Thamrin,Sudirman, Jaksel, Jakbar, jadi gak cuma di satu gedung, ganti² gedung, liat pemandangan Jakarta dari atas gedung, saya pikir orang dari kota selain Jakarta jika mereka ke Jakarta rasanya kurang puas kalau cuma naikin Monas xD,
Meskipun saya udah nikmatin pemandangan itu, nyatanya saya hanyalah orang biasa, bukan termaksud orang nya banyak uang , jadi kalau misalkan Indonesia di banggakan orang luar, saya bisa apa, saya nikmatin jalan jalan aja sulit, ke puncak aja gak pernah, Naik MRT aja belum pernah, naek pesawat dan kereta disel aja gak pernah, saya cuma pernah naik KRL. Nah kalian kebayang lah betapa sulit nya ekonomi saya di Bekasi ini, malahan sekarang saya bukan seorang teknisi lagi, saya udah keluar dari dunia teknisi, jadi sekarang saya gak bisa ke atas gedung² lagi...
Udah mending fokus bikin bahagia diri sendiri, banyakin senyum, perbuat amalan baik ke orang, supaya hidup kita jauh lebih berarti ketimbang liat pemandangan kota,
This is amazing video i ever see for about around SCBD in another angle🙏
its so interesting to see jakarta throug the eyes of foreigener...as a resident of jakarta since I was born. i never pay attention on that green thingy surround jakarta..i thought its just reguler thing that every big cities around the world has...so when i see trees and flowers surrondings for me its just regular thing.
And you can visit 3 big mall in south Jakarta is a Senayan City, Gandaria City and Pondok Indah Mall... Pondok Indah Mall is a comfortable mall for shopping and restime in many cafe, resto... Pondok Indah Mall has 4 building, is PIM 1-3, and street gallery the central of food Baverages there
Welcome to Jakarta, Indonesia, my brother 🙏
Dany, your video is super great, by the way you should cross the main street from SCBD over to the National Stadium (GBK) and a lot of cafes and nice open space activities there
If you still stay in indonesia, you can try to lake toba, there have so beautiful lake, so beautiful place, so nice batak tradition #gale-gale # batak traditional house #
Trima Kasih Sudah Berkunjung ke Indonesia. Semoga Betah. Semoga Menyenangkan Liburan buat kalian selama Di indonesia. Slm Dari. Kediri. Jawa Timur.🇮🇩🙏🤗😘
@ISRA TN siapa bilang disitu situ doang, dulu yg rapih sekitar monas doang. Skrg melebar ke sudirman
what a nice shot!!!!
Thanks man 🙏🏻😎
Try visiting the National Library of Indonesia, there are many special places
Beautiful shoot guys
Thanks 🙏🏻 great area to shoot. Some of my favourite visuals
Terimakasih sudah berkunjung ke jakarta indonesia, selamat berlibur
Great shots. Can’t wait to see yogyakarta videos.
In the making :) here right now.join me on Instagram to see the progress @danymalistic
Terima kasih Anda datang ke kotaku ,semoga tetap nyaman dan senang 💗
Aku bangga jadi anak Indonesia🇲🇨
wow,good guys, Jakarta,indonesia the best skyline, indonesia coantry ,semakin di depan ,jakarta,indonesia💖💖💖🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩👍👍👍
I suggest exploring the pearl beach area in North Jakarta later you will also know the luxury and beauty
Langsung subscribe.,
Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Jakarta Indonesia
Yeaaaahh this is JAKARTA brow..
Indonesia is so beautiful country and Indonesia people are so nice
Jakarta Indonesia so beautiful city 👏🏆
Jakarta Now is very Beautiful and very nice..enjoy Jakarta
Thankyou Mr.Anies Baswedan,,, we love you...
Maju terus Jakarta dan Indonesia
binge watched all videos of urs .im impressed with ur making style.
My home ❤️ thank you for going to Jakarta!
Thankyou for coming
*_Amazing landscape of Jakarta!!!_*
Some of buildings in Jakarta (including stations/airports) prohibit you to take a video with professional camera, bcs recording with professional camera usually intended for commercial purposes like ads. You need to make request to the building management to record video with professional camera
You can film anywhere in SCBD streets, BUT you have to be on the frame. You cannot just film the area.
Selfie is okay. recording others and surrounding without you in the frame, there will be some "minders" to stop you.
Thanks for the video. Now I want to go back there again.
Jakarta is so pretty and kerwn what else would it be if the night of the city became a gem
hello bro, I'm from Indonesia, it's great for outsiders to visit Indonesia, Jakarta
Welcome to Jakarta welcome to Indonesian ❤️❤️❤️
Loves Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Manila and Bangkok. U can find good people and nice food there.
More CBDs like this planned for Jakarta in the next 4-5 years. Development has just started for the Mega Kuningan-Satrio CBD integration (about 15-20mins from the SCBD area in your video), where many Korean & Chinese expats reside, which should be even more advanced than SCBD. The city's becoming friendlier for pedestrians, albeit concentrated in pockets of very upscale areas.
Enjoy our lovely Jakarta guys...hope one day our goverment do more best for jakarta and whole of our city in indonesia...have fun..love n peace