Really nice fly Barry. it looks a bear to tie. Of course you made it look easy but I have tried some of your ties and they are never quite as easy as you make them look. All the best and thanks for sharing. Sean
This is a lovely pattern, particularly in smaller sizes, and it's really not difficult to tie. The only requirement is that one uses high quality and long stem CDC (bloody expensive) in order to be able to pull down into the magic clip. Adding a hint of Ice Dubbing makes a great difference to the attraction of most flies. It doesn't require more than a wisp or two to do the job - less is definitely more.
Really nice fly Barry. it looks a bear to tie. Of course you made it look easy but I have tried some of your ties and they are never quite as easy as you make them look. All the best and thanks for sharing. Sean
See my comment.
This is a lovely pattern, particularly in smaller sizes, and it's really not difficult to tie. The only requirement is that one uses high quality and long stem CDC (bloody expensive) in order to be able to pull down into the magic clip. Adding a hint of Ice Dubbing makes a great difference to the attraction of most flies. It doesn't require more than a wisp or two to do the job - less is definitely more.
Thank you D.
Thanks Enea.