Wow. I just started to want to get into LoL last week, I've been looking at guides and all we're pretty bad and unclear. This is the most clear and easily understandable guide for someone new like me, thank you so much ! Really hope this gets more popularity.
I mean it's far too simplistic for experienced players and somewhat outdated... But for what it is, this video gets the job done pretty well: It gives a basic understanding of what role you can play for your team in which position, which champions are good for that, when they are strong and giving some simple information about how they usually do it. That's why this video gives some very good input for newer players in order to understand the game better and therefore get better. Though you dont separate classes like battlemages/poke-mages or vanguards/wardens to simplify it and keep it short. Also you don't really mention niche picks with a very unique playstyle like singed. For anyone interested I'd recommend randomoniums find your main video to get a more complex and indepth view into the topics talked about in this video. I doubt anyone is reading this way too long comment in 2019 😂
ML is not LoL, this is the best guide so listen up carefully unless you wanna get destroyed trying to do something that works on ML but doesn't work on league
@@HannssTV I hope once Rift is up, we wont have the same mess we have in ML rn... lots of toxic players and too many cheats and hacks. I just wanna have fun with the game ;(
@@luklov8801 Np man, but what i meant by doing this is, when u press the time stamps it automatically gets you to that part of the video, instead of moving the video manually.
Really great guide! The way you broke down each role into different types of champs really helped me decide which types of champs fit my playstyle or what I want to achieve in the game. I especially leaned towards high mobility midlanders cause I really like having lots of options in and out of fights and also occasionally poking the enemy.
Im a new player to this game and i found it good to not only understand my role but to understand others to help and counter them. Thanks for the good video.
@RD Policarpio was about to say.. I started league literally 2 days ago and Its a lot for someone who has only ever played FPS games and just your good ol fashioned triple A single player games. But I tried to play DOTA a couple years ago and could barley pass the tutorial xD (Not that I tried for too long lol I literally just downloaded on a whim and was like fuck this real quick)
@@alancrome3684 quite literally did that yesterday 😂 made the jump to PC and played smite before, decided to download dota 2 and league, I can relate to saying fuck this in the tutorial on dota lol
I needed this explanation, thank you very much! I was really confused on how to tell which characters would be able to fit in each role and why my friends always know where to go based on champion (other than the gamemode that you choose which roles you are, of course)
@@YataTheFifteenth okay, i got 13/2/9 against a pyke bot lane, hes basically useless lategame and gets out scaled if he plays against someone who knows how to deal with his stun and invis trust me, that hurt his pride
This really helped me to understand the different roles! I want to try different things to see what I like and what I don't, what fits my playstyle etc. Now I have to get clear to me what exactly skirmishers are and what bruiser 😅 Thanks for your guide!
Usually don't comment on stuff, but damn this was really well done. No click baity titles, no forced advertising, overall nothing unnecessary. So yeah! Really well done. Only thing I might recommend is to explain some of the terms you used like spilt pushing. Still love the video though!
Quality video, you rarely find one these days, I really hope your channel grows. (I was surprised by how many subs you have, but you definitely earned mine)
As support I use items for mana as I'm constantly running out. First thing I get is gold income - Spellthief's Edge, which helps with mana and some other useful stuff. Next I get Faerie Charm which builds into all the others. First I build it into Tear of the Goddess, which also increases my maximum mana. Then sometimes I'll get Chalice of Harmony for some health as well, but often I'll go straight to Forbidden Idol which I then build into Shurelya's Reverie. I then just repeat that as often as possible with available gold to get as many Shurelya's Reveries as possible. I often start by filling up with Faerie Charms, then converting them into Forbidden Idol, and when I have some gold but not enough for Shurelya's Reverie I'll use it to get Crystalline Bracer which I can use to build.
came in from wow when my sub died and i needed something to fill the "i need to heal ppl at ALL TIMES" urge. i like nami since i came from resto shaman. and im glad there are vids here allowing new players a chance without getting hit with 2.7k DMs telling them to uninstall for being killed twice.
This helps me a lot as a novice since i only played LoL briefly in PC (and then it broke from overheating) so i stopped playing and moved to MLBB, Vainglory and AOV. Quite excited for Wild Rift now and hope i remember how to play some champions i owned back then lol
This is a really good guide for the roles and lanes THANK you I've been playing for a couple months trying to learn and there is just so much to learn thag I'm still just not veery good this had alot of good info that I can't seem to find in other stuff
I am new and didn't know about most of the terms in this game i also wanted to know how to build my items the best way putting in mind the enemy team composition and this video really helped me will be sure to send it to my friends that want to get into the game so they coud get the info and thanks again for the help
this Video helped me a lot. I played LoL since s1 and then I moved to Dota 2 thats y I forgot the mechanics of lol. now times hard because of quarantine and I cant go outside and play in Internet cafe. Im learning this again because I luckily got it yesterday Ty so much..
@@coreenternitygaming7219 What do you mean? The vid is only explaining concepts and roles... Do you mean it'll be different from the mobile version now?
@@lynlucilo7898 Yes Since The Dev Saos They want to make it closly Like In Pc Plus Were Talking about MOBA here some ppl may bot have good phones so they are trying to make it closly like pc
I just want to say that there are more specific roles to champions other than tank bruiser assassin adc mage and support. Example would be Fiora, she is an assassin / bruiser. That means she is a skirmisher. Not an assassin like Zed for example that deletes you but kinda like a half breed of both. Another example is like how Ladder Up said, mages in top lane. These are battle mages, not for bursting down or artillering the enemy but they are made to stay longer in the fight and help the team by throwing cc, tanking and peeling Top lane: Tanks, Skirmishers, Bruisers, Battle mages Jungle: Almost everything pretty much (artillery mages for examples are not junglers) Mid lane: Assassins, Mages (burst and artillery) Bot lane: Supports (mages, enchanters, tank) Marksmans (crit / dps / casters) (casters are different in many ways. they can be both aa based and casting based, like lucian, his abilities give him more auto attacks. but ezreal is pretty much 90% abilities and he is more of a burst you down caster unlike lucian that has a slower burst / dps) Here is pretty much all of the roles in the game: Controllers: (control the field and fights for their team) Enchanters (heals, shields and peeling) Catchers (cc) Fighters: (high damage but hard to kill, trading high mobility for tankiness and sustain) Juggernaut (bruisers) Divers (dive into battle for their team) Mages: (high spell damaging champions that trade mobility for range and safety) Burst (bursting you down with spells) Battle (focused on peeling, diving and staying longer in fights for their team in trade of their high damage you get more tankiness and survivability) Artillery (throw spells from far distance) Control (control mages can be one of burst, battle or artillery mages but they are called control because they can control the area with spells, lux is a good example) Marksman: (squishy targets that can offer a wide variety of abilities and ways to deal damage) Crit (crit focused ad carries that can deal high damage at once but may lack some damage after that. usually longer ranged) DPS (marksmans that deal good dps damage and can deal with tanks very well) Casters (they fall into the more burst roles USUALLY. they are more ability focused marksman but people usually dont count casters as a role and just say either dps or crit) Assassins: (mobile high damage dealers that can find easy kills and can be tricky to deal with) Burst assassins (high mobility and great burst damage, can trick you with fast spells like teleports, dashes...) Skirmishers (they are duelists that usually have less burst and mobility but trade it for their potential to fight 1v1 or 1v2 and then fight again without retreating) (note that if fed, some can burst you down quickly) Tanks: Vanguards (offensive tanks. focused on crowd control and look for fights to start) Wardens (defensive tanks. instead of looking for fights they stand in lines to defend their team and lock down incoming enemies) Specialists (unique and cannot be defined by a role, 2 or maybe 3)
Mid can be also divided in 3/4 roles. Bruiser/Tanks like Irelia, Malphite and Nautilus are also played mid at times. Even ADC like Tristana are sometimes spotted on midlane.
As a fairly noob player with some experience, but very little in depth knowledge of the game, i usually win most games playing as support, once you get the idea of focusing pretty much purely on the other champions, engaging and cc-ing the enemy, protecting allies, it often goes in your favour. Lots of players want kills, not assists, but usually a winning game I'll have about 20 assists and maybe 1-5 kills, sometimes over 10. If you have a support that thinks they're adc it's often a loss
I keep telling people to check this out. Because it's obvious that people don't understand different roles and are even seasoned league players that seem to not understand the difference between engage support and back line mage support. Learn your roles kids
First time playing today and my first impression of this gaming community is horrible. People wanting to report me when my internet connection suddenly caved in. Really horrible and I hope I can get back into it at some point
How to manage your team roles build? Is it ok, to take for example 2 tanks or 2 mages? Should you take most of your heroes for late or early game or should you take it more balanced? And why top shouldn't go bot and sup and adc shouldn't go top(I mean why don't they switch their positions)?
Duo/bot lane has usually two people because there's dragon closer to them, and it's easier for the jungler to take it, with two other people, top lane on the other hand has Herald, which can be solod by the bruiser/tank there, while jungler takes the drake, it's fine if you have two tanks, they're the best initiators and can protect their allies more
It's really complicated tbh You need to have a good split between -Melee Frontline and Ranged Backline -CC and Damage -4 Teamfighters 1 Splitpusher -Single Target and AOE -Physical Damage and Magical Damage So, for Example you are playing Mid and your team picks (Aatrox Top, Kayn Jungle, Leona Support and Caitlyn ADC) You have 3 Melee 1 Ranged (so pick ranged) You have a lot of CC with okayish damage (so pick damage) Kayn and Aatrox "can" splitpush (so pick teamfighter) Heavily Single Targeted with only Leona being somewhat AOE (so pick AOE) Exclusively Physical Damage as tank supports are not counted for damage (so pick Magic Damage) Hence the best champs for you to pick would be Ranged Mages with a lot of AOE Damage like Ziggs, Xerath, Orianna or Anivia
I find it strange how you pointed out skirmishers are good at getting in and out of fights, while assassins like to split push, when it's the opposite. Assassins have more reliable escapes, and skirmishers are better at dueling...
If you want to see the champion spotlights in League of Legends. I have a playlist on my channel. Might want to watch every single one to have an idea about Leagues Champions Btw, these are the confirmed champions on wild rifts release: Ahri Alistar Annie Ashe Braum Blitzcrank Camille Dr. Mundo Ezreal Fizz Fiora Garen Gragas Janna Jax Jhin Jinx Lux Malphite Master Yi Miss Fortune Nami Nasus Olaf Orianna Shyvana Soraka Teemo Tryndamere Twisted Fate Varus Vayne Vi Xin Zhao Yasuo Zed Ziggs
my gf got me into LoL like a year ago when we first started dating; im not going to lie i have spurts of playing but recently ive been playing garen more because i figured to better understand the game i hould stick to one guy. I prefer the tanky bruiser. So garen, wukong, and evil garen with ax (i forget him since i havent played in in a couple months) are usually what i pick an i tend to only go top because i feel i can atleast trust myself there. Anyone this video helped clear things for me when i play other roles
As someone who hasn't played I watch to learn before I play since its3 coming onto mobile, I'll need to know everything I can before it releases so I can choose wisely.
Just try all lanes. From my experience (I have played around 200 matches(140 hours)) top lane is the easiest, because a lot of champions use mostly the auto attack on top. and they are tanky. Jungle is really hard, but my favorite role. But the most important fact is, dont be toxic, and dont react to toxic people being in your team. Then Good Luck, Have Fun (GL HF).
Hey! I'm also very new to LOL and I've been searching and watching lots of videos as well. I'm trying to find one that just explains the home screen and all the tabs and parts to it. There is so much going on and the only video I can find is 5 years old and doesn't even look the same any more. As some one who is new to computer gaming in general this would be very helpful.
Common from mlbb this is entirely different due to wide range of heroes, and dash or blink skills take a while. So my assasin/fighter play from mlbb might help me a bit but without ur great tutorial i would have died like a guinea pig. Thank you! Please make meta champions videos :p
@@michaelbryanorbon8196 basically any role can go top,so you end up with some unfair matchups that feel horrible to play,for example playing a low mobility melee into a fast moving ranged champion, basically ranged is so strong that every season someone takes a support top,builds for damage,and even tho they are completely out of place they win because you can't reach them
I’m a Hong Kong gamer from AOV, I’m maining on mobility ADCs (idk if this exists in LOL or not but whatever) and I wanna ask if there are marksman playing jungles in LOL??
I chose Urgor💀 Over 80% Winrate + got quadrakill by just walking, even before that I played Pyke coz he is fun, now I'm learning Jhin. Hope I'm not going in a wrong direction by wandering around the roles
Bottom lane is next to the dragon which is more important than the top objective, so that's where you put 2 champs. When the 2 champs lane together, they split the xp they would gain from minions, so you play champs that scale with items, but dont necessarily need levels to be effective, in bot lane. Top lane has to be self sufficient and able to survive ganks on its own. Mid lane needs to have wave control because it's in the middle of the map and therefore affects every other role. Hope that helps
For ML players, in LoL you need to get the last hit on creeps to get wont get gold if you cant take the last hit and everything has to be in timing.
Wow. I just started to want to get into LoL last week, I've been looking at guides and all we're pretty bad and unclear. This is the most clear and easily understandable guide for someone new like me, thank you so much ! Really hope this gets more popularity.
Thanks, the best way to help us is rating the video how you see fit and sharing :D
I agree 100%!!!
I mean it's far too simplistic for experienced players and somewhat outdated...
But for what it is, this video gets the job done pretty well:
It gives a basic understanding of what role you can play for your team in which position, which champions are good for that, when they are strong and giving some simple information about how they usually do it.
That's why this video gives some very good input for newer players in order to understand the game better and therefore get better. Though you dont separate classes like battlemages/poke-mages or vanguards/wardens to simplify it and keep it short. Also you don't really mention niche picks with a very unique playstyle like singed.
For anyone interested I'd recommend randomoniums find your main video to get a more complex and indepth view into the topics talked about in this video.
I doubt anyone is reading this way too long comment in 2019 😂
Jonas Fay You’re right! I’m reading it in 2020!
@@Jonas-cf4oi it's called a beginner guide for a reason
“Never see an Attack Damage Support”
*laughs in pyke*
Funny thing is that he was actually right, they need a lot of gold to do damage. That's why they gave pyke that much gold generation potential :o
Laughs in support rengar
And now, here comes Senna.
Laughs in Senna
Ehem Senna
Tonight I downloaded League for the first time. I can't wait to go online and get screamed at by teenagers on adderall.
how did it go
for the people who is moving ML to LoL
ADC is feeding mm
Bruiser is fighter
and others is the same
GL if you're on a move
Lmao, Esmeralda fills so many roles.
nah im DotA2 player im just trying this thing
For people who moves from Ml to lol
ML is full of copyrights
@@theoacosta9456 I have never heard a statement more true before
ML is not LoL, this is the best guide so listen up carefully unless you wanna get destroyed trying to do something that works on ML but doesn't work on league
what is ML ? ;o
it’s not that different lol get over yourself
It will work if the guide from LoL to ML, but not vice versa
Then season 9 came and mages got bot, marksmen got mid, battle mages became supports and supports became toplaners
Well the meta is always gonna change. But the video was still useful to understand the roles.
lmao and now we also have every single champion slowly entering jungle
Supports at Mid, Assassins at Top and Wacky Bot Comps etc
Thank you so much for this guide. I'm really confused before in what lane I must be in and this made everything clear for me.
Im watching this 'coz i will move to Wild Rift from ML when it's release XD
Fighter Top lanet, mage Midlaner , Jungler , ADC and Tank/support Bottom lane . Change the way of playing from ML this is LOL :)
@@HannssTV I hope once Rift is up, we wont have the same mess we have in ML rn... lots of toxic players and too many cheats and hacks. I just wanna have fun with the game ;(
@@imjustsomeonehere true tbh i don't know if they can detect the cheats it feels like they just let it be like that :
Ahh pls don’t let the cancerous players find this game
Time Stamps
Top 0:48
Mid 2:35
Jungle 5:18
ADC 8:10
Support 10:34
It's literally in the first ten secs of the vid but thx bro :P
@@luklov8801 Np man, but what i meant by doing this is, when u press the time stamps it automatically gets you to that part of the video, instead of moving the video manually.
@@yubix8470 Ah, ok! I getchu now! Thx for doin this and nice to meet u! Haha thx for bein nice!
Thanks bro 🤩
Really great guide! The way you broke down each role into different types of champs really helped me decide which types of champs fit my playstyle or what I want to achieve in the game. I especially leaned towards high mobility midlanders cause I really like having lots of options in and out of fights and also occasionally poking the enemy.
Im a new player to this game and i found it good to not only understand my role but to understand others to help and counter them. Thanks for the good video.
This game is very complicated.
Not too much xD
@RD Policarpio was about to say.. I started league literally 2 days ago and Its a lot for someone who has only ever played FPS games and just your good ol fashioned triple A single player games. But I tried to play DOTA a couple years ago and could barley pass the tutorial xD (Not that I tried for too long lol I literally just downloaded on a whim and was like fuck this real quick)
@@alancrome3684 quite literally did that yesterday 😂 made the jump to PC and played smite before, decided to download dota 2 and league, I can relate to saying fuck this in the tutorial on dota lol
Laughs in DOTA2
Play dota and u will know whats complicated means. 😂😂
Best League beginner guide on YT, you just earned a sub !!!
I needed this explanation, thank you very much! I was really confused on how to tell which characters would be able to fit in each role and why my friends always know where to go based on champion (other than the gamemode that you choose which roles you are, of course)
meanwhile in SEA server:
Top: Assassin
Jungle: Assassin
Mid: Marksman/Assassin
ADC: Marksman
Support: Tank/Mage
Meanwhile, in the Korean server...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Top : Yasuo
JG : Yasuo or feed
Mid : Yasuo
ADC : Yasuo
Support: Yasuo or feed
Nasrullah Gunawan Wild rift release be like
Yeahh.... in SEA servers there really be a literal 7-9 yo that are so trash but still plays on ranked and feeds the opponents
i can freaking relate
"we never see a support that is attack damage based..."
Pyke: Well hello there.
Senna : Am I joke to you?
pyke dont attack tho, he just hooks and stuns
hes like a blitz and thresh
@@fortunenese1668 hes ablilites are still ad tho
@@fortunenese1668 but if used good Pyke can assrape the whole lane.
Trust me, i got a 5/22/6 K/D against a Pyke. That hurt my pride.
@@YataTheFifteenth okay, i got 13/2/9 against a pyke bot lane, hes basically useless lategame and gets out scaled if he plays against someone who knows how to deal with his stun and invis
trust me, that hurt his pride
"Caster adc are weaker of the two"
*Laughs in 1000+ ad jhin*
trueeeee xD Jhin mains *laughs in 4/4 *
@@axics2936 laughs in 4/4/4 with 4444 gold and 4 IE's
What is being said o.0
This really helped me to understand the different roles! I want to try different things to see what I like and what I don't, what fits my playstyle etc. Now I have to get clear to me what exactly skirmishers are and what bruiser 😅 Thanks for your guide!
Usually don't comment on stuff, but damn this was really well done. No click baity titles, no forced advertising, overall nothing unnecessary. So yeah! Really well done. Only thing I might recommend is to explain some of the terms you used like spilt pushing. Still love the video though!
Quality video, you rarely find one these days, I really hope your channel grows. (I was surprised by how many subs you have, but you definitely earned mine)
As support I use items for mana as I'm constantly running out. First thing I get is gold income - Spellthief's Edge, which helps with mana and some other useful stuff. Next I get Faerie Charm which builds into all the others. First I build it into Tear of the Goddess, which also increases my maximum mana. Then sometimes I'll get Chalice of Harmony for some health as well, but often I'll go straight to Forbidden Idol which I then build into Shurelya's Reverie. I then just repeat that as often as possible with available gold to get as many Shurelya's Reveries as possible. I often start by filling up with Faerie Charms, then converting them into Forbidden Idol, and when I have some gold but not enough for Shurelya's Reverie I'll use it to get Crystalline Bracer which I can use to build.
You probably don’t know this, but this really helped me. Please continue making videos like these!
Nice work - loving the way you lay out the fundamentals!
Thanks! If you have any questions feel free to ask here or on discord :)
came in from wow when my sub died and i needed something to fill the "i need to heal ppl at ALL TIMES" urge. i like nami since i came from resto shaman. and im glad there are vids here allowing new players a chance without getting hit with 2.7k DMs telling them to uninstall for being killed twice.
This helps me a lot as a novice since i only played LoL briefly in PC (and then it broke from overheating) so i stopped playing and moved to MLBB, Vainglory and AOV.
Quite excited for Wild Rift now and hope i remember how to play some champions i owned back then lol
really good job here. concise enough but very detailed and easily digested and explained
This is a really good guide for the roles and lanes THANK you I've been playing for a couple months trying to learn and there is just so much to learn thag I'm still just not veery good this had alot of good info that I can't seem to find in other stuff
"Stronger in the early game"
*Shows Kayn*
And kassadin
So Bard are you a Tank Support , Heal and Peal Support or a Damage Support ?
Bard: Yes
I am new and didn't know about most of the terms in this game i also wanted to know how to build my items the best way putting in mind the enemy team composition and this video really helped me will be sure to send it to my friends that want to get into the game so they coud get the info and thanks again for the help
I Subscribed! Keep up the good work, it's informative yet visually pleasing to watch.
this Video helped me a lot. I played LoL since s1 and then I moved to Dota 2 thats y I forgot the mechanics of lol. now times hard because of quarantine and I cant go outside and play in Internet cafe. Im learning this again because I luckily got it yesterday Ty so much..
i hope this still holds to this day. the only other videos i can find are ones going over one lane or about the mobile game that came out.
Am here to prepare for my move from ML to LoL
this is for Pc :/
This is pc
@@coreenternitygaming7219 What do you mean? The vid is only explaining concepts and roles... Do you mean it'll be different from the mobile version now?
@@lynlucilo7898 It'll be the same, this guide is applicable to the Mobile version as well
@@lynlucilo7898 Yes Since The Dev Saos They want to make it closly Like In Pc Plus Were Talking about MOBA here some ppl may bot have good phones so they are trying to make it closly like pc
I just want to say that there are more specific roles to champions other than tank bruiser assassin adc mage and support. Example would be Fiora, she is an assassin / bruiser. That means she is a skirmisher. Not an assassin like Zed for example that deletes you but kinda like a half breed of both. Another example is like how Ladder Up said, mages in top lane. These are battle mages, not for bursting down or artillering the enemy but they are made to stay longer in the fight and help the team by throwing cc, tanking and peeling
Top lane: Tanks, Skirmishers, Bruisers, Battle mages
Jungle: Almost everything pretty much (artillery mages for examples are not junglers)
Mid lane: Assassins, Mages (burst and artillery)
Bot lane: Supports (mages, enchanters, tank) Marksmans (crit / dps / casters) (casters are different in many ways. they can be both aa based and casting based, like lucian, his abilities give him more auto attacks. but ezreal is pretty much 90% abilities and he is more of a burst you down caster unlike lucian that has a slower burst / dps)
Here is pretty much all of the roles in the game:
Controllers: (control the field and fights for their team)
Enchanters (heals, shields and peeling)
Catchers (cc)
Fighters: (high damage but hard to kill, trading high mobility for tankiness and sustain)
Juggernaut (bruisers)
Divers (dive into battle for their team)
Mages: (high spell damaging champions that trade mobility for range and safety)
Burst (bursting you down with spells)
Battle (focused on peeling, diving and staying longer in fights for their team in trade of their high damage you get more tankiness and survivability)
Artillery (throw spells from far distance)
Control (control mages can be one of burst, battle or artillery mages but they are called control because they can control the area with spells, lux is a good example)
Marksman: (squishy targets that can offer a wide variety of abilities and ways to deal damage)
Crit (crit focused ad carries that can deal high damage at once but may lack some damage after that. usually longer ranged)
DPS (marksmans that deal good dps damage and can deal with tanks very well)
Casters (they fall into the more burst roles USUALLY. they are more ability focused marksman but people usually dont count casters as a role and just say either dps or crit)
Assassins: (mobile high damage dealers that can find easy kills and can be tricky to deal with)
Burst assassins (high mobility and great burst damage, can trick you with fast spells like teleports, dashes...)
Skirmishers (they are duelists that usually have less burst and mobility but trade it for their potential to fight 1v1 or 1v2 and then fight again without retreating) (note that if fed, some can burst you down quickly)
Vanguards (offensive tanks. focused on crowd control and look for fights to start)
Wardens (defensive tanks. instead of looking for fights they stand in lines to defend their team and lock down incoming enemies)
Specialists (unique and cannot be defined by a role, 2 or maybe 3)
when your a support and your adc leaves you in a fight when you guys are winning
Mentions all the roles in top lane....
Morde: Am I a joke to you?.......
I think he's both, same goes for darius.
“Assassins are strong early to mid game”
Kassadin: Am I a joke to you?
Mid can be also divided in 3/4 roles. Bruiser/Tanks like Irelia, Malphite and Nautilus are also played mid at times. Even ADC like Tristana are sometimes spotted on midlane.
Yeah although mages and assassins are the primary
otherwise we can also divide mages into Battle, Burst and Artillery with 3 different playstyles
This is pretty well made, you need more subscribers
"Tanks have reliable CC abilities"
laughs in illaoi*
Is illaoi a tank or a bruiser?
@@ethanrey98 bruiser
She's a juggernaut.
@@soulforged7157 who are juggernauts?
@Ethan Ray Juggernauts are Mordekaiser, Illaoi, Garen, Darius, etc basically champions with high damage and tankiness but bad cc and mobility.
As a fairly noob player with some experience, but very little in depth knowledge of the game, i usually win most games playing as support, once you get the idea of focusing pretty much purely on the other champions, engaging and cc-ing the enemy, protecting allies, it often goes in your favour. Lots of players want kills, not assists, but usually a winning game I'll have about 20 assists and maybe 1-5 kills, sometimes over 10. If you have a support that thinks they're adc it's often a loss
Super helpful video, im really new to league and this explained a ton of things
I keep telling people to check this out. Because it's obvious that people don't understand different roles and are even seasoned league players that seem to not understand the difference between engage support and back line mage support. Learn your roles kids
Excellent content! Thank you. Well spent 14 mins.
Top 00:48
Mid 02:35
Jungle 5:18
Marksman 08:10
Support 10:34
Your videos are really well made. Hope you get more subscribers.
"ADC are the biggest one in AD output"
And here I am with burst style Pantheon
But ezreal deals magic damage, and scales with ad.
Really well done guide, much better than alot of the others. Also you wrote Kag'maw instead of Kog'maw ;)
First time playing today and my first impression of this gaming community is horrible. People wanting to report me when my internet connection suddenly caved in. Really horrible and I hope I can get back into it at some point
How to manage your team roles build? Is it ok, to take for example 2 tanks or 2 mages? Should you take most of your heroes for late or early game or should you take it more balanced? And why top shouldn't go bot and sup and adc shouldn't go top(I mean why don't they switch their positions)?
Duo/bot lane has usually two people because there's dragon closer to them, and it's easier for the jungler to take it, with two other people, top lane on the other hand has Herald, which can be solod by the bruiser/tank there, while jungler takes the drake, it's fine if you have two tanks, they're the best initiators and can protect their allies more
It's really complicated tbh
You need to have a good split between
-Melee Frontline and Ranged Backline
-CC and Damage
-4 Teamfighters 1 Splitpusher
-Single Target and AOE
-Physical Damage and Magical Damage
So, for Example you are playing Mid and your team picks (Aatrox Top, Kayn Jungle, Leona Support and Caitlyn ADC)
You have 3 Melee 1 Ranged (so pick ranged)
You have a lot of CC with okayish damage (so pick damage)
Kayn and Aatrox "can" splitpush (so pick teamfighter)
Heavily Single Targeted with only Leona being somewhat AOE (so pick AOE)
Exclusively Physical Damage as tank supports are not counted for damage (so pick Magic Damage)
Hence the best champs for you to pick would be Ranged Mages with a lot of AOE Damage like Ziggs, Xerath, Orianna or Anivia
Top 00:48
Mid 02:35
Jungle 5:18
ADC 8:10
Support 10:34
I know they included these this is just for quality of life
Thank you so much this is what I've been looking for
I find it strange how you pointed out skirmishers are good at getting in and out of fights, while assassins like to split push, when it's the opposite. Assassins have more reliable escapes, and skirmishers are better at dueling...
Who else plays 24/7, and watches this video
I really dislike this comment. So forced.
I just got into mobas and this really helped me 😊
Subbed on this video. Can you do a more in depth guide on each position individually?
Ah yes, gotta learn the positions. Wouldn’t want to hurt my back.
Keep making more videos, you are doing great job.
Wow this really helped me
soooo much! Thank you!
Never played LOL but getting hyped for LOL wilddrift( i am a player mlbb)
And plz tell me if there are heroes like leomord (from mlbb ) in LOL
Same here!
Yes I need Leo and irithel and helcurt tell me them name in lol
If you want to see the champion spotlights in League of Legends. I have a playlist on my channel. Might want to watch every single one to have an idea about Leagues Champions
Btw, these are the confirmed champions on wild rifts release:
Dr. Mundo
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Twisted Fate
Xin Zhao
@@topfan1360 dont know any of them
@@topfan1360 but plz tell me if there is a hero like leomord in LOL
my gf got me into LoL like a year ago when we first started dating; im not going to lie i have spurts of playing but recently ive been playing garen more because i figured to better understand the game i hould stick to one guy. I prefer the tanky bruiser. So garen, wukong, and evil garen with ax (i forget him since i havent played in in a couple months) are usually what i pick an i tend to only go top because i feel i can atleast trust myself there. Anyone this video helped clear things for me when i play other roles
*D E M A C I A* ?
Evil Garden with axe is Darius. Darius is also Draven's big brother.
This is very helpful for me as an intermediate player in lol
talks about bruisers in top lane WITHOUT MENTIONING darius
As someone who hasn't played I watch to learn before I play since its3 coming onto mobile, I'll need to know everything I can before it releases so I can choose wisely.
Just try all lanes. From my experience (I have played around 200 matches(140 hours)) top lane is the easiest, because a lot of champions use mostly the auto attack on top. and they are tanky. Jungle is really hard, but my favorite role. But the most important fact is, dont be toxic, and dont react to toxic people being in your team. Then Good Luck, Have Fun (GL HF).
He probably said that already in the video, im haven`t finished with the video yet.
Finally...hopefully my first match is gonna be A-Okay!...hopefully...
Wonderful informative presentation, great job !
Thanks a ton! We hope to keep it coming!
Thanks for the info, been thinking about giving LoL a shot.
Very professional video 👏👏
Thank you so soo much this video is super helpful.
thansk keep going for this simple videos
channel dead I think last seen 3 years ago
Hey! I'm also very new to LOL and I've been searching and watching lots of videos as well. I'm trying to find one that just explains the home screen and all the tabs and parts to it. There is so much going on and the only video I can find is 5 years old and doesn't even look the same any more. As some one who is new to computer gaming in general this would be very helpful.
Same Melinda. Same
Common from mlbb this is entirely different due to wide range of heroes, and dash or blink skills take a while.
So my assasin/fighter play from mlbb might help me a bit but without ur great tutorial i would have died like a guinea pig.
Thank you!
Please make meta champions videos :p
Esmeralda and X.borg fill nearly every role.
Great vid man. still trying to figure out what each characters abilities are.
Underrated channel
Very good video, Love it
Good video, thanks for the explanations
Im watching this while im washing the dishes
Great explanation 👍
Thank you 💯✨
Thanks this video helped out a lot!
Toplane: "so we have tanks ,they teamfight, bruisers who splitpush, mages ,they do both" like even the guide can't deny top is bullshit
I'm new to LoL and thinking of taking top if available. Can i know why top is bs?
@@michaelbryanorbon8196 basically any role can go top,so you end up with some unfair matchups that feel horrible to play,for example playing a low mobility melee into a fast moving ranged champion, basically ranged is so strong that every season someone takes a support top,builds for damage,and even tho they are completely out of place they win because you can't reach them
Getting ready for league of legends mobile
That's not gonna be released til in about a year
who watch this bcoz wild rift will be released soon
Just getting self ready moving from ML to LOL mobile.
Understand everything?
SO HELPFUL!!! Thank you so much!!
I wonder if they could make a mmorpg with all these roles that would be amazing
You forgot the Myth called *River*
Just convinced myself to get the game and adc seems like a lot of fun , which do you recommend ?
I’m a Hong Kong gamer from AOV, I’m maining on mobility ADCs (idk if this exists in LOL or not but whatever) and I wanna ask if there are marksman playing jungles in LOL??
I chose Urgor💀 Over 80% Winrate + got quadrakill by just walking, even before that I played Pyke coz he is fun, now I'm learning Jhin. Hope I'm not going in a wrong direction by wandering around the roles
Learning since im transferring from Vainglory even though it has a little similarities
Why is are the roles of all of the lanes different (especially top amd bottom) arent they same thing. Gr8 video btw
Bottom lane is next to the dragon which is more important than the top objective, so that's where you put 2 champs. When the 2 champs lane together, they split the xp they would gain from minions, so you play champs that scale with items, but dont necessarily need levels to be effective, in bot lane. Top lane has to be self sufficient and able to survive ganks on its own. Mid lane needs to have wave control because it's in the middle of the map and therefore affects every other role. Hope that helps
Soulforged that's really helpful but god damn this game is complex.
You deserve a lot more subs keep grinding
This helped me a lot so i'll sub 😜👍
The best way to support is to kill enemies. Remember, *no enemies = no dead teammates*
For ML players, in LoL you need to get the last hit on creeps to get wont get gold if you cant take the last hit and everything has to be in timing.
Assasin logo is dope
12:42 , a year later Riot released damage based support :P
Preparing for League of Legends: Wild Rift because I don't have a PC lmao
me too
So what is the point for going to the lane you are suppose to go to
Are you forced to go to your lane?based on what class you pick?