In this alternate timeline, Kaori Makimura is hit by a truck while trying to save a young girl. A short while later, Kaori is declared brain dead, and her heart is harvested for organ donation, as she had a donor card on her when she died. However, Kaori's heart was harvested for use in another recipient before it was intercepted by the crime syndicate organization Zheng Dao Hui for use in Glass Heart after she committed suicide by fall off the building. After attempting to commit suicide last night, the heart of Kaori was transplanted into Xiang Ying and the overpowering desire to live and to be reunited with Ryo Saeba. Even though Kaori may be dead, Xiang Ying can feel Kaori's thoughts inside of her, and Kaori can also communicate to Ryo through Xiang Ying.
Si dice che nulla accada per caso...neppure la questo caso Kaory rivive nella ragazza... è tutto scritto ma io preferisco Creta e Hunter insieme.Aff....alla morte sono belli insieme hanno aspettato tanto e poi se la meriteno la felicita
bellissimoooooooooo!!!! bravissima!!!!! 5/5 e naturalmente tra i preferiti ^^
In this alternate timeline, Kaori Makimura is hit by a truck while trying to save a young girl.
A short while later, Kaori is declared brain dead, and her heart is harvested for organ donation, as she had a donor card on her when she died.
However, Kaori's heart was harvested for use in another recipient before it was intercepted by the crime syndicate organization Zheng Dao Hui for use in Glass Heart after she committed suicide by fall off the building.
After attempting to commit suicide last night, the heart of Kaori was transplanted into Xiang Ying and the overpowering desire to live and to be reunited with Ryo Saeba.
Even though Kaori may be dead, Xiang Ying can feel Kaori's thoughts inside of her, and Kaori can also communicate to Ryo through Xiang Ying.
Come ho capito lo spirito della ragazza muore,ed entra nel corpo lo spirito di kaory
Si dice che nulla accada per caso...neppure la questo caso Kaory rivive nella ragazza... è tutto scritto ma io preferisco Creta e Hunter insieme.Aff....alla morte sono belli insieme hanno aspettato tanto e poi se la meriteno la felicita
Ma la figlia di Kaory e Ryo?