Misha Picks December 2022 Riff Contest Winners

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bishwadeepsikder3018
    @bishwadeepsikder3018 Рік тому +201

    It's a total fanboy moment for some nobody like me when the person whom I've been looking up to for more than a decade, says my name and so many kind words... Thank you so so so very much for this... It feels like a dream... God bless...

    • @taylork1746
      @taylork1746 Рік тому +2

      Bishwadeep, that was so tasty. Awesome job, loved listening to that. 👊
      Edit: I just listened to it again, you must be a fan of Currents, eh?

    • @RedbeardMaximus
      @RedbeardMaximus Рік тому +2

      Dude that solo was absolutely sick. Whole thing was awesome but the solo in particular👌

    • @MartinBergnerGuitar
      @MartinBergnerGuitar Рік тому +6

      Dude your entry is absolutely disgusting and I mean this in the best way possible hahaha. So sick!

    • @psychedelicloli
      @psychedelicloli Рік тому +2

      awesome stuff dude

    • @blinkasto182
      @blinkasto182 Рік тому +2

      Great song man, that was so unique and bangy! I love the transition from very heavy to groovy and then the combination. What a talent

  • @jacksonwagner8731
    @jacksonwagner8731 Рік тому +135

    Hey Misha, thanks for the kind words! Its kinda funny, I didnt realize how each section was channeling a different periphery guitarist. You guys are huge inspirations to me so it was super cool to hear that! 🤘

    • @januszo.2180
      @januszo.2180 Рік тому +4

      well done Jackson! very very very good work.

    • @DennisFeinsteinCEO
      @DennisFeinsteinCEO Рік тому

      What are the pickups in the Schecter???

    • @jacksonwagner8731
      @jacksonwagner8731 Рік тому +2

      @@DennisFeinsteinCEO theyre literally just the stock pickups, but they sound incredible. The guitar is a schecter stealth c-1.

    • @CxpOnTube
      @CxpOnTube Рік тому +3

      Your track has strong Ow My Feelings vibe to me, really cool

  • @HoaPierre
    @HoaPierre Рік тому +268

    Oh MY GOD I WON?!! Thank you so much MISHA, I don't actually have an apex preamp btw 😭😭😭*UPDATE* this demo I wrote is now a full song it's called Cyberpsychosis and it's out on all platforms now!

  • @12Crey
    @12Crey Рік тому +14

    I like how this guy, being one of the most succesful metal musicians out there, is so positive and down to earth keeping in touch with the fanbase and music scene.

  • @dedompler
    @dedompler Рік тому +8

    Damn, this felt less like a contest submission compilation and more like a curated list of my next favorite musicians

  • @DavidDobrzynskiGuitar
    @DavidDobrzynskiGuitar Рік тому +36

    Really glad you enjoyed my submission. I was trying to emulate Knower's "Overtime", so you hit the nail right on the head with that one!

    • @MrMostaza14
      @MrMostaza14 Рік тому +3

      I got the Knower vibes right away! Really cool, dude

  • @SeaSquared
    @SeaSquared Рік тому +8

    Thanks so much! Delighted to make it into the running. So cool to hear such nice things

    • @DrewDawkins
      @DrewDawkins Рік тому +1

      I immediately thought of Nova Collective with your stuff. I really enjoyed your piece.

    • @SeaSquared
      @SeaSquared Рік тому

      @Drew Dawkins Ah thank you so much. Love the Nova Collective!

  • @butteritto
    @butteritto Рік тому +21

    Thanks for reviewing my entry!! That in itself was a huge W for me 🙌🏼

  • @pahriia
    @pahriia Рік тому +2

    Where can I find this dudes material ? jeremiah sanchez 20:11 Unreal!!!

  • @AmIKawaiiYet_
    @AmIKawaiiYet_ Рік тому +5

    the dude playing the orange signature misha guitar, could have sworn that was ERRA or Volumes for a moment there

  • @yeserguitar
    @yeserguitar Рік тому +3

    Loved all the entries, and Misha is a true djenleman because he always give the details. These are gem, it really shows where we are going with our precious Dj0nt :)

  • @dime124
    @dime124 Рік тому +3

    Last entry for me. Just. The classic harmonies were great. The dude you picked had an excellent sound and presentation though.

  • @dizzengrey4901
    @dizzengrey4901 Рік тому +3

    Love how you push your fans to make such awesome content/music and show it to the world.
    ❤ You are an awesome guy Mr. Mansoor

  • @soysauce9296
    @soysauce9296 Рік тому +5

    My first thought to that 1st entry was OW MY FEELINGS.

  • @kevinp_25
    @kevinp_25 Рік тому +3

    Loved all these but especially Valeri Natas's (Sp?; Satan backwards btw) and Jeremiah Sanchez's.

  • @NiklasMeads
    @NiklasMeads Рік тому +3

    Woahh congrats Pierre! He was also my favorite. Very deserved

    • @HoaPierre
      @HoaPierre Рік тому +1

      My man thank you so much❤

  • @AntonOhlin
    @AntonOhlin Рік тому +4

    Such monster set of entries. I enjoyed Red strat-guy, Headless 8-string-guy and Orange Jackson-guy the most.

  • @kennybenally7187
    @kennybenally7187 Рік тому

    Wow wow wow! Are any of these guys putting out material? Freakin' diggin the entries from Jackson Wagner and Valeri Natas. Yup!

  • @veenoir1991
    @veenoir1991 Рік тому +9

    Dear lord I'm impressed. Every single entry was sick af. Awesome tones and mastering. Creative editing in visuals. You're all fkn riff lords 🤘🤘but I'd have to vote for Hoa. He really nailed the tone I had in mind when I was trying the Rabea plugin

  • @bobbyosborne2375
    @bobbyosborne2375 Рік тому +1

    First one is definitely ow my feelings. I was listening to it in the car an hour ago.

  • @WarPwny91
    @WarPwny91 Рік тому +2

    Misha, I can’t even begin to describe how much respect I have for you. You’re such an honest and kind person, aside from being a beast of a guitarist. You’ll always have my support!

  • @jakegriffiths2k
    @jakegriffiths2k Рік тому +1

    had the ow my feelings vibe too. sick

  • @joshuatiley4298
    @joshuatiley4298 Рік тому +1

    Misha, you are making a generation of beasts. Shit, there are going to be some songs coming out over the next few decades

  • @ultimatefunktimegroovystan7885

    Just hearing Misha's thoughts and comparisons is so nice, I love metal so damn much

  • @TheLounabomber
    @TheLounabomber Рік тому +2

    Every single submission was incredible. Hell ya guys 🔥🔥🔥

  • @AlchemyInstruments
    @AlchemyInstruments Рік тому +39

    Thank you so much for the kind words Misha!
    About my name (Felipe Vldjvrtzky) It's a combination of my real first name and a made up last name. I can't use my birth name due to how I (legally) came to the US and I don't care for my legal last name so I made up an amusing name using only consonants.
    All of the notes were indeed on purpose! I used a few scales with similar notes together which created some interesting modulations and chromaticism!

    • @AlchemyInstruments
      @AlchemyInstruments Рік тому +6

      Also, even though my entry was very different, and I appreciate you commenting on its uniqueness, you are one of my greatest musical influences!

    • @KalibroLP
      @KalibroLP Рік тому +2

      You are so good bro, it was joy to listen and watch

    • @AlchemyInstruments
      @AlchemyInstruments Рік тому +1

      @@KalibroLP thanks dude! Glad you enjoyed it! 😁

    • @secondson312
      @secondson312 Рік тому +2

      @@AlchemyInstruments dude you absolutely killed this. Super unique style that you have

    • @fractallusion7121
      @fractallusion7121 Рік тому +2

      Well done bro, your entry was definitely my favorite! 🤘

  • @basstler84
    @basstler84 Рік тому +1

    so much good music - love it! love the format!

  • @skubadoobie
    @skubadoobie Рік тому +4

    All these guys are 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @BhargavaMan
    @BhargavaMan Рік тому +2

    Damn, I didn't find even a single entry that I didn't like. All these dudes are amazing!

  • @OliOliOliOliOli
    @OliOliOliOliOli Рік тому +5

    9:42 guitar tone reminds me of CKY a lot!

  • @DustinHarms
    @DustinHarms Рік тому +12

    Man I REALLY enjoyed that last submission, the one with Misha's signature guitar. Just made me so happy. I love aggressive stuff like anyone, but this just felt so light but still crunchy, a kind of "Good mood djent" Lol

    • @butteritto
      @butteritto Рік тому +3

      Yo thank you! 🙌🏼

    • @soysauce9296
      @soysauce9296 Рік тому +3

      @@butteritto you were my pick too.

    • @butteritto
      @butteritto Рік тому +1

      @@soysauce9296 thanks dude!! 🙌🏼

    • @kolasis4994
      @kolasis4994 Рік тому +1

      Reminds me a ton of older Novelists, which is absolutely sick, I love that style!!!!!!

  • @raytyrrell296
    @raytyrrell296 Рік тому +1

    I luv how Misha said that a Riff.... RULES.... definitely throw back and luv it hahah , also palm mute purrrrrrrr must drive a subie , only boxer rumble could match that sound so goooood

  • @rjames4497
    @rjames4497 Рік тому +1

    Dude the talent on this video is insane.

  • @InVerum
    @InVerum Рік тому +1

    18:20 I get this like, fun mix between Northlane and ERRA and I freakin' love it. Favourite single 'riff' for sure.

  • @julienlamy6084
    @julienlamy6084 Рік тому +1

    Damn every entry is fire 🔥 Congrats to everyone

  • @baileytaylor1160
    @baileytaylor1160 Рік тому +2

    All these entries were lit af

  • @januszo.2180
    @januszo.2180 Рік тому +3

    Misha! absolutely 100% Luis Cole vibe - same thinking

  • @joaocanei9068
    @joaocanei9068 Рік тому +4

    Holy shit, the second submission by Conner should totally be a full song. I'm hooked!

  • @Sjguitarpnw
    @Sjguitarpnw Рік тому +1

    I always look forward to these. I get so much inspiration and love the originality 🔥🔥

  • @DasKotaBear
    @DasKotaBear Рік тому +2

    These are all awesome great work everyone!

  • @LucaVent0
    @LucaVent0 Рік тому +1

    Congrats to all the winners!

  • @napalmdreams9654
    @napalmdreams9654 Рік тому +1

    These videos are awesome man, thanks

  • @KirkTheRiffer
    @KirkTheRiffer Рік тому +4

    Hell yeah congrats guys! This was a fun one!

  • @BobbyPVZ
    @BobbyPVZ Рік тому +1

    Awsome riffs
    2020's ❤️
    Congratulations 🇵🇹

  • @henri1298
    @henri1298 Рік тому +3

    Orange guitar guy sounded a lot like it prevails old stuff. great.

  • @jarredjooste4481
    @jarredjooste4481 Рік тому +1

    bro, ow my feelings was going through my mind too😂 it just shows greatness💪

  • @stephenb3414
    @stephenb3414 Рік тому +1

    our dude in the entry with the red strat has a little move im gonna steal 100%. music is a lot of theft and to have someone steal a sound, to me, is the highest form of musical flattery. "that shit was so cool, I cant think of anything i like as much so imma steal it"

  • @someguywithaphone5921
    @someguywithaphone5921 Рік тому +2

    New album sounds sick.

  • @JamesSully
    @JamesSully Рік тому +5

    That last one sounded very early Intervals

  • @darksidewrx6747
    @darksidewrx6747 Рік тому +1

    I got the F1 stuff yo! cars and music go together like white on rice!!!!!!!

  • @JoeBaldass
    @JoeBaldass Рік тому +2

    +1 on the Knower/Luis Cole comment. Spot on.

  • @caseystruckout
    @caseystruckout Рік тому +11

    Butteritto got my favorite riff, love how melodic it is

  • @poentecontente
    @poentecontente Рік тому +5

    15:49 The dude who figured out guitar haha absolutely insane

  • @stefanmccabe4705
    @stefanmccabe4705 Рік тому +2

    Valeri (sorry on the spelling attempt), your tone sounds freakin pissed 🤘😤

  • @Prey.Rock99
    @Prey.Rock99 Рік тому +8

    Id pick pierre hoa anyday

  • @soysauce9296
    @soysauce9296 Рік тому +5

    Orange Guitar Dude is my winner 🏆Had a beautiful, purposeful riff without relying on layering or acrobatic overkill. It just sang.

    • @butteritto
      @butteritto Рік тому +1

      Thanks dude I appreciate that! 🙌🏼

    • @Dracula_sb
      @Dracula_sb Рік тому +1

      @@butteritto That shit was mad fire, do you have tabs?

  • @moonboogien8908
    @moonboogien8908 Рік тому +1

    You have chosen..... wisely

  • @jase88rose
    @jase88rose Рік тому +2

    That last entry sounded a lot like ERRA

  • @ethereal8655
    @ethereal8655 Рік тому +3

    Holy crap. Valerie absolutely killed it! Sounded so tasty front to back!

    • @kennybenally7187
      @kennybenally7187 Рік тому

      That was my favorite entry of all of them. I love the semi distorted clean tones played Djenty style which that reminds me of, haha

  • @MullilluM
    @MullilluM Рік тому +1

    The second song sounds like it would be right at home in the Persona series

  • @EthanMckennaMusic
    @EthanMckennaMusic Рік тому +2

    Agree with the Ow My Feels haha

  • @davidvillabass
    @davidvillabass Рік тому +3

    Congrats PIERREEEE

  • @eivindramsdal9496
    @eivindramsdal9496 Рік тому

    Awesome! But I'd love to see Misha's facial reactions while watching the videos :)

  • @stephenb3414
    @stephenb3414 Рік тому +2

    we need channel links i cant find this valerie natas guy

  • @dynatwenty
    @dynatwenty Рік тому +1

    my gawd THE POWER

  • @DEADN8
    @DEADN8 Рік тому +1

    The first guy literally sounded like a Periphery AND Meshuggah song combined

    • @HieronymousLex
      @HieronymousLex Рік тому +1

      It’s damn near a cover of Ow My Feelings

  •  Рік тому +5

    I think, any "serious effort" music video / playthrough video, should be shot in landscape orientation. And then, as an afterthought, a portrait edit can be made to throw it TikTok or wherever.

    • @AlchemyInstruments
      @AlchemyInstruments Рік тому

      yea, I only just realized that upon uploading my entry to facebook/youtube. I'm new at this lol

    •  Рік тому +1

      ​@@AlchemyInstruments well, there really are no rules though, what do I know.
      It might easily happen that somebody gets way more views on a portrait guitar video on TikTok than e.g. on UA-cam.

  • @thatlonzoguy
    @thatlonzoguy Рік тому +1

    guy at 17:00 was definitely my fav, that was awesome.

  • @Forest_V19
    @Forest_V19 Рік тому +5

    I really like the fact that Misha knows who Louis Cole is.

  • @henri1298
    @henri1298 Рік тому +2

    Valery was INSANE

  • @zachzachzach43
    @zachzachzach43 Рік тому +4

    Damn I wanna hear that orange guitar guys riff in a song

    • @butteritto
      @butteritto Рік тому

      Someday I'll make it a whole song 😎

  • @youreaphagatron
    @youreaphagatron Рік тому +1

    Massive compliment at 11:05

  • @jeffd.3883
    @jeffd.3883 Рік тому +1

    Misha are you talking about the band Ten56 using octavers well?

  • @kuringmundo
    @kuringmundo Рік тому +2

    he even looks like louis cole

  • @HevyDevy101
    @HevyDevy101 Рік тому +2

    Does Valeri have a channel?

  • @joeyhathaway8447
    @joeyhathaway8447 Рік тому

    Had to sit cross-legged in an armchair while eating a muffin for this one.

  • @aViolentGoose
    @aViolentGoose Рік тому +1

    Hoa would have been my pick too man, such a dope sound

  • @clunt2548
    @clunt2548 Рік тому +1

    Horizon chorus pedal when 👀?

  • @russellzauner
    @russellzauner Рік тому +1

    He's shaking what appears to be Tajin, a Mexican seasoning consisting of mostly ground chilis and dehydrated lime crystals.
    It makes the best grilled corn.
    I mix some lime juice into the mayo before coating the corn, then sprinkle Tajin on it and grill HARD until you have this nice blackened crust of mayo, hit with another dash of Tajin if you want.
    Even starchy corn that has been at the store for a few days will plump right up and become not only super juicy but the kernels POP with authority when you're eating it.
    So. Good.

    • @HoaPierre
      @HoaPierre Рік тому

      it was a glitter box with real tape on it actually

  • @Abbaddonna
    @Abbaddonna Рік тому +1

    Wow, I don't listen to Djent much because it all sounds pretty much the same to me (like that very last entry with the orange guitar is very much some generic djent stuff) but was actually surprised by the dude with the cross, the one after him and the Meshuggah'ish stuff later down the line. I listen to Meshuggah mostly, love them.

  • @wesleytrott6397
    @wesleytrott6397 Рік тому +1

    Misha, I get your F1 reference. Best of the best man! Do you think Max Verstappen will 3peat in the 2023 season?

  • @hixivstgaming
    @hixivstgaming Рік тому +1

    Where are these contests announced? I'd like to enter one!

  • @heybudhey4035
    @heybudhey4035 Рік тому +1

    11:10 sounds alot like Wide Eyes

  • @knocky3659
    @knocky3659 Рік тому +2

    23:25 Maybe it was for you originally, AND then he realized he had to make a reel out of it… anyways, even if it was a years old riff, the best riff is the best riff so…

    • @butteritto
      @butteritto Рік тому

      Pretty much what happened as I started filming this riff lol (I was the last entry)

  • @AMACHiiBiong
    @AMACHiiBiong Рік тому +3

    Need the names of all entrants 🙌🏽 so that I can sub to them 🤌🏽
    That Felipe mister sounded the most unique, I reckon. Might’ve heard some sort of Flamenco riffs thrown in there.
    1st guitar entry from Jackson W was bullseye in the feelings, too

    • @AlchemyInstruments
      @AlchemyInstruments Рік тому +1

      Hey Allan! This is Felipe. Thank you so much! I see techniques and I figure out if I have a use for them if I’m into it! My technique here isn’t exactly like a flamenco technique but every time I see a flamenco guy do those flams I’m thinking, “why haven’t I learned that yet?!” Lol

    • @SeaSquared
      @SeaSquared Рік тому +1

      Hey Allan! I was the second entry. Thanks so much!

  • @jimihendrix1650
    @jimihendrix1650 11 місяців тому

    Those headphones should get slightly bigger with every video til everyone notices, then slightly shrink til noone notices

  • @Not_Sure_2505
    @Not_Sure_2505 Рік тому

    I like the last one just bc it reminded me of early Novelists/ kadinja

  • @HieronymousLex
    @HieronymousLex Рік тому

    First one sounded almost exactly like Ow My Feelings, he’s not wrong

  • @Mike_362_GT
    @Mike_362_GT Рік тому +1

    All candidates are great, with PRO guitar tones gents ! My respect for you , talented musicians ! Some day i'll also submit .
    I play guitar and piano since 8 y.o.
    But can you people believe, that i got robed . Been stolen a lot of my studio equipment ( apprx. for 3000 Eur ). I have 4 electric guitars , but robbers took only one ( so my acoustic ibanez , Cort 7 string and 5 string ibanez still alive ) .
    But fuck, they took the most loved and expensive guitar that i had , and saved money to buy it ( soo in total it was mine for approximately a month ) - Ibanez Tim Henson THBB10 :( :( So a little bit of sad story for my self . I think they took it , because it was the only guitar, that was stored in a case :D
    All others guitars just on guitar stands . Sorry guys for some personal shit . But that thing , make me be more respectful for guitar players and musicians in general .
    I hope u all stay safe and in good , positive mood ! I wish that no one stoles ur passion/hobby er even for some , job equipment
    Thanks .
    Loyal Horizon devices customer and big fan of BULB himself and Peryphery obviously !
    Much love .

  • @SeverTheLeg
    @SeverTheLeg Рік тому +1

    14:50 Felipe Vldjvrtzky

  • @DCzero50
    @DCzero50 Рік тому +1

    He looks like that guy from peripheral

  • @AECommonThread2137
    @AECommonThread2137 Рік тому

    The Second one went for a Protest the Hero kind of thing.

  • @IJH-Music
    @IJH-Music Рік тому

    Is this the last contest?
    I miss these ):

  • @Joescanzillo
    @Joescanzillo Рік тому +2

    I’m just here wondering why I even bother playing guitar lol the skill level across the board is just insane

  • @gbftats07
    @gbftats07 Рік тому +1


  • @richburnsred
    @richburnsred Рік тому +1

    Not gonna lie…the standard here was insane! I would listen to every single one of these guitarists bands. You are right, some really fresh takes. I think this is what things like this competition does though, forces people to innovate in order to stand out.
    Amazing stuff everyone who participated! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @ebenezerspludge8369
    @ebenezerspludge8369 Рік тому

    Headphones? Forget that... Mish strapped two 8 inch subs to a hairclip and uses that ha ha.

  • @tomatomtom4921
    @tomatomtom4921 Рік тому +1

    Misha is the complete opposite of Rudy Ayoub 😂

  • @fenrir7779
    @fenrir7779 Рік тому +1

    Hoa Pierre = CHRIS VOGAGIS of WIDE EYES😛

  • @NavidKhan84
    @NavidKhan84 Рік тому +1

    Filipe incorporated jazz fusion techniques and licks in his writing…I wouldn’t call them sour notes..you have to sort of come out of the usual scale shapes and think of it in intervals and modes..the use of chromatic notes is a common thing to build up the tension in jazz fusion…a bit of sour to make up appreciate the sweet..I think he mixed three modes together there and put in Phrygian lick where u usually wouldn’t…I think it would had been better if he did not arrange the drums to be that aggressive…his chord voicings needed space to fall and sink in and you could had appreciated the beauty of it more, if the drums did not fill in those spaces