One Color Brioche in the Round

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @3rdand105
    @3rdand105 Рік тому +4

    The way you explain things make sense and can be easily grasped; I can't say that about the other knitting channels. As such, you've become my primary source for knitting information.

  • @kava2021
    @kava2021 11 місяців тому +4

    Best video on Brioche knitting. Love how you show both the continental and English method!

  • @maeveeriksson258
    @maeveeriksson258 4 роки тому +3 explanation of brioche that works for me!! Super thanks!!

  • @heidiklick9444
    @heidiklick9444 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for a great brioche video! Explaining and demonstrating the transition from BRP to BRK and back to BRP etc is perfect!!

  • @momentum4662
    @momentum4662 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you, Suzanne! You have a talent to explain and show brooch patterns patiently!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  3 роки тому +1

      You are so welcome! Thanks for watching and for the great feedback!

  • @loveapplecrafts
    @loveapplecrafts 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for this, you clearly show how to proceed from one round to the next which I have had trouble figuring out from other videos!!

  • @marylevanti-cuellar3545
    @marylevanti-cuellar3545 2 роки тому +1

    You make the best instructional videos!

  • @sandramillar9067
    @sandramillar9067 2 роки тому +3

    I’m brand new at Brioche 😊 thank you for this very helpful video on how to read our knitting so we know how to knit the next row. Very helpful! 👍😊👌

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому +1

      You are so welcome, Sandra, I'm glad my video was helpful! ❤️

    • @sandramillar9067
      @sandramillar9067 2 роки тому

      @@SuzanneBryan 😊🌸👍🤗🤗🤗

  • @Serenity-fu8xz
    @Serenity-fu8xz Рік тому

    OK you are incredible. I’ve been scared embryos for a while and just sat down with your video and did it and I got it in the first try it’s the coolest ever. Oh my goodness I love brioche. Thank you for guiding us all you are incredible.

  • @kxh60
    @kxh60 Рік тому

    This video is so helpful! Thank you so much -- I knit continental & most tutorials I found don't show it so they're harder for me to follow. I appreciate that you show both styles.

  • @maryhansen1110
    @maryhansen1110 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this video. I had to watch it over so many times. I could get the part when a new round started. I final did it with the magic loop method and just like that it is going great.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      Yay, way to persevere, Mary! Sometimes it just takes a bit of practice. 😊

  • @heatherwoods4012
    @heatherwoods4012 Рік тому

    Thank you! This is the best tutorial on one color Brioche in the round I’ve seen. I saved the tutorial for future reference and feel confident to try it out now.

  • @susanbossung9098
    @susanbossung9098 3 роки тому +2

    Best instruction I’ve seen. Very clear. Especially in change of round.

  • @deannakent600
    @deannakent600 3 роки тому +1

    Well done. Best brioche video I’ve seen. Very helpful!

  • @KnD_Cosplay
    @KnD_Cosplay 2 роки тому +1

    This is a great video and helped me a lot, thank you!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому

      You're so welcome, CCK, thanks for watching! 😊

  • @helenchild4397
    @helenchild4397 2 роки тому +1

    Easy to follow. Thanks

  • @BlueSunshineAnna
    @BlueSunshineAnna Рік тому

    This was so helpful! Thank you!! X

  • @Kri5tinaaaaa
    @Kri5tinaaaaa 3 роки тому

    I have watched probably over 10 videos and you video is by far the most in depth instruction. Thank you for making it more clear visually of how to understand what is happening and how to read the work. Phenomenal !!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  3 роки тому

      You're very welcome, Tin M, I'm glad my video was helpful! ❤️

  • @momentum4662
    @momentum4662 3 роки тому

    Thank you, Suzanne! I enjoy your lovely broody knitting lessons!

  • @niecyc6203
    @niecyc6203 4 роки тому

    You're the best knitting instructor EVER!!!!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      Thank you Niecy C! Happy knitting.

  • @ImGinaMarie
    @ImGinaMarie 6 років тому +1

    Can't wait for the 2 color brioche!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому

      Here it is -
      Happy knitting.

  • @cynthialytle3328
    @cynthialytle3328 2 роки тому

    Excellent!!! Thank you!!

  • @kathyroberts3132
    @kathyroberts3132 6 років тому +2

    Great video & it helps that you are a Continental knitter like myself...
    I really like all the videos I have watched so far...thank you.

  • @batya7
    @batya7 6 років тому +3

    Thanks for showing how to read the stitches.

  • @SimplyMaurcrafting
    @SimplyMaurcrafting 6 років тому +2

    Thanks for this tutorial. It really made it click on how to read my stitches in Brioche. - Maureen

  • @pattishanks3788
    @pattishanks3788 6 років тому +2

    Great, easy to follow tutorial!

  • @jjnewcomer4745
    @jjnewcomer4745 Рік тому

    Dry good Suza

  • @nancymcculley8674
    @nancymcculley8674 5 років тому

    Just to let you know once again I LOVE your videos. I keep several in my video library like this one for instance, because I need to refer back to them. Big THANK YOU Suzanne.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      You are very welcome Nancy McCulley! Happy knitting.

  • @tinglesrosyrupeeland
    @tinglesrosyrupeeland 3 роки тому

    Gorgeous tutorial, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience!

  • @lornaj3310
    @lornaj3310 4 роки тому +1

    I bet I've watched this video 10 times, it's by far the best and clearest, but I just keep mucking this up. Your stitches are so neat and easy to read and mine just... aren't. Sometimes one side looks like brioche and the other doesn't, sometimes both sides look like a mess. Maybe 15 more views and I'll get it right!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому +2

      That's about how long it took me to get kitchener stitch, but once you get it, it sticks in your head. Happy knitting.

  • @mmeharriet1538
    @mmeharriet1538 2 роки тому

    Suzanne, Just love all your videos. Please help! Is the Fisherman’s rib another name for Brioche stitch. I’m finding answers that it is and it isn’t. I want to knit a sweater in Fisherman’s rib (the Gentleman Cardigan by Sascha Knits) and I believe it is the Brioche stitch. BYW, you are my hero. I learned to knit by watching/reading Elizabeth Zimmerman years ago and now I learn good techniques from you! Best to you always,

  • @cathynolan8497
    @cathynolan8497 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the great explanation, I’m about to start a sweater with Broche cuffs and I was thinking about working regular knit/purl. But now I’m pretty sure I can do the broche cuff now. 😀 thanks.

  • @shewasjustso
    @shewasjustso 5 років тому +1

    Thanks again Suzanne. I'm doing my very first one color brioche hat and you explained clearly and concisely the answer to my question; how do I know if I'm on a BRP or a BRK row. You're my knitting lighthouse Suzanne- always guiding me! 😊 Any question I have in knitting, you seem to have already answered!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому

      Wonderful shewasjustso! Happy Knitting.

  • @annak4314
    @annak4314 4 роки тому

    I finally understood! Thank you 😊

  • @EmeraldQueen206
    @EmeraldQueen206 4 роки тому

    Thank you 🙏

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      You are very welcome mamalovesyarn! Happy knitting.

  • @NinaKeilin
    @NinaKeilin 6 років тому +1

    This is very helpful. However, is it also possible to just do knit one below and achieve the same result?

  • @nancymcculley8674
    @nancymcculley8674 6 років тому +3

    I’ve been learning brioche technique for about 2 weeks now. Frustrating but practice practice practice til I get it right. Right now I’m doing one color in round and having a real problem making transition from brp to brk at end of round. Is there always a duplicate stitch for end of round?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  6 років тому +2

      On the rounds starting with the sl1yo, you will end with a brp. The very next stitch at the start of the next round will be a brk. The rounds that start with a brk, will end with a sl1yo, and the very next stitch of the next round will also be a sl1yo. That is what confuses most people. Just continue doing it in that manner and you will be fine. Happy knitting.

    • @jeanbridges1695
      @jeanbridges1695 6 років тому

      Knitting with Suzanne Bryan that further clarification is very helpful. I had to make a simple diagram for myself with the abbreviations that showed the progression from row to row. It’s my cheat sheet after taking out about 15 attempts. I think I finally have it 😊.

  • @mimihedwig5374
    @mimihedwig5374 3 роки тому +2

    Hi - thank you for showing how to do this stitch English style! Most other tutorials I've seen are Continental only. One question: is this the same as half-brioche? If not, do you have a tutorial on half-brioche in the round? Many thanks

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  3 роки тому

      No, half brioche is only working the brioche portion on the RS knits. The pursl are always purled. 🧶

  • @lbessinger
    @lbessinger 4 роки тому +1

    Does it make any difference if you work on an even or odd number of stitches?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      You would want an even number of stitches for working in the round. If you are working it flat, then you can have an even or odd number of stitches. It is similar to k1p1 ribbing in that you need an even number for in the round knitting. Great question.

  • @analises13
    @analises13 3 роки тому +1

    I have no problems when I’m knitting in the brioche pattern flat, but when I knit in the round my brioche knit stitches begin to lean to the right, like sort of turn to the right. I’ve attempted to change my tension on the brioche purls, but I’m still have the same problem. I knit throwing. Could this be my problem?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  3 роки тому

      Yes, that could be your problem. Try using the continental method. I know one other person who had leaning stitches in the throwing method.

  • @ginasheehan7157
    @ginasheehan7157 4 роки тому +1

    Could you possibly do a beanie pattern using the brioche Stitch?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      Yes, it can be done. You would use the decreases as I show in the decrease videos. Happy knitting.

  • @lplayton
    @lplayton 5 років тому

    This looks very much like a fisherman’s rib but easier. Is it as squishy and soft?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  5 років тому +1

      It produces the exact same results. Just another way to do the same thing. Happy knitting.

  • @conniesoandsewing
    @conniesoandsewing 2 роки тому +1

    When does one do a brioche knit as opposed to a brioche purl? I still don't get that. Thanks

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 роки тому +1

      Brioche is a type of ribbing stitch. So you do a knit followed by a purl. But, in brioche, you work all the knits in one pass, then you work the purls in the next pass. Google Brioche, and look for Nancy Marchant's web page. She is the queen of Brioche and explains it quite well.

  • @barbarawang1538
    @barbarawang1538 4 роки тому +1

    How many stitches am I supposed to cast on in order to do brioche in the round? Thank you

  • @Karen-0914
    @Karen-0914 4 роки тому +1

    I need to know how to fix a dropped stitch in brioche in the round.

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому

      Fixing mistakes in the round can be worked the same as fixing mistakes in brioche worked flat. Here is a fixing mistakes video that I have, in two colors, but I think you will get the hang of it by watching -

    • @Karen-0914
      @Karen-0914 4 роки тому

      Thank you so much, Suzanne, for the great video on fixing mistakes. It will help me a lot!

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  4 роки тому


  • @jackfntwist
    @jackfntwist 3 роки тому

    I did only Brioche Knit, never BR purl, for a scarf. Is that wrong?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  3 роки тому +1

      Well this is a video about Brioche Knit in the round. Here is a video on one color brioche knit flat. Good luck, Jack! 😊

    • @jackfntwist
      @jackfntwist 3 роки тому

      @@SuzanneBryan Great. That's exactly how I did it. Thank you.

  • @loisjones9766
    @loisjones9766 2 місяці тому

    Why make it so complicated rather than just knit 1 ,yo slip 1 ?

    • @SuzanneBryan
      @SuzanneBryan  2 місяці тому

      I am sorry it seemed complicated to you.