We Believe You - False rape accusations are NOT rare

  • Опубліковано 17 тра 2019
  • Falsely accused of rape or serious sexual assault - the number of victims of lies is rising exponentially. This film tells the stories of just a small sample of this horrific reality.
    Please also note the individual stories being uploaded to this channel that can give an in depth account of each person's experience.
    While more and more people are being brave enough to speak out about the trauma and loss that is peculiarly savage when you are falsely accused of a sex crime, there are thousands more in Britain who choose to stay silent for fear of greater costs and greater loss.
    All of us involved in making this film chose to break this silence to try and free as many of those people as possible and prevent others from suffering as a result of this pernicious weapon that has killed some, and ruined thousands.
    For more on the facts, figures and narratives behind this national scandal - please refer to the longer explanation, posted by Office for National Statistics graphs and figures that SHOULD blow people's minds.
    The NOS published Crime Survey for England and Wales (more accurate than any BBC exit poll statistically speaking) says that actually of the 88,000 women raped that year - only 14,000 went to the police - and yet,
    72,000 rape reports were made to police in 2021
    so simple maths says 55,000 minimum were lies.
    false accusations of rape rare?
    no way - According to the most respected National Statistics Office they are much more common than real reports of rape.


  • @patrickgraham6786
    @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +13

    Just an apology for the Pig & Crown forum being permanently down - Matt who helped me make this film was in sole charge of the web site management and disappeared from contact over a year ago now.

  • @MoonwalkerKing-gc5jm
    @MoonwalkerKing-gc5jm 5 років тому +51

    I cant even express how much it angers me that people would use such a serious situation as sexual abuse to falsely accuse and manipulate a person

    • @e-pointer2262
      @e-pointer2262 16 днів тому

      It's unchecked mental illness on the part of the accuser is what is it.

  • @royjgibson5292
    @royjgibson5292 3 роки тому +21

    This needs to be shared!! I was falsely accused in 2002, Jailed in 2005, Released in 2013 and I STILL get abuse in public and it is erm.........what?.....IT IS 2021!!!!

  • @Spookys1978
    @Spookys1978 5 років тому +21

    False accusers make it harder for real victims to be taken seriously.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +4

      That too - and an angle which should interest all genuine justice seekers, but sadly all the women's groups seem able to do is shout,
      "Must convict more men!"

    • @mosesjones5376
      @mosesjones5376 4 роки тому +5

      That's the real issue right there. The false accusers are going to make it hell for the people who actually do get sexually assaulted.

    • @safarit678
      @safarit678 Місяць тому

      The men here are the "real victims". We have to train ourselves not to associate only women with victimhood.
      Even when we are well intentioned, we make the same mistake and contribute to false victimhood.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Місяць тому

      @@safarit678 Correct - male victims are screened out of every aspect of our systems. Feminists say and do disgusting things to try and ensure that society as a whole avoids seeing the evils women do and that any man can be a victim...
      By the time the world wakes up to the big feminist lie about false accusers being rare, the genuine rape victims should also have learned to blame their failure to get justice on the ones that screwed the system - the Feminists

  • @TwoPlusTwoEqualsFive32
    @TwoPlusTwoEqualsFive32 5 років тому +35

    Never speak to police, do not open your door to police, request a lawyer preferably one you pay so their loyalties are with you only, decline all requests, demand warrants.
    Police do not exist to "find the truth" they exist to find evidence they can use against you, whether that evidence tells a truthful story or not is irrelevant their job is to simply find as much dirt on you as possible to secure a conviction. If any evidence appears that may lead them to believe you are innocent expect them to find ways of dismissing it or pretending it does not exist.
    Police are not your friend.

    • @stevet4564
      @stevet4564 Рік тому

      "police are not your friend"
      ....until someone shoots your loved one in the head at the local shopping mall or it's time to go apprehend an active shooter so he/she doesn't continue unobstructed..

  • @floyfn
    @floyfn 5 років тому +92

    We need not only prosecute false accusers, but police and prosecutors like THOSE described in THIS disturbing video.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +12

      But we won't. Because that would offend the women's movements.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +16

      Oh, but we will - the police and CPS are going to find an increasing number of actions against them (including from me) and that the tables are turning against their lazy corrupt behaviour.
      They should have thought about being lazy corrupt bastards before they started perverting the course of justice against well connected and educated teachers, priests and the like.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +2

      @bliss shiva I didn't say they didn't. But politicians live in fear of the feminist movement.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +2

      @@patrickgraham6786 Unfortunately, the police are very well protected in this country. The best way to bring this home to them if for they themselves to suffer false allegations. This has happened a couple of times already to my knowledge, and, whilst I do not wish a false allegation on any man, I did feel a certain sense of satisfaction when it happened.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +3

      @@wisemanner5012 the number of police falsely accused is interesting - about 8 have been in our forums - nearly all of them whistleblowers on corrupt officers above them.
      (None of them got convicted) there is a mighty monolith of organised crime that is the police force - but there are weapons with which we can pick away at that .
      Data Commissioner is one. Exposing their cover ups, as Watergate journalists exposed an all powerful president - is the way.

  • @somebody2600
    @somebody2600 5 років тому +73

    I too am a victim of false accusations, thus I very much sympathize with the men in the video. It is a terrible experience that leaves you emotionally scarred for a very long time if not forever. Hang in there. I would like to know if the false accusers were ever prosecuted. Here in Michigan, they are not.

    • @somebody2600
      @somebody2600 5 років тому +22

      @William Gruff The false accusers should get the same penalty that the falsely accused would have received if convicted.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +12

      In the UK anything the accuser says to the police (outside the court room setting) is privileged - it is only perjury if a judge agrees that they lied in court...
      We tried to get ours prosecuted for perverting the course of justice but the crown persecution service is not interested and uses "public interest" as a defence against inaction. The police are not interested in PCJ against any accuser* because they will always be implicated for twisting the story in the accuser's favour. The very rare prosecutions are where it is proven that the accuser was lying, - and where the police cannot be discovered to have helped them.
      (* and where a policeman has been falsely accused and won in court, 5 of the 21 prosecutions in 2017 were such examples)
      Our case (in progress) is against the police
      - we feel that everyone should concentrate on those who pervert the course of justice as a part of their day jobs. The police cannot justify it as being the result of the stress of (fictional) sexual abuse - nor mental illness.
      When they take a sick revenge/abuser's story and run with it THEY are the ones doing down the innocent and encouraging the boom in false allegations.
      If everyone who feels they have been demonstrably falsely accused can work on discovering the evidence that the police chose to hide from the CPS in order to get charges laid - BINGO - that's the evidence of perverting the course of justice.
      The next job is getting the CPS to go against their colleagues in crime and prosecute the police - which normally means getting a misconduct finding from the IOPC in the first instance.
      It can take a long time to get to this point - the police's main expertise is in:
      cans - kicking down road and, balls - kicking into the long grass.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +7

      @@somebody2600 They get a very light sentence if convicted. They let one woman make fifteen false accusations before they prosecuted her, so suborned have they become by the women's movements.

    • @torspang7674
      @torspang7674 4 роки тому +4

      happened to me too brother.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +4

      @@torspang7674 Hi Tor - and sorry you were forced to join this damn club...
      since the film stats it has got worse...
      the number of false accusations of rape (not counting all the other attempts/sexual assaults etc) last year (2019) was 58,000 in the UK
      that's over a thousand a week going into a police station and saying they have been raped.
      It's clear from Government survey figures that only 8,500 genuine rape victims went to the police.
      So how rare are false allegations of rape?
      the figures suggest that it has hit epidemic proportions: over 48,000 last year.

  • @atticus319
    @atticus319 4 роки тому +22

    I've heard feminists talk about the impact on a falsely accused as if it's no big deal, and that rape isn't about sex, it's about power.
    When you're arrested, under implicit threat of violence from the police, restrained with handcuffs, walked out to their vehicle in public.. And that's just the beginning of the journey. Then, you're in a cell for whatever length of time they hold you, with whatever criminals. You eat whatever food they give you, use the toilet in whatever condition it is.. And, arrests and incarcerations can involve strip searches, undressing to various degrees in front of others, using toilets in front of others, and them using toilets in your presence.
    We need to be able to compare these traumas with "date rape" or "spousal rape". For cases where some sex occurred, The current definition of rape is too broad, and it leaves the door wide open to massive abuse. Currently, we are not allowed to discuss actual impact, and the assumption is always that it is the worst thing imaginable for a woman.. as if all rapes are "knife point" rapes.
    The abuse that can come from an over-eagerness of police and prosecutors to jump at non-existent evidence is a whole other problem yet again.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +6

      When you study the trauma of having the establishment - the branch that one believed would promote truth and justice ( most of us are that naive), decide to persecute you and make your life/career unlivable -
      all on the say so, in my own and many other cases, of someone who took a distant dislike to you on the basis of being a sociopathic narcissist as a teenage daughter of an aggrieved employee... 25 years ago...
      I can tell you with some certainty that the trauma of the dominant form of rape is not so bad.
      as for the 58,000 reports of rape made to the police in 2019 - we know from government's own consistent survey (CSEW) on rape victims and the small % who report to the police - that there were a maximum of 14,000 of those reports that could be genuine...
      a maximum.

    • @robertreed7963
      @robertreed7963 Рік тому

      Not to mention the danger of the falsely accused of being raped in prison.

  • @lighthousexiii2391
    @lighthousexiii2391 5 років тому +120

    How long until the 'Me Too' movement for this witch hunt? False accusers should be prosecuted.

    • @nakiyahlaney8739
      @nakiyahlaney8739 5 років тому +33

      The MeToo movement doesn't care about the falsely accused sadly.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +23

      @@nakiyahlaney8739 I think Alfadex was suggesting we need a "me too" type organisation of the witch-hunted falsely accused, - to counter those fake wannabe victims and much more besides.

    • @nakiyahlaney8739
      @nakiyahlaney8739 5 років тому +17

      @@patrickgraham6786 We seriously do,cause the "original" metoo movement is nothing but a witchunt at this point.

    • @jerrymoore8355
      @jerrymoore8355 5 місяців тому +2

      I remember when all this started! I said to my wife then, that it seems every woman in this country must have been raped or sexually assaulted according to these people! A friend of mine told another guy at work to kiss his a$$. He was disciplined and it was recorded as a sexual assault! Where's this country going !?

    • @kevinwhelan9607
      @kevinwhelan9607 Місяць тому

      It happened to a friend of mine- he lost his career and much else overnight. He also found out who is true friends were. Clue: It wasn't the ones anxious that he know what strangers were saying about him online.

  • @tg5127
    @tg5127 5 років тому +16

    Thank you for giving a voice to these people. I was falsely accused by my ex after our breakup. She did it to make people forget that she cheated on me two months before a wedding she wanted. Of course there was no proof of what she was saying but I could not prove my innocence. I went through the same things as these people except the police and trials (luckily? unluckily?). Mob justice, death threats, my life falling apart and mental health problems. Only when she started to say I raped her for 7 years people started to think it was a bit too shady to be believed. But it was too late for all the damage done. I am still in therapy for two years now. Love from France.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +7

      Hi Thomas - and thanks for commenting. The only way I knew how to cope with the damage was by doing all I could to expose the lies and get a wider understanding of what is really going on -
      I couldn't include in the film all the horrifying truths I have heard about how and why the police behave as they do, the belief of the supposed victim is, however the big wrong starting point - I hope you agree. Hopefully this film will be spread far enough to get people to realise that there is a whole wounded army out there, hiding from pain and exposure to mobs, when it is the safely anonymous cowbitchesfromHell who should be being persecuted. ( and prosecuted whenever their is evidence of their perverting the course of justice.)
      Best of luck in France...

  • @hasr4560
    @hasr4560 4 роки тому +17

    I'm a victim too. I lose my job because a woman with some kind of problem or trauma got a panic attack in an elevator and falsely accused me of touching her breasts. The company automatically fired me without allowing to defend myself. I feel so humiliated and frustrated.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +3

      I am very sorry to hear this, do you have anything by way of evidence - CCTV from the elevator is common?
      and then you can sue your employer for wrongful dismissal.

    • @fredmckinney8933
      @fredmckinney8933 7 місяців тому +2

      What company was this? I will make sure to NEVER do business with them ever again.

    • @TimCBurgess
      @TimCBurgess 3 місяці тому

      The accuser in this scenario ALWAYS wins and then laughs all the way to the bank as they get settlements from the employer. After my false accusation ordeal I would NEVER get in any elevator with a woman. This is especially true if you have made money and people know it. My advice? Keep it secret and avoid being alone with any female you do not know.

    • @non-foldingchair270
      @non-foldingchair270 3 місяці тому +1

      What company?

  • @jillfarrell6388
    @jillfarrell6388 5 років тому +35

    Lump in throat. This needs to be seen by everyone. Makes me sick that the CPS and police are so corrupt. They don't care about the damage they cause to the innocent person and their families. Well done tho for this video.

  • @ruswolf3146
    @ruswolf3146 5 років тому +14

    false accusations accusers are truly evil no matter what

  • @alcoholiday6954
    @alcoholiday6954 5 років тому +37

    Absolutely awesome guys. really need to get it on TV now :)

    • @daphnejohn4855
      @daphnejohn4855 5 років тому +5

      Totally agree with this, my thought exactly. Which TV channel would have the guts to show this? They are all afraid of sticking their necks out.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +3

      yes - they can always find a reason not to - but if it hits the right spot in a producer's head about the justice system being broken - or Feminist myths that need exposing, or whatever other aspect it takes to stop more innocent men being driven to suicide, then maybe they would take it on...

  • @torspang7674
    @torspang7674 4 роки тому +11

    happened to me. by two different girls in my life. Actually three--one in college admitted she lied, the second denied she ever said it, and the third, just shrugged her shoulders when confronted. So take my experience and multiply it exponentially and one can assume it happens ALL the time EVERYWHERE. Fucking liars.

  • @JoeyJ0J0
    @JoeyJ0J0 5 років тому +13

    This is why I am thankful for all the work Diana Davidson has been doing for the falsely accused

  • @SweetStrawberryShell
    @SweetStrawberryShell 5 років тому +12

    Thank you for making this. My ex was falsely accused. I hope he's still fighting it.

    • @offpatsmile
      @offpatsmile 5 років тому +1

      I am know him! I did a lot of research in making this film. there are several groups with well over 3000 members who have been through this... and probably 20x that number who never looked for a group...
      but it taught me that very few people want to stick their heads above the parapet... and the reasons are obvious. but the more we do it, the better it becomes for everyone (except the false accusers).

    • @offpatsmile
      @offpatsmile 5 років тому

      "am" = may...

    • @JP-bj2sb
      @JP-bj2sb 4 місяці тому +1

      I am happy that another woman (than me) also reacted to such topics. It is amazing to me how indifferent and insensitive to justice modern women have become.

  • @anthonylowery5673
    @anthonylowery5673 5 років тому +27

    IMPORTANT, NEVER> NEVER speak to police without a solicitor. So easy when you know your not guilty to agree thinking truth will prevail, all you do is give them ammunition to manipulate into their suppositions.

    • @k2maxis
      @k2maxis 3 роки тому +4

      Never speak to the police PERIOD. Be silent. They will only harm you. Lie, deceit, ...whatever they need. Do not speak to police under any circumstances.

    • @TimCBurgess
      @TimCBurgess Рік тому

      That is an important point. There is nothing to gain by talking with police. They only have incentives for how many "criminals" they jail. There is no incentive to help the accused. Never ever talk to police.

    • @MasterDragonPaladin
      @MasterDragonPaladin Рік тому

      @@k2maxis Agreed. Modern day police are scum never trust those low-life pieces of shet. They only protect liars, deceivers, real criminals or the powerful and rich.

  • @thundaga4005
    @thundaga4005 5 років тому +90

    Great film. The justice systems in the West are falling apart. The social justice movement isn't about real justice.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +12

      @Derek Ferguson ...and pleasing feminist pressure groups.

    • @mikem9536
      @mikem9536 5 років тому +3

      @fukthegoog And it's working.

  • @lawrencegleason4666
    @lawrencegleason4666 5 років тому +17

    Good video. Brave for them to be interviewed on this.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +2

      thanks - the snowball started rolling with people like Mark Pearson and Liam Allan - now it is rolling down the hill and picking up mass and momentum. We (Matt Day and I) got this together because we were part of the group and could thus feel it and feel empathy at a very strong level.
      Matt is still fighting for his fatherhood and other rights - please see here why making this film was both a means to express emotion and a real ordeal...

    • @kenabbott8585
      @kenabbott8585 5 років тому +1

      They're going to be in the crosshairs again, for sure.

  • @daphnejohn4855
    @daphnejohn4855 5 років тому +20

    Well done to all involved in the making of this. Absolutely amazing, truth but also sad to watch and listen. This needs to be shared to everyone possible. Anyone within the justice system needs to see what damage can and has been done, through False Accusations and the way the Justice system reacts to get a conviction.

  • @kruntfrucker1194
    @kruntfrucker1194 5 років тому +26

    Well done. This was very sobering & I hope it put the fear of god in to this corruption of out legal system.
    Kudos to the men & women that spoke out. They're the keystones to change.
    Finally, we done for pulling this together. I know what goes on in the background, the travel, frustration, cancellation, delay, worry & lost hours, days & months.
    I hope you look at your work & it make you proud. You should be.
    Great work. Take a break & then ........ ;)

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +2

      Thanks for the recognition - yes it was hard work, in the area you recognise the organising etc, but also because it was very emotional, when we listened hard to cases just like our own, and worse - it opened up old wounds again and again -

    • @kruntfrucker1194
      @kruntfrucker1194 5 років тому +2

      @@patrickgraham6786 yup just done some filming with male DV victims. It's hard to keep focus when you're welling up.
      Have you thought about approaching ICMI19 to show this in Chicago?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +1

      I hadn't done but I was planning to contact Mike B today and get him to see the finished film. I can't make it to Chicago myself - too much money and an ill wife.

  • @IndependentManSpeaks
    @IndependentManSpeaks 5 років тому +18

    Great stuff, thanks for doing this.

  • @davidg8888
    @davidg8888 5 років тому +26

    We need to get as many people as possible to see this - especially those with power and influence. It deserves to get the same attention the the Secret Barrister book got - or more.

    • @benpinder889
      @benpinder889 Рік тому

      The sad truth is people don't care, well not enough. Women can get away with murder and I see no end to it

  • @noonesbusiness8285
    @noonesbusiness8285 5 років тому +20

    Its happening everywhere not just in Britain. Its sick and is why im mgtow. This is truly terrifying and can happen to any man at anytime

    • @rob9207
      @rob9207 4 роки тому

      Don't let fear control your life. Just take precautions to protect yourself. The world is still full of wonderful and sane women. You just have to be very careful with who you let close into your life.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +1

      You may note - Sister Frances, (the nun in this film) was perhaps the most serene victim of a false sex crime accusation imaginable - and she continues to make light of it -
      but the reasons for that are her amazing experiences of the worst and best in human existence - she holds no grudges but is empathetic to other victims and patron of FACT, because she does know what Hell it is to be falsely accused.

    • @Matt-to1sl
      @Matt-to1sl 3 роки тому

      @@rob9207 Well said, always watch out for red flags because they will be there

    • @frogautistic
      @frogautistic Рік тому +3

      I have a friend who likes Tinder. He has lots of sex, but covertly audio records every event. Backs up every recording onto the cloud and never deletes it. Just incase......

    • @olympusentertainment2638
      @olympusentertainment2638 6 місяців тому

      @@rob9207 That's a lie and you know it, what an evil man to say that there are many '' good ones out there ''.

  • @Brianbeesandbikes
    @Brianbeesandbikes Рік тому +7

    I'm dealing with this as well. Grateful for the documentary, Without a truth and reconciliation process, lies are easy to keep being mistaken for truth.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому +1

      please spread - to help change attitudes that these are rare and insignificant...

  • @rodneyalbertholland5615
    @rodneyalbertholland5615 Рік тому +9

    How do you defend a sexual assault that never happened
    You can't
    I was accused of sexually assaulting a minor in the Philippines
    How do you defend a crime that never happened
    You can't
    The witness was never presented by the complainer in court
    Yet the judge found me guilty

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому +1

      sorry to hear that. It is entirely ridiculous that we have to achieve the impossible ( prove a negative) and prove our innocence.
      the law has turned upside down.

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 5 років тому +12

    As with the Jian Gomeshi case all it takes is envious resentful and bitterness for a borderline personality disordered female to do this and potentially ruin everything for someone and even destroy families.

  • @motheatendeerhead8777
    @motheatendeerhead8777 3 роки тому +5

    Watching this has gotten me through the toughest two months of my life

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      just caught up with this - so pleased it has helped you.
      I quite understand the massive number of people who feel they cannot come forward and say what horrors they have been through - but if those of us who can, do, and then find it helps even just one other person who has been locked inside themselves, feeling they are the only one, - then it is more than worth all the effort we put in..

  • @avataryurii
    @avataryurii 9 місяців тому +5

    im dealing with false allegations now from the mother of my children. avcused me of sexual assualt on all of them. its been devastating and i feel so alone. its like ive been telling the truth from the beginning and noone cares. havent seen my children in 8 months. have a detective still keeping the case open purposefully digging to try and ruin me. like a fool i voluntarily have given interviews and gone down to the station without money for a lawyer and already things being used against me and twisted out of context. judge dismissed the restraining orders due to lack of evidence but the detectives are still trying to invovle themselves. its been hell. utter betrayal at every level. just so hard to cope with this. i pray the kids wake up and realize their horrible miistake and tell the truth. ive kept documents as much as possible and can prove other lies against me.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  9 місяців тому +2

      I am so sorry to hear this, but I all too often do - It might be worth checking out a specialist paralegal to get the best advice on how to handle the position you are now in,
      I somehow suspect you are not, but if you are in the UK - I would recommend Barnett Associates for this job (They are searchable on social media such as Facebook etc)
      It is important to do the right thing now - and not just rely on a barrister/solicitor - as however good they are, they are a part of the system and resistant to challenging normal justice system practices and they won't do much for you between here and the courtroom.
      best of luck, but do get support and advice - FASO are also good at support and signposting - but if you are in USA or Australia , I have no real knowledge of their systems
      Canada - contact Diana Davidson (Facebook)

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 9 місяців тому +2

      They call this a smoking gun. A way to have absolute control in any court proceedings, women are vicious. And evil.

    • @nobodi2840
      @nobodi2840 5 місяців тому +1

      I know exactly what you are going through. 5 years last month. A year and a half ago I took a plea so I am convicted of a crime that never happened. The worst part is that people will not let go they just keep the slanderous lies. Going some people just keep that pot stirred it is like part of a. Line in a song by Bob Seger you walk into a room and stare at you. And whisper you just want to explode I can prove the truth. But people don't want to know the truth they just want the lie. If it weren't for the Lord leading us each day I don't know what would happen. If you are a child of the Lord then remember they hated him also. And these are only trials to make you stronger I have learned 3 things. To be humble,to be grateful and to be patient

  • @ungabungaable
    @ungabungaable 4 роки тому +6

    been here, wasnt arrested, but she made accusations, so imediately moved outta the bed room to sleep behind the couch with a tablet always plugged in and recording to my cloud when i slept, moved out to a homeless shelter, accused me of everything she said her ex did to her, never again. i refuse to live with a woman, not gay, but definately done with dating. biggest thing was i watch her talk to herself and convince herlself of her own lies.

  • @RobWalker1
    @RobWalker1 5 років тому +7

    Really glad that this has been made - thanks so much!

  • @kevind411
    @kevind411 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you so much for doing this film.

  • @ellibuckle
    @ellibuckle 5 років тому +9

    Well Done Patrick and Matt for making this film, And well done to everyone who participated in the making of it, Real Heartbreaking True Stories,

  • @ManSeekingChrist
    @ManSeekingChrist 4 роки тому +3

    Amazing video. I will be sharing. Thank you.

  • @alistairmackinnon4216
    @alistairmackinnon4216 5 років тому +6

    23 years ago, this was the start of my divorce... based on a false allegation.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +5

      So sorry Alistair, and then the question is, you and how many others? - those who can come forward and be pubic on film are MASSIVELY outnumbered by those for whom that would be too big a risk - job, child contact, etc.
      This is why it is such a huge disgrace.
      The damage done, when the state condemns an innocent man of a sex crime, is worse than it is for 90% of rape victims.

  • @zaidmalik3273
    @zaidmalik3273 5 років тому +10

    Hope to view the follow-up video ... good work guys

  • @emmaaudsley1045
    @emmaaudsley1045 5 років тому +7

    The vids on this channel are really helping me understand this so much more. Either way, victims of rape AND victims of false allegations are being failed legally on a massive scale!

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +4

      absolutely - and real rape victims are being rejected by police as fake -
      while they believe the fakers because they "sound more convincing". No one is helped by injustice but the police have been trained utterly wrongly ...so injustice all round is the result.

  • @sirskeptic
    @sirskeptic 5 років тому +6

    Cited in a masters thesis - thanks. Great content.

  • @thatbenco
    @thatbenco 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much

  • @WaterfordFirefighter
    @WaterfordFirefighter Рік тому +3

    An awful, traumatic and future killing experience, a futureless future. To all those falsely accused, I hope you find justice, hope, light and peace.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому

      I know some of us have -
      the other side of that is hoping that peace utterly eludes our false accusers until they reach awareness, apologise publicly and report themselves, for the heinous crime of perverting the course of justice.

    • @WaterfordFirefighter
      @WaterfordFirefighter Рік тому

      @@patrickgraham6786 Some of those false accusers don't care. Keep it up the fight, it is important and helpful for those who find themselves in such an awful unfair situation.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому

      @@WaterfordFirefighter OH I don't think any of them have a clue just where they rank on the list of post war scumbags - and I will probably not live to see one apologise - nor one psychotherapist whose suggestions planted false memories in followers of the victimhood religion - but if we can get the general public past the tipping point - of seeing that MOST reports of rape made to the UK last year were false...
      as demonstrated by the gold standard NOS Crime survey on actual numbers of rape victims and % going to the police, and literal police records of rape reports. - That will be a great day.

  • @erikjarandson5458
    @erikjarandson5458 4 роки тому +10

    The rule of law is a social contract: we forego personal vengeance, in return for justice through the legal system. Perfection isn't required; we can all understand that perfection is impossible. However, _good faith_ effort to provide justice _for all_ is definitely an absolute requirement. When people can blatantly abuse the law as a weapon against the innocent, and ruin their lives without any real risk of legal consequences for themselves, that contract is broken. No longer protected by the law, gradually more people will begin to take justice into their own hands. I'm not encouraging or justifying vigilantism; in fact, when I point out the danger, it's my tiny effort to prevent it. It's of vital importance to society that equal justice is provided. Civilization itself depends on it.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому

      Very true - the law acting in a fair and just manner is possibly THE bedrock of any civilisation - and when it becomes twisted by a political stance ( as has happened in various nations over the years ) then that civilisation is diminished significantly. The political stance pushed by Keir Starmer and Alison Saunders as DPPs and others in various roles with influence - is the idea that any male accused of rape is pretty much certain to be guilty because Feminism has said so... - based on the very well established myth making that people accusing others of rape don't lie...
      We have to return to investigation and the pursuit of truth, and it is happening slowly in rape cases (much for the wrong reasons of overwork) - the police need to have a different culture and reward system that doesn't depend on "nailing the suspect" but on rational discernment of truth.

  • @channasuc1726
    @channasuc1726 4 дні тому +1

    Guys, I am also victim of this - I have gone through this. Please share what we can or need do …

  • @petergriffiths2914
    @petergriffiths2914 3 роки тому +6

    Thanks guys for doing this. I wanted to make this public regardless of what people think of me. We are a community I am resending this to others to make this current and not go away.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      Please do - I have pushed until I wore myself out and can tell you that,
      while I was correct in estimating that making this film from our experiences would reach a lot more people than a published book on the same subject -
      38,000 views (on this and 3 other release channels) is nothing like enough when funny kitten videos regularly get 3.8 million.
      The massed public (those who have never been arrested) do not want to wake up to the reality of a corrupt and blinkered police force because they deeply want to believe they are on their side.
      The same public have also fallen for the Victim culture myth - so many of them believing this BS that "women don't lie about rape" - when the NOS surveys show - yes - many more women lie about it to police than tell the truth.
      How else do we get this horrific reality across?

  • @nascar0509
    @nascar0509 5 років тому +7

    Practically the entire public sector in a nutshell....
    "It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
    Thomas Sowell.

    • @rob9207
      @rob9207 4 роки тому +4

      ☝️☝️☝️This! ☝️☝️☝️
      When there is no cost to those investigating making "mistakes" or mishandling a case this type of abuse will continue.
      We have moved from "PROVEN beyond a reasonable doubt" to a mob rule! ☹
      Thomas Sowell, possibly one of the most insightful people in the US.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +2

      With Barnett Survivors I am trying my hardest to make them pay for being wrong in my case - and we have some progress - but even if we managed success to the highest degree, i.e. with two defectives spending time in jail, their culture will not change.
      The police culture is one of, "get a suspect, make all evidence fit that suspect, and get that suspect to court - result!"
      until they are rewarded for the proper pursuit of truth and justice instead of their ridiculous idea of a "result" then we will carry on training cops to break all the rules and laws that have been put in place to try and make them be honest...

    • @jamesjones9807
      @jamesjones9807 7 місяців тому

      The entire public sector. Spot on. Until the cancer of fourth wave feminism is cut out of society, and women learn to respect men again, this will continue.

  • @eventerminator1382
    @eventerminator1382 3 роки тому +6

    What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +3

      Sir Keir Starmer - when he was DPP, made sure we adopted the policy of "believe all false accusers"...
      except he called them "victims" (quite slanderous to all those accused.)

  • @mikem9536
    @mikem9536 5 років тому +21

    Every Man should have a healthy fear of women.

  • @anonymousgirlno7532
    @anonymousgirlno7532 5 років тому +5

    Heartbreaking. 😢

  • @gregallan2842
    @gregallan2842 5 років тому +11

    31:30 I'm sure lessons WERE learned. They needed to hone their railroading techniques a little better.

  • @jamesjones9807
    @jamesjones9807 7 місяців тому +2

    It doesn't have to be a rape allegation to wreck a family. I got arrested for sending a helpful and supportive letter to my ex wife after our child had been taken into care. My mother was arrested for sending a birthday card to my son. No history of abuse, no findings ever made against me. It's a big enough crime simply to be a male these days. Harassment is truly in the eye of the beholder.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  7 місяців тому

      sorry to hear of this James - I am fighting back -
      watch out for a future film, "What is Rape?" in pre-production now.

  • @argablarga
    @argablarga 5 років тому +4

    Really well done Patrick. Is there any way to get this on TV at all?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +3

      It may creep onto Channel 4 at some point - but we need insider allies to make that happen. (not the vaguely interested Panorama journalists who have made several broken promises to interview on the subject, then just let it drop)

    • @argablarga
      @argablarga 5 років тому +2

      Patrick, keep up the good work, never give up. It's a horrible fight, and one that I intend to take part in over the next couple of decades. It will take a long time to bring change.

    • @wisemanner5012
      @wisemanner5012 5 років тому +3

      @@patrickgraham6786 The BBC is totally feminised. They have only one narrative: women = victims; men = victimisers. They went out of their way not to report on the Jay Cheshire tragedy, and even Radio 3 which I have listened to for decades is now becoming poisoned by the same strain.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +3

      I tend to agree - to the point where they have a woman now chairing Gardener's Question time who has never done any gardening in her life...
      just a symbol of the silliness.
      I would approach C4 - but Jonathan King reckons we might be able to get it on the BBC - I just don't know how or when.

  • @KageJason
    @KageJason 5 років тому +3

    Fucking disgusting. Why do people have to abuse the judicial system because they didn't get what they wanted in a relationship.

  • @icemachine79
    @icemachine79 4 роки тому +5

    Less than 10,000 views. How sad. Men are probably afraid to share it for fear of being called rapists themselves.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +2

      Yes indeed, I have come across that - I ran out of promotional energy and fight myself - the effects of the mainstream in coating people in deceit-teflon so that any contradiction to that bullshit narrative just disappears in a wave of ridicule and ignorance eventually lead to old men like me shrugging resignedly and just hoping the younger generation will wake to the truth and spread it.
      I am now over 2 years into my battle to get corrupt detectives who pursued this agenda against me - brought to book, and the system for protecting them is unbelievable in its arrogant confidence that little people can just be squashed or ignored.
      If I ever do win - it's going public though.

  • @barbee0715
    @barbee0715 4 роки тому +9

    Now this is what I call a chilling, harrowing documentary. MeToo had barely started when I could see the writing on the wall-false accusers? Well, there are always scammers in every tragic situation. This needs to be distributed at at Film Festivals-People need to WAKE UP.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +3

      I have made friends with a senior retired cop since this happened to me - and the reason he resigned/retired early was because he too saw what was coming when the police first adopted the "believe the victim" position. His protests against it were dismissed in a wave of Feminism appeasement.
      The latest figures should be doing for those appeasers what space travel did to flat earthers, but no...
      58,092 rape reports to police last year
      - count them,
      yet the long standing CSEW massive survey that the Feminists groups (used to) rely on for "genuine rape numbers" says that the actual rape rate has remained pretty static, if slightly lower than 7 years ago - and the reporting rate has risen slowly to 17% from 12%
      this makes for a figure of 8,850 genuine rape victims going to the police - in the time they received those 58,000 rape complaints...
      It doesn't take a maths genius to see a problem here.

  • @mikepar2
    @mikepar2 5 років тому +3

    The system needs to look objectively at all the evidence before coming to a conclusion

  • @EarthChild5
    @EarthChild5 27 днів тому +2

    No one goes by “innocent until proven guilty” anymore. It’s the other way round and by the time they prove it the damage has already been done to innocent people’s lives.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  27 днів тому

      or by the time the evidence falls apart because the police believed a ridiculous liar and they got exposed before it reached the trial toom,, your life has already been wrecked.

  • @maskedrebel9670
    @maskedrebel9670 Рік тому +4

    There is no hope for our species. We should've realized long ago that an imperfect creature cannot create a perfect world, nor can it moderate a perfect society.
    We cannot trust the system because we *are* the system.

  • @CaeValentine
    @CaeValentine 4 роки тому +2

    I cover false accusations rigorously on my channel. This is a brilliant video. May I mirror this with a link to this original channel?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому

      absolutely - it was made to be spread, I am only sad that more felt unable to expose their hurt and crushed selves in this way but massively grateful to those who did, and who thus have helped expose the BS that is going on in our justice system.

  • @18despues
    @18despues 4 роки тому +2

    I talk to many falsely accused people on the forums. They're stories are very similar in how the justice system responds. I think most of us have no idea what they do in this situation. I think the next move would be to shine a light on their behavior.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 7 місяців тому +2

    Such stress would make a fella age 20 years in a month.

  • @andrewcampbell7702
    @andrewcampbell7702 8 місяців тому +1

    This happened to me, my wife of 29 years decided to leave last year. Two weeks after leaving I was arrested, and put in a cell for fifteen hours. She stated that I had raped her for the last ten years. I was on bail for four months. Then I received an NFA letter. There was no evidence, no injuries simply nothing. She had made two attempts on her life six weeks before this and she was in a mental hospital for six weeks. This whole thing the police are doing is abhorrent. Women know it is difficult to defend any sexual allegation, it is their word against yours. I became suicidal with chronic anxiety. I had five full-on panic attacks. and was put on antidepressants.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  8 місяців тому

      I am sorry this happened to you, and you are right. The police should not have arrested you.
      What they should do is discover how plausible the accusation is, BEFORE crushing someone's life on the assumption they are guilty, but it "won't hurt if they are innocent"...
      the trauma of being arrested and interviewed for a sex crime is disregarded by everyone who has not been through it.
      but be thankful that it didn't go to charge... cases as obviously prompted by separation and mentally disturbed women seeking some weird concept of revenge for something they share responsibility for are incredibly commonplace.
      be strong by sharing with those you trust, and best of luck.

  • @thatkillzpeoplecarl3701
    @thatkillzpeoplecarl3701 5 років тому +10

    How long before this video gets taken down? Lol

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      I year on - still here - but where are the mirrored versions? - we need more. Our silence serves the busy Feminist lobby constantly getting false stories in the media.

    • @qjtvaddict
      @qjtvaddict 3 роки тому +1

      One year later it’s still up in fact it’s in my recommendation list

  • @MikeTheGreat1994
    @MikeTheGreat1994 3 роки тому +5

    5 dislikes? I think some of the “victims” found this video… I, like many other men, have been falsely accused of rape. In fact, my mum is listed as one of your funders. I won’t say what her name is, as it may give away who I am to the wrong people. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky enough to have my case thrown out of court, or my innocence proven. I was convicted at court based solely on what the “victim” said, as that is enough “evidence” in historical cases to get convicted. What I was accused of all apparently happened when I was under 16, so even though I was in my 20s when it reached the trial stage, I was tried and sentenced as a youth. I got a 7 year sentence, and had to serve half. The entire process from the beginning of the investigation to me being sentenced was 3 years. Add into that my time in prison (3.5 years), my licence period (3.5 years) and the length of time I have to wait before I can apply to be removed from the Sex Offenders Register (15 years!) thats a total of 25 years. I was 19 when the investigation started, I will be 44 when I can truly be a free man once more. This country in no way has the best judicial system in the world, we have one of the worst in my experience. My father was told, after the guilty verdict, by the officer in charge of the case that it should have never gotten to court. Then why did it? How did he not have any input whatsoever? He could have made a note stating what he feels the truth is, but nope. The world has gone to shit, and theres no way back. Men, be very, very afraid!

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      I echo your sentiments - our society has turned men into the new millennium's witches -
      and the legal system is helping the witch hunters do the modern day equivalent of wrecking the lives of anyone those hunters turn against.
      which is why I continue to fight to raise awareness - and my film about the wrongly convicted remains sabotaged by law and the abject multiple failures of the appeals system.

    • @MikeTheGreat1994
      @MikeTheGreat1994 3 роки тому +2

      @@patrickgraham6786 Totally agree about the new age which hunters, and it's completely disgusting! If you plan on doing any future projects/videos and need any help with the convictions, trial, sentencing or prison side of things I am more than happy to help. If needs be, I can get my mum to make contact through the same channels she used to help fund this film.

  • @JohnSmith-sj2dk
    @JohnSmith-sj2dk 5 місяців тому +1

    She had a prolific criminal/Psych./drug/prostitution and theft history , my son had no Psych or criminal history, she had an episode and after an 18 year relationship together screamed Rope just as the police arrived to attend her Psych episode.
    After fighting this legally for a year (sent me into bankruptcy, She was given unlimited free legal aid) , with no evidence or witnesses, my son lost his 4 kids, house, reputation and was jailed for 3 months afterwards he was a broken man, 2 of his kids later came to live with us after their mother assaulted and falsely accused her teenage son of attempted arson ! .
    My Son is now a homeless drug addict in a deep and persistent Psychosis.
    I want to add that I was also accused by the same woman (Mother of my grandchildren!!!!), thankfully this was withdrawn (I live 150 klm's away from her), there were no consequences at all for her, it was a kind of "warning shot" to stop me from supporting my son.
    My wife went to visit our younger grandkids recently, the house was blacked out (11 am) and finally she answered the door, the 7 year old was in nappies and the 5 year old was wearing 3 sets of nappies..GOD Save those kids !.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 місяців тому +1

      Sorry to hear this - and don't know what to say. In his situation I'd have probably done something desperate and been jailed for a lot longer than 3 months.
      I wish you some peace...

  • @robertdore9592
    @robertdore9592 10 місяців тому +3

    28:09 you'll find that only the BRITISH LEGAL INDUSTRY say that this is the best system in the world; they have a vested interest in propagating this myth.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  10 місяців тому +2

      Yeah - the little faith I had inn the UK legal system was pretty much gone by the time I was 30 - (some 37 years ago) - sadly there are still many who fall for this myth - along with the many others like "women don't lie about rape". over 50,000 lied to the police about it only 2 years ago.

  • @marcuscato3599
    @marcuscato3599 2 дні тому

    1. No Corroborating evidence needed for conviction.
    2. You are guilty until you prove your innocence. No presumption of innocence

  • @marcuscato3599
    @marcuscato3599 2 дні тому

    Jury Nullification EVERY SINGLE TIME if the prosecution has no actual physical evidence and also cannot prove previous moral misconduct. If the man is a good man, and you have absolutely nothing but accusations then its your duty to hold the state accountable.

  • @nobodi2840
    @nobodi2840 5 місяців тому +1

    I am a victim of the Arkansas Judicial System I was arrested and convicted on fraudulent statements. The videos were transcribed and the real truth came out. My grandchildren never said I did anything wrong. And the parents were the ones who sexually assaulted them. The parents made them watch pornography and they took nude pictures and videos of them. The prosecutor,judge and two lawyers knew the truth because the transcript. Also proved that I never confessed why would I confess to something that never happened. But it didn't make any difference they still offered me a plea. They said that if I go to trial I will go to prison I guess so. They tainted the jury pool by putting the prejured Affidavit in the. Newspaper they suppressed every piece of evidence that proved my innocence. So now I am on 10 years probation 2 counts of sexual assault. Put on a national registry for a crime that never happened. They violated my 2nd 4th 5th 6th 8th 9th and 14th Amendment. They violated my Civil Rights by making a decision based on fraudulent statements. According to that article those decisions are Void. How many innocent people are in prison because of stuff like this.

  • @JohnSmith-sj2dk
    @JohnSmith-sj2dk 5 місяців тому +2

    it is an industry, the judge lawyers police etc always get paid.

  • @cigar8241
    @cigar8241 3 місяці тому

    My ex fiance is an investigator and we've had conversations where she told me that SA are easy ticket to prison so, I would ask her about the case she is working on and with her own words she will say that 99% is revenge.

  • @obeezytex5466
    @obeezytex5466 2 місяці тому +1

    The scary thing is the day a woman decides to ruin your life she 100% will

  • @fredmckinney8933
    @fredmckinney8933 7 місяців тому +1

    Not rape or anything I could be arrested for, thankfully -- but I was falsely accused of sexual harassment at a job I left 25 years ago to the day this coming Friday.
    How it happened was, back in the 90's, the state of Arkansas forced all community colleges in the state to buy out all vo-tech colleges located within so many miles of them.
    In 1998, my first job after graduate school was at what used to be Twin Lakes Technical College, now part of North Arkansas College. What the state forced upon them caused the people I had for co-workers to lose any and all say in hiring decisions. My predecessor was transferred to a position on the main campus, against the will of my co-workers.
    Thus, I was seen as an unwelcome intruder the whole time I was there. Less than 1 week in, a lady co-worker told my boss -- on the main campus, BTW -- that I sexually propositioned her. Even worse, she got other female staff and students to say the same about me. Not only did I never say any of this, but I will go to my grave denying that I did.
    Also, my co-workers at that job had nothing more than Associate or Bachelor's degrees. They resented the fact I had a Master's degree, never mind the fact that I had to have that degree just to get the job (I happened to be the only applicant, too).
    Also, since I was in an isolated part of the building, that made it impossible to disprove the accusations against me, ultimately leading to me being forced to resign.
    I would have sued, except the job didn't pay very well. That part I didn't mind -- but the character assassination really screwed with my mind, leading me to believe I really was guilty, which I now know I was not.
    For the first year at my next job, at Missouri Baptist College (now University, as of late 2002) in St. Louis, which I found a year later, due to the hell I had been through previously, I felt like I had to tiptoe on eggshells. But after that year, when I realized there were no accusations against me, I finally felt free to loosen up and be myself once again. Not only that, but I was considered by many to be a very valuable employee there, where I remained until being laid off from there 5 years ago.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  6 місяців тому +1

      Good to hear you have recovered a sense of security and normality, after what was Femshit persecution - been there too, back in 1996 - The short term nature of my employment meant I could only get a month's pay compensation -
      fortunately a previous employer knew that the accusations were BS and gave me a new job.
      Sometimes we are resilient enough to take this shit - other times it can kill your spirit...
      Hang on in there brother.

  • @sanjosemike3137
    @sanjosemike3137 Місяць тому +1

    False accusation of a sexual assault is a very special kind of abuse. It is so all encompassing and heinous that it is in a category entirely of its own.
    Men have to be realistic about this. It means that you must INSULATE yourself from most women and children. College men should avoid females. It is better to study by yourself than go to parties. Dating is out of the question. Assisting females in distress is out of the question.
    Even despite your attempts to avoid females and children it could STILL happen to you!
    This is the direction of our society. Men. It is not your fault.
    Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

  • @michaelkeller5008
    @michaelkeller5008 5 років тому +5

    Here thanks to Mike Buchanen - thanks for this movie! Watching the interviews makes it even worse.
    ...this is just FUBAR. Sadly, it happens all over the (western) world.

  • @craigparrott828
    @craigparrott828 Рік тому +4

    Going through this now and not really coping

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому +2

      Hi Craig,
      I hope you have already come across some of the organisations and web forums able to support you -
      FACT is a good one, factuk.org/ - I am involved with #metoofalselyaccused (Facebook forum)
      You definitely need listening and experienced support.
      The quicker you seek out those who can more realistically answer your many questions, and rally round, the better

  • @lordprivateer4965
    @lordprivateer4965 4 роки тому +3

    The mistake is making a comment to police. Make your defence in court.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому

      I certainly recommend making no comments to police whatsoever - nothing you say will make them "change to your side" - it might just give them more ammunition to attack you with...
      Unfortunately too many innocent men who have never been "in trouble" believe that the police must see sense and hear what they are saying as the truth - instead of what they will always do - twisting it and using it to plant doubt and wrong ideas in your head so as to (in their eyes) you incriminate yourself - however accidentally...

    • @lordprivateer4965
      @lordprivateer4965 4 роки тому

      @@patrickgraham6786 Exactly right sir. Keep fighting. I will certainly share this video with friends.

  • @Scuppun
    @Scuppun 4 роки тому +3

    Spread this video to people like Bettina Arndt, Terrance Popp, Sandman, Sydney Watson, Think Before you Sleep, Sydney MGTOW, Better Bachelor, Jordan Peterson, Isaac Butterfield. This is very disturbing.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому

      I sent it to Bettina a while ago - she had posted my speech to the ICMI2018 with an introduction on her youtube - and that got 28,000 views - I'm disappointed she didn't put this up as well.
      You are very welcome to mirror, link, and send links to all and sundry - it's out there to spread the word not make money.

    • @Scuppun
      @Scuppun 4 роки тому +1

      Any way this can hit mainstream, even in the smallest way, will be a win. Would love to see something more like this.

  • @sebastianwrites
    @sebastianwrites 10 місяців тому +2

    I recall watching a programme on CCTV in Manchester on a night out.
    And at first, I was horrified by the offenses men committed upon 3/4 women on the CCTV on a night out.
    When the CCTV was investigated "every" one of these cases the women had engaged in the physical violence first!
    Even with one image where we initially see the man hitting this woman in the face of car bonnet... you think that's inexcusable, well she had seen him, cross the road, and bitten part of his ear off, he was punching her to get this woman off his face.
    The only one of these incidents where the woman was not the instigator... the woman asked to drop charges against the man, and I don't think it was any coincidence that this man was very attractive!

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  9 місяців тому +1

      the powers that be need to recognise this truth and act on it - instead of constantly making men the scapegoats with no real defence allowed

    • @sebastianwrites
      @sebastianwrites 9 місяців тому

      I did ask you some questions on Twitter some time ago@@patrickgraham6786 which you ignored?
      But yes, bullying by women is near epidemic in the West.
      And you just look at the bias.
      Take Russell Brand, I dislike his politics immensely, and I know at least of one occasion when I disagreed with his treatment of women.
      However, the fact that UA-cam didn't throw him off for spreading Russian propaganda which undermined the people of Ukraine, and justified Putin's atrocities... but only do now, when they are pandering to populism if we are honest?
      Again, Brand had seriously lost his way, I wouldn't be surprised if he was guilty of some or many of these accusations... on the other hand, why didn't he get thrown off UA-cam when he was spreading disinformation which contributed to huge suffering the Ukrainian and Russian people under the Putin Regime?

    • @sebastianwrites
      @sebastianwrites 9 місяців тому

      And why the Pig and Crown forum... why the name?@@patrickgraham6786

    • @loganblackwood2922
      @loganblackwood2922 9 місяців тому

      ​@@sebastianwritesWe have 1700 peer reviewed studies from 1975 concretely demonstrating women are the primary instigators of violence in domestic violence situations. They do it because they know nobody gives a shit about the man as a victim.

  • @karrahsda
    @karrahsda 3 роки тому +2

    We need to listen, but then we need to analyze the facts.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому

      Feminists have a strong aversion to anyone doing this - see the CSEW figures quoted at the end of the film - no one has been able to explain why such a reliable Statistical source is unable to explain why only 8500 women reported their actual rape to the police - yet 58,000 (last year) reports of rape were made...

  • @david-dj8or
    @david-dj8or 8 місяців тому +1

    Usually it is only the falsely accused who are hurt and few else care. It was different when people from the community called Thomas Hamilton a pervert and pedo. He went to Dunblane school and shot 16 children dead. People cared then.

  • @mrbruce7401
    @mrbruce7401 2 місяці тому +1

    So after you go through the false case & the result turns out to be false you can not ask the police to arrest the person who accused you on any charges even when its against the law to tell lies in court?? Or if evidence shows that the police did not investigate it they do not face charges of gross misconduct of charge??

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  2 місяці тому

      I hear your perfectly rational, and shared, disbelief, but this is indeed the case. The accuser will only EVER be prosecuted if her lies are so blatant that the police do not fall into the trap of helping them build the case (which they do as a matter of course normally) -
      once they realise that any prosecution would expose how they twisted or denied evidence, they find, hand in glove with the CPS, that it is "not in the public interest" to pursue the accuser for perverting the course of justice.
      You can try and take out a civil case, but 99% of the time that will cost you a lot of money, get you nowhere and possibly make the police antagonistic toward you for years afterwards.
      The British criminal justice system is no better than any other nation's and is a lot more corrupt and biased than those in the Scandinavian countries.

    • @mrbruce7401
      @mrbruce7401 2 місяці тому +1

      @@patrickgraham6786 WoW that's just?? Sorry I can not even think of the right words to express my shock at there not being any sort of justice for the wrongly accused so to all those who have been through this ordeal 👍deep breaths one at a time 👍maybe 1 day you, s might get the justice for the crimes against you, s

  • @TheGlassBlindSpot
    @TheGlassBlindSpot 5 років тому +5

    Powerful film. Well done. Someone asked me if I would mirror it on my channel - happy to do so if you think this would be helpful. :-)

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +3

      the more mirrors the better as far as I'm concerned -
      sometimes videos can be taken down by authorities for no good reason.

    • @TheGlassBlindSpot
      @TheGlassBlindSpot 5 років тому +3

      @@patrickgraham6786 Cool, it's up with links to your channel / website etc

    • @errorswillmultiply1697
      @errorswillmultiply1697 5 років тому +2

      _the more mirrors the better as far as I'm concerned_
      Brilliant. I'll do the same although my channel is tiny. I saw the film as a result of The Glass Blind Spot's mirror of it. Really excellent work. Bloody hard to watch, though - I just kept imagining I was listening to a close friend or relative talking and thinking just how easily this could happen to any of us. The other day I found an article in which we learn that, quote, '...false accusations almost never have serious consequences.'

  • @petergriffiths2914
    @petergriffiths2914 3 роки тому +2

    Roy had died and will now never know what the outcome is what justice for his life?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      I shall forever cite his case as a classic example of an institution shitting on its own, in this case to the point of killing him - anything to avoid potential embarrassment at the comments of asinine fake feminists.
      Where is justice for so many who have been falsely accused and lost everything?
      The weight of public opinion is they would still rather hunt the innocent some twisted fool called witches than dare to question the trustworthiness of the police and judicial system...
      a massive task of change that few dare to take on.

  • @EmmelijneNolet
    @EmmelijneNolet Рік тому +1

    How on earth can you be so utterly evil to falsely accuse someone of rape. As a women, I know we go through all kinds of (sexual) abuse by men quite often, in some cases even rape. Do they not care about real rape victims? How can you be so bitter and intitled. They obviously hate men, but do they also hate victims of rape and abuse? Howwwww can you be so self centered, as if your personal vendetta is more important then real rape victims? I cannot (luckily) understand how these women think or make their decisions. AND go through with it???? Here in Belgium there must be evidence (DNA) and even bleeding, wounding for them to be charged. If there are no prior assaults on the mans name they are free until they go to court. If they have been prosecuted for the same type of allegations before, they will be held until trial.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Рік тому +2

      In the UK the Savile scandal and prior failures to even bother to investigate rapes properly led to this - changes in the law that actively promoted injustice.
      and you are right
      this change does not serve rape victims At ALL - they are less likely to be believed by police than the liars! - the police have been trained by the victim industry types to believe those who present gory details and are consistent in wanting to go to court -
      those who show doubt, have hazy memories and don't go into detail (real rape victims) are seen as unlikely to make good witnesses and so their cases are dropped.
      The farce continues to this day.

    • @nobodi2840
      @nobodi2840 5 місяців тому

      I am a victim of the Arkansas Judicial System I was interrogated. By Mark Vavak of the Arkansas State Police the whole. Of the interrogation he tried to make me confess the technique. He uses which the prosecutors,police,judges and 2 separate lawyers. Know about and condone he rubs his foot up and down your leg. And kicks your foot the whole time you feel like your chest is going to explode. You can't breathe you scream so loud inside STOP PLEASE STOP OVER AND OVER. YOU are so scared you want to die but he doesn't stop for over a hour. Then he hops up and says you just confessed you and in a daze. I know I didn't say anything you see your wife one last time. You kneel in front of her and you say I promise you I never touched. Our granddaughter you say it over and over I never touched her. She is becoming hysterical she does know what is going on. And they take you and book you in you are in total shock. Thrown in a cold cell with 2 other alleged sex offenders. Feed food that you won't give to your dog thankfully I was able to bond out the next night. The videos were transcribed and and the truth was out. My grandchildren never said that I did anything wrong. And it proved that I never confessed why would I confess to something that never happened. But we are talking about Arkansas and they don't give a damn if you are innocent. You want to know what it did to my she was so distraught. That she wanted to kill herself she was just about. Drive head on to a semi when the phone rang and it was. Our preachers wife the Lord prevented her from doing that so don't tell me. That God doesn't exist. The transcripts proved that the parents were the ones who were sexually assaulting. The children forcing them to watch pornography. Taking nude pictures and videos of them. The first 2 police admitted to having child pornography on their cell phone. I said there ain't no way I would that is Federal time.

  • @Tailss1
    @Tailss1 2 роки тому +1

    This is in the Uk where you don't have the right to silence like in America, what you say (or not say) when being questioned can be used against you in court.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  2 роки тому +1

      UK has the same right to silence... the problem with the system hating in rape suspects is that it is hard to prove your innocence.
      (which you should not have to do but they are running roughshod over the principles of justice thanks to the victim industry propaganda.

  • @saabsonsan
    @saabsonsan 6 місяців тому +1

    All sounds very similar to the horizon post office scandal.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 місяців тому

      Indeed - the institutionalised horrific and unjust treatment has led to suicide and wrecked lives - but many times more than there are sub postmasters in the UK.

  • @mrsherwood2599
    @mrsherwood2599 7 місяців тому +1

    I can't BELIEVE I used to put my body parts into women. What was I thinking? Thank God I'm impotent now, my body was wiser than me. Still works fine solo.

  • @LloydZoid224
    @LloydZoid224 6 місяців тому +2

    20k views people, how many times has this happened?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  6 місяців тому

      all the way to arresting and wrecking an innocent man's life it's running at somewhere between 25,000 and 35,000 per year currently.
      see latest interview with Mike Buchanan and Pearl, ua-cam.com/video/nOVp4xMzV80/v-deo.html

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  6 місяців тому

      OH - and it's 20K views on here but a total of 95K views when you include other sites hosting it.

  • @petergriffiths2914
    @petergriffiths2914 3 роки тому +2

    The CPS Killed Roy Catchpole (saint) rest in Peace

  • @solomonKachi7000
    @solomonKachi7000 4 роки тому +1

    I can say I wish I this never happened to me, that one guy was right. You’ll talk to the cops thinking their in their right minds and will understand you but they won’t believe a thing you say they had this look in their eyes like they were salivating just thinking they were gonna be able to close the case. An assumption that you’re guilty from the get go so much so that they don’t hear a word you’re saying they just kook for ways they can twist what u say in their heads so you sound guilty to them and to others

  • @JohnChilton1
    @JohnChilton1 2 роки тому +2

    the police really are not bright

    • @robertreed7963
      @robertreed7963 Рік тому +2

      They dont need to be bright. Just honest. They just need to follow the policies and procedures as written. ( And they swore to as their duty.)

  • @benpalmer3751
    @benpalmer3751 5 місяців тому

    Im currently going through this now just because she wanted the house and kids ive lost everything had a mental breakdown not been to work don't want to be around people shes destroyed my life and i have done nothing 13 years and never saw it coming 3 police turn up at my place of work16 year career gone

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 місяців тому

      sorry you got forced to join this damn club Ben, and if you can help others by forewarning them of the risks that they don't believe could ever happen to them - then you will get a virtual badge of good service...

    • @benpalmer3751
      @benpalmer3751 5 місяців тому

      @@patrickgraham6786 thanks to you and everyone for the support it's a very difficult time being force back to your parents home at 43, however I will fight to my last breath to prove my innocence and make my ex partner accountable for the lies, its not a revenge mission by any means but I can't and will not allow my two young girls to grow up without there daddy and to boot think it's ok to destroy someone's life by telling lies

  • @ANON0061
    @ANON0061 3 роки тому +1

    I think humanity is losing its f$%^#g mind.

  • @sl0th259
    @sl0th259 3 роки тому

    21:15, for sampling reasons

  • @lordprivateer4965
    @lordprivateer4965 4 роки тому +1

    I half think that men get accused more likely if they are particularly unattractive - thus, more likely to not be believed?

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 роки тому +1

      well - some would argue against that! - and certainly there are some falsely accused I have met who could pass as male models. - to me the real issue is how abusive and manipulative are the accusers - they tend to choose their victims based on the characteristics they see in them that will make them easy to manipulate, not on "looks".

    • @lordprivateer4965
      @lordprivateer4965 4 роки тому

      @@patrickgraham6786 I think it might be interesting to the see data on this.

  • @JP-bj2sb
    @JP-bj2sb 4 місяці тому +2

    It depends on what they count as rape. Modern definitions of feminists regard everything a woman feels uncomfortable about as sexual assault. I as a policewoman can tell you that the majority of reports look like revenge and blackmail. However, modern protocols tell us to believe all women. Often things that we Europeans regard as flirting are regarded by other cultures like India as sexual assault. Often an innocent man spends months in police detention or even conviction. It is called miscarriage of justice and I know it is unfair The only remedy is that the accuser also gets detained (in police custody) during the investigation. It makes the investigation also more reliable.
    However, false accusations of domestic violence occur more often than those of rape.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  4 місяці тому

      Yes I hear you, I am in conversations on X with a couple of retired police officers, they agree that at least 60%, probably closer to 80%, of rape reports are false allegations - some springing from divorce, due to getting legal aid to fund that when they do.
      and then there is cover up of infidelity, revenge, regret sex, fantasy, (sometimes purely for victim "status" sometimes for compensation cash).
      and still the Feminist embedded media ask "Why would any woman lie?" and the classic - "false rape allegations are vanishingly rare" - something we hear from police chiefs every time an Eleanor Williams, or Gemma Beale is done for repeatedly defying police instructions as well as falsely accusing more than one innocent man.
      We know that the Police chiefs know they are lying,
      most of us know that the Feminist victim industry is the main culprit -
      yet we see more innocent families lives wrecked every week by a refusal to go against the worst witches' formulae.

    • @JP-bj2sb
      @JP-bj2sb 4 місяці тому +1

      @@patrickgraham6786 Yes. This is a big problem. Many people know but don't protest it fearing losing their job or thinking that it is not worth it as they don't risk anything. This is, however, very wrong. The risks are greater than one knows. Their teenage sons may get arrested. increasingly more. I think there should be huge social protests against the feminist industry. And I know that they are governing the main social media and therefore, I think you are doing a great job to defy them in social media.

  • @ianstephenson9471
    @ianstephenson9471 Місяць тому +1

    Psychologists can agree on:
    1. People lie
    2. Teenagers lie
    3. People can use any means to get at you
    4. Psychosis includes covert narcassisim
    Teenagers always tell the truth about sex... apparently

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  Місяць тому

      My accuser had first alleged a rape by a taxi driver when she was 15 - but when they said they needed to do tests she admitted that she had made the story up, and in fact had given the driver a handjob to avoid paying the fare. That was back in 1994 -
      fast forward to 2013 and the 2006 introduced police ethos of "believe the victim" allowed her to try it on again, for what turned out to be her 7th time...
      How the police can screw up so badly by not investigating any narcissist making such massively dangerous justice perverting allegations is still beyond comprehension.

    • @ianstephenson9471
      @ianstephenson9471 Місяць тому

      @@patrickgraham6786 Females need to take responsibility for this. It is a growing psychosis, supported by the people at the top, who themselves need to answer for events like 'Jeffrey Epstine'. How to cover your tracks, create confusion, and blame everyone else. Not one other person charged except his assistant. You know its all a big lie. Find support.

  • @djcano9599
    @djcano9599 8 місяців тому +1


  • @und3rgroundman865
    @und3rgroundman865 5 років тому +3

    couldn't watch it (too infuriating) so just ticked like and then let it play all the way through on mute.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  5 років тому +4

      Is that because it has happened to you? and do you need some kind of way of getting together with others to take action against this? - there is a lot of work to be done, and the rewards may be invisibly small for years... but
      what else can a man do?

    • @und3rgroundman865
      @und3rgroundman865 5 років тому +2

      @@patrickgraham6786 No, I just know most of the stories already and wanted to add a full view to the watching/like stats for support without having to get annoyed again.

  • @DoncasterACTIONnews
    @DoncasterACTIONnews 3 роки тому +1

    I am on bail. It appears the Police have shifted their laziness out of sight of the public onto the suspect. Rather disgracefully, the police have failed to investigate my account and follow up the reasonable lines of enquiry, especially as I have provided an independent witness alibi, further witnesses and mentioned things when questioned. The story given by the false accuser is so far fetched, the solicitors said, it is such a weak case if the get it to court it will be thrown out. The Police are abusing process by not providing opportunity for representation as required. The same person has accused me of two different serious crimes and I was on bail for bail, one has gone to no further action. The other is on going. It's unbelievable!! ... They are using the process as my punishment, punitive bail and not bothering to pursue lines which corroborate my account. I am innocent, the police whereby they use to ignore victims, how they believe, show face in public, look at a great job were doing investigating this, yet move the lazy approach they had historically onto the suspect and have them showded in suspicion to all and sundry, even in the event where I can demonstrate the false victim is in fact lying and the evidence is available!! I am getting destroyed by them and the false victim, this is not how the process is supposed to work if it is to be a fair, impartial and non judgemental process!!

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому

      Sorry to welcome you to the world of "believe the victim" that the police inhabit - as the largest organised crime gang in the UK.
      this particular area was supposed to be a fast track to promotion and money but they have hit a few buffers - no matter they will carry on until the mass popularity of the Victim industry finally hits the truth barrier. (long time to go yet)

    • @DoncasterACTIONnews
      @DoncasterACTIONnews 3 роки тому

      Officer in case has even tried to stop me submitted evidence by way of threat of prosecution claiming harassment through contact of trying get the Officer to do lines of reasonable enquiry, I have therefore sent details to professional standards, I have also looked at the possibility of prosecuting the Officer for preventing a witness through fear of threat. So we shall see. I am going to be taking upreading and undergraduate study of the law with a view to becoming a moral legal advisor for people like. Twice I have been arrested in the space of ten months same fake false victim stating a story which has not taken place and twice I have no idea about them. It's blatantly obvious they are lies and even the detention officers are talking to each other and I have heard them whisper to each other on check up on me as I am vulnerable and believe it or not I have an appropriate adult as I am autistic. They whispered and one said, he's innocent, I was arrested outside protesting after months of bail and not following lines of enquiry for having a plastic bag on my head at the side of the road out side of the Police station they were taking calls from members of the public. I was then held over night, they were saying they are concerned for my safety. Welfare!! Well I would be feeling better if you actually did your job and corroborate through investigation my account which is possible. On rebail this time I was so upset with their lack of enquiry and attitude that what was supposed to be a five minute turn round, rebail and release, I could not get released because I was so boiling, I asked to stay in custody and be released in a couple of hours. Sergeant was not happy as he said, it's not what I wanted to do. But I am going to have too be said. Anyway I have several grounds for suing the Police force now and I pursuing. Utter ba😖😖ards they are pretending they actually believe the version of events. It's so far fetched ... It's not possible to actually stand in court and claim they believe I am culpable of the so called offence.

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому

      @@DoncasterACTIONnews yeah, my OIC had me forcibly stopped from sending her evidence of innocence saying it was harassment and any info I wanted them to have had to come from my lawyer - Our case was dropped when a co defendant's expensive lawyer pointed out all the blatant procedural errors and ignoring of the evidence that the accuser was a proven serial liar - AND he then threatened the CPS with "Satellite litigation" and the police and their star witness with inevitable charges of perjury -
      we complained and went all the way through the process -
      they wriggled out of it with just a reprimand for the officer.
      You are discovering the hard way, as we did - the police are not just a huge criminal gang - but their corruption is protected by courts and CPS alike

    • @DoncasterACTIONnews
      @DoncasterACTIONnews 3 роки тому

      Yep!! Shocking!! ... I think I am looking at a way of prosecution against the OIC in public office, criminal misconduct perhaps, issuing a charge sheet myself perhaps, under the guidance of legal support. Also, pursuing a prosecution of the so called victim. Perverting the course of justice. The story given is so far fetched it's like a five year old at school trying to stitch a class member up with something they clearly have not done 🙄 this is unlikely to result in my prosecution as it's not got any credibility and refused access to medical records, not surprised considering it's 30 miles from my house and I was not there!! .. Even have an alibi yet it's 11 months on and still bail 🙄 unbelievable!! ... If I tell you the full story it's clearly blatantly obviously as it was to the solicitor and oic on disclosure prior to interview that it was a false accusation and yet they are still pursuing it 🙄 crazy and totally unfair!!

    • @patrickgraham6786
      @patrickgraham6786  3 роки тому +1

      @@DoncasterACTIONnews good luck with the attempt at prosecution - I would say that, despite the incredibly low likelihood of the CPS and police finding themselves guilty of blatant corruption and incompetence -
      at least by being one of the increasing number who refuse to let them quietly get off the hook - you are contributing to a net long term effect where the police have to be hassled and spend many months under investigation, (which they hate!) -
      This might make them think twice in future about these ridiculous prosecutions of the innocent.