Final Fantasy VIII - all cutscenes
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- Enjoy my compilation of all cutscenes from Final Fantasy VIII.
All musictracks are from the original Final Fantasy VIII soundtrack:
(Intro: fix music = "Liberi Fatali")
starting up
waltz for the moon
dead end
blue sky
fithos lusec wecos winosec
the extreme
the stage is set
never look back
find your way / Memoria
compression of the time
the loser
the castle
(Outro: fix music = "ending theme" / "eyes on me")
in this order
Many of you asked in your comments why I put music over the video clips and why I used music different from the original world music you heard when playing through the game. Here are the reasons:
1) Most video clips had no audio at all and after a few minutes the whole video felt boring without melodies.
2) The whole video felt uncomfortable and disturbing when I put world music over it and changed the music track with every clip.
3) Putting long music tracks over "many" video clips resulted in a positive feeling that different clips belong together. The effect was that connected video clips suddenly created a "golden thread" and a storyline.
4) Achieving this goal forced me to use different songs than in the original game from time to time. Believe me: I tried to use the original songs whenever I could but sometimes it just didn't fit with the following scenes and keeping them would have resulted in keeping uncomfortable crossovers during the whole video.
Amazing how good these cutscenes still look after all this time.
First 100% CGI film was in 1995 so certainly from after that time they could do it.
PS2 and PS3 bring several upgrades though as well as how their technology keeps evolving back at the offices.
What about 2020!?
almost 2021 here :)
Yuhuu it is 2022
Hell yeah 2023
This game is what made me such a romantic as a kid. Lol
I didn’t play the game and it effected me similarly xD
Lol same. I blame this game along with IX and X since they were all romance focused. All my favorites too.
Haha I feel you. When I was 7 years old and I had no PC or PSX, but I knew about this game called Final Fantasy VIII which looked so weird, so much different from anything I've seen in my life at that point. I was so fascinated about this game, even though I knew almost nothing about it. And one time, on the only game tv in Poland at that time that aired only in the evening, I've seen an edited video of some cutscenes and with Eyes On Me playing. And I remember that despite all the action, epicness and fantasy, it was the shot of Rinoa floating in space, seeing the rings (I thought that Squall and Rinoa were married lol) and crying, that made the biggest impression on me. It felt so intimate, personal and romantic. It absolutely blew my mind and that sensation will probably stay with me forever.
I dunno. To me, the love interest seemed forced between Squall and Rinoa. He went from not giving a crap about her to all of a sudden being head over heels in no time. It just felt like there wasn't enough progression between the two for such a bond.
@@saintlynnie4037a lot of the game feels a bit forced and undeveloped. Like apparently there were more to Seifers character and motivations as well.
But still the game has so much heart and it wanted to do so much. I feel like they didn’t get enough time to tell the story they wanted to. Still I love that game for how it made 11 year old me feel.
I can only imagine how mindblowing and realistic this animation looked back in the day.
Fun fact for those who don't know, the dancers in front of Edea's float at 14:05 are doing the dance from Thriller.
is it rlly thriller??? XD
@@Panndiita If it is, the people at Square must be obssessed because they also made a Thriller parody using the characthers from The Spirits Within movie for laughs 😂
I played this back in 1999 Jesus I'm old and I'm not joking when I say, to me as a kid this was like todays 4K.
@@cloud69err I'm 16, and I was blown away by this games cutscenes, even after growing up on so many big budget movies and games, I think the unique aesthetic flare this game excels at makes this irreplaceable.
I think those ads for FF7 were right, some of the best sci-fi and fantasy stories, didn't come to theaters, I don't think a movie at that time could even pull it off as well as the games did.
@@AlexDown1When FFVIII was released, it was the most incredible artistic and technological masterpiece ever seen, a revolution following another revolution that was FFVII. It was very impactful, something that people who played it wanted to show and talk about to the whole world!
First game I ever finished as a child. Will always be my favorite. taught me so much about love. :)
The fact they were able to do this on PS1 is mindblowing
Don’t you ‘why’ the koolaid man!
Some of you people have this perverse perspective of what anything before 2016 looked like.
@@hajde8128This was the first game I owned back when it first came out and I played it on a tv less than a quarter the size of the one I have now. I had to change channels by turning a dial which went "chunk chunk chunk!" I got tv by adjusting some rabit ear antennas. When this game came out I was absolutely blown away although it didn't look nearly as good on my setup at the time. This game was criticized for being *too* realistic and it was the first game to have characters who blinked. The reason Final Fantasy 9 is so cartoony is because of the backlash the realism received. 😂
@@hajde8128I don't think that's what they're saying. I was in junior high when the PS1 came out ...the first final fantasy game on it that most of us played was look at those graphics vs the graphics in this game...on the same exact system. I remember wondering why they couldn't have given ff7 the same detail at the time,since it clearly wasn't due to the system it was on 😌
the junction system, the gunblade, the rivalry with seifer, the card game, the hidden gfs, the optional superbosses, the replay value, i absolutely loved this game.
Not just the CGI, the cinematography is great, good directing, camera work...
Am i the only one that wants to see a remake with the "next gen" graphics?
I miss so much FFVIII :/
No, you're definitely not the only one.
I would like to see Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and XII done with ps4 graphics. But if they do that that they would have to make these game ARPGs with Kingdom Hearts gameplay if they want to attract the younger demographics as well if they want money out of it. I'm okay with that because I'm leaning a lot mre towards ARPGs.
Same here
Destroxää yeah they should def consider making remakes ARPG style with current graphics. Kids these days need better story games to play. i can never outgrow ff8 or harry potter. ah good times good times.
ladyepic90 i bet they would still make a lot of money from it. i would buy it!
FF7 & FF8 was the golden era of the Final Fantasies. There have been other good ones outside that era but none of them could touch you as emotionally as these did. Even watching this video made me feel like I wanted to cry coz of all the memories they brought back.
No one forgets the first time they meet a Weapon face to face, and back in that day we didn't have the internet to guide us when stuck, you either had to buy a guide or suck it up and soldier through. You actually had to spend hours training and if you were too lazy with your training regime you'll almost certainly get killed. Ahhh, memories!! Growing up sucks!!
FFVI should be included in the golden era too, it's just as amazing as FFVII (haven't played VIII yet)
Sage I try to play this game every May. Some years I make it all the way through, sometimes I don't. I'll never forget that it was May in 1999 when I beasted on this game for a whole month. You're so right about having to figure it out yourself - I missed some things and couldn't beat the last boss. Took me about 8 tries or so. Finally really beat the game in Nov. 1999.
Sugar Spring
I was lucky on my first playthrough because I was a draw junkie. I drew a ton of Aura from Seifer and the rest of the game was piss easy. I had enough to both train and take out the boss, with plenty to spare. Since then I've done that on all my playthroughs. Just make sure you don't waste too much time fighting because he gets killed off after a while by a GF. Just heal, protect and draw so that you can get as many as possible before he's killed.
Sage Amen!
Sage Well Final Fantasy 12 Revenant Wings was also a peak
almost 20 yrs later and I still get emotional watching this. this was and still is one of my alltime favourite games.
Final Fantasy VIII was wayyyy ahead of its time, as well as early ff games.
best love story ever in FF universe
I think Tidus and Yuna's storys was a bit cringy but really cool to.
+ClaudiusValentine That "was just a dream/illusion thing, is nothing more than a retarded theory.
ClaudiusValentine oh, shut up! "It was all an illusion" is the dumbest theory ever
yes sir
@@mattmcewan2296 How is that theory even a thing. If he dies at the hand of that ice pillar, he's dead. No room for illusions. lel.
This game was more than just a game… my mate and I bonded playing this together. I’m now 38 and we are still best friends.
Watching this for the first time, and I'll be honest, this is something you just don't see anymore. This level of creativity, attention to detail, sheer scale, and a sense of ideology which you feel without fully understanding... Should really invest getting this game :O
I fully agree with your opinion Hylian Jim. Just to ensure you have the right expectations while you are about to draw nearer to this game: Back in the days the ingame graphics were very limited and stories could only be told with loads of texts in speech bubbles. Squaresofts main concept and strategy for the Final Fantasy games were to make characters and story lines believable by introducing expensive and very detailled video sequences. So you'd see no ingame content but only snippets out of these sequences in TV commercials for example. Back in the days noone complained about the ingame graphics because the FF8 graphics were state of the art at that time and the quality of the video sequences was like from another planet. Nowadays the video sequences still look cool, but you should check UA-cam for some combat scenes first, ensuring you don't have too high expectations when it comes to the limited graphics and the active time battle system. Cheers!
Thanks bud. I'm not too worried about being let down, I have played Final Fantasy VII numerous times, and gone fanboy on it, watching movie, playing spinoffs, reading book, etc. One thing I hear everyone say is that Squall is too angsty, which I can see getting annoying, but again, I'm not too worried. ^^
Hylian Jim
You wont be let down!
Did you ever get round to playing FF8? You really should if you haven't yet. There's a fairly decent port on Steam, or other ways to play it...
Too bad there wasn't a movie based on this.
They should of used FFVll or FVlll story line for the movie plot when Square made that Final Fantasy The Sprits With in. The movie would of done a lot better in the box office.
If they did, they would probably ruin it
Disney65Fan but if you looks at other final fantasy movies it’s best they don’t do that
Surprisingly VII and XV have movies
There is something so out there about this game's atmosphere and story that i always dug. There are enough details but just few enough to create a sense of wonder. The characters are lovable and the music is incredible. This speaks to a happy time in my life...I was 10-11 years old, coming out of elementary school and popping this in to many a sleepless night. The story was touching and it will always hold a special place in my heart. I sit here 28 now, thanking this game for all of the memories
Beautiful game. I can't imagine the amount of work and dedication that went into that. It was such a nice period for games I think. mario 64 and ocarina of time as well
I have to say, these CGI cutscenes were impressive for a game that came out in 1999. They are a little dated but still cool to look at.
CGI can never look realistic cuz they’re cgi ☹️☹️☹️
Don't forget this was on psONE.
The good old memories, whenever I watch a video related to ff8 I got tears 😁
I miss playing this so much... I lost track of how many months I replayed over and over again... Thanks for sharing this!
This game was a God Damn work of art and the most underrated thing I have witnessed on this planet.
These were so mindblowing back in the day. No one did CGI like Square. Not even Blizzard.
Years later and these cutscenes still excite me. This one, and 10 were my favorites!
Master display of cinematography in these cutscenes. Theres no other game that has surpassed the emotional levels in these CGI til this day! This game has truly touched my heart!!
Final Fantasy Vlll had a massive impact on my life and STILL does more than 20 years later!...
I have played most of the ff games, but this one, I feel like is just one of the kind, the creators of this masterpiece really got it right ✨✨
this was without any doubt ahead of its time !
Amazing, thank you for compiling every scene. Indeed, one of the best RPGs I have ever played.
FFX was my first final fantasy game at the age of 10. Did some research on final fantasy and VII-VIII became my next obsession. I'm 23 now, and I'm still amazed by the graphics and storylines. FFVII, VIII & X series was when Square Enix or should I say squaresoft was at their highest.
Type-0 is still probably one of the best in the series though even if Square's at a pretty low point
jennicaezel u should try it final fantasy 7 and 8 d best...! I play dis when I'm still a kid..I'm 31 now but still I love dis game.. And I wish square Enix remake dis game..
Dude you’re forgetting 9
My favourite thing about the cutscenes is that there is no voice at all which makes them very beautiful. If there is voice the atmosphere will be totally different.
It's kind of sad to think that there will never be another "silent" FF game again...
●Final Fantasy Walkthroughs● And I STILL play it on my PC...and the magic never stops. Love the storyline, the gameplay...I wish Squaresoft would remake Final Fantasy VIII into a cool CGI movie like what they did with FF7 and then remake the game for Xbox or PS3 so we can relive the magic with much more beautiful graphics and enhanced animation...oooo, the possibilities.
they need ff8 too be a 4 part movie or something but unchanged story
squall comes back too life with matrons last sorcery powers :P
Guys, I don't know whether to laugh or to puke. This video just got a "3rd party match" on youtube because of a pop song from "Nya" called "Whom It May Concern (Intro)". Its label is "cdbaby" She stole the FF8 end boss music track "the extreme" and made a pop soung out of it which she then licenced. This is just ridiculous but I don't know what to do besides acknowledging the 3rd party match. If you have any ideas let me know. :-/
Check out the labels website and the song I mentioned above. It's pathetic! By the way: You can hear the original track in this video at ~ 16:50
That is hilarious just listedn to it
Fight it. What is in your video is not hers.
Dovah Kiin Can't fight it because the audio is not from me but from squaresoft... :-/
well i guess you should post that to Square Enix as they hold the copyright and if they haven´t allowed her to use that, they would prise you for sharing your research.i would blame her too for ripping that ;) thats uncreative
You should definetly report it to square enix, but don't go telling them you have this video here, unless you want your video removed xD
1. So Much Improvement over Final Fantasy VII's CG Cutscenes.
2. I love how everything looks so Hi-Tech.
3This game had Drones before it was cool.
The game cutscenes made me cry without all the dialogue, the music for each scene was perfect, and the storyline was, in my opinion, the best one out of all the FF games. I love this compliation, thank you so so much for posting this! I want to get the PC version of this game soon :))
O my gosh the ending with laguna and Rain almost made me cry. ahahaha
I would love to see FF8 come to PS4. All updated graphics of course. I loved playing FF8. It was my favorite out of them all.
+cuz imryte me too
Yeah. The Steam version isn't doing it for me and I don't have $30 to shell out for the PS1 version. A fully voiced version, even if it were still just uprezzed old graphics.
they seem to be struggling to do it with ff7 and that was way more popular so I doubt they will...but I hope so too :)
And the trailer just released
Such a fantastic game
+Tiago Varela it was too hard for me so, no its not a fantastic game
Wolf Neumann
i dont know how so per se the game is crap. level-scaling is BAD
I didn't find this game any harder than other FF games ... i'm not a hard gamer (some would argue i'm not even a gamer), i played this when i was a kid (around 15) and the game isn't in my native language, so i don't understand your arguments.
hi my name is Lily I've played this. its awesome I'm only 8 lol
FFVIII have the most epic scenes and sound effects, the ships on Dollet shore, the train mission, the parade, the garden moving away from the missiles, monsters coming from the moon, ....etc etc
I swear at that time, this was the best graphic game which stunned me in shock
I played this game to the end, just to watch the show. Loved it. Stayed up till 3 am for three weeks straight to beat it. AWESOME.
Thank you so much! I loved this game, but sometimes i just don't want to run around the forest killing the same caterpillar 600 times just to watch these cutscenes. Best video game ending ever!
Your comment made me smile thinking about how many times i also had to kill caterpillars and other monsters. Nostalgic
You will never get another video game with this level of emotional power and intelligence behind it
Honestly this is probably the best one out of the FF series. I remember actually watching my uncle play this game, and I never got tired 😅😂. Till now I still watch FF8 playthroughs.
Same here yo so mezmorizing
many hours of my life were spent on this game 😍
Britt H 👍🏽
واووووو جمييييل
shit I joined the marines thinking it would be like seed...ended up in iraq lol...totally worth tho, got to wear uniform and see battle and go to marine corps ball so it was kind of similar to seed
80 hours.
One of the best videogames ever made
Yea man, amazing game!
serius man yes it is the best!
you bet!
serius man yes❤️
The dark side of the tube simply the greatest ff game ever !! period !!
This looks so convoluted and crazy when I watch it now, but damn did I love this as a kid.
My favorite final fantasy game, everything across the 4 discs is perfection. The writing and direction are easily some of my favorite in gaming
FF8 always in my head, forever in my hearth
It's about philosophy. It's actually on a deeper level than most people realize.. A popular search asks "Is squall leonhart a jerk", but his actions/intents actually have the same core values as Buddhism. I'm not trying to convert anyone, or skew anything, but there is much symbolism, but it also it pays loyal to none. He questions all things. Truth, right, wrong, perception, reliance, these are all topics. I find his whole character as incredibly (to a strange degree) relatable, which is why it is my favorite...
i strongly agree with you is such a shame not many people can understand the deepth that squall character have...
I appreciate you telling me. It's nice I'm not the only one here...
Yea seriously. Whats true, Whats right and wrong, who perceives it and in what way, relying on others and the negatives and positives of it. I think his character was not that bad, and these issues are quite interesting and apply to real life. People just immediately threw in the "EMO" label just because he's slightly anti-social in the beginning.
Absolutely. For the longest time, most people have always been too quick to judge. And of course they apply to real life, it's philosophy! My favorite (and best I think) subject, let us all analyze universal issues, to better he world and all in it. "Philosophia" is "the love of wisdom", after all!
Big congratz to the creator of this video, the timing of cutscenes and music is perfect. like art
I remember thinking the queen was the most beautiful character I had ever seen. Every character was so beautiful!
Square Enix, please remake this. PLEASE!
No don't touch to FF8
Why not? they already remaked FF III and IV.... work on VII, its only a matter of time....
After 7
I’d prefer this over 7
Mark Marvan it’s actually because they don’t have the reserves for it. They rushed the game and forgot to make reserves
Absolutely breathtaking. This game’s graphics give a superior demonstration of what the original PlayStation was capable of.
35:46 is my favourite scene ... I'm about to cry everytime i see it ! You can tell how much Squall loves this girl, even if he's so distrustful. They really need each other. They don't speak that much about it in the game, but their bodies talk for them instead. I'm not afraid to say it, even if FFVII is a brilliant game with good storyline and characters, FFVIII have a special place in my heart and is no.1 for me. I feel that FFVIII is so underrated. The storyline was so great, and the love story just amazing. But I think that's the reason why it is so underrated. Guys don't want to admit that they liked a game with such an omnipresent love story... That's too bad.
Every year I have to at least watch this video once. And then want to play the game again and again ;) Great memories of a masterpiece!
Still blows my mind these games could fit their saved data on an 8mb memory card.
The Best Final Fantasy of all the time!!!
This is in my top 4 Final Fantasy games along with Final Fantasy games along with Final Fantasy 7, 9 and 10. If you want the golden era of Final Fantasy games, play Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and 10.
best fucking game ever.
The amount of nostalgia this game holds for me is limitless. Top 3 ff's ever along with 9 and 10.
You know I was thinking of remaking the cutscenes and turning this into a story, but everything is just perfect here. There is literally no need for me to remake this.
I think what I like about ff7 and 8 is that the worlds are a hodgepodge of very advanced, current, and anachronistic technology along with magic all used simultaneously. You’ve got a game with super advanced ships and space stations, flip phones, mobile cities with no apparent means of propulsion and 1950’s cars all in one
From around 43:00, now I understood why I love this game so much
It's a huge movie (or 50 episode drama) about romance embedded into a game. Loved this so much as a teen
You know, I think FF8 had something the other games didn't; I can't quite put my finger on it. I mean, I'm a huge FF7 fan, nostalgia basically dictates that I must be since it was my very first Final Fantasy title, but FF8, from beginning to end, just resonated with me in ways other FF titles didn't.
The opening, the story, the music, that epic battle with the two Gardens, the outer space with Rinoa and Squall, and the ending where you actually get to see the characters you love happy and with each other, ah...just pure awesomeness. Easily one of my favorite, if not the favorite, FF titles. It prompts the phrase, "They just don't make'm like they used too."
Veiados yeah they dont make games like they used too. back then storyline is important, now its more gameplay. im all for great gameplay, but its also nice to have a good storyline. maybe theres a lack of writing talent for now. ff8 is truly a great adventure story with cute romance that touch your heart. ff8 is easily my fave!
+ladyepic90 It's all due to changes of staff at Square Enix...
I totally agree with this. Everything from the card game to the summons kept me engaged from beginning to end. I think it's my favorite as well
There's no comparison. it just IS.
I really have to agree. In my case, it could be due to the fact that it was the first Final Fantasy game i've played (and on top of that, i played it when I was younger), but even today, it really seems to have a special charm about it. Cutscenes, soundtrack, atmosphere, parts of the story, etc, a lot of stuff about this game was really well done and felt like it had a lot of work put into it. Even with some of it's glaring flaws (such as the draw system), they didn't stand in the way of the fun i had playing this game.
The choice of compression of time OST for the moment in space was... really moving
Final Fantasy VIII needs a remake.
True. For the 20th anniversary we want the remake XD
I've always wanted scenes remade from multiple FF games, but not the whole game. They usually change the battle system, character design, and sometimes story (etc) for "remakes", but if they just remade a few beautiful cutscenes, without messing with the already amazing games, I'd be happy. I want to see Squall and Rinoa dancing together, Cecil becoming a paladin, the battle with Gilgamesh and Enkidu, Locke in the pheonix cave, and countless other scenes in HD without changing game mechanics.
I'll still be crying about this next decade. My poor heart.
it amazes me how awesome the cinema was with NO words! I miss this stuff.
I actually imagine their voices if ever this was character voiced. TT
FF8 is the best game i ever played. It has been many years since i played it but i still miss it. I like the story, music, songs, graphics, characters and everything. It is a perfect game. It is one part of my memory. Even untill today, i am still listening to "eyes on me" which is the theme song of ff8. The singer is faye wong. Rinoa is felt like a real person for me. She is such a lovely woman. Square should release a new ff8 updated version for pc today because it has many fans. i am sure i will play it again. (I tried to buy other late versions of ff, but i gave up. All of them are not mature and the stories are not attractive. Sigh!) I still keep on waiting...
Also, those machines, spaceships and robots are really cool on ff8. I like it.
Whoever designed those machines, robots and spaceships, you guys are geniuses. I am not a Warcraft guy that's unreal. but, i am a sci-fi high tech guy. I love high tech robots. Those machines in ff8 are our future. It is our dream and dream should be fulfilled one day.
Half magic power components and half high tech robotic factors make this game perfect.
Genuinely I agree, this was the best game I ever played on ps1! I will never ever forget it. It was an epic, captivating game which I spent many hours completing with maximum character levels and stats! The words in the beginning theme 'I'll wait for you... I promise' mean a lot to me when I miss someone so badly. The creator of this game has, I believe, given rpg fans many beautiful memories so thank you so much to that person!
Lol it's terrible.
Now that i've finished watching this video i feel like i'm waking up from a dream. I want to play this game again and live all of the passion i've already felt one more time.
I do really think that Square Enix doesn't know how to remake this masterpiece
We will never see anything this great in the videogame industry.
These cinematics still look amazing today
Now, we just need FF8 remake after 7.
Minh Tran Absolutely, couldn't agree more!
+Minh Tran 8 doesn't really need a remake, 7 does because of it's awfully dated 3D graphics and it seemed they couldn't really get their story across very coherently. Leave 8 alone!
nah 8 needs a proper sequel or prequel to clear things up not a remake since its fine as it is
Karma Android personally i think ps1 games can be remake into ps4 games because the graphic was not good compare to today technology. But i agree that ff8 is still good as it is.
vida boa
Final Fantasy VIII
+freaky freaky I miss my Playstation One. I used to play this all the time
Totally agreed, better than FFVII in my opinion
+freaky freaky no its not. FF8 was way to hard and for that reason alone it sucked
+Alvin Murti no FF7 was better... FF8 was simply TOO hard
+Galimah Ya, the junction system made it hard, the story was epic
I’m crying so much. My 1st Final Fantasy. This game, these characters, this storyline... they all hold such a special place in my heart. I was 9 when I played it.... I’m 27, and I still feel every single emotion I’ve felt back then. Even harder, if I might add. All the characters are so dear to me... And Squall, watching Squall come out of his shell... whatever. With the remaster coming out, I felt like I needed to prepare myself. And yup, I’ll be the same 9yo girl when I get back on it. Thank you for putting this video... ❤️
thank you for your work and effort into this, FF8 was my first FF game, and one of the first PS1 titles I played as a kid. memoriesssss childhoooooood
For lack of a better word, Epic.
Ikr, but the game is great btw xD
Still is the best CG that Playstation 1 ever done, and hold very well even by today standard.
i sat here for nearly 1 hour and still have no general idea what the fuck is going on.
حلو هذا الفيلم
+Sushi Prince well if u havent play the game u wont :P
+Esraa Mustafa بالفعل من ارقى الافلام
Succession of witches, love, the end.
Thank you so much for posting these things...
Nostalgia Overload !!😊 My Very First Final Fantasy!! The Emotions i feel are just Overwhelming. Can't wait for the Remake.'...
Playing years to start again😊 My thing
bring back memories..... totally feel like playing it now..... i love it ^^
Best Final Fantasy for me..
the assassination attempt is my favorite cut scene
the beat feelings were brought to life. This is my childhood. Thank you.
Those were the days when you either figured things out or had to buy a guide.
Pepperidge farm remembers.
Getting someone who has figured it out to transfer their save file onto your memory card. Good times
One of the best games of all time such a masterpiece
My favourite Final Fantasy.
The Best FF
And I STILL play it on my PC...and the magic never stops. Love the storyline, the gameplay...I wish Squaresoft would remake Final Fantasy VIII into a cool CGI movie like what they did with FF7 and then remake the game for Xbox or PS3 so we can relive the magic with much more beautiful graphics and enhanced animation...oooo, the possibilities.
How can I get this on pc?
trence will torrens is probably the only place but you might take a look at "good old games" they might have it as well
trence will You can buy it on steam :)
trence will Emulator and Roms (
CUTSCENES CUTSCENES CUTSCENES!!! Dear lord, an hour worth of cutscenes :(
This will always be my top favorite. The relationship between them all especially Rinoa and Squall is just so beautiful. I love the whole story. and the CGI scenes are still amazing till this day.
I was so happy when Zell finally got his hotdog.
ff8 cutscenes still look amazing and emotional
Heya, thanks for the feedback. I can guarantee that the missing scene where Squall walks in an empty white space is no video material because what you see is the original long video file for the whole epilogue where several seconds are left black while the music continues and in game graphics were put in . ;-)
best game made ever in history of mankind! when i was young this was burned in my soul
When the PS2 was still a whisper" this game was making history! Way ahead of it's time* Bill 🏁😂❤
FFVIII really brings back childhood memories....wish SE would consider a remastered version of it when it's done with VII remastered!
One of the best movies of all time