Homemade Fig Newtons | Homemade Snacks Better than Store Bought!



  • @aimeeelliott7608
    @aimeeelliott7608 2 роки тому

    These look good! Would have liked for your recipe to be printed or even better printable to put in my personal recipe folder.
    Merry Christmas. 🎄

  • @natalieharrison4318
    @natalieharrison4318 2 роки тому +2

    Omg this looks soooooooo yummy. I can't wait to make these. I love fig bars

    • @TheHomesteadingHousewife
      @TheHomesteadingHousewife  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! These were so good. The hubs took the whole bag that was left to work the next day as his lunch🤣

    • @natalieharrison4318
      @natalieharrison4318 2 роки тому

      @@TheHomesteadingHousewife 😆

  • @monicanixon5140
    @monicanixon5140 2 роки тому +1

    YEAH!!!~ You did a great thing for us. Cant wait to give them a go "Homesteading Housewife" , thank you!

  • @the_christinacarneybanville
    @the_christinacarneybanville 2 роки тому

    Omg I’m making this thank you for this tutorial!!

  • @beckydavis2252
    @beckydavis2252 2 роки тому

    One of my favorite things. Thank you for sharing this recipe with us today. Have a wonderful afternoon and stay safe.

  • @karriemb4184
    @karriemb4184 Рік тому

    Making these !!!! Thank you !!!

  • @bustbeel1
    @bustbeel1 2 роки тому

    I am going too make some!

  • @kathyeichholz1516
    @kathyeichholz1516 2 роки тому

    I love the receipe but my husband hates lemon could I use orange instead?

    • @TheHomesteadingHousewife
      @TheHomesteadingHousewife  2 роки тому

      Absolutely! Orange juice and maybe even a touch of orange zest for an extra pop in the dough or filling. YUMMY

  • @chefevilee9377
    @chefevilee9377 2 роки тому

    Well I have a horrible thyroid problem and I cannot take medication for it. So I’ve started taking selenium and it does seem to be working. But I really need to keep my sugar and check. I was glad that the filling was made not using sugar whatsoever. Now I just have to come up with some kind of sugarless dough to go around it. I’ve gone to the point to where I wouldn’t need sugar in the dough anyway and it would still taste sweet to me.

    • @TheHomesteadingHousewife
      @TheHomesteadingHousewife  2 роки тому

      I try to watch my sugar intake when I make sweets for me by omitting or using swerve. Since these were mainly for my husband I didn't tweak the sugar because he like the good stuff lol. But that's awesome you have gotten to the point that you wouldn't need it to be sweet! I'd probably have to still use swerve or something for that hint of sweet.

  • @hahafunifuni
    @hahafunifuni Рік тому

    My sister had this video on while I was in the kitchen and I swore I heard Winona Ryder talking

  • @BlessingsofHope8
    @BlessingsofHope8 2 роки тому

    I recently found out I was allergic to citrus acid. I’m exited to make these because me and my husband LOVE fig bars and they are just tooooo expensive 😅

  • @skgoode75
    @skgoode75 2 роки тому

    It's looking yummy and you making .your very own .homemade. fig Newtons. And figs it really good fruit from the fig fruit tree. When my. Grandfather telling a very great story when he was a young boy when he want to. The Fram and when my grandfather he finding him a root to how to. Growing his very own fig fruit tree at. His house and when he got older he sending my mom s bag full of figs. And when my mom told me and my childhood boyfriend Wiley that this healthy fruit is good for your body so the name of a fruit is fig s. So when my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I we whant to the grocery store to getting few things. And all sudden my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I we whant to the cookie. Ile and we looking all kinds of cookies and all sudden my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I we found really great after dinner treat and I told my mom my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I we got fig newton's chewy filling fig inside of a fig ... Newtons. So when my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I when we got home right after a dinner treat my childhood boyfriend Wiley and I haveing our .frist fig Newtons and with glass of our favorite drinks it was great and thank you for sharing your amazing recipes on your UA-cam channel how to making your favorite classic fig Newtons sending me more of your amazing recipes on my UA-cam channel have a great and safe weekend and also have a safe happy Thanksgiving to your family from my family enjoying the rest of your day. My favorite youtuber from your favorite youtuber shawna and have a great and safe weekend. ❤️

    • @TheHomesteadingHousewife
      @TheHomesteadingHousewife  2 роки тому

      Thank you. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and weekend as well!